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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The harvest season falls at different times of the year depending on region and climate, but festivals celebrating its arrival are held all over the world Some are the start of the season and the fist crops, while other are celebrations to give thanks for the blessing of a harvest.
Rice Harvest Festival (May ~ June)
The harvest festival is dedicated to Dewi Sni-the goddess of rice and fertility(丰产) celebrated by the people of Bali, Indonesia.
Mid-Autumn Festival (September ~ October)
Mooncakes and tea are served on Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Moon Festival, because it coincides with the full moon on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is also a time of family gatherings.
Yam Festival (August or September)
Men are carrying yams(山药) at the Yam Festival on the Trobriand Islands, Papua NewGuinea. The people there celebrate the end of the rainy season and the first appearance of yams.
Sukkoth (September ~ October)
Jewish people decorate the family Sukkah for the Jewish festival of Sukkot. A Sukkah is a temporary building where meals are taken for the week. The 8-day festival gives thanks to the harvest.
Pongal (January)
The 4-day festival of Pongal is a celebration of the rice harvest period. Held after the winter solstice(冬至), it celebrates the return of longer days of life-giving sunlight. Its name comes from a Tamil word, meaning “to boil”, and is also the name given to a rice dish that is prepared during this time.
1.Which festivals are related to rice
A.Yam Festival and Sukkoth.
B.Mid-Autumn Festival and Yam Festival.
C.Rice Harvest Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
D.Pongal and Rice Harvest Festival.
2.What can you enjoy if you visit China during the Mid-Autumn Festival
A.Mooncakes. B.Dumplings. C.Sweet dumplings. D.Zongzi.
3.What will the Jewish people prepare for Sukkoth
A.Rice dishes. B.Special houses. C.Tea D.Flowers
Why are certain people so memorable, while some fade from our memories in time
Several examples come to mind with my youngest son, Ken. He was always more comfortable around his dad’s friends than his own. He loved to spend time with them, fish with them, listen to their stories and just be with them.
He has experienced the loss of several really meaningful friendships over the past few years, and it has been very painful for him. One, Dr. George, was a neighbour and fishing buddy who would call to see if Ken could go fishing with him. Dr. George always said Ken was the son he never had and that it meant everything to him. He died very suddenly while fishing with all of his best buddies a few years ago. The huge hole that left in so many lives simply cannot be filled—for Ken it was immensely painful.
There was another fishing buddy of his dad’s, Frank, who was always fun to be around. Ken was very young then, but really enjoyed getting along with “the guys” when they were fishing. Frank and his family went to the Kens in the same week we did one year and the memory remains to this day. Cheerful and happy, he was able to laugh at himself and accept everyone’s abilities or lack of them, all qualities that impressed Ken so much.
When he became deadly ill, Ken drove from his home in North Carolina to Florida for an overnight visit with him. He died a short time later. The day after his funeral (葬礼), Frank came to Ken in a dream and asked if he would take care of his wife, Carol. To Ken this was very meaningful, and today they share a special bond that Frank somehow knew would be important for them both.
When you are raising children, you realise that some people become very important to them, draw them in, accept and respect them. It changes them.
4.According to the author, some people are unforgettable to us because of .
A.their great achievements
B.their consideration and kindness
C.good relationships between them
D.successful cooperation between them
5.It is implied in paragraph 3 that Dr.George wished Ken were his .
A.adoptive son
B.biological son
C.best friend
D.hateful enemy
6.The author will agree with all of the following EXCEPT that Ken .
A.spent a joyful week with Frank one year
B.felt the greatest pain to George’s death
C.seemed to get along better with adults
D.was glad to get tolerated by Frank
7.Carol is mentioned in the fifth paragraph to show us that .
A.Frank wanted her to marry Ken
B.Ken met Frank in a dream
C.Frank regarded Ken as his son
D.Ken was a cultured gentleman
I heard a story recently about a friend’s former boss. When employees would go into this person’s office to discuss something like a pay rise or promotion, the boss had a habit of greeting their request with silence. Quiet, tense seconds went slowly by, and they’d often leave, willing to take a pay cut or demotion (降职) — anything to end the terrible silence.
