期末复习巩固练习 外研版(三年级起点)三年级上册第 (7)(无答案)

期末复习巩固练习 外研版(三起)英语三年级上册
1.black(对应词) 2. it’s(完整形式)
3.what’s(完全形式) 4.hi(同义词)
5.no(反义词) 6.are(单数)
7.too(同音词) 8.she’s(完整形式)_______
9.I’m(完整形式)________ 10.it’s(完整形式)___________
11.that is(缩写形式)___________
( )1.A.is B.are C.be
( )2.A.he B.am C.she
( )3.A.my B.I C.you
( )4.A.yes B.not C.no
( )5.A.goodbye B.morning C.afternoon
( ) 1. This is _______.
A. I B. me C. my
( ) 2.. is my grandma.
A. She’s B. He C. She
( ) 3. What colour is my T-shirt It’s_______.
A. nice B. new C. red
( ) 4. ─ Look at my skirt. _______________
A. Hello. B. It’s red. C. It’s great
( )5. —Your(你的) cap is great! — .
A. Thank you. B. How nice! C.Yes.
( )6. —This is my friend,Helen. — .
A. Hi,Helen. B. It’s nice. C. Hello,I’m Helen.
1.( )
A. It is orange. B. It is red.
2.( )
A. It is green. B. It is yellow.
3.( )
A. It is red. B. It is brown.
4.( )
A. It is blue. B. It is green.
1. now What is colour my skirt ( )
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
2. green It’s and yellow (.)
① ② ③ ④
3. you like Would an egg ( )
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
4. at jacket my Look new (.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
5. T-shirt is green This yellow and (.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
1.Good morning.
2.Look at my family.
3.He is my father.
4.This is me.
5.How nice!
6.Look at my new skirt.
7.And this is my mother.
8. Good morning, Jane.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
七、根据情景,选择合适的答 案,将序号填在题前括号内。
( )1.建议别人吃个馅饼,你会说:
A.What about a cake B.What about a pie C.I'd like a pie.
( )2.别人让你看他的糖果,你会说:
A.Look at my sweet. B.My sweet is very nice. C.How nice!
( )3.想和初次见面的同学打招呼时,你会说
A.Nice to see you. B.Thank you. C.Nice to meet you.
( )4.如果你不想吃某样东西时,你会说:
A.Yes,please. B.No,thank you. C.Id like it.
( )5.想知道这个是不是冰淇淋,你会说:
A.What's this B.It's an ice cream. C.Is this an ice cream
( )6.想表达“我能看到一个热狗”,你会说:
A.I'd like a hot dog. B.I can see a nice dog. C.I can see a hot dog.
Shop assistant: Welcome! Can I help you
Mike: I’d like an ice cream.
Helen: I’d like a hot dog. Would you like a hot dog, Liu Tao
Liu Tao: No, thank you.
Helen: What about a pie
Liu Tao: Yes, please.
Shop assistant: What about you, girl
Yang Ling: I’d like a hot dog. I’d like a sweet, too.
1.Mike would like ________. ( )
A.a hot dog B.a sweet C.an ice cream
2.Liu Tao would like ________. ( )
A.a pie B.a hot dog C.a sweet
3.Helen and Yang Ling both (两个都) would like ________. ( )
A.a pie B.a hot dog C.an ice ream



