
Ⅰ.听选答案。 (共15小题, 计15分)
第一节:听下面 10 段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。
1. A. Go out for a walk. B. Do some washing. C. Cook dinner.
2. A. Three. B Four. C Five.
3. A. A teacher. B. A worker. C An artist.
4. A. One spoon. B. Two spoons. C. Half a spoon.
5. A. Maybe she's excited. B:Maybe she's ill. C. Maybe she's free.
6. A. Because she forgets the time.
B. Because the book is interesting.
C Because the bad weather stops her.
7. A. Lanzhou. B. Xi'an. C. Chengdu.
8. A. They're delicious. B. They're healthy. They're junk food.
9. A. Because it's comfortable.B. Because it's cheap. C Because it's near their home.
10 A. The city will be more crowded.
B. The city will be smaller.
C. There will be fewer people in city.
听第 11 段对话, 回答第 11、12 小题。
11. What are they going to do
A. Have a picnic. B. Do some shopping. C. Swim in the lake.
12. What time will they meet
A. it 8:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 9:30.
听第 12段对话, 回答第 13 至 15 小题。
13. Where does the conversation happen
A. In a school library. B. In a school. C. In a bookshop.
14. What is the man's telephone number
A.866-4507. B.866-5407. C.868-4407.
15. What will the woman do when she gets the book
A. She will tell the man by e-mail.
B. She will call the man.
.. She will send it to the man's house.
Ⅱ.听填信息。(共5小题, 计5分)
16 Peter has days for his summer holiday
17 The train New York at 10:30 p m on Monday
18 Peter looked out of the window and saw large cities, small towns and the
19 At 2:45 p m , the train stopped in South Africa
20 The poster said,“Doctors are wanted ”, so Peter went to help the people
Ⅲ.单项选择。(共10小题, 计 10分)
21 Mr Mills is understanding teacher and he can always think of different way to teach us.
A. an, the B. a, an C. an, a D. the,a
22 Everyone in our class should keeping the classroom clean
A. make sure B. play a part in C. be ready to D. make up
23 Do you know if it tomorrow If it tomorrow, I'll wear more clothes
A. snows, will snow B. will snow, will snow
C. snows, snows D. will snow, snows
24 As teenagers, we can look after well
A. ourselves B. we C.us D. ours
25 Don't eat chocolate You are heavy this year
A. much too, too many B. too many, much too
C. too much, much too D. too much, too many
26 I look forward to a trip to Yunnan with my family this winter vacation
A. take B. taking C:took D. will take
27 We for a class meeting last week We it the day after tomorrow
A. prepare, will have B. prepared, will have
C. will prepare, have D. prepared, had
28 I mind junk food, so I refuse potato chips often
A. eating, having B. to eat, having C. eating, to have D. to eat, to have
29 Dennis said sorry for being late again because he leave home 7:00 a m this morning.
A. isn't, until B. wasn't, at C. doesn't, at D. didn't, until
30 ---Excuse me, will the opening last
---It may last for two hours.
A. how long B. how soon C how often D. how far
Ⅳ.完形填空。(共10小题, 计 10分)
One day at school, something strange(奇怪的) caught Ann's eyes. Lily quickly put a bag in her own desk That made Ann feel 31 Later, she saw Lily give 32 to Cindy under the desk It seemed that they 33 to do something without her Ann thought,“ How can my best friend plan something without me ”34 they were still friendly to her; she was a little upset.
On the bus ride home, Ann didn't sit next to Lily on purpose (故意) She 35 Lily giving an envelope(信封) to someone else. That made her even more upset.
Later that evening, there was a knock on Ann's door It was Cindy, and she 36 her to Lily's party. At first, Ann didn't want to go and said no to her and she told Cindy she didn't want to be Lily's 37 fr om that day But Cindy 38 asking Ann to come along
When they arrived at Lily's house, everyone shouted,“Surprise!”Ann hardly 39 that. Lily smiled and said,“Tomorrow is your birthday!”Ann was moved and her eyes was filled40 tears She said thanks and hugged Lily
31. A. great B. unusual C.comfortable D. tired
32. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
33. A. decided B. asked C. happened D. promised
34. A. When B. Because C. Unless D. Although
35. A. listened B. smelt looked D. noticed
36. A. took B invited C. brought D. sent
37. A. cousin B. classmate C. friend D. neighbor
38. A. stopped B. Remembered C. kept D forgot
39. A. saw B. broke C. cared D believed
40 A. with B. of C. into D. to
V.阅读理解。 (共15小题, 计15分)
第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共10 小题,计 10分)
A 10-year-old boy Mike is talking with a reporter on TV about his own cooking.
Reporter: Mike, when did you start cooking
Mike: When I was four. I became interested in cooking. I started helping my mum in the kitchen when I was five. At the age of six, I could make vegetable salad. One year later, I could make a fruit pie all by myself.
Reporter: What's the best way to become good at cooking
Mike: I don't go to cooking classes. Sometimes I watch videos on the phone. I often read books about cooking. In fact, I. think the best. way to improve my cooking is trying it again and again. If it is no good, I'll do it differently next time.
