重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024八年级上学期期末 英语试题(含解析无听力原文及音频)

第一节(每小题1. 5分,共9分)
1. A. Sure, I'd love to. B. Not at all. C. I hope not.
2. A. A pilot. B. On a space station. C. Flying.
3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I will. C. Yes, I did.
4. A. For two hours. B. It's boring. C. Hardly ever.
5. A. Delicious. B. Hard. C. Hot.
6. A. My parents. B. My teacher. C. My mother.
第二节(每小题1. 5分,共9分)
7. A. [w : d] B. ['w nd (r)] C. ['win (r)]
8. A. She stayed at home.
B. She went to the beach.
C. She went to Hongkong.
9. A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.
10. A. An action movie. B. A scary movie. C. A cartoon.
11. A. Go to Japan. B. Study hard. C. Learn Japanese.
12. A. Happy. B. Unhappy. C. Surprised.
第三节(每小题1. 5分,共6分)
13. Does the boy agree with Jenny's ideas
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't know.
14. What problem does Jenny think people will have in the future
A. Pollution. B. Robots. C. Both A and B.
15. What's Sally going to do in the winter holiday
A. Go to Shanghai. B. Stay at home. C. Have some classes.
16. If John does well in the final exam, what will he probably do
A. Play computer games. B. Go to Disneyland. C. Do homework all day.
第四节(每小题1. 5分,共6分)
17. The chicken salad is different because her family puts ________in it.
A. strawberry jam (果酱) B. oranges C. lettuce
18. There are ________steps to make the chicken salad.
A. two B. three C. four
19. If you have a favorite chicken salad recipe (食谱), you can ________the writer.
A. call B. email C. visit
20. The passage is mainly about ________.
A. Tina's family
B. all kinds of fruit salads
C. a different chicken salad
1.My dream is to be ________astronaut to travel in space when I grow up.
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.Mr. Xi Jinping’s visit to America greatly improved the ________ between two countries.
A.information B.education C.discussion D.relationship
3.—Ms.Smart, how can I get better grades in English
—Nothing is impossible ________ our hard work, kid.
A.without B.for C.of D.through
4.Miss Zhang is one of ________ I know.
A.the most understanding teacher B.the most understanding teachers
C.the more understanding teacher D.the more understanding teachers
5.—Tony, stop playing with your phone. The final exam is coming!
—Don’t worry, mom. I’ll ________ it.
A.prepare for B.agree with C.hear from D.look for
6.I think our city will have ________ pollution in the future if everyone plays a part in saving the environment.
A.fewer B.less C.more D.much
7.— Do you always keep your worries to yourself
— Of course not! We’ll certainly feel worse ________we talk to someone about our problems.
A.because B.when C.unless D.if
8.—What will happen if anyone ________ smart clothes to the party
—Teachers will not let you in.
A.will wear B.wear C.doesn’t wear D.don’t wear
9.—We should live a greener life to be friendly to our mother earth.
—I can’t agree more. I think something small like using ________ sides of paper will help.
A.each B.every C.both D.all
10.It may take humans ________ years to move to another planet.
A.hundreds of B.hundred of C.hundred D.hundreds
“Poor Grandma!” Daisy began to talk with her brother Jack when arriving home. “I wish we could do something to make her happy.”
Grandma 11 her leg. The doctor said she would be in bed for six weeks. Grandma likes looking after 12 and taking a rest in her garden, so she would not like sitting in her chair waiting for getting well again. She would be 13 .
“How about a terrarium (栽培盒) ” cried Jack. “Terrariums are little indoor gardens that people can 14 in glass bottles. In this way, Grandma can enjoy a mini-garden in her house 15 the six weeks.”
Daisy agreed. After looking up information online and asking for advice from gardeners, they found terrarium-making wasn’t that difficult, 16 they still got a lot to do. Then they busily began their terrarium-making. First, they needed some materials (材料), so they visited the garden shops nearby, looking for the materials and choosing two of Grandma’s favorite plants 17 .
Then they began to build the terrarium. First, they put some drainage (排水的) materials at the bottom (底部) of the bottle. Next, they 18 some dark, rich soil (土壤). Then they grew the plants in the soil. One was tall with thin, green leaves. 19 was short with bright pink flowers. To make the terrarium more colorful, Daisy placed light yellow rocks and bright green moss. Finally, they watered the plants.
