人教新目标(Go for it)版八上英语期末练习题(含部分答案)

姓名: 分数:
( )1. —______ do they go to the countryside to exercise —Hardly ever.
A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often
( )2. —Where did he go yesterday —He ______ at home.
A. stay B. stays C. stayed D. is staying
( )3. My father usually ___ on vacation in Beijing, but last month he___ to Hainan.
A. goes; went B. goes; goes C. go; went D. went; went
( )4. I don’t want to go to the party because I know ______ people there.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
( )5. Please wait a minute. I have __________ to say.
A. interesting something B. anything interesting
C. something interesting D. interesting anything
( )6.—Who teaches _____ music —Nobody. I teach _____.
A. mine; myself B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; yourself
( )7. —How do you like the movie
—I think it’s great, but my brother thinks it is very_____.
A. bored B. boring C. relaxed D. relaxing
( )8.—______ do you want to ______ when you grow up
—A good teacher like my father.
A. What, do B. How , do C. How , be D. What, be
( )9. — The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it is difficult.
— The doctor is right. ______ you eat, ______ you will be.
A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthier
C. The least; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier
( )10. —How often do you chat with your friends online
—______ I’m busy with my study.
A. Only one month. B. About twice a month.
C. Almost every day. D. Maybe in two weeks.
( )11. —Your brother fell asleep in class this morning.
—Because he ______ late last night.
A. gave up B. stood up C. looked up D. stayed up
( )12. Tommy isn’t ______ to go to school.
A. old enough B. enough old C. big enough D. enough big
( )13. I’m not hungry, so I don’t feel like _______.
A. eating something B. to eat something C. eating anything D. to eat anything
( )14. He became ill ______ walking in the rain.
A. because B. because of C. although D. though
( )15. It’s cold outside, so we decided _______ to the beach.
A. to go B. not go C. not to go D. don’t go
( )16. Your schoolbag is the same _______.
A. with her B. as her C. with hers D. as hers
( )17. David often forgets _____ his English book.
A. to bring B. bring C. brought D. brings
( )18. The doctor worked for ______ after 11 o’clock.
A. another two hours B. another two hour
C. two another hour D. more two hours
( )19. He relaxes himself ______ music.
A. for B. through C. across D. in
( )20.    he was tired,    he didn’t stop    .
A. Although; but ;to rest B. Though; /; working
C. Although ;/; rest D. Because; /; work
( )21. The ______ girl is his cousin.
A. 15 years old B. 15 year old C. 15-years-old D. 15-year-old
( )22. ―I think drinking milk every morning is good _________ our health.
―Yes. I agree ________ you.
A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with
( )23. Lady Gaga is _______ a pop singer.
A. famous to B. famous as C. famous for D. famous with
( )24. Jim’s parents enjoy     in the countryside.
A. to live B. live C. living D. lives
( )25. What does he usually do _________ weekends
A. in B. on C. for D. of
( )26.     is important for us    sports every day.          
A. It; do B. That; to do C. This; to do D. It; to do
( )27.Dashan speaks Chinese    for us to understand.
A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well
( )28. You are too heavy. You should eat    vegetables and     meat.
A. many; less B. more; less C. more; little D. many; little
( )29. She isn’t short. She is _______now than last year.
A. short B . tall C. taller D. shorter
( )30. I think English is as ______ as math.
A. important B. more important
C. much important D. much more important
( )31.I bought   for my son, but I didn’t buy   for myself.
something; something B. something; anything
C. anything; nothing D. nothing; nothing
( )32.—Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday
—   . I cleaned it all by myself.
A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Everyone
( )33. Who runs ______, Jack or Mike
A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest
( )34. Liu Li is ______ outgoing than Liu Ying.
A. much more B. much C. more much D. very
( )35. My friend is the same _____ me. We are _____ quiet.
A. as; both B. as; all C. to; both D. to; all
( )36. —How     your school trip yesterday
A. will be B. is C. was D. are
( )37. My brother is ________ more outgoing than me.
