2023-2024天津市天津市红桥区高二上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一节(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
1. What are the speakers talking about
A. The man’s favorite festival.
B. The man’s aunt.
C. The man’s school bag.
2. What time is it now
A. 9:40. B.10:00. C. 10:20.
3. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary.
A. A pen. B. A music record. C. A movie ticket.
4 When did the woman take a piano test
A. One week ago.
B. One month ago.
C. Two months ago.
5. What does the man think of the game
A. Unimportant. B. Boring. C. Fair.
6. Who is the woman
A. David’s classmate.
B. David’s doctor.
C. David’s teacher.
7. When does David usually go to bed recently
A. Around nine thirty.
B. Around ten o’clock.
C. Around eleven o’clock.
8. What did the man promise
A He would take David to school.
B. He would change his bad habit.
C. He would help David with his studies.
9. What was the ma a when he was younger
A. A designer. B. A teacher. C. A construction worker.
10. What does the man mainly do with his laptop
A. He watches movies.
B. He downloads music.
C. He writes reports.
11. Which product does the man like most after his laptop
A. His digital camera.
B. His MP4 player.
C. His Pad.
12. When did the story take place
A. On a weekday. B. On the weekend. C. During a holiday.
13 What was the strange guy like
A. He had a big head.
B. He wore a pair of sunglasses.
C. He wore pink clothes.
14. Why did everyone start clapping
A. The guy did tricks on his bicycle.
B. The guy did a good thing.
C. The guy sang a song for them.
15. What might be the speaker’s main point
A. Don’t ride a unicycle down the street.
B. Don’t carry too much money.
C. Don’t judge people by their appearances.
1. —Michnel was late for Professor Yang’s philosophy class this morning.
— As far as I know, he loves philosophy and always comes to class on time.
A. Guess what B. How come C. So what D. Why
2. ——Shall we meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning
——Sorry,I ________ driving lessons then. How about 2:30 in the afternooon
A. take B. am taking C. will take D. will be taking
3. Everyone knows that success ______ happens overnight. Just as the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day.”
A. particularly B. fortunately C. rarely D. usually
4. Linda walked through the door into the waiting area in the hospital, ________ there is always an atmosphere of boredom and tension.
A. when B. that C. which D. where
5. Casey’s Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business. I tried to think of some words of , but I had to admit that it couldn’t stay in business much longer.
A. sympathy B. security C. tendency D. component
6. Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong is for his paintings using oils and also for those using the more traditional Chinese method of ink.
A. knowing B. known C. to know D. to be known
7. Only a quarter of the students were ________ the proposal while a half of them were against it.
A. in need of B. in favour of C. in charge of D. in search of
8. Sandra was determined to become a doctor and finally her persistence ________.
A. paid off B. took off C. got off D. called off
9. A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who ________ in the mountains for two days.
A. are trapping B. have been trapped
C. were trapping D. had been trapped
10. The words “railways like dragons are winding among the mountains” seem particularly vivid as I travel across the “roof of the world”.
A. splendid B. delicate C. massive D. genuine
第二节:完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
When I was a child, my mother didn’t force me to eat everything in my dish. She said I had to ____11____ every food three times. Her ____12____ was the first time to try it, the second time to get over the fact that you had just tried it, and the third to ____13____ that you don’t like it. After that, if I still ____14____ the taste, she would ____15____make me eat it again. Her reasonable approach worked almost every time—except with bananas, which I still don’t eat now.
As I grew older, I brought that simple ____16____ into my life. I had been ____17____ the diving board at the pool, but I had ____18____to make the first jump off the board. When I breathed in water, my mother jumped in to ____19____ me. Before she could even reach me, I was up and out of the pool, heading back to that diving board. I jumped off ______20______. More coughing followed, but I was determined to get over this fear. When I got out of the pool the second time, my mom tried to cover me with a towel. Instead, I threw off the towel and ______21______ trying. The third time there was no ______22______ and no water in my nose. In fact there were ______23______ from the others at the pool. At that point, I fell in love with the pool.
In my mid-thirties, I left a successful job that didn’t satisfy me in order to achieve my dream of being a writer. Having been ______24______ twice, I tried for a third time. I have been happily living the life of a writer ever since. We are all afraid of something unknown. But how can we be sure that something won’t be ______25______ unless we give it a try
11. A. smell B. cook C. try D. share
12. A. reason B. decision C. dream D. order
13. A. point out B. make sure C. agree with D. glare at
14. A. remembered B. required C. missed D. hated
15. A. even B. never C. still D. ever
16. A. answer B. plan C. game D. rule
17. A. excited about B. afraid of C. bored with D. proud of
18. A. hoped B. waited C. managed D. continued
19. A. help B. watch C. warn D. praise
20. A. as usual B. by chance C. just now D. once again
21. A. began B. regretted C. avoided D. kept
22 A. fear B. sadness C. surprise D. anger
23. A. invitations B. cheers C. replies D. thanks
24. A. forgotten B. punished C. refused D. caught
25. A. important B. special C. enjoyable D. similar
Spanish for Health-care Workers
Instructor: Dr. Lucia Mendez
Class schedule (日程安排)
The class is held in Room 203 every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:15 p. m. You are expected to attend every class and to arrive on time. Please speak with the instructor about any unavoidable absences.
