
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 阅读理解(共三篇13小题,每小题2.5分,满分32.5分)
Fun Summer Camps in Bangkok for High School Students
With the school year coming to an end, high school students are eagerly anticipating their long summer break. Parents are looking for summer camps in Bangkok to keep their teenagers entertained and productive. Click here for the four fantastic summer camps for them in Bangkok that have gained a good reputation.
Bangkok Science Camp
Dates: July 15-25, 2023
Highlights: Hands-on workshops, lectures, and experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Opportunity to collaborate with (合作) experienced scientists and go into advanced research.
Bangkok Cultural Exchange Camp
Dates: August 1-10, 2023
Highlights: Immersive experience in Thai culture and history through visits to historic sites, cultural activities, and interactions with local students. Gain insights into Thai traditions and daily life.
Bangkok Volunteer Camp
Dates: August 5-15, 2023
Highlights: Engage in community service projects, such as teaching English to children, participating in conservation efforts, and collaborating with local charities. Make a positive impact on the local community.
Bangkok Entrepreneurship Camp
Dates: August 5-15, 2023
Highlights: Explore entrepreneurship (创业) and innovation through learning business concepts, developing entrepreneurial skills, and working on a group project. Learn from successful entrepreneurs in Bangkok.
1. Who would be a good fit for Bangkok Science Camp
A. A parent who is crazy about science.
B. A historian who is interested in Thailand.
C. A 12th grader who loves chemistry experiments.
D. An elementary school student who likes science.
2. Which camp should you attend if you want to help others
A. Bangkok Science Camp. B. Bangkok Volunteer Camp.
C. Bangkok Entrepreneurship Camp. D. Bangkok Cultural Exchange Camp.
3. What do the four camps have in common
A. They are intended for students. B. They are very expensive.
C. They happen in August. D. They only accept Thai speakers.
4. Where can you probably find this text
A. On a website. B. In a textbook. C. In a magazine. D. In a newspaper.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A
细节理解题。根据文章“Bangkok Science Camp”部分中的“Highlights: Hands-on workshops, lectures, and experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Opportunity to collaborate with(合作)experienced scientists and go into advanced research.(亮点:物理、化学、生物和工程方面的实践研讨会、讲座和实验。有机会与经验丰富的科学家合作,进行更深入的研究。)”可知,曼谷科学营的亮点有物理、化学、生物和工程方面的实践研讨会、讲座和实验;再根据“With the school year coming to an end, high school students are eagerly anticipating their long summer break. Parents are looking for summer camps in Bangkok to keep their teenagers entertained and productive.(随着学年的结束,高中生们热切地期待着他们漫长的暑假。家长们正在曼谷寻找夏令营,让他们的孩子既娱乐又富有成效。)”可知,夏令营是为青少年而准备的。由此可知,选项C“A 12th grader who loves chemistry experiments.(一个热爱化学实验的12年级学生。)”最适合参加曼谷科学营。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章“Bangkok Volunteer Camp”部分中的“Highlights: Engage in community service projects, such as teaching English to children, participating in conservation efforts, and collaborating with local charities. Make a positive impact on the local community.(亮点:参与社区服务项目,如教孩子们英语,参与保护工作,与当地慈善机构合作。对当地社区产生积极影响。)”可知,曼谷志愿者营最适合想要帮助别人的学生参加。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“With the school year coming to an end, high school students are eagerly anticipating their long summer break. Parents are looking for summer camps in Bangkok to keep their teenagers entertained and productive. Click here for the four fantastic summer camps for them in Bangkok that have gained a good reputation.(在曼谷为高中生举办的有趣的夏令营
随着学年的结束,高中生们热切地期待着他们漫长的暑假。家长们正在曼谷寻找夏令营,让他们的孩子既娱乐又富有成效。点击这里查看四个在曼谷为他们举办的极好的夏令营,这些夏令营已经获得了很好的声誉。)”以及文章标题“Fun Summer Camps in Bangkok for High School Students(在曼谷为高中生举办的有趣的夏令营)”可知,这四个夏令营都是为学生而准备的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Click here for the four fantastic summer camps for them in Bangkok that have gained a good reputation.(点击这里查看四个在曼谷为他们举办的极好的夏令营,这些夏令营已经获得了很好的声誉。)”中的“Click here”可知,这篇文章来自网站。故选A。
Look, I’m not a happy crier. I might cry at songs about leaving and missing someone; I might cry at books where things don’t work out; I might cry at movies where someone dies. I’ve just never really understood why people get all choked up over happy, inspirational things. But Michelle Obama’s kindness and empathy (同情) changed that. This book had me in tears for all the right reasons.
This is not really a book about politics, though political experiences obviously do come into it. It’s a shame that some will dismiss this book because of a difference in political opinion, when it is really about a woman’s life. About growing up poor and black on the South Side of Chicago; about getting married and struggling to maintain that marriage; about motherhood; about being thrown into an amazing and terrifying position.
I hate words like “inspirational” because they’ve become so overdone and cheese (俗气的), but I just have to say it —Michelle Obama is an inspiration. I had the privilege of seeing her speak at The Forum in Inglewood, and she is one of the warmest, funniest, smartest, down-to-earth people I have ever seen in this world.
And yes, I know we present what we want the world to see, but I truly do think it’s genuine. I think she is someone who really cares about people —especially kids— and wants to give them better lives and opportunities.
She’s obviously intelligent, but she also doesn’t gussy up her words. She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen. She’s been one of the most powerful women in the world, she’s been a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, she’s had her own successful career, and yet she has remained throughout that same girl —Michelle Robinson—from a working class family in Chicago.
I don’t think there’s anyone who wouldn’t benefit from reading this book.
5. What is the main focus of Michelle’s book
A. Her political experiences and opinions. B. Her personal life and experiences.
C. Her achievements as a powerful woman. D. Her efforts to motivate others.
6. Why does the author dislike the word “inspirational”
A. It is overused and insincere. B. It reminds them of cheese books.
C. It is associated with political opinions. D. It is inapplicable to Michelle Obama.
7. What does the underlined phrase “gussy up” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Forgets. B. Regret. C. Beautify. D. Swallow.
