2023-2024新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州高二上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

(卷面分值:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What will Peter probably do this weekend
A. Play basketball. B. Visit a friend. C. Go to the museum.
2. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Take care of her computer.
B. Buy some water for her.
C Check the train schedule.
3. When will the man see Sam
A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
4. Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A. For the terrible food.
B. For the wrong bill.
C. For the waiter’s impoliteness.
5. What are the speakers talking about.
A. Buying a present. B. Holding a party. C. Writing a book.
6. What will Lily do today
A. Have lunch with Eric. B. Pick up her aunt. C. Take an exam.
7. When will Lily meet Eric
A. This Thursday. B. This Friday. C. This Saturday.
8. Where is Philip now
A. On a bus. B. In a taxi. C. In his office.
9. When will Philip arrive
A. Twenty minutes later. B. Half an hour later. C. Forty minutes later.
10. What is the woman’s suggestion
A. Going to the city center.
B. Walking through the park.
C. Sending a message to Tony.
11. What did Molly do at the weekend
A. She sold apples. B. She went to a book store. C. She visited her grandpa.
12. What did Oliver find inside in the novel he bought
A. A train ticket. B. A family photo. C. A postcard.
13. What is the relationship between Oliver and Susan
A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.
14. How long has Charlie been in Washington
A. Six years. B. Six months. C. Six weeks.
15. What does Charlie do in Washington
A. A foreign worker. B. A soccer player. C. An English teacher.
16. What did Charlie say about the workmates in his company
A. They are of the same age.
B. They are similar in character.
C. They are from different countries.
17. What activity will students do in the volunteer club
A. Planting trees. B. Climbing mountains. C. Go hiking.
18. How long will it take the students to go to the destination
A. One hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Half an hour.
19. Where will they meet
A. At the school gate. B. In the classroom. C. On the playground.
20. What will the school provide for students in the activity
A. Water. B. Umbrellas. C. Lunch.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
These days if there’s something you’re scared about while traveling, from insect bites to having your credit card stolen on the beach, there’s a piece of technology to deal with it.
The Smart Suitcase
An IndieGogo campaign has produced the Bluesmart, a suitcase for people who like every part of their travel life to be connected — and the features are pretty impressive. The Bluesmart can be locked and unlocked via your phone, tracked worldwide, weigh its own contents, charge your devices, and warn you if it’s separated from you. It costs $329.00.
The Portable Water Sterilizer
If you’ve ever had Delhi Belly or any kind of waterborne disease while travelling, this will seem like a complete life saver. The SteriPen is a handheld UV water purifier, and can kill 99.9percent of waterborne bacteria and diseases in whatever water you stick it in. It can purify a full liter of water in 90 seconds. It’s also pretty reasonable at $69.95.
The RealTime Translator
Sigmo is designed to be a small, handheld realtime translator for 25 languages. It’s tiny—barely the size of a square of chocolate— and can be used with earphones or speakers and during phone calls. Right now, they’re predicting that it will be $65.00, but keep an eye on the developers for news.
The Cooling TeeShirt
Sol Cool is designed for people hiking around in heat. The fabric of the clothes has significant cooling functions when it comes to human body heat, creating a nice cool sense next to the skin. The fabric is also very highwicking and UV protected, so you can still wear clothes in extreme heat without boiling. A woman’s shirt costs $60.00.
1. What should be bought for those sensitive to bacteria
A. Bluesmart. B. SteriPen. C. Sigmo. D. Sol Cool.
2. How much will a woman hiker pay to buy a shirt to keep cool
A. $329.00. B. $69.95. C. $65.00. D. $60.00.
3. What do the four products have in common
A. They are techfriendly. B. They protect your luggage.
C. They can drive away insects. D. They make you cool in summer.
Prabodh Malhotra, a retired Melbourne economist, 71, on Wednesday walked the final steps of a 1,000km, 52day hiking between the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation.
His “crazy” idea to hike between the two great cricket (板球) grounds came this time last year when he saw a group of men walk 150km between Newcastle and the SCG for the same breast cancer charity. “I thought if they can do it and raise $1,000 per kilometre, I should be able to raise the bar,” he said on Wednesday.
Before the end of January, he signed up. But his friends thought he was crazy, pointing to the lack of footpaths and the danger caused by trucks, buses and cars passing by. But Malhotra was undeterred.
“If something happens in the process of doing something good for the country, I’m more than happy to go,” he said.
With the help of friends, he set a course through Shepparton, Jindabyne, Canberra and Moss Vale, rotating (换穿) through four pairs of shoes, including a nowrundown pair of Hokas.
Malhotra said he was amazed by the generosity of people along the way. Traders and accommodation providers declined payment and often donated to the McGrath Foundation when they discovered his charitable cause.
“To walk 1,000km up from the MCG at the age of 71 just proves you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it,” McGrath said. “It’s an incredible effort. The raised money will help fund nurses for 2,100 families going through breast cancer in 2024”.
4. What inspired Prabodh Malhotra to start his hike
A. His love for sports. B. His desire for health.
C. His sight of others hiking. D. His dream of being famous.
5. Which of the following best explains “undeterred” underlined in Paragraph3
A. Unshakable. B. Undesirable. C. Unavoidable. D. Understandable.
6. What was people’s reaction to Malhotra’s hike
A. Conservative. B. Supportive. C. Negative. D. Objective.
7. What does Malhotra think of the 1,000km hike
A. Easy and worthwhile. B. Lengthy and thrilling.
C. Comfortable and rewarding. D. Tough and meaningful.
Do you know what Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, and Christopher Nolan all have in common They wear the same kind of clothing every day. The greatest scientist, Albert Ein-stein, had five similar gray suits in his wardrobe (衣柜). What’s with geniuses and their limited clothing choices
When asked about why they do it, many successful people cite a phenomenon called decision fatigue (疲劳). So, what is decision fatigue and how can we overcome it Will wearing the same thing every day do the trick
Like it or not, decision-making is a part of our everyday lives. From the moment we wake up, we deal with an endless stream of choices — when to get up, what to eat, what to wear, and so on. The human brain makes about 35,000 decisions per day, most of which we may not even be aware of.
Decision fatigue is a state when the mind becomes tired after making too many decisions within a short amount of time.
