
C.He became a native of Suzhou.
D.He had a deep impression of Suzhou.
59.What activity did Stephen launch in 2017
A.City walks.
B.Asian clubs.
C.English Corners.
D.Speaking contests.
60.How many routes were designed in "Walking with Steve"
Water is the world's most popular drink.However,tea is a close second.It is
consumed by people all over the world,and it easily outsells the other two popular
drinks-coffee and cocoa.
Consumed in almost every country,tea inspires rituals and brings friends closer.
From its accidental beginning in China nearly 5,000 years ago,this amazing versatile
hot drink has travelled around the world.
Accepted folklore has it that the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea by
accident in 2737 BC.One morning,as he was walking in his garden,a small leaf
drifted down from a tea tree and fell into his drinking bowl.The Emperor took a sip
from his bowl and the rest,as they say,is history.
Early on,Japanese monks visiting China developed a fondness for tea.They
brought it back to Japan where it soon gained a place in the social customs of the time.
The Japanese did not immediately begin to grow their own tea.Instead,they relied on
imports from China.However,by the 12th century,tea was being cultivated in Japan.
The Chinese ambassador to Russia gave the Russians their first taste of tea in the
early 1600s.But it wasn't until the end of that century that a booming tea trade was
established between the two nations.
By the middle of the 17th century,tea had become popular in Europe.Initially,it
was treated as a medicinal drink.It was thought to be good for poor digestion and for
calming the nerves.
An important moment in the history of tea in the West occurred in 1662,with the
marriage of a Portuguese princess to the King of England.Although tea was already
being consumed in small quantities in England,it was not until Princess Catherine
came to England with her love of tea that things really began to take off.For the next
300 years,tea and high society were linked.
Tea has come of age since that fateful morning when Emperor Shen Nung first
tasted it.There was no way he could have known how his warm drink would travel to
distant lands in the coming centuries.
61.What is the second popular drink
62.How did Shen Nung discover tea
A.By accident.
B.By reading.
C.By research.
D.By experiment.
63.What is not the benefit of tea
A.Inspiring rituals.
B.Preventing digestion.
C.Calming the mood.
D.Bringing friends together.
64.The year of 1662 was important in the history of tea,because
A.tea began to spread to the world
B.tea became popular in England
C.Portuguese princess visited England
D.the King of England become famous
65.Which statement is true about the spread of tea
A.Tea was introduced to Japan by trade.
B.The tea trading between Russian and China was booming in early 1600s.
C.Tea was initially treated as a medicinal drink in Europe.