Reporter: What do your parents think of your cooking
Mike: They're glad that they don't have to make dinner every day, and they enjoy my cooking...usually!But, you can't make everyone happy all the time.
Reporter: Finally, what's it like being on TV
Mike: It's interesting. I really enjoy myself making the shows. A lot of people watch it, but I still find it strange when people I don't know say hello to me in the street.
41. When could Mike make a fruit pie all by himself
A. At the age of four. B. At the age of five.
C. At the age of six. D At the age of seven.
42. What does Mike think is the best way to improve his cooking
A To learn by practicing. B. To read cooking books.
C. To have cooking classes. D. To watch videos on the phone.
·43. In which TV show you may watch Mike and the reporter talking
A. A talk show. B. A game show.
C. A talent show. D. A sports show.
A few years ago, a mom started The Kindness Rock Project(项目) in Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州), and it's popular around the world now. Kids,families and adults of all ages are taking part—painting rocks, hiding (藏)rocks, and finding painted rocks all over the place. Some move the rocks for someone else to find. Some take the rocks home and then put them to other places with new ones.Nine-year-old Harry and Hannah DeVriezc have painted hundreds of rocks with their parents. Most evenings, the family and their small dog walk around and they hide rocks when they walk.
“It's a fun family activity.”Hannah says.“We'll do it in the winter too.”Harry adds.
Ben Burinsky, age nine, and his brother Luke, age seven, were visiting relatives (亲戚) when they found their first painted rock in a park. They were so excited that they went home and painted their own rocks, then ▲
“My boys love finding the rock in the park.”their mother, Judy Burinsky says. “I love something so small can bring a smile to my children's faces. In return, they learn the value (价值)of giving back to others.”
Kadyn Kinney, age nine, and his seven-year-old brother, Jayce, have also painted many rocks. They love to hide rocks and look for rocks with their mom and dad. When their grandmother visited, they gave her painted rocks to take home and hide in the town where she lives.
44. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE
A. Harry and Hannah have painted two hundred rocks.
B.3en and Luck found their first painted rock when visiting relatives.
C. Judy has two sons and one daughter and they love painted rocks.
D. Kadyn and Jayce's grandmother gave them painted rocks.
45 Which statement will be filled in ▲ in Paragraph 4
A. sent them to their friends B visited their relatives again
C. hid them for others to find D. showed their painted rocks to others
46. What does the writer mainly want to tell us
A. The writer wants to ask us to paint and hide rocks with our family.
B. The writer wants us to visit Massachusetts in winter vacation.
C. The writer wants to learn the value of giving back to others.
D The writer wants to tell us the Kindness Rocks Project.
While music makes Chou worldwide popular, he becomes much more than a musician. After trying his hand at acting and making movies, Chou turns his focus (焦点) on the art world. The pop star shows his art collection in 'his music videos. He also organizes some art exhibitions(展览). The latest one,“Art Encounters With Jay”was open in Xuhui, Shanghai in October,2023, Chou's love for art doesn't come out of the blue According to the pop star,his first contact(接触) with art probably goes back to his birth. His mother worked as an art teacher, so he grew up around art. He could develop(发展) an appreciation(欣赏) for great artists like Vincent van Gogh at a young age.
Art often makes Chou think deeply, and that's why the pop singer is so interested in it. One great lesson he learns through art is to keep an open mind. For example, the way of dealing with a scene(处理场景) is different from an artist to another. And different people often understand a piece of art differently. The true value of an artwork is not in its price; it`s in the viewer' feelings and experiences.
Chou sees art as the bridge for communicating different views and values. By organizing art exhibitions, he wants to help more people enjoy art. The next time you too k at a painting, pay attention to(注意) how it makes you feel. Then ask your friends about their feelings and ideas.Think about why the exhibition organizers put it there. In the end, you may understand why Chou and many other people love art, and why we all need some art in our lives.
47. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence“Chou's love for art doesn't come out of the blue.”in Paragraph 2
A. Chou's love for art doesn't come from the blue sky.
B. Chou can't love art without the help of the color, blue.
C. Chou's love for art started early and grows day by day.
Chou loves art very much when he feels unhappy.
48. What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. the art B. a painting C. an artwork D. an art exhibition
49. What can we know about Jay Chou from the passage
①“Art Encounters With Jay ”is his latest art exhibition.
② He grew up with some artists like Vincent van Gogh.
③ Ar t makes him think deeply and keep an open mind.
④ He wants to help more people to enjoy art.
A. ①③④ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D .④②③
50. In which part of the newspaper can you see the passage
A. Sports B Culture C Education D. Travel
第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5 小题,计5分)
How can you help stop people from getting ill in this flu season It's too hard. Just take these steps:
* Wash your hands often, especially (尤其) before eating and after coughing or blowing your nose.
* 51. .
* Don't touch your eyes, mouth, and nose with hands.
You may hear all these before, but the flu season is a great time to start doing them. By following these pieces of advice, you might be able to keep yourself from getting ill.52
So your hands are very important 53 Germs(细菌) get on your hands and you use your hands to touch your eyes, nose, and your mouth.