Assignments (功课)
We will use the text Spanish for Health-care Workers. Students are required to read one or more chapters before each class (see reading schedule). In addition, each student will prepare an oral (口述的) presentation to give to the class before the end of the term. The Language Laboratory, Room 302, is open on Monday-Friday from 9:30 a. m. until 8:30 p. m. In addition to attending class, each student must complete a weekly exercise in the lab.
There will be four to five tests throughout the term in addition to a midterm and a final exam. Missed tests or exams will count against your grade; there will be no make-ups. The breakdown for calculating (计算) each student’s final mark is as follows: tests and exams 50 percent; oral presentation 30 percent class participation-20 percent. A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class.
Assistance outside class
If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours (Room 320) are 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Language Lab staff is also available to help you with your assignments. In addition, individual Spanish instructors are available Please talk to the staff in the Language Lab for more information about instructors.
26. What can we learn about the class by Dr. Lucia Mendez
A. It meets twice weekly. B. It has no homework.
C. It is a one-to-one class. D. It allows make-up exams.
27. How many tests and exams will there be altogether
A. Just two. B. Six to seven. C. Less than four. D. No more than five.
28. What’s the standard of passing Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class
A. Getting full marks for the oral presentation. B. Completing a daily exercise in the lab.
C. Attending 50 percent of his classes. D. Receiving a grade of B or higher.
29. What can students do in Room 320
A. Give an oral presentation. B. Complete a weekly practice.
C. Attend Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class. D. Turn to Dr. Lucia Mendez for advice.
30. Who would be most interested in Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class
A. A cancer patient. B. A medical worker. C. A literature student. D. A laboratory worker.
Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. “There’s so much to learn,” he’d say. “Though we’re born stupid, only the stupid remain that way.” He was determined that none of his children would be denied (拒绝) an education.
Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.
Then came the moment—the time to share the day’s new learning.
Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.
“Felice,” he’d say, “tell me what you learned today.”
“I learned that the population of Nepal is ....”
Papa was thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. “The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well….” he’d say. “Get the map; let’s see where Nepal is.” And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another’s education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.
31. What do we know from the first paragraph
A. The author’s father was born in a worker’s family.
B. Those born stupid could not change their life.
C. The town elders wanted to learn about the world.
D. The poor could hardly afford school education.
32. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “________”.
A. one new thing B. a request
C. the news D. some comment
33. It can be learned from the passage that the author________.
A. enjoyed talking about news
B. knew very well about Nepal
C. felt regret about those wasted days
D appreciated his father’s educational technique
34. What is the greatest value of “dinner time” to the author
A. Continual learning. B. Showing talents.
C. Family get-together. D. Winning Papa’s approval.
35. The author’s father can be best described as ________.
A. an educator expert at training future teachers
B. a parent insistent on his children’s education
C. a participant willing to share his knowledge
D. a teacher strict about everything his students did
Some people think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but the complete opposite is true. It takes strength to ask for help. It’s a hard thing to do. The truth is, there are more good people than bad. People truly want to help others. No one should ever have to be in that dark place.
I have a friend called Diane. Diane is one of the most positive people I have ever known. She is smart and funny, and by looking at her you would certainly think she had a perfect life. No one knew the terrible things she was dealing with. She never asked anyone for help when she was in great trouble. She thought that she would just be bothering people if she told them the truth. She thought loneliness was her answer. She masked her loneliness, but one day she hit her breaking point.
Diane tried to take her life one morning. She was lucky, though. Someone found her before it was too late. People finally knew her problems and with their help she got rid of them. She once told me that her biggest regret was not reaching out to someone sooner. Diane has greatly changed. She’s become positive and is always ready to help others.
Diane and I have grown quite close. She has helped me battle my own problems. She is an example of what help looks like.
To anyone out there who feels they are alone, I hope you know you are not. Even if you feel the world is closing in on you, there are people who care—people who will surprise you in the best ways. The best thing about our technological world is how easily you can reach people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not alone.
36. What does the author mean by saying “the complete opposite is true” in Paragraph 1
A. Getting help from others is a great shame.
B. Asking for help shows great courage.
C. It takes bravery to offer help.
D. It is difficult to get help.
37. Why did Diane refuse to ask for help at first
A. She was very positive.
B. She had no one to turn to.
C. She considered help useless.
D. She feared to make trouble for others.
38. What change did Diane show after being saved by people
A. She turned her back on the author.
B. She masked her anger with a smile.
C. She thought highly of reaching out to others.
D. She has removed all her doubts about others.
39. What does the author think of our technological world today
A. It makes people afraid of face-to-face conversation.
B. It makes communication between people easier.
C. It offers a variety of ways to care for others.
D. It is likely to make people feel lonely.
40. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To share a friend’s story.
B. To explain why people refuse to get help.
C. To encourage us to ask for help if necessary.
D. To show the harm of keeping problems ourselves.
第II卷 (非选择题, 三部分, 共30分)
I ____41____ (celebrate) my 18th birthday just before I went to university. I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world. ____42____ it wasn’t like that. When I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons ____43____ (attend). In fact, the change has been more subtle and gradual than I imagined. Instead of being the selfish teenager I used to be, I have begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social ____44____ (responsible). To give an example, I will be signing an organ donation ____45____ (agree) this time tomorrow. This was a big decision for me and I made it____46____asking my parents (although I knew they would approve). ____47____ (turn) 18 also changed the way ____48____ society viewed me. I was really ____49____ (surprise) when a bank contracted me with a credit card offer. Of course, I would like to have more freedom with money and no doubt I will be getting a credit card at some point, but I currently don’t have a steady income, so getting a credit card might tempt me to spend more money ____50____ I have!
