
03 江苏苏州卷
第一部分 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1.We would like to buy electric cars ________ they produce less air pollution.
A.because B.so C.though D.but
2.—You won the first prize in the Physics competition.
—________. I made several terrible mistakes.
A.I think so B.You must be joking
C.You are welcome D.It doesn’t matter
3.— Mum, I found a wallet on the bus this morning.
— I think you should give it to the police and they may know ________.
A.how is the owner B.who is the owner C.how the owner is D.who the owner is
4.—Mrs Wang, when is World Reading Day
—It is ________ April 23 every year.
A.in B.at C.on D.by
5.________ good book you offered us! It really helps us a lot.
A.How B.How a C.What D.What a
6.Auturmn is ________ best season to visit the Great Wall in China.
A./ B.a C.an D.the
7.Tim ________ the pen on the floor and handed it to his classmate.
A.put up B.picked up C.looked up D.took up
8.—I called you at 3 p.m. yesterday, but you didn’t answer.
—I ________ an experiment on Chemistry in the school lab.
A.was doing B.am doing C.did D.do
9.— ________ do you visit your grandparents, Simon
— Twice a month.
A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How much
10.—Miss Li. I don’t want to say sorry to Daniel.
—I’m afraid you ________. After all, you broke his glasses.
A.may B.have to C.mustn’t D.needn’t
第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
This summer, when I walked into my grandparents’ house with my little brother Frank, I tried not to look at Grandpa’s chair anyway. It still looked the same. His blue 11 was there, as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs. My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if 12 had happened. “Let’s go to catch fish!” Jack 13 the fish net from the corner, Grandpa’s net.
Last summer, I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me 14 I could help him teach Frank how to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catch fish. Grandpa had been the one who’d taught us how to catch fish, but then the 15 made him stay behind.
I 16 saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.
When we reached the stream, we began to catch fish. Suddenly, Jack shouted, “Frank is shaking.” We hadn’t brought anything to keep 17 so I had to send him home.
Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and 18 put Grandpa’s blue blanket around him. As I went to the stream again to meet Jack, I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to 19 me at that moment. Everything was just like before, but Grandpa was gone.
I walked to Frank. “Did Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer ” I asked. “No, Grandpa was too sick then.” he said, “I miss him.”
“Me, too.” When I said it, I knew Grandpa was never gone. What 20 us was still there. It could be the fish net. It could be the chess. It could be the blue blanket.
11.A.sweater B.blanket C.scarf D.tie
12.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything
13.A.put out B.carried out C.pulled out D.handed out
14.A.whether B.when C.why D.how
15.A.schoolwork B.business C.housework D.illness
16.A.avoided B.imagined C.regretted D.considered
17.A.cool B.warm C.sleepy D.awake
18.A.peacefully B.politely C.quietly D.quickly
19.A.hit B.fit C.follow D.beat
20.A.stopped B.surprised C.controlled D.connected
第三部分 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)
Can you imagine a world without insects Without ants or flies in your house, it might sound great. However, the results may be out of imagination.
The number of insects has dropped by half in the past few years, according to a British biologist Dave Coulson. You may think small insects are not important. But in fact they are the main part of the species(物种)on Earth.
Insects are indeed on the way to extinction, according to the first review of insect population. The researchers say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides(杀虫剂)because they destroy insects’ living areas. Also, weather change is another important cause.
“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects will go down the way to extinction in a few years,” the researchers wrote in the review. “This will have huge influences on the planet’s ecosystem(生态系统).”
We need insects to pollinate(授粉)crops. They also break down(分解)dead plants and animals, which can keep the soil healthy. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat and die of hunger. Then, the ecosystem would be off balance.
“If the number of insect species keep dropping, this will have bad influences on both Earth’s ecosystem and the survival of us humans,” said one of the writers of the review.
“The first step to stop this is to let more people understand the values of the natural world,” he suggests. “The best place to start is from our children, who should realize environmental protection from an early age.”
21.The underlined word “extinction” means “________”.
A.pollution B.death C.harm D.protection
22.Paragraph 5 is mainly about ________.
A.the reason for producing food B.the problem of animals and plants
C.the way to keep soil healthy D.the importance of insects
23.From the passage, we can know ________.
A.insects may destroy the balance of the ecosystem
B.ants and flies are the main part of the species on Earth
C.humans’ actions influence the number of insects
D.weather change has little influence on insects
One teacher praises a student by saying “You’re so smart!” Another teacher says, “You must have worked really hard at this!” Which student does better in school Studies show that students who hear the words of the second teacher will do better. Those students are learning that their effort is important.
