
第I卷 (选择题 共100分)
第II卷 (非选择题 共50分)
which 62. was awarded 63. Actually 64. an 65. has become
66.attracting 67. from/at 68. its 69. activities 70. what
but→that 2.how→what 3.them→themselves 4.giving→given 5.and→or 6. most前a→the 7.studying→study 8.去掉not后to 9.communicate后加with 10.we → our
Ways to Reduce Stress
Recently a survey was carried out about ways to reduce stress. Surprisingly, approximately 4/5 of the respondents regarded watching videos as their preferred way to ease stress, closely followed by listening to music. In contrast, only a small percent of individuals chose sports or chatting with others as means of reducing their psychological burden.
While videos and music offer amusement and fascination, excessive indulgence can intensify our dependence on smartphones, thus distracting our attention from our studies and daily lives. In fact, alternative approaches, such as sports and social interaction, can offer greater benefits. Not only does participating in sports promote physical well-being, but communicating with our friends and parents can also provide comfort.
Therefore, I suggest that senior three students adopt a combination of stress-relief methods, prioritizing those that enhance both our physical and mental health. Thank you for listening!石嘴山三中2023-2024学年第一学期高三年级
第I卷 (选择题 共100分)
例:How much is the shirt
A.$19.15. B.$9.18 C.$9.15
1. When is the art gallery closed
A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Monday.
2. What is Michael
A. A lawyer. B. A teacher. C. An accountant.
3. What does the man mean
A. He will contact Sally right. now. B. The mail can be sent to Sally directly.
C. The woman can ask Sally for the address.
4. What are the speakers probably doing
A. Studying a photograph. B. Reading a picture book. C. Checking a TV set.
5. Where will the speakers meet
A. At the station. B. In front of the cinema. C. At the church.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. When will the soccer practice most probably start
A. At 3:00. B. At 3:30. C. At 5:00.
7. What will the woman do first after lunch
A. Go to work. B. Have a class. C. Study in the library.
听第7段材料,回答第 8、9题。
8. What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Waitress and customer. B. Mother and son. C. Doctor and patient.
9. What would the man like to eat
A. Some ice cream. B. Some peas. C. Some vegetables.
听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
10. What does the woman plan to do
A. Paint her house. B. Buy a new house. C. Expand her house.
11. What can we know about the couple
A. They are architects. B. They are expecting a baby.
C. They are good at different instruments.
12. What is the woman going to do now
A. Go shopping. B. Attend a concert. C. See a dentist.
听第9段材料,回答第13 至 16题。
13. Why did the woman have to stay at the bottom of the mountain
A. She was worn out. B. She was scared of heights. C. She loved the scenery there.
14. What was the woman doing when she saw a dolphin
A. Relaxing on the beach. B. Sailing in a boat. C. Diving under water.
15. How long did it take the woman to go to the forest
A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Four hours.
16. What had the woman never done before
A. Boating. B. Cave exploring. C. Rock climbing.
听第10段材料,回答第 17 至 20题。
17. What can we learn about “prom”
A. It is a formal celebration. B. It is held at the start of college.
C. It is a unique American tradition.
18. Where did the “prom” tradition start according to the widely accepted belief
A. In Canada. B. In Australia. C. In the US.
19. Why is “prom” important in students' lives
A. It's a sign of becoming an adult. B. It's an opportunity to find a job.
C. It marks the end of their schooling.
20. Who will traditionally pay for the tickets for “prom”
A. Schools. B. Students. C. Parents.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Living in a dorm is definitely one of the best parts of the college experience. You finally get your own space that you can decorate however you want. However, it can be pretty hard to decide how you want to decorate your dorm room so that it’s the perfect, comfortable, personalized space. It’s important that your dorm feels like your home. The following are some ideas for the coolest room on campus.
Try decorative plants
With all of your classes, you probably won’t have time to keep real plants alive, but thankfully you can get some realistic-looking greens online to bring some grown-up vibes into the space.
Miracliy Artificial Rose Flower Garland $16 AT AMAZON Now 45% Off The Current Price RECUTMS Artificial Ivy With LED String Light $24 AT AMAZON
Add fun lights
You can go with the TikTok famous LED strip lights, or go with something a little softer, like a sunset lamp.
Tsrarey Sunset Lamp Projection $14 AT AMAZON Now 20% Off The Current Price Rossetta Star Projector, Galaxy Projector $36 AT AMAZON Now 40% Off The Current Price
Try temporary wallpaper
This is probably the easiest way to decorate your dorm room. Just pick a cute pattern or color, and then at the end of the year, peel it off and leave a clean slate for the next student.