What should you do when you’re tired of making decisions Einstein himself said that he chose the same gray suit every day, “So that I don’t waste any brainpower in the mornings deciding which set of clothes to wear.”
Please remember: having fewer choices means less time and energy wasted—a simplified life! The best way to achieve this is to stick to regular tasks on a daily basis. That way, your brain doesn’t have to sweat those little decisions every day. While shopping or doing any kind of cognitively demanding activities, try to make a list, and cross things off as you go. This will reduce decision fatigue and help you make choices more rationally (理智地), fairly, and objectively.
8. Why is Albert Einstein mentioned in the first paragraph
A. To introduce his poor life. B. To show his preference for black suits.
C. To lead to the topic of decision fatigue. D. To compare him with other famous people.
9. What do we know about decision fatigue
A. It can wear people out. B. It is caused by too few choices.
C. It is put forward by Albert Einstein. D. It can be effectively solved by a rich life.
10. What is recommended as a good way to overcome decision fatigue
A. Having a rain plan in advance. B. Getting up early to get more time.
C. Buying as many clothes as possible. D. Sticking to regular tasks every day.
11. Which statement will the author probably support
A. The richer, the more choices. B. The simpler, the more relaxed.
C. The poorer, the fewer clothes. D. The busier, the less chances.
Most of us can’t start our day until we’ve had our morning coffee. However, the production of coffee makes large amounts of agricultural waste, about 50 percent of the actual weight of the coffee produced. Agricultural waste was a huge environmental issue for coffee producers and didn’t have any other purpose for it.
In the past, when coffee beans were roasted to make coffee, husks and pulp (外壳和果肉) were eventually turned into a powerful greenhouse gas. Now a company called Woodpecker mixes recycled plastic along with the coffee husks and pulp to create a new material that’s being used to build houses. The idea was not just to create any material but build one that was both affordable and lightweight. The material could change the way people build houses in hilly areas and remote destinations, where it’s usually harder to transport the traditional material such as bricks, and concrete.
Woodpecker experimented by combining various natural fibers with recycled plastic including rice, palm, and grass fiber. Through trial and error, the company came to the conclusion that the best natural fiber to combine with recycled plastic was coffee husks and pulp which lent the material strength and durability (耐久性). Most importantly, the material would be easily available. The material is also fireproof and prevents insect problems.
The company sponsored (赞助) two complete houses after a hurricane destroyed more than a thousand homes in Colombian. “The system worked perfectly considering there was no power supply, the ground was muddy, the airport was damaged, there was no food, etc., all the problems you can imagine. We believe that our houses are an excellent solution to the housing crisis there,” said Alejandro Franco, CEO of Woodpecker.
12. What makes the material a good choice to build houses in hilly areas and remote destinations
A. They are easily available. B. They are fireproof.
C. They are lightweight. D. They are durable.
13. How did Woodpecker choose coffee husks and pulp to combine with recycled plastic
A. By collecting figures online to make a decision.
B. By doing experiments to make comparisons.
C. By turning to experts to find a solution.
D. By asking local people for help.
14. What problem did Woodpecker’s houses solve in Colombia
A. The lack of power supply. B. The damage to the airport.
C. The shortage of food and water. D. The housing crisis after a hurricane.
15. What’s Alejandro Franco’s attitude to the two houses built in Colombian after a hurricane
A. Positive. B. Doubtful. C. Concerned. D. Subject.
Studying abroad is full of adventures-everything is different and exciting. How can you adjust to the new environment soon Homestay is a great way to get to know the culture from a firsthand aspect. Here are some tips on how to enjoy a successful homestay.
Bring a thoughtful gift.
____16____ Instead, a little souvenir (纪念品) from your home country is a great choice. Besides, it will help your hosts remember what an awesome family member you were.
Respect the schedule.
Even though you’ve paid for your stay, you’re still part of a family that is not yours - respect their schedules. If the meals are at 7 p. m., make sure you are on time. ____17____
Attend the family meals.
Most host programs will give you the choice to include meals in your homestay. It’s highly recommended that you join your host family for at least one meal each day ____18____ You can also enjoy the conversations that meals inspire
Be fair and honest when problems arise.
____19____ Nobody can avoid it. In case there’s a major trouble that bothers you try to talk to the family first. Be aware that it might take some time to get used to each other - not just for you but also for the host family.
When it comes time to leave, you might be feeling some relief about getting back to a more familiar home. Do remember to make an effort to express your thanks to the family for let-ting you into their home and sharing their lives with you.
A. Show great relief before you leave.
B. Express your gratitude before leaving.
C. Lies can only make things much worse.
D. This can help you taste homemade local food.
E. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on the gift.
F. Whenever people live together, there’s room for disagreement.
G. You must let your host family know in advance if you can’t arrive on time.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
For as long as she can remember, 13-year-old Lila Hoffa has struggled to express herself in writing. Her handwriting is sometimes ____21____ and disorganized, and she used to have trouble holding a ____22____. In her first years at school, her teachers didn’t ____23____ that anything was wrong. But that ____24____ when she met her third grade teacher, Valerie Holmgren.
“Mrs. Holmgren realized that there was something more going on than just the ____25____ writing problems,” Lila said. Lila was diagnosed with dysgraphia (书写困难症). So her teachers and her parents held a meeting to ____26____ what to do next. “We were all sitting around a long table,” Lila ___27___. And Mrs. Holmgren pulled out a ____28____ and opened up a speech-to-text program that ____29____ changed spoken words into typed text.
“This was a/an _____30_____ moment for me because I realized all of the stories and the ideas that I had _____31_____ in my head — there was an easy way to get them down onto _____32_____,” Lila said. Lila now uses speech-to-text software every day. The first story she _____33_____ was called “The Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Reading — AKA Me!”, which became a _____34_____ the moment it was published.
If Holmgren were standing in front of Lila today, this is what Lila would say, “Thank you for noticing my _____35_____ and noticing that there was so much more to me.”
