Unit 8 We're trying to save the earth!Section A(Grammar Focus-4c) 同步练习 2023-2024鲁教版五四制英语九年级全册(含答案)

Unit 8 Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)
1. Most people in China couldn’t ________ (买得起) cars twenty years ago.
2. Jeff suggested that we s ________put off the school trip because of COVID-19.
3. More and more people prefer ________ (支付) for goods with DCEP(数字人民币).
4. Most of our teachers ride or walk to school instead of d ________their cars.
5. —Have you h ________that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday
—Yes, it's a piece of good news.
1. We should use _________ (use) bags instead of plastic bags.
2. Look! Kate __________(dance) with her friends under the tree.
3. Mobile phones mustn’t _____________ (bring) to the classroom in our school.
4. The city is providing free _____________ (transport) to the stadium from downtown.
5. He used to_________ (stay) at home, but now he is used to _________ (take) a walk after dinner.
1. 人们曾经认为地球是平的。
People ________ ________ think the earth was flat.
2. 李老师已经通知大家推迟晚会。
Mr. Li ________ ___________ everyone that the party is put off.
3. 她也许需要你帮助处理一些业务方面的事。
She ________ ________ ________ ________ with some business matters.
4. 约翰关掉了电视,并帮他母亲做家务。
John ________ ________ the TV and helped his mother with the housework.
5. 除非有医生的证明,否则你必须参加体育测试。
You’re required to take ________ in the P.E. test ________ you have a doctor’s note.
6. 咱们选迈克当班长怎么样?他不仅诚实,而且可靠。
Shall we make Mike our monitor He is ________ ________ honest ________ ________ responsible.
1. You can improve your English ____ listening to English songs.
A. by B. with C. for D. in
2. They walked home last night because they couldn’t ____ to take a taxi.
A. leave B. buy C. afford D. allow
3. So far, a number of boys ____ part in the P.E. test on the playground.
A. take B. took C. are taking D. have taken
4. There ____ great changes in such kind of PDAs (掌上电脑) in the last few years.
A. has been B. have been C. has had D. have had
5. This food is free. You don’t have to ____ it.
A. look for B. pay for C. ask for D. wait for
6. Grandma wants to watch the program Legal Report. Please ____ the TV.
A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn over
7. —Who's the little girl in the photo,Laura
—It's me. This photo _____ when I was five.
A.is taken B.takes C.was taken D.took
8. —Can you go to the movies with me tonight
—I have to ask my mom. If I _____,I will go with you.
A.allow B.allowed C.am allowed D.was allowed
9. —Look!The woman at the school gate ____ be our headmaster.
—No,it ____ be her. She is holding a meeting in the office now.
A.must;can't B.must;mustn't C.can;can't D.may;mustn't
10. —____ apples do we need to make fruit salad
—Let me think...We need three apples.
A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many
take part in, take action, turn off, pay for, be harmful
1. Using smartphones for long hours ___________________ your eyes.
2. _________________ an order by using WeChat or Alipay is easy for us.
3. The last one who leaves the office needs _________________ the lights.
4. We should _________________ to help those poor children go back to school.
5. Since you’re going to _________________ the game, you should practice more.
There are many kinds of pollution around us, __1__air pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad __2__our health in many ways. Burning gas,oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and __3__problems.
With the increase of pollution and the development of industry,litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many __4__ in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.
Noise pollution can make people __5 . For example,people may lose their hearing if they work in a__6 place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure __7 .
Working for a long time in strong, changeable light __8 cause some kinds of illnesses. It makes people feel __9 and is especially bad for the eyes.
With __10 pollution,our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let's be greener people.
1.A. such as B. for example C. such like D. as well as
2.A. to B. in C. for D. at
3.A. breaths B. breathe C. breathed D. breathing
4.A. chemical B. chemicals C. chemistry D. chemistries
5.A. blind B. lame C. black D. deaf
6.A. noise B. noisy C. noisily D. noises
7.A. as well B. neither C. either D. also
8.A. must B. should C. may D. need
9.A. terrible B. comfortable C. terribly D. comfortably
10.A. little B. a little C. less D. fewer
Have you heard of the World Plant Milk Day It 1. ____________(celebrate) on August 22 every year. It is an international day to call on people to drink plant milk.
Plant milk is not new to us. It 2. ___________ (drink) by a lot of people. The most popular types of plant milk 3. ___________ (be) soy milk, coconut milk and rice milk. We 4. ____________ (can, get, easy) plant milk in supermarkets. We used to 5. ___________ (drink) dairy milk.
However, more and more studies6. ___________ (find) that people don’t need to drink dairy milk to be healthy. We can change to plant milk.
The first reason why we 7. ____________ (should, drink) plant milk is that it is good for the earth. Animal agriculture is the main cause of the greenhouse gas emission. By changing from dairy milk to plant milk, we 8. __________ (help) the earth.
Another reason is that plant milk is good for our health. Studies 9. ___________ (show) that plant milk can help prevent a lot of diseases. What’s more, plant milk 10. ___________ (provide) a long list of healthy ingredients, including calcium(钙),and a low sugar and calorie count .
一、1.afford 2.should 3.paying 4.driving 5.heard
二、1.reusable 2.is dancing 3.be brought 4.transportation 5.stay, taking
三、1.used to 2.has informed 3.may need your help 4.turned off 5.part, unless 6.no only, but also
四、1-5ACDBB 6-10BCCAD
五、1.is harmful 2.Paying for 3.to turn off 4.take action 5.take part in
六、1-5 ACDBD 6-10 BACAC
七、1.is celebrated 2.is drunk 3.are 4.can easily get 5.drink 6.have found 7.should drink 8.will help 9.have shown 10.provides



