安徽省滁州市2023-2024八年级上学期1月期末英语试卷( 含答案及听力原文 无音频)

第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分20分)
1.Where did the boy go just now
2.What can't the woman stand
3.What will Mike do tomorrow C.Make a robot.
A.Buy a robot. B. Watch a robot show.
4.What does the boy have todo C.Clean his room.
A.Go swimming. B. Do his homework.
5.How much yogurt does Alex need C.Three bags.
A.One spoon. B.Two cups.
6.Where is the blender C. Under the chair.
A. On the table. B. Under the table.
7.What will they buy
A. A strawberry milk shake.
B.Some banana ice-cream.
C. Some strawberry ice-cream.
8. What TV program is Jane watching C.A soap opera.
A.A sitcom. B. A talk show.
9. How many times did Jane go to the space museum C.Three times.
A.Only once. B.Twice.
10.Which of the following is TRUE
A. Dick thinks the park is a good place to have fun.
B. Dick and Jane will go to the park in the afternoon.
八年级英语试题卷 第1页(共8页)
C. There is a new Chinese restaurant in the park.
11.What's Lucy's drean
A. To be a singer. B.To be a teacher. C.To be a writer.
12.Where does Lucy want to work
A. In the east of China. B.In the west of China. C. In the south of China.
13. Why can't many children there go to school
A.Because their parents don't want them to go to school.
B. Because they don't want to go to school.
C.Because their families are very poor.
14.What will Lucy do to help the children
A. Give them money.
B.Be strict with them.
C. Teach them how to be a useful person.
15. What does Lucy think of her dream job
A.She thinks it's a great job.
B.She thinks it's a boring job.
C. She thinks it's an interesting job.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)
21.-What do you think of the book
-I really don't want to read it because there is in it.
A.something interesting B. nothing interesting
C.interesting something D. anything interesting
22. Now children spend more time on computers and phones, too much time is bad for their eyes.
A.screen B. education C.travel D.experience
23.-Jack,let's have a picnic after school.
-Sorry,I have Frank to work on biology report with him.
A. accepted B.advised C. promised D.expected
24.There is more room in the high-speed train and the trip becomes more .
A.creative B. dangerous C. boring D. comfortable
25. Tecnagers often talk to friends about problems because they have a lot and it's easy to understand each other.
A.in need B.in common C.in fact D.in half
26.-How can I get into a good college, Mom
-Mike, you work hard, you will never make it.
A. unless B. until C.when D. before
27.Nowadays(当今)the square dance has become one of sports for Chinese grandmas.
A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popula
28.-Will there be a folk music concert in Chuzhou Theater tomorrow
-. . It will start at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.
A. Yes,there is B. No,there isn't C.Yes,there will D. No,there won't
29.Students' life shouldn't just be about grades. Free time activities like playing sports and with friends are important,loo.
A. bringing out B.hanging out C. giving out D. taking out
30.-Can you go to watch the baseball game this weekend
- .I have to prepare for the exam.
A. Sure,I'd love to B.I'm afraid so
C.I'm afraid not D. That sounds good
My family live in a small town. We usually have a 31 before the New Year for our friends and neighbors. We often ask them to bring 32 for someone in need instead of (代替)gifts for us. For example,they can bring food for a 33 family or clothes for charities(慈善机构).It is always fun and everyone has a good time.
Last year, I was ill on the day of my party and went to the hospital. As a 34 I didn't have the party. Everyone was down, 35 I decided to have it two weeks later.
We asked for children's hats for a charity. We 36 asked for reading glasses for thecity library,so those who needed glasses or forgot theirs could work on computers or read books in the library.
We 37 about 100 people to the party. It was snowy that day but everyone came to the party.We got 83 hats and 47 pairs of glasses! We werc 38 that people could be so generous(慷慨的)in helping others.
If you 39 to have a party, think about doing the same thing. 40 will benefit(受益)much more than we would with lots of gifts.
31.A.opening B.test C. party D.calendar
32.A. something B.everything C.anything D.nothing
33.A.bored B.rich C.lucky D.poor
34.A.host B.result C. student D.headmaster
35. A.but B.or C.and D.so
36.A.also B.yet C.ever D.just
37.A.agreed B.replied C.remembered D.invited
38.A.afraid B.surprised C.sad D.creative
39.A.catch B.send C. prepare D.delete
40.A.Other B. Others C.Another D.The other
Zhang Queming is a conductor(售票员)on the No. 387 bus. He is called “the living bus map”,41 he can remember most of the bus stops in Beijing. He always 42 passengers(乘客)find their way.And he aleo tells them the 43 way to get to their destinations(目的地).