About 43 years ago, I spotted an advertisement in the paper for the YMCA wildness program. I was 15 and wanted to do something different. My first experience was a boat trip. I still have the images of sunrises and sunsets with all beautiful colors on Lake of the Woods.
As a teenager, I didn’t know that I was having the best adventure a teenager could have. Even now I can feel the cold water dripping down my arm as we sat in the boat pulling the paddles awkardly through running water. It was my first experience in a boat and my arms became tired after many hours of paddling.
We stopped for lunch in the boat by assembling all the boats together. Our guide handed out chocolate, cheese and dried meat.
At night, it was time to camp at our site picked out by our guide. There we learned to start campfires and cook some of our meals. This is where I felt in love with noodles. It was wonderful to share simple meals over the fire and talk with new friends. We cleaned up our mess and put up our tents and slept on the ground. We learned to carry the heavy packs to our next destination. I developed a sense of accomplishment and had arm muscles after that trip.
There were no phones , makeup, hair dryers...just us and the bush. We came from different backgrounds with different personalities and we all had to work together as a group.
I liked the boat trip so much that I joined the “Survival” trip the next year. I kept a journal from that second trip and often go back to it.
51. Where did the author experience his first boat trip in the wild (No more than 5 words)
52. What did the author think of his/her first boat trip (No more than 10words)
53. What does the underlined word “assembling” in paragraph 3 probably mean (1 word)
54. What did the author learn to do from the camp of the first boat trip (no more than 10 words)
55. What do you think of a trip without phones (no more than 20words)
56. 假设你是李津。市图书馆将于下周举办一场中国书画展,请你写一封电子邮件,邀请正在天津中学交流学习的美国朋友Chris周六上午十点一起去参观。请自拟至少二条参观书画展的意义。
1. 词数 100词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
参考词汇:中国书画展Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibition
Dear Chris,
How is it going these days
Looking forward to your coming.
Li Jin
听力答案: 1-5 CABAB 6-10 CCBAC 11-15AACBC高二英语
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
1. What are the speakers talking about
A. The man’s favorite festival.
B. The man’s aunt.
C. The man’s school bag.
2. What time is it now
A. 9:40. B.10:00. C. 10:20.
3. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary.
A. A pen. B. A music record. C. A movie ticket.
4 When did the woman take a piano test
A. One week ago.
B One month ago.
C. Two months ago.
5. What does the man think of the game
A. Unimportant. B. Boring. C. Fair.
6. Who is the woman
A. David’s classmate.
B. David’s doctor.
C. David’s teacher.
7. When does David usually go to bed recently
A. Around nine thirty.
B. Around ten o’clock.
C. Around eleven o’clock.
8. What did the man promise
A. He would take David to school.
B. He would change his bad habit.
C. He would help David with his studies.
9. What was the ma a when he was younger
A. A designer. B. A teacher. C. A construction worker.
10. What does the man mainly do with his laptop
A. He watches movies.
B. He downloads music.
C. He writes reports.
11. Which product does the man like most after his laptop
A. His digital camera.
B. His MP4 player.
C. His Pad.
12. When did the story take place
A. On a weekday. B. On the weekend. C. During a holiday.
13. What was the strange guy like
A. He had a big head.
B. He wore a pair of sunglasses.
C. He wore pink clothes.
14. Why did everyone start clapping
A. The guy did tricks on his bicycle.
B. The guy did a good thing.
C. The guy sang a song for them.
15. What might be the speaker’s main point
A. Don’t ride a unicycle down the street.
B. Don’t carry too much money.
C. Don’t judge people by their appearances.
1. —Michnel was late for Professor Yang’s philosophy class this morning.
— As far as I know, he loves philosophy and always comes to class on time.
A. Guess what B. How come C. So what D. Why
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——今天早上杨教授的哲学课,Michnel迟到了。——怎么会?就我所知,他很喜欢哲学,总是准时上课的。A. Guess what你猜怎么着;B. How come怎么会;C. So what那又如何;D. Why为什么。根据空后“As far as I know, he loves philosophy and always comes to class on time”可知,第二个说话人对于Michnel迟到这件反常的行为感到很不解,故所选用语应表达疑惑的用途。故选B。
2. ——Shall we meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning
——Sorry,I ________ driving lessons then. How about 2:30 in the afternooon
A. take B. am taking C. will take D. will be taking
【详解】考查时态。句意:——我们明天上午9点见面好吗?——对不起,那时我要上驾驶课。下午2:30怎么样?结合句意可知,明天上午九点,我正在上驾驶课,表示将来某一时间正在发生或进行的 动作,要使用将来进行时,A.take一般现在时;B.am taking现在进行时; C.will take一般将来时; D.will be taking将来进行时。故选D项。
3. Everyone knows that success ______ happens overnight. Just as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day.”
A. particularly B. fortunately C. rarely D. usually
【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:每个人都知道成功很少在一夜之间发生。正如俗话所说:“罗马不是一天建成的。”A. particularly尤其;B. fortunately幸好;C. rarely罕见,很少;D. usually通常。根据后文“happens overnight”指成功很少在一夜之间发生,应用rarely。故选C。
4. Linda walked through the door into the waiting area in the hospital, ________ there is always an atmosphere of boredom and tension.
