新概念英语第二册 Lesson 35 同步练习(含答案)

Lesson35 Stop thief!
掌握while, regret, act, fright, afterwards等重点词汇及短语;
When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves …
As the thieves were trying to … Roy drove his bus…
While the battered car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and …
Roy Trenton u________ ________ drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus-driver and he has not r___________ it. He is finding his new work ________ ________ ________. When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves r___________ ___________ ___________ a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. The one with the money got ___________ a fright ___________ he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it. While the battered car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police. The thieves’ car was badly d___________ and easy to r___________. S__________ __________(不久之后), the police stopped the car and both men were a___________.
Part I
There are four choices marked [A] [B] [C] and [D] for each sentence below. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.
1. --- How did you find your visit to Disneyland
--- I enjoyed it very much. It was _______ than I expected.
A. far more interested B. far more interesting
C.so interesting D. even more interesting
2. We went to Canada to travel and my cousin ______ as our guide.
A. played B. showed C. acted D. performed
3. John regretted __________ to the meeting last week.
A. not going B. not to go
C. not having been going D. not to be going
4. Henry and Tom______ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.
A. used to go B. were used to go C. are used to go D. use to go
5. The girls______ a game called Bomb happily when the teacher suddenly entered the classroom.
A. played B. were playing C. are playing D. had played
6. The reporter said that the UFO _______ east to west when he saw it.
A. was travelling B. travelled
C. had been travelling D. was to travel
7. It is _______ a heavy stone _______ I can’t lift it up.
A. so; that B. such; that
C. so; as to D. enough; that
8. ---Have you finished reading Jane Eyre
---No, I _______ my homework all day yesterday.
A. was doing B. would do C. has done D. do
9. As she ______ the newspaper, Granny ______ asleep.
A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell
C. was reading; falling D. read; fell
10. The money_______ will be used_______ a ‘Project Hope’.
A. which is collected; for B. is collected; for
C. collect; on D. which collected; for
11. We were in ______ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.
A. a rush so anxious B. a such anxious rush
C. so an anxious rush D. such an anxious rush
12. It is _______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A.so an unusual B. such an unusual
C.so unusual D. such unusual
Part II
Complete each the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.
1. He asked me if I________ (read) the story The Old Man and the Sea when he came in.
2. What________ he ________(research) all day last Sunday
3. ---It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.
---Oh, don’t mention it. I ________(come) past your house anyway.
4. My brother _________ (fall) while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.
5. ---Where did you put the car keys
---Oh, I________(remember) I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I_______ (come) in.
6. While he was waiting for the bus, he ________ (listen) to the radio.
Part III
Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English.
1. 现在我后悔那么小就离开学校。
Now I ________________ so young.
2. 我没给他写信,因为他没过多久就给我打电话了。
I didn’t write to him because he phoned me ________________.
3. 这是一个非常简单的过程,不过还是有一些危险。
This is a simple process. ________________ there are dangers.
4. 她眼睛直直的看着我。
She was looking ________________ me.
5. 这两个城市离伦敦都很远。
________________ are far from London.
6. 汽车污染已经成为一个主要问题。
Pollution from cars ________________ a major problem.
7. 他的病比我们想象的要严重得多。
His illness is ________________ than we thought.
8. 我走上前,发现这两台出租车受损严重。
I went up and found that the two taxis _________________.
9. 他对错过良机感到懊悔。(regret)
10. 天真冷,我很后悔没有穿一件厚衣服。(regret doing)
11. 当意识到自己欠了那么多钱时,他吓了一大跳。(get a fight)
Part II
1.was reading 2.was, researching 3. was coming
4.fell 5.remember, was coming 6. was listening
Part III
1. regret leaving school 2.shortly afterwards 3. However,
4. straight at 5. Both cities 6.has become
7. far more serious 8. were badly damaged
8.He regretted missing the opportunity.
9.It’s so cold. I regret not having worn a thicker coat.
10.He got an awful fright when he realized how much money he owned.