“Some bus stops 44 the same names but are on different roads. This often makes many passengers get 45," said Zhang.He likes traveling by 46 to different places after work. When he gets off at a stop, he will walk 47 to know more places near the stop.
The bus he works on goes through Beijing West Railway Station, so it often carries 48 from other places. “When they 49 advice on how to get to a place, I can tell them how to get there,”he said.“While helping 50,I feel very happy.”
41.A.so B.if C. because D.though
42.A.misses B.passes C.helps D. stops
43.A.best B.worst C. luckiest D. happiest
44.A.give B. share C.write D.spend
45. A. last B.tired C.lost D.late
46.A.train B. bus C.car D.bike
47.A.into B.with C. around D.from
48.A.teachers B. students C. visitors D. friends
49.A. write down B. find out C. care about D.ask for
50.A.him B.her C.them D.me
第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)
A: What are you going to do tomorrow evening,Linda
A:I'll have a dinnerparty for my new friend,Nelly.
B:You mean your new classmate
A:You're right. My mother will cook delicious fish. 52
B: I'd love to. But I have something important to do. 53 If I don't go to the lessons, my parents will be angry.
A:I see. 54
B: I have them twice a week.
A: 55
B:You know, I don't like them at all. I have to take them because I want to make my parents happy.
A:OK.Let's make it another time.
B:Have a good time!
A: Thanks.
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
Nowadays there seems to be an app(应用软件)for everything.And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.
56.Ctrip is a useful app for
A.playing games B. learning English
C.booking(预定)tickets D.drawing pictures
57.You can NOT know about from Ximalaya.
A. poems B.novels C.news D.fairy tales
58. What can we know according to the information above
A. We can buy tickets on Ctrip only in the daytime.
B.Peter,a 2-year-old boy, can learn to draw pictures with the help of BabyBus.
C. We can't use Ximalaya to listen to book recordings.
D.If you have problems speaking English, Word Heroes can help you.
Do you know about Huagu Opera(花鼓戏)?It started in Hunan. Some other provinces, like Hubei,Anhui, Henan, Shanxi, also have Huagu Opera.
People could watch Huagu Opera 200 years ago. At that time, most of the Huagu Opera players were farmers. They dressed up in colourful clothes. They always sang songs and danced along the street to celebrate some special festivals, like the Spring Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival. These players were popular in the countryside.
At the early time, there were only two roles(角色)in Huagu Opera: chou and dan. Chou is a male clown(丑角)and dan is a young girl. Men played the two roles. After 30 years,a new role, sheng (a handsome young man), came into Huagu Opera. 50 years later, women started to play in Huagu Opera.
The early Huagu Opera was only 45 minutes to an hour long, and most plays were about the life of the farmers. Now, Huagu Opera has more roles and can be two to three hours long. People can enjoy different kinds of stories.
59. Where did Huagu Opera start
A. In Hubei. B.In Anhui. C.In Shanxi. D.In Hunan.
60.What is Paragraph(段)3 mainly about?
A. The places. B. The stories. C.The roles. D.The history.
61.How long was the early Huagu Opera
八年级英语试题卷 第5页(共8页)第6页(共8页)
A. 30 minutes. B.45 minutes to an hour.
C.Two to three hours. D.Three and a half hours.
62.Why does the writer write the text
A.To ask people to learn to play Huagu Opera.
B.To tell people about the roles in Huagu Opera.
C. To ask people to join Huagu Opera clubs.
D.To tell people about the history of Huagu Opera.
Do your friends give you a nickname(绰号)?How do you feel about it? What does it mean to give someonea nickname
A student put a note on his classmate's back while(当······的时候)they had a break at school one day. The note said “I'm a pig”. He asked other classmates not to tell the boy. The other students started laughing at the boy, but wouldn't say why.
Soon; it was time for their afternoon math class. Their teacher wrote a difficult problem on the blackboard. Only the boy with the note on his back was able to solve it.
Ignoring(忽视)the laughter,he waiked towards the blackboard and solved the problem. The teacher asked the class to clap(鼓掌)him and took the note off his back. She told him, “It seems that you didn't know about the note on your back, but you didn't seem to care anyway.”
Then the teacher looked at the other students and said, “Let me tell you two things. First, all of you will beput on notes by other people who don't want you to be successful. All you have to do is to ignore these notes. You have to take every chance to learn, grow and improve.”
“And it seems that none of you are friends with this boy, and none(没有)of you were kind enough to tell him about the note. If that's true, then you had better hope you have some good friends yourself and that they will tell you if you meet this situation some day.”
