重庆市西南大学附属中学校2023-2024七年级上学期期末 英语试题(含解析无听力原文及音频)

1. A. Good morning. B. Good evening. C. Good afternoon.
2. A. Thank you. B. It’s interesting. C. I think so.
3. A. It’s in the bag. B. It’s black. C. It’s a phone.
4. A. Sorry, I don’t. B. On Sunday. C. Yes, it is.
5. A. OK, I’ll take them. B. Let’s see. C. That sounds good.
6. A. I’m OK. B. No, I’m not. C. Sure.
7. A. B. C.
8. A. B. C.
9. A. They’re books. B. They’re maps. C. They’re pens.
10. A. Sally’s. B. Linda’s. C. Mary’s.
11. A. 5 dollars. B. 3 dollars. C. 2 dollars.
12. A. Music. B. Science. C. English.
13. How old is Grace
A. Five. B. Ten. C. Twelve.
14. When is Tom’s birthday
A. On March 12th. B. On July 5th. C. On July 15th.
15. What does Linda like for breakfast
A. Fruit. B. Salad. C. Vegetables.
16. What does the boy want to know
A. Linda’s favorite sports. B. Linda’s school time. C. Linda’s eating habits.
17. What’s Bob’s phone number
A. 232—7246. B. 232—4672. C. 358—6344.
18. Who is Bob’s P.E. teacher
A. Mr. Hu. B. Mr. Li C. Mrs. Wang.
19. Why does Frank like geography
A. Because it is useful. B. Because it is difficult. C. Because it is fun.
20. When do they have geography
A. On Tuesday and Friday.
B. On Wednesday and Friday.
C. On Tuesday and Thursday.
Hi, my name’s Jack. I am 1 Englishman, but I work in China. I am a teacher of English in a 2 . And there are thirty-five 3 in my class. I like the students and they 4 me, too. Look, what’s this Yes, 5 is a picture of my class. It’s 6 the wall (墙). The girl in red is our monitor (班长). She likes soccer. And she 7 three soccer balls. After class, she always plays soccer 8 her classmates. I like sports, 9 I don’t play them. I only watch them. I think my students 10 really cool.
1.A.a B.an C.the
2.A.school B.schools C.school’s
3.A.student B.students’ C.students
4.A.like B.likes C.liking
5.A.its B.it C.it’s
6.A.on B.from C.under
7.A.having B.have C.has
8.A.with B.about C.to
9.A.and B.but C.so
10.A.am B.is C.are
I’m Jerry. I have a nice 11 . His name is Bobby. This is a photo 12 him. I love him very much.
“Bobby, 13 is my phone I can’t find it on the bed,” I ask Bobby. “Woof! Woof!” Bobby barks (吠叫) next to the desk. And I find my phone on it. “Where’s my 14 hat, Bobby ” “Woof! Woof!” Bobby barks next to my table. “No, it’s the yellow one. I want the red one.” Bobby barks next to my bed. And I find it on my quilt. “Bobby, where’s the 15 ” “Woof! Woof!” Bobby barks next to a box. “It’s your baseball in the box, Bobby. Where’s 16 ” I say to Bobby. “Woof! Woof!” Bobby barks next to the 17 . “Yes, it’s under the chair. Thank you, Bobby!”
This is my dog Bobby. In my room, Bobby can 18 everything for me. It’s so nice to have Bobby, 19 I lost him one day. If you see him, please 20 me at 682-3656.
11.A.cat B.dog C.picture D.player
12.A.of B.in C.to D.at
13.A.where B.how C.what D.why
14.A.yellow B.white C.red D.brown
15.A.photo B.hat C.baseball D.box
16.A.yours B.mine C.his D.hers
17.A.bed B.quilt C.table D.chair
18.A.find B.say C.ask D.play
19.A.because B.so C.after D.but
20.A.e-mail B.call C.meet D.watch
From To Departure Time (出发时间) Arrival Time (到达时间) Price(Ticket) (票价)
Beibei Fuling 09:00 11:30 ¥50
Beibei Dazu 08:30 09:30 ¥38
Beibei Hechuan 10:30 11:30 ¥17
21.The departure time from Beibei to Fuling is ________.