When Daisy and Jack showed Grandma the terrarium, she was really happy. She placed the terrarium in her room and every time she looked at it, she remembered the love and care that her 20 put into it.
11.A.broke B.fell C.stood D.helped
12.A.animals B.pets C.fruits D.plants
13.A.worried B.bored C.surprised D.comfortable
14.A.clean B.touch C.build D.cover
15.A.during B.before C.after D.between
16.A.so B.because C.though D.when
17.A.quietly B.carefully C.cheaply D.peacefully
18.A.added B.hung C.bought D.took
19.A.Another B.The other C.Other D.The others
20.A.sons B.friends C.grandma D.grandchildren
At the end of this term, our school magazine asked students about their favorite subjects. The questions were about what subject they like best, why they like them and how they learn them. Here are the results.
21.25 percent of the students like ________ best.
A.Chinese B.math C.English D.history
22.What percent of the students think their favorite subject is fun
A.9%. B.15%. C.30%. D.46%.
23.Which is the most common way of learning
A.Doing exercises. B.Listening to the teachers carefully.
C.Taking notes. D.Working with friends.
Joel Sartore is a speaker, writer, teacher and National Geographic (国家地理) photographer (摄影师). He is famous for his photos of animals in danger. Here is an interview (采访) with him.
Question: How did you become a National Geographic photographer
Answer: My first job was for a newspaper. After spending a few years there, I met a National Geographic photographer. He liked my photos and said I should send some to the magazine. So I did. Then I got a one-day job with the National Geographic. And after that, I got a nine-day job, and so on.
Question: What kind of photographer is National Geographic looking for
Answer: To get into the National Geographic team, you have to show them something they don’t have. It’s not enough just to be a great photographer. You also need some special skills (技能). You have to, for example, be a scientist, be able to dive (潜水) under the sea or spend some days in a tree.
Question: Many people want to be a photographer. Do you have any advice for them
Answer: Advice Well, work hard. Take lots of pictures in different places. Look at others’ photos carefully and learn from them. And keep curious (好奇的) about the world. There’s something to photograph everywhere. Be a photographer for the right reasons. If you do it for the money, you won’t be happy. But do you want to make the world a better place If so, you’ll find your work more enjoyable and meaningful.
24.Joel Sartore is not a ________.
A.speaker B.photographer C.doctor D.writer
25.How long did Joel Sartore first worked for National Geographic
A.For one day. B.For nine days. C.For a month. D.For a few years.
26.Who can most probably get into the National Geographic team
A.Greg, a young man who is good at paragliding.
B.Laura, a photographer who has worked for 20 years.
C.Vince, a young reporter who is a man of high education.
D.Steve, a great photographer who is good at climbing mountains.
27.According to Joel Sartore, what makes a photographer enjoy his work better
A.Making much money. B.Taking lots of pictures.
C.Trying to make the world a better place. D.Being a scientist and diving under the sea.
The old gentleman looked out at the station as the train came in. He saw a little girl running to his carriage (车厢). He stood up and leaned (身体倾斜) out of the window.
“Please read this.” the girl said, and put a letter into his hand.
The train left the station. The old gentleman sat down and read the letter.
Dear Mr. We do not know your name,
Mother is ill and the doctor says she needs some things. But she says she doesn’t have the money. She has to buy food for us. We do not know anyone here and Father is away, and we do not know where he is now. Father will pay you, or if he has no money, I will pay you when I am a man. I promise you. Could you please be kind to get all the things on the list at the end of the letter and give them to the Station Master
The letter was signed (署名) Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis.
The old gentleman read the letter and smiled. Then he put it in his bag and started to read his newspaper again.
That night the children got a bag full of everything on the list. And there were also many things they didn’t ask for, such as chicken and apples. There was a letter, too.
Dear Peter, Roberta and Phyllis,
Here are the things on your list, and I hope your mother will soon be better. When she asks where the things come from, tell her they are from a friend. When she is well, you can tell her the truth. She may say that you were wrong to ask a stranger (陌生人) for these things, but tell her that I think you were quite right.
The letter was signed “G. P”.
