寒假复习卷1 人教版(PEP)四年级上册(无答案无听力原文及听力音频)

(  )1. A. pen B. ten C. seven
(  )2. A. cat B. eight C. bag
(  )3. A. he B. she C. her
(  )4. A. light B. right C. knife
(  )5. A. strong B. study C. table
(  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )
( )1. Judy ( )2. Jane ( )3. Jerry ( )4. Penny ( )5. Lily
(  )1. A. It's on the wall. B. Yes, it is.
(  )2. A. He is cool. B. He is a teacher.
(  )3. A. I'd like some beef noodles. B. Sure. Here you are.
(  )4. A. They are in the bag. B. Some books and a pencil box.
(  )5. A. They are cute. B. Yes, they are.
(  )1. A. make B. bag C. apple
(  )2. A. me B. he C. leg
(  )3. A. dog B. nose C. hot
(  )4. A. it B. like C. fine
(  )5. A. cut B. mum C. use
(  )1. A. family B. father C. mother
(  )2. A. thin B. fat C. fan
(  )3. A. banana B. hair C. grape
(  )4. A. quiet B. bread C. cake
(  )5. A. seven B. twelve C. floor
1.Look!The _____ is under the desk.
2.These are my _____.They are black.
3.The _____ is in the kitchen.
4. This is my uncle. He's a _____.
5. We have a _____ in our classroom.
(  )1. Excuse me, I lost my schoolbag.
(  )2. This is my cousin, she has long hair, she is friendly.
(  )3. I can use the knife and fork, please pass me them.
(  )4. Put up the picture.
(  )5. Look at that cook! He is my uncle.
(  )1. He_____ glasses and his bag_____ red.
A. have; is B. has; are C. has; is
(  )2.- What's her name -_____
A. His name is John. B. He is tall. C. Her name's Amy.
(  )3. I have_____ English book and two storybooks.
A. a B. an C. many
(  )4.-Is your mother in the kitchen -_____
A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he is.
(  )5.- Is your aunt a___ - Yes, she works (工作) in a school.
A. cook B. teacher C. nurse
My grandfather is a farmer. He is hard-working. He grows crops (庄稼) for people. There is a Chinese poem(诗) about(关于) the farmer and food.
My father is a doctor. He can help sick(生病的) people. He works all day or all night.
My mother is a teacher. She is kind. She teaches English. There are English books in her bag all the time(一直).
My uncle is a football player. He is very strong. He plays football everyday.
My brother is a cook. He can cook delicious food. He works at a restaurant.
(  )1. What is the Chinese poem
A.《静夜思》 B.《悯农》(其二) C.《咏梅》
(  )2. When you are sick, _____ can help you.
A. Daming's father B. Duming's mother C. Daming's brother
(  )3. What are in Daming's mother's bag
A. maths books B. English books C. Chinese books
(  )4. You can play football with _____.
A. Daming's father B. Daming's uncle C. Daming's brother
(  )5. Who can cook delicious food
A. Daming's mother B. Daning's father C. Duming's brother



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