外研版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Improving Yourself Understanding ideas练习(无答案)

Starting Out &Understanding Ideas
Improving yourself
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Time Management Tips( )( )
If there is one thing that most teenagers don’t seem to have enough of, it is time. ( )
Create a schedule Set small goals Make the most of every second
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Identify your productive time Wear a watch Focus your efforts
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At the beginning of each week, create a schedule that maps out all your major projects and the
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time available. Decide which tasks are the most urgent, and plan to do these first.
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When you have a large, time-consuming task to complete, you tend to put it off because you don’t
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really know where to start and feel overwhelmed. ( )( )
Write the big task at the top of the list, break it down into smaller tasks. Turn these smaller tasks
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into a checklist that you can follow. ( )( )
Instead of checking or posting on social
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media, use the unexpected free time to do one or more of your small tasks such as get some reading
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done. You’ll end up saving a lot of time. (写出动词原形及汉语意思 )
Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, identify the time when you are most productive and
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use that time to get through your to-do-list. ( )
Wearing a watch does in fact help you keep an eye on time( )
20% of your efforts can produce 80% of your results. Focus on that 20% try to do the least amount
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of work in the most efficient way. ( )
Self-control Questionnaire ( )( )
Do you find it difficult to resist temptations such as junk food
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Do you sometimes fail to get work done because you cannot concentrate
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Do you ever offend people by speaking carelessly ( ) ( )
Social Media Detox( )( ) ( )
Today marks the last day of the Social Media Detox, Brenton High’s fundraising campaign for
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new sports equipment. At the start of the detox, over 100 students had been
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persuaded to stop using social media, in ANY form, for seven days.
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This meant no messaging friends, no
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posting photos, no blogging-nothing. They have been promised money by family and friends for each
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day spent without using social media.
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They were excited. They were nervous. But could they do it ( ) ( )
With the detox now finished, they’ve switched on their devices
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and they’re back online. I bet you’re as eager as I am to find out just how many have been
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motivated enough to last seven days! And what, if anything, has been learnt from the
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I lasted two days. The detox was more difficult
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than I had expected. I felt like I had lost an arm! Not eating for two days would have been easier!
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But on reflection, I can now see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my
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phone. I’m now trying to spend less time online and more time picking up my hobbies.
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I lasted four days. On Monday, my classmate and I spoke about what we
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did at the weekend-it felt really
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strange not to already know what he had done.
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We would usually have posted pictures and updated our profiles.
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Doing the detox meant we had to talk and explain what they were doing and thinking! It made me
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realize the value of real contact that I had forgotten.
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I managed the whole week! At first, I really felt I was missing out.
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Then instead of messaging my friend, I went round to her house. Without our phones, we had a proper
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conversation for over two hours, without being distracted by
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messages from other people. It felt so good! Then I decided to visit a different friend every day. By
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the fifth day, I wondered-was I really missing out by not constantly
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checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to
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To be honest, I didn`t find the detox too difficult, but he did give my phone to my dad to avoid
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giving in. My brother thought I should make full use of the time without my phone, so he took me to
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check out our local sports center. An hour`s sport each day left me tired out and wanting to go to bed
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early. The detox made me healthier. ( ) ( )
I’m embarrassed to say that I threw in the towel on the first day! I knew there was a party
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happening that evening, but without access to social media I couldn’t remember where it was. I turned
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on my phone to check, but couldn’t resist having a quick look at my social media accounts. What’s
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worse, I then spent so much time catching up on news, I almost missed the party.
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The detox raised a total of 1632.82 for new school sports equipment! Well done, everyone who
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took part! After reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something other than money has also
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been raised through the detox. Awareness of just how much we rely on social media can help us step
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away from it and communicate with each other better( )
(1)seem to do sth___________(2)set a goal__________(3)make the most of_____________
(4)at the beginning of ___________(5)map our____________(6)plan to do sth___________
(7) tend to do sth________________(8) put off__________ (9) at the top of __________
(9) break down into___________ (10) turn A into B__________(11)instead of_____________
(12) social media___________(13) such as_______________ (14) end up doing sth_________
(15) save time________ (16)whether…. or…___________(17) get through_______
(18) in fact _________ (19) keep an eye on____________(20) fail to do sth____________
(21) at the start of _________(22) persuade sb to do sth ________(23) stop doing sth ___________ (24) mean doing sth __________(25) promise sb sth ___________(26) switch on _____________
(27)switch off ________(28) be eager to do sth _________(29) as + adj + as ________________
(30) find out _____________(31) motivate sb to do sth ______________
(32) adj + enough to do sth ________________ (33) if anything ______________
(34) learn A from B ____________ (35) feel like____________(36)on reflection _____________
(37) be occupied with ______________ (38) spend + 时间+ doing sth _____________
(39) pick up ____________ (40) at the weekend ___________(41) make sb do sth _____________
(42) manage sth ___________ (43) at first ____________ (44) miss out ______________
(45) have a conversation __________ (46) be distracted by _______(47) decide to do sth________
(48) be up to _____________ (49) to be honest __________(50) give sth to sb _________
(51) avoid doing sth ___________(52) give in ___________(53)make full use of __________
(54)check out ___________(55)leave sb +adj ___________ (56) tired out __________
(57) make sb + adj __________(58) throw in the towel ________(59)access to sth ___________
(61) in the end ___________ (62) tun on __________(63)resist doing sth __________
(64) have a quick look at __________(65) What’s worse __________(66)catch up on ________
(67)raise money ___________ (68) a total of ___________(69)well done ____________
(70) take part in _________(71)it seems that… ____________ (72) other than ___________
(73)rely on ___________(74)step away from ___________(75)communicate with ____________
三. 写出下列词的词性及汉语意思
(1) manage _______________ management ____________ manager ______________
(2) produce _____________ product ____________ production _____________
productive _____________________
(3) care _____________careful ________________ careless ___________
(4) complete _____________ _____________ compete ____________
(5) expect ______________ unexpected ______________ expectation _____________
(6) equip ____________ equipment ___________
(7) little ____________ less _____________ least ______________
(8) society ____________ social __________ ______________
(9) security ____________ secure _______________
(10) embarrassed ___________ embarrassing__________ embarrassment ______________