A. when B. that C. which D. where
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:琳达进门走进医院的候诊区,那里总是充满无聊和紧张的气氛。空处引导非限制性定语,先行词为the hospital,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导从句。故选D项。
5. Casey’s Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business. I tried to think of some words of , but I had to admit that it couldn’t stay in business much longer.
A. sympathy B. security C. tendency D. component
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:凯西的彩虹书店在经营了50年之后就要关门了。我努力想说几句同情的话,但我不得不承认,这种情况不会持续太久了。A. sympathy同情;B. security安全;C. tendency倾向;D. component组成部分。根据上文“Casey’s Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business.”可知,书店要关门,所以是说几句同情的话。故选A。
6. Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong is for his paintings using oils and also for those using the more traditional Chinese method of ink.
A. knowing B. known C. to know D. to be known
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:中国艺术家吴冠中以油画和中国传统的水墨绘画而闻名。be known for“以……著名”,固定短语,故选B。
7. Only a quarter of the students were ________ the proposal while a half of them were against it.
A. in need of B. in favour of C. in charge of D. in search of
【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:只有四分之一的学生赞成这项建议,而有一半的学生反对。A. in need of需要;B. in favour of赞成;C. in charge of负责;D. in search of寻找。根据空后的“while a half of them were against it”(而有一半的学生反对)可知与前文形成对比关系。故选B。
8 Sandra was determined to become a doctor and finally her persistence ________.
A. paid off B. took off C. got off D. called off
【详解】考查动词词组辨析。句意:桑德拉决心成为一名医生,她的坚持终于得到了回报。A. paid off 回报,取得成功;B. took off 起飞、脱下;C. got off 下车;D. called off 取消。根据句意可知,Sandra立志成为一名医生,在不懈的努力下她取得了成功,一份耕耘一分收获,努力得到了回报,故选A项。
9. A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who ________ in the mountains for two days.
A. are trapping B. have been trapped
C. were trapping D. had been trapped
【详解】考查语态和时态。句意:一个救援人员冒着生命危险挽救了两个被困在山里两天的旅游者。“who ___ in the mountains for two days”是定语从句,修饰two tourists,two tourists和trap之间是被动关系,该空应用被动语态。由risked可知,营救人员救游客是过去的事情,被困两天发生在营救人员救了他们之前,即“过去的过去”,该空应用过去完成时态。综上,D选项正确。
点睛:过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”,其表达形式为had done,被动语态的表达形式为had been done。
10. The words “railways like dragons are winding among the mountains” seem particularly vivid as I travel across the “roof of the world”.
A. splendid B. delicate C. massive D. genuine
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我穿越“世界屋脊”时,“一条条巨龙翻山越岭”这句歌词显得格外生动。A. splendid华丽的,壮丽的;B. delicate精美的;C. massive巨大的;D. genuine真诚的。根据“among the mountains”可知,此处指“一条条巨龙翻山越岭”,用形容词massive,故选C。
第二节:完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
When I was a child, my mother didn’t force me to eat everything in my dish. She said I had to ____11____ every food three times. Her ____12____ was the first time to try it, the second time to get over the fact that you had just tried it, and the third to ____13____ that you don’t like it. After that, if I still ____14____ the taste, she would ____15____make me eat it again. Her reasonable approach worked almost every time—except with bananas, which I still don’t eat now.
As I grew older, I brought that simple ____16____ into my life. I had been ____17____ the diving board at the pool, but I had ____18____to make the first jump off the board. When I breathed in water, my mother jumped in to ____19____ me. Before she could even reach me, I was up and out of the pool, heading back to that diving board. I jumped off ______20______. More coughing followed, but I was determined to get over this fear. When I got out of the pool the second time, my mom tried to cover me with a towel. Instead, I threw off the towel and ______21______ trying. The third time there was no ______22______ and no water in my nose. In fact there were ______23______ from the others at the pool. At that point, I fell in love with the pool.