A. a lot B. little C. more D. most
( )38. Liu Ying is very good at_____.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
( )39. Her hair is longer than _______.
A. me B. I C. my D. mine
( )40.. Last Sunday her parents made her __ at home all day.
A. stay B. stayed C. to stay D. stays
( )41.She is very good at painting. She can paint   her teacher.
A. as better as B. as best as C. as good as D. as well as
( )42.There are millions of websites on the Internet and there   a lot of useful   on the websites.
A. are; informations B. are; information C. is; information D. is; informations
( )43.My parents   me very much. I want to look after them when they are old.
A. care about B. look at C . wait for D. hear of
( )44.You will make progress(进步)   you work hard.
A. as many as B. as soon as C. as long as D. as much as
( )45. My friend Lily likes to   her food   me.
A. share; with B. share; to C. have; to D. have; for
( )46.   of the two books are very interesting, so I can’t decide which one to choose.
A. All B. Both C. Either D. Any
( )47. This watch is     than that one.
A. more cheaper B. much cheap C. more cheap D. much cheaper
( )48.—When will Mr. Green    Beijing —In a week.
A. reach B. get C. arrive D. come
( )49.Many teenagers don’t like to talk with their parents. But I am   them. I love to share my joy and sorrow with my parents.
A. the same as B. different from C. interested in D. angry with
( )50. Spring is coming , the weather is getting _____________.
A. colder and colder B. warm and warm
C. warmer and warmer D. more and more warm
姓名: 分数:
( )1. —______ do you like China —Great.
A. How B. When C. What D. Where
( )2. She is_______ singer in China now.
A. most popular B. the most popular C. more popular D. popular
( )3. —Did Kate do best in the final exam
—No, but of all the students she did______.
A. the most careful B. more careful C. most carefully D. more carefully
( )4. I’m very proud that Beijing is one of ______ cities in the world.
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest
( )5. Nanjing isn’t so large _________Shanghai. However, it’s the second ______ city in East China.
A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; large D. as; large
( )6. —________ is your school from your home
—About 20 minutes’ bus ride.
A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon
( )7. Look ! Betty’s dress is beautiful, but my dress is____ more beautiful than _____!
A. very; her B. much; hers C. very; hers D. much; her
( )8. I think pop music is ______music in the world.
A. best B. more better C. good D. the best
( )9. —What did you do ________ class this morning,Alice
—We had a discussion ________ TV shows.
A.from;on B.on;about C.in;at D.in;about
( )10. —Why do you like this kind of movie
—Because it always has ________.
A.nothing enjoyable B.something enjoyable
C.enjoyable nothing D.enjoyable something
( )11. He finished ____his book last year, and now he is planning ____another new one.
A writing, writing B to write, to write C writing, to write D to write, writing
( )12. —My parents ________ me to get better grades next term.
—You can do it if you always work hard.
A.remember B.hope C.expect D.give
( )13. --Can you _________who broke the window of the classroom
-----Sorry, I can’t , Mr. Smith .
A. ask for B. wait for C. find out D. come out
( )14. Johnny doesn't ________ talk shows and Dale can't ________ soap operas.
A.minds;stands B.minds;stand C.mind;stand D.mind;stands
( )15. _______80 years ago, the black mouse _______two large ears first appeared _______ the cartoon Steamboat Willie.
A. Over, has, in B. Over, with, in C.More than, with, on D. More than,has, in
( )16. One of the main _______ that he was like a common man.
A.reason is B.reason are C.reasons is D.reasons are
( )17. I can learn much about Chinese ________ from this new movie.
A.culture B.program C.role D.menu
( )18. His book ______ and he ______ famous.
A.comes out;become B.comes out;became
C.came out;became D.came out;becomes
( )19. Mickey is one of _________ in the world.
A.famousest cartoon character B.the most famous cartoon characters
B. famousest cartoon characters D. the most famous cartoon character
( )20. —Are you going to be ________ actor
—Yes, I’m taking ________ acting lessons.
A. a; the B. an; / C. the; an D. /; the
( )21. The boy is going to be a(n) ________ because he wants to fly in the sky.
