2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九上 Unit 5 Art world 词汇复测练习(无答案)

Unit 5
pleasant (愉快的):
- 例句:The weather was pleasant, and we enjoyed a nice picnic in the park. (天气宜人,我们在公园里享受了一个愉快的野餐。)
- 完成句子:The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen, creating a __________ atmosphere. (pleasant)
- 相关表达:enjoyable (令人愉快的),delightful (令人愉快的)
drama (戏剧):
- 例句:She has always been passionate about acting and has performed in several school dramas. (她一直对表演充满热情,参演过几部学校戏剧。)
- 完成句子:The __________ production received rave reviews from the audience. (drama)
- 相关表达:theater (剧院),play (剧本)
photography (摄影):
- 例句:He has a keen eye for photography and captures stunning images. (他对摄影有着敏锐的眼光,拍摄出了令人惊叹的画面。)
- 完成句子:She enrolled in a __________ course to improve her photography skills. (photography)
- 相关表达:photographer (摄影师),camera (相机)
art form (艺术形式):
- 例句:Painting is considered a traditional art form that has been practiced for centuries. (绘画被认为是一种传统的艺术形式,已经有几个世纪的历史了。)
- 完成句子:Dance is a powerful __________ that allows individuals to express themselves creatively. (art form)
- 相关表达:creative expression (创造性表达),artistic medium (艺术媒介)
pop (流行的):
- 例句:She enjoys listening to pop music and keeps up with the latest chart-topping hits. (她喜欢听流行音乐,并追踪最新的畅销歌曲。)
- 完成句子:The __________ culture heavily influences fashion and entertainment trends. (pop)
- 相关表达:popular (受欢迎的),mainstream (主流的)
pop music (流行音乐):
- 例句:Pop music often features catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms that appeal to a wide audience. (流行音乐通常具有易记的旋律和欢快的节奏,吸引着广大观众。)
- 完成句子:She aspires to become a successful __________ artist and perform her own pop music. (pop music)
- 相关表达:popular music (流行音乐),chart music (排行榜音乐)
musical (音乐剧):
- 例句:He auditioned for a role in the school musical and was thrilled to be cast as the lead. (他参加了学校音乐剧的试镜,非常高兴地被选中扮演主角。)
- 完成句子:The __________ performance received a standing ovation from the audience. (musical)
- 相关表达:musical theater (音乐剧),stage production (舞台剧)
talent (才能):
- 例句:She has a natural talent for playing the piano and has won several competitions. (她对弹钢琴有着与生俱来的天赋,并赢得了几个比赛。)
- 完成句子:The art teacher recognized her __________ in painting and encouraged her to pursue it further. (talent)
- 相关表达:gifted (有天赋的),aptitude (天资)
boundary (界限):
- 例句:We need to respect personal boundaries and not invade others' privacy. (我们需要尊重个人界限,不侵犯他人的隐私。)
- 完成句子:The __________ between right and wrong is sometimes blurred. (boundary)
- 相关表达:limit (限制),border (边界)
medal (奖牌):
- 例句:He won a gold medal in the swimming competition and was proud of his achievement. (他在游泳比赛中获得了一枚金牌,为自己的成绩感到骄傲。)
- 完成句子:The athlete proudly displayed his __________ on the podium. (medal)
- 相关表达:award (奖项),trophy (奖杯)
present (颁发/提交):
- 例句:The teacher presented the students with certificates for their outstanding academic performance. (老师向学生颁发了他们出色的学术表现的证书。)
- 完成句子:She eagerly __________ her research findings to the panel of experts. (present)
- 相关表达:deliver (发表),hand out (分发)
winner (获胜者):
- 例句:The marathon winner crossed the finish line with a new record time. (马拉松比赛的获胜者以新的纪录时间冲过终点线。)
- 完成句子:She was announced as the __________ of the singing competition and received a standing ovation. (winner)
- 相关表达:champion (冠军),victor (胜利者)
composer (作曲家):
- 例句:Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music. (贝多芬被认为是古典音乐史上最伟大的作曲家之一。)
- 完成句子:The __________ crafted a beautiful symphony that captivated the audience. (composer)
- 相关表达:music creator (音乐创作者),songwriter (词曲创作人)
central (中心的):
- 例句:The central theme of the novel revolves around the pursuit of love and happiness. (小说的中心主题围绕着对爱和幸福的追求。)
- 完成句子:The city's main square serves as a __________ gathering place for locals and tourists. (central)