Psychologists(心理学家)looked at what students did after they were given different types of praise. Some students were told that they were good at a task. They didn’t try very hard the next time. Other students were told that they had worked hard at a task. They worked even harder the next time. The first group of students was learning that they had a set amount of skill. They didn’t think they could do any better. This is called a fixed mindset(思维模式). The second group was learning that they could do better if they kept trying. This is called a growth mindset. People who have a growth mindset believe that the brain can grow; people can do better and learn new skills. If they work hard, they can be successful.
How can teachers and parents help students succeed They can focus mainly on effort and not simply on ability. When students succeed, teachers and parents should praise the actual work rather than intelligence(智力)or talent. When students fail, they should be told how they can do better. Teachers, parents and students need to value effort, not intelligence.
Beliefs of Fixed and Growth Mindsets
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Things you’re born with that cannot change Things you can grow and improve with hard work
Something to avoid—could show lack of skill Something important—leads to success
Things to avoid—in case you aren’t good enough Things that help you learn
24.What kind of people have fewer chances to succeed according to the article
A.People with a growth mindset. B.People with a fixed mindset.
C.People who often learn from challenges. D.People who often learn from mistakes.
25.From the form we can know people with a growth mindset consider challenges as ________.
A.things they’re born with B.things they need to avoid
C.things that help them learn D.things that stop them improving
26.How does the writer organize the ideas in the article
A.By telling stories. B.By listing numbers.
C.By drawing mind maps. D.By comparing facts.
The Spring and Auturmn and the Warring States Period was an age of great culture development in China. Here are some great characters of that time.
Shang Yang reformed many fields. Before the reform, he placed a log(原木)at the gate and promised, “If someone can move the log, he will get a reward.” No one believed him until someone moved the log, Shang Yang really gave him a reward.
Do you know Lu Ban lock It is a removable toy. Lu Ban made it for his son. His son studied all night before opening it. He also invented many tools and weapons(武器).
Li Bing was an expert in water projects. He set up many water projects. Dujiangyan is the most famous. It made water helpful to the people.
Once, an official fell unconscious(昏迷的). Everyone thought he was dead except Bian Que. Bian Que felt his weak pulse and said. “He will wake up in three days.” Two days later, the official woke up. Everyone was amazed.
When Bo Ya played, even the horses looked up, listened to his music and stopped eating. Bo Ya’s friend, Zhong Ziqi, understood his music. They liked each other. After Ziqi died, Bo Ya broke his guqin and never played it any more.
27.Why did Shang Yang make a promise before the reform
A.To give people a reward. B.To sell the log at the market.
C.To fix the gate of the building. D.To make people believe him.
28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the article
A.Lu Ban was an ancient inventor. B.Zhong Ziqi was good at playing guqin.
C.Li Bing was an expert in building houses. D.Bian Que once made a dead person back to life.
29.What’s the main theme(主题)of the article above
A.Famous people. B.Chinese medicine. C.Traditional music. D.Important inventions.
Thirty-Six Stratagems(计谋), which show our ancient Chinese wisdom, are our ancient culture treasure. And many of these stratagems can still be put into practice in many fields, such as war, politics, business and even daily life. The following are four of them. Let’s enjoy the charm of our traditional culture.
Stratagem OneWhen a thief is in your house, you’d better shut your doors at once in order to prevent him from running away. Why For our ancient Chinese, there are two reasons. First, if you let your enemy run away, he will come back. Second, once your enemy succeeds in running away, it is dangerous for you to chase him. Stratagem TwoThis stratagem is from a poem by Du Fu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. A line in the poem reads: “To shoot the man on horse-back, shoot his horse first; To catch the robbers, capture their leader first.” In a war if you want to beat the enemy, attack the leader first. Once the leader is caught, their forces will break down and fall into chaos.
Stratagem ThreeChinese always believe that tigers are more powerful when they are in the mountains. Once they leave mountains, they will become less powerful. And there are a few Chinese sayings linking tigers with mountains. The stratagem advises you not to directly attack an enemy in his own area. Instead, you should try to make him leave his place first, making him lose the geographical advantage. In this way, your enemy will be beaten easily. Stratagem FourExperienced fishers all know how to prevent a hooked fish breaking the line. Move the fish line from side to side to gradually make the fish calm down and get tired, and then you can catch it easily. In the same way, once your enemy is trapped, he will often struggle, trying to run away. Leave him the false feeling that he still has a chance to run away. When he gets tired and loses his guard, you can capture him with less difficulty.
