Unit 1 My school Part A 课时同步练(无答案)

Unit1 My school Part A Part A Let’s learn&Let’s do
1.A.one B.two C.first
2.A.on B.next to C.is
3.A.garden B.football C.playground
4.A.art room B.school C.teachers' office
5.A.music room B.garden C.computer room
6.We sing and dance in the _______. ( )
A.art room B.music room C.library
7.—_______ is the music room ( )
—It’s _______ the second floor.
A.Where; on B.Where; in C.What; on
8.—Is this the teacher’s desk ( )
A.Yes, we do. B.Yes, it is. C.No, we don’t.
9.You can water the flowers in the _______. ( )
A.playground B.library C.garden
10._______ Where’s the teachers’ office ( )
A.Excuse me. B.I’m sorry. C.Hello!
11.It's 7:00 am. It's time to go ________ ________.
12.It's 10:00 pm. It's time to ________ ________ ________.
13.It's eight o'clock. It's time for ________ now.
14.It's time for ________ ________. Let's run and jump.
A.There are forty-six. B.It’s on the second floor. C.Yes, we do. D.Thank you. E. Yes, it is.
15.Where is the computer room ( )
16.Do you have a canteen ( )
17.How many students are there in your class ( )
18.Is this the art room ( )
19.Your school is beautiful. ( )
20.This is the music room. (一般疑问句)
21.The art room is next to the library. (对画线部分提问)
_____ is the _____ _____
22.Do you have a library (变肯定句)
23.Do you have a gym (作否定回答)
No, we _____.
24.That is the computer room. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
—_______ _______ the computer room
—Yes, _______ _______.
Do you ________ a ________
The __________ office is next to the art room.
The ______ is next to the library.
Do you __________ __________ at school
Where is __________ __________
Look. This is our school. It’s big and clean. There is a big playground in it. There are twenty classrooms in our school. The computer room is on the second floor. There is a library on the second floor, too. The teachers’ office is on the first floor. I like our school.
30.Our school is _______ and _______. ( )
A.big; beautiful B.small; clean C.big; clean
31.We have _______ classrooms. ( )
A.eleven B.twenty C.twelve
32.The computer room is on the _______ floor. ( )
A.one B.two C.second
33.The _______ on the second floor, too. ( )
A.library B.music room C.art room
34.The teachers’ office is on the _______ floor. ( )
A.second B.first C.on
Unit1 My school Part A Part A Let’s learn&Let’s do
1.A.path B.father C.apple D.asking
2.A.nut B.put C.thumb D.must
3.A.supermarket B.sun C.run D.hungry
4.A.can B.family C.fat D.bathroom
5.A.meat B.head C.tea D.eat
6._____ this an art room ( )
A.Is B.is C.Are
7.—Do you have a library ( )
—______ It’s on the second floor.
A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, we do. C.Yes, he does.
8.—Where is your classroom ( )
A.It’s next to Classroom3. B.Is this your classroom C.Is it under Classroom3 D. It’s in China.
9.—Do you have a teachers’ office ( )
A.We have a teachers office. B.Yes, you do. C.No, we don’t. D.Yes, I don’t.
10.—Do you have _______ computer room ( )
—Yes, we do.
A.a B.an C.the
11.音乐教室 ____________
12.play football ____________
13.美术教室 ____________
14.read a book ____________
15.我的教室 ____________
Amy: ___16___ This is our music room.
Tom: Wow! It’s big and nice. ___17___
Amy: Yes, we do.
Tom: Where is the art room
Amy: ___18___ This way, please.
Tom: OK!
Amy: Look! ___19___
Tom: It’s nice, too. I like your school.
Amy: Thank you. Oh, what time is it
Tom: ___20___
Amy: It’s time for lunch. Let’s go.
Tom: All right.
A.It’s on the second floor.
B.It’s 12 o'clock.
C.This is the art room.
D.Do you have an art room
E.Welcome to our school.
A. B. C. D. E.
21.I can read books in the library. ( )
22.—Is this the teachers' office ( )
—No. It's the computer room.
23.The teachers’ office is on the second floor. ( )
24.—What's on the teacher's desk ( )
—There is a computer.
25.Look! Our playground is very big. ( )
26.Do you have a library (变肯定句)
27.I have an art room. (改为一般疑问句)
28.How many boys are there in your class (根据实际情况回答问题)
29.The art room is next to the library. (对画线部分提问)
_____ is the _____ _____
30.That is the computer room. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
—_______ _______ the computer room
—Yes, _______ _______.
Welcome to our school. This is a playground. That is a garden. There are 40 classrooms in the school. We have a library, a lunch room and a music room. The library is big. It has many books. The lunch room is clean. The music room is cool. They are on the first floor. On the second floor, there are two teachers’ offices, an art room and a computer room. I like playing computer games in the computer room. There are 30 computers in it. My computer room is on the second floor, too. This way, please.
31.There are _______ classrooms in our school. (  )
A.25 B.has 30 C.40
32.The lunch room is _______. (  )
A.big B.cool C.clean
33.The teachers’ offices are on the _______ floor. (  )
A.first B.second C.third
34.There are 30 _______ in the computer room. (  )
A.computers B.books C.lights
35.I like _______ in the computer room. (  )
A.watching computer games B.playing computer games C.listening to music D.playing football games



