期末复习拓展阅读理解 人教版(PEP)五年级上册第 (4)天(无答案)

期末复习拓展阅读理解 人教PEP版英语五年级上册
阅读短文,选择最佳答 案
Dear friends,We know Miss White is a fun teacher. She helps us so much. We love her! But she’ll go back to New York. So I’d like to have a party to say “Thanks and goodbye.” I can buy food and drinks. How about you Can you come to the party Can you invite(邀请)Miss White Can you sing or dance Please write to me.Yours,John
1.______ wrote (写) the email. ( )
A.John B.Friends C.Miss White
2.Miss White is a ______ teacher. ( )
A.fun and strict B.fun and helpful C.helpful and strict
3.Miss White is from ______. ( )
A.Canada B.the UK C.the USA
4.John can ______ for the party. ( )
A.sing and dance B.invite Miss White C.buy food and drinks
5.This is a ______ party. ( )
A.birthday B.farewell (欢送) C.New Year
Hi, I’m Alice. I love music. We have music on Tuesdays and Fridays. And I often listen to music in the evening. I don’t like to play sports. My PE teacher is very strict. I don’t like the PE class. I don’t often play sports on Sundays. I often read books on Sundays. What about you
1.Alice has _________ on Fridays. ( )
A.music B.PE C.reading
2.Does Alice often listen to music in the evening ( )
A.No, she doesn’t. B.Yes, she does. C.Yes, she doesn’t.
3.Alice’s PE teacher is _________. ( )
A.good B.kind C.strict
4.Alice _________ the PE class. ( )
A.likes B.don’t like C.doesn’t like
5.Alice often _________ on Sundays. ( )
A.reads books B.plays sports C.listens to music
Read and choose the answers.
It is a nice day. John and Jim go to a nature park. There is a big forest in the park. There is a beautiful lake near the forest and they can see some fishes in the lake. There is a bridge over the river in front of the lake. They take some pictures on the bridge. They want to climb the mountains, but they have no time.
1.Are there any trees in the park ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren’t.
2.What do they do on the bridge ( )
A.They go fishing. B.They take some pictures.
3.Is there a lake near the forest ( )
A.Yes, there is . B.No, there isn’t.
4.Are there any fish in the lake ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren’t.
5.Do John and Jim climb the mountains ( )
A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don’t.
Hi! I’m David. I’m from Willow school. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don’t like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite.
Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays. What about you
1.What day is it today ( )
A.Tuesday. B.Wednesday. C.Friday. D.Saturday.
2.What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays ( )
A.Pork and rice. B.Tofu and green beans.
C.Eggplant and fish. D.Mutton and tomatoes.
3.What is David’s computer teacher like ( )
A.He is tall and thin. B.He’s very funny. He is strong.
C.He is so heavy. D.He is active.
4.Does David like his computer teacher ( )
A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesn’t.
5.What does David do on Saturdays ( )
A.He often plays computer games. B.He often plays football and does homework.
C.He often watches TV and play ping-pong. D.He often sings songs.
Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn't know how to read or write.
One day, her sister Jane sees Mary in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing.
"What are you writing, Mary " Jane asks.
"I'm writing to my friend Amy."
"But how can you You don't know how to write."
"Well," says Mary, "It doesn't matter. Amy doesn't know how to read."
1.How old is Mary ( )
A.Five. B.Six. C.Eight.
2.Can Mary write ( )
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn't. C.No, she can't.
3.What's in Mary's hand ( )
A.There's a pen. B.There's a pencil. C.There's a crayon.
4.What's Mary doing ( )
A.She's drawing. B.She's writing to her friend. C.She's singing.
5.Can Amy read and write ( )
A.No, she can't. B.Yes, she can. C.We don't know.
A man likes old things very much. He is looking for things of old times. One Saturday morning, he comes to a small village (村庄) and finds a blue ceramic bowl (瓷碗) there. It looks nice and old. It is on the ground and a cat is eating breakfast from it. An old woman, the owner (主人) of the cat,is sitting near the bowl. The man wants to get the bowl, but he doesn’t want to spend much money on it. So he asks the woman, “The cat is very cute!I want to buy it. Can you sell it to me ”
“How much money can you give me ” the woman asks. The man says, “Twenty-five yuan. Is it OK ” The woman says, “OK.”
Then the man gives the money to her and runs away. After ten minutes (分钟) the man goes back, “My cat wants a bowl to drink. Can you give this bowl to me ” But the woman answers, “I’m sorry I can’t give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, it helps me sell (卖出) many cats a day.”
