2024年中考英语总复习+主题训练 自然生态与环境保护(含解析)

主题七 自然生态与环境保护
The Smiths visited Glacier(冰川) Bay National Park and saw glaciers. Delia and her __1__ Sophia were excited to camp in tents.
思维拓展The first morning was wonderful. As Delia came outside, a small drop of water fell on her head. The __2__ she had left outside were wet, too! “Oh! It must have rained last night,” Delia shouted, waking her sister. “It is just dew(露珠), very small drops of water that form during the night,” Sophia __3__ sleepily.
思维拓展After breakfast, Delia and her family __4__ to tour around the park and see a glacier. The glacier was a very __5__ piece of ice. They had never seen anything so big that was made of ice before.
__6__, they heard a loud noise. Delia said, “What is that?” The tour guide explained that the glacier was calving(崩解). Calving happens when a piece of glacier __7__ from the whole. “What will happen next?” Sophia asked. “After they calve, the pieces move across the water until they __8__ warmer water. Then they disappear,” their tour guide explained.
Delia thought about how the __9__ water that makes an amazing glacier is, and in another form, the dew that made her shoes wet. She could not believe the glacier was made of something as simple as __10__ ! She felt lucky to have seen something so beautiful.
1. A. aunt B. sister C. mother D. friend
2. A. gloves B. sweaters C. trousers D. shoes
3. A. agreed B. replied C. accepted D. refused
4. A. decided B. failed C. happened D. learned
5. A. large B. small C. nice D. clear
6. A. Finally B. Actually C. Suddenly D. Luckily
7. A. falls off B. breaks off C. comes out D. takes out
8. A. leave B. reach C. find D. miss
9. A. cool B. dirty C. clean D. same
10. A. ice B. water C. rain D. snow
【语篇研读】 What:讲述了Smith一家参观阿拉斯加冰川湾国家公园的故事。 Why:旨在引导学生发现并欣赏自然的美,热爱并敬畏自然,与自然和谐共生。 How:①文体特征:记叙文。 ②写作手法:文章使用了“The first morning”和“After breakfast”等描述了Smith一家游览的经历,使文章结构更加清晰。
新考法 写作顺序 In which order is the passage written
A. Space.  B. Time. C. Persons.    D. Opinions.
【解题有策略】 写作顺序:此类试题考查学生辨别语篇中的衔接手段,判断句子、段落之间逻辑关系的能力。 解题对策如下:Step 1:阅读全文,理清文章逻辑,抓住文章的构思线索。→文章中有“The first morning”,“After breakfast”等时间线索;Step 2: 结合备选项,判断文章的写作顺序,选出答案。→根据文章中的时间线索可以判断文章的写作顺序为时间顺序。故选B。
二、 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)
[语篇类型·图示与图表] Battling e waste E waste is the world's fastest growing type of waste. It doesn't only come from computers but other electronics as well.
In 2019, the world produced 53.6 million tons of e waste.
The world's e waste will reach 74.7 million tons by 2030. That's almost twice as much as e waste just 16 years ago.   
Why should we recycle e waste? E waste has many valuable things in it, such as gold, silver and copper(铜). 3题However, one smartphone battery(电池) can pollute 600,000 liters(升) of water.
What can we do? ·4题Try to repair our broken electronics instead of buying new ones. ·Check for recycling organizations and donate(捐赠) our broken electronics.  ·Tell others to recycle e waste.
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了电子垃圾的现状、需回收的原因以及减少电子垃圾的方式。 Why:旨在引导学生从自身做起保护环境。 How:①文体特征:应用文(图示与图表)。 ②写作手法:文章通过小标题增加了文章的可读性;通过柱状图和扇形图使读者更加清晰地了解电子垃圾的现状即呈上升趋势及回收利用率低。
1. 新考法 跨学科知识 What is the relationship between the number of e waste and the time according to the text
【解题有策略】 跨学科知识:此类试题考查学生运用所学语言和跨学科知识综合解决问题的能力,常考查英语与数学、地理、语文等学科的结合。 解题对策如下:Step 1: 阅读题干,定位到文章对应位置。→根据题干定位到文章第3个框里的内容;Step 2: 分析文本、理解文段细节信息,综合运用数学知识进行作答。→根据第3个框里“2014→37、2019→53、2030→74”可知,电子垃圾呈上升趋势。故选B。