(Adapted from The Railway Children)
28.What’s the children’s purpose (目的) of writing the letter
A.To make a new friend. B.To invite the old gentleman to their home.
C.To describe how poor they were. D.To ask for help.
29.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.The bag. B.The letter. C.The money. D.The newspaper.
30.Which is the right order of the following events
a. The old gentleman read the letter.
b. The girl put a letter into the old gentleman’s hand.
c. The old gentleman gave a bag to the Station Master.
d. Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis read the letter from the old gentleman.
A.a-b-d-c B.a-d-b-c C.b-a-c-d D.b-c-d-a
31.Which of the following best describes the old gentleman
A.Kind. B.Funny. C.Outgoing. D.Clever.
When do you become an adult (成年人) The answers are different from country to country. In modern China, adulthood for both boys and girls starts at the age of 18. By the time most people reach 18, they have finished high school and are ready for university. So a person’s 18th birthday often means a celebration of both adulthood and the start of college life.
Did children in ancient (古代的) China become adults at 18 In fact, boys in ancient China became adults at 20 and girls at 15. And there was a ceremony (仪式) to celebrate this time. After the ceremony, a young person could be called an “adult”.
For girls, the ceremony was called Ji Li. “Ji” is a kind of hairpin (发夹). In ancient times, only girls from rich families could have this ceremony. It was simple and didn’t take much time. Before the ceremony, a girl would tie (系) her hair on the top of her head. At the ceremony, a woman in the family would put a hairpin on a girl’s hair. It meant she was now an adult. After the ceremony, she needed to learn a lot, like the right way to speak and dress.
For boys, the ceremony was called Guan Li. ________ Before the ceremony, a boy’s family often chose a lucky day and invited many guests. On that day, the boy needed to dress up. The father would wash hands and put three hats on the boy’s head, one by one. Then the boy would change into another set of clothes to go with the color of the hats. After these steps, the boy would become a “man”.
32.When did a person become an adult in ancient China
A.At the age of 18 for both boys and girls. B.At the age of 18 for boys and 15 for girls.
C.At the age of 20 for boys and 15 for girls. D.At the age of 20 for boys and 18 for girls.
33.Which of the following can be put in _________.
A.It was usually in May. B.“Guan” is a kind of hat.
C.It was the same as Ji Li. D.After Guan Li, the boy would have a new name.
34.What can we infer (推测) from the passage
A.People saw a boy’s Guan Li as an important celebration.
B.On a boy’s Guan Li, the father put three hats on his son’s head.
C.All boys and girls had a ceremony to celebrate their being an adult.
D.People expected boys to speak and dress in a right way after they grew up.
35.In which magazine can you most probably read this article
A.Nature B.Science News C.China in Culture D.Life in the Future
①Have you heard of a computer program that can understand what you say and answer you in a human-like way Well, ChatGPT, one of the most powerful AIs of its kind, has excited the world.
②People have tested how ChatGPT works. A teacher asked ChatGPT to write answers to exam questions. It could almost get perfect grades. A mom took a picture of the food in her kitchen and sent it into ChatGPT. It was able to tell her what dishes she could make and how to cook them. A father asked ChatGPT to think up ideas of a birthday party for his son. It could give a plan combining (结合) the kid’s two favorites, pandas and soccer.
③What’s more, when people ask ChatGPT questions, it can find mistakes. If you ask what happened when Columbus arrived in America in 2023, older AIs might give a story. But ChatGPT will tell you that Columbus got to America in the 1400s. Also, ChatGPT will not provide information on dark and bad things. For example, if you ask it for advice on stealing (盗窃) a car, it will say that this can bring serious results and you can choose to take a bus.
④ChatGPT might help in many ways, but there are still some worries. Open AI said its users had better be careful about the information given by ChatGPT, because it is trained (训练) using information from the Internet, but some may not be right. Also, some think that people will use ChatGPT to copy others’ work and sell it as their own.
⑤It’s still too soon to say what kind of effect (影响) ChatGPT will have on our lives. Let’s hope that, if ChatGPT does become bigger and more popular, its effects are mostly good.
36.In Paragraph 2, the writer describes how ChatGPT works by _________.