RoomMates Pink and Orange Cheetah Cheetah Peel and Stick Wallpaper $44 AT AMAZON JiffDiff Peel and Stick Wallpaper $13 AT AMAZON
Why does the author recommend realistic-looking greens
You can decorate your dorm however you want.
B. It is pretty hard to choose a really personalized plant.
C. Realistic-looking greens are more beautiful than real plants.
D. Students may not have enough time to look after the real plants.
22. What is an advantage of trying temporary wallpaper
A. It is the cutest. B. It is the simplest.
C. It is the loveliest. D. It is the cleanest.
23. How much do you pay if you buy the Rose Flower Garland and the Sunset Lamp
A. $20. B. $27.2. C. $22.8. D. $30.
A wolf in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, Northwest China’s Qinghai Province, has gained weight as a result of regular feeding by visitors in vehicles, according to a video recorded by a netizen. The fat wolf swings its tail at passing vehicles and even rolls on its back to appeal for food in the video. The video rapidly spread, causing an Internet debate.
In July this year, a woman shared a video of her encounter with a wolf while traveling through HohXil. She got out of her car to give the hungry wolf some beef jerky, noting how thin the animal seemed. She expressed her sympathy for it and did not hesitate to feed it. In other videos posted by netizens, the wolf can be seen wandering near cars on the roadside, and even lying in front of one of them. The new video claims the wolf in Hoh Xil has been fed by humans for a long time.
It caused a heated discussion among netizens, with some finding the wolf very cute and funny, and joking that it no longer wanted to work hard. But others expressed concern that such feeding would disrupt the natural order, and have a negative impact on the wolf and its ecosystem.
Dai Qiang, a researcher at the Chengdu Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who has been studying wild animals such as pandas and wolves for a long time, disagrees with the practice of feeding wild wolves. He believes that such behavior, may also cause the animals to become dependent, and have adverse (不利的) results. Dai says that such behavior may cause risks to both human beings and wild animals.
“Wild animals, especially injured ones, may carry bacteria. Wolves are fierce animals after all, and it is hard to know whether they are aggressive or not, so it is better to keep a safe distance,” says Dai. “On the other hand, unless the species is endangered, artificial intervention (人为干预) is not recommended,” he adds.
What can we say about the wolf in Hoh Xil
It turned to a woman for help. B. It lost weight in the nature reserve.
It wandered regularly near visitors. D. It has been given food by people.
25. What does the underlined word “disrupt” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Protect. B. Maintain. C. Upset. D. Adjust.
26. What will probably happen if wild animals are fed according to Dai
A. They may hurt people. B. They may gain weight.
C. They may leave reserves. D. They may become extinct.
27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To inform people of wolves’ habits.
B. To call on people to protect wolves.
C. To warn people of risks in feeding wolves.
D. To entertain readers with a wolf story.
A career in comics(漫画) is a dream for many talented, creative artists. It’s an opportunity to express one’s imagination through powerful stories. Traditionally, it was difficult, and sometimes expensive, to make it in the comic world. However, webtoons, comic platforms for viewing on the web and mobile devices, are changing the situation for independent artists. Artists can gain a following on webtoons platforms without having to depend on large publishing agents. It’s a fantastic opportunity for comic book lovers to find exciting new stories.
WEBTOON is the largest and most well-known webtoons platform, and it offers creators the chance to gain deals with famous agents and publishers. Some creators who got their start on WEBTOON have seen their stories adapted for TV series or movies. American Netflix has published two live-action adaptations of webtoons. WEBTOON has also worked with brand-name comics. For example, DC Comics, one of America’s oldest and largest comic book producers, produced a comic book series Batman: Wayne Family Adventures with WEBTOON. The popular DC series got more than 76 million views on WEBTOON.
In addition to all that, webtoons have helped independent artists and writers make it in the comic world. Azumi was a webtoons follower, who even won a webtoons competition, but he had no means to continue comic book writing full-time. In 2021, a WEBTOON producer found his great work and employed him to write. This opportunity allowed Azumi to give up his job and focus on his art. Azumi explains, “Many groups and stories that have not been shown in traditional publishing can have a voice and space on WEBTOON.”