2. What's the percent of uncollected e waste
A. 60%-65%. B. 70%-75%. C. 80%-85%. D. 90%-95%.
3. Which of the following may cause e waste
4. According to the passage, what can we do with broken electronics
A. Have them repaired. B. Keep them at home.
C. Throw them into the bins. D. Exchange them for new ones.
5. 新考法 文章主题 What's the main theme(主题) of this passage
A. Culture. B. Population. C. Education. D. Pollution.
They look like plants, but they have no leaves or flowers. A large part of them grow underground. 1题They can help us slow down climate(气候) change. Some of them can make our dishes delicious, but others can make us sick or even kill us. They are fungi(菌类). Most of us only know the tasty ones among them. We know little about their roles in fighting against climate change. 2题In fact, in the past few years, modern industry has brought destructive(破坏性的) influence on living things in the soil. As people cut down trees for wood, the kinds of underground communities of fungi are about 75 percent less than before.
The destruction of fungus(真菌) ecosystems can have serious consequences. 3题First, it speeds up climate change. 长难句You may think that just 0.1% of the carbon(碳) that is stored in Europe's soils is not worth worrying. However, this is the pollution of 100 million cars in a year. Moreover, many animals and trees depend on certain kinds of fungi. 3题Without the fungi, they become sick or even die. In 2018, a study found that the failing health of many trees across Europe was caused by the destruction of fungus ecosystems.
Fungi are usually very small and they grow silently. They seem to hide themselves from our attention. However, they are important “environmental engineers”. We should try to stop them from being hurt.
【长难句分析】 You may think that just 0.1% of the carbon that is stored in Europe's soils is not worth worrying. 析成分:本句为主从复合句。that just ...worth worrying为that引导的宾语从句,作think的宾语;在宾语从句中,that is stored ... soils为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the carbon。 句意:你可能认为欧洲土壤中储存的0.1%的碳不值得担心。
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了菌类在生态系统中的重要作用以及它们所面临的威胁。 Why:旨在引导学生采取行动来保护菌类,培养人与自然和谐相处的意识。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分—总。第1段介绍了菌类的基本信息;第2段介绍了菌类生态系统的破坏所带来的影响;第3段呼吁人们保护菌类。 ③写作手法:文中列举了一些数字并进行了对比,如“0.1%”和“100 million”等,突出了菌类在生态系统中的重要作用。
1. What can we learn from the first paragraph
A. Fungi are a kind of plant.
B. Fungi are helpful to slow down climate change.
C. Few fungi grow underground.
D. Fungi have leaves but no flowers.
2. What has bad effects on the living things in the soil
A. Climate change. B. High temperature.
C. Air pollution. D. Modern industry.
3. What does the underlined word “consequences” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Results. B. Secrets. C. Reasons. D. Messages.
4. Why do many trees across Europe become sick
A. Because of the dry soil.
B. Because of the bad weather.
C. Because of the increase of pollution.
D. Because of the destruction of fungus ecosystems.
5. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. The history of fungi. B. How to protect fungi.
C. The importance of fungi. D. How to choose delicious fungi.
into short full develop where though they because wisely little example problem
We know problems are part of life. What matters is how we deal with problems. Today we'll look at three problems and how three companies(公司) try to solve 1. ________.
思维拓展Deforestation(滥伐森林) is a 2. ________ around the world. If we don't take action to save forests, there will be more dangerous. Tree Planet 3. ________ a mobile game last year. Users plant trees online and then the company plants trees on the ground.
思维拓展Another problem is that some places are 4. ________ of electricity. Maya Pedal is a business in Guatemala. They turn bicycles that nobody wants 5. ________ power machines. Their purpose is not to make money but to improve the living conditions.
思维拓展Supermarkets often throw away a lot of food 6. ________ they can't sell any food after a sell by date. Zero Gachis helps supermarkets to sell more food and create 7. ________ waste. 思维拓展The company tells customers 8. ___ they can go to buy cheaper food close to the sell by date.
These three companies are good 9. ________ of creative problem solving. They saw a problem in our life and 10. ________ thought of ways to solve it. Creative thinking can usually solve most problems!