1.—Where does the story happen (发生) ( )
A.In a big village. B.In a small city (城市). C.In a small village.
2.—Where is the bowl ( )
A.On the cat. B.Beside the man. C.Near the old woman.
3.—What does the man really want ( )
A.The cat. B.The bowl. C.Some food.
4.—How much is the cat ( )
A.5yuan. B.5 yuan. C.5yuan.
5.From the story, we can know that the woman ________. ( )
A.has many bowls B.doesn’t like cats C.is very smart (聪明的)
One day, Mike and his grandpa are out for a walk. It’s hot, so they stop for a rest near a playground. There are some children playing football in the playground. And Mike wants to play too. So he asks his grandpa, “How are your teeth, Grandpa ”
His grandpa answers, “They are too bad.”
Mike is very happy. He gives some sweets to his grandpa, “Please look after the sweets for me. I will go to play football for a while.”
1.Mike and his grandpa are ______ one day. ( )
A.out for a walk B.watching TV C.listening to music D.out for shopping
2.They stop for a rest near a ______. ( )
A.school B.home C.playground D.garden
3.Mike asks his grandpa to look after his ______ for him. ( )
A.apple B.teeth C.sweets D.football
4.Mike wants to play ______. ( )
A.basketball B.football C.volleyball D.table tennis
5.Mike gives the sweets to his grandpa because his grandpa ______. ( )
A.doesn’t like sweets B.doesn’t want sweets
C.can’t eat the sweets with his bad teeth D.loves him

1.Lucy doesn’t have ________ for breakfast. ( )
A.milk B.a hamburger C.an egg D.bread
2.Tony has ________ for dinner. ( )
A.fruit salad B.rice and vegetables C.rice and chicken D.a hamburger
3.Lucy doesn’t like ________. ( )
A.milk B.apples C.eggs D.carrots
4.Lucy and Tony like ________. ( )
A.hamburgers B.bananas C.chicken D.tomatoes
5.About Tony, we know that he ________. ( )
A.has good eating habits B.likes eating vegetables
C.doesn’t have breakfast D.doesn’t like ice-cream
阅读短文,选择最佳答 案
Liu Tao: What’s the time now, Yang Ling
Yang Ling: It’s four thirty. It’s time to go home.
Liu Tao: It’s raining (下雨). Where is my umbrella
Yang Ling: Look! There’s a red umbrella under the desk.
Liu Tao: That isn’t my umbrella.
Yang Ling: There are four umbrellas near the blackboard. Which one is yours (你的), Liu Tao
Liu Tao: The blue one. Thank you, Yang Ling.
Yang Ling: Shall we go home together
Liu Tao: Great! Let’s go.
1.What time is it now ( )
A.Four. B.Four thirty. C.Five.
2.Where are Yang Ling and Liu Tao ( )
A.In the classroom. B.In the playground. C.In the supermarket.
3.Is there an umbrella under the desk ( )
A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, there is. C.No, there isn’t.
4.How many umbrellas are there in the classroom ( )
A.There are four. B.There are five. C.There are six.
5.What colour is Liu Tao’s umbrella ( )
A.Red. B.Black. C.Blue.
It is Christmas Day. There is a big party in the house. Then the bell rings. Several people shout, "Come in!" A small man opens the front door and comes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes to meet him and takes him to the bar for a drink. The man sits there happily and has a drink. Suddenly, he says to the host, "Nobody invited me to this party. I don’t know you. I don’t know any of your guests. My wife and I want to get out of our car, but one of your guest’s cars is in front of our gate. So I come here. My wife is waiting in our car for me to go back."
1.There is a __________ party in the house. ( )
A.Christmas B.birthday C.New Year
2.The small man comes into the house from the __________. ( )
A.window B.back door C.front door
3.__________ at the party knows the small man. ( )
A.Everybody B.Nobody C.The host
4.The small man goes to the party because __________. ( )
A.he wants to have a drink B.the host invites him
C.a guest’s car is in front of his gate
5.Which of the following sentences is WRONG ( )
A.It is December 5th.
B.The small man’s wife is in the car now.
C.The host knows why the small man comes when he comes in.
Today is the open day of Sunshine School. There are many activities(活动). Parents can visit the rooms and know more about the school life of their children.