30.Which of the following describes Stratagem Two
A.Shutting the door to catch the thief. B.Catching your enemy’s leader first.
C.Letting the enemy off to catch him later. D.Tricking the tiger out of the mountain.
31.From the stratagems above, we know that ________.
A.it is wise for you to attack enemies in their own places
B.it is impossible for people to make others lose their guard
C.it is dangerous to give your enemies a chance to run away
D.it is better to shoot the man on horse-back first not the horse
32.Where can we probably read Thirty-Six Stratagems
A.In a guide book. B.In an art book.
C.In a science book. D.In a classical book.
第四部分 信息还原(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Every year, millions of birds are killed or hurt when they fly into buildings. Why does this happen 33 Birds are flying into windows and tall buildings that are all covered by glass.
Many birds fly from one place to another. Most of the time, they live in the wild, such as forests and wetlands. 34 They might see small trees and flowers inside a window and want to rest on these plants. The birds do not know there is glass between them and the plants. 35
Some birds fly at night. They use the moon and stars to help guide them in the right direction. Tall buildings with lights on at night can confuse (迷惑) the birds. 36 The birds see the light, but they cannot tell that the light is coming from inside a building. They fly toward the light and crash into a building. On many mornings, there might be several dead birds lying on the ground.
37 Many office buildings now turn off their lights at night. This helps reduce the number of birds that fly into buildings and it also helps save energy.
A.The answer is glass.
B.People are trying to solve the problem.
C.These birds have no idea what glass is.
D.As a result, they fly right into the glass.
E.In this way, they can avoid crashing into glass.
F.People don’t know how to deal with the problem.
G.This is a big problem, especially on foggy and rainy nights.
第五部分 词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
38.—The war between Ukraine and Russia broke out on F 24, 2022.
—Terrible. Many people leave their homes. We must treasure peace and development.
39.— It’s time for Mr. White to a the result.
— I hope I can pass the exam successfully.
40.—Jane has made a lot of money since the company was set up. But she’s really tired out.
—Loss of health is more serious than loss of w .
41.Driving after drinking wine is a the law in China.
42.To fight against COVID-19, the doctors and nurses didn’t stop working, a they were very tired.
43.It’s said that Zhang Yimou is one of the (导演) of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
44.—Where is your daughter, Christopher
—She is (躺)on the grass behind the house.
45.One of the (安全) ways to keep us away from danger is to stay at home during this year’s COVID-19 pandemic.
46.Many doctors and nurses are brave enough to head for Shanghai to fight against the disease, they are the (骄傲) of the whole country.
47.I think it’s (必要) for us to wear a mask when we go out.
第六部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
In 2021, Su Bingtian became the first Chinese and the only Asian runner to run in the 100m men’s final round at the Olympic Games since 1932.
For years, it 48 (be) an impossible task for Asian athletes to break the 10-second barrier in the 100m race. It was 49 (high) possible that this situation had something to do with genes (基因) .
But as Su made more and more progress in international competitions, 50 gene theory (理论) didn’t work. In 2015, Su showed the world he had the amazing 51 (able) of breaking the 10-second barrier for the 100m, running exactly 9.99. After that, he was considered as a legend (传奇) who kept breaking Chinese records or even Asian records.
Now, Su is really a flying man of China and of Asia. 52 there’s still a long way to go for Chinese athletes to touch the world record on 9.58 seconds, Su has started his journey.
It is worth 53 (notice) that Su is not only an athlete but also a professor at Jinan University. In an academic paper which 54 (publish) in 2019, Su said that traditional training in China’s track and field 55 (pay) too much attention to increasing an athlete’s physical strength. The training was hard but had little effect. His continuous improvement came more from the brain than sweat.
Many professional runners depended on high-speed cameras to improve their skills. But Su’s training ground was much more sophisticated (复杂), 56 many hi-tech electronic devices (高科技电子设备) on the scene. Later, it was believed that what he did was so 57 (value) that many other runners wanted to follow his example.
第七部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题1分,2题2分,3题3分,满分6分)
On July 24, 2021, an important document called “Double Reduction” (双减) policy was carried out by the Chinese government.
Most students and their parents support the policy because it can lower students learning stress. However, parents should help with the students to deal with the new challenge of making the best use of their time after school when they get home.