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了三家公司为解决相应的环境问题所采取的相关措施。 Why:旨在培养学生的创新思维,同时鼓励学生积极参与到保护环境的活动中,为环保事业贡献自己的力量。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分—总。第1段引出话题即解决环境问题的重要性;第2~4段列举了三个公司为解决相应环境问题所采取的措施;第5段总结全文,指出创造性思维的重要性。
新考法 组合式选择 What can we learn from the passage
①Deforestation is a problem all over the world.
②Some places are short of electricity.
③Supermarkets can't sell food after a sell by date.
④Zero Gachis can't help customers buy cheaper food.
A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③
①如果你想表达更重要的是……,可以用文中句式:What matters is...→ What matters is how we deal with problems.
②如果你想表达如果……将……,可以用文中句式:If..., there will be...→If we don't take action to save forests, there will be more dangerous.
An earthquake is dangerous and has no signs. 思维拓展2题However, if you stay calm and act quickly through the following __1__, you can protect yourself.
If you are indoors, stay away from tall or __2__ objects that could fall on you. You can crouch(蹲下) in a doorway, and the door needs to be supported strongly. Remember __3__ your head with your arms. Besides, windows and other objects are dangerous in __4__ earthquake. The best way for you to protect yourself is to hide under hard furniture.
__5__ you are outdoors, stay away from trees, buildings and power lines. They may fall. You should find a clear and open area as soon as possible. 思维拓展1题Then, drop to the ground and protect your head __6__ your arms. To do so, hold your hands together at the back of __7__ head and bring your elbows together in front of your face. When you __8__, pull over your car to an open area and stay in the car. 
We should remember that everything __9__ ahead is the key to staying away from danger. In daily life, we should learn __10__ to keep ourselves safe in earthquakes and make plans in advance.
1. A. method B. methods C. method's
2. A. heavy B. heavier C. the heaviest
3. A. cover B. to cover C. covering
4. A. a B. an C. the
5. A. If B. Until C. Unless
6. A. in B. on C. with
7. A. you   B. your C. yours
8. A. drive B. drove C. are driving
9. A. prepared B. is prepared C. was prepared
10. A. how B. what C. when
【长难句分析】 If you are indoors, stay away from tall or heavy objects that could fall on you. 析成分:本句为主从复合句。If you are indoors为if引导的条件状语从句;在主句中,that could fall on you为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词heavy objects。 句意:如果你在室内,远离可能砸到你的高大或沉重的物体。
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了地震发生时的注意事项。 Why:旨在引导学生面对自然灾害时学会采取适当的措施来保护自己,并在日常生活中做好应急准备。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分—总。第1段引出话题;第2~3段分别从室内和室外两方面介绍了地震防范措施;第4段发出倡议即我们应提前做好准备以便在突发情况下能更好地保护自己。 ③写作手法:文章使用了做假设的写作手法,详细介绍了地震发生时相对应的应对措施。 ④语言特点:文章中用了“stay calm”,“act quickly”,“crouch”和“cover your head”等词来描述具体应对地震的措施。
1. 新考法 组合式选择 What parts of the body are mentioned in the passage
① Legs.    ② Hands.    ③ Head.    ④Elbows.
A. ②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④
2. 2023广东新考法 写作意图 What is the purpose of this passage
A. To provide us with some ways to avoid earthquakes.
B. To remind us to make preparations before an earthquake.
C. To tell us that an earthquake is dangerous and has no signs.
D. To teach us how to protect ourselves during an earthquake.
①如果你想表达做某事最好的方法是……,可以用文中句式:The best way...is... →The best way for you to protect yourself is to hide under hard furniture.
②如果你想表达尽可能做某事,可以用文中用法:as...as possible →You should find a clear and open area as soon as possible.
In recent years, disasters have become more frequent due to environmental problems. 1题A disaster is a serious problem that causes human, economic or environmental loss over a short or long period of time. Disasters are often divided into natural and man made kinds.
2题Natural disasters are usually sudden and strong with severe results. They can be caused by heavy rain, strong winds, earthquakes, storms, floods and so on. Natural disasters can happen anywhere at any time, and they all depend on where people live. For example, some areas get big storms, while others are at risk of tornadoes(龙卷风) or other disasters.