Embarrassing silences can be unbearable. In 2017, a study found that silence in a talk starts to be unbearable after about four seconds. There’s so much uncertainty in the air as those silent seconds went slowly by. Did I say something wrong Does this person hate me Am I going to get fired But it’s worth remembering that if you don’t know what to say or do, there is always the choice to do nothing. Uncomfortable silences aren’t necessarily a bad thing, depending on how you use them.
For example, Katie Donovan is a supporter of the awkward-silence negotiating (谈判) technique. As she said, “The first step is to be silent or shut up!” If, for example, you are offered a starting salary of $40,000 when you know that the median salary for this position is $48,000, you can say something like this, “Thank you for the offer. I’m a little surprised about the salary, though. Based on my research I would have expected it to be in the $50,000 range.”
It’s a good start; there is no phrase more quietly deadly in the business world than “I’m a little surprised”. But it only works if you say this — and then say nothing. During this pause, Donovan explains, the hiring manager is likely to try to work out how serious you are and how much more to offer. “Remember,” Donovan writes, “the hiring manager most likely will increase the salary during the meeting.”
8.What would the employees often do when they met with the boss’s silence
A.Keep silent. B.Get angry. C.Fight back. D.Give in.
9.What does the author say about silence in Paragraph 2
A.It is a basic part of communication.
B.It gives people time for themselves.
C.You don’t have to break it all the time.
D.The meaning of it varies among people.
10.What does the underlined word “median” mean in Paragraph 3
A.Average. B.Highest.
C.Final. D.Starting.
11.What should you do after saying “I’m a little surprised”
A.Give up your request. B.Keep silent for a while.
C.Avoid making eye contact. D.Continue to give your reasons.
There is mounting evidence that the smartphone era is fading. Phone sales have been in gentle decline since 2016, as slower technological improvement has led to people upgrading less often.
The current big idea is virtual-reality (VR) headsets, promoted in part by pandemic lockdowns. More promising are glasses for experiencing augmented reality (AR), in which computer graphics are overlaid on the real world. Most of America’s big tech firms-among them Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft-as well as Asian giants like ByteDance (TikTok’s Chinese owner) and Sony, are developing or selling VR or AR headsets. What has so far been a niche (有利可图的) market is about to become very crowded.
What does seem to be under way, however, is a gradual movement by consumers towards a series of new wearable devices. These include voice-activated smart headphones, which can make calls, read messages and more, and smart watches, which handle scheduling, navigation and fitness. Many health-tech gadgets measure everything from blood sugar to sleep patterns. In some countries unit sales of these “wearables” are already close to sales of smart phones.
People are not about to ditch their phones, any more than they threw out their laptops a decade ago. But as they interact more often with earphones or, soon glasses, more of them will come to use their phone as a kind of back office, primarily there to provide processing muscle for other gadgets. As chips get even smaller, phones may not be needed even for that.
12.According to the passage, the reason for the fact that smartphones have been less popular is ________.
A.that the digital market is becoming crowded
B.that people are being locked down during the pandemic
C.that technology is improving slowly
D.that many USA’s tech companies are developing VR or AR headsets
13.Nowadays, people choose in preference to these devices except ________.
A.smartphones B.VR headsets C.AR glasses D.smart watches
14.What does the underlined word “ditch” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.Put away. B.Cast away. C.Keep away. D.Interact with.
15.What is the main idea of the passage
A.The popularity of AR and VR
B.The decrease in sales of smartphones and new alternatives
C.The “wearables” are more popular than smart phones.
D.Smartphones are not in demand any longer in the future.
Because of its abstract nature, contemporary (当代的) art can be difficult for people to understand. When people don’t understand art, they start to reject it. You start hearing criticisms, like people saying that it’s a scam, or that these artists are cons that are just trying to make a dollar. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you want to try to increase your appreciation of contemporary art 16
Read between the lines
It’s kind of cliché (陈词滥调), but the question “What does it represent ” is not only true, but also vital to understand how contemporary artworks and what it has to offer. Especially in contemporary art, which focuses heavily on being a reflection of society, you should think of the world today and how it relates to the piece instead of just taking it at face value. 17 . It should increase your appreciation for what contemporary art has to offer.
