Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 2 l'll kick you the ball again. 校本练习 (无答案)仁爱版八年级英语上册

G8 Unit1Topic2 Section A
Class______________ No______________ Name_______________
1. Would you mind not________________ (throw) bottles around
2. My father keeps________________ (run)in the park every morning.
3. - Could you please________________me a hand -Sure.
4. Xiao Ming________________ill and didn't go to school yesterday.
5. I’d like to live________________/'s mwe /quiet.
( )1. I'm very glad________my old friends at the party.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting
( )2. -Would you mind not________your clothes on the bed
-I'm sorry about that. I won't do it again.
A. putting B. taking C. bringing
( )3. -Uncle Li, would you mind my playing the piano now
-________. Your aunt is sleeping in the bedroom.
A. No, not at all B. Of course not C. You'd better not
( )4. -Would you like to play basketball with me -Sorry, I have________to do.
A. anything else B. something else C. else something
( )5. Bob, your pants are under the chair. Please don’t________.
A. throw it around B. throw them around C. put them on
( )6. -Tom played the guitar very well in the school talent(才艺) show.
-I think so. He practices________it every day.
A. play B. to play C. playing
1. 他很乐意帮助别人。(be glad to)
2. 我将马上给她打电话。( right now)
你能帮我一把吗?( give sb. a hand)
4. 如果我打开窗户,你介意吗?( mind)
5. 汤姆(Tom)吉他弹得很好。( do well in)
Mrs. Wang lives in Nanjing now. She is 102 years old. People often ask her 1 she can keep healthy in her life. Mrs. Wang says everyone 2 live to 102 if eats healthy food and does some exercise every day.
Mrs. Wang thinks, first, 3 is very important. She often 4 a glass of milk and two eggs for it at about 8: 00 a. m. Milk and eggs give her energy(能量). So she doesn’ t often feel 5 in the morning. She 6 eats junk food(垃圾食品) because she doesn’ t think they are healthy food. She seldom eats meat, too. She usually has some 7 and vegetables for lunch and dinner. And she usually has 8 apple or a banana.
Mrs. Wang does some exercise, too. She thinks she is still young. She plays Taiji(太极 ) 9 half an hour every day. Sometimes she also dances with her friends. "Do you want to become 10 forever(永远) I’ m sure you can if you have a good lifestyle! Mrs. Wang says to us.
( )1. A. what B. how C. where
( )2. A. can B. should C. need
( )3. A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper
( )4. A. eats B. drinks C. has
( )5. A tired B. happy C. well
( )6. A. often B. never C. usually
( )7. A chicken B. rice C. beef
( )8.A.a B. an C. the
( )9.A. at B. with C. for
( )10. A young B. old C. lucky
G8 Unit1Topic2 Section B
Class______________ No______________ Name_______________
1. When we play soccer, we should know____________/'ti: mw :k/is very important.
2. There is____________/'n θ /in the big box. You can carry it easily.
3. You shouldn't shout____________the little girl. She is afraid of you.
4. Bob____________ (finish)his homework half an hour ago.
5. Peter is____________ (fight) against his brother in the bedroom.
( )1. -Peter, you shouldn’t__________your mother. -Dad. I won't do it again.
A. talk with B. shout at C. look after
( )2. You lied(撒谎)to your mother yesterday. You must say__________her.
A. hello to B. sorry to C. sorry for
( )3. Zhang Jie's math is not good, but he does his best__________it well.
A. learn B. learning C. to learn
( )4. She made a beautiful card__________me on my birthday.
A. to B. for C. at
( )5.-I'm sorry, I lost your eraser. - __________. I have another one.
A. It's nothing. B. That's right. C. No problem
1.2.3. 4. 5.
1. angry, because, late
2. do one's best, learn
3. talk about, now
4. keep, every day
5. finish, in an hour
It was a sunny Saturday morning. After breakfast, Jim’s grandparents took him to do Christmas
shopping. They 1 the subway to the stores. When they got off the subway, Jim could see people here are there. They took bags, 2 (gift) and decorations(装饰品).
Christmas is Jim's 3 /'feiv rit/ time of the year, because he loves the holiday decorations and he also loves decorating his stores. He 4 (buy) his mother a new hat, his father a new shirt, and his sister a new toy. Then, Jim’s grandparents took him Im to eat a 5 /'h mb rɡ r/for lunch. Jim also had an ice-cream and a cup of juice. 6 lunch, Jim and his grandparents went skating. Jim liked it very 7 . Jim slept on his way home. When he got home, he 8 (put)all the boxes of Christmas decorations in the living room. His family decorated 9 (they )house for Christmas that night. After they did that, they danced and sang Christmas songs together. It was a 10
/ w nd (r)fl/day. Everyone had a good time.