A. messy B. pretty C. wonderful D. complete
A. rose B. spoon C. pen D. candle
A. tell B. remember C. support D. notice
A. changed B. disappeared C. arose D. spotted
A. official B. typical C. effective D. natural
A. stare at B. set down C. quarrel about D. figure out
A. recalled B. proved C. doubted D. hesitated
A. notebook B. calculator C. computer D. handbag
A gradually B. instantly C. absolutely D. definitely
A. annoying B. frightening C. amusing D. overwhelming
A. confused B. pointed C. repaired D. stuck
A. paper B. desk C. floor D. stage
A. offered B. bought C. wrote D. hidden
A. hit B. secret C. joke D. magic
A. secret B. shame C. history D. potential
A map has gone viral (走红) online. Contrary ____36____ traditional maps, the map was ____37____ (entire) filled with dotted signs clearly marking the country’s historic sites and cultural relics. The map was made by Wu Yunjie, ____38____ was born in the 1990s, CCTV News reported
Wu has a ____39____ (prefer) for history, especially cultural relics. When he was in college, he would often devote his spare time to ____40____ (travel) around the country and visiting ancient places. In 2020, he started collecting information on cultural relic protection all over our country and uploaded the information to the mapping software. So far, he ____41____ (visit) over 2,000cultural relic sites and more than 200 museums, and taken over 300,000 photos.
Now, the map includes nearly 10,000 historic landmarks with ____42____ (vary) colors representing them. Red signs, for instance, show the cultural relic sites under state protection. As ____43____ matter of fact, even ancient temples and bridges in the faraway areas are also marked on the map.
As far as Wu is ____44____ (concern), the map is not perfect, because it only records about two percent of the 760,000 cultural relics. It is also a pity that the map cannot be shared as an online map yet because of technical limitations. But Wu is bound _____45_____ (improve) it and make it available online.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,在即将而来的寒假,你打算和家人去北京旅行,你的英国笔友Sam对此很感兴趣,来信询问旅行计划,请你给他用英语回一封信,介绍你的旅行安排。内容如下:
Dear Sam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Anniversary (纪念日) trips were a tradition nearly as old as our marriage. Each year, we took turns planning a secret trip. After our daughter Aurora was born, she came on our adventures too. We’d stayed in a historic train car in Livingston, the Ghost Rails Inn in Montana, and Chena Hot Springs in Alaska. But this anniversary required someplace special. Somewhere completely unexpected. Could we still get a surprise during our anniversary trip
The pressure was on—and I found the perfect spot: The Shire of Montana. It was a J.R. R. Tolkien -inspired guest home, a “hobbit house (霍比特小屋)” built into a hillside near the small town of Trout Creek, a 7-hour drive from our place in Roundup. Jim and I had often talked about how fun it would be to build a hobbit house, so I knew Aurora would be excited. And she would love it, too.
Magical structures dotted the grounds—a troll mine, a wishing well, houses for dwarves (矮人) and fairies. What child wouldn’t be attracted to a village made for childsize hobbits This was going to be the best trip yet. She might love The Shire even more than we did.
I was about to book our reservation when I saw a note on the Shire’s website: No kids allowed. That ruined everything! We couldn’t leave Aurora alone at home, and I had no Plan B. A year without an anniversary adventure was unthinkable. Could it be the big surprise for this anni-versary trip Shall we find another destination Were there any other places like the village made for childsize hobbits No, No, No…All answers were the same.
To my amazement, there was an email address on the site.
The day finally arrived when my application was approved.
听力答案:1-5 CACBA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CABCA 16-20 CCBAA巴州普通高中2023-2024学年第一学期期末联考
(卷面分值:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What will Peter probably do this weekend
A. Play basketball. B. Visit a friend. C. Go to the museum.
2. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Take care of her computer.
B. Buy some water for her.
C. Check the train schedule.
3. When will the man see Sam
A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
4. Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A. For the terrible food.
B. For the wrong bill.
C. For the waiter’s impoliteness.
5. What are the speakers talking about.
A. Buying a present. B. Holding a party. C. Writing a book.
6. What will Lily do today
A. Have lunch with Eric. B. Pick up her aunt. C. Take an exam.
7. When will Lily meet Eric
A. This Thursday. B. This Friday. C. This Saturday.
8. Where is Philip now
A. On a bus. B. In a taxi. C. In his office.
9. When will Philip arrive
A. Twenty minutes later. B. Half an hour later. C. Forty minutes later.
10. What is the woman’s suggestion
A. Going to the city center.
B. Walking through the park.
C. Sending a message to Tony.
11. What did Molly do at the weekend
A. She sold apples. B. She went to a book store. C. She visited her grandpa.
12. What did Oliver find inside in the novel he bought
A. A train ticket. B. A family photo. C. A postcard.
13. What is the relationship between Oliver and Susan
A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.
14. How long has Charlie been in Washington
A. Six years. B. Six months. C. Six weeks.
15. What does Charlie do in Washington
A. A foreign worker. B. A soccer player. C. An English teacher.
16. What did Charlie say about the workmates in his company
A. They are of the same age.
B. They are similar in character.
C. They are from different countries.
17. What activity will students do in the volunteer club
A Planting trees. B. Climbing mountains. C. Go hiking.
18. How long will it take the students to go to the destination
A. One hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Half an hour.
19. Where will they meet
A. At the school gate. B. In the classroom. C. On the playground.
20. What will the school provide for students in the activity
A. Water. B. Umbrellas. C. Lunch.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
These days, if there’s something you’re scared about while traveling, from insect bites to having your credit card stolen on the beach, there’s a piece of technology to deal with it.
The Smart Suitcase
An IndieGogo campaign has produced the Bluesmart, a suitcase for people who like every part of their travel life to be connected — and the features are pretty impressive. The Bluesmart can be locked and unlocked via your phone, tracked worldwide, weigh its own contents, charge your devices, and warn you if it’s separated from you. It costs $329.00.
The Portable Water Sterilizer
If you’ve ever had Delhi Belly or any kind of waterborne disease while travelling, this will seem like a complete life saver. The SteriPen is a handheld UV water purifier, and can kill 99.9percent of waterborne bacteria and diseases in whatever water you stick it in. It can purify a full liter of water in 90 seconds. It’s also pretty reasonable at $69.95.
The RealTime Translator
Sigmo is designed to be a small, handheld realtime translator for 25 languages. It’s tiny—barely the size of a square of chocolate— and can be used with earphones or speakers and during phone calls. Right now, they’re predicting that it will be $65.00, but keep an eye on the developers for news.
