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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
If you have ever lost touch with old school friends, you may find yourself wanting to make contact again. Some teens find that certain school friends are worth keeping contact with and want to keep the friendship going strong.
Hang out at the same places
One way you can get together with old friends from your school is to go to the same places that they go to. If you still go to school together, you probably know where everyone goes on the weekends. If you are able to go there too, you may find that your relationships with your old school friends start up again.
Sports teams
If you are athletic and your former friends are too, joining school sports teams is a great way to catch up with old friends. This doesn’t mean that you should join a sport which you do not like just so you can see your old friends. However, if you like sports, wish to join a team and your former friends are on that team, and then playing the team sports is a great way to get to know them again.
Take part in school clubs
There are often a lot of school clubs in which teens participate. Depending on your interests and your former friends’ interests, you may just find a club at school. Sharing a common interest such as a club activity will help you to have something in common and something to talk about.
21.You can get together with old friends by
A.joining the dance clubs
B.having dinner with them
C.going to the places where they go
D.going shopping with them every day
22.From the third paragraph we can learn that
A.playing sports helps you get your old friends again have to play a sport to make more friends sports are interesting activities at school have to play the sport your friends like
23.Why did the writer write this text
A.To tell a hobby.
B.To share same interests.
C.To join clubs.
D.To contact old friends.
There are many ways in which a person’s body language can give you information about whether they are lying or not.
One of the biggest signs that a person is telling lies is that he avoids eye contact during conversation. He may also touch his face often, covering his mouth with his hand very often. Touching the nose is also said to be a sign of taking others’ attention to cover up lies. A person who is not telling the truth may be trying to make you focus on his actions rather than his words.
When a liar (说谎者) tells lies, his physical expression is often very stiff (僵硬的). If he is smiling as he speaks, only the mouth will move. A real smile naturally causes movement of the mouth, eyes, forehead, cheeks, and jaw.
The liar’s hand, leg and arm movements are toward his own body. He takes up little space. The person’s body language is closed off. Liars do not look relaxed, even though they may be trying to give the impression that they are.
When explaining something, a liar usually feels uncomfortable with pauses (停顿) or silences. The person may speak gently or in disordered words. A very skillful liar is able to speak directly and with confidence. In fact, some salespeople are best at this skill.
If you doubt someone is lying, change the topic of conversation suddenly. The liar will willingly change topics with you and become more relaxed. A person who is telling the truth will generally become confused by this sudden change. Another sign of someone telling a lie is yawning (哈欠) — the person may try and look as relaxed as possible, and yawing and stretching are ways of achieving this.
24.Why do liars often cover their mouths
A.To show their own skill. B.To avoid the mouth’s stiffness.
C.To smile because they feel shy. D.To change the listener’s attention.
25.What does the author think of some salesmen
A.They speak softly. B.They say “by the way”.
C.They speak confidently. D.They are anxious while lying.
26.Which can best describe the liar’s yawning
A.Uncomfortable. B.Relaxing seemingly. C.Worrying. D.Exciting.
27.How does the author mainly develop the topic of the text
A.By giving explanation. B.By listing numbers.
C.By using others’ words. D.By showing results of research.
All we know about the abandoned (被抛弃的) newborn cat that made news for its genetic rareness comes from a web. A user named Vodkaholy posted a handful of photos of the tiny cat with a few background details.
No one knows how the newborn cat ended up in a rubbish bag, but it is very common for heartless people to abandon cats they choose not to care for. Luckily, Vodkaholy’s aunt heard the tiny mews that the cat was letting out. It appears she was the one who rescued the baby, who was only a week old. Not only had the cat been immediately abandoned after it was born, but it was injured and had developed a serious illness. Just a few days old, it had a broken leg and a badly injured paw (爪). Sadly, after the cat’s rescuer took it to the vet (兽医), they found out that the paw couldn’t be saved.
No doubt it was a shock to find such a sad cat abandoned in the rubbish bag, but the vet had another big surprise for the woman. It was a male calico cat (花斑猫)! The vet said it was really scarce for calico cats to be male. However, it won’t be a dad to any more calico cats. It was born with some kind of illness, but the vet said it’s normal for male calico cats. “Except for that, it is a normal happy cat, healthy as a horse,” Vodkaholy said.
Vodkaholy’s aunt is keeping the cat. It grows healthy and happy even if it only has 3 paws. And it is not the first cat this sweet aunt has brought home.
28.What can we infer about the abandoned cat
A.It had three paws at birth. B.It was abandoned by a naughty boy.
C.It was in bad condition when it was found. D.It called loudly when Vodkaholy passed by.
29.What can we say about Vodkaholy’s aunt
A.She is warm-hearted and caring. B.She is smart but impatient.
C.She is hard-working but rude. D.She is kind and curious.
30.What does the underlined word “scarce” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Graceful. B.Challenging. C.Frightening. D.Unusual.
