
参考答案 2023.7
第一部分 听力 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1~5 BABAA 6~10 CACBB 11~15 CCBBA 16~20 BAACC
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
21~23 BAC 24~27 BCAA 28~31 DBDD 32~35 DBCC
36~40 EFDGC
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
41~45 BDBDC 46~50 ADBAB 51~55 CACDA
第二节 语篇填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. as 57. dates 58. gradually 59. including 60. which
61. based 62. to cut 63. are stuck 64. an 65. wisdom
第四部分 写作 (满分40分)
第一节 (满分 15 分)
One Possible version:
Dear newcomer,
I’ve read your problems in the newspaper and I understand quite well that you are anxious.
It is true that learning a new language and adjusting to a new environment take time.
Actually, language is your advantage, which you can take of to help your classmates to learn
English. And I believe they would be glad to help you with your Chinese.
What’s more, taking part in some activities or joining school clubs would be a good choice,
which provides a chance to meet new people and gets familiar with the environment. You may
even make new friends.
Enjoy your life in China and have a good time here.
Li Hua
一、 评分细则
1. 本题总分为15分,分五个档次进行评分。
2. 评分时应主要从内容组织、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑。具体为:
3. 评分时,先根据作答的整体情况初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量确定或调
4. 评分时还应注意:
第二节 (满分 25 分)
One possible version:
I was determined to do the hard thing. I dipped a toe in the icy waters. Slowly, I inched my
legs forward until the waves unexpectedly climbed up to my kneecaps. My first cold plunging
lasted five seconds. I was out of that water faster than a ball from a cannon. I screamed, laughed,
and tripped. I had done it! The feeling of accomplishment washed away all my fears. I already
knew I had the courage to go under, but now I had to work on staying there. The following week I
stayed a little longer. I taught myself I could trust myself, knowing that I was more powerful than
that taunting voice in my head.
I have now been cold dipping for over a year. In the depths of winter, I have broken through
ice and breathed through the icy cold. I enjoy those moments more than any other part of my day.
I am thinking only about survival, not my car payment, the garden that need cleaning, or my gray
hair. The first thirty seconds are still challenging, and l always get a little nervous before I step
into the lake or ocean. But I have learned to relax in this state of immersion. What began as a
place of fear has become a place of finding.
1. 本题总分为25分,按五个档次进行评分。
2. 评分时,应主要从内容、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑,具体为:
3. 评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量,确定或调
4. 评分时还应注意:
档 次 描 述
第五档 ----使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅,可能有个别小错,但完全不
(21-25) 影响理解;
第四档 洽度较高;
第一档 基本脱节;
(1-5) ----所使用的词汇有限,语法结构简单,错误较多,严重影响理解;
0 ----未做答,所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;
附 听力原文:
Text 1
M: I can’t bear to put my dog up for adoption, but I’m too old to take him for walks anymore.
He’s always chasing after cats. (1)
W: Don’t worry. We’ll find him a good home, I promise.
Text 2
M: How many planets are there between the Earth and the Sun (2)
W: Two. They are far beyond our current reach though.
Text 3
W: OK, let’s get the meeting started. Martin, can you hand out these papers Jill, pull the curtains,
please. Eric…where is Eric
M: He called to say his train has been delayed. (3)
W: OK, well, let’s get started anyway.
Text 4
W: Do you need a lift I go past your place on my way home.
M: No, thanks. I have some papers to check so I’ll catch the subway.(4)
W: OK then, don’t work too late. See you tomorrow.
Text 5
W: Who was on the phone
M: The parcel service. The parcel we were supposed to get at 8:00 a.m. is now coming at 8:00
p.m. (5)
W: Really I knew they worked in the morning and afternoon, but I didn’t know they worked in
the evening.
Text 6
M: I’m just heading to the store. What kinds of fruit do your parents like
W: My dad likes apples but my mom prefers bananas.
M: OK, I’ll get both. I’ll also get some oranges so I can make juice. (6)
W:What are you going to make for lunch (7)
M:Well, I know your mom doesn’t eat meat, so I thought we could just have a salad. (7)
W: That’s very thoughtful of you, although I want a hamburger for lunch.
M: Maybe next time, sweetheart. If they come during summer, I can make some barbecue.
W: Well, let’s just get through this meeting.
Text 7
W:My computer couldn’t turn on. Can you have a look at it for me (8)
M: Sure. It doesn’t seem to be getting any power. The power unit may be damaged.
W: Can it be fixed (8)
M: No, it would have to be replaced.
W: How much will that cost
M: I have a spare one here. It’s $50.
W: That’s not as much as I thought. When can you do it by
M: I can do it this afternoon. I’ll check if other components are damaged too.
W: That’s great. Unfortunately I’ll be in meetings in my office all afternoon. (9) Can I pick it up
tomorrow (10)
M:My shop will be closed tomorrow. Is the day after that any good (10)
W: Yes, Wednesday is fine. (10) See you then.
Text 8 (第 11 题为推断题)
M: How do you take your coffee
W: No milk or sugar please. I like the original taste.
M: So it must be important for you to visit me at home instead of the office. (12)
W: It’s a bit sensitive. Julie is having to step away from her role as the company’s general
manager. (13)
M: Are you able to tell me why
W: Not really. It’s nothing to do with the company. It’s a family matter.
M: Well, I know her father was unwell.
W: Yes. In any case, we need someone to take charge while she is gone. (13)
M: You want me
W: I have spoken with the board, and we think you are the ideal candidate. The company
needs you to step up. (13) Think of it as a new challenge.
M: I guess I have been in my role for a long time. Can I think about it
W: By all means, but I’ll need an answer by Friday.
Text 9
W:What happened to your beard (14)
M: I had a slight accident when I was cutting it so I had to shave it all off. (14)
W: You look so young. You should keep it that way. (14)
M: No, I like my beard. I’ll grow it back.
W: How long will it take you to get it back to the way it was (15)
M: About a month. (15) It grows pretty fast.
W: My son tried to grow a beard. After six weeks he gave up as it wasn’t very long.
M: Well, as long as it’s back by the time I go on holiday in two months.
W: That’s right. You’re off to watch the Rugby World Cup in France. (16)
M: Actually, Italy. They changed the venues. France is also hosting a football tournament, so there
would have been too many people.
W:Well, I prefer Italy. They have better cuisine. (17)
M: Yeah, we’ re flying to Germany to see some old friends and then driving down through
W: The scenery is to die for!
M: Have you been to Switzerland
W: No, but I’ve seen it in films. I’m so envious.
M: I’ll bring a gift back for you.
W: You better. But seriously, lose the beard.
Text 10 (第 18 题为总结题)
No one knows for sure how old kites are. In fact, kites have been in use for centuries. Twenty-five
centuries ago, kites were well-known in China. These first kites were probably made of wood.
Early kites were built for certain uses. In ancient China, they were used to carry ropes to
cross rivers. (19) Once across, the ropes were torn down and wooden bridges would hang for
them. Legend tells of one general who flew musical kites over his enemy’s camp. The enemy
ran away, believing the sounds to be the warning voices of angels. By the 15th century, many
people flew kites in Europe. Marco Polo may have brought the kite back from his visit to China.
Kites have been linked to great names and events. For instance, Benjamin Franklin used a
kite to prove that lightning was a form of electricity. (20) He flew the kite in the storm. He
did this in order to draw lightning from the clouds. He tied a metal key and silk to the kite line.
The silk ribbon(丝带 ) would stop the lightning from passing through his body. Many people
laughed at Benjamin’s idea at first. However, his discovery would lead to a great invention.
With such a grand history, kite flying is sure to remain an entertaining and popular sport.