Here are some ways to help students get used to this big change. To start with, students had better make full use of the time at school. They should concentrate on their lessons and solve all the problems just in time. What’s more, making a good plan at the start of the day can help students better manage their time. In this way, they will be able to finish doing their homework faster and better. Thirdly, they should take up some hobbies, but remember to make sure they won’t influence their study and health. Finally, it’s a good idea to offer help around the house or in the community. Because doing chores and volunteer work can also help improve their life skills, responsibilities as well as confidence.
58.When was the “Double Reduction” (双减) policy carried out
59.Why do most students’ parents support the policy
60.According to the passage, which way would you like to choose to help yourself get used to the big change Why
第八部分 书面表达(共1小题;满分25分)
61.疫情期间,刘畊宏的健身直播引发一股运动风潮。Teens英文报刊现组织以 “Sports in my eyes” 为题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。
(3)如果有机会, 你想尝试的运动项目。
1. 词数:100左右, 开头已给出, 不计入词数;
2. 文中不得出现与考生相关的真实姓名、校名等信息。
Sports in my eyes
There are many kinds of sports that I’ve tried before. Among them, I like_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查情景交际。I think so我认为是这样;You must be joking你一定在开玩笑;You are welcome不客气;It doesn’t matter没关系。根据“I made several terrible mistakes.”可知,自己犯了几个严重的错误认为不能获得第一名,所以觉得对方一定是在开玩笑,故选B。
考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AB;结合“I think you should give it to the police and they may know...”可知,是可能知道主人是谁。故选D。
考查介词辨析。in其后加早中晚/月份/季节/年份;at其后加时间点;on其后加星期或具体的时间;by通过。“April 23”是具体的时间,用时间介词on。故选C。
考查感叹句。本句强调的中心词是可数名词单数book,用“What a/an+adj+可数名词单数+主谓!”结构,故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴;picked up捡起;looked up向上看;took up占用。根据“Tim...the pen on the floor”可知,捡起地上的笔,故选B。
考查过去进行时。根据“I called you at 3 p.m. yesterday”可知,强调在过去的某个时间点,正在发生的动作,用过去进行时。故选A。
考查特殊疑问句。How often多长时间一次;How soon还要多久;How long多长;How much多少。根据“Twice a month”可知,对频率副词提问,how often符合句意,故选A。
考查情态动词。may可能;have to必须;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要。根据“After all, you broke his glasses.”可知对方必须要向丹尼尔道歉,故选B。
11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.D
sweater毛衣;blanket毯子;scarf围巾;tie领带。根据“as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs”和后文“with that old blanket”可知,是毯子,故选B。
nothing无事;everything每件事;something某事;anything任何事。根据“My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if...had happened.”可知,好像无事发生,故选A。
put out扑灭;carried out执行;pulled out拉出;handed out分发。根据“Jack...the fish net from the corner”可知,从墙角把渔网拉了出来,故选C。
whether是否;when何时;why为什么;how如何。根据“I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me...I could help him teach Frank how to play chess”可知,此处是宾语从句,表示“是否能帮他教弗兰克下国际象棋”,用whether引导宾语从句,故选A。
schoolwork学校作业;business商业;housework家务;illness疾病。根据“Grandpa was too sick then”可知,爷爷生病了,故选D。
avoided避免;imagined想象;regretted遗憾;considered考虑。根据“I...saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.”可知后悔拒绝了爷爷,现在没有机会了,故选C。
cool凉爽的;warm温暖的;sleepy困倦的;awake醒着的。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank”可知,弗兰克湿了,所以要帮他保暖,故选B。
peacefully和平地;politely礼貌地;quietly安静地;quickly迅速地。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and...ut Grandpa’s blue blanket around him.”可知,是迅速用毯子裹住弗兰克,故选D。
hit撞;fit适合;follow跟随;beat打败。根据“I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to...me at that moment.”可知,看到旧物,好像被什么东西击中了。故选A。