54 Yeah, hand washing You might get germs here and there So when you wash hands, you wash away germs.
But how do you wash your hands That's easy 55 Don't forget to wash around your fingernails(指甲). Those are places germs like. Wash for 15 to 20 seconds.
A. You might also stop germs from spreading(传播) around and making other people ill
B. Wash your hands with soap and warm water(not cold or hot water )
C. A lot of germs get into your body from there
D. Why do you wash bands
E. Keep your coughs to yourself (Use a piece of paper instead of your hand)
F. You shouldn't contact(接触) with people who have the flu
G. How do you stop germs.
Ⅵ.完成句子: (共10 小题, 计 10分)
When people , we shouldn't laugh at them
We should see the , like Yuan Longping as our idols
This father looks happy because he her daughter yesterday
Many people want to say to the leader of TEPCO,“You shouldn’t ”
Do you like coffee with and milk
When you , you should take your temperature
When we are busy, we'll easily but it's normal
This year, Harbin welcomes many , “southern spuds”, from southern China
Here is the information of a concert Please
This library closes at 6:00 p m bu t at 5:00 p m on weekends
Ⅶ.短文填空。(共10 小题, 计 10分)
surprise leave good certain she prepare available invite tell reply
Our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is going back to the US soon. We're sad that she is66 because she's a fun teacher To show how much we're going to miss 67 we'll have a surprise party next Saturday. Can my classmates come to the party I make an 68 and expect all of them to come Two of them 69 yesterday
He Wei likes Ms. Steen a lot. She helped He Wei to improve his English so much last term.This party is the 70 way for him to say“Thank you and goodbye ”, so he says he will 71 come to the party He can help to buy some of the food and drinks He can also help to bring Ms Steen to the party without 72 her so that she can be 73 He already has a great idea about how to do that.
Jake would love to come to the party, but he is not 74 ·His family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit his uncle and aunt. However, he would still be glad to help out with any of the party 75 , like planning the games
Ⅷ.任务型阅读。(共5小题, 计10分)
2024 is the Year of the Dragon. Dragons are really important in Chinese culture. Chinese people see them as symbols of power(权力),success and good luck.
The event
For London's Chinese community(社区), Chinese New Year is a big event. Before Chinese New Year, people make their house clean and tidy,buy new clothes and have their hair cut, to bring good luck for the new year. London has the biggest celebrations(庆典) outside of Asia. Hundreds of people go to watch the parade. It has Chinese acrobats(杂技演员) and traditional lion and dragon dances. The date of Chinese New Year is according to lunar calendars, so it changes every year.
The celebrations
In central London there are firework and performances with all kinds of acts and special guests. Chinatown is full of excitement. People decorate the streets with lucky red lanterns(灯笼)and streets are full of art and food stalls(货摊). If you're thinking of eating in one Chinatown's wonderful Chinese restaurant, book a table early, because you won't find one on the night.
Chinese people in Britain
For young Chinese people studying or working in the UK, meeting online is a great way of joining big family celebrations back home. They might make traditional Chinese dumplings for friends in Britain. The celebrations are not as many as back home, but there is still lots of excitement, happiness and good feeling, because people come together to enjoy the celebrations.
76. Why are dragons important in Chinese culture
Because they're success and good luck
77. When do people in London's Chinese community make their house clean and tidy
They do it
78. Which word means“装饰”in the passage
The word is“ ”
79. What-should you do if you want to have dinner in a great restaurant in Chinatown in Chinese New Year
I should
80. How do young Chinese people studying or. working in the UK join family celebrations
They join family celebrations by
IX. 补全对话 (共5小题, 计5分)
A: Morning, Sandy!I didn't see you at the concert last night 81
B: Hi, Mark. I went out with my cousin Jake.
A:Oh, Jake. I remember him. We played basketball together last summer vacation.
B:Yes, that's right We will go to the City Wall tomorrow 82
A:I'd love to, but I have to practice soccer at school. How about watching a movie with Jake tonight.
B:83 I like watching movies a lot
B: I like comedies. They are relaxing.
A:I think so. Let's meet at 6 outside the cinema.
B:OK. See you then.
A:85 :
X. 书面表达。 (共1小题, 计10分)
在生活中,每个人都有烦恼。青少年在成长的过程中也会遇到问题或烦恼。假如你是Karen,你的好朋友Laura 发邮件向你倾诉了她的烦恼,请你根据她的邮件及提示词给她写一封回信告诉Laura你的建议。
Dear Karen,
I'm really not happy these days. First my parents don't let me go to Tina's birthday party because they think I should study for the exam. You know Tina is my best friend. Second, I have more subjects this term, and I don't know how to improve my grades.
What should I do I need your help!
参考词汇: talk with, make a promise, study hard, ask for help, take seriously…, ……
要求:1. 短文必须包括所有要点,使用参考词汇,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名;
4. 词数:不少于 70词。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)
Dear Laura,
I'm sorry to hear that you have some problems these days



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