In my mid-thirties, I left a successful job that didn’t satisfy me in order to achieve my dream of being a writer. Having been ______24______ twice, I tried for a third time. I have been happily living the life of a writer ever since. We are all afraid of something unknown. But how can we be sure that something won’t be ______25______ unless we give it a try
11. A. smell B. cook C. try D. share
12. A. reason B. decision C. dream D. order
13. A. point out B. make sure C. agree with D. glare at
14. A. remembered B. required C. missed D. hated
15. A. even B. never C. still D. ever
16. A. answer B. plan C. game D. rule
17. A. excited about B. afraid of C. bored with D. proud of
18. A. hoped B. waited C. managed D. continued
19. A. help B. watch C. warn D. praise
20. A. as usual B. by chance C. just now D. once again
21. A. began B. regretted C. avoided D. kept
22. A. fear B. sadness C. surprise D. anger
23. A. invitations B. cheers C. replies D. thanks
24. A. forgotten B. punished C. refused D. caught
25. A. important B. special C. enjoyable D. similar
【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说每种食物我都要尝三次。A. smell闻;B. cook做饭;C. try尝试;D. share分享。根据下文“the first time to try it(第一次尝试)”可推理出,空白处应填表示“尝试”含义的表达,故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的理由是,第一次尝试是为了尝尝味道,第二次是为了克服刚刚尝过的事实,第三次是为了确定你不喜欢它。A. reason理由;B. decision决定;C. dream梦想;D. order订单。根据下文“the second time to get over the fact that you had just tried it(第二次是为了克服刚刚尝过的事实)”可知此处说的是做事的理由,故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. point out指出;B. make sure确定;C. agree with同意;D. glare at怒目而视。根据下文“you don’t like it(你不喜欢它)”可知此处说的是一个确认的结果,空白处应填表示“确定”含义的动词短语,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那之后,如果我仍然讨厌它的味道,她就再也不会让我吃了。A. remembered记得;B. required要求;C. missed错过;D. hated讨厌。根据上文“When I was a child, my mother didn’t force me to eat everything in my dish(当我还是个孩子的时候,我妈妈没有强迫我吃我盘子里的所有东西)”可知上文说的是作者的妈妈不强迫作者吃自己讨厌吃的东西,再根据上文“still(仍旧)”可推理出此处上下文说的是如果经过了三次尝试,作者仍旧讨厌味道,故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. even甚至;B. never绝不;C. still仍旧;D. ever曾经。根据上文“After that, if I still hated the taste(在那之后,如果我仍然讨厌它的味道)”以及下文“Her reasonable approach worked almost every time(她的合理方法几乎每次都有效)”可推理出,此处说的是如果经过三次尝试,作者仍旧讨厌某种食物,妈妈就不会再让作者尝试,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着年龄的增长,我把这条简单的规则带进了我的生活。A. answer回答;B. plan计划;C. game游戏;D. rule规则。根据上文“After that, if I still hated the taste, she would never make me eat it again.(在那之后,如果我仍然讨厌它的味道,她就再也不会让我吃了)”可知,这是一个规则,故选D项。
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我一直害怕游泳池里的跳水板,但我成功地第一次跳下了跳水板。A. excited about对……感到兴奋;B. afraid of对……害怕;C. bored with对……感到无聊;D. proud of对……感到自豪。根据上文“As I grew older, I brought that simple rule into my life.(随着年龄的增长,我把这条简单的规则带进了我的生活)”下文“make the first jump off the board(第一次跳下了跳水板)”可知,此处上下文说的是作者将母亲教的东西带进生活,第一次尝试跳水,可推理出作者害怕跳水,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. hoped希望;B. waited等待;C. managed设法;D. continued继续。根据下文“When I breathed in water(当我在水里呼吸的时候)”可推理出作者第一次跳水尝试成功,manage to do为固定短语,含义为“成功地做成……”,符合句意,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在水里呼吸时,我妈妈跳了进来帮助我。A. help帮助;B. watch看;C. warn警告;D. praise表扬。根据上文“When I breathed in water, my mother jumped in(当我在水里呼吸时,我妈妈跳了进来)”可推理出,妈妈跳进水里是要帮助作者,故选A项。
考查副词短语辨析。句意:我又跳了下去。A. as usual像往常一样;B. by chance偶然地;C. just now刚才;D. once again再一次。根据下文“More coughing followed, but I was determined to get over this fear(接着咳嗽不止,但我决心克服这种恐惧。)”可推理出,作者又一次从跳板上跳下,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,我扔掉毛巾,继续努力。A. began开始;B. regretted遗憾;C. avoided避免;D. kept继续。根据下文“The third time(第三次)”可知,作者继续尝试,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:第三次,我没有恐惧,鼻子里也没有水。A. fear恐惧;B. sadness悲伤;C. surprise惊讶;D. anger生气。根据下文“At that point, I fell in love with the pool(就在那时,我爱上了游泳池)”可知,作者爱上了游泳池,可推理出作者已经克服了恐惧,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,泳池边的其他人都在欢呼。A. invitations邀请;B. cheers欢呼;C. replies回复;D. thanks感谢。根据下文“from the others at the pool(泳池边来自于其他人的……)”以及“At that point, I fell in love with the pool(就在那时,我爱上了游泳池)”可知,游泳池给了作者快乐,可推理出泳池边的人们对作者进行鼓励,分析选项,B项“cheers欢呼”表达的含义符合语境,故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:两次被拒绝后,我又试了第三次。A. forgotten忘记;B. punished惩罚;C. refused拒绝;D. caught抓住。根据下文“I tried for a third time(我又试了第三次)”可推理出前两次都被拒绝了,故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,除非我们尝试一下,否则我们怎么能确定某件事不会令人愉快呢?A. important重要的;B. special特殊的;C. enjoyable令人愉快的;D. similar相似的。根据上文“I have been happily living the life of a writer ever since(从那以后,我一直幸福地过着作家的生活)”可知,作者在经过三次尝试以后,获得了令人愉快的工作,可推理出空白处应填表示“令人愉快的”含义的形容词,故选C项。
Spanish for Health-care Workers
Instructor: Dr Lucia Mendez
Class schedule (日程安排)
The class is held in Room 203 every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:15 p. m. You are expected to attend every class and to arrive on time. Please speak with the instructor about any unavoidable absences.
Assignments (功课)
We will use the text Spanish for Health-care Workers. Students are required to read one or more chapters before each class (see reading schedule). In addition, each student will prepare an oral (口述的) presentation to give to the class before the end of the term. The Language Laboratory, Room 302, is open on Monday-Friday from 9:30 a. m. until 8:30 p. m. In addition to attending class, each student must complete a weekly exercise in the lab.
