
四年级英语上册专项复习 排序
班级:_________ 姓名:___________ 学号:__________
( ) Are they in your schoolbag
( ) No, they aren’t.
( ) Open the door, please.
( ) Look! They’re in the door.
( ) OK. Where are the keys
( ) He’s a teacher. He has glasses.
( ) Hi. Meet my family.
( ) It’s my uncle.
( ) Who’s that
( ) What’s his job
( ) Here’s your juice.
( ) I’d like some juice, please.
( ) What would you like
( ) You’re welcome.
( ) Thank you.
( ) No, they aren’t in the study. Are they in your bedroom
( 1 ) Mum, do you see my crayons
( ) Yes, they are in my bedroom.
( ) You’re welcome.
( ) Thank you, Mum.
( ) No, I don’t. Are they in the study
( ) Thank you.
( ) Yes,please. I like chicken very much.
( 5 ) Would you like some chicken
( ) No, thank you.
( ) Dinner's ready! Help yourself.
( ) Would you like some soup
( ) Are they on the table
( ) Open the door, please.
( ) Look! They're in the door.
( ) Where are the keys
( ) OK.
( ) No, they aren't.
( ) No. She's a teacher.
( ) How many people are there in your family
( ) He's a doctor.
( ) Is your mother a nurse
( 3 ) What's your father's job
( ) There are 5.
( ) Dinner's ready!
( ) Thanks!
( ) Mum,I'm hungry.What's for dinner
( ) Some fish and vegetables,please.
( 5 ) I'd like some soup and bread,please.
( 2 ) What would you like
( ) What would you like for dinner
( F ) Look! He's tall and strong.
( ) What's his name
( ) Yes, he's very friendly.
( ) Mum, I have a new friend.
( ) His name is Zhang Peng.
( B ) Really A Chinese friend
( ) Yes, he is.
( ) Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please.
( ) Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles.
( B ) What would you like for dinner, John
( ) I’d like some beef, please.
( ) Would you like some noodles, too
( ) I’m hungry, Dad.
( ) Really What's in the classroom
( ) It's so big!
( ) Where is it
( ) Let's go and see!
( ) Look! My picture!
( ) Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom.
( ) It's near the window.
( ) Good morning, Amy.
( ) Then let me clean the desks and chairs.
( ) OK. Let me clean the blackboard.
( ) Good morning, Sarah.
( ) Let’s clean the classroom.
( B ) What colour is it
( ) Some books, a pencil box, a pen and an eraser.
( ) Four.
( ) I have a new schoolbag.
( ) It’s red.
( F ) How many books do you have
( ) What’s in your schoolbag
( ) Really A Canadian teacher
( ) Her name is Betty.
( A ) I have a new teacher.
( ) Yes. She’s very beautiful.
( ) What’s her name
( ) Yes. Look at the photo.
( D ) Wow! She has long hair and big eyes!
A.No, it isn’t.
B.Yes. It is in the schoolbag. Thank you, John.
C.Where is my maths book, John
D.Is it in the schoolbag
E.Is it under the desk
F.You’re welcome.
排序: _________→ _________→ _________→ _________→ _________→ ________