“ WEBTOON creators are some of the most talented and creative people the history of comics. In a time when comics have never been more popular, we’re proud of the growing Creator Economy and the ecosystem we’ve built to celebrate and support WEBTOON creators,” said CEO, Ken Kim.
What can we learn about webtoons from the first paragraph
A. They push artists to attract mobile viewers.
B. They enable artists to show their works easily.
C. They will take the place of traditional publishing.
D. They encourage users to recommend creative artists.
29. What does the author suggest by mentioning Netflix and DC Comics in Paragraph 2
A. WEBTOON is competing with big agents.
B. Creators are full of curiosity about adapted works.
C. WEBTOON achieves development through partnerships.
D. Creators hope to publish their works on different platforms.
30. What enabled Azumi to work as a comic book writer
A. His familiarity with webtoons.
B. WEBTOON’s recognition of his talent.
C. His excellent performance in a competition.
D. WEBTOON’s close contact with its followers.
31. Which word best describes Ken Kim’s attitude to WEBTOON’s work
A. Surprised B. Worried C. Unclear D. Satisfied
Storytelling is an ancient art form that has been used to hand down legends, tales and factual stories. Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind when you think of storytelling is the fantasy land that took shape in your mind while Mom or Dad told you stories about princes, castles and monsters, with a unique voice for each character.
Storytelling does not just take place at bedtime or round a campfire, however. It can take some other forms, either via the books we read or the films we watch. But they usually have some elements in common: rather than a list of dry facts, stories have plots and they introduce characters. We respond to stories, particularly when there is emotional detail.
And unlike what we suppose, storytelling is not just a form of entertainment, but a form of learning as well. Long before reading and writing became widely spread and available, oral storytelling had already been a form that the wisdom and knowledge of the people were passed down from elders to children. A good story engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination.
Storytelling helps with learning also because stories are easy to remember. Research has found that learning obtained from a well-told story is remembered more accurately, and for far longer, than from facts and figures.
And above all, stories have a transformative power to allow us to see the world in a different way than we do if we just encounter it on our own. Stories are an entry point to understanding a different experience of the world.
This aspect of storytelling-presenting a different perspective of the world—is important when it comes to connecting with each other. It gives us an opportunity to learn from another person’s experience and it can shape, strengthen or challenge our opinions and values. So, when someone tells us their own personal story, we catch a glimpse of a view of the world that may be slightly or significantly different from our own. When we see the world as they see it, or walk in their shoes, the experience can inspire empathy (共情;同理心) with them.
What occurs to us the moment we think of “storytelling”
A child's imaginary world. B. Voices of Mom or Dad.
C. An ancient art form. D. Factual stories.
33. Why does storytelling work better than mere statement of facts in promoting learning
A. It carries more wisdom and knowledge.
B. It is more widely available to young learners.
C. It satisfies our imagination and releases our emotions.
D. It makes what is learned more precise and longer lasting.
34. How can other people’s personal stories probably benefit us
A. By offering us more opportunities to know people.
B. By helping us stay connected with the contemporary world.
C. By allowing us to understand the world the way they see it.
D. By enabling us to tell reality from imagination.
35. What makes the best title for the passage
A. The History of Storytelling B. The Power of Storytelling
C. The Forms of Storytelling D. The Art of Storytelling
When working in the garden, a gardener has to deal with dirt, sticks, and rocks. This could cause injuries like cuts. Gardening gloves are used to protect your hands from such gardening dangers. And they can keep your hands clean. 36
Commonly, gardening gloves are made of cotton. Cotton is light and cheap to make and protects the hands from dirt. However, cotton gloves do not provide much protection from sharp objects. They wear out easily. 37 And that moisture (潮气) can make the gardener’s hands cold on a cold day.
To deal with the shortcomings of cotton gloves, gardeners can turn to other kinds of gardening gloves. Gloves made of both cotton and leather can be a good choice. 38 As a result, they don’t have to be replaced often. Their weakness is that they still get wet and do not provide much protection from sharp objects.
Gloves completely made of leather wear much better. They are usually used for heavy garden and yard work. 39 If gardeners want to keep moisture away from their hands, they can turn to the gloves specially designed for such a purpose.
40 The gloves of the right size will protect the gardener’s hands from many different kinds of dangers and allow them to catch things. Wearing gloves that are too big may prevent the gardener from holding on to tools. Gloves that are too small can cause skin injuries.