8. Which of the following can best describe Michelle Obama’s character
A. Bossy and aggressive B. Humble and honest.
C. Distant and image-loving. D. Ambitious and career-driven.
【答案】5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B
【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了Michelle Obama的书描述她的个人生活与经历,作者在读完这本书后,因Michelle Obama善良和同理心而流泪。作者高度赞扬了Michelle Obama,她是作者在这个世界上见过的最热情、最有趣、最聪明、最脚踏实地的人之一。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“This is not really a book about politics, though political experiences obviously do come into it. It’s a shame that some will dismiss this book because of a difference in political opinion, when it is really about a woman’s life. About growing up poor and black on the South Side of Chicago; about getting married and struggling to maintain that marriage; about motherhood; about being thrown into an amazing and terrifying position.(这并不是一本真正关于政治的书,尽管其中显然包含政治经历。遗憾的是,有些人会因为政治观点的不同而对这本书不屑一顾,而实际上这本书实际上是关于一位女性的生活。关于在芝加哥南区贫穷和黑人的成长;关于结婚并努力维持婚姻;关于母性;关于被扔到一个令人惊奇和可怕的位置。)”可知,这本书并不是一本真正关于政治的书,而是关于Michelle这位女性生活的书,介绍了她的成长,个人生活以及经历,由此可推知,这本书是在描述她的个人生活与经历,故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“I hate words like “inspirational” because they’ve become so overdone and cheese(我讨厌“鼓舞人心”这样的词,因为它们已经变得过分使用而且俗气)”可知,作者讨厌“inspirational”这个词,是因为这个词已经被过多使用且俗气,即这个词很虚伪,故选A。
词句猜测题。根据画线短语下文“She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen.(她说话直来直去,带着罕见的坦诚和诚实)”可知,她说话很真诚,直来直去,不会夸夸其谈,即不会美化自己的语言,由此可知,画线短语gussy up意为“美化”,与C项“Beautify.(美化)”意思一样,故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“She’s obviously intelligent, but she also doesn’t gussy up her words. She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen. (她显然很聪明,但她也不夸夸其谈。她说话直率,带着罕见的开放和诚实。)”可知,Michelle Obama很真诚,根据该段中“She’s been one of the most powerful women in the world, she’s been a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, she’s had her own successful career, and yet she has remained throughout that same girl —Michelle Robinson—from a working class family in Chicago.(她是世界上最有权势的女性之一,她毕业于普林斯顿大学和哈佛法学院,她拥有自己成功的职业生涯,但她始终是那个来自芝加哥工人阶级家庭的女孩——米歇尔·罗宾逊。)”可知,她虽然很成功,但是仍然不忘初心,这说明她很谦虚,故选B。
A recent study from the University of California San Diego reveals that young children between the ages of 3 and 5 can improve their musical abilities, especially in understanding musical pitches (音高) , when learning Mandarin, compared to those who speak English.
This research challenges the idea that our mental abilities are entirely separate from each other. It suggests that the skills children learn in one area can influence their learning in another. This raises-questions about how our mental abilities relate to each other.
The study involved two experiments with similar groups of Mandarin and English learners, totaling 180 children. They were tested on tasks related to pitch (high or low notes)and timbre (音色) (the quality of sound). Both groups performed similarly on the task related to timbre. However, Mandarin speakers performed better than English speakers on tasks related to pitch.
Mandarin is a tonal language, which means the tone (音调) used when saying a word can change its meaning, not just add emphasis. For example, the Mandarin word “ma” can mean “mother,” “horse,” “hem (麻),” or “scold,” depending on how it’s spoken. This focus on pitch helps young Mandarin speakers understand musical pitches better. Since both language and music involve changes in pitch, the study aimed to find out if understanding pitch in language is different from understanding it in music. The results suggest that experience with understanding musical pitches can also help in understanding language pitches, and vice versa.
While learning Mandarin might offer an advantage due to its tonal nature, it’s important to note that the study doesn’t suggest replacing music lessons with language lessons or the other way around. Learning another language has many benefits, and music education remains important for musical skills.
In summary, this is an extremely valuable research, highlighting the connections between cognitive (认知的) skills and emphasizes the value of exposing children to different languages and providing them with musical education for their overall development.
9. What is the purpose of paragraph 1
A. To introduce the concept of musical pitches.
B. To offer the research result to be discussed.
C. To present the University of California San Diego.
D. To share a fact about children’s language development.
10. What is the challenged idea according to paragraph 2
A. The benefits of musical education. B. The difficulty of learning Mandarin.
C The separation of children’s skills. D. The importance of speaking English.
11. What is compared between Mandarin and English learners
A. Tonal perception. B. Language abilities.
C. Musical performances. D. Knowledge development.
12. What is the advantage of learning Mandarin
A. Improving mental health. B. Replacing music education.
C. Developing musical abilities. D. Bettering timbre perception.
13. What is the author’s attitude towards this study
A. Unclear. B. Approving. C. Doubtful. D. Worried.
【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. B
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“A recent study from the University of California San Diego reveals that young children between the ages of 3 and 5 can improve their musical abilities, especially in understanding musical pitches , when learning Mandarin, compared to those who speak English.(加州大学圣地亚哥分校最近的一项研究表明,与那些说英语的孩子相比,3至5岁的孩子在学习普通话时可以提高他们的音乐能力,尤其是在理解音高方面。)”可知,第一段的写作目的是为了提供研究结果供讨论。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“This research challenges the idea that our mental abilities are entirely separate from each other.(这项研究挑战了我们的心理能力是完全独立的这一观点。)”可知,被挑战的观点是儿童技能的分离能力。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“They were tested on tasks related to pitch (high or low notes)and timbre(the quality of sound). Both groups performed similarly on the task related to timbre. However, Mandarin speakers performed better than English speakers on tasks related to pitch.( 他们接受了与音高(高音或低音)和音色(声音质量)有关的测试。两组在音色相关的任务上表现相似。然而,说普通话的人比说英语的人在音高相关的任务上表现得更好。)”和文章第五段“While learning Mandarin might offer an advantage due to its tonal nature(虽然学习普通话可能会因为它的调性而有优势)”可知,汉语学习者和英语学习者有调性认知的比较。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“A recent study from the University of California San Diego reveals that young children between the ages of 3 and 5 can improve their musical abilities, especially in understanding musical pitches , when learning Mandarin, compared to those who speak English.(加州大学圣地亚哥分校最近的一项研究表明,与那些说英语的孩子相比,3至5岁的孩子在学习普通话时可以提高他们的音乐能力,尤其是在理解音高方面。)”和第四段“This focus on pitch helps young Mandarin speakers understand musical pitches better.(这种对音高的关注有助于说普通话的年轻人更好地理解音乐的音高。)”可推知,学习普通话的优势是有助于发展音乐能力。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“In summary, this is an extremely valuable research, highlighting the connections between cognitive skills and emphasizes the value of exposing children to different languages and providing them with musical education for their overall development.(总之,这是一项非常有价值的研究,突出了认知技能之间的联系,强调了让孩子接触不同语言的价值,并为他们提供全面发展的音乐教育。)”可推知,作者对这项研究的态度是赞成的。故选B。
第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How To Recover From an All-Nighter
The Science of Sleep Institute presents all-nighter emergency(熬夜急救法). So you couldn’t sleep last night, you’d like nothing more than to go back to bed, but you’ve got a long day of work. Don’t worry! ____14____
First, don’t hit the snooze(小睡)button. Scientists say those extra tiny minutes of sleep don’t actually make you more rested. ____15____ Research suggests eating within-an hour of waking up boosts your mood. And no sugar, it will give you a crash later. Stick to whole grains and protein.