Disasters are scary and can bring danger to people and damage to buildings and towns. 3题One way to deal with disasters is to plan ahead. Planning can help people keep calm and prepared. Some areas have warning systems to warn people of upcoming disasters and remind them to stay in safe places. However, __▲__. 4题For example, an earthquake can surprise you because there is no warning. 3题However, maybe an earthquake kit(工具包) can be helpful.
To stay safe in a disaster, it's important to think ahead and be well prepared. Consider where you live and what types of disasters have happened in your area in the past. Make a plan with your family and prepare ahead. Maybe getting ready is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of a disaster. Finally, keeping these tips in mind is also very important.
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了灾害的分类以及应对灾害的方法。 Why:旨在加强学生对自然灾害的认识,引导学生用所学知识应对突发的灾难。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分。第1段引出话题“自然灾害”;第2~4段分别介绍了自然灾害所带来的严重后果及应对方法。 ③写作手法:文章列举了多种自然灾害的例子,如“heavy rain”, “strong winds”, “earthquakes”, “storms”和 “floods”等,有助于读者理解自然灾害的多样性。
1. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about
A. What are disasters B. When do disasters happen
C. Which are the main disasters D. How to stay away from disasters
2. What does the underlined word “severe” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Important. B. Weak. C. Sudden. D. Terrible.
3. Which of the following should people do to deal with the disasters? 
A. To plan ahead and keep a kit.
B. Stay by the window and ask for help.
C. To keep a kit and try to find a way of escaping.
D. To plan ahead and take all important things quickly.
4. 新考法 语篇逻辑 Which of the following can be put into __▲__?
A. you can't escape from an earthquake
B. waiting for help is a good way in an earthquake
C. some disasters happen too suddenly to give warnings
D. you don't have to prepare anything if you are smart enough
5. Which can be the best title for the passage?  
A. The Knowledge of Disasters    B. The Bad Weather
C. The Ways to Stay Safe      D. The Environmental Problems
① 如果你想表达……被分为……时,可以用文中用法:sth. be divided into… →Disasters are often divided into natural and man made kinds.
② 如果你想表达……怎么样时,可以用文中句式:It's+adj.+to do sth. →To stay safe in a disaster, it's important to think ahead and be well prepared.
travel post about so what however he weather easy watch into problem
Aaron, a 21 year old boy, has a special interest in recording weather changes by taking photos. Over the past two years, Aaron has 1. ________ nearly 27,000 kilometers to record weather changes in 11 provinces. 思维拓展When he was a kid, Aaron liked to 2. ________ the weather forecast(预报), becoming excited whenever he saw snow. In 2018, he 3. ________ some pictures of lightning(闪电) online and received many likes.
But it's never 4. ________ to take these amazing pictures. Every time, Aaron needs to find an area where the 5. ____ might often change and then finds the best positions. In order to take good photos, he often puts 6. _______ in danger of being attacked by strong winds and heavy rain.
7. ________, one thing changed his mind. 思维拓展Once, when Aaron was taking photos of a thunderstorm, a farmer came over. He said, “You should care 8. ________ people and our crops(庄稼), not the terrible weather.” The farmer's words hit him as hard as any thunderstorm. 9. ________ he decided to do something to help more people. 思维拓展Now Aaron makes short videos to tell people about the danger of those storms and 10. ________ they should do to protect themselves. For Aaron, what he's doing now is meaningful.
【语篇研读】 What:讲述了Aaron通过制作短视频告诉人们风暴的危险以及如何在风暴中保护自己的故事。 Why:旨在鼓励学生追求自己的梦想,并且通过自己的努力来改变世界。 How:①文体特征:记叙文。 ②文章结构:本文的故事线为:Aaron在网上发布天气变化的照片→Aaron受到一位农民的启发,决定用自己的爱好帮助更多人→Aaron制作短视频,告诉人们风暴的危险以及如何在风暴中保护自己。 ③语言特点:文章在描写Aaron为了拍到令人惊叹的照片时,使用了“finds the best positions”和“being attacked by strong winds and heavy rain”等词句,使读者能够切身感受到Aaron拍摄天气变化过程的不易,也更能体现出Aaron对记录天气的热爱。
新考法 细节排序 What is the right order according to the passage
a. Aaron liked to watch weather forecast.
b. Aaron makes short videos to tell people the danger of storms.
c. Aaron had a conversation with a farmer when he was taking photos.
d. Aaron posted some pictures of lightning online and many people liked them.