A.09:00 B.09:30 C.10:30 D.11:30
22.The price from Beibei to Dazu is ________.
A.¥17 B.¥38 C.¥50 D.¥57
23.The time from Beibei to Hechuan is about ________.
A.0.5 hour B.1 hour C.1.5 hours D.2 hours
24.What color is the yeti
A.Black. B.Green. C.Yellow. D.White.
25.Who is Jin
A.Yeti’s teacher. B.Yi’s father. C.Peng’s cousin. D.Peng’s uncle.
26.Where does Yi come from
A.Guangzhou. B.Chongqing. C.Shanghai. D.Beijing.
27.What does Peng like
A.Volleyball. B.Ping-pong. C.Soccer. D.Basketball.
Hi, I’m Gina. I am from Chongqing. I have a folk dance (民间舞蹈) class at school. I have it on Wednesday morning. I can know about the history of the folk dance, too. I think Ms. Smith is a good teacher.
Hello, I’m David. I come from Guangzhou. There is a relaxing subject in my school. It is about taking photos. We have it on Monday afternoon. Mr. Brown teaches (教) us how to take photos. After class, I take a photo of my family. Look, this is the photo. It’s a nice picture. Do you think so Oh, who’s the boy in the middle It’s not me. He is my brother Jerry.
Hey, I’m Mary. I’m a twelve-year-old girl from Guizhou. I love sports. My favorite subject is tennis. It’s not easy, but interesting. Can you see the man in the picture He is my teacher Mr. Green. He is good at playing tennis.
28.Who is Gina’s teacher
A.Ms. Smith. B.Mr. Brown. C.Ms. White. D.Mr. Green.
29.How many people (多少人) are there in David’s family
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
30.Why does Mary like tennis
A.Because it is easy. B.Because it is boring.
C.Because it is free. D.Because it is interesting.
31.What do they all talk about (谈论)
A.Families. B.Sports. C.Subjects. D.Colors.
I’m Lisa. Today is our family day and we’ll have a family dinner this evening. My mother asks what everyone wants to have this evening. Here are our answers.
My Grandparents Paul Brown and Sally Brown“We like to have black fungus and well get some purple sweet potatoes from our farm. We are sixty-three years old now. Eating the food in those colors can help us stay young (保持年轻).” My Father Nick Brown“I want to have some orange or yellow food such as carrots, oranges and pumpkins. When I work, I have to sit in front of the computer for a long time every day. I think orange or yellow vegetables and fruits are good for my eyes.”
My Brother Tony“Can I have some green vegetables like spinach I’m in our school soccer team (队) and I want to be a soccer player one day. Green food is good for us, so all our team member seat green vegetables every day.” I“For me. I like some apples and strawberries. Our teacher says that red food can help remember (记忆) things better. You know, my history is not good. I want to eat more red food, so I can remember things well.”
In the evening, we have a nice dinner. Different colors of the food are like a rainbow (彩虹) on the table. All of us have a very good time.
farm fungus pumpkins sweet potatoes spinach
32.What color of the food do Lisa’s grandparents like
A.Red and orange. B.Orange and yellow. C.Green and red. D.Black and purple.
33.Why does Lisa’s father want to have orange or yellow things
A.Because they are good for his eyes.
B.Because they are good for his head.
C.Because they can help him stay young.
D.Because they can help to remember things.
34.What does Lisa’s brother want to be
A. B. C. D.
35.What’s Lisa’s last name
A.Smith. B.Brown. C.Green. D.Black
Hello, everyone! I’m Kate Duncan, a six-year-old girl from the US. Kate is my first name and Duncan is my last name.