Then get outside! Bright natural light raises your body temperature and increase your alertness. ____16____ Scientists say even sun in your eyes can be helpful.
Have another cup of coffee soon after you get to the office too. It takes about 30 minutes for caffeine to kick in, so you’ll need to increase before a big meeting start. Also have a light lunch of grains, veggies and lean protein. ____17____
Now you’re about to get off the work. ____18____ Research suggests sleep-deprived(缺乏睡眠的)people can’t focus for more than about 10 minutes at a time. So just keep your spirits up through stuff like replying to emails or sorting files. And finally, get out of the office a little early if possible. If anyone asks, just say sleep scientists told you to.
A. Science can help!
B. And don’t wear sunglasses.
C. It’s absolutely unnecessary.
D. Next, make sure you eat breakfast.
E. Nutritious food will help with your fitness.
F. Heavy, sugary lunches will wear you out later.
G. Do some simple busy work for the rest of the day.
【答案】14. A 15. D 16. B 17. F 18. G
根据文章题目How To Recover From An All-Nighter (如何从熬夜中恢复过来)及前文“The Science of US Sleep Institute presents all-nighter emergency. So you couldn’t sleep last night. You’d like nothing more than to go back to bed, but you’ve got a long day of work. Don’t worry. (美国睡眠科学研究所提出了熬夜急救法。所以你昨晚睡不着。你只想回到床.上,但你要面对一整天的工作。别担心。)”可知,文章讲述如何从熬夜中恢复,而且美国睡眠科学研究所提出了熬夜急救法,根据后文的内容可知文章接下来讲的是一些科学恢复的方法,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是科学可以帮助你在熬夜后有效恢复,A项Science can help!(科学可以帮忙!)承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选A项。
根据前文“First, don’t hit the snooze(小睡)button. Scientists say those extra tiny minutes of sleep don’t actually make you more rested.(首先,不要按贪睡按钮。科学家表示,额外的几分钟睡眠实际上并不能让你休息得更好。)”可知此处指出首先不要贪睡,根据下文“Researchsuggests eating within an hour of waking upboosts your mood and cognition. (研究表明,起床后一小时进食能提升你的情绪和认知能力。)”可知此处讲的是醒后一小时之内进食的好处,所以空处内容应与吃早餐有关,D项 Next, make sure you eat breakfast.(接下来,确保你吃早餐。)”指出应确保自己吃早餐,而且D项中的Next与空前的First是对应的,符合上下文语境,故选D项。
根据上文“Then get outside!Bright natural light raises your body temperature and improves your alertness.(然后出去!明亮的自然光会提高你的体温,提高你的警觉性。)”可知户外自然光会提高体温和警觉性,根据下文“Scientists say even sun in your eyes can be helpful. (科学家说,即使是阳光照射眼睛也会有帮助。)”可知太阳照射对眼睛也有帮助,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲既然眼光对眼睛有好处,那么我们应该怎么做,B项And don’t wear sunglasses.(不要戴太阳镜。)指出既然眼光对眼睛有好处所以就不要戴眼镜,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选B项。
根据上文“Have a light lunch of grains, veggies and lean protein. (午餐吃一些清淡的谷物,蔬菜和瘦肉。)”可知此处给出午餐建议,即要吃清淡的谷物,蔬菜和瘦肉,所以空处应该指出这样做的原因是什么,F项Heavy, sugary lunches will wear you out later.(油腻的、含糖的午餐会让你疲惫不堪。)指出中午吃油腻的、含糖的食物会让自己稍后感到疲惫,解释了原因,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
根据上文Now you’re about to get off the work. (现在你要下班了。)可知此处讲的是马上到你下班的时间了,根据下文“Research suggests sleep-deprived folks can’t focus for more than about 10 minutes at a time. So just keep your spirits up through stuff like replying to emails or sorting files. (研究表明,睡眠不足的人一次集中注意力的时间不能超过10分钟。所以只是通过回复邮件或整理文件等事情来保持你的精神。)”讲述缺觉容易注意力不集中,所以只能打起精神回复邮件,整理文件,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲如何度过下班前的这一段时间,G项Do some simple busy work for the rest of the day.(在剩下的时间里做一些简单而忙碌的工作。)”指出可以在剩下的时间里做一些简单的工作,空后的“replying to emails or sorting files”指代空处提到的“some simple busy work”,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
While I was riding bike, I noticed a man about a half mile in front of me. He was traveling at a lower speed. I decided to ____19____ him. I had about one mile to go on the road before turning around.
I started to ride faster, and every block, I ____20____ closed the distance. Finally, I ____21____ him and passed him. He was not even ____22____ that we were in a race, but I felt like a ____23____.
After 1 made it, I ____24____ that I had been so focused on competing against him that 1 had ____25____ my turn, and that I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around.
Isn’t that what ____26____ in life We spend most of our time competing with neighbors, friends and family, trying to beat them or trying to be more ____27____ than them—while in fact there was _____28_____ a competition.
We spend most of our time and energy competing with others instead of reaching our _____29_____, and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies(命运) as a result.
_____30_____ competition is a continuous process, a never-ending cycle a race of life. No matter what you do, someone will always be _____31_____ you: someone with a better job. a nicer car and more money.
Feel _____32_____ for what life has offered you. Stay focused on your _____33_____ and live a healthy life. There is no competition in destiny. Run your own race of life and wish others well!