A.giving examples B.telling a story C.answering questions D.showing differences
37.Which is most probably a conversation (对话) between you and ChatGPT?
A.I: What kind of plant is it in this picture
AI: Sorry, I am not able to understand pictures. I can only understand words.
B.I: Find something as a gift for my cousin’s birthday. He likes dogs and basketball.
AI: There is no such gift.
C.I: Is Li Bai, a writer from Japan, famous all ovr the world
AI: Yes, because his writing is fantastic.
D.I: To make turkey, a traditional food for Chinese New Year, what do I need
AI: For your information, turkey is a traditional food for Thanksgiving. And you need to prepare a turkey, cornbread, onions and gravy. 38.How is the passage organized (①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2... )
A. B. C. D.
39.What’s the best title of this passage
A.Say No to ChatGPT! B.Get Success with ChatGPT!
C.ChatGPT is Catching the World’s Eyes! D.Can ChatGPT Take the Place of Humans
Peter: Hi, Kate! Lauren invites me to her home party this Saturday.
Kate: Wow, sounds like fun.
Peter And she says everyone will take one dish to her home to share. You know I’m a green hand for cooking. 40
Kate: Sure. Do you like vegetable salad
Peter: 41 It’s healthy and I often eat it. Is it easy to make
Kate: Yes, I usually make it by myself at home. Let me show you how to make it now.
Peter: Great! 42
Kate:We need two small tomatoes, a cucumber (黄瓜) and some salad dressing (调料).
Peter: 43
Kate: About three spoons. Then, cut the vegetables into small pieces.
Peter: OK. 44
Kate: Put them into a bowl. Then, add the salad dressing and mix them together.
Peter: Wow, so easy. You are really my life saver. Thanks a lot!
Kate: You’re welcome. Have fun!
A.Would you like to come with me
B.What’s next
C.What do we need
D.How do you make it
E.I think so.
F.Could you please teach me how to cook something
G.How much salad dressing do we need
A farmer had a fine orchard (果园). He was hard-working all his life, but his three sons disliked farm work. They were only interested in getting rich quickly and easily.
When the farmer was old and knew he was going to die soon, he called the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold (金子) hidden (隐藏) in the orchard. Dig for it, if you want it.” The sons wanted to know where the farmer hid the gold, but he said nothing more.
After the farmer died, the sons went to dig for the gold. They did not know where it was, so they decided to begin from one end of the orchard and stop when one of them could find the gold.
They dug and dug. They turned up the earth from one end of the orchard to the other, around the trees and between them. But they couldn’t find the pot. They were really sad to have all their work for nothing.
When the next autumn came, the three sons found more fruit on the trees than ever. They sold the fruit and surprisingly got a whole pot of gold. When they saw the gold, they finally understood what their father really meant, “There is a pot of gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you want it.”
45.Did the farmer’s three sons like farm work
46.How did the three sons feel when they finished digging the orchard
47.Why did the trees have more fruit than ever in the next autumn
48.What did the three sons finally understand
49.At the b of a year, people always make New Year’s resolutions.
50.It’s d to meet online friends who you don’t know very well without telling your parents.
51. (没有一个) of this would be possible without your help.
52.As long as you take your study (serious) enough, you will get good grades.
53.Yangzi River is (long) than any other river in China.
54.I refused (accept) his flowers because I was not interested in him at all.
55.Gina is looking forward to (see) her boyfriend.
56.Not everyone (know) how to eat healthily every day.
57.Jack London wrote many stories about dogs and (send) them to newspapers.
58.There (be) lots of food and drinks available at the party tomorrow.
59.People will use paper money in 100 years.(变为否定句)
People paper money in 100 years.
60.We need three bananas to make a milk shake. (对划线部分提问)
bananas do we need to make a milk shake
61.The buildings fell down. People were inside the buildings.(两句合并为一句)
The buildings fell down people .
62.Because the weather was bad, we couldn’t go paragliding that day. (改为同义句)
the bad weather, we couldn’t go paragliding that day.
Eileen Gu’s success has to her hard work and love for skiing.
64.Robert Hunt students about common problems. He feels the same way as Laura. “It’s best not to run away our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesn’t need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more , and are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like it in half. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!