stopped停止;surprised使惊讶;controlled控制;connected连接。根据“I knew Grandpa was never gone. What...us was still there.”可知,二人的联系还在,故选D。
21.B 22.D 23.C
21.词义猜测题。根据“The researchers say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides (杀虫剂) because they destroy insects’ living areas. Also, weather change is another important cause.”(研究人员说,造成这种情况的主要原因是使用杀虫剂,因为它们会破坏昆虫的生活区域。此外,天气变化也是另一个重要原因。)可知杀虫剂和天气变化会导致昆虫死亡,所以extinction和death意思相近,故选B。
22.段落大意题。根据“We need insects to pollinate (授粉) crops. They also break down (分解) dead plants and animals, which can keep the soil healthy. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat and die of hunger. Then, the ecosystem would be off balance.”(我们需要昆虫给庄稼授粉。它们还能分解死去的动植物,从而保持土壤健康。如果没有昆虫,许多动物将没有食物,饿死。然后,生态系统就会失衡。)可知本段说的是昆虫的重要性,故选D。
23.推理判断题。根据“The researchers say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides (杀虫剂) because they destroy insects’ living areas”(研究人员说,造成这种情况的主要原因是使用杀虫剂,因为它们会破坏昆虫的生活区域)以及“The best place to start is from our children, who should realize environmental protection from an early age”(最好从我们的孩子开始,他们应该从小就认识到环境保护。)可推知人类的行为会影响昆虫的数量,故选C。
24.B 25.C 26.D
24.推理判断题。根据“Some students were told that they were good at a task. They didn’t try very hard the next time”及“The first group of students was learning that they had a set amount of skill. They didn’t think they could do any better. This is called a fixed mindset(思维模式).”可知,文章介绍了拥有固定型思维模式的学生在面对一项任务时,如果受到了夸赞表扬,那么下一次他们就不会再继续努力了,故可推知拥有固定型思维的人获得成功的机会较小。故选B。
25.推理判断题。根据表格最后一行Challenges中“Things that help you learn”可知,拥有成长型思维的人会把挑战视为可以帮助他们学习的事情。故选C。
26.推理判断题。根据第二段“Psychologists(心理学家)looked at what students did after they were given different types of praise. Some students were told that they were good at a task. They didn’t try very hard the next time. Other students were told that they had worked hard at a task. They worked even harder the next time.”可知,文章第二段介绍了两组不同的学生在接受不同表扬后的行为表现,说明了固定型思维和成长型思维的不同;故文章通过对比事实来组织文章中心思想。故选D。
27.D 28.A 29.A
27.推理判断题。根据“Before the reform, he placed a log(原木)at the gate and promised…Shang Yang really gave him a reward.”可知,商鞅要进行变法改革,势必要先行获取民众的信任,在变法之前他将许下的奖赏兑现,成功取得了民众的信任。故选D。
28.推理判断题。根据“Do you know Lu Ban lock …He also invented many tools and weapons(武器).”可知,鲁班发明了鲁班锁,还发明了许多工具和武器,故可推知他是一位古代的发明家。故选A。
29.主旨大意题。根据“Here are some great characters of that time.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了商鞅、鲁班、李冰、扁鹊、伯牙和钟子期几位著名的春秋战国时期的人物。故选A。
30.B 31.C 32.D
30.细节理解题。根据“To shoot the man on horse-back, shoot his horse first; To catch the robbers, capture their leader first.”可知,射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。故选B。
31.推理判断题。根据“First, if you let your enemy run away, he will come back. Second, once your enemy succeeds in running away, it is dangerous for you to chase him.”可知,给敌人逃跑的机会是很危险的,故选C。
33.A 34.C 35.D 36.G 37.B
33.根据“Why does this happen ”可知,空处应是解释背后的原因,结合“windows and tall buildings that are all covered by glass.”可知,与玻璃有关,A项“答案是玻璃”符合语境。故选A。
34.根据“ Most of the time, they live in the wild, such as forests and wetlands.”可知,大多数时候,它们生活在野外,比如森林和湿地,所以对于玻璃没有概念,C项“这些鸟根本不知道玻璃是什么。”符合语境。故选C。
35.根据“ The birds do not know there is glass between them and the plants.”可知,鸟儿不知道它们和植物之间有玻璃,所以就撞上了,D项“结果,它们直接撞到了玻璃上。”符合语境。故选D。
36.根据“Tall buildings with lights on at night can confuse(迷惑)the birds.”可知,这里是说夜晚亮着灯的高楼大厦会迷惑鸟类这一问题,G项“这是一个大问题,尤其是在雾天和雨夜。”符合语境。故选G。
37.根据“Many office buildings now turn off their lights at night. This helps reduce the number of birds that fly into buildings and it also helps save energy.”可知,本段是讲对于这一问题人们采取的解决办法,B项“人们正在努力解决这个问题。”符合语境。故选B。