Come humbly
When you’re attending a contemporary art exhibition, it’s counterproductive to come at it with the attitude of being overcritical. Instead of coming into the exhibit with the attitude that these people are misleading artists, you should instead be trying to be as humble (谦卑的) as possible, and experiencing the diverse perspectives that the art has to offer rather than critiquing the art itself. 18 you’re not going to be able to change your attitude about contemporary art. Want to appreciate contemporary art Start from a place of humility
20 and the art that they create reflects that difference. If you don’t know the background of the artist, and you’re trying to get to a place where you can appreciate their work, you should learn a little bit about their history. It’s extremely common for there to be brochures at exhibits that will give you all of the information that you need to know about the art and the artist who created it. This brings a new dimension to experiencing contemporary art, and is a surefire way to increase your appreciation of it.
A.Contemporary has a lot features
B.Appreciate it from another aspect
C.If you come into the exhibit with a prideful attitude
D.The artist has a different perspective and worldview than you do
E.There is no right or wrong answer in contemporary art appreciation
F.You might find that the piece reflects some of the issues that are important to people today
G.Here are a few tips to make you truly appreciate everything that contemporary art has to offer
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As I was walking along the river one day, enjoying some hot chocolate with the sun shining down on me on a nice spring day, I was in the mood to do something nice for a 21 and started looking around for an opportunity. Not long after that, I found I was 22 by a complete stranger and he started talking to me aggressively. I could tell he was probably 23 due to a strong smell of alcohol, so I just stayed calm and kept walking ahead. There were hundreds of people 24 around nearby, so I wasn’t that worried.
As I tried to change my 25 , he kept following me. At one point, he literally cornered me near the rail next to the river. I got really 26 , praying that one of the many people nearby who watched this whole episode unfold would be 27 enough to help me out of the situation.
28 later, a couple passed by me and had seen everything happen. Just when I felt completely helpless, the lady came along, linked her arm into mine and said, “Darling, why don’t you come with us ” and started 29 me away from the guy. 30 , her husband stayed between us and the guy and gestured for him to walk in the other direction. The guy started swearing and getting angry, while the sweet lady 31 me, saying don’t worry. Finally, once he left, she said, “Why don’t you carry on walking where you were going and we’ll make sure he goes away and leaves you 32 .” As I rushed away, I was still badly shaken, but at the same time had feelings of immense 33 for this random couple who chose to 34 me. Here I was, thinking I was on a mission to do a random act of kindness, when instead, I ended up on the 35 end. I guess it is equally important to learn how to receive and to feel grateful for the kindness of others.
21.A.hero B.jogger C.friend D.stranger
22.A.attacked B.approached C.amazed D.accompanied
23.A.drunk B.crazy C.injured D.disabled
24.A.turning B.looking C.hanging D.traveling
25.A.name B.course C.attitude D.mind
26.A.bored B.confused C.scared D.exhausted
27.A.courageous B.generous C.careful D.strong
28.A.Weeks B.Days C.Hours D.Seconds
29.A.chasing B.walking C.kicking D.driving
30.A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Instead
31.A.urged B.encouraged C.persuaded D.comforted
32.A.alone B.aside C.behind D.out
33.A.happiness B.responsibility C.gratitude D.pride
34.A.fit in with B.reach out to C.take care of D.catch up with
35.A.repaying B.rewarding C.remembering D.receiving
Chinese calligraphy (书法) is an art form that 36 (involve) the skilled and deliberate use of brush and ink to create beautiful and expressive characters.
The origins of Chinese calligraphy can be traced back thousands of years to the Shang Dynasty, making it one of the 37 (old) continuous artistic traditions in the world. Its evolution is accompanied with the development of the Chinese writing system, 38 consists of thousands of characters, each with its own artistic structure and stroke order (笔顺).