19. A. stop B. approach C. pass D. follow
20. A. immediately B. gradually C. slowly D. quickly
21. A. gave way to B. took control of C. made fun of D. caught up with
22. A. anxious B. positive C. aware D. doubtful
23 A. professional B. champion C. loser D. fighter
24. A. identified B. expected C. realized D. observed
25. A. missed B. reached C. taken D. made
26. A. hides B. matters C. impresses D. exists
27. A. concentrated B. successful C. careful D. concerned
28. A. never B. likely C. still D. hardly
29. A. neighbourhood B. destination C. power D. turn
30. A. Illegal B. Equal C. Unhealthy D. Fair
31. A. ahead of B. next to C. together with D. far behind
32. A. responsible B. confident C. graceful D. grateful
33. A. challenge B. determination C. path D. wisdom
【答案】19. C 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定超过他。A. stop停止;B. approach接近;C. pass超过;D. follow跟随。根据后文第三空的“passed him”可知,作者最终超越了前面的人,此处表示作者要超过别人。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始骑得更快,每过一个街区,我就逐渐缩小距离。A. immediately立即;B. gradually逐渐;C. slowly慢慢地;D. quickly很快地。根据前文“I started to ride faster”可知,作者加速了,并且逐渐缩小了距离。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:最后,我赶上了他,超过了他。A. gave way to让位于;B. took control of控制;C. made fun of取笑;D. caught up with赶上。根据前文“I started to ride faster, and every block, I ____2____ closed the distance.”和后文“passed him”可知,作者赶上了那个人。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他甚至没有意识到我们在比赛,但我感觉自己像个冠军。A. anxious焦虑的;B. positive积极的;C. aware意识到;D. doubtful可疑的。根据语境和后文“we were in a race”以及“but I felt like a ____5____”可知,我感觉是一场比赛,而那个人没有意识到在比赛。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他甚至没有意识到我们在比赛,但我感觉自己像个冠军。A. professional专业人员;B. champion冠军;C. loser失败者;D. fighter战士。根据前文“Finally, I ____3____ him and passed him.”可知,作者终于超越了前面的人,感觉自己是冠军。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:到达终点后,我意识到我太专注于和他比赛了,以至于错过了我转弯的地方,而且我已经走过了将近六个街区,不得不掉头。A. identified确认;B. expected期望;C. realized意识到;D. observed观察。根据前文第一段“I had about one mile to go on the road before turning around.”解释很快作者就要拐弯,以及后文“I had been so focused on competing against him that 1 had ____7____ my turn”可知,作者意识到自己错过了转弯的地方。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:到达终点后,我意识到我太专注于和他比赛了,以至于错过了我转弯的地方,而且我已经走过了将近六个街区,不得不掉头。A. missed错过;B. reached到达;C. taken拿;D. made制作。根据后文“I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around”可知,作者错过了转弯的地方。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这不就是生活中存在的吗?A. hides隐藏;B. matters重要;C. impresses给……留下深刻印象;D. exists存在。根据后文“We spend most of our time competing with neighbors, friends and family, trying to beat them or trying to be more ____9____ than them”可知,这些与人竞争的状况是生活中司空见惯的。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们把大部分时间花在与邻居、朋友和家人竞争上,试图打败他们或比他们更成功——而事实上,从来就没有竞争。A. concentrated集中的;B. successful成功的;C. careful仔细的;D. concerned关心的。根据前文“trying to beat them”可知,我们想比别人更成功。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们把大部分时间花在与邻居、朋友和家人竞争上,试图打败他们或比他们更成功——而事实上,从来就没有竞争。A. never从未;B. likely可能;C. still仍然;D. hardly几乎不。结合上文语境,作者为了超车错过转弯的路口,甚至对方都不知道作者在比赛,和“while in fact”的转折可知,此处指从来就没有竞争。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们把大部分的时间和精力花在与他人竞争上,而不是去到达我们的目的地,结果我们错过了通往自己命运的道路。A. neighbourhood邻居;B. destination目的地;C. power能量;D. turn转弯。根据后文“we miss out on our own paths to our destinies(命运) as a result”可知,人们跟别人竞争,而忽略了自己的目的地。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不健康的竞争是一个持续的过程,一个永无止境的循环,一个生命的竞赛。A. Illegal违法的;B. Equal平等的;C. Unhealthy不健康的;D. Fair公平的。根据前文“We spend most of our time and energy competing with others instead of reaching our ____11____, and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies(命运) as a result.”可知,我们把大部分的时间和精力花在与他人竞争上,而不是去到达我们的目的地,是不健康的竞争。故选C项。
考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:无论你做什么,总会有人走在你前面:有更好工作,更好的车和更多的钱的人。A. ahead of在……前面;B. next to旁边;C. together with和……一起;D. far behind落后。根据后文“someone with a better job, a nicer car and more money.”可知,在任何事情上总有人比你更优秀。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:感激生活给予你的一切。A. responsible负责的;B. confident自信的;C. graceful优雅的;D. grateful感激的。根据语境和后文“Stay focused on your ____15____ and live a healthy life. There is no competition in destiny. Run your own race of life and wish others well!”可知,感激生活给予的一切。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:专注于你的道路,过健康的生活。A. challenge挑战;B. determination目的地;C. path道路;D. wisdom智慧。根据后文“Run your own race of life and wish others well!”可知,不要为了超越别人而错过自己的目的地,要专注于自己的道路。故选C项。
第二节 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
34. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now _____ later in life.
A. will be repaid B. was being repaid
C. has been repaid D. was repaid
【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:不要担心,你现在付出的努力在以后一定会有所回报。根据句子末尾出现的时间状语later in life意为在以后的生活中,可以判断为将来时态,主语The hard work与谓语为被动关系。故选A。
35. I still remember the farm ________ my parents worked ten years ago.
A. when B. that C. where D. which
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我仍然记得十年前我父母工作的那个农场。分析句子结构可知,此处为连词引导的定语从句,从句中不缺主语和宾语,所以使用关系副词,先行词the farm意为“农场”表地点,所以使用where。故选C项。
36. When I am travelling, I always take something in case I am hungry.
A. to eat B. eaten C. eating D. eat
37. People ________ better access to health care than they used to, and they are living longer as a result.
A will have B. have
C. had D. had had
38. The reason ________ he didn’t come was that he was held up in a traffic jam.
A. why B. what C. which D. that
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他之所以没有来,是因为堵车了。________he didn’t come是定语从句,修饰先行词the reason,且关系词在从句中作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导定语从句,故选A。
39. Was it through your English teacher, ______ likes literary works, ______ you got to know the Bronte sisters
A. who; who B. who; which C. that; which D. who; that
【详解】考查定语从句和强调句。句意:你是通过你那个喜欢文学作品的老师而了解勃朗特姐妹的吗?根据句子分析可知,空1:此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为 your English teacher,指人,且定语从句中缺少主语,故应用who引导;空2:此处为强调句的一般疑问句,句式为was it+被强调部分+that+其他,此处强调through your English teacher,故填that。故选D。
40. -That can't be! They______for forty minutes but no one has scored a goal yet.
