人教版英语八年级下册首字母填空 (含答案)

首字母 填空专项训练
Unit 1
I think you may have a f_______, so let me take your temperature first .
Mary h_________her leg when she fell off her bike .
Look! The dog is l________on the floor under the table .
We’ve been busy for hours , we’d better take b___________.
My father’s f_______are very big . it’s not easy to buy the right shoes for him .
--What happened to her last night --Her car h_________a tree and stopped.
Tom is often late for school . But to my s___________, he arrived early this morning .
Mr.Green is so kind that he often helps the people in t___________out .
All the p___________on the bus lost their lives due to the terrible accident .
I ate too much last night . now I have a s__________and have to go to the doctor .
My grandma had a cold last week. She c___________day and night .
The s_______girl was taken to hospital by her mother yesterday . Now she’s feeling better .
My twin sisters are n___________ .They work in the hospital and help the doctor look after the patients .
Many mountain c___________like to take r_________to climb the most dangerous mountains.
The little dog’s d__________made old Henry very sad , because he couldn’t see it any longer .
Children ! Please keep y________safe during the activity .
Excuse me , Mr. Green , can you tell me what the word m___________ .
As teenagers , we should be allowed to make our own d___________about our future .
As soon as the firemen arrived there , they c______________fire quickly and saved many people out of danger .
I couldn’t buy anything for myself because I r______out of my money for my brother’s toys .
Most Chinese people aren’t used to using k___________and forks when they are eating western food.
As middle school students , it’s very important to study English well. But some boys can’t understand its i________________.
He found himself in a dangerous s____________when climbing the mountain , so he called for help at once.
Unit 2
During the COVID , quite a few v__________play an active part in helping save the people in trouble .
All the people c____________ up when we saw Quan Hongchan fall into the water without a little wave(水花) .
We all see some n__________on the wall around the school said “ No smoking .”
As he had few friends there , he felt l__________.
Mr. Green is s__________than Mr. Black because he keeps on exercising every day .
We can get s_______________from our work when we get a lot of achievements .
A f_____________of happiness appeared on her fave when she won the first in the test .
The o___________of the companies((公司) all raised much money for the homeless people ..
My father spent the whole afternoon r___________my broken bike.
In order to help d____________people , we set up an organization called “ Red Cross Society”。
As we all know , Wechat Pay made a d_____________to our life .
Can you i____________what the world will be like in 50 years .
Would you mind o___________the door it’s too hot in the room .
It’s too difficult for an 8-year-old boy to c__________the heavy bag .
The boy is so c__________that he can work out many difficult problems .
Because of your k_____________, the poor family can have a very warm winter .
When the boy rushed across the finishing line , his mother cheered with an e_________look on her face .
When he was born , he has been d__________and couldn’t hear anything . .
Ten years later , Jenny c____________ a lot . I could hardly know her when meeting her at the party .
Many volunteers spent two months r_____________two million yuan to save the heroes’ lives .
After he raised much money from different places , he g______it away to people in need.
I’m sorry I’m late because my car was b________on the halfway , I had to walked here .
The idea you c________up with worked well .
Because of the heavy rain , the sports meeting will be p_________off until next week.
Unit 3
He f__________ animals into different shapes with the paper for the old people last Sunday.
He s__________ his bedroom just now and his room was very tidy .
Jack picked up a stone and t__________at the dog . And the dog ran away quickly.
N__________of his parents provides him with money , so he has to make a living alone .
Jim h_______to do chores , but his mother always asks him to do that .
He b________some books from library , but he forgot to give them back on time .
Thank you for l__________me your pen , or I couldn’t pass the exam .
Could you mind p_________me a piece of paper . I need to write down the telephone number .
Be careful with the knife , or you will cut your f____________.
Some parents agree doing chores is a w________of time .
That company p________________everybody with 300 dollars a day in 2012.
Everything on the earth d____________on the sun to live .
It’s very important for parents to d______________children’s i______________.
Unluckily , he d_____________the glass on the floor and broke it .
Although China is a d________________country , it d___________very fast . you can see many changes everywhere .