The Cooling TeeShirt
Sol Cool is designed for people hiking around in heat. The fabric of the clothes has significant cooling functions when it comes to human body heat, creating a nice cool sense next to the skin. The fabric is also very highwicking and UV protected, so you can still wear clothes in extreme heat without boiling. A woman’s shirt costs $60.00.
1. What should be bought for those sensitive to bacteria
A. Bluesmart. B. SteriPen. C. Sigmo. D. Sol Cool.
2. How much will a woman hiker pay to buy a shirt to keep cool
A. $329.00. B. $69.95. C. $65.00. D. $60.00.
3. What do the four products have in common
A. They are techfriendly. B. They protect your luggage.
C. They can drive away insects. D. They make you cool in summer.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据文章“The Portable Water Sterilizer”部分中的“The SteriPen is a handheld UV water purifier, and can kill 99.9percent of waterborne bacteria and diseases in whatever water you stick it in. It can purify a full liter of water in 90 seconds.(SteriPen是一款手持式紫外线净水器,无论你把它放在什么水中,它都能杀死99.9%的水传播细菌和疾病。它能在90秒内净化一升水。)”可知,SteriPen能杀死99.9%的水传播细菌和疾病,因此对细菌敏感的人应该购买SteriPen。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章“The Cooling TeeShirt”部分中的“Sol Cool is designed for people hiking around in heat. The fabric of the clothes has significant cooling functions when it comes to human body heat, creating a nice cool sense next to the skin. The fabric is also very highwicking and UV protected, so you can still wear clothes in extreme heat without boiling. A woman’s shirt costs $60.00.(Sol Cool是为人们在炎热的天气里徒步旅行而设计的。当涉及到人体热量时,衣服的面料具有显著的冷却功能,在皮肤附近产生一种凉爽的感觉。这种面料也非常吸汗,防紫外线,所以你仍然可以在极热的情况下穿着衣服,而不会被煮沸。一件女式衬衫要60美元。)”可知,一个女徒步旅行者想要保持凉爽可以花60美元买一件衬衫。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“These days, if there’s something you’re scared about while traveling, from insect bites to having your credit card stolen on the beach, there’s a piece of technology to deal with it.(如今,如果你在旅行中有什么害怕的事情,从昆虫叮咬到在海滩上信用卡被偷,有一项技术可以解决它。)”以及全文内容可知,这四款产品都是高科技产品,具有不同的功能和特点,但它们都可以解决旅行中遇到的问题,让旅行更加便捷和安全。因此,这四款产品的共同点是它们都是科技产品。故选A。
Prabodh Malhotra, a retired Melbourne economist, 71, on Wednesday walked the final steps of a 1,000km, 52day hiking between the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation.
His “crazy” idea to hike between the two great cricket (板球) grounds came this time last year when he saw a group of men walk 150km between Newcastle and the SCG for the same breast cancer charity. “I thought if they can do it and raise $1,000 per kilometre, I should be able to raise the bar,” he said on Wednesday.
Before the end of January, he signed up. But his friends thought he was crazy, pointing to the lack of footpaths and the danger caused by trucks, buses and cars passing by. But Malhotra was undeterred.
“If something happens in the process of doing something good for the country, I’m more than happy to go,” he said.
With the help of friends, he set a course through Shepparton, Jindabyne, Canberra and Moss Vale, rotating (换穿) through four pairs of shoes, including a nowrundown pair of Hokas.
Malhotra said he was amazed by the generosity of people along the way. Traders and accommodation providers declined payment and often donated to the McGrath Foundation when they discovered his charitable cause.
“To walk 1,000km up from the MCG at the age of 71 just proves you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it,” McGrath said. “It’s an incredible effort. The raised money will help fund nurses for 2,100 families going through breast cancer in 2024”.
4. What inspired Prabodh Malhotra to start his hike
A. His love for sports. B. His desire for health.
C. His sight of others hiking. D. His dream of being famous.
5. Which of the following best explains “undeterred” underlined in Paragraph3
A. Unshakable. B. Undesirable. C. Unavoidable. D. Understandable.
6. What was people’s reaction to Malhotra’s hike
A. Conservative. B. Supportive. C. Negative. D. Objective.
7. What does Malhotra think of the 1,000km hike
A. Easy and worthwhile. B. Lengthy and thrilling.
C. Comfortable and rewarding. D. Tough and meaningful.
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了71岁退休的墨尔本经济学家Prabodh Malhotra通过长达1000公里、历时52天的徒步旅行,来为麦格拉思基金会筹集资金。
细节理解题。根据第二段“His “crazy” idea to hike between the two great cricket (板球) grounds came this time last year when he saw a group of men walk 150km between Newcastle and the SCG for the same breast cancer charity.(去年的这个时候,他看到一群人为了同一个乳腺癌慈善机构在纽卡斯尔和SCG之间步行150公里,于是萌生了在这两个伟大的板球场之间徒步旅行的“疯狂”想法)”可知,看到别人徒步旅行激发了Prabodh Malhotra开始他的徒步旅行。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第三段“But his friends thought he was crazy, pointing to the lack of footpaths and the danger caused by trucks, buses and cars passing by.(但他的朋友们认为他疯了,指出这里没有人行道,而且卡车、公共汽车和汽车经过会造成危险)”提到他的朋友门对他的担心,结合but表示转折,说明Prabodh Malhotra很坚定,依然完成了两大板球场之间1000公里的徒步,故划线词underred表示“坚定不移的”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第六段“Traders and accommodation providers declined payment and often donated to the McGrath Foundation when they discovered his charitable cause.(交易员和住宿供应商拒绝付款,当他们发现他的慈善事业时,经常向麦格拉思基金会捐款)”可推知,一路上商人和酒店老板都给予Prabodh Malhotra帮助,即支持他的徒步。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“It’s an incredible effort. The raised money will help fund nurses for 2,100 families going through breast cancer in 2024(这是一项不可思议的努力。筹集到的资金将用于资助2100个患有乳腺癌的家庭的护士)”可推知,这一千米的徒步需要很大的付出,但能帮助乳腺癌患者家庭却意义重大,即徒步艰难但有意义。故选D。
Do you know what Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, and Christopher Nolan all have in common They wear the same kind of clothing every day. The greatest scientist, Albert Ein-stein, had five similar gray suits in his wardrobe (衣柜). What’s with geniuses and their limited clothing choices
When asked about why they do it, many successful people cite a phenomenon called decision fatigue (疲劳). So, what is decision fatigue and how can we overcome it Will wearing the same thing every day do the trick
Like it or not, decision-making is a part of our everyday lives. From the moment we wake up, we deal with an endless stream of choices — when to get up, what to eat, what to wear, and so on. The human brain makes about 35,000 decisions per day, most of which we may not even be aware of.