1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________
6._________7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________10. _________
G8 Unit1Topic2 Section C
Class______________ No______________ Name_______________
5. 形成,产生_________________________6.阻止某人做某事__________________________
9. 越来越流行____________________10.全世界(两种表达法)_________________________
1. Parents often stop their children from_________________(play) computer games.
2. Mr. Black is one of the greatest_________________ (invent)in the world.
3. We must_________________ (follow) the rules when we have a game.
4.We_________________ (hold) the sports meet last week and it was very exciting.
5. There are many green trees on both_________________ (side)of the road
1. 你想知道你的同学是否介意关上窗户,可以这样问:
2. 你想告诉对方不要乱扔瓶子,可以这样说:
Don 't_________________________________________________________________________.
3. 你想建议你的朋友今天下午一起踢足球,可以这样说:
What about____________________________________________________________________
4. 你父亲昨天给你买了一台电脑,你可以这样告诉同桌:
My father______________________________________________________________________.
5. 你对你的朋友彼得( Peter)说了不该说的话,你想向他道歉,可以这样说:
Peter, I'm sorry for______________________________________________________________.
1.2. 3. 4. 5.
1. good at
2. one of, popular
3. give, card
4. fun, last Saturday
5. stop…from
五、阅读理解。(阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯, 意思完整)
Dear Grandma
How are you Im writing to say a big "thank you"for my birthday gift. I really love the ipod and
I listen to it every day when I walk to work. Everything here is going well. I started my new job(工作) last week and I like it very much. Now I’m living with some friends in an apartment in the city center, but it's very expensive(昂贵的) , so I’m trying to find another place. I will look at an apartment tomorrow, ten kilometers outside the city.
What other news is here Well, I’m learning to drive these days. Mom told me on the phone last night that you bought a new car. Is the car cool
I saw Mom and Dad last week. I traveled down Bridgeton on Friday night and stayed for the weekend. Mom’s fine but Dad isn't very happy. He doesn't like his job. I think he should try to find a new one.
I have to stop now because Linda is calling me. We will go to Alice’s party this evening. Take
care and thank you again.
( )1. What did Peters grandma give him for his birthday
A. A book B. A car. C. An ipod. D. An apartment
( )2. Peter wants to find another place to live because his apartment is too_____.
A. old B. small C. noisy D. dear
( )3. Who did Peter talk to on the phone last night
A. His mother B. His father. C. His grandmother. D. His grandfather.
( )4. From the passage, we can know that_____.
A. Peter goes to work by bike
B. Peter went to Bridgeton last Monday
C. Peter's mother bought a new car
D. Peters father isn’t happy about his Job
( )5. What will Peter do this evening
A. Visit his friend Linda
B. Go to a party.
C. Make a phone call to Alice
D. Look at an apartment.
G8 Unit1Topic2 Section D
Class______________ No______________ Name_______________
1.仅仅为了娛乐_________________________2. (使)变成_________________________
1. This clothing shop has a history of over two_____________century.
2. My brother wants to learn some driving_____________ (skill) and be a driver.
3. Yang Liwei is one of the_____________ (hero)in our country.
4. Tony’s classmates cheered when he_____________ (score) in the last minute of the game.
5. A car_____________ (hit)Jim when he was on his way home.
( )1. I have two friends. One is from Canada______is from France.
A. other C. the other B. another
( )2. Bob likes playing all kinds of sports______ football and basketball.
A. such as B. for example C. look like
( )3. Kate is only______girl, but she can speak English well.
A. a 8-year-old B. an 8 year C. an 8-year-old
( )4. Beijing is a great city______.hundreds of years' history.
A. of B. with C.over
( )5. They sat here and______about their plans in the future.
A. talked B. talking C. to talk
( )6. An apple______Newton on his head when he was studying a physics problem.
A. hit B. knocked C. threw
( )7. -It's too hot in the room. Would you mind opening the window -______. Please do.
A. You’ d better not. B. I'm afraid not. C. Certainly not
( )8. -I’m good________English. What about you, Jenny -I do well ____math.
A. at; in B. in;at C. at; for
1. Please give Maria the pen.
Please give______________ ______________ ______________ Maria.
2. My mother bought a skirt for me yesterday.
My mother______________ ______________a skirt yesterday.
3. His mother made him a big cake on his birthday
His mother______________a big cake______________ ______________ on his birthday.
4. Tom showed his classmates his photos this morning.
Tom______________ his photos______________ his classmates this morning.
5. Bring him a glass of water.
______________a glass of water______________him.
6. Mr. Lin taught some new songs to us last week.
Mr. Lin taught ______________ ______________ ____________________________ last week.




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