Unit 1 Friends 当堂训练 2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语上册(含答案)

八年级上册Unit 1测试题
一、 单项选择。
(  )1.(2023·淮安)My parents always tell me it’s important to be    honest person.
A. a B. an
C. the D. /
(  )2. — Tom is really      . If he promises to do the cleaning, he will surely do it.
— Yeah. I can’t agree more. So he has many friends.
A. cheerful B. humorous
C. honest D. hard-working
(  )3. (2023·连云港市)Mum, pass me a bottle of water, please. I’m very      now.
A. cold B. sleepy
C. full D. thirsty
(  )4. (2023·泰州)There are many old sayings requiring us to be      , such as “The early bird catches the worm.” and “Practice makes perfect.”.
A. generous B. modest
C. hard-working D. organized
(  )5. Daniel is always ready ___ others    with their English. He is really helpful.
A. helping; for need
B. to help; in need
C. to help; of need
D. helping; on need
(  )6. (2023·南京)Earth Day reminds people to    the earth—home to all the living things.
A. dream about
B. care about
C. hear about
D. complain about
(  )7. (2023·淮安市)Good news! Many students in our school won first prize in the drawing      .
A. vacation B. competition
C. question D. instruction
(  )8. My sister Sally came back home      a letter in her hand.
A. in B. over
C. with D. against
(  )9. Amy has a poor      of direction, so she is always afraid to go out alone.
A. scene B. sense
C. silence D. service
(  )10. — James plays the violin so well.
— He practises every day and has won many awards. For him,      .
A. no pain, no gain
B. every dog has its day
C. many hands make light work
D. it never rains but it pours
二、 完形填空。(词数:290 建议用时:6分钟)
  Can you love someone too much?  1  you can express the wrong kind of love, but I’m sure you can’t show too much.
One of my favourite stories tells of a woman who finally  2  to ask her boss(老板) for a raise in salary. All day she felt  3  . Late in the afternoon, she gathered all her  4  to speak to her boss. To her joy, he  5  a raise.
The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table with their best dishes. Her husband had come home early and  6  a festival meal. She wondered if he knew that she would not be refused.
She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They kissed and then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautiful  7  . It read, “Congratulations, darling! I knew you’d get the raise! These things will  8  you how much I love you.”
 9  supper, her husband went to do some washing. As he left the room, she  10  a second card that had fallen from his pocket. Picking it off the floor, she read, “Don’t worry about not getting the raise. These things will tell you how much I love you.”
The real love is when you love without limit. What this man tried to show his wife was  11  acceptance and love. Whether she  12  or failed, he always loved her. Sometimes his love might celebrate her  13  and other times it was there to give comfort.
After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said, “What can you do for world  14  ? Go home and love your  15  .” Yes, love your family, and also love your friends. Love them without pressure.
(  )1. A. Highly B. Perhaps C. Mostly D. Then
(  )2. A. refused B. failed C. decided D. remembered
(  )3. A. excited B. nervous C. surprised D. sad
(  )4. A. chances B. power C. excuses D. courage
(  )5. A. said no to B. agreed to C. thought of D. dealt with
(  )6. A. prepared B. ordered C. covered D. chosen
(  )7. A. letter B. message C. dish D. card
(  )8. A. tell B. guide C. warm D. teach
(  )9. A. Unless B. Until C. After D. Before
(  )10. A. realized B. noticed C. searched D. accepted
(  )11. A. little B. extra C. necessary D. total
(  )12. A. succeeded B. fell C. knew D. forgot
(  )13. A. career B. spirit C. victory D. lessons
(  )14. A. position B. peace C. purity D. environment
(  )15. A. friends B. money C. neighbours D. family
三、 词语运用。
lose weight
keep a secret
1. We often borrow novels and    from our school library.
2. Mike never tells lies. He is a(n)     boy.
3. John looks handsome with a(n)    face.
4. To     , you had better take more exercise and eat less meat.
5. The long    hair makes Lily look very cute.
B)阅读短文,在文中空白处填入一个适当的单词,或用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(词数:137 建议用时:4分钟)
How time 1.    (fly)! The senior high school life is coming. I still remember the first day 2.     it was yesterday. Everything in our school is 3.     (mean) to me. I used to be shy, 4.     my teachers always encouraged me to be active and confident. I 5.     (make) great progress in the last few years. My teachers and parents are 6.     (pride) of me.
The end of the junior high school is the 7.    (begin) of a new life. I know that learning is a lifelong journey. I will learn from my mistakes 8.    never give up. I’ve also got much. 9.    (happy) is always around me. I think the harder I work, the 10.    (good) I will be.
四、阅读与表达。(词数:194 建议用时:5分钟)
You may know about “junk food” like French fries. But do you know about “junk sleep”?
A British survey shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers’ bedrooms. They are influencing teenagers’ sleep badly.
The survey was done among 1,000 British kids aged from 12 to 16. It is found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours’ sleep every day. But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.
Almost 25% of the kids said they often fell asleep while they were using other electronic products.
“This is very worrying,” said Dr Chris, a British professor(教授). “We call it ‘junk sleep’. It means the quality(质量) of the sleep is low.” The survey found that quite a few of the kids felt tired each day because of the junk sleep, especially girls aged between 13 and 16. Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, music player or TV in their bedrooms. And lots of them even have all the three.
Dr Chris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products, and that teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.
1. How many of the 1,000 British kids aged from 12 to 16 got only 4 to 7 hours’ sleep a day in the survey?
2. According to the passage, what were 25% of the kids doing when they fell asleep?
3. What does “junk sleep” mean in the passage?
4. In Dr Chris’ opinion, what should teenagers do?
5. What is the proper title for the passage?
八年级上册Unit 1测试题参考答案
A)1.magazines 2.honest 3.square 4.lose weight 5.straight
B)1.flies 2.like 3.meaningful 4.but 5.have made 6.proud 7.beginning
8.and 9.Happiness 10.better
1.500/Five hundred (kids).
2.They were using other electronic products.
3.The quality of the sleep is low.
4.Spend less time on/Keep away from the electronic products.
5.Junk sleep




下一篇:第七章 复数 章末检测试卷二(含答案)