Decision fatigue is a state when the mind becomes tired after making too many decisions within a short amount of time.
What should you do when you’re tired of making decisions Einstein himself said that he chose the same gray suit every day, “So that I don’t waste any brainpower in the mornings deciding which set of clothes to wear.”
Please remember: having fewer choices means less time and energy wasted—a simplified life! The best way to achieve this is to stick to regular tasks on a daily basis. That way, your brain doesn’t have to sweat those little decisions every day. While shopping or doing any kind of cognitively demanding activities, try to make a list, and cross things off as you go. This will reduce decision fatigue and help you make choices more rationally (理智地), fairly, and objectively.
8. Why is Albert Einstein mentioned in the first paragraph
A. To introduce his poor life. B. To show his preference for black suits.
C. To lead to the topic of decision fatigue. D. To compare him with other famous people.
9. What do we know about decision fatigue
A. It can wear people out. B. It is caused by too few choices.
C. It is put forward by Albert Einstein. D. It can be effectively solved by a rich life.
10. What is recommended as a good way to overcome decision fatigue
A. Having a rain plan in advance. B. Getting up early to get more time.
C. Buying as many clothes as possible. D. Sticking to regular tasks every day.
11. Which statement will the author probably support
A. The richer, the more choices. B. The simpler, the more relaxed.
C. The poorer, the fewer clothes. D. The busier, the less chances.
【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. B
推理判断题。根据第一段“The greatest scientist, Albert Ein-stein, had five similar gray suits in his wardrobe (衣柜). What’s with geniuses and their limited clothing choices (最伟大的科学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的衣柜里有五套类似的灰色西装。天才们的服装选择有限是怎么回事?)”以及第二段“When asked about why they do it, many successful people cite a phenomenon called decision fatigue (疲劳).(当被问及为什么这样做时,许多成功人士提到了一种叫做“决策疲劳”的现象)”可推知,第一段提到了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦是为了引出了决策疲劳这个话题。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Decision fatigue is a state when the mind becomes tired after making too many decisions within a short amount of time.(决策疲劳是指在短时间内做出太多决定后,大脑感到疲劳的一种状态)”可知, 决策疲劳会让人疲惫。故选A。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“The best way to achieve this is to stick to regular tasks on a daily basis.(实现这一目标的最好方法是坚持每天完成固定的任务)”可知,解决决策疲劳的最佳方法是坚持每天的常规任务。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Please remember: having fewer choices means less time and energy wasted—a simplified life!(请记住:选择越少意味着浪费的时间和精力越少——生活越简单!)”可推知,作者会支持“越简单越轻松”的观点。故选B。
Most of us can’t start our day until we’ve had our morning coffee. However, the production of coffee makes large amounts of agricultural waste, about 50 percent of the actual weight of the coffee produced. Agricultural waste was a huge environmental issue for coffee producers and didn’t have any other purpose for it.
In the past, when coffee beans were roasted to make coffee, husks and pulp (外壳和果肉) were eventually turned into a powerful greenhouse gas. Now a company called Woodpecker mixes recycled plastic along with the coffee husks and pulp to create a new material that’s being used to build houses. The idea was not just to create any material but build one that was both affordable and lightweight. The material could change the way people build houses in hilly areas and remote destinations, where it’s usually harder to transport the traditional material such as bricks, and concrete.
Woodpecker experimented by combining various natural fibers with recycled plastic including rice, palm, and grass fiber. Through trial and error, the company came to the conclusion that the best natural fiber to combine with recycled plastic was coffee husks and pulp which lent the material strength and durability (耐久性). Most importantly, the material would be easily available. The material is also fireproof and prevents insect problems.
The company sponsored (赞助) two complete houses after a hurricane destroyed more than a thousand homes in Colombian. “The system worked perfectly considering there was no power supply, the ground was muddy, the airport was damaged, there was no food, etc., all the problems you can imagine. We believe that our houses are an excellent solution to the housing crisis there,” said Alejandro Franco, CEO of Woodpecker.
12. What makes the material a good choice to build houses in hilly areas and remote destinations
A. They are easily available. B. They are fireproof.
C They are lightweight. D. They are durable.