- 相关表达:core (核心的),main (主要的)
instrument (乐器):
- 例句:She has been playing the violin since she was a child and has become an accomplished instrumentalist. (她从小就开始学习拉小提琴,已经成为一名技艺精湛的乐器演奏者。)
- 完成句子:He has a collection of various musical __________ in his studio. (instrument)
- 相关表达:musical instrument (乐器),tool (工具)
common (普遍的):
- 例句:English is a common language spoken by millions of people around the world. (英语是全世界数百万人使用的普遍语言。)
- 完成句子:The love for music is a __________ interest shared by people of different cultures. (common)
- 相关表达:widespread (广泛的),universal (普遍的)
object (物体):
- 例句:He picked up a shiny object from the ground and realized it was a valuable antique. (他从地上捡起一件闪亮的物体,意识到它是一件有价值的古董。)
- 完成句子:The detective carefully examined the __________ found at the crime scene for any clues. (object)
- 相关表达:item (物品),article (物品)
stone (石头):
- 例句:The path was lined with beautiful stones, creating a charming walkway. (这条小路两旁铺满了美丽的石头,形成了一条迷人的人行道。)
- 完成句子:She skipped a __________ across the calm surface of the lake. (stone)
- 相关表达:rock (岩石),pebble (鹅卵石)
musician (音乐家):
- 例句:He dedicated his life to becoming a professional musician and performs in orchestras around the world. (他将自己的一生都奉献给了成为一名专业音乐家,并在世界各地的乐团演出。)
- 完成句子:She is a talented __________ who can play multiple instruments with great skill. (musician)
- 相关表达:artist (艺术家),performer (表演者)
be known/famous for (以...闻名/著名):
- 例句:He is known for his innovative painting techniques and unique artistic style. (他以创新的绘画技巧和独特的艺术风格而闻名。)
- 完成句子:The city is famous for its historical landmarks and architectural beauty. It is _________. (be known/famous for)
- 相关表达:renowned for (因...而有名),recognized for (因...而被认可)
control (控制):
- 例句:She struggled to control her emotions and keep a calm demeanor in stressful situations. (她努力控制自己的情绪,在紧张的情况下保持冷静的态度。)
- 完成句子:It's important to ________ your impulses and think before you act. (control)
- 相关表达:manage (管理),regulate (调节)
flow (流动):
- 例句:The river flowed peacefully through the valley, reflecting the serene beauty of the surrounding nature. (河水在山谷中平静地流淌,映射出周围自然的宁静美丽。)
- 完成句子:The music had a smooth and rhythmic ________, captivating the listeners. (flow)
- 相关表达:stream (流),current (水流)
successfully (成功地):
- 例句:After months of hard work and preparation, they successfully launched their new product in the market. (经过数月的辛勤工作和准备,他们成功地将他们的新产品推向市场。)
- 完成句子:She __________ completed the challenging puzzle, feeling a sense of accomplishment. (successfully)
- 相关表达:effectively (有效地),efficiently (高效地)
traditional (传统的):
- 例句:The festival celebrates traditional customs and cultural heritage passed down through generations. (这个节日庆祝通过世代传承下来的传统习俗和文化遗产。)
- 完成句子:In many cultures, weddings are accompanied by __________ ceremonies and rituals. (traditional)
- 相关表达:conventional (常规的),heritage (遗产)
bell (钟):
- 例句:The church bell rang, signaling the start of the Sunday service. (教堂的钟声响起,标志着周日礼拜的开始。)
- 完成句子:The school ________ echoed throughout the building, indicating the end of the class. (bell)
- 相关表达:chime (钟声),gong (锣)
though (尽管):
- 例句:She decided to pursue her dreams, though it meant leaving her stable job. (她决定追求自己的梦想,尽管这意味着离开她稳定的工作。)
- 完成句子:________ he was tired, he continued working late into the night. (Though)
- 相关表达:despite (尽管),notwithstanding (虽然)
dividing line (分界线;界限):
- 例句:The river serves as a natural dividing line between the two countries. (这条河作为两国之间的自然分界线。)
- 完成句子:The mountain range acts as a __________ between the two regions. (dividing line)
- 相关表达:boundary (边界),border (边界)
highly (高度地):
- 例句:He is highly regarded in the scientific community for his groundbreaking research. (在科学界,他因开拓破性的研究而备受赞誉。)
- 完成句子:She is ________ skilled in playing the piano, receiving numerous awards for her performances. (highly)