A. teacher B. engineer C. farmer D. pilot
( )22. There ________ a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening.
A. has B. will have C. is going to be D. is going to have
( )23. —________ is he going to be a basketball player
—He’s going to practice basketball every day.
A. Why B. What C. How D. When
( )24. —What is your brother going to be when he ________
—He is going to be a doctor.
A. gets up B. grows up C. stands up D. cuts up
( )25. He practices__ football every day, because he’s going to be a football player.
A. plays B. played C. playing D. play
( )26. Does Jim want ______ the first one to get to the top of the mountain?
A.to B.to be C.being D.be
( )27. It makes him _______.  
A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry
( )28. When did your family ______ Wuhan
A. move B. move to C. to move D. move in
( )29. I _________ the hobby of singing when I was a child.
A. built up B. set up C. kept up D. took up
( )30. There are many important words in this unit. Please _____________.
A. write down them B. write them down C. write it down D. write down it
( )31. We usually make a plan for work __________every term.
A. in the beginning of B. at the beginning of
C. in the start of D. on the start of
( )32. ______this reason, I didn’t agree _______ her.
A. For with B. For to C. About with D. About to
( )33. The problem is too difficult for me ______ out.
A. work B. works C. to work D. working
( )34. He ______ good grades next year.
A. gets B. got C. is going to get D. get
( )35. That sounds _______.
A. like good B. like a good plans C. good D. likes a good plan
( )36. ______ are you going to do next year
A. How B. Where C. Who D. What
( )37. ---_______ are you going to do start ---Next month.
A. When B. Where C. How D. What
( )38. Not everyone ______what they want to be.
A. know B. knows C. to know D. knew
( )39. Li Ming is so careful that he always looks over his exercises to ______ there are no mistakes.
A. make sure B. find out C. think of D. look for
( )40. I'm going to write article and ______ them ______ magazines.
A. take to B. send to C. bring to D. give to
( )41. — My New Year’s resolution is to travel to Qingdao. — .
A. That sounds great B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure D. I’d love to
( )42. —Where is Linda — She may be at home. But I’m not sure it.
A. at B. about C. with D. in
( )43. You are coughing! You should take some .
A. medicine B. meat C. hamburgers D. juice
( )44. His resolution the life in the next year.
A. has to do with B. is good at C. is next to D. cross from
( )45. —What’s your — I like swimming.
A. hobby B. name C. age D. habit
( )46. I'm going to ______ my room ______ tomorrow morning.
A.tidy;on B.tidy; C.clean;on D.clean;at
( )47. The boy keeps on ______ stories to be a writer.
A.write B.to write C.writing D.wrote
( )48. My brother is going ______ to be a doctor.
A.study medicine B.to study medicines
C.to study medicine D.studying medicine
( )49. He looks rich. __________ He is very poor.
A. In the fact B. In fact C. At the fact D. At fact
( )50. Li Lida a ___________ boy crossed the Qiongzhou Channel in June 2000.
A. thirteen-year-old B. thirteen-years-old
C. thirteen years old D. thirteen- years old
姓名: 分数:
1. The weather (be) hot and humid yesterday.
2. They (have) Sichuan food last night.
3. —What is Jim doing
—He (do) his homework now.
4. The music sounds (relax). I love it very much.
5. They (not go) to the beach last Sunday.
6. He doesn’t like sad stories, so he (hard) reads them.
7. There are many people in the supermarket. It’s too (crowd).
8. Did you enjoy (live) in Beijing
9. The Greens (go) to South Africa to watch the soccer games last year.
10. The relaxing music made the boy (stop) crying.
11. His mother goes shopping three (time) a week.
12. Your father is much (tall) than you.
13. How about (dance) with him this evening
14. He often (watch) his favorite program.
15. The old man (exercise) every morning.
16. Mr. Green goes to the movies (two) a month.
17. Everyone wants (have) a strong body.
18.Some of my classmates don’t like to go (shop).