Welcome to our school
When Do what Where
3:5 a.m. see the students’ pictures art room
4:00 a.m. watch the students doing sports playground
4:5 a.m. have a parents’ meeting school hall
5:5 a.m. watch two lessons (Chinese & English) classroom
2:00 p.m. have a free talk (about two hours) meeting room
1.Linda’s mother can go to the ______ to enjoy pictures. ( )
A.art room B.school hall C.classroom
2.How long can parents watch the students doing sports in the playground ( )
A.5 minutes. B.5minutes. C.5 minutes.
3.When does the parents’ meeting end(结束) ( )
A.At about 4:5 a.m. B.At about 5:5 a.m. C.At about 1:00 a.m.
4.Fred’s father can join in(参加) ______ in the morning. ( )
A.four activities B.two activities C.only one activity
5.There are no students in the ______ on the open day. ( )
A.school hall B.classroom C.Playground
Happy Birthday! Do you want to have a special birthday Have a look at our website (网站)!Birthday partyWe have two kinds of parties. The party will be at your home.Girls please visit www. g-birthday.com. Boys please visit www. b-birthday. com.Birthday dinnerWe have three kinds of set dinner (晚餐套餐) at the cost of $5 to $5 each.Set A $5 per person (每人)Set B $5 per personSet C $5 per personTel: 54-41
1.The website is for ________. ( )
A.restaurant B.dinner C.birthday party
2.The party will be ________. ( )
A.at your home B.in a restaurant C.on the website
3.If you are a boy, you can ________. ( )
A.visit www.g-birthday. com B.visit www.b-birthday. com C.get two parties together
4.You want to order Set B for ten persons, how much is it ( )
A.$50 B.$50 C.$50
5.Which is true ( )
A.There are three kinds of parties.
B.The telephone number of the website is 54-441.
C.If you have $50 for 3 persons, you can only order Set A.
阅读短文,选择最佳答 案
Things Basketball Football Ping-pong ball Volleyball
Names Tim Tom Cindy Lucy
Places On the sofa Under the chair In the desk Under the bed
Numbers One Two Four One
Colors Red Black and White Orange Blue and white
1.Lucy’s volleyball is ________. ( )
A.on the sofa B.under the chair C.under the bed
2.The footballs are ________. ( )
A.black and white B.orange C.blue and white
3.Cindy has ________ ping-pong ball(s). ( )
A.one B.two C.four
4.The basketball is ________. ( )
A.Tim’s B.Tom’s C.Lucy’s
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above ( )
A.Tom’s volleyball is orange.
B.Cindy’s ping-pong balls are in the desk.
C.Lucy has one red basketball.
My name is Wang Xin. I’m a student. My favourite day is Tuesday. We have a computer class and English. And we have beef noodles for lunch. Beef is my favourite food. My favourite teacher is Mr. Zhang. He is our PE teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very funny. On Sundays I often play basketball. What about you Can you tell me
1.Wang Xin is a ______. ( )
A.student B.teacher C.girl
2.Wang Xin has ______ on Tuesdays. ( )
A.a computer class and PE. B.a computer class and English. C.English and PE.
3.Wang Xin’s favourite food is ______. ( )
A.Tuesday B.beef C.PE
4.Mr. Zhang is ______. ( )
A.a PE teacher B.tall and strong C.A and B
5.Wang Xin often ______ on Sundays. ( )
A.plays basketball B.plays ping-pong C.plays footballs
My name is Lily. Today is Saturday. I do my homework and read books. My parents do housework at home. My father can cook. My mother can wash the clothes. Today we have salad, tomatoes and beef for lunch. Tomatoes are our favourite food. Tomorrow we’ll visit my grandparents. They live in a small village. There is a river and many mountains near the village. I love the small village.
1.Is it Sunday today ( )
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it’s Monday. C.No, it’s Saturday.
2.What can Lily’s father do ( )
A.He can cook. B.He can clean the rooms. C.He can wash the clothes.
3.What’s their favourite food ( )
A.Salad. B.Beef. C.Tomatoes.
4.Where do Lily’s grandparents live ( )
A.In a park. B.In a village C.In a city.
5.What’s near the village ( )
A.There is a river and many buildings. B.There is a river and many mountains. C.There is a lake and many houses.
My name is Jack. I'm twelve years old. I have my own bedroom now. I's small but nice. The desk is white. I like it very much. There is a big bed in my room. There are some toys on my bed. They're very cute. There is a computer and many books on the desk. A chair is beside the desk. There is a picture on the wall. There are two dogs in the picture. They're black. Do you like my bedroom
1.What is Jack's bedroom like ( )
A.It's big and nice. B.It's small but nice. C.It's big and beautiful.