___▲___ You can see me in the first photo. I am in a colorful dress (裙子). In the next picture you can see my family. I have a really big family. There are seven people in it. Can you find where I am I am in front of (在……前面) my father, Bob Duncan. My mother Amy Duncan is next to my father. She is a teacher and she is always busy. Toby, my brother, is in front of my mother. He is only one year old. My sister Helen sits (坐) next to my mother. She is 18. She likes taking photos. P.J., my 20-year-old brother, is on the right (右边) of Helen. He always helps other people. And he likes playing ping-pong very much. Oh Who is the boy next to my father He is Gabe, my brother. He is 14. His favorite subject is science.
This is my big family.
36.How old is Kate
A.Six. B.Fourteen. C.Eighteen. D.Twenty.
37.Who does the underlined word “He” refer to (指代)
A.Bob. B.Toby. C.P.J. D.Gabe.
38.Which of the following sentence can be put in the ___▲___ (下面哪一个句子最适合填在___▲___)
A.This is my friend Jane. B.Here are two nice photos.
C.I like ice-cream and apples. D.My favorite subject is English.
39.Which family tree is right
A. B.
C. D.
A: Excuse me, what’s this in English
B: 40
A: What color is it
B: It’s yellow.
A: 41
B: No, it isn’t. I don’t like yellow. It’s hers.
A: 42
B: Purple. It is my favorite color.
A: 43
B: P-U-R-P-L-E.
A: Thank you!
B: 44
A.What color do you like
B.It’s mine.
C.You’re welcome.
D.Spell it, please.
E.Is it yours
F.It’s a schoolbag.
G.It’s on the table.
Lucy’s birthday is on Saturday. She asks her friend Peter to come to her birthday party. Peter wants to look cool. He asks everyone, “What should I wear (穿) ”
“Wear your yellow shirt,” his mom says. “It is my favorite.”
“Wear your blue shirt, I like the color.” Peter’s brother Bob says.
“Wear your long trousers,” Peter’s teacher says.
“Wear the green and red shorts,” Peter’s friend Callie says.
“Wear the socks,” his aunt says.
“Wear the cowboy boots,” his uncle says.
“Wear your hat” his grandma says.
Peter puts on (穿) all the clothes. Does he look cool No, Peter looks silly (傻的). And it’s too hot (热) for him! Peter goes home. He changes (更换) his clothes. He puts on his favorite shirt, trousers, socks and shoes. “Now I am cool,” says Peter.
45.Is Lucy’s birthday on Sunday
46.Why does Peter want to look cool
47.Who wants Peter to have a hat
48.What does Peter really like
49.I like the books in the school / la br ri/.
50.Here is a /'kwest n/ for you—do you like English
51.Next month we’ll have an art /’fest vl/ in our school.
52.—Do you like (banana)
—Yes, I do.
53.My classes (完成) at 17:30.
54.Lucy and Gina go to the (相同的) school.
55.Does Mike have a soccer ball (作肯定回答)
Yes, .
56.The yellow socks are ¥10.(对划线部分提问)
are the yellow socks
57.What’s his name (变为同义句)
I sleep for nine hours a day— 10 p.m. 7 a.m the next morning.
Let’s the food for dinner.
Hello! I’m Mary and I have a clothes store. The clothes are not 60 boys or girls. They’re for dogs. Do you have a dog Come and b 61 clothes at our great sale. We sell all our clothes at very good p 62 .
Look! We have green T-shirts for $15. The white sweaters are very good. 63 are only $12. How much is the blue skirt It’s $16. Does your dog need a bag The black one looks small 64 you can put (放) much dogs’ food in it. The bag is only $10. 65 about the trousers They are only $12. We have dogs’ shoes and socks in our store, too. Call us about our c 66 at 678-1245. We’re 67 here to help you.