On December 18th, an earthquake (地震) happened in Gansu Province. Usually people have no 65 about what to do before, during and after an earthquake. To keep you safe (安全的), here is some advice.
An earthquake usually happens in a short time and can be very serious, so it is n 66 to prepare yourself and your family for it. Make sure all family members know 67 to turn off gas (天然气), water and electricity (电). They should also know some important telephone 68 like 120 and 119.
During an earthquake, keeping calm (冷静的) is important. If you are indoors, move to a safe place in the room quickly, for example, 69 a strong desk or table. By doing this, you can save yourself when something 70 down from higher places. Remember to stay away from windows or heavy pictures. If you are cooking, turn off the gas at once. If you are outdoors, move to a clear area like a playground. Get away from buildings, bridges and trees. If you are driving, 71 the car as soon as possible and then just stay inside. Don’t try to drive through an active earthquake.
After an earthquake, don’t run out of the building at once. You’d better stay in your safe place 72 the shaking stops for 1 or 2 minutes. Make sure if there is anybody else around you, then help the people who are in need.
Knowing about yourself: Personalities: outgoing, shy quiet, confident, hard-working, … Hobbies: be interested in…, enjoy… Strengths: be good at…, have talent for. …
Planning for the future: What, where, why: be going to, will, move to… How: take… lessons, study…hard, learn to…, practice…
People never know what will happen in the future. But as long as we know ourselves well and make plans, things will be clear and easy.
考查不定冠词。根据“astronaut to travel in space”可知,此处应用不定冠词表示泛指,astronaut“宇航员”以元音音素开头,不定冠词要用an。故选B。
考查名词辨析。information信息;education教育;discussion探讨;relationship关系。根据“between two countries.”可知,这里是改善了两国关系。故选D。
考查介词辨析。without没有;for为了;of属于;through通过。根据“our hard work”可知,通过努力,我们就能取得好成绩。故选D。
考查最高级。此处是结构one of the+最高级+名词复数“最……的……之一”。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。prepare for为……做准备;agree with同意;hear from收到……来信;look for寻找。根据“The final exam is coming!”及“Don’t worry, mom. I’ll...it.”可知,此处应是为考试做准备。故选A。
考查代词辨析。fewer更少的,修饰可数名词复数;less更少,修饰不可数名词;more更多;much很多。根据“if everyone plays a part in saving the environment.”可知如果每个人都保护环境,污染会更少,pollution是不可数名词,用less。故选B。
考查从属连词辨析。because因为;when当……时候;unless除非;if如果。根据“We’ll certainly feel worse ”和“we talk to someone about our problems”可知,后句是前句的否定条件,本句应用unless引导条件状语从句。故选C。
考查条件状语从句。根据“What will happen if anyone”可知该句考查if引导的条件状语从句,从句应使用一般现在时,排除A;主语是“anyone”为单数,并结合“Teachers will not let you in.”可知,指的是“不穿”漂亮衣服,因此排除B、D两个选项。故选C。
考查代词辨析。each每一个,后跟名词单数;every每一个,后跟名词的单数;both两者,后跟名词复数;all三者及以上都,后跟名词复数。根据“sides of paper”可知,此处是指纸的两面,且sides是复数,用both表示。故选C。
考查hundred的用法。当表达确数,用基数词+hundred;此处表达概数,用hundreds of“数百”表示,后接可数名词复数。故选A。
11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D