-Too bad! It's almost half-time.
A. had played B. played
C. have been playing D. were playing
【详解】考查现在完成进行时。句意:——那不可能!他们已经四十分钟了还没有人进球。——太糟糕了,时间快过一半了。根据for forty minutes 可知他们已经进行了四十分钟了还没进球,再根据下句 It's almost half-time可知还要进行下去,所以要用现在完成进行时表示“表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去”的动作,所以C符合语境,故选C。
41. He must be from a rich family, ______ can be seen from his dressing.
A. that B. as C. it D. what
42. Water is really crucial to us human beings, ______ we couldn’t live.
A. without it B. without that C. without which D. if not
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:水对我们人类来说是至关重要的,没有它我们就无法生存。根据常识可知,没有水我们无法生存,“没有”用without,先行词Water是物,因此空格处用without which引导定语从句,故选C。
43. George _________ too far. His coffee is still warm.
A. must have gone B. might have gone
C. can’t have gone D. needn’t have gone
【详解】考查情态动词+have done。句意:乔治不可能走得太远。他的咖啡仍然是温的。can’t have done一定不可能做了某事;must have done过去一定做了某事;might have done过去可能做了某事;needn’t have done过去本不必做某事。故选C。
【点睛】熟练掌握情态动词的用法,对准确理解语法填空、完形填空、阅读理解、听力理解中含有情态动词的句子是很有益处的,并且在写作中也可能会用到情态动词。因此,我们应当学好情态动词,尤其要掌握好常用情态动词的用法。“情态动词+have done”的用法:情态动词无论是表达“推测和可能性”,还是表达“虚拟”这一概念,只要是表达过去已经发生的事情,一律用“情态动词+have done”这一结构;表达现在或将来发生的事情,用“情态动词+动词/系动词原形”。注意不同的情态动词和have done搭配的含义。表示推测的can have done一般用于疑问句和否定句中。
44. The old man asked the military officer everything ______ he saw at the front.
A. that B. which C. what D. all what
45. Football is fun enough________millions of people.
A. attracted B. attracting C. to attract D. having attracted
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:足球的精彩程度足以吸引数百万的人。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:sth.+be+形容词+to do意为“某物做……是……”。故选C项。
46. I am writing to apply for a volunteer of the Chinese Painting Exhibition _______ next month.
A. to be held B. being held C. held D. is to be held
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我写信想要申请成为下个月要举行的中国画画展的一名志愿者。分析句子结构,空格处作后置定语;结合句中时间状语next month可知,该空格处应使用动词不定式,描述将来发生的动作,且提示动词hold“举行”与其逻辑主语Exhibition之间为被动关系,应使用to be done形式,意为“下个月举办的中国画画展”,故选A。
47. The man hurried to the airport, only ________ the plane had already taken off.
A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. found
【详解】考查动词不定式。句意:那人匆忙赶到机场,却发现飞机已经起飞了。only to do 表示出乎意料的结果。主语The man与find为主动关系。故选A项。
48. The traffic is heavy these days. I arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place
A. can
B. must
C. need
D. might
【详解】考查情态动词。句意:如今交通拥堵,我可能会晚到一小会儿,你能给我留个位子吗? might表示将要发生或正在发生的可能性,可能性比较小,故选D项。
第三节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Although the modern picnic ____49____(believe)to be a concept originating in Europe in the 1700s, China’s version of such excursions (短途旅行), commonly known ____50____“spring outings” or “stepping on the green”, can be traced back to at ____51____(little) the Wei and Jin dynasties (220-420) when people went on excursions or held banquets (宴会) by the water ____52____(celebrate) the Shangsi Festival on the third day of the third lunar month. Scholars would drink and compose ____53____(poem) by streams.
The activity became more common among women as well in the Tang dynasty (618-907). A special picnic for women, often daughters of official s and rich families, ____54____(emerge) As recorded in the book A History of the Tang Under Emperor Xuanzong’s Reign, groups of ladies would compete on the value and beauty of the flowers they wrote ____55____(normal) between the two spring solar terms “The Beginning of Spring” and “Rain Water”.
In the Song dynasty (960-1279), the Qingming Festival ____56____ Tomb Sweeping Festival included traditions of the Shangsi Festival and the Cold Food Festival, ____57____ cold food was eaten. At that time, people had a seven-day holiday for the festival, and would not only pay respect to _____58_____ dead, but also enjoy scenery, food, and drinks on spring excursions.