There will be four to five tests throughout the term in addition to a midterm and a final exam. Missed tests or exams will count against your grade; there will be no make-ups. The breakdown for calculating (计算) each student’s final mark is as follows: tests and exams 50 percent; oral presentation 30 percent class participation-20 percent. A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class.
Assistance outside class
If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours (Room 320) are 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Language Lab staff is also available to help you with your assignments. In addition, individual Spanish instructors are available Please talk to the staff in the Language Lab for more information about instructors.
26. What can we learn about the class by Dr. Lucia Mendez
A. It meets twice weekly. B. It has no homework.
C. It is a one-to-one class. D. It allows make-up exams.
27. How many tests and exams will there be altogether
A. Just two. B. Six to seven. C. Less than four. D. No more than five.
28. What’s the standard of passing Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class
A. Getting full marks for the oral presentation. B. Completing a daily exercise in the lab.
C. Attending 50 percent of his classes. D. Receiving a grade of B or higher.
29. What can students do in Room 320
A Give an oral presentation. B. Complete a weekly practice.
C. Attend Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class. D. Turn to Dr. Lucia Mendez for advice.
30. Who would be most interested in Dr. Lucia Mendez’s class
A. A cancer patient. B. A medical worker. C. A literature student. D. A laboratory worker.
【答案】26. A 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“The class is held in Room 203 every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:15 p. m.(这门课每周一和周三晚上6:30到8:15在203教室上课)”可知,露西娅·门德斯博士的课每周两次。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“There will be four to five tests throughout the term in addition to a midterm and a final exam.(除了期中和期末考试外,整个学期将有四到五次考试)”可知,总共有六到七次测验和考试。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class.(要通过这门课,成绩必须达到B或更高)”可知,露西亚·门德斯博士的课通过的标准是获得B或更高的成绩。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours (Room 320) are 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.(如果你需要额外的帮助或想和老师讨论任何事情,我的办公时间(320室)是周一和周三下午5:00-6:30)”可知,学生们在320房间可以向露西娅·门德斯博士寻求建议。故选D。
推理判断题。根据标题“Spanish for Health-care Workers(西班牙语——保健工作者)”结合文章主要介绍了一门医学课程的课程安排、功课、成绩等情况。可推知,医务工作者会对露西娅·门德斯博士的课最感兴趣。故选B。
Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. “There’s so much to learn,” he’d say. “Though we’re born stupid, only the stupid remain that way.” He was determined that none of his children would be denied (拒绝) an education.
Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.
Then came the moment—the time to share the day’s new learning.
Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.
“Felice,” he’d say, “tell me what you learned today.”
“I learned that the population of Nepal is ....”
Papa was thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. “The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well….” he’d say. “Get the map; let’s see where Nepal is.” And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another’s education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.
31. What do we know from the first paragraph
A. The author’s father was born in a worker’s family.
B. Those born stupid could not change their life.
C. The town elders wanted to learn about the world.
D. The poor could hardly afford school education.
32. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “________”.
A. one new thing B. a request
C. the news D. some comment
33. It can be learned from the passage that the author________.
A. enjoyed talking about news
B. knew very well about Nepal
C. felt regret about those wasted days
D. appreciated his father’s educational technique
34. What is the greatest value of “dinner time” to the author
A. Continual learning. B. Showing talents.
C. Family get-together. D. Winning Papa’s approval.
35. The author’s father can be best described as ________.
A. an educator expert at training future teachers
B. a parent insistent on his children’s education
C. a participant willing to share his knowledge
D. a teacher strict about everything his students did
【答案】31. D 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then.”(爸爸是一个穷苦农民的儿子,早早地离开了学校,去了一家工厂工作,因为当时的教育是为富人准备的。)可知,爸爸是一个穷苦农民的儿子,因为当时的教育是为富人准备的,穷人几乎负担不起学校教育,所以他早早地离开了学校,由此可知,从第一段我们能知道穷人几乎负担不起学校教育。故选D项。
词句猜测题。根据画线单词上句“We would talk about the news of the day”(我们会谈论当天的新闻)可知,我们会和爸爸一起谈论当天的新闻,由此可知,画线单词部分指的是“无论多么微不足道,新闻都不会被轻视”,由此可知,画线单词“it”代指的是上文提到的“news”。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段关键句“And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.”(通过看着我们,倾听我们,尊重我们的意见,肯定我们的价值,给我们一种尊严感,爸爸无疑是我们最有影响力的老师。)和最后一段关键句“His technique has served me well all my life.”(他的技巧使我终身受益。)可知,作者认为父亲对他来说是最有影响力的老师,父亲的教育技巧使他终身受益,由此可推断出,作者欣赏父亲的教育技巧。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段关键句“Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life.”(后来,在我作为未来的教师接受培训的期间,我与一些最著名的教育家一起学习。他们正在传授爸爸一直知道的东西——持续学习的价值。他的技巧使我终身受益。)可知,对于作者来说,“晚餐时间”让作者学会了持续学习,而正是这一点使作者终身受益,由此可知,“晚餐时间”对作者来说最大的价值是持续学习。故选A项。
推理判断题。通读文章,结合第一段关键句“He was determined that none of his children would be denied (拒绝) an education.”(他下定决心,他的孩子不会被剥夺受教育的权利。)可知,作者的爸爸知道教育的重要性,坚持让自己的孩子接受教育,并利用“晚餐时间”让孩子们分享学到的知识,教会孩子持续学习的重要性,由此可知,作者的爸爸是一个坚持让孩子接受教育的父亲。故选B项。
Some people think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but the complete opposite is true. It takes strength to ask for help. It’s a hard thing to do. The truth is, there are more good people than bad. People truly want to help others. No one should ever have to be in that dark place.