A. a d c b B. c a b d C. c d b a   D. b c a b
①如果你想表达某人对做某事感兴趣时,可以用文中句式:sb. has an interest in doing sth. →Aaron, a 21 year old boy, has a special interest in recording weather changes.
②如果你想表达决定做某事时,可以用文中用法:decide to do sth. →He decided to do something to help more people.
四、 回答问题(每小题2分,共10分)
Now, people have realized the importance of saving the earth. We still face many environmental challenges, but we can make a difference. Her Trees Save Lives Adeline was 12 when her hometown was flooded(淹没). She wanted to help. She learned that mangrove trees(红树林)play a key role in flood protection, but the trees were being cut down. 1题Adeline gathered her classmates to plant 200 mangrove trees during a school break. 2题They started a group called Friends of Nature, which works to protect the place's trees, fight climate change, and let people know more about environmental protection through teaching. Solar for Her School Claire learned about plans to rebuild her middle school. 长难句/3题She asked the school to add solar panels(太阳能板) to the project because she thought clean energy would be helpful to build a truly modern school. The school liked the idea but said it could cost a lot. 4题So Claire organized a group of kids and adults. They put on a talent show to raise money. At last, the group paid for the solar panels. “One person could start something small, and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community,” Claire said. “When there's a challenge presented to you, use it as a learning moment and a chance to overcome it.”
【长难句分析】 She asked the school to add solar panels to the project because she thought clean energy would be helpful to build a truly modern school. 析成分:本句为主从复合句。because she ... school为because引导的原因状语从句;在原因状语从句中,clean energy ... school为省略了that的宾语从句,作thought的宾语。 句意:她请求学校把太阳能板加入这个项目中,因为她认为清洁能源将有助于建造一所真正的现代学校。
【语篇研读】 What:讲述了Adeline和她的同学成立了“自然之友”组织和Claire筹款为学校安装太阳能板的故事。 Why:旨在鼓励学生关注环境问题,从自身做起,采取行动为保护地球做出贡献。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分。第1段引出主题:人们已经意识到保护环境的重要性;第2~4段分别介绍了Adeline和Claire为环境建设做出的贡献。
1. How many mangrove trees did Adeline and her classmates plant
2. What is the name of Adeline's group
3. Why did Claire ask the school to add solar panels to the project
4. How did Claire do with the money problem for the rebuilding plan
5. 新考法 开放性设问 Who is your earth helping hero Why
Last year, I had a trip with my friend, Nancy. One night, Nancy and I sat in the field and we felt relaxed, looking at the __1__. “It's a pity that we don't know which stars we're looking at, Jenny,” said Nancy. “I know some of them,” I answered. Nancy felt __2__ when I was able to tell her all the names I knew.
My __3__ in stars started when I was eight. My aunt took me to a planetarium(天文馆). A guide __4__ us the groups of stars and told us stories about how they got their names. The stories were __5__. I liked them very much.
思维拓展Everyone __6__ we can see the stars better on a sunny day than on a cloudy day, but lots of people don't realize that a bright moon also stops us from seeing very much. I always __7__ the Plough(北斗星), because once I see that, I can find the North Star and other stars __8__.
I wanted to learn more about the stars, so I took a __9__ at the club. There are so many lights in the city that we have to go into the countryside to see any stars. I'm planning to make videos about stars. I'll post them online weekly for everyone to __10__. My greatest dream is to be an astronaut and I expect to have a space travel.
