安徽省亳州市涡阳县2023-2024六年级上学期期末考试英语试题( 含答案)

六年级英语第一学期期末质量检测 ( )3.How can we______ there.
A.to get B.get C.getting
(时间:60分钟 满分:100 分)
( )4.I like ______books.
一、根据所给汉语意思,补全下列单词。(5 分)
A.read B.reading C.reads
1.tomorr__ __ ( 明天 ) 2.w__ ___d(单词) 3.work__ __(工人) ( )5.He is good _______football.
4.__ __gry (生气 ) 5.afr__ __d(害怕) A.in B.on C.at
( )6.-What_______ your father do -He is a doctor.
二、单词归类(10 分)
A.is B.do C.dose
today afraid plane tonight cinema
( )7.I’m _____buy some books next Saturday.
dancer bus happy bookstore pilot
A.go to B.will C.going to
1. 表示时间的:______________________________
( )8._______run on the subway.
2. 表示交通工具的:___________________________ A.Not B.Don’t C.Doesn’t
3. 表示感觉的:_______________________________ ( )9.I hurt my legs.I feel_____.
A.angry B.happy C.sad
4. 表示地点的:_______________________________
( )10.I usually come to school____ foot..
5. 表示职业的:________________________________ A. by B.in C.on
三、根据答语,选择恰当的疑问词填在横线上。(10 分)
where, how, when, what, who 五、选出左边句子正确的答语,把序号填在前面括号内。(15 分)
1. -_______ does he want to be -He wants to be a doctor. ( )1.Where dose she work A.I’m going to the cinema.
2. -______is your English teacher -Mr.Li. ( )2.What dose your uncle do B.I’m going to buy some apples.
3. -_________ is the bookstore -It’s near the hospital. ( )3.where are you going C.I like reading books.
4. -________ do you go to school -I go to school by bus. ( )4.What are you going to do D.He is a postman.
5. -________is Amy’s birthday -It’s August second. ( )5.What is your hobby E.She works in a factory.
四、单项选择(20 分)
六、情景选择(15 分)
( )1.Turn left _____the school.
( ) 1.你想知道博物馆在哪,你问:__________
A.on B.at C.in
A. Where’s the bookstore
( )2.________ an interesting film!
B. Where’s the hospital
A.What B.How C.Where
C. Where’s the museum
学校 班级 姓名 得分_________________
( )2.你的好朋友说他将要去旅行,你应该祝他:__________ Oliver is my good friend.He is a student.His mother is a teacher,and his father is
A. Have a good time! a coach.He has s sister.His sister is a student,too.He goes to school by bike.He is going
B. Good idea! to see a film with me this afternoon.
C. See you! ( )1.There are three people in Oliver’s family.
( )3.你想安慰伤心失落的朋友,你可以说:___________ ( )2.Oliver’s father is a teacher.
A. Don’t be afraid. ( )3.Oliver’s sister is a coach.
B. Don’t worry. ( )4.Oliver goes to school by bike.
C. Don’t be sad. ( )5.We are going to the cinema this afternoon.
( )4.你想问朋友这周末打算去哪,你可以问:_____________
A. What are you going to do this weekend
B. Where are you going this weekend
C. When are you going
( )5.你想说“它们在这儿”,应该说:__________
A.Here it is!
B.Here you are!
C.Here they are!
七、连词成句(10 分)
1.right at turn hospital the(.)
2.do come how you to school ( )
3.should warm you wear clothes(.)
4.lives he on farm a (.)
5.take bus a let’s home(.)
八、读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”.(15 分)
一、1 .ow 2.or 3.er 4.an 5.ai
二、1.today tonight
2. plane bus
3. afraid happy
4. cinema bookstore
5. dancer pilot
三、1.What 2.Who 3.Where 4.How 5.When
四、1-5 BABBC 6-10 CCBCC
五、1-5 EDABC
六、1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C
七、1.Turn right at the hospital.
2.How do you come to school
3.You should wear warm clothes.
4.He lives on a farm.
5.Let’s take a bus home.
八.1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5. T