- 相关表达:extremely (极其),remarkably (显著地)
breath (呼吸):
- 例句:She took a deep breath before stepping on stage to calm her nerves. (她在上台前深呼吸以平复自己的紧张情绪。)
- 完成句子:Yoga teaches you how to control your ________ and find inner peace. (breath)
- 相关表达:inhale (吸入),exhale (呼出)
out of breath (上气不接下气):
- 例句:After running up the stairs, he was out of breath and had to take a moment to recover. (他跑上楼梯后,上气不接下气,不得不停下来恢复一下。)
- 完成句子:She ran so fast that she was ________ when she reached the finish line. (out of breath)
- 相关表达:panting (喘息的),gasping for air (喘不过气来)
last (持续):
- 例句:The concert lasted for two hours and featured a variety of musical performances. (音乐会持续了两个小时,呈现了各种各样的音乐表演。)
- 完成句子:The meeting will ________ for the entire afternoon, so make sure you have enough time. (last)
- 相关表达:endure (持久),persist (持续存在)
concert (音乐会):
- 例句:They bought tickets to the upcoming concert of their favorite band. (他们买了自己最喜欢的乐队即将举行的音乐会的门票。)
- 完成句子:The orchestra performed a magnificent ________ at the grand theater. (concert)
- 相关表达:performance (演出),recital (独奏音乐会)
folk music (民间音乐):
- 例句:Folk music often tells stories of cultural traditions and everyday life of ordinary people. (民间音乐常常讲述文化传统和普通人的日常生活故事。)
- 完成句子:She enjoys listening to ________ and learning about different cultures through their music. (folk music)
- 相关表达:traditional music (传统音乐),roots music (根源音乐)
country music (乡村音乐):
- 例句:Country music originated in the rural areas of the southern United States and has a distinct sound and storytelling style. (乡村音乐起源于美国南部的农村地区,具有独特的音乐风格和叙事方式。)
- 完成句子:She grew up listening to ________ and developed a love for its heartfelt lyrics. (country music)
- 相关表达:western music (西部音乐),Americana music (美国音乐)
jazz (爵士乐):
- 例句:Jazz is characterized by its improvisation, syncopated rhythms, and expressive melodies. (爵士乐以即兴创作、打击乐节奏和富有表现力的旋律为特色。)
- 完成句子:The band played a lively and energetic ________ piece that got everyone dancing. (jazz)
- 相关表达:swing music (摇摆乐),blues (蓝调)
rock music (摇滚音乐):
- 例句:Rock music emerged in the 1950s and has since evolved into various subgenres and styles. (摇滚音乐在20世纪50年代出现,并且此后发展出了各种子流派和风格。)
- 完成句子:He formed a ________ band with his friends and started performing at local venues. (rock music)
country (乡下):
- 例句:She grew up in a small country town surrounded by fields and farms. (她在一个被田野和农场环绕的小乡村长大。)
- 完成句子:He prefers the peacefulness and tranquility of ________ life over the hustle and bustle of the city. (country)
- 相关表达:rural (农村的),countryside (乡村)
cowboy (牛仔):
- 例句:The cowboy rode his horse through the vast prairies, herding cattle under the open sky. (牛仔骑着马在广袤的草原上,在开阔的天空下赶着牛群。)
- 完成句子:He dressed up as a ________ for the Western-themed costume party. (cowboy)
- 相关表达:rancher (牧场主),wrangler (牛仔)
guitar (吉他):
- 例句:He strummed the guitar and sang his heart out, captivating the audience with his melodies. (他扫弦弹吉他,用他的旋律迷住了观众。)
- 完成句子:She is learning to play the ________ and hopes to become a skilled musician one day. (guitar)
- 相关表达:instrument (乐器),acoustic guitar (原声吉他)
lasting (持久的):
- 例句:Their friendship has stood the test of time and remained lasting throughout the years. (他们的友谊经受住了时间的考验,在多年间保持了持久的关系。)
- 完成句子:The impact of his words had a ________ effect on me, and I will never forget them. (lasting)
- 相关表达:enduring (持久的),permanent (永久的)
value (价值):
- 例句:She cherishes the value of hard work and perseverance instilled in her by her parents. (她珍视她的父母灌输给她的勤奋和毅力的价值观。)
- 完成句子:He believes that honesty and integrity are important ________ to uphold in all aspects of life. (value)
- 相关表达:worth (价值),importance (重要性)
drum (鼓):
- 例句:The drummer set the rhythm with his powerful beats, driving the energy of the band. (鼓手用他有力的节奏定下了鼓点,推动着乐队的活力。)