19. How often your father (do) the housework
20. You should eat some fruit and vegetables to keep (health).
21. The old man never (sleep) so long.
22.1. He is __________ (young) than me.
23. This exercise is __________ (easy) than the last one.
24. Chicago is __________ (big) than Paris.
25. She is a __________ (good) student than her brother is.
26. The weather this winter is __________ (bad) than the weather last winter.
27. Soccer is becoming and (popular) in China today.
28. Bill’s backpack is bigger than (I).
29. My brother is (strong) than me, though we both like sports.
30. This house is (nice) than that one.
31. She likes to have friends who are (difference) from her.
32. They made us (stay) at home.
33. It’s necessary for us______ (read) English newspapers every morning.
34.He (live) in Weihai two years ago.
35.There (be) an English test next Wednesday.
36.I (take) the bus to school yesterday.
37.They (have) a meeting next Monday.
38.There will be___________(many) people than last year.
39.He was (surprise) by all the_________(pollute) on the beach.
40.She_____________(be)back in three months
41.There will be____________(little) free time in the future.
42.People will live_____________(be)200 years old.
43.Lily_____________(be)a good teacher in five years.
44.What you (do) this Sunday
45.There (be) a football match tonight.
46.“ When you the car ” ( buy ) “ In 1998 . ”
47.Mary’s birthday is next Monday, Her mother
(give)her a present.
48.Everyone should play a part in _____________(save)the earth.
49.They can do the same job many times and not get __________(boring).
50. He tried his best________(be) a good teacher.
51.The robots can help people__________(do) the most jobs.
52.He tried to make his daughter_____________(talk) to people.
53.It’s easy for a child _______________(wake ) up and know where he is.
54..We are able _________(have)our own robots.
55.In the future , there_____________(be) more robots everywhere.
56.Scientists are now trying to make robots__________(look) like people.
57.He ______________(be)a teacher after he leaves college.
58.It ___________(seem) that it's going to rain.
59.There are ____________(hundred) of people planting trees on the hill.
60.The elephants are in great ____________(dangerous), people shouldn't kill them any longer.
61.My brother wants to be a __________when he grows up, so he studies __________ hard. (science)
62.There are many more tall _________in the city. Workers _____________ them last year. They _________________even more next year.(build).
63.It is ____________(possible) for a kid to carry such a heavy box.
64.Children will use computers _____________(study) at home.
65.Robots won’t be able ____________(wake) up .
66.Though I always ________(agree) with him, we are still good friends.
67.How many ____________ (dictionary) do you have
68.I have three ____________( watch ).
69. There are some ____________( orange) on the table.
70. I like ___________(tomato) and ___________ ( chicken).
71. How much __________( honey ) do we need
72. Tina, let’s _____________(make) fruit salad.
73. Oh, it __________(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now.
74. Tom is a little ____________ ( strong) than Mike.
75. I think English is ________________(important) than any other subject.
76. My mother _____________( take) the bus to work every day.
77.Screen City has ____________ (big) screens in town.
78. Gold Theater has _________________ (comfortable) seats of the three.
79. What’s the ____________(good) radio station in this city
80. Who is ______________ (funny) boy in your class
81. Which subject do you like _______ (good), English, math or Chinese
82. I think Chen He is a ___________(success) actor.
83. Tom’s handwriting is ______________ (bad) than Mike’s.
84. The seats in the car are very _______________ (comfort).
85. The store at the corner has the ___________(bad) clothes in town.
86.Do we need _________ (pour) the milk into the blender
87. Let’s _________(peel)the banana.
88. _________ (turn) off the light when you leave the room.
89.Where did he go on v
90.I didn’t speak to a because I wanted to keep a secret.
91.They h swim in the sea, because they think it’s dangerous.
92.You can help your mother do some h at home.
93.Drinking more water is good for our h .
94.He still went on working a he was very tired.
95.Half of the students are girls. That means 50 p of the students are girls.
96.It’s raining hard. H , I still want to go there.
97.My twin brother is more o than me.
98.I think so. In f , I am quite sure.
99.My family live in a big a____________in a big city.
100.You should always do your homework on your o________.
测试二 答案