A. They wear better than cotton gardening gloves.
B. In addition, they get heavy when they are wet.
C. Some gloves are designed for light garden work.
D. It is advised that you clean your gloves less often.
E. But they tend to be uncomfortable in hot conditions.
F. They should fit properly whatever gardening gloves people use.
G. The type of gardening gloves available depends on the type of gardening.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
My life as an exchange student finally began! It was only a short 20-minute drive from the airport to Queensland University of Technology (QUT), but I 41 it a lot. My driver was very 42 and told me a lot about Australian culture along the way.
Before 43 home, I had a fair idea of what my 44 would be like. When O-Week at QUT finally happened, I felt that my life here really lived up to my first 45 .
The week-long event not only 46 me to engage indifferent clubs and societies, it also gave me a chance to 47 QUT's campus.
I loved the 48 of O-Week. It was really lively, and I got the 49 to meet so many people. Interacting with different cultures first-hand was really a(n) 50 . I felt this was exactly how I 51 life in Australia would be like. I was really 52 to finally experience this!
After 53 my new home, I found that living in Brisbane was quite different. I had the 54 to do a lot more and had no limits on 55 I could do them. For example, have you ever wanted pancakes at 6 am Say no more --- one of my favorite restaurants was only a 2-minute walk away from my 56 . Besides, I found it quite 57 to meet and work with the locals, and learn about their 58 attitude to life and work.
I loved Australia so much that I felt very 59 when my experience came to a(n) 60 . I made so many friends there and I hope to see them all again on my next world tour!
A.enjoyed B. predicted C suspected D. planned
A. curious B. strange C. friendly D. lonely
A.arriving B. returning C. moving D. leaving
A.experience B.behavior C.position D. result
A.requirements B. expectations C.challenges D. grades
A.warned B.forced C. taught D.allowed
A.expand B.explore C. compare D. contact
A.atmosphere B. invitation C. purpose D. origin
A.responsibility B. stability C.opportunity D. ability
A.green-hand B. trouble- maker C.record-holder D. eye-opener
A.denied B. pictured C.declared D. misunderstood
A.embarrassed B.shocked C.excited D. relaxed
A. settling into B. figuring out C.paying a visit D. getting around
A.patience B.power C.excuse D. freedom
A. why B.where C.when D. how
A.laboratory B.accommodation C. destination D. company
A.interesting B.inconvenient C.demanding D. ordinary
A.sudden B.positive C.different D. foolish
A.proud B.confused C.satisfied D. sad
A.point B.end C.crisis D. choice
第II卷 (非选择题 共50分)
Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, about 300 kilometers away from Changsha, capital of Hunan, Zhangjiajie, 61 covers a total area of 9,563 square kilometers, is a tourist city for its unique natural scenery and abundant tourism resources. Zhangjiajie 62 (award) the title of “World Geological Park” in 2004. 63 (actual), Zhangjiajie, honored as “the most fantastic mountain under heaven” and “a walking Chinese landscape painting”, is also widely praised as “ 64 enlarged potted landscaping”, “a mini fairyland” and “a maze (迷宫) of nature”.
Since it was discovered in the 1980s, tourism industry 65 (become) the leading industry in Zhangjiajie, which has stimulated the development of other industries related to tourism, 66 (attract) a growing number of tourists 67 home and abroad.
At the same time, ecotourism has been developed rapidly in Zhangjiajie. When you come to Zhangjiajie, you can fully appreciate 68 (it) magnificent natural scenery and experience appealing folk custom as well as other thrilling tourist 69 (activity), and you will be deeply impressed by 70 the local people performed.
It must be an exciting, joyful and unforgettable tour to Zhangjiajie.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
Nowadays, many students like stars so blindly but they don’t care about how the stars do. It is really a pity that some fans lose them in the process.
Here are some suggestions giving to the fans. Firstly, please worship stars sensibly. Never try to do some stupid and even crazy things for the stars. Next, be aware of a most important task of a student. Everyone is supposed to studying hard at present. Last but not least, why not to worship the stars around us There are some super stars we can communicate in reality, such as we parents and the medical workers.
临近高考,高三学生备考压力很大,你校开展了以“Ways to Reduce Stress”为题的讨论。请根据图表中的调查结果写一篇发言稿, 内容包括:
1. 简述调查结果;
2. 评价并提出建议。
Ways to Reduce Stress
Recently a survey was carried out about ways to reduce stress.



上一篇:新疆克拉玛依市2022-2023五年级下册期末英语试题(图片版 含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

下一篇:初中数学华师大版七年级下学期 第7章 7.4 实践与探索