【答案】49. is believed
50. as 51. least
52. to celebrate
53. poems 54. emerged
55. normally
56. or 57. when
58. the
考查时态和语态。句意:尽管现代野餐被认为是18世纪起源于欧洲的一个概念,但中国版本的这种远足,通常被称为“春游”或“踏青”,至少可以追溯到魏晋时期(220-420),当时人们在农历三月初三去远足或在水边举行宴会来庆祝上四节。这里为从句谓语动词,根据句意以及主句时态可知,本句时态为一般现在时;主语为“the modern picnic”,单数,和动词“believe”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填is believed。
考查介词。句意:尽管现代野餐被认为是18世纪起源于欧洲的一个概念,但中国版本的这种远足,通常被称为“春游”或“踏青”,至少可以追溯到魏晋时期(220-420),当时人们在农历三月初三去远足或在水边举行宴会来庆祝上四节。固定短语:be known as,意为“被称作……”,符合句意。故填as。
考查固定短语。句意:尽管现代野餐被认为是18世纪起源于欧洲的一个概念,但中国版本的这种远足,通常被称为“春游”或“踏青”,至少可以追溯到魏晋时期(220-420),当时人们在农历三月初三去远足或在水边举行宴会来庆祝上四节。固定短语:at least,意为“至少”,符合句意。故填least。
考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管现代野餐被认为是18世纪起源于欧洲一个概念,但中国版本的这种远足,通常被称为“春游”或“踏青”,至少可以追溯到魏晋时期(220-420),当时人们在农历三月初三去远足或在水边举行宴会来庆祝上四节。非谓语动词担当目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填to celebrate。
考查连词。句意:在宋朝(960-1279),清明节或扫墓节包括了上巳节和寒食节的传统,这两个节日吃冷食。空前“the Qingming Festival”和空后“Tomb Sweeping Festival”是一个节日的两种称呼,用or连接。故填or。
考查定语从句。句意:在宋朝(960-1279),清明节或扫墓节包括了上巳节和寒食节的传统,这两个节日吃冷食。这里为定语从句的关系词,先行词为“the Shangsi Festival and the Cold Food Festival”,在非限制性定语从句中担当时间状语,用when引导。故填when。
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
59. The young birds_______________(依靠)their parents for food for several weeks.(根据汉语提示填空)
【答案】depend on
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:小鸟们依靠父母们获取食物度过了几周。这里要用depend on表示“依靠”作谓语。句子为一般现在时。故填depend on。
60. There are plenty of people you can ________ ________(求助于)for advice. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】 ①. turn ②. to
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:你可以向很多人寻求建议。根据汉语提示,所设空处意为“求助于”,根据空格数及“for advice”可知,此处为固定短语turn to sb for sth,情态动词can后接动词原形。故填①turn;②to。
61. ________ ________(多亏) this treatment, her condition has improved. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】 ①. Thanks ②. to
【详解】考查介词短语。句意:多亏了这种治疗,她的情况有所好转。根据汉语提示及句意,此处使用介词短语thanks to。故填Thanks to。
62. She will ________ ________(传承)her diamond ring to her daughter. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】 ①. pass ②. on
【详解】考查动词短语。句意:她将把钻戒传给女儿。表示“传承”应用动词短语pass on,由空前的will可知应填动词原形,故答案为pass on。
63. Many people ________________ (遭受) stomachache nowadays. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】suffer from
【详解】考查动词短语。句意:现在许多人胃痛。根据汉语提示,所设空处意为“遭受”,使用动词短语suffer from,由nowadays可知,句子陈述目前事实,应用一般现在时,主语many people为复数意义。故填suffer from。
第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
64. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Jim所在学校的图书馆想要收藏关于中国文化的书籍,他发来邮件请你帮忙推荐相关书籍。请你给他回一封邮件。内容包括:
1. 书籍类型;
2. 推荐理由。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
【答案】One possible version:
Dear Jim,
You asked me to recommend some books about Chinese culture in your letter. It’s my pleasure to share my ideas with you.
To begin with, the first type I want to recommend is Chinese classic novels, which contain rich Chinese cultural ingredients. Some examples of them are Journey to the West and the Romance of the Three Kingdom. In addition, the second type of my recommendation is the books about traditional festivals. Only by learning about traditions can you know the essence of a foreign history and social values. A specific book I would introduce is titled Traditional Chinese Festivals and Customs.
I hope my recommendations would be of help to you. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
首先:to begin with→first of all
此外:in addition→besides
有益的:be of help→helpful
2. 句式拓展
原句:In addition, the second type of my recommendation is the books about traditional festivals. Only by learning about traditions can you know the essence of a foreign history and social values.
拓展句:In addition, the second type of my recommendation is the books about traditional festivals because only by learning about traditions can you know the essence of a foreign history and social values.
【点睛】[高分句型1] To begin with, the first type I want to recommend is Chinese classic novels, which contain rich Chinese cultural ingredients. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] I hope my recommendations would be of help to you. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
第三节 读后续写(满分15分)
65. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
During the 25 years we’ve lived in our home, many cats have appeared on my porch (门廊), gazing through the glass door, silently begging for food. Well, what can I do Certainly not ignore their lovely faces. Even as my husband says “Don’t feed these cats, Caren,” I am opening the door, with cat food bag in hand. These cats usually stay a few days, maybe a couple months before disappearing into the woods.
One evening while feeding the horses, I saw something move. I turned just in time to glimpse a black tail disappearing under our shed (小棚). Later, I saw a skinny young cat sneak around and finish the leftovers. The next time I saw her, she had a companion, a black male cat. I made sure to put out enough food for the both of them.
Pretty soon, they were appearing at dinnertime with our other cats. I named them Minnie and Freddy. I would give them food in separate containers, but they would walk up and down until I went back inside. Then, with no human near, they would devour their meals. This went on for a couple of weeks. One day, Freddy didn’t show up. We never saw him again.
But Minnie kept sticking around our room, dividing time between the shed and the porch. She was no longer skinny and looked quite nicely. I congratulated myself on her newfound health. However, she kept gaining weight —especially around her middle. Yup, she was pregnant (怀孕的).
We fixed up a small place in the shed for Minnie.
From that day on, our family grew not only with Minnie but also with her adorable babies, creating a harmonious and loving environment for all of us to cherish(珍惜).
We fixed up a small place in the shed for Minnie. It was cozy and warm, just for her. Minnie was so happy with the new arrangement. She spent most of her time there, taking care of her soon-to-be-born babies. Finally, five kittens were born, which was healthy and adorable.
From that day on, our family grew not only with Minnie but also with her adorable babies, creating a harmonious and loving environment for all of us to cherish(珍惜). The kittens were playful and loving, just like their mom. We all loved them very much and they were a joy to have around. The whole family was delighted to have the new additions to our family. We created a harmonious and loving environment for all of us to cherish and enjoy. Minnie and her babies brought so much happiness into our lives.
①照顾:take care of/look after
【点睛】[高分句型1] She spent most of her time there, taking care of her soon-to-be-born babies. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] Finally, five kittens were born, which was healthy and adorable. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)2023-2024学年度第一学期期末教学质量监测
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 阅读理解(共三篇13小题,每小题2.5分,满分32.5分)
Fun Summer Camps in Bangkok for High School Students
With the school year coming to an end, high school students are eagerly anticipating their long summer break. Parents are looking for summer camps in Bangkok to keep their teenagers entertained and productive. Click here for the four fantastic summer camps for them in Bangkok that have gained a good reputation.
Bangkok Science Camp
Dates: July 15-25, 2023
Highlights: Hands-on workshops, lectures, and experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Opportunity to collaborate with (合作) experienced scientists and go into advanced research.
Bangkok Cultural Exchange Camp
Dates: August 1-10, 2023
Highlights: Immersive experience in Thai culture and history through visits to historic sites, cultural activities, and interactions with local students. Gain insights into Thai traditions and daily life.
Bangkok Volunteer Camp
Dates: August 5-15, 2023
Highlights: Engage in community service projects, such as teaching English to children, participating in conservation efforts, and collaborating with local charities. Make a positive impact on the local community.
Bangkok Entrepreneurship Camp
Dates: August 5-15, 2023
Highlights: Explore entrepreneurship (创业) and innovation through learning business concepts, developing entrepreneurial skills, and working on a group project. Learn from successful entrepreneurs in Bangkok.