1. A. birds      B. planes      C. kites      D. stars
2. A. worried     B. surprised   C. relaxed     D. confused
3. A. interest    B. lesson      C. knowledge   D. choice
4. A. bought      B. reminded     C. offered    D. showed
5. A. terrible     B. possible    C. wonderful   D. boring
6. A. wonders    B. knows    C. realizes    D. doubts
7. A. look out    B. look over   C. look for   D. look in
8. A. successfully   B. completely   C. carefully   D. especially
9. A. book      B. rest      C. photo     D. course
10. A. play     B. watch    C. listen    D. check
【语篇研读】 What:讲述了作者对星星的热爱,以及自己想成为宇航员的愿望。 Why:旨在鼓励学生了解更多关于星星的知识,激发学生对宇宙的兴趣和热爱,同时也鼓励学生追寻自己的梦想。 How:①文体特征:记叙文。 ②写作手法:文章中引用了作者和朋友Nancy的对话,推动了故事情节的发展,使读者更容易与故事中的人物产生共鸣。 ③语言特点:文中使用“The stories were wonderful. I liked them very much.”等句子表达了作者对这些故事的喜爱,并由此爱上星星。
新考法 句意理解 What can we infer(推断) from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4
A. There are fewer stars in the city.
B. People all like to go to the countryside.
C. The environment in the countryside is good.
D. Bright lights may stop us from seeing many stars.
如果你想表达很遗憾没能做某事时,可以用文中句式:It's a pity that...→It's a pity that we don't know which stars we're looking at.
二、 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了我国先后30多次将种子带入外太空,并培育出700多种新作物的情况。 Why:旨在鼓励学生关注我国航天事业的发展,增强民族自信心和自豪感,培养学生的历史责任感。 How:①文体特征:应用文(报告)。 ②写作手法:以图文结合的方式将太空育种的整个过程展现出来,使文章看起来赏心悦目,引起读者的阅读兴趣;各部分以小标题的形式呈现,条理清晰,增强了文章的可读性。
1. Where did the seeds change suddenly
A. In the lab. B. In the field. C. In space. D. At home.
2. 新考法 组合式选择 What are the reasons for sending seeds into space according to the passage
①To make the growth time shorter. ②To make the seeds become better.
③To invent new types of seeds. ④To improve the taste of crops.
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①③④
3. What achievement has China got in space farming
A. The longest history of growing crops.
B. The most delicious crops in the space program.
C. The shortest growth time of crops in the space program.
D. The largest number of different crops in the space program.
4. Who is the writer of this passage
A. A scientist. B. A reporter. C. A student. D. A farmer.
5. 新考法 文章出处 In which part of a magazine can we read the passage
A. Social life. B. Science study. C. Health habit. D. Culture Corner.
1题On February 21, 2022, US company SpaceX sent 46 satellites(卫星) into space. Then six days later, China sent 22 satellites into space. Why do we need so many satellites What do they do for us
2题At present, there are more than 3,000 active satellites moving around Earth. Satellites have all kinds of roles, from sending TV signals, giving you directions on the road, and helping scientists with their research. For example, the 22 satellites China sent up are part of the BeiDou Navigation(导航) Satellite System. Shared bikes that use BeiDou chips can provide more correct positions, making them easier to be found.
2题Before sending satellites, TV signals didn't reach very far. Mountains or tall buildings would block the signals. Phone calls to faraway places were also a problem, because it was not easy to make a phone call to the places that were far away. Setting up telephone wires over long distances is difficult. With satellites, TV signals and phone calls can be sent directly to a satellite and back down to different places on Earth. SpaceX's Starlink project plans to use satellites to provide people with the Internet all over the world.
Satellites can also provide information about clouds, oceans, land and ice. They help scientists with predictions of changes in weather and climate. By watching and checking wildfires and volcanoes, satellites help emergency workers deal with natural disasters. Farmers can use satellites pictures to decide the best time to water their fields.
Some satellites fly near other planets. They may look for water on Mars or take close up pictures of Saturn's(土星) rings. Video website Bilibili even sent a satellite into space to look at other planets and share pictures and videos with Bilibili's users.