【详解】句意:——乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的战争于2022年2月24日爆发。——太可怕了。许多人离开了他们的家。我们必须珍惜和平与发展。根据“The war between Ukraine and Russia broke out on F...24, 2023.”可知,此空为“二月”,英文表达为“February”,月份首字母要大写。故填(F)ebruary。
【详解】句意:——怀特先生该宣布结果了。——我希望我能顺利通过考试。根据首字母及“the result”可知,此处指宣布结果;announce“宣布”,动词,不定式to后用动词原形。故填(a)nnounce。
【详解】句意:——自从公司成立以来,简赚了很多钱。但她真的很累了。——健康的丧失比财富的丧失更为严重。根据首字母及“Jane has made a lot of money…But she’s really tired out.”可知,此处指健康比财富重要;wealth“财富”,名词。故填(w)ealth。
【详解】句意:在中国,酒后驾车是违法的。根据首字母及“Driving after drinking wine”可知,酒后驾车违法;against“违反”,介词。故填(a)gainst。
【详解】句意:为了抗击COVID-19,医生和护士没有停止工作,尽管他们很累。根据句意可知,“they were very tired”和“ the doctors and nurses didn’t stop working”之间是让步关系,所以用although引导让步状语从句。故填(a)lthough。
【详解】句意:据说张艺谋是2022年北京冬奥会的导演之一。根据汉语提示可知本题考查单词director“导演”,可数名词,由“one of”可知此处应填其复数形式,故填directors。
【详解】句意:让我们远离危险的最安全方法之一就是在今年新冠肺炎大流行期间待在家里。根据“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”表示“最……之一”,空处需填一个形容词最高级,修饰复数名词ways,作定语,safe“安全的”,形容词。故填safest。
【详解】句意:我认为对于我们来说出门时戴口罩是必要的。宾语从句为it is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.“对于某人来说做某事是怎样的”,所以此处应填形容词,根据汉语提示可知,necessary“必要的”,形容词,符合语境,故填necessary。
48.was 49.highly 50.the 51.ability 52.But 53.noticing 54.was published 55.paid 56.including 57.valuable
48.句意:好多年了。对亚洲运动员来说,在100米比赛中打破10秒的障碍是不可能完成的任务。根据“For years”及后文“was”可知用一般过去时,it后用be动词was。故填was。
50.句意:但随着苏在国际比赛中取得越来越大的进步,基因理论并不成立。根据“this situation had something to do with genes”可知此处特指上文提到的基因理论,用定冠词the。故填the。
53.句意:值得注意的是,苏不仅是一名运动员,还是暨南大学的教授。be worth doing sth.“值得做某事”。故填noticing。
54.句意:在2019年发表的一篇学术论文中,苏表示,中国田径的传统训练过于注重增强运动员的体能。先行词“paper”与动词publish之间是动宾关系,结合“in 2019”可知用一般过去时的被动语态,先行词是单数,be动词用was。故填was published。
56.句意:但苏的训练场要复杂得多,现场有许多高科技电子设备。根据“Su’s training ground was much more sophisticated”可知此处要讲训练场中包括的东西,including“包括”。故填including。
58.On July 24, 2021. 59.Because it can lower students learning stress. 60.Making full use of the time at school. Because I can concentrate more on my lessons and solve all the problems in time./Making a good plan at the start of the day. Because it can help me better manage my time.
58.根据“On July 24, 2021, an important document called ‘Double Reduction’ (双减) policy was carried out by the Chinese government”可知,双减政策是在2021年7月24日实施的,故填On July 24, 2021.
59.根据“Most students and their parents support the policy because it can lower students learning stress”可知,因为它可以降低学生的学习压力,故填Because it can lower students learning stress.
60.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为Making full use of the time at school. Because I can concentrate more on my lessons and solve all the problems in time./Making a good plan at the start of the day. Because it can help me better manage my time.
Sports in my eyes
There are many kinds of sports that I’ve tried before. Among them, I like running best.
Running is an easy and interesting sport, which can be done at any time and place as you like. What’s more, we don’t need to prepare any tools for running. We can become healthier and stronger as long as we keep running. And we can relax ourselves from much pressure by running. As for me, I run at least 30 minutes in the school playground every day, because my home is next to the school. Sometimes I run slowly, but sometimes I run fast. Running gives me a lot of fun. I think playing football is also good. If I have a chance, I’d like to try playing football.
I hope I can keep the habit of running and keep healthy.



上一篇:山西省忻州市2023-2024三年级上册1月期末英语试题(图片版 无答案 无听力原文及听力音频)

下一篇:四川省南充市嘉陵区2023-2024六年级上册1月期末英语试题(图片版 无答案 无听力原文及听力音频)