1. Who would be a good fit for Bangkok Science Camp
A. A parent who is crazy about science.
B. A historian who is interested in Thailand.
C. A 12th grader who loves chemistry experiments.
D. An elementary school student who likes science.
2. Which camp should you attend if you want to help others
A. Bangkok Science Camp. B. Bangkok Volunteer Camp.
C. Bangkok Entrepreneurship Camp. D. Bangkok Cultural Exchange Camp.
3. What do the four camps have in common
A. They are intended for students. B. They are very expensive.
C. They happen in August. D. They only accept Thai speakers.
4. Where can you probably find this text
A. On a website. B. In a textbook. C. In a magazine. D. In a newspaper.
Look, I’m not a happy crier. I might cry at songs about leaving and missing someone; I might cry at books where things don’t work out; I might cry at movies where someone dies. I’ve just never really understood why people get all choked up over happy, inspirational things. But Michelle Obama’s kindness and empathy (同情) changed that. This book had me in tears for all the right reasons.
This is not really a book about politics, though political experiences obviously do come into it. It’s a shame that some will dismiss this book because of a difference in political opinion, when it is really about a woman’s life. About growing up poor and black on the South Side of Chicago; about getting married and struggling to maintain that marriage; about motherhood; about being thrown into an amazing and terrifying position.
I hate words like “inspirational” because they’ve become so overdone and cheese (俗气的), but I just have to say it —Michelle Obama is an inspiration. I had the privilege of seeing her speak at The Forum in Inglewood, and she is one of the warmest, funniest, smartest, down-to-earth people I have ever seen in this world.
And yes, I know we present what we want the world to see, but I truly do think it’s genuine. I think she is someone who really cares about people —especially kids— and wants to give them better lives and opportunities.
She’s obviously intelligent, but she also doesn’t gussy up her words. She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen. She’s been one of the most powerful women in the world, she’s been a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, she’s had her own successful career, and yet she has remained throughout that same girl —Michelle Robinson—from a working class family in Chicago.
I don’t think there’s anyone who wouldn’t benefit from reading this book.
5. What is the main focus of Michelle’s book
A. Her political experiences and opinions. B. Her personal life and experiences.
C. Her achievements as a powerful woman. D. Her efforts to motivate others.
6. Why does the author dislike the word “inspirational”
A. It is overused and insincere. B. It reminds them of cheese books.
C It is associated with political opinions. D. It is inapplicable to Michelle Obama.
7. What does the underlined phrase “gussy up” in paragraph 5 mean
A Forgets. B. Regret. C. Beautify. D. Swallow.
8. Which of the following can best describe Michelle Obama’s character
A Bossy and aggressive B. Humble and honest.
C. Distant and image-loving. D. Ambitious and career-driven.
A recent study from the University of California San Diego reveals that young children between the ages of 3 and 5 can improve their musical abilities, especially in understanding musical pitches (音高) , when learning Mandarin, compared to those who speak English.
This research challenges the idea that our mental abilities are entirely separate from each other. It suggests that the skills children learn in one area can influence their learning in another. This raises-questions about how our mental abilities relate to each other.
The study involved two experiments with similar groups of Mandarin and English learners, totaling 180 children. They were tested on tasks related to pitch (high or low notes)and timbre (音色) (the quality of sound). Both groups performed similarly on the task related to timbre. However, Mandarin speakers performed better than English speakers on tasks related to pitch.
Mandarin is a tonal language, which means the tone (音调) used when saying a word can change its meaning, not just add emphasis. For example, the Mandarin word “ma” can mean “mother,” “horse,” “hem (麻),” or “scold,” depending on how it’s spoken. This focus on pitch helps young Mandarin speakers understand musical pitches better. Since both language and music involve changes in pitch, the study aimed to find out if understanding pitch in language is different from understanding it in music. The results suggest that experience with understanding musical pitches can also help in understanding language pitches, and vice versa.
While learning Mandarin might offer an advantage due to its tonal nature, it’s important to note that the study doesn’t suggest replacing music lessons with language lessons or the other way around. Learning another language has many benefits, and music education remains important for musical skills.
In summary, this is an extremely valuable research, highlighting the connections between cognitive (认知的) skills and emphasizes the value of exposing children to different languages and providing them with musical education for their overall development.
9. What is the purpose of paragraph 1
A. To introduce the concept of musical pitches.
B. To offer the research result to be discussed.
C To present the University of California San Diego.
D. To share a fact about children’s language development.
10. What is the challenged idea according to paragraph 2
A. The benefits of musical education. B. The difficulty of learning Mandarin.
C. The separation of children’s skills. D. The importance of speaking English.
11. What is compared between Mandarin and English learners
A. Tonal perception. B. Language abilities.
C Musical performances. D. Knowledge development.
12. What is the advantage of learning Mandarin
A. Improving mental health. B. Replacing music education.
C. Developing musical abilities. D. Bettering timbre perception.
13. What is the author’s attitude towards this study
A. Unclear. B. Approving. C. Doubtful. D. Worried.
第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How To Recover From an All-Nighter
The Science of Sleep Institute presents all-nighter emergency(熬夜急救法). So you couldn’t sleep last night, you’d like nothing more than to go back to bed, but you’ve got a long day of work. Don’t worry! ____14____
First, don’t hit the snooze(小睡)button. Scientists say those extra tiny minutes of sleep don’t actually make you more rested. ____15____ Research suggests eating within-an hour of waking up boosts your mood. And no sugar, it will give you a crash later. Stick to whole grains and protein.
Then get outside! Bright natural light raises your body temperature and increase your alertness. ____16____ Scientists say even sun in your eyes can be helpful.
Have another cup of coffee soon after you get to the office too. It takes about 30 minutes for caffeine to kick in, so you’ll need to increase before a big meeting start. Also have a light lunch of grains, veggies and lean protein. ____17____
Now you’re about to get off the work. ____18____ Research suggests sleep-deprived(缺乏睡眠的)people can’t focus for more than about 10 minutes at a time. So just keep your spirits up through stuff like replying to emails or sorting files. And finally, get out of the office a little early if possible. If anyone asks, just say sleep scientists told you to.
A. Science can help!
B. And don’t wear sunglasses.
C. It’s absolutely unnecessary.
D. Next, make sure you eat breakfast.
E. Nutritious food will help with your fitness.
F. Heavy, sugary lunches will wear you out later.
G. Do some simple busy work for the rest of the day.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
While I was riding bike, I noticed a man about a half mile in front of me. He was traveling at a lower speed. I decided to ____19____ him. I had about one mile to go on the road before turning around.