broke摔断;fell跌倒;stood站立;helped帮助。根据“The doctor said she would be in bed for six weeks.”可知,医生说奶奶要卧床六周,由此推断奶奶摔断了腿。故选A。
animals动物;pets宠物;fruits水果;plants植物。根据“Grandma likes looking after...taking a rest in her garden”可知,奶奶喜欢在花园里照顾植物。故选D。
worried担心的;bored无聊的;surprised惊讶的;comfortable舒服的。根据“so she would not like sitting in her chair waiting for getting well again.”可知,奶奶不会喜欢坐在椅子上面等着康复,所以会感到非常无聊。故选B。
clean打扫;touch触摸;build建造;cover覆盖。根据“Terrariums are little indoor gardens that people can... in glass bottles.”可知,栽培盒可以建造在玻璃瓶里。故选C。
during在……期间;before在……之前;after在……之后;between在……中间。根据“Grandma can enjoy a mini-garden in her house... the six weeks.”及上文可知,此处指奶奶在卧床等待康复的这六个星期里,可以享受一个迷你花园。故选A。
so所以;because因为;though虽然,不过;when当……时。根据“they found terrarium-making wasn’t that difficult... they still got a lot to do”可知,他们发现制作栽培盒没那么难,不过还是有很多事情要做。故选C。
quietly安静地;carefully认真地;cheaply便宜地;peacefully平静地。根据“so they visited the garden shops nearby, looking for the materials and choosing two of Grandma’s favorite plants...”可知,他们是很认真地找材料,选择奶奶喜爱的植物。故选B。
added添加;hung悬挂;bought买;took拿走。根据“Then they grew the plants in the soil.”可知,他们要先加入土壤,再往里面种植物。故选A。
Another另一;The other两者中的另一个;Other其他的;The others其他人/物。根据上文“choosing two of Grandma’s favorite plants”和“One was tall with thin, green leaves. ”可知,他们选了两种植物,其中一种很高,长着薄薄的绿叶,此处是在描述另一种植物的样子,one... the other...“一个……另一个……”。故选B。
21.C 22.B 23.B
24.C 25.A 26.D 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据“Joel Sartore is a speaker, writer, teacher and National Geographic (国家地理) photographer (摄影师).”可知,乔尔·萨托雷不是医生。故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据“Then I got a one-day job with the National Geographic.”可知,乔尔·萨托雷第一次为《国家地理》工作一天。故选A。
26.推理判断题。根据“To get into the National Geographic team, you have to show them something they don’t have. It’s not enough just to be a great photographer. You also need some special skills (技能). You have to, for example, be a scientist, be able to dive (潜水) under the sea or spend some days in a tree.”可推知,史蒂夫,一个擅长登山的伟大摄影师,最有可能进入国家地理团队。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“But do you want to make the world a better place If so, you’ll find your work more enjoyable and meaningful.”可知,努力让世界变得更美好。故选C。
28.D 29.B 30.C 31.A
28.细节理解题。根据“The train left the station. The old gentleman sat down and read the letter. She has to buy food for us...Could you please be kind to get all the things on the list at the end of the letter and give them to the Station Master ”可知,母亲生病时,彼得、罗伯塔和菲利斯给老先生写了一封信,试图寻求帮助。故选D。
29.词句猜测题。根据“The old gentleman read the letter and smiled. Then he put it in his bag and started to read his newspaper again.”可知,老先生读了信,笑了。然后他把它放进口袋,又开始看报纸。此处“it”指的是那封信。故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据“ ‘Please read this.’ the girl said, and put a letter into his hand.”,“The old gentleman sat down and read the letter.”,“That night the children got a bag full of everything on the list. And there were also many things they didn’t ask for, such as chicken and apples. There was a letter, too.”可知,故事发生的顺序是:女孩把信给了一位老先生,老先生开始读信,老先生送来信中清单上写的物品,并附带一封信,孩子们开始看信,正确的顺序是b-a-c-d。故选C。