- 完成句子:The sound of the ________ echoed through the auditorium, creating an immersive experience for the audience. (drum)
- 相关表达:percussion (打击乐器),snare drum (军鼓)
African (非洲的):
- 例句:She studied the rich cultural heritage of various African tribes and was fascinated by their traditions and customs. (她研究了各种非洲部落丰富的文化遗产,对他们的传统和习俗深感着迷。)
- 完成句子:He traveled to several ________ countries to experience the diverse music and art forms. (African)
- 相关表达:continent (大陆),ethnic (种族的)
American (美国的):
- 例句:The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and democracy in the American culture. (自由女神像是美国文化中自由和民主的象征。)
- 完成句子:She is proud of her ________ heritage and celebrates American holidays with her family. (American)
- 相关表达:United States (美国),US (美国的)
African American (非洲裔美国人):
- 例句:African American artists have made significant contributions to the fields of music, literature, and visual arts. (非洲裔美国艺术家在音乐、文学和视觉艺术领域做出了重要贡献。)
- 完成句子:She is a prominent advocate for the rights and representation of the ________________ community. (African American)
- 相关表达:Black American (黑人美国人),African diaspora (非洲裔全球散居者)
make up (组成):
- 例句:The team is made up of individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds, which contributes to their collective success. (这个团队由具有不同技能和背景的个人组成,这有助于他们的集体成功。)
- 完成句子:The committee is responsible for ________ of experts who will evaluate the proposals. (make up)
- 相关表达:compose (组成),constitute (构成)
local colour (地方特色):
- 例句:The novel vividly portrays the local color of the southern town, capturing its unique traditions and dialects. (这部小说生动地描绘了南方小镇的地方特色,捕捉到了它独特的传统和方言。)
- 完成句子:The festival aims to showcase the rich ________ of the region through music, dance, and culinary delights. (local color)
- 相关表达:regional characteristics (地区特色),distinctive features (独特特征)
tonight (今晚):
- 例句:They planned to go to the theater and watch a play tonight. (他们计划今晚去剧院看一场戏剧。)
- 完成句子:I'm looking forward to the concert ________, as it's been highly anticipated. (tonight)
- 相关表达:this evening (今晚),later today (今天晚些时候)
literature (文学):
- 例句:He studied English literature in college and developed a deep appreciation for classic novels and poetry. (他在大学里学习英国文学,对经典小说和诗歌有着深深的欣赏。)
- 完成句子:The professor specializes in African American ________ and has written several influential books on the subject. (literature)
- 相关表达:poetry (诗歌),fiction (小说)
praise (赞扬):
- 例句:Her hard work and dedication were praised by her colleagues and superiors. (她的同事和上级赞扬了她的努力和奉献精神。)
- 完成句子:The teacher ________ the students' efforts and encouraged them to keep up the good work. (praised)
- 相关表达:commend (表扬),applaud (鼓掌)
gift (礼物):
- 例句:He received a beautiful piece of jewelry as a birthday gift from his parents. (他从父母那里收到了一件漂亮的珠宝作为生日礼物。)
- 完成句子:She has a talent for finding the perfect ________ for every occasion. (gift)
- 相关表达:present (礼物),token of appreciation (感谢的象征)
have a gift for (擅长):
- 例句:She has a natural gift for playing the piano and can effortlessly create beautiful melodies. (她天生擅长弹奏钢琴,可以毫不费力地演奏出美妙的旋律。)
- 完成句子:He ________ connecting with people and making them feel comfortable in any social setting. (has a gift for)
- 相关表达:talent for (对...有天赋),aptitude for (对...有才能)
mark (污点;斑点):
- 例句:The coffee stain left a mark on the white tablecloth. (咖啡渍在白色桌布上留下了污点。)
- 完成句子:The accident left a permanent ________ on his reputation. (mark)
- 相关表达:stain (污渍),blemish (瑕疵)
encourage (鼓励):
- 例句:She always encourages her children to pursue their dreams and never give up. (她总是鼓励她的孩子追求梦想,永不放弃。)
- 完成句子:Her supportive words ________ him to take on new challenges and believe in his abilities. (encourage)
- 相关表达:motivate (激励),inspire (鼓舞)




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