Calligraphy in China 39 (regard) as one of the highest forms of artistic expression. It is not only a means of communication 40 a way to develop one’s character, discipline, and spirituality. The practice of calligraphy requires 41 (patient), concentration, and a deep understanding of the balance between empty space and solid forms.
Different styles of calligraphy have emerged throughout history, each with its own distinct characteristics and artistic conventions. The most famous 42 (style) include regular script (kaishu), running script (xingshu), cursive script (caoshu), and seal script (zhuanshu).
Chinese calligraphy has a profound influence 43 other art forms, such as 44 (paint), poetry, and seal carving. It is often considered as an important part of the Chinese traditional culture, where scholars and artists would gather in a 45 (culture) salon to appreciate and discuss calligraphic works.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46.上周末你参观了校学生会举办的“乡土中国(Rural China)”摄影展。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
One morning, Ann’s neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog and she planned to find its owner. Ann agreed, but she said that she could watch it only for the day because she needed to take care of her son. At the time, her son Thomas was 10 years old, who was recovering from a heart operation.
Later, Tracy took photos of the dog, printed off 400 FOUND fliers, put them in mailboxes and began to find the dog’s owner. Meanwhile, Ann bought some pet supplies, warning her son not to fall in love with the dog. However, her son was filled with excitement as he knew that his mother got a dog back home. He planned to provide the dog with some food everyday.
Four days later, Ann and her son were still looking after the dog, whom they had started to call Riley. During the four days, they took care of the dog carefully, provided some food, took a shower and played with it, and they had already become the best friends.
The evening of the fifth day, when Ann arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the door and barked madly at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley dashed into the boys’ room where Ann found Thomas suffering from a heart attack. Riley ran over to Thomas, but as soon as Ann bent over to help him, the dog went silent.
The doctor said if it hadn’t come to get his mother in time, Thomas would have died. Luckily, with the doctor’s help, Thomas could go home tomorrow morning.
“Mum, can we keep it if we can’t find its owner Even we can ask for permission if we find the owner,” Thomas asked his mother when they came back home.
“Well, since no one has called to claim it, we decide to keep it,” his mother replied. Hearing that, Thomas was excited.
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However, the next day, Ann was told a man named Peter recognized his lost dog.
Peter’s car came and Thomas stood silently beside his car.
1.D 2.A 3.B
4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C
8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B
12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B
16.G 17.F 18.C 19.B 20.D
21.D 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.D
36.involves 37.oldest 38.which 39.is regarded 40.but 41.patience 42.styles 43.on/upon 44.painting 45.cultural
46.A long-expected photographic exhibition opened in the school hall last Sunday, which was organized by the Students’ Union. Themed Rural China, the exhibition showcased the distinctive culture and traditions of China’s rural areas, as well as significant changes in recent years, through these remarkable images taken by professional photographers. The event drew large crowds of students and teachers. They admired and praised each breathtaking photo.
The show delighted me because it not only offered the opportunity to gain insights into the amazing rural areas, but also inspired me to devote myself to our great country. In conclusion, it was a fantastic and rewarding visit.
However, the next day, Ann was told a man named Peter recognized his lost dog. Tracy said Peter called the number on the flier. Ann told Tracy what had happened during these days and even started crying. At the same time, Ann showed great gratitude to the dog. And Tracy told Ann that Peter would drive to her house to pick up his dog this afternoon. Later, Ann told Thomas the owner had called to claim Riley, they needed to return it to the owner. Hearing that news, Thomas put his hands over his mouth. His eyes were wide open for he couldn’t believe what had happened. However, he had to face the truth.
Peter’s car came and Thomas stood silently beside his car. Ann took Riley from her home. Seeing that, Thomas’ tears were rolling down his cheeks. Riley sat beside Thomas, sometimes ran around him and shouted: wom wom, which clearly showed that Riley didn’t want to leave his friend, Thomas. At last, Thomas asked Peter, “Can we keep Riley ” Knowing this point, Peter thought about it for a moment, and then said, “Maybe my dog was supposed to find you, maybe you should keep it.” Hearing that, Thomas ran around after Riley, obviously, they were full of joy.




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