As soon as my mother gets home , she t___________care of my sick grandma.
Some students like to say that their teachers are u_______because they are friendlier to the top students .
He has lived here s_____he was born (出生)
Unit 4
Passengers are not a_________ to smoke on the bus .
There was something w___________with her left eye when she was born , she can’t always see anything clearly .
His mother felt very sad because her son a________with her about his study last night .
The little boy always tells a lie (撒谎), so w________he says , we can’t trust him.
The boy was so shy that he had problems c______________with others .
Le Lei was ill , so I had to go shopping i_____________.
The worker is e___________my mother how to use the new washing machine very carefully .
Before exams , I always feel n_________. I always worry about I can’t get good grades.
Some students are always less hard-working and like c___________others’ homework every day.
The company o____________the young man a job , but he refused it .
My e__________brother is two years older than I .
As we all know , in China, many teenagers are under too much p_____________of the house and work.
When you c_________Western culture with Chinese culture , you’ll find many differences .
Paul is a “problem child ”. He often c_______________problems for himself and his family .
In my mother’s o_____________, parents shouldn’t push children too hard . .
Though a few m___________of the team tried their best , they were beaten at last .
Like a t__________ and traditional Chinese mother , her mother takes good care of her and her father , but she never thinks of herself .
With the d_____________of China , people are getting richer and richer and happier and happier .
Most students do things in a u______________way , but he can always find some special ways .
Even if he is only an 8-year-old kid , he helps his mother with chores as soon as he r__________home every day .
Dr. Black c_______________working although he cut himself during the accident .
Jack will take part in the events of the school sports next week , these days he has been training hard for the coming c_____________.
Some fans are so c____________that they often crowd around their favorite stars when they meet them.
Unit 5
It was raining h__________and the pool was full of water right now .
Can you hear something s____________in our neighbor  Ihave never heard of such noise .
When he was doing homework by himself in the room, the light s___________went out (灭了).
Jim is better at ping-pong than me , he often b__________me .
In the past , people used m___________to make a fire .
There was heavy rain last night , the river today r____________10 cm.
When he didn’t see anybody else at school that day , he r__________that it was Saturday .
David f__________asleep in class because he stayed up too late last night .
With a strong wind blowing , the ground was covered with golden f_________leaves , it was so beautiful .
It’s too dangerous for a driver to drive on the i___________road .
When we heard the bad news , all of us were c____________shocked.
When he got his school report , he was so sad that he sat at the desk crying in s______ .
I’ve heard from my friend r__________, he said everything goes on well with him .
Neither of us trusts him because he never tells us t___________.
It’s said that many r__________hurried to the accident place after the famous actor’s death .
Though the earthquake (地震)b_________apart many people’s houses , it brought us closer together .
As soon as he arrived there , he b__________to save the people in danger there .
Although there was heavy rainstorm , they still m___________their way to the camping place to help the people in trouble.
In the last few years, Chinese government has t________down many dangerous buildings .
When the noise was d________down , the old man didn’t get nervous any more.
The terrorists started s____________at people without anything in the hands. And he people ran away quickly .
When I hear the song , it always r_________me of my grandmother .
Nobody will help you out u____________you try your best .
I learned to do it myself i__________of asking my mother for help this time .
It’s a little bit s_______of such a little man to move the such a big mountain .
As soon as Sun Lan reached the city, he f_________in love with it .
The Middle-aged couple have been m__________ for more than ten years , and they have an 18-year -old son .
Don’t try h___________anything from me . I can find it out easily .
We love heroes all the time, that’s because they always try their best to fight bad people and help the w__________people .
Germany , France and America are all w_____________countries .
After hearing the good news , she got e_________________enough to shout loudly .
You c___________me, you sold me a broken phone .
The sun is s_____________on her face through and making her face look red and beautiful.
Even though rain fell very hard , the guide still l_____us to the camping place .
The b________boy jumped into the cold river and saved a little girl.
All the husbands all helped their w_________finish the task and went into the next competition.
Recently , the police always remind us to keep away from Internet c_________. or they will get your money away .
