Unit 1 My school Part A易错题专练(无答案)

Unit1 My school Part A Part A Let’s learn&Let’s do
1.We have a big bedroom. (改为否定句)
We _______ _______ a big bedroom.
2.It is next to Classroom 3.(变一般疑问句)
3.This is Class 3.(用that改写句子)
4.This is the teachers' office.(改为一般疑问句)
5.We have a big gym. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)
6.—Where is the music room ( )
—It's on the ________ floor.
A.two B.second C.four
7.This is ________ classroom. ( )
A.my B.I C.me
8.The gym is ______ the playground. ( )
A.next to B.next C.under
9.The teachers’ office is on the _____ floor. ( )
A.one B.two C.first
10.—Do you have a library ( )
A.Yes, she does. B.Yes, we do. C.No, he don’t.
Look at my school. It ___1___ so big. The teachers’ office is ___2___ the first floor. The music room is on the ____3____ floor. I go to the ___4____ office to hand in (交)my homework. I go to music room to sing a song. There are fifty-five ____5___ in my class. I like my school.
( )1.A.is B.am C.are
( )2.A.on B.in C.under
( )3.A.one B.two C.second
( )4.A.teacher B.teachers’ C.sudent’s
( )5.A.student B.students C.girl
12.在一楼 _________
13.美术室 _________
14.teacher’s office _________
15.next to _________
16.computer room _________
17.This is Class 3.(用that改写句子)
18.There are forty students in our class.(对划线部分提问)
19.We have an art room.(改为一般疑问句)
20.We have a big gym. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)
21.Go to the library. (改为否定句)
22.a, do, library, have, you, ( )
23.floor, it’s, the, first, on, (.)
24.you, a, do, have, room, music, ( )
25.next, the, library, is, the, to, teachers’, office, (.)
26.you, a, Do, library, have ( )
Hello. I am Ella. I'm in Binzhou. It is sunny today. Welcome to our school. This is the teachers' office. It's on the second floor. The computer room is next to the teachers' office. Our classroom is next to the teachers' office. There are forty students in my class. I have a maths class at 8 o'clock in the morning. We have a big library. It's under the computer room. We read books in the library at 9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock, we have a music class. The music room is big and nice. It's on the first floor. It's next to the library. We have an art class at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The art room is on the first floor, too. It's under my classroom. We have a new playground. It is very beautiful. I love PE very much.
(1) It is ____________ in Binzhou today. ( )
A.sunny B.snowy C.rainy
(2) There are ____________ students in my class. ( )
A.30 B.40 C.50
(3) The music room is ____________. ( )
A.big and nice B.on the second floor C.small
(4) Ella has an art class at ____________. ( )
A.9:00a. m. B.10:00a. m. C.3:00 p. m.
(5) Does Ella like PE ( )
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she doesn't. C.Yes, she does.
A. B. C. D. E.
2F computer room ___________ ___________
1F ___________ ___________ ___________
Unit1 My school Part A Part A Let’s learn&Let’s do
一 选出每组中不同类的一项。
1.( )
A.first B.three C.second
2.( )
A.playground B.garden C.flower
3.( )
A.read B.play C.football
4.( )
A.teacher B.school C.student
5.( )
A.library B.gym C.kitchen
1.A.like B.kite C.live
2.A.five B.light C.big
3.A.milk B.rice C.nine
4.A.fish B.time C.pig
5.A.drink B.drive C.give
6.—_______ is your father (  )
—My father is a doctor.
A.Who B.What C.Whose
7.Go _______ the library. (  )
A.to B.for C./
8.What a lot _______ fun! (  )
A.of B./ C.for
9.My classroom is ______ the teachers’ office. ( )
A.next to B.second C.on
10.—Do you have a library ( )
A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, we are. C.Yes, we do.
I’m Lily. This is our __11__. It’s small but nice. There is a big playground and a teaching building (教学楼). Our teaching building has __12__ floors. Our classroom is on the __13__ floor. The music room is on the first floor. The __14__ is on the third floor. It’s next to the computer room. The teachers’ office is __15__ our classroom. Welcome to our school.
11.A.school B.classroom
12.A.two B.three
13.A.first B.second
14.A.library B.art room
15.A.next to B.under
16.音乐教室 ____________
17.play football ____________
18.美术教室 ____________
19.read a book ____________
20.我的教室 ____________
26.is, second, computer, the, floor, the, on, room (.)
27.Is computer that room the ( )
28.the, room, is, computer, that ( )
29.is, the, teachers’ office, library, the, to, next (.)
30.office, the, is, teachers’, this ( )
31.This is our _______. (  )
A.playground B.school C.classroom
32.What’s on the teacher’s desk (  )
A.A book. B.A computer. C.A TV.
33.How many people are there in the classroom (  )
A.Two. B.One. C.Three.
34.The blackboard is on the _______. (  )
A.Two B.wall C.room
35.Is there a map on the wall (  )
A.No, there’s a picture. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it’s a paper.