13. How did Woodpecker choose coffee husks and pulp to combine with recycled plastic
A. By collecting figures online to make a decision.
B. By doing experiments to make comparisons.
C. By turning to experts to find a solution.
D. By asking local people for help.
14. What problem did Woodpecker’s houses solve in Colombia
A. The lack of power supply. B. The damage to the airport.
C. The shortage of food and water. D. The housing crisis after a hurricane.
15. What’s Alejandro Franco’s attitude to the two houses built in Colombian after a hurricane
A. Positive. B. Doubtful. C. Concerned. D. Subject.
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The idea was not just to create any material but build one that was both affordable and lightweight. The material could change the way people build houses in hilly areas and remote destinations, where it’s usually harder to transport the traditional material such as bricks, and concrete.(这个想法不仅仅是为了创造某一种材料,而是建立一个既便宜又轻便的材料。这种材料可能会改变人们在山区和偏远地区建造房屋的方式,在这些地区,砖块和混凝土等传统材料通常很难运输。)”可知,砖和混凝土等传统材料通常更难运输到丘陵地区和偏远地区,这种材料轻便使得它成为这些地区建房的好选择。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Woodpecker experimented by combining various natural fibers with recycled plastic including rice, palm, and grass fiber. Through trial and error, the company came to the conclusion that the best natural fiber to combine with recycled plastic was coffee husks and pulp which lent the material strength and durability (耐久性).(啄木鸟公司将各种天然纤维与大米、棕榈、草纤维等再生塑料结合起来进行实验。经过反复试验,该公司得出结论,与回收塑料结合的最佳天然纤维是咖啡壳和纸浆,这使材料具有强度和耐久性)”可知,Woodpecker公司通过反复实验对比,发现咖啡豆的外壳和果肉是最佳合成材料。故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The company sponsored (赞助) two complete houses after a hurricane destroyed more than a thousand homes in Colombian.(在哥伦比亚一场飓风摧毁了一千多所房屋后,该公司赞助了两座完整的房屋。)”和“We believe that our houses are an excellent solution to the housing crisis there(我们相信,我们的房子是解决那里住房危机的绝佳方案)”可知,Woodpecker公司的房屋是哥伦比亚解决飓风过后住房危机的绝佳方案。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中Alejandro Franco说的“The system worked perfectly considering there was no power supply, the ground was muddy, the airport was damaged, there was no food, etc., all the problems you can imagine. We believe that our houses are an excellent solution to the housing crisis there(在哥伦比亚一场飓风摧毁了一千多所房屋后,该公司赞助了两座完整的房屋。)” 可以推理出,即使面临各种困难,Woodpecker公司依然成功建成两座房屋,所以,Alejandro Franco的态度是肯定的。故选A。
Studying abroad is full of adventures-everything is different and exciting. How can you adjust to the new environment soon Homestay is a great way to get to know the culture from a firsthand aspect. Here are some tips on how to enjoy a successful homestay.
Bring a thoughtful gift.
____16____ Instead a little souvenir (纪念品) from your home country is a great choice. Besides, it will help your hosts remember what an awesome family member you were.
Respect the schedule.
Even though you’ve paid for your stay, you’re still part of a family that is not yours - respect their schedules. If the meals are at 7 p. m., make sure you are on time. ____17____
Attend the family meals.
Most host programs will give you the choice to include meals in your homestay. It’s highly recommended that you join your host family for at least one meal each day ____18____ You can also enjoy the conversations that meals inspire
Be fair and honest when problems arise.
____19____ Nobody can avoid it. In case there’s a major trouble that bothers you, try to talk to the family first. Be aware that it might take some time to get used to each other - not just for you but also for the host family.
When it comes time to leave, you might be feeling some relief about getting back to a more familiar home. Do remember to make an effort to express your thanks to the family for let-ting you into their home and sharing their lives with you.
A. Show great relief before you leave.
B. Express your gratitude before leaving.
C. Lies can only make things much worse.
D. This can help you taste homemade local food.
E. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on the gift.
F. Whenever people live together, there’s room for disagreement.
G You must let your host family know in advance if you can’t arrive on time.
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. D 19. F 20. B
本段小标题为Bring a thoughtful gift(带上贴心的礼物),根据下文“Instead, a little souvenir from your home country is a great icebreaker. (相反,来自您祖国的小纪念品是一个很好的破冰方式。)”的Instead表示下文与上文为转折关系,E项“You don’t have to spend a fortune on it (你不必花很多钱)”符合语境,其中的it指代gift,说明带一份贴心的礼物,来自您祖国的小小的纪念品就可以,不必花大价钱去买礼物,故选E项。
本段小标题为Respect the schedule(尊重时间表),根据上文“Even though you paid for your stay, you’re still part of a family that is not yours —respect their schedules. If the meals are at 7 p. m., make sure you are on time. (即使您支付了住宿费用,您仍然是这个不属于您的家庭的一员——尊重他们的时间表。如果用餐时间是晚上7 点,请确保您准时。)”可知,此处用吃晚饭的实例来说明“如何尊重寄宿家庭的时间表”,G项“You must let your host family know in advance if you can't arrive on time. (如果您不能准时到达,您必须提前通知您的寄宿家庭。)”承接上文,解释如果不能按时来吃晚饭,应怎么操作。上下文衔接连贯,故选G项。
本段小标题为Attend the family meals(参加家庭就餐),根据上文“Most host programs will give you the choice to include meals in your homestay. It’s highly recommended that you join your family for at least one meal each day. (大多数房东计划都会让您选择在寄宿家庭中包括膳食。强烈建议您每天至少与家人一起用餐。)”以及下文“You can also enjoy the conversations that meals inspire. (你也可以享受美食带来的对话。)”中的also可知,推荐和寄宿家庭一起吃饭带来的原因应该有两个理由,设空处为第一个,D项“This can help you taste home-made local food (这可以帮助你品尝当地自制的食物)”,其中的home-made local food呼应family meals,上下文衔接连贯,承上启下,故选D项。
本段小标题为Be fair and honest when problems arise.(出现问题时要公平和诚实),可知此处讲述“一旦和寄宿家庭出现问题”的建议,根据下文“Nobody can avoid it. (没有人能避免它。)”可推断,F项“Whenever people live together, there’s room for conflict. (只要人们住在一起,就有冲突的空间。)”符合语境,下文承接F项,下文的it指代F项中的conflict,语意一致,故选F项。
此处考查小标题。根据下文“When it comes time to leave, you might be feeling some relief about getting back to a more familiar home. Do remember to make an effort to express your thanks to the family for letting you into their home and sharing their lives with you. (当说到要离开的时候,你可能会因为回到一个更熟悉的家而感到些许宽慰。一定要记得努力表达你对他们的感谢,感谢他们让你进入他们的家,和你分享他们的生活。)”可知,本段与“分别”有关,介绍了你即将离开寄宿家庭时的感受和做法,B项“Express your gratitude before leaving (在离开之前表达你的感激之情)”,leaving为复现词,Express your gratitude呼应express your thanks to the family,上下文衔接连贯,语意一致。故选B项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
For as long as she can remember, 13-year-old Lila Hoffa has struggled to express herself in writing. Her handwriting is sometimes ____21____ and disorganized, and she used to have trouble holding a ____22____. In her first years at school, her teachers didn’t ____23____ that anything was wrong. But that ____24____ when she met her third grade teacher, Valerie Holmgren.
“Mrs. Holmgren realized that there was something more going on than just the ____25____ writing problems,” Lila said. Lila was diagnosed with dysgraphia (书写困难症). So her teachers and her parents held a meeting to ____26____ what to do next. “We were all sitting around a long table,” Lila ___27___. And Mrs. Holmgren pulled out a ____28____ and opened up a speech-to-text program that ____29____ changed spoken words into typed text.
“This was a/an _____30_____ moment for me because I realized all of the stories and the ideas that I had _____31_____ in my head — there was an easy way to get them down onto _____32_____,” Lila said. Lila now uses speech-to-text software every day. The first story she _____33_____ was called “The Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Reading — AKA Me!”, which became a _____34_____ the moment it was published.