63.What did the other students do after the boy was put on a note
A. They helped the boy take off the note.
B. They told the boy about the note.
C.They asked the teacher for help.
D. They didn't tell the boy and laughed a him.
64. Why did the teacher ask the boy to go to the blackboard
A. Because the boy couldn't answer the question.
B.Because the boy laughed at his classmates in class.
C.Because the teacher wanted to take off the note.
D. Because only the boy could solve the problem.
65.What was the teacher's opinion(意见)in Paragraph 5?
A.Punishment(惩罚)is not the only way to help you learn.
B. Nicknames can stop youfrom being successful.
C.Take every chance to show of(炫耀)yourself.
D. Don't care too much about others' opinions of you.
Do you have any plans for your holidays? What about having a barbecue(烧烤)?One city in China's Shandong Province is very popular during holidays. Many visitors go there for barbecues.
The history of barbecue food dates back(追溯)to about 13, 000 years ago. “The barbecue is nice and is worth(值得)waiting for more than 3 hours," says a visitor.He drives about 300 kilometers to the city of Zibo. As a tourist city, it is liked and enjoyed by many people. During the May Day,there are about 120, 000 visitors. Many people enjoy the relaxing and interesting life. “People mountain people
sea, but we do have fun here," some of the visitors say.
Why does Zibo become so popular Because people of the city are very kind and helpful. And much food is delcious and at good prices. At the same time, the government(政府)gives help to it. With the help of the government, it is easy for the visitors in many ways,such as traffic(交通),food safety(安全),accommodation(住宿)and so on. These warm many people's hearts.
66. Zibo is popular. The writer shows it by in the second paragraph.
A. giving numbers B. asking questions C.making tests D.telling its history
67.Why does Zibo become popular
a.Because the people are kind and friendly. b. Because the government gives help.
c.Because the food is nice. d. Because it sells all things at good prices.
A.abc B.abd C.abcd D.acd
68.What is the topic(话题)of the passage?
A. Study. B. Sports. C.Food. D. Shopping.
Young people enjoy different kinds of drinks, though they know how bad drinks are for their health. What about you? What will happen to you if water takes the place of(代替)all drinks?
Chris Bailey, a popular blogger(博客作者),tried this out. Here is what he has found.
First, you lose weight(体重)faster.Yeah,you do! You don't have to exercise but just keep away from drinks for 9 days. It is the same as running for 8 kilometers a day! So write down your resolution on a piece of paper and put it on the wall. And you will see the result soon.
Sometimes when you have tostay up late for a test, a cup of tea or coffee is usually by your side on the desk. But do you know 75 to 85 percent of your brain(大脑)is water? Nothing else! Just by drinking water, your brain can work efficiently. You may remember things quickly and well.
What's more, water washes out something bad in your body. So drinking enough water can stop you from getting old soon. If you want to look young and beautiful as long as possible, drink a glass of water right now! Keep on doing it for longer, and you will be surprised to touch your soft and clean skin (皮肤).
Lastly,you save money! How much money do you spend on coffee andjuice every week The price of water is much lower than that of other drinks. Drink 5 glasses of water every day, or spend money visiting doctors. Think about it!
So,what are you waiting for
69. Why is Chris Bailey mentioned
A. To show he is popular. B.To describe his first try.
C. To discuss his health problems. D. To take his findings(发现物)as an example.
70. Which of the following is probably the paper in Paragraph 3
A.Take more exercise! B.Drink more water!
C.Use the brain more! D.Save more money!
71.What does “efficiently”mean
A.高效地 B.持续地 C.主动地 D.反复地
72.What can we learn from the text
A.65 to 75 percent of the brain is water.
B. Keeping on drinking water makes hair soft and clean.
C. Staying away from drinks for 9 days helps lose weight.
D.The money spent on coffee is less than that in visiting doctors.
第二节 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。
Mike and Dick work in the same office. They don't like the cold weather. And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia. Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the moring.
They had a good rest in a hotel. The next morning they rented(租)a car in the city and began their travel. A few hours later, the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade trees(遮阴树)beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving. They had to stop to look around.
Mike found a river about half a kilometer away from them. They were both very happy and drove the car quickly. Soon they got to the river. Before they jumped into the water, Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree.He asked,“Are there any sharks(鲨鱼)in the river, boy?”“No,there aren't,” answered the boy.So they began to swim in the river. After a while, Dick felt something hit(撞)against his leg.He told Mike about it. They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick asked loudly,“Is it true that there aren't any sharks in the river?”“Yes, sir,” said the boy,“There're a lot of crocodiles(鳄鱼)in the water.All the sharks have swum away(已游走).”