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了人们发射卫星的用途。 Why:旨在让学生更加深入地了解卫星的作用,引导学生对未知的事物保持积极的学习态度。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分。第1段提出问题;第2~5段分别介绍了卫星在各个方面的应用。 ③写作手法:文章使用了列数字的写作手法,如“46 satellites(卫星)”,“3,000 active satellites”和“the 22 satellites”等,使文章更具可信度;第一段结尾通过两个问句引发读者思考,激发读者的阅读兴趣。 ④语言特点:文章使用了一些数据和专业术语,如“SpaceX”和“the BeiDou Navigation(导航) Satellite System”,使文章语言表达更专业。
1. When did China send the 22 satellites into space
A. On February 21, 2021.   B. On February 21, 2022.
C. On February 26, 2021.   D. On February 27, 2022.
2. What can we learn from the passage
A. People have sent more than 3,000 active satellites into space now.
B. There are 22 satellites in the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System in all.
C. Satellites help emergency workers with predictions of changes in weather and climate.
D. Before sending satellites, making phone calls to faraway places was easy.
3. What does the underlined word “block” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Help. B. Provide. C. Stop. D. Change.
4. 新考法 文章结构 What's the structure(结构) of this passage
5. 新考法 标题归纳 Which is the best title for this passage
A. Where do people send satellites
B. What can satellites do for us
C. How do people make satellites
D. When can we see satellites
外文素材改编自Timed Reading for Fluency
story fly name that success able try  it about ago but bad
社会主义先进文化·航天事业发展 Since the first person looked up at the sky, people's imagination of space began. In China, there are many 1. ________ about exploring(探索) space.
思维拓展Thousands of years ago, there was a lady called Chang'e who 2. ________ to the Moon and lived there with a rabbit. About 600 years 3. ________, a man named Wan Hu tried to go into space. He was considered as the first man to 4. ________ exploring space. And a mountain on the Moon was 5. ________ after this brave Chinese man.
In 2003, Shenzhou V successfully set off. Yang Liwei became the first Chinese who was 6. ________ to enter space. In 2007, Chang'e 1 moved around the Moon and took many pictures from space. In 2008, Zhai Zhigang achieved the 7. ________ of the first Chinese spacewalk. “We are glad 8. ________ we made it!” he said proudly.
In the following years, China kept making 9. ________ way further into exploring space. Tianwen 1 visited Mars successfully. Wang Yaping gave us lessons 10. ________ the Tiangong Space Station. Chinese people go farther and farther in space, and our dream is getting closer. It will no longer be impossible for Chinese people to walk on the Moon in the future.
【语篇研读】 What:介绍了中国载人航天事业大约 20 年的艰难历程并正逐步取得成功。 Why:旨在让学生了解中国在太空探索方面的历程与成就,以及太空探索对人类社会的意义,引导学生树立远大目标,为中国航天事业而奋斗。 How:①文体特征:说明文。 ②文章结构:总—分。第1段引出话题;第2~4段介绍了在不同阶段中国探索太空所取得的成就。 ③写作手法:文章中使用了“Thousands of years ago”,“About 600 years ago”,“In 2003”和“In 2007”,“In 2008”等表示时间的词组,体现了我国航天事业的更清晰地了解发展过程,使读者更清晰地了解我国航天事业的发展。
新考法 写作手法 How did the writer show the start of people's imagination of space
A. By listing facts.        B. By telling stories.
C. By asking questions.      D. By comparing differences.
①如果你想表达尽力做某事时,可以用文中用法:try to do sth. →A man named Wan Hu tried to go into space.
②如果你想表达做某事不再是不可能的时,可以用文中句式:It will no longer be impossible for...→ It will no longer be impossible for Chinese people to walk on the Moon in the future.
主题七 自然生态与环境保护
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. B
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D
1.B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C
1. them 2. problem 3. developed 4. short 5. into 6. because 7. less 8. where 9. examples  10. wisely
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
1. A 2. D
1.A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5.A
1. travel(l)ed 2. watch 3. posted 4. easy 5. weather 6. himself 7. However 8. about 9. So  10. what
1. 200 (mangrove trees)./They planted 200 mangrove trees. 
2. Friends of Nature./The name of Adeline's group is Friends of Nature. 
3. Because it is helpful to build a truly modern school./Because she thought clean energy would be helpful to build a truly modern school. 
4. By putting on a show (to raise money)./Claire and her group put on a show to raise money. 
5. My father is my earth helping hero, because he always takes me to plant trees on hills to prevent floods. 
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A
9.D 10.B
1.C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B
1. stories 2. flew 3. ago 4. try 5. named 
6. able 7. success 8. that 9. its 10. about