If Holmgren were standing in front of Lila today, this is what Lila would say, “Thank you for noticing my _____35_____ and noticing that there was so much more to me.”
A. messy B. pretty C. wonderful D. complete
A. rose B. spoon C. pen D. candle
A. tell B. remember C. support D. notice
A. changed B. disappeared C. arose D. spotted
A. official B. typical C. effective D. natural
A. stare at B. set down C. quarrel about D. figure out
A. recalled B. proved C. doubted D. hesitated
A. notebook B. calculator C. computer D. handbag
A. gradually B. instantly C. absolutely D. definitely
A. annoying B. frightening C. amusing D. overwhelming
A. confused B. pointed C. repaired D. stuck
A. paper B. desk C. floor D. stage
A. offered B. bought C. wrote D. hidden
A. hit B. secret C. joke D. magic
A. secret B. shame C. history D. potential
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的字有时很乱没有条理,而且她以前拿笔都有困难。A. messy凌乱的;B. pretty漂亮的;C. wonderful美妙的;D. complete完全的。根据后文“disorganized”可知,莱拉的字是没有条理的,说明她写的字很凌乱。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的字有时很乱没有条理,而且她以前拿笔都有困难。A. rose玫瑰;B. spoon勺子;C. pen笔;D. candle蜡烛。根据后文“Lila was diagnosed with dysgraphia (书写困难症). ”可知,莱拉有书写困难症,推断出她拿笔有困难。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她上学的头几年,她的老师并没有注意到她有什么问题。A. tell告诉;B. remember记住;C. support支持;D. notice注意到。根据后文“anything was wrong”可知,老师没有注意到莱拉的问题。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当她遇到三年级的老师瓦莱丽·霍姆格伦时,一切都变了。A. changed改变;B. disappeared消失;C. arose引发;D. spotted看见。根据后文“Mrs. Holmgren realized that there was something more going on than just the ____5____ writing problems”可知,霍姆格伦女士意识到,除了典型的写作问题之外,莱拉还有其他问题,说明在她遇到三年级的老师瓦莱丽·霍姆格伦时,一切都变了。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“霍姆格伦女士意识到,除了典型的写作问题之外,还有其他问题,”莱拉说。A. official官方的;B. typical典型的;C. effective有效的;D. natural自然的。根据前文“Her handwriting is sometimes ____1____ and disorganized”可知,莱拉的字有时很乱没有条理,说明她的写作存在典型的问题。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:于是她的老师和父母开了个会,解决下一步该怎么办。A. stare at凝视;B. set down写下;C. quarrel about争论;D. figure out解决。根据前文“Lila was diagnosed with dysgraphia (书写困难症). ”可知,莱拉得了书写困难症,推断出于是她的老师和父母开了个会是为了解决下一步该怎么办。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们都围着一张长桌坐着,”莱拉回忆说。A. recalled回忆;B. proved证明;C. doubted怀疑;D. hesitated犹豫。根据前文““We were all sitting around a long table,””可知,大家都在开会时围着一张长桌坐着,说明这是莱拉对于当时场景的回忆。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:霍姆格伦女士拿出一台电脑,打开了一个语音转文本程序,它能立即把说出来的单词转换成打字的文本。A. notebook笔记本;B. calculator计算器;C. computer电脑;D. handbag手提包。根据后文“opened up a speech-to-text program”可知,霍姆格伦女士打开了一个语音转文本程序,推断出她拿出的是一台电脑。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:霍姆格伦女士拿出一台电脑,打开了一个语音转文本程序,它能立即把说出来的单词转换成打字的文本。A. gradually逐渐;B. instantly立即;C. absolutely完全地;D. definitely肯定地。根据前文“a speech-to-text program”根据常识可知,语音转文本程序的功能能够把说出来的单词立即转换成打字的文本。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:莱拉说:“这对我来说是一个难以抗拒的的时刻,因为我意识到我脑海中所有的故事和想法——有一种简单的方法可以把它们写在纸上。”A. annoying烦人的;B. frightening可怕的;C. amusing有趣的;D. overwhelming难以抗拒的。根据后文“because I realized all of the stories and the ideas that I had ____11____ in my head”可知,因为莱拉意识到她脑海中所有的故事和想法——有一种简单的方法可以把它们写下来,说明利用语音转文本程序的功能让她感到难以抗拒。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:莱拉说:“这对我来说是一个压倒性的时刻,因为我意识到放在我脑海中所有的故事和想法——有一种简单的方法可以把它们写在纸上。”A. confused困惑;B. pointed指出;C. repaired维修;D. stuck放在……处。根据后文“in my head”可知,这些故事和想法是放在莱拉脑海里的。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:莱拉说:“这对我来说是一个压倒性时刻,因为我意识到放在我脑海中所有的故事和想法——有一种简单的方法可以把它们写在纸上。”A. paper纸;B. desk桌子;C. floor地板;D. stage舞台。根据后文“it was published”可知,莱拉的故事得到了出版,推断出她的故事写在了纸上。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她写的第一个故事叫做《无法停止阅读的女孩——也就是我!》,这本书一经出版就受到欢迎。A. offered提供;B. bought买;C. wrote写;D. hidden隐藏。根据后文““The Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Reading—AKA Me!””可知,这是莱拉写的第一个故事。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她写的第一个故事叫做《无法停止阅读的女孩——也就是我!》,这本书一经出版受到欢迎。A. hit受欢迎的事物;B. secret秘密;C. joke玩笑;D. magic魔力。根据后文“the moment it was published”可知,这本书一出版就受到人们的欢迎。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果今天霍姆格伦站在莱拉面前,莱拉会说:“谢谢你注意到我的潜力,注意到我还有很多东西要做。”A. secret秘密;B. shame羞愧;C. history历史;D. potential潜力。根据后文“noticing that there was so much more to me”可知,霍姆格伦女士注意到莱拉还有很多东西要做,说明她注意到莱拉很有潜力。故选D项。
A map has gone viral (走红) online. Contrary ____36____ traditional maps, the map was ____37____ (entire) filled with dotted signs clearly marking the country’s historic sites and cultural relics. The map was made by Wu Yunjie, ____38____ was born in the 1990s, CCTV News reported
Wu has a ____39____ (prefer) for history, especially cultural relics. When he was in college, he would often devote his spare time to ____40____ (travel) around the country and visiting ancient places. In 2020, he started collecting information on cultural relic protection all over our country and uploaded the information to the mapping software. So far, he ____41____ (visit) over 2,000cultural relic sites and more than 200 museums, and taken over 300,000 photos.