Name Age (年龄) Telephone Number Favorite Food Favorite Color Favorite Sports
Wang Wei 13 528-6918 eggs purple soccer
Cindy 12 452-3782 chicken blue basketball
Dear Michael,
I have a great time in my new school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your friend,
Li Hua
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
on在上面;from从;under在下面。on the wall“在墙上”。故选A。
with和;about关于;to到。根据“plays soccer...her classmates”可知是和同学踢足球。故选A。
11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B
cat猫;dog狗;picture图片;player运动员。根据“His name is Bobby.”及“This is my dog Bobby.”可知,此处是在介绍狗狗Bobby。故选B。
of……的;in在里面;to到;at在。a photo of“一张……的照片”。故选A。
where哪里;how如何;what什么;why为什么。根据“I can’t find it on the bed”可知,此处是问手机在哪里。故选A。
yellow黄色的;white白色的;red红色的;brown棕色的。根据“No, it’s the yellow one. I want the red one.”可知,是问红色的帽子在哪。故选C。
photo照片;hat帽子;baseball棒球;box盒子。根据“It’s your baseball in the box, Bobby.”可知,是问棒球在哪里。故选C。
yours你的;mine我的;his他的;hers她的。根据“It’s your baseball in the box, Bobby.”可知,此处是问我的棒球在哪里,用mine指代“我的棒球”。故选B。
bed床;quilt被子;table桌子;chair椅子。根据“Yes, it’s under the chair.”可知,是在椅子旁边叫。故选D。
e-mail发邮件;call打电话;meet遇见;watch观看。根据“me at 682-3656”可知,是打电话。故选B。
21.A 22.B 23.B
21. 细节理解题。根据题干中的The departure time from Beibei to Fuling,并结合文本表格可知,从Beibei去Fuling的出发时间是09:00。故选A。
22. 细节理解题。根据题干中的The price from Beibei to Dazu,并结合文本表格可知,从Beibei去Dazu的票价是38元。故选B。
23. 推理判断题。根据题干中的The time from Beibei to Hechuan,并结合文本表格可知,从Beibei去Hechuan的时间是从10:30到11:30,时长1小时。故选B。
24.D 25.C 26.C 27.D
24.细节理解题。根据“I’m a yeti. I’m big and white.”可知,雪人是白色的,故选D。
25.细节理解题。根据“I’m Jin. ... I have a cousin. His name is Peng.”可知,Jin是Peng的堂哥,故选C。
26.细节理解题。根据“I am in Shanghai.”可知,Yi来自上海,故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“I’m Peng. I like playing basketball.”可知,Peng喜欢篮球,故选D。
28.A 29.D 30.D 31.C
28.细节理解题。根据“Hi, I’m Gina...I think Ms. Smith is a good teacher.”可知,史密斯老师是她的老师,故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据“Oh, who’s the boy in the middle It’s not me. He is my brother Jerry.”和图片可知,图片有五个人,加上大卫,一共六个人,故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据“My favorite subject is tennis. It’s not easy, but interesting. ”可知,因为网球很有趣,故选D。
31.细节理解题。根据“I have a folk dance (民间舞蹈) class at school.”,“There is a relaxing subject in my school. It is about taking photos”以及“My favorite subject is tennis.”可知,他们都在谈论科目,故选C。
32.D 33.A 34.B 35.B
32.细节理解题。根据第一个方框“We like to have black fungus and well get some purple sweet potatoes from our farm”可知,丽萨的祖父母喜欢的食物颜色是黑色和紫色。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据第二个方框“I think orange or yellow vegetables and fruits are good for my eyes”可知,这些颜色的东西对眼睛有好处。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据第三个方框“I want to be a soccer player one day”可知,丽萨的哥哥想要成为一个足球运动员。故选B。
35.判断推理题。根据丽萨的爸爸的名字“Nick Brown”可推测,丽萨的姓为Brown。故选B。
36.A 37.C 38.B 39.A
36.细节理解题。根据“I’m Kate Duncan, a six-year-old girl from the US”可知,Kate6岁,故选A。
37.代词指代题。根据“P.J., my 20-year-old brother, is on the right (右边) of Helen. He always helps other people”可知,P.J.在海伦的右边,他总是帮助别人。所以He指的是P.J.。故选C。
38.推理判断题。根据“You can see me in the first photo.”和“ In the next picture you can see my family.”可知,这里是介绍两张照片,所以B选项“这里有两张不错的照片。”符合,故选B。
40.F 41.E 42.A 43.D 44.C
40.根据“what’s this in English“可知,询问物品是什么,空处应填物品,选项F“它是一个书包。 ”符合语境。故选F。
41.根据“No, it isn’t. I don’t like yellow. It’s hers.”可知,空处是一般疑问句,询问物品是谁的,选项E“它是你的吗?”符合语境。故选E。
42.根据“Purple. It is my favorite color.”可知,此处谈论喜欢的颜色,空处询问对方喜欢什么颜色,选项A“你喜欢什么颜色?”符合语境。故选A。
44.根据“Thank you!”可知,空处为感谢的应答语。选项C“不客气。”符合语境。故选C。
45.No. 46.Because he will go to Lucy’s birthday party. 47.Peter’s grandma. 48.He likes his favorite shirt, trousers, socks and shoes.