I have a friend called Diane. Diane is one of the most positive people I have ever known. She is smart and funny, and by looking at her you would certainly think she had a perfect life. No one knew the terrible things she was dealing with. She never asked anyone for help when she was in great trouble. She thought that she would just be bothering people if she told them the truth. She thought loneliness was her answer. She masked her loneliness, but one day she hit her breaking point.
Diane tried to take her life one morning. She was lucky, though. Someone found her before it was too late. People finally knew her problems and with their help she got rid of them. She once told me that her biggest regret was not reaching out to someone sooner. Diane has greatly changed. She’s become positive and is always ready to help others.
Diane and I have grown quite close. She has helped me battle my own problems. She is an example of what help looks like.
To anyone out there who feels they are alone, I hope you know you are not. Even if you feel the world is closing in on you, there are people who care—people who will surprise you in the best ways. The best thing about our technological world is how easily you can reach people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not alone.
36. What does the author mean by saying “the complete opposite is true” in Paragraph 1
A. Getting help from others is a great shame.
B. Asking for help shows great courage.
C. It takes bravery to offer help.
D. It is difficult to get help.
37. Why did Diane refuse to ask for help at first
A. She was very positive.
B. She had no one to turn to.
C. She considered help useless.
D. She feared to make trouble for others.
38. What change did Diane show after being saved by people
A. She turned her back on the author.
B. She masked her anger with a smile.
C. She thought highly of reaching out to others.
D. She has removed all her doubts about others.
39. What does the author think of our technological world today
A. It makes people afraid of face-to-face conversation.
B. It makes communication between people easier.
C. It offers a variety of ways to care for others.
D. It is likely to make people feel lonely.
40. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To share a friend’s story.
B. To explain why people refuse to get help.
C. To encourage us to ask for help if necessary.
D. To show the harm of keeping problems ourselves.
【答案】36. B 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Some people think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but the complete opposite is true. It takes strength to ask for help. (有些人认为寻求帮助是软弱的表现,但事实恰恰相反。寻求帮助需要力量。)”可知,作者是想表明寻求帮助不是软弱的表现,实际上寻求帮助其实非常需要勇气。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“She thought that she would just be bothering people if she told them the truth. (她认为如果她告诉人们真相,她只会打扰他们。) ”可知,黛安娜一开始拒绝寻求帮助是因为她怕给别人添麻烦。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段的“She once told me that her biggest regret was not reaching out to someone sooner. Diane has greatly changed. She’s become positive and is always ready to help others. (她曾经告诉我,她最大的遗憾就是没有早点和别人联系。黛安娜变化很大。她变得积极向上,总是乐于助人。)”可知,戴安娜被人拯救后她非常重视向他人伸出援手。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The best thing about our technological world is how easily you can reach people. (在我们这个科技世界里,最好的事情就是你可以很容易地联系到人们。)”可知,作者认为当今的科技世界使人与人之间的交流更容易。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not alone. (不要害怕寻求帮助。你并不孤单。)”可知,不要害怕寻求帮助。你并不孤单。作者写这篇文章的目的是鼓励人们在必要时寻求帮助。故选C。
第II卷 (非选择题, 三部分, 共30分)
I ____41____ (celebrate) my 18th birthday just before I went to university. I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world. ____42____ it wasn’t like that. When I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons ____43____ (attend). In fact, the change has been more subtle and gradual than I imagined. Instead of being the selfish teenager I used to be, I have begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social ____44____ (responsible). To give an example, I will be signing an organ donation ____45____ (agree) this time tomorrow. This was a big decision for me and I made it____46____asking my parents (although I knew they would approve). ____47____ (turn) 18 also changed the way ____48____ society viewed me. I was really ____49____ (surprise) when a bank contracted me with a credit card offer. Of course, I would like to have more freedom with money and no doubt I will be getting a credit card at some point, but I currently don’t have a steady income, so getting a credit card might tempt me to spend more money ____50____ I have!
【答案】41. celebrated
42. But 43. to attend
44. responsibility
45. agreement
46. without
47. Turning
48. that 49. surprised
50. than
考查一般过去时。句意:我在上大学之前庆祝了我的18岁生日。根据“just before I went to university”可知此处是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填celebrated。
考查连词。句意:但事实并非如此。根据上文“I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world.(我期待着能立刻有不同的感觉,就好像我关上了童年的门,进入了一个全新的成人世界)”以及空后“it wasn’t like that”可知,上下文是转折关系,应用连词but连接,首字母应大写,故填But。
考查非谓语动词。句意:当我第二天醒来时,仍然有规则要遵守,还有课要上。此处和上文“rules to obey”结构一致,用动词不定式作后置定语,表示将来的动作,故填to attend。
考查介词。句意:这对我来说是一个重大的决定,我没有征求父母的意见就做出了这个决定(尽管我知道他们会同意)。根据“although I knew they would approve”可知,此处指“没有征求父母的意见”,without“没有”,介词,符合题意,故填without。
考查连词。句意:当然,我想在金钱上有更多的自由,毫无疑问,我会在某个时候办一张信用卡,但我目前没有稳定的收入,所以办一张信用卡可能会诱使我花更多的钱!根据空前的“more money”可知,此处表示比较,应用than。故填than。
About 43 years ago, I spotted an advertisement in the paper for the YMCA wildness program. I was 15 and wanted to do something different. My first experience was a boat trip. I still have the images of sunrises and sunsets with all beautiful colors on Lake of the Woods.