When she told her mother the good news , her mother s_________happily .
Unit 7
His home is close to the school . and he walks 500 m__________to his school every day .
Make a d___________breath , then you’ll feel better .
The teacher is proud (骄傲) of his students’ a_________________.
The smoke got t__________than before as the fire got bigger and bigger.
Many countries i______________China all play a part in protecting the endangered animals .
The p______________of China is the largest in the world . There are 1.4 billion people in China.
Trying a few times , he s____________in working out the problem in the end .
The Great Wall is one of the most amazing wonders in the world , every year, thousands of t_________visit it .
As long as we try our best , we can a____________your dream one day .
A____________more than 18 years old should be allowed to make their decisions.
The noise outside made him a___________on the bed all night . so he was sleepy .
When the baby saw his mum , he ran to her with e_______________.
In the face of all kinds of c____________ in our life , we should be brave and not run away .
Thanks to our g_____________, COVID-19epidemic situation(新冠疫情) in China were stopped successfully .
An elephant w__________many times more than a panda .
Even though doctors appeared in time , because he t_________in too much something bad , he wasn’t saved yet .
Because of her serious i____________, she had to stay at home for two years ,but she can’t go to school.
As an adult in the team, I should also play an active part in p___________each child in the team .
The panda k_________care for the pandas carefully every day , so the pandas are grow healthily.
Unit 8
Taiwan is one of the biggest i____________in the world . It b_________to China forever.
As far as we know , Journey to the west is one of the four c____________ in China.
Please prepare all t________for me , I’m going to repair the broken bike .
Sandy wants to live in Paris when growing up , so she is learning F____________hard.
You can finish reading the book quickly because it only has less than 600 p__________.
It’s morning , everyone in this family is h____________to do everything . Nobody wants to be late .
With science t___________developing fast , people’s life is becoming better and better .
The school art festival was a great s____________. students showed their talent well.
We u________to live in a small broken house , but now we can live in a big beautiful apartment.
Some s___________cities including GuangZhou have developed fast these years .
Can you imagine how the workers built the Great Wall without m____________machines in the old days.
We will never forget our primary school life . there were lots of l__________and tears .
On weekends , we usually go to the countryside to enjoy the b___________of the nature .
A___________, ever since his mother talked with him about his problem , he changed a lot.
Sonia broke the school r______________of girls’ high jump in the sports meeting last Friday , she jumped so high .
More than three m__________ readers have read his newest book , it has become one of the most popular books .
You are new here , can you i____________yourself to everyone .
Unit 9
Thanks to c_________, people can take many beautiful photos and record videos.
Do you know who i__________lights --Of course I know . Edison. A light is one of his i_____________.
It’s really u_____________ for such a lazy student to pass the exam this time.
Unless you work hard , you won’t make great p_____________in school .
Thanks to our government , COVID-19( 新冠肺炎) has already been controlled r___________.
My mom always e___________me to take part in all kinds of activities . She thinks I need to experience more .
The garden is very p____________, I can’t hear noises at all.
Something u__________happened yesterday . Nobody can explain it and everyone feels strange about it .
A lot of s__________groups are trying their best to do some volunteering jobs , they help a lot .
Linda likes stamps very much . she has c______________more than 1,000 stamps from different countries so far .
In recent years , China has got a r___________development , people are living a better life than before .
If we keep on practicing doing something over and over again , I believe it has a p__________result.
Her grandparents are used to living in Germany , they say G__________are kind to them .
--How many p___________are there in China -- 34.
I don’t know w____________he will return home . If he does , I’ll tell you .
Don’t f__________to make mistakes . Your teacher will help you .
Mr.Green is helpful . W__________you ask him for help , he world like to give you a hand .
--Which season do you like best --S__________. It’s warm and you can enjoy different kinds of flowers .
The physics teacher explained the problems s________and clearly , it was easy for students to understand it .
People like peace . They hope that the world is p_________forever.
After CCVID-19 ended , t____________of people go out of home and travel around .
Unit 10
My mother doesn’t allow me to eat something much too s____________because it’s bad for my teeth.