Now, the map includes nearly 10,000 historic landmarks with ____42____ (vary) colors representing them. Red signs, for instance, show the cultural relic sites under state protection. As ____43____ matter of fact, even ancient temples and bridges in the faraway areas are also marked on the map.
As far as Wu is ____44____ (concern), the map is not perfect, because it only records about two percent of the 760,000 cultural relics. It is also a pity that the map cannot be shared as an online map yet because of technical limitations. But Wu is bound _____45_____ (improve) it and make it available online.
【答案】36. to 37. entirely
38. who 39. preference
40. traveling/travelling
41. has visited
42. various
43. a 44. concerned
45. to improve
考查介词。句意:与传统地图不同的是,这张地图完全用虚线标出了该国的历史遗迹和文化遗迹。contrary to…“与……相反”是固定短语,故填to。
考查定语从句。句意:据央视新闻报道,该地图由90后吴云杰绘制。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Wu Yunjie,并在从句中作主语,用关系代词who,故填who。
考查名词。句意:吴偏爱历史,尤其是文物情有独钟。have a preference“偏爱”,不定冠词修饰单数名词,故填preference。
考查动词时态语态。句意:到目前为止,他参观了2000多处文物遗址和200多家博物馆,拍摄了30多万张照片。根据时间状语so far,用现在完成时,表示从句过去开始一直持续到现在的事情,且主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动常用单数,故填has visited。
考查冠词。句意:事实上,即使是遥远地区的古老寺庙和桥梁也被标记在地图上。as a matter of fact“事实上”是固定短语,故填a。
concerned考查句型。句意:在吴看来,这幅地图并不完美,因为它只记录了76万件文物中的2%左右。as far as sb’s concerned “就……而言”,是固定短语,故填concerned。
考查非谓语动词。句意:但吴一定会改进它,并把它放到网上。be bound to do sth.“一定会……”,用不定式作宾语,故填to improve。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,在即将而来的寒假,你打算和家人去北京旅行,你的英国笔友Sam对此很感兴趣,来信询问旅行计划,请你给他用英语回一封信,介绍你的旅行安排。内容如下:
Dear Sam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Sam,
Knowing you’re interested in our travel plan to Beijing, I’m very glad to share it in brief.
On the first day, we’re going there by plane and will check in Friendship Hotel. The first destination will definitely be the Great Wall, which shows the great wisdom of ancient people. The next day, we are visiting the Forbidden City to admire the unique royal architectures. We are also going to the famous Beijing Hutong for a visit, which stands for the traditional culture of Beijing. Time permitting, we’ll enjoy Peking opera on the last day.
Would you like to join us Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
乘飞机:by plane→by air
原句:On the first day, we’re going there by plane and will check in Friendship Hotel.
拓展句:On the first day, we’re going there by plane, after which we will check in Friendship Hotel.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 The first destination will definitely be the Great Wall, which shows the great wisdom of ancient people. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Time permitting, we’ll enjoy Peking opera on the last day.(运用了独立主格结构)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Anniversary (纪念日) trips were a tradition nearly as old as our marriage. Each year, we took turns planning a secret trip. After our daughter Aurora was born, she came on our adventures too. We’d stayed in a historic train car in Livingston, the Ghost Rails Inn in Montana, and Chena Hot Springs in Alaska. But this anniversary required someplace special. Somewhere completely unexpected. Could we still get a surprise during our anniversary trip
The pressure was on—and I found the perfect spot: The Shire of Montana. It was a J.R. R. Tolkien -inspired guest home, a “hobbit house (霍比特小屋)” built into a hillside near the small town of Trout Creek, a 7-hour drive from our place in Roundup. Jim and I had often talked about how fun it would be to build a hobbit house, so I knew Aurora would be excited. And she would love it, too.
Magical structures dotted the grounds—a troll mine, a wishing well, houses for dwarves (矮人) and fairies. What child wouldn’t be attracted to a village made for childsize hobbits This was going to be the best trip yet. She might love The Shire even more than we did.
I was about to book our reservation when I saw a note on the Shire’s website: No kids allowed. That ruined everything! We couldn’t leave Aurora alone at home, and I had no Plan B. A year without an anniversary adventure was unthinkable. Could it be the big surprise for this anni-versary trip Shall we find another destination Were there any other places like the village made for childsize hobbits No, No, No…All answers were the same.
To my amazement, there was an email address on the site.
The day finally arrived when my application was approved.
【答案】To my amazement, there was an email address on the site. Dare I ask if an exception might be possible It couldn’t hurt. At the thought of the possibility, I wrote a letter immediately. A reply wasn’t long in coming. “The rule exists because previous children destroyed large parts of the hobbit house,” wrote the owner. “But if you give me your word that your daughter is responsible and will not touch, she can come.” I sighed in relief, glancing again at Aurora. She was a good kid. Thoughtful. Well behaved. This would be okay. Right Having filled out the application form, I wrote the second letter.
The day finally arrived when my application was approved. We piled into the car for the drive to the “hobbit house”. We spent several days there. Aurora delighted in each discovery but never disturbed a thing. She took her responsibility to protect everything seriously. Respecting boundaries didn’t take away the beauty and wonder. It allowed everything to remain beautiful and wonderful into the future.
①想到:at the thought of→think
②许诺:give sb. your word→make your promise
③填写:fill out→fill in
①欣慰:sigh in relief→breathe a sigh of relief
②高兴:delight in→enjoy/have fun
【点睛】【高分句型1】But if you give me your word that your daughter is responsible and will not touch, she can come.(运用了if引导状语从句,和that引导同位语从句)
【高分句型2】Having filled out the application form, I wrote the second letter.(运用了现在分词作状语)
【高分句型3】The day finally arrived when my application was approved.(运用了when引导定语从句)
听力答案:1-5 CACBA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CABCA 16-20 CCBAA



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