45.根据“Lucy’s birthday is on Saturday.”可知,露西的生日在周六,不是周日,故填No.
46.根据“She asks her friend Peter to come to her birthday party. Peter wants to look cool.”可知,露西邀请彼得来参加她的生日聚会,所以彼得想看起来很酷。故填Because he will go to Lucy’s birthday party.
47.根据“‘Wear your hat’ his grandma says.”可知,故填Peter’s grandma.
48.根据“He puts on his favorite shirt, trousers, socks and shoes.”可知,他穿上他最喜欢的衬衫、裤子、袜子和鞋子。故填He likes his favorite shirt, trousers, socks and shoes.
【详解】句意:在我们学校,下个月我们会有一个艺术节。根据音标提示可知英文表达是festival“节日”,名词,an art festival“一个艺术节”。故填festival。
55. he does
56. How much
【详解】句意:黄色的袜子是10元。划线部分表示价格,用how much提问,句首需大写首字母,故填How;much。
57. Who is
58. from to
59. think about
【详解】think about“想一想”,Let’s后用动词原形,故填think;about 。
61.(b)uy 62.(p)rices 63.They 64.but 65.What##How 66.(c)lothes 67.always
60.句意:这些衣服不适合男孩或女孩。根据“They’re for dogs.”可知,衣服是给狗穿的,不是给孩子穿的,应用介词for。故填for。
61.句意:来买我们大减价的衣服吧。根据“We sell all our clothes”可知,是指买衣服,buy“买”,句子是祈使句,动词用原形,故填(b)uy。
62.句意:我们所有的衣服都以很优惠的价格出售。 at very good prices表示“价格优惠”,是固定短语,故填(p)rices。
63.句意:它们只要12美元。空处指代white sweaters,作主语,应用they。故填They。
65.句意:裤子呢?此处是what/how about“……呢”结构,故填What/How。
66.句意:请致电678-1245询问我们的衣服。根据上文“Hello! I’m Mary and I have a clothes store.”可知,打电话咨询的是衣服,应用clothes,故填(c)lothes。
67.句意:我们一直在这里帮助你。根据“We’re...here to help you.”可知,应是时刻准备着回答顾客的需求,always“总是”符合语境,故填always。
Dear Michael,
I have a great time in my new school. I made two new friends and I want to introduce them to you.
Wang Wei is 13 years old. His telephone number is 528-6918. He likes eggs because he thinks eggs are good for health. He likes purple best among all the colors. His favorite sport is soccer. Cindy is 12 years old. Her telephone number is 452-3782. She likes chicken and her favorite color is blue. She likes playing basketball with us.
Do you want to make friends with them I look forward to your reply.
Your friend,
Li Hua
②be good for有益于
③make friends with与……交朋友
④look forward to期待
①He likes eggs because he thinks eggs are good for health.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②She likes chicken and her favorite color is blue.(并列句)