31.What is the best title for the text
A.A Funny Story of a Kind Aunt B.A Young Cat Lost Its Way Home
C.A Kind Lady Saved a Cat in a Dustbin D.A Kind Lady Asking for Help on the Internet
Speaking two languages deeply affects the brain and changes how the nervous system reacts to sound, and researches have shown that learning a foreign language can strengthen brain power, but a new study suggests that the effects go further to those who begin in middle childhood.
It indicates that people who began learning a foreign language at 10 and were always exposed to the language, meaning they heard and used it in daily life, had improvements in the structure of the brain’s white matter compared with people who grew up speaking only one language and did not learn a foreign language.
These “higher levels of structural integrity(完整性)” were in areas responsible for language learning and semantic(语义的)processing, which occurs when the meaning of a word is encoded and related to similar words with similar meaning.
The new findings, published in the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, studied brain scans from 200 subjects(实验者), all around the age of 30, who lived in Britain for at least 13 months. They all started learning English as a foreign language at the age of 10.
Their imaging scans were compared with people of similar age who spoke only English. The study was led by Christos of the University of Kent School of Psychology in Britain.
“Everyday dealing with more than one language benefits specific language-related brain structures by preserving their integrity, and therefore it protects them against deterioration in older age,” the study found.
32.Who may have stronger brain power according to the text
A.A person who learns English as a foreign language.
B.A person who speaks English as a mother language.
C.A person who can speak English well at an early age.
D.A person who hears and uses English in everyday life.
33.What can we know from 200 subjects’ brain scans
A.The 200 subjects lived in Britain to learn English.
B.The 200 subjects studied English at the age of 30.
C.The structure of their brains’ white matter improved.
D.The structure of their brains’ white matter disappeared.
34.What does the underlined word “deterioration” mean in the last paragraph
A.Evolving. B.Reaction. C.Worsening. D.Formation.
35.What’s the text mainly about
A.Speaking two languages affects the brain seriously.
B.Speaking two languages changes how the brain works.
C.Learning a foreign language can affect people’s childhood.
D.Learning a foreign language at 10 strengthens brain power.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
The International Federation of Pickleball, with 60 member countries and counties, is working to make sure pickleball will be part of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. 36
“Pickleball comes from tennis, badminton and table tennis,” says Hope Tolley, managing director of USA Pickleball. 37 And it uses square paddles (球拍) and a small plastic ball that’s similar in size to a tennis ball, but much lighter.
Unlike tennis, you can score only when it’s your turn to serve. What you should do is keep the ball in the air, and if your opponent(called the receiver)fails to return the ball over the net, you get the point. 38 If not, you’ll end up with a shot that fails to reach the net. Matches can be played in doubles or singles, and games are played to 11 points.
39 Because the game can vary the intensity-going all out or taking a slower pace-pickleball suits professional athletes and beginners alike. It’s a great workout and it’s a low-influence sport, so it’s easy on players’ joints (关节).
People who are really into the sport can join tournaments at various levels. The first World Pickleball Games will be held next summer in Austin, Texas. 40
A.Here’s how the game is played.
B.So be sure to hit with enough force.
C.Make sure you can’t stand in wrong position.
D.Playing pickleball can’t have any negative impact on players.
E.It’s played on a badminton-sized court with a slightly lowered tennis net.
F.If you haven’t played it yourself, you’ve probably at least heard of pickleball.
G.By 2030, pickleball is expected to have as many as 40 million players worldwide.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“Look, Mum, he paints like me!” Eight-year-old Alexandra Nechita had just discovered Pablo Picasso’s artwork for the first time. The art world 41 and began to call Alexandra the “Petite (小的) Picasso.” This 42 artist has been turning heads in the art world ever since.
Even at age two, Alexandra spent nearly all her time on her coloring books. 43 that their daughter spent too much time alone, Alexandra’s parents took her coloring books away. They 44 she’d start to jump rope or play with dolls. But taking away her colors was like taking the air out of her life. Alexandra began to color on paper which her mother 45 home from office.
When Alexandra was four, her parents began to notice the figures she 46 . They were abstract and looked like Picasso’s work, with four eyes and two faces. She 47 painting with watercolors and then with other paints.
Alexandra’s classmates would sometimes 48 her paintings. But her primary school teacher saw talent in her drawings. She helped eight-year-old Alexandra organise her first 49 at a local library.
Within a year, Alexandra had several other exhibitions. By then, she had 50 more than 250 paintings. Her exhibition at the famous Mary Paxon Gallery brought her to the 51 of national art critics (评论家). She began to appear on television, in news and talk shows around America.
Today Alexandra 52 paints in her special style. Admirers have spent a large amount of money buying her paintings. But the 53 doesn’t seem to have affected her negatively (消极地). Through various charities, Alexandra shares her wealth with those 54 around the world. And as Alexandra continues to paint, the world will be blessed to experience more of her 55 for life and art.