2.What colour is the desk ( )
A.It's black. B.It's red. C.It's white.
3.Are there any toys in Jack's bedroom ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't. C.Yes, there is.
4.Where is the chair
A.I's beside the desk. B.It's under the desk. C.It's behind the desk.
5.Is there a computer on the desk ( )
A.Yes, there is. B.No, there isn't. C.Yes, there are.
To: robin@
From: mike@
Jan.1stDear Robin,How are you We just moved into Hangzhou. It’s very beautiful. The sky is blue and the water is clean. There is a big lake in Hangzhou. It’s West Lake. We can go boating there. But we can’t swim. It’s dangerous.The food here is yummy. The teachers and friends are kind, too. Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher. He is young and helpful. Now I can speak Chinese with friends. It’s so cool. I love Hangzhou. Would you like to come Mike
1.Mike is in __________ now. ( )
A.Hangzhou B.Beijing
2.Mike can __________ on the West Lake. ( )
A.go boating B.swim
3.The food is __________ in Hangzhou. ( )
A.hot B.yummy
4.The Chinese teacher is __________. ( )
A.young B.old
5.Mike can speak __________ with friends. ( )
A.Chinese B.English
Hi! I'm David. I'm from Canada. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer. I like computer class. Because my computer teacher is very kind and young. He looks tall and strong. We all like him. On Wednesdays, we have carrots and fish for lunch. I don't like carrots. Potatoes are my favourite food. They're delicious. My favourite day is Saturday. I often play football on Saturdays. I do my homework, too. Can you tell me about your school life
1.David is from ________. ( )
A.China B.Canada C.the USA
2.It's ________ today. ( )
A.Thursday B.Wednesday C.Tuesday
3.His computer teacher looks ________. ( )
A.tall and strong B.tall but thin C.short but thin
4.They have ________ for lunch on Wednesdays. ( )
A.green beans and fish B.carrots and beef C.carrots and fish
5.David likes Saturday because he can ________. ( )
A.play basketball B.play football C.play baseball
Hi, I'm David. I'm from Wilton school. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny, he is very strong. I like him.
We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don't like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays. What about you
1.What day is it today ( )
A.Tuesday. B.Wednesday. C.Friday.
2.What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays ( )
A.Pork and rice. B.Tofu and green beans. C.Eggplant and fish.
3.What is David's computer teacher like ( )
A.He is tall and thin. B.He is active. C.He's very funny. He is strong.
4.What classes do they have on Tuesdays ( )
A.Math, English and computer. B.Math, Chinese and P.E. C.Math, Chinese and computer.
5.What does David do on Saturdays ( )
A.He plays football and does homework. B.He plays computer game. C.He watches TV and play ping-pong.
My Bedroom
I have a bedroom. It's not very big, but nice. There is a small bed in the middle. It's blue. Blue is my favourite colour. There is a photo of me beside the bed. I am dancing in the photo. And there is a map of China on the wall. I live my motherland, China. There is a big bookshelf in my bedroom. There are a lot of books on the bookshelf. I enjoy reading in my bedroom. Near the bookshelf, there is a big window, it can make the room bright.
There are some green plants on the window. There is a big desk beside the window. I can do my homework there.
1.My bedroom is ______. ( )
A.small and nice B.big and nice C.big and old.
2.My bed is ______. ( )
A.on the window B.in the middle C.on the bookshelf
3.There is a map of China ______. I love my motherland, China. ( )
A.beside the bed B.in the photo C.on the wall
4.There are many ______ on the bookshelf. ( )
A.photos B.books C.plants
5.There is ______ beside the window. ( )
A.green plants B.big bookshelf C.a big desk
Miss Lee is 1 years old. She likes students and her work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the students lessons. She has much work to do, but she often plays games with her students after school. On Sundays, she drives to her parents' home and stays with them. Sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sundays. She drives back to school on Monday morning. She's a good girl.
1.Miss Lee is a . ( )
A.teacher B.student C.farmer
2.She goes to see her friends on . ( )
A.weekends B.Saturdays C.Sundays
3.Miss Lee goes home . ( )
A.by car B.on foot C.drives a car
4.She doesn't work . ( )
A.on Monday B.at weekends C.from Monday to Friday
5.Which one is right?( )
A.She has no work to do and often plays.
B.She plays with the students at weekends.
C.She likes the students and plays with them.




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