73.When didthey arrive in Sydney?(不超过5个词)
74.What did they do in the river?(不超过5个词)
75. Why weren't there any sharks in the river?(不超过15个词)
第四部分 写(共两大题,满分25分)
76.What will happen if Jenny r (拒绝)his gift?
77.Bill likes the blue sky and wants to be a p (飞行员).
78. Our teacher asks us to study hard to make our o (自己的)dreams come true.
79.We are going to p (种植)more young trees to protect our environment next year.
80. Don't mix up coffee and s (糖).I don't like the taste(口味).
Who What they are going to do Reasons
Two girls from Grade 7 上一些钢琴课 对钢琴感兴趣
A girl from Grade 8 学做不同种类的汤 感谢妈妈
Some boys from Grade 9 加入一个跑步俱乐部 变得更健康
More than half of the students 待在家里阅读、做作业 有更多的时间学习
You ······ ······
Winter vacation is coming. As a school reporter, I interviewed some students about their vacation plans. Here are the results.
1~5:BBCCB 6~10:BBCBA 11~15:BBCCA
16.flu 17. Thursday 18.help 19. vegetables 20. one/ 1/an
21~25:BACDB 26~30:ADCBC
31~35:CADBD 36~40:ADBCB 41~45:CCABC 46~50:BCCDC
56~58:CCB 59~62:DCBD 63~65:DDD 66~68:AAC 69~72:DBAC
73. At nine/9 in the morning.
74.They swam in the river.
75.Because there were a lot of crocodiles, and all the sharks had swum away.
76. refuses 77.pilot 78.own 79. plant 80.sugar
Winter vacation is coming. As a school reporter, I interviewed some students about their vacation plans.Here are the results.
Two girls from Grade 7 are going to take some piano lessons because they are interested in playing the piano. A girl from Grade 8 is going to learn how to make different kinds of soup for her mother.Because she wants to show her love to her mom. Some boys from Grade 9 are going to join a running club. They want to be healthier. More than half of the students are going to stay at home to read or do their homework. They want to spend more time studying. What do I plan to do I am going to take a trip with my parents to relax ourselves.
1. W: Tony, where did you go just now I called you, but nobody answered.
M:Oh. I went shopping with my mom. My mother bought mch food.
2. M:Look! An old man is playing the Erhu on the square. He plays well, I think.
W: But I can't stand it. It's too noisy.
3.W:Will you be free tomorrow,Mike
M: No, I will be busy making a robot.
4.W:Hi,Mike! Can you go fishing with us
M: I'm afraid I can't. I have to clean my room.
5.W:Do you need any yogurt, Alex
M: Yes,two cups.
M:Julie,where is the blender
W:Oh, it's under the table. What do you want to do
M:I want to make a strawberry milk shake for you.
八年级英语参考答案 -1-
W: But it's broken.
M:What a pity! Then we have to buy some banana ice-cream to eat.
W:That's OK.
W:I feel bored, Dick. Do you have something interesting to do
M:Jane, you are watching TV now, aren't you The soap opera is quite funny.
W:I don't think so. I want to go out for a walk.
M: What about going to the space museum
W:Oh,I went there twice. If I go, it will be the third time. I don't want to go there today.
M: Then let's go to the park. It's a good place to have fun.
W: OK. I can't wait. Let's go there now.
M: Yeah. I'll bring some money. I don't think we will eat lunch at home.
W:I agree with you. I want to try that new Chinese restaurant near the park.
Do you have a dream Almost everyone has his own dream in the life. The dream is very important to him. It can make him work harder.
Lucy is studying in a school now. Her dream is to be a teacher in the west of China.Many children there want to go to school but they can't. Their families are very poor and their parents don't have enough money to send them to school. But going to school is the only way to change their lives. Teachers are greatly needed there, so Lucy wants to be a teacher to help them. She is going to be kind to the students and make friends with them. She will give them love and teach them how to be a useful person. She thinks it is a great job.
It is never comfortable for me to go to the doctor. I had the flu four days ago. It made me very tired.Then I had to see my doctor. I called Dr. Smith and asked him if I could go to see him. But he was not available until next Thursday. So I decided to help myself.First, I got enough sleep every day. Next, I ate more vegetables and drank more hot water. Then, I did exercise at least one hour a day. After three days, I felt better and decided not to go to the doctor.
八年级英语参考答案 -2-




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