31.推理判断题。根据“Here are the things on your list, and I hope your mother will soon be better...but tell her that I think you were quite right.”可知,老先生给了孩子们需要的东西,并告诉孩子们等妈妈好了再告知真相,由此可知老先生是一位乐于助人的善良的人。故选A。
32.C 33.B 34.A 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据“In fact, boys in ancient China became adults at 20 and girls at 15.”可知中国古代的男孩在20岁时成年,女孩在15岁时成年。故选C。
33.推理判断题。根据“For girls, the ceremony was called Ji Li. ‘Ji’ is a kind of hairpin”以及“For boys, the ceremony was called Guan Li”可知此处应介绍“冠”是什么,选项B“‘冠’是一种帽子”符合语境。故选B。
34.推理判断题。根据“Before the ceremony, a boy’s family often chose a lucky day and invited many guests. On that day, the boy needed to dress up”可知在仪式之前,一个男孩的家人经常选择一个幸运的日子,并邀请了许多客人,那天,男孩需要打扮一下,由此可推知人们把一个男孩的冠礼看作是一个重要的庆典。故选A。
36.A 37.D 38.A 39.C
36.细节理解题。根据“A teacher asked ChatGPT to write answers to exam questions...”可知作者通过举例子说明了ChatGPT是如何工作的。故选A。
37.推理判断题。根据“A mom took a picture of the food in her kitchen and sent it into ChatGPT. It was able to tell her what dishes she could make and how to cook them”可知一位妈妈拍下了厨房里食物的照片,并将其发送到ChatGPT,它能够告诉她可以做什么菜以及如何烹饪,故选项D中的对话“我:要做火鸡,一种中国新年的传统食物,我需要什么?AI:供你参考,火鸡是感恩节的传统食物。你需要准备一只火鸡、玉米面包、洋葱和肉汁”可能会发生。故选D。
40.F 41.E 42.C 43.G 44.B
40.根据“You know I’m a green hand for cooking.”及“Sure. Do you like vegetable salad ”可知,Peter不会做,应是向Kate求助,并且Kate答应了。F选项“你能教我如何来烹饪一些东西吗?”符合,故选F。
41.根据“Sure. Do you like vegetable salad ”可知,对方询问是否喜欢蔬菜沙拉,空处应进行回答,E选项“我认为是的。”符合,故选E。
42. 根据“We need two small tomatoes, a cucumber (黄瓜) and some salad dressing (调料).”可知,此处应询问需要什么,C选项“我们需要什么?”符合,故选C。
43.根据“About three spoons. Then, cut the vegetables into small pieces.”可知,此处应询问需要多少沙拉酱,G选项“我们需要多少沙拉酱?”符合,故选G。
44.根据“Then, cut the vegetables into small pieces.”及“Put them into a bowl. Then, add the salad dressing and mix them together”可知,此处应询问下一步是什么,B选项“下一步是什么?”符合,故选B。
45.No./No, they didn’t. 46.Sad./They felt sad. 47.Because the three sons turned up the earth in the orchard./Because the three sons worked hard in the orchard. 48.It’s impossible to get rich quickly and easily. If they want something, they need to work hard for it.
45.根据“but his three sons disliked farm work.”可知农民的三个儿子不喜欢农活,此处要进行否定回答。故填No./No, they didn’t.
46.根据“They were really sad to have all their work for nothing.”可知他们最后很难过。故填Sad./They felt sad.
47.根据“They turned up the earth from one end of the orchard to the other, around the trees and between them.”以及“When the next autumn came, the three sons found more fruit on the trees than ever.”可知是因为三个儿子在果园里翻土/因为三个儿子在果园里辛勤劳作,所以第二年秋天树上的果子比以往任何时候都多。故填Because the three sons turned up the earth in the orchard./Because the three sons worked hard in the orchard.
48.根据“They sold the fruit and surprisingly got a whole pot of gold. When they saw the gold, they finally understood what their father really meant,”可知三个儿子最后才明白想要快速轻松地致富是不可能的。如果想要什么,就得努力工作。故填It’s impossible to get rich quickly and easily. If they want something, they need to work hard for it.
