人教PEP版英语五年级上册寒假阅读理解拓展训练(试题) (无答案)

I am Sarah. I live in a small village. I love my village. There are many rivers in the village. There are many trees near the rivers. The water is clean. The air is fresh. There are many mountains near my village. There are no tall buildings. There are only small houses. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. Are there any flowers Yes, there are many flowers, and I can run on the grass.
1.Can Sarah run on the grass ( )
A.Yes, he can. B.Yes, she can. C.No, she can’t.
2.There are no ________ in Sarah's village. ( )
A.tall buildings B.houses C.rivers
3.The clouds are ________ in Sarah's village. ( )
A.white B.grey C.red
4.Are there any trees near the rivers in Sarah's village ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't. C.Yes, there is.
5.Are there any fish in the rivers ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't. C.Yes, there is.
The animals are having a party in the forest. Mrs Rabbit likes tomatoes very much. They are sweet. She doesn't like green beans. They’re not fresh. Bananas are Mr Monkey's favourite fruit. They are sweet and healthy. But he doesn't like onions. They are smelly. Mr Sheep likes carrots. They are fresh and delicious. He doesn't like potatoes. Mr Tigers favourite food is beef, but there is no beef here.
6.Mrs Rabbit likes ________ very much. ( )
A.potatoes B.tomatoes C.bread
7.Mrs Rabbit ________ green beans. ( )
A.likes B.love C.doesn’t like
8.________ are Mr Monkey's favourite fruit. ( )
A.Apples B.Bananas C.Pears
9.________ doesn't like potatoes. ( )
A.Mr sheep B.Mr Monkey C.Mr Tiger
10.There is no ________ here. ( )
A.carrots B.onions C.beef
This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁的). There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the two beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一个)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.
11.Whose bedroom is it ( )
A.Billy’s. B.Billy’s brother’s. C.Billy and his brother’s.
12.How many beds are there in the room ( )
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
13.What’s on the desk ( )
A.Some books and a phone.
B.Some English books and a pen.
C.Some Chinese books and a clock.
14.What’s beside the desk ( )
A.A map. B.A clock. C.Two chairs.
15.Where’s the map of the world ( )
A.On the desk. B.On the wall. C.Near the door.
Today is Teachers’ Day. Look! Here are my teachers. My maths teacher is funny. He has black glasses. My science teacher is old, and he is very kind. My music teacher is tall and thin. She has long hair and she is beautiful. My PE teacher is tall. He is very strict. But sometimes he is funny. Who’s that woman She is our head teacher, Ms Brown. She’s very hard-working. I like all my teaches! These are flowers for them. Happy Teachers’ Day!
16.Today is ______. ( )
A.my birthday B.Mother’s Day C.Teachers’ Day
17.My ______ teacher has black glasses. ( )
A.maths B.English C.music
18.My science teacher is ______. ( )
A.young B.kind C.funny
19.My PE teacher is ______. ( )
A.tall B.hard-working C.clever
20.______ is our head teacher. ( )
A.Mr Brown B.Mr Black C.Ms Brown
Hello My name is Paul. I'm a student. I'm not short. I often play football, so I’m very healthy. For breakfast, I have some bread, an egg and orange juice. I have some rice, fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". I often have soup, meat and vegetables for dinner. I like vegetables. because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! I am tall and Strong.
21.Paul isn't a student. ( )
22.Paul has milk, bread and eggs for breakfast. ( )
23.The apples are healthy. ( )
24.Paul often has vegetables and meat for lunch. ( )
25.Paul likes vegetables because they are fresh and delicious. ( )
Father Rabbit: Mother Rabbit is ill today.
Baby Rabbit: It’s so bad. What can we do, Dad
Father Rabbit: Er, I can take her to see a doctor.
Baby Rabbit: I can sweep the floor and read books to her. And we can buy some beautiful flowers for her!
Father Rabbit: That’s great!
26.Father Rabbit is ill today. ( )
27.Father Rabbit can take Mother Rabbit to see a doctor. ( )
28.Baby Rabbit can sweep the floor and do the dishes. ( )
29.Father Rabbit and Baby Rabbit can buy some flowers for Mother Rabbit. ( )
30.Baby Rabbit and Father Rabbit are helpful at home. ( )
There are many jobs for us, such as doctors, teachers, engineers, police officers and so on. If(如果)you work hard, you can do them well.
Mr Wang is a worker. He works in a toy factory. He makes many toys for children. He lives in Shanghai. He always goes to work by subway(地铁).
Mrs Smith is a writer. She writes books for children. She often goes to the library and reads storybooks. She works in Beijing. She goes to work by car. She works hard and many children like to read her books. What do you want to be(想要成为)
31.There are many different jobs for us. ( )
32.Mrs Smith works in Shanghai. ( )
33.Mr Wang is a writer and Mrs Smith is a worker. ( )
34.Mr Wang goes to work by subway. ( )
35.Mrs Smith goes to work by car.( )
A good eating habit(习惯) is very important for our health. For breakfast we can have some bread, an egg and a glass of milk. Don’t eat too much sweet food. For lunch we can eat rice, noodles and dumplings. It’s useful to have some meat and vegetables. Don’t eat food with much oil. It’s not healthy. For dinner, we can choose digestible(易消化的) food, and don’t eat too much. Eating fruit every day is a good way to keep healthy, too.
36.We can eat much sweet food for breakfast. ( )
37.It’s not healthy to eat food with much oil. ( )
38.We can have rice, noodles, dumplings, meat and vegetables for lunch. ( )
39.For dinner, we can have bread, juice, ice cream and much beef. ( )