I started to ride faster, and every block, I ____20____ closed the distance. Finally, I ____21____ him and passed him. He was not even ____22____ that we were in a race, but I felt like a ____23____.
After 1 made it, I ____24____ that I had been so focused on competing against him that 1 had ____25____ my turn, and that I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around.
Isn’t that what ____26____ in life We spend most of our time competing with neighbors, friends and family, trying to beat them or trying to be more ____27____ than them—while in fact there was _____28_____ a competition.
We spend most of our time and energy competing with others instead of reaching our _____29_____, and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies(命运) as a result.
_____30_____ competition is a continuous process, a never-ending cycle a race of life. No matter what you do, someone will always be _____31_____ you: someone with a better job. a nicer car and more money.
Feel _____32_____ for what life has offered you. Stay focused on your _____33_____ and live a healthy life. There is no competition in destiny. Run your own race of life and wish others well!
19. A. stop B. approach C. pass D. follow
20. A. immediately B. gradually C. slowly D. quickly
21. A. gave way to B. took control of C. made fun of D. caught up with
22. A. anxious B. positive C. aware D. doubtful
23. A. professional B. champion C. loser D. fighter
24. A. identified B. expected C. realized D. observed
25. A. missed B. reached C. taken D. made
26. A. hides B. matters C. impresses D. exists
27. A. concentrated B. successful C. careful D. concerned
28. A. never B. likely C. still D. hardly
29. A. neighbourhood B. destination C. power D. turn
30. A. Illegal B. Equal C. Unhealthy D. Fair
31. A. ahead of B. next to C. together with D. far behind
32. A. responsible B. confident C. graceful D. grateful
33. A. challenge B. determination C. path D. wisdom
第二节 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
34. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now _____ later in life.
A. will be repaid B. was being repaid
C. has been repaid D. was repaid
35. I still remember the farm ________ my parents worked ten years ago.
A. when B. that C. where D. which
36. When I am travelling, I always take something in case I am hungry.
A. to eat B. eaten C. eating D. eat
37. People ________ better access to health care than they used to, and they are living longer as a result.
A. will have B. have
C. had D. had had
38. The reason ________ he didn’t come was that he was held up in a traffic jam.
A. why B. what C. which D. that
39. Was it through your English teacher, ______ likes literary works, ______ you got to know the Bronte sisters
A. who; who B. who; which C. that; which D. who; that
40. -That can't be! They______for forty minutes but no one has scored a goal yet.
-Too bad! It's almost half-time.
A. had played B. played
C. have been playing D. were playing
41. He must be from a rich family, ______ can be seen from his dressing.
A. that B. as C. it D. what
42. Water is really crucial to us human beings, ______ we couldn’t live.
A. without it B. without that C. without which D. if not
43. George _________ too far. His coffee is still warm.
A. must have gone B. might have gone
C. can’t have gone D. needn’t have gone
44. The old man asked the military officer everything ______ he saw at the front.
A. that B. which C. what D. all what
45. Football is fun enough________millions of people.
A. attracted B. attracting C. to attract D. having attracted
46. I am writing to apply for a volunteer of the Chinese Painting Exhibition _______ next month.
A. to be held B. being held C. held D. is to be held
47. The man hurried to the airport, only ________ the plane had already taken off.
A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. found
48. The traffic is heavy these days. I arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place
A. can
B. must
C. need
D. might
第三节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Although the modern picnic ____49____(believe)to be a concept originating in Europe in the 1700s, China’s version of such excursions (短途旅行), commonly known ____50____“spring outings” or “stepping on the green”, can be traced back to at ____51____(little) the Wei and Jin dynasties (220-420) when people went on excursions or held banquets (宴会) by the water ____52____(celebrate) the Shangsi Festival on the third day of the third lunar month. Scholars would drink and compose ____53____(poem) by streams.
The activity became more common among women as well in the Tang dynasty (618-907). A special picnic for women, often daughters of official s and rich families, ____54____(emerge) As recorded in the book A History of the Tang Under Emperor Xuanzong’s Reign, groups of ladies would compete on the value and beauty of the flowers they wrote ____55____(normal) between the two spring solar terms “The Beginning of Spring” and “Rain Water”.
In the Song dynasty (960-1279), the Qingming Festival ____56____ Tomb Sweeping Festival included traditions of the Shangsi Festival and the Cold Food Festival, ____57____ cold food was eaten. At that time, people had a seven-day holiday for the festival, and would not only pay respect to _____58_____ dead, but also enjoy scenery, food, and drinks on spring excursions.
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
59. The young birds_______________(依靠)their parents for food for several weeks.(根据汉语提示填空)
60. There are plenty of people you can ________ ________(求助于)for advice. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
61. ________ ________(多亏) this treatment, her condition has improved. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
62. She will ________ ________(传承)her diamond ring to her daughter. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
63. Many people ________________ (遭受) stomachache nowadays. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
64. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Jim所在学校的图书馆想要收藏关于中国文化的书籍,他发来邮件请你帮忙推荐相关书籍。请你给他回一封邮件。内容包括:
1. 书籍类型;
2. 推荐理由。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
第三节 读后续写(满分15分)
65. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
During the 25 years we’ve lived in our home, many cats have appeared on my porch (门廊), gazing through the glass door, silently begging for food. Well, what can I do Certainly not ignore their lovely faces. Even as my husband says “Don’t feed these cats, Caren,” I am opening the door, with cat food bag in hand. These cats usually stay a few days, maybe a couple months before disappearing into the woods.
One evening while feeding the horses, I saw something move. I turned just in time to glimpse a black tail disappearing under our shed (小棚). Later, I saw a skinny young cat sneak around and finish the leftovers. The next time I saw her, she had a companion, a black male cat. I made sure to put out enough food for the both of them.
Pretty soon, they were appearing at dinnertime with our other cats. I named them Minnie and Freddy. I would give them food in separate containers, but they would walk up and down until I went back inside. Then, with no human near, they would devour their meals. This went on for a couple of weeks. One day, Freddy didn’t show up. We never saw him again.
But Minnie kept sticking around our room, dividing time between the shed and the porch. She was no longer skinny and looked quite nicely. I congratulated myself on her newfound health. However, she kept gaining weight —especially around her middle. Yup, she was pregnant (怀孕的).
We fixed up a small place in the shed for Minnie.
From that day on, our family grew not only with Minnie but also with her adorable babies, creating a harmonious and loving environment for all of us to cherish(珍惜).