【详解】句意:在一年的开始,人们总是制定新年的决心。根据“people always make New Year’s resolutions.”可知,人们是在一年的开始,制定新年决心,at the beginning of“在……的开始”。故填(b)eginning。
【详解】句意:在没有告诉父母的情况下与不太熟悉的网友见面是很危险的。根据“meet online friends who you don’t know very well without telling your parents.”和首字母提示可知,没有告诉父母,去见网友是危险的,dangerous意为“危险的”,形容词作表语。故填(d)angerous。
【详解】句意:没有你的帮助,这一切都不可能实现。根据汉语提示“没有一个”和“…of this would…”可知,其英文表达为none,表示三者及以上的否定,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填None。
【详解】句意:只要你足够认真地对待你的学习,你将会获得好的成绩。take sth. seriously“认真对待某物”,副词seriously修饰动词take。故填seriously。
【详解】句意:长江比中国的任何其他河流都长。考查形容词比较级的用法。根据than可知用形容词比较级,“any other+单数名词”表示同一范围内进行比较,本句是将长江与国内(同一范围)的河流进行比较。故用long的比较级longer。故填longer。
54.to accept
【详解】句意:我拒绝接受他的花,因为我对他根本不感兴趣。根据空前“refused”可知,此处考查refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”,应用动词accept的动词不定式to accept作宾语。故填to accept。
【详解】句意:吉娜期待着见到她的男朋友。本题考查look forward to doing sth“期待做某事”,因此应用动名词形式作宾语。故填seeing。
【详解】句意:杰克·伦敦写了许多关于狗的故事,并把它们寄给报纸。根据“wrote many stories”可知,本句时态为一般过去时,应用动词send“寄给”的过去式形式。故填sent。
58.will be##is going to be
【详解】句意:明天的聚会上会有很多食物和饮料。根据“tomorrow”可知,是there be的一般将来时结构,there will be/there is/are going to be。离be动词最近的主语是不可数名词food,be动词用is。故填will be/is going to be。
59. won’t use
【详解】句意:100年后人们将使用纸币。该句是一般将来时,主语“people”是复数,原句中谓语部分是“will use”,变否定句可以用will not use,缩写为won’t use。故填won’t;use。
60. How many
【详解】句意:我们需要三根香蕉来做奶昔。划线部分为数量,且bananas“香蕉”为可数名词,对可数名词的数量提问应用how many“多少”,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填How;many。
61. with inside
62. Because of
【详解】句意:因为天气不好,那天我们不能去玩滑翔伞。because+从句“因为……”,等同于because of+名词。故填Because;of。
63. do with
【详解】分析句子,设空处缺“与……有关”,结合设空处前的“has to”可知是短语have to do with“与……有关”。故填do;with。
64. advises from step experience cutting
65.idea 66.(n)ecessary 67.how 68.numbers 69.under 70.falls 71.stop 72.until##till
65.句意:通常情况下,人们不知道在地震之前、期间和之后该做什么。根据“about what to do before, during and after an earthquake.”可知,这里是人们不知道在地震之前、期间和之后该做什么,have no idea意为“不知道”,固定搭配。故填idea。
66.句意:地震通常发生在短时间内,而且可能非常严重,因此有必要为自己和家人做好准备。根据“to prepare yourself and your family for it.”及首字母可知,这里是有必要为自己和家人做好准备,necessary意为“必要的,必须的”。故填(n)ecessary。
67.句意:确保所有家庭成员都知道如何关闭煤气、水和电。根据“to turn off gas (天然气), water and electricity (电).”可知,这里是 知道如何关闭煤气、水和电,how意为“怎样”。故填how。
68.句意:他们还应该知道一些重要的电话号码,比如120和119。根据“like 120 and 119.”可知,这里指重要的电话号码,number意为“号码”,由some可知,这里用复数。故填numbers。
69.句意:如果你在室内,迅速转移到房间里的安全地方,例如,在结实的桌子或桌子下面。根据“a strong desk or table.”可知,这里指桌子下面,under意为“在……下面”。故填under。
70.句意:通过这样做,当有东西从高处坠落时,你可以自救。根据“when something…  down from higher places.”可知,这里是当有东西从高处坠落时,fall意为“下落”,这里是一般现在时,主语为不定代词something,因此谓语用三单形式。故填falls。
71.句意:如果你在开车,尽快停车,然后待在车里。根据“Don’t try to drive through an active earthquake.”可知,这里是尽快停车,stop意为“停止”,这里是祈使句,动词原形开头。故填stop。
72.句意:你最好待在安全的地方,直到震动停止1到2分钟。根据“the shaking stops for 1 or 2 minutes.”可知,这里是由until或till引导的时间状语从句。故填until/till。
People never know what will happen in the future. But as long as we know ourselves well and make plans, things will be clear and easy.
I am outgoing and confident. I am interested in singing and playing basketball. I enjoy reading, too. I am good at getting on well with others and I have talent for sports. I am going to be a teacher. I plan to go to Beijing, the capital of China, because I think there are more chances and better resources in Beijing. I will study harder, go to a good university and learn more teaching skills.
I dream of being an excellent teacher and I hope my dream comes true.
①be interested in对……感兴趣
②be good at擅长
③plan to do计划做某事
④come true实现
①I am good at getting on well with others and I have talent for sports.(并列句)
②I plan to go to Beijing, the capital of China, because I think there are more chances and better resources in Beijing.(原因状语从句)