His grandfather’s m____________surprises us , he can still remember all his students’ names he taught 50 years ago .
It’s very cold outside . Kids , please put on your s__________on your neck.
The water in the river is much c_________, you can even see the fish in it easily .
There is a lot of snow on the road . The workers are c____________it out for cars .
He is a very h___________person . you don’t need to worry that he will tell lies .
His mother wants him to o___________a large house when he grows up .
Before handing in your papers , you should c____________it carefully so that there are few mistakes in them .
That pen has such a special m___________to me that it always reminds me of my good teacher .
Sichuan is the h_____________of pandas .
The silk clothes feels s____________than the cotton clothes . That’s why I like it in summer.
The people in the village are s__________for the lost child in the forest .
The school is o___________the police station . You have to cross the street.
It’s s____________to make the same mistake at the same place .
The room is big enough to h_____________1000 people .
The father often tells his children about his c_____________he spent in the village .
A c___________means 100 years .
Although he is only 3 years old , he can c________________the numbers from 1 to 100 years .
She c____________giving her son some money at first , but finally she changed her mind .
She never tells a lie . She is a t___________girl . You can trust her .
If he r___________you as a friend , he won’t cheat you .
答 案:
Unit 1 :
Fever . 2. hurt 3. lying 4. breaks 5. feet 6. hit
Surprise 8. trouble 9. passengers 10. stomachache
Coughed 12. sick 13 nurses 14. climbers risk
death 16.yourselves 17. means 18. decisions 19. controlled
Ran 21. knives 22. importance 23. situation
Unit 2.
Volunteers 2. cheered 3. notices 4. lonely 5. stronger 6. satisfaction 7. feeling 8. owners 9. repairing 10. disabled
difference 12. imagine 13. opening 14. carry 15. clever
16 kindness 17. exciting 18. deaf 19. changed 20. raising
gave . 22. broken 23. came 24. put
Unit 3
Folded 2. swept 3. threw 4. Neither 5. hates 6. borrowed
Lending 9. passing 10. waste 11. provided 12. depends
Develop , independence 14. dropped 15. developing , develops 16. takes 17. unfair 18. since
Unit 4.
Allowed 2. wrong 3. argued 4. whatever 5. communicating
Instead 7. explaining 8. nervous 9. copying 10. offered
Elder 12. pressure pare 14. causes 15. opinion
members 17. typical 18.development 19.usual
20. returns 21. continued 22. competition 23. crazy
Unit 5
Heavily/ hard 2. strange 3. suddenly 4. beats 5. matches
rose 7. realized 8. fell 9. fallen 10. icy 11. completely
Silence 13. recently 14. truth 15. reporters 16. broke
Began 18. made 19. taken 20. dying
Unit 6.
Shooting 2. reminds 3. unless 4. instead 5. stupid/ silly 6. fell
Married 8. hiding 9. weak 10. western 11. excited
cheated 13. shining 14. led 15. brave 16. wives 17. cheats
Unit 7
Meters 2. deep 3. achievements 4. thicker 5. including
Population 7. succeeded 8. tourists 9. achieve 10. Adults
Awake 12. excitement 13. Challenges 14. government
Weighs 16. took 17. illness 18. protecting 19. keepers
Unit 8
Islands 2. classics 3. tools 4. French 5. pages 6. hurrying
7, technology 8. success 9. used 10. southern 11. modern
Laughter 13. beauty 14. Actually 15. record 16. million
Unit 9.
Cameras 2. invented , inventions 3. unbelievable 4. progress
Rapidly 6. encourages 7. peaceful 8. unusual 9. social
Collected 11. rapid 12. perfect 13. Germans 14. provinces
Whether 16. fear 17. Whenever 18. Spring 19. simply
peaceful 21. thousands
Unit 10
Sweet 2. memory 3. scarfs 4. clear 5. clearing/cleaning
Honest 7. own 8. check 9. meaning 10. hometown
softer 12. searching 13. opposite 14. silly / stupid 15. hold
Childhood 17. century 18. count 19. considered
Truthful 21. regards