As a teenager, I didn’t know that I was having the best adventure a teenager could have. Even now I can feel the cold water dripping down my arm as we sat in the boat pulling the paddles awkardly through running water. It was my first experience in a boat and my arms became tired after many hours of paddling.
We stopped for lunch in the boat by assembling all the boats together. Our guide handed out chocolate, cheese and dried meat.
At night, it was time to camp at our site picked out by our guide. There we learned to start campfires and cook some of our meals. This is where I felt in love with noodles. It was wonderful to share simple meals over the fire and talk with new friends. We cleaned up our mess and put up our tents and slept on the ground. We learned to carry the heavy packs to our next destination. I developed a sense of accomplishment and had arm muscles after that trip.
There were no phones , makeup, hair dryers...just us and the bush. We came from different backgrounds with different personalities and we all had to work together as a group.
I liked the boat trip so much that I joined the “Survival” trip the next year. I kept a journal from that second trip and often go back to it.
51. Where did the author experience his first boat trip in the wild (No more than 5 words)
52. What did the author think of his/her first boat trip (No more than 10words)
53. What does the underlined word “assembling” in paragraph 3 probably mean (1 word)
54. What did the author learn to do from the camp of the first boat trip (no more than 10 words)
55. What do you think of a trip without phones (no more than 20words)
【答案】51. On lake of the Woods
52. It was the best adventure a teenager would have.
53. Gathering
54. To start /starting campfires, cook meals and carry the heavy pack.
55. It’s a great opportunity to completely enjoy a trip without any one disturbing, which should be encouraged.
细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句话“My first experience was a boat trip. I still have the images of sunrises and sunsets with all beautiful colors on Lake of the Woods.”可知我第一次荒野乘船经历是在森林之湖。故答案为“On lake of the Woods”。
细节理解题。根据第二段“As a teenager, I didn’t know that I was having the best adventure a teenager could have.”可知我认为我的第一次乘船行程是青少年所能拥有的最好的冒险。故答案为“It was the best adventure a teenager would have.”。
词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“all the boats together”,可知此处是把所有的船都聚集在一起,由此可知“assembling”意为聚集。故答案为“Gathering”。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“At night, it was time to camp at our site picked out by our guide. There we learned to start campfires and cook some of our meals.We learned to carry the heavy packs to our next destination”可知在第一次乘船经历中露营时,我们学会了生火和做饭。我们学会了把沉重的背包搬到下一个目的地。故答案为“To start /starting campfires, cook meals and carry the heavy pack.”。
推理判断题。题目问你认为没有手机的旅行怎么样。没有手机的话,我们可以全身心地去享受旅行,不需要担心别人打扰,所以这种旅行方式应该被支持。故答案为“It’s a great opportunity to completely enjoy a trip without any one disturbing, which should be encouraged.”。
【点睛】关键信息定位法。这个主要是细节题,如涉及到数字(日期、时间、价格等),就可以在文章中快速圈出数字,再找出目标数字及相对应的细节作息,还有人物姓名、地点名词等等,其他的还包括一些提示情节发展,或条纲性关键字眼,如First,Next, Finally等等。如第4小题,问的是在露营时作者学会了什么,根据关键词“camp”可定位到第四段中的“At night, it was time to camp at our site picked out by our guide. There we learned to start campfires and cook some of our meals.We learned to carry the heavy packs to our next destination”,在第一次乘船经历中露营时,我们学会了生火和做饭。我们学会了把沉重的背包搬到下一个目的地。故答案为“To start /starting campfires, cook meals and carry the heavy pack.”。
56. 假设你是李津。市图书馆将于下周举办一场中国书画展,请你写一封电子邮件,邀请正在天津中学交流学习的美国朋友Chris周六上午十点一起去参观。请自拟至少二条参观书画展的意义。
1. 词数 100词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
参考词汇:中国书画展Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibition
Dear Chris,
How is it going these days
Looking forward to your coming.
Li Jin
【答案】Dear Chris,
How is it going these days
A Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibition will be held next week in Tianjin Library. Considering you are rather interested in learning Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to come with me.
I’m certain that you will enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters and paintings, which present the unique charm of Chinese culture. Moreover, it can enrich your cultural knowledge and improve your understanding of the Chinese people by appreciating the artistic works, which reflect the living conditions and good will of the people in ancient and modern China.
We will meet at the library gate at 10:00 on Saturday morning.
Looking forward to your coming.
Li Jin
邀请某人:invite sb→extend an invitation to sb
此外:moreover→what’s more
原句:Considering you are rather interested in learning Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to come with me.
拓展句:Since you are rather interested in learning Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to come with me.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Moreover, it can enrich your cultural knowledge and improve your understanding of the Chinese people by appreciating the artistic works, which reflect the living conditions and good will of the people in ancient and modern China.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】I’m certain that you will enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters and paintings, which present the unique charm of Chinese culture.(运用了that引导的宾语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
听力答案: 1-5 CABAB 6-10 CCBAC 11-15AACBC