41.A.improved B.agreed C.waited D.broke
42.A.friendly B.talented C.worried D.honest
43.A.Afraid B.Sure C.Proud D.Ashamed
44.A.promised B.proved C.reported D.hoped
45.A.called B.drove C.brought D.sent
46.A.drew B.counted C.explained D.met
47.A.stopped B.started C.suggested D.avoided
48.A.learn from for C.point at D.laugh at
49.A.conference B.system D.exhibition
50.A.completed B.used C.copied D.lost
51.A.role B.taste C.selection D.attention
52.A.directly B.suddenly C.still D.seldom B.time
54.A.on holiday power C.on duty need
55.A.campus B.confidence D.injury
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
I came to England last summer. I 56 (be) in England for eleven months. I am going to finish my studies in England soon, and will leave 57 China next month.
At first it was very difficult for me 58 (communicate) with other people in English, 59 now I can speak English much 60 (well), and even understand English television, because I have studied hard and my teachers and classmates have helped me a lot.
I have lots of English 61 (friend) now. Some of 62 (they) have even invited me to dinner in their houses 63 I have learned a lot about their custom. They are 64 (interest) in China and Chinese people. Every time they ask me a lot of questions, I 65 (real) realize how little I know about my own country.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66.假如你是李华,你的朋友Mary想加入社区志愿者协会(volunteer association),但她的父母担心这会影响她的学业,所以不同意她参加,为此她和父母产生了矛盾。请你给她写一封邮件。内容包括:
第二节 (满分25分)
Long long ago, there was a little prince who was used to having everything he wanted. He was so badly behaved that he wouldn’t let anybody have a new toy if he didn’t have it first. If any child in the land wanted a new toy, they had to buy two and give one to him. Therefore, the little prince had no friends except for his toys.
One day a magic toymaker, who invented the most wonderful toys, came to the land. The little prince liked his toys so much that he invited him to spend an entire year in the palace, promising him great wealth if he made him a new toy every day. The toymaker set just one condition: “My toys are very special and need an owner who will play with them” he said. “Will you be able to devote a little time to each one every day ” “Of course, I will” the little prince replied impatiently.
From then on, every morning the little prince received a new toy. Every day the toymaker delivered a toy better than the previous ones. The little prince appeared very happy.
But the toy collection kept growing and, after a few weeks there were simply too many toys to play with all of them every day. So, one day the little prince put a few toys to one side, hoping that the toymaker wouldn’t notice. However, when it was night time and he was ready to go to bed. The toys that had been put away lined up in front of him and, one by one, demanded their daily playtime. The little prince couldn’t get to sleep until well past midnight because he had to play with every single toy.
Next day, tired after all his efforts, the prince slept very late. In the little time left of the day, he had to get to know a new toy and then play with all the others too. Once again, he finished very late and was so tired he could hardly stop yawning (打哈欠).
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Every day was a little bit worse than the one before, with the same amount of time but one extra toy to play with.
The children saw the prince, wondering whether the prince would force them to hand over their toys just like before.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
21.C 22.A 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.B 27.A
28.C 29.A 30.D 31.C 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.D
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
36.A 37.E 38.B 39.D 40.G
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41.B 42.B 43.A 44.D 45.C 46.A 47.B 48.D 49.D 50.A 51.D 52.C 53.D 54.D 55.C
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56.have been 57.for communicate 59.but 60.better 61.friends 62.them 63.where 64.interested 65.really
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66.Dear Mary,
I’m sorry to hear your parents don’t approve of you joining the volunteer association in your community because they are concerned that it will influence your study. However, this problem can be solved with the following tips.
To begin with, tell them you will do the voluntary work in your spare time, which won’t affect your study. Besides, it’s a good chance to communicate with more people, thus helping you accumulate social experience.
I hope my advice will be of some help to you.
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
67. Every day was a little bit worse than the one before, with the same amount of time but one extra toy to play with. Tired and sleepy, the prince hardly had time to enjoy playing. Worse still, the toys were getting more and more angry because the time he spent playing with them was becoming shorter and shorter. He only had time to go from one toy to another, eating as he played, talking as he played and even sleeping as he played. Tiredness and loneliness captured him, just like a terrible dream. One day, he saw out of his window some children playing with toys next to the palace. He decided to walk to them.
The children saw the prince, wondering whether the prince would force them to hand over their toys just like before. But the prince didn’t want the toys. Surprisingly, he only wanted them to play with him and share his toys. He did the same thing every day and invited more children to the castle to share his toys. The prince could enjoy himself without having too many toys to play with. Even better, he made new friends. When it was time for the toymaker to leave, the 365 fantastic toys he made were shared and the palace turned into the best playroom for the prince and his friends.



