
知识运用(共20分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.(0.5分)Lu Xun is a great writer in China.______ wrote The True Story of Ah Q in 1921.(  )
A.I B.You C.He D.She
2.(0.5分)It may be cold and wet in Hong Kong ______ January.(  )
A.in B.at C.on D.to
3.(0.5分)Try to listen to English radio,______ that's good for your pronunciation.(  )
A.so B.but C.because D.or
4.(0.5分)For some kids,playing football is ______ than watching it.(  )
A.exciting B.more exciting
C. most exciting D.the most exciting
5.(0.5分)These stairs are not safe.You ______ use them.(  )
A.mustn't B.must C.needn't D.can
6.(0.5分)Thousands of athletes(运动员)______ to Hangzhou for the Asian Games last autumn.(  )
A. go B.went C.are going D.will go
7.(0.5分)Look!Some students ______ clean up the snow at the gate.(  )
A.help B.will help
C.helped D.are helping
8.(0.5分)The nature parks will be big and there ______ more bamboo to feed the pandas.(  )
A. is B.be C.will be D.was
9.(0.5分)My brother ______ a model plane while I was sweeping the floor.(  )
A.makes B. will make
C. made D.was making
10.(0.5分)In the West,people often ______ flowers when they visit someone.(  )
A.take B.are taking
C. will take D.took
11.(0.5分)﹣______ do you think of your school trip last week,Chris?
﹣Oh,wonderful!We had a great time.(  )
A.Why B. What C.When D.Where
12.(0.5分)We should work hard ______ people using plastic(塑料的) bags.(  )
A.stopping B.stop C. stopped D.to stop
A.keep clear of B.make mistakes C.thinking about D.is far from F.pay attention
(1)Don't worry when you     in your writing.
(2)Please    ,stop at the red lights.
(3)Remember to     fires in an earthquake.
(4)While Alice was falling,she was     her cat.
(5)The museum     here,so you'd better take the underground.
Why do I learn Spanish?
When I was young I hated languages.My father could speak several languages.He was sure that I could also be good at (1)   .With his encouragement(鼓励),I decided to go to Chile to learn Spanish(西班牙语).
At the weekend,I did a part﹣time job.I worked in a school for disabled(残疾的) children in a class of six.Only two children in the class could (2)    and neither of them could do it well.But I realized(意识到) slowly that every child could communicate(沟通).Some of them used body languages to express(表达)(3)    when they had strong feelings.They even"talked"to each other,having"quarrels(争吵)"and friendly"chats"like anyone else.None(没有一个)(性格),likes and dislikes,wishes and fears and they communicated every day.
Slowly,I learned not only Spanish but the language of each child I cared for.It was (4)    to see these children trying their best to communicate with each other.I had been making excuses(借口) for not trying all these years.And here were a group of disabled children showing me how (5)    communication was.It really made me (6)    to use Spanish to talk to others.In this way,I could express my personality better like the disabled children.From then on,I took every chance to talk with people in Spanish around me.I felt excited when I knew a new word.
When I arrived in Chile,I couldn't say a word.But when I left,I could happily have a conversation.I felt my life was (7)   .I learned from those children that (8)    could open doors like something else﹣doors to friendship,excitement and happiness.
(1) A.sentences B.languages C.words D.letters
(2) A.speak B.see C.hear D.learn
(3) A.friends B.mistakes C.noises D.troubles
(4) A.boring B.relaxing C.interesting D.encouraging
(5) A.important B.perfect C.difficult D.useless
(6) A.hate B.want C.forget D.remember
(7) A.common B.hard C.different D.boring
(8) A.voice B.knowledge C.advice D.communication
Lao She,Teahouse,is famous for
want to,we,protect,the blue whales
side by side,ride,don't,with
for her,see,was,it,too dark
by bus,an hour,to,it,take
阅读理解(共30分) 五、阅读理解(共20分,每小题6分)(一)信息匹配。
20.(6分)信息匹配。请根据1﹣3小题中所描述的Steven,Lily和 Jessie三个人的特点,帮助他们进行选择
Winter vacation is coming.Please help Steven,Lily and Jessie choose the winter camps they can join in China.
A.Snow Camp Do you want to enjoy the excitement in snow?Imagine sliding(滑) down mountains with everywhere silver(银色) freely.Both English and Chinese coaches are available(可选择的) Age 7﹣18 Songhua Lake Resort(度假胜地),Jilin 7 Days Jan.22﹣28
B.The Silk (丝绸) Road Camp Are you interested in the history of the Silk Road and ancient(古代的) capital of China?Come to experience the Chinese culture with us.You will have a wonderful time in this camp. Age 10﹣15 Age 6﹣9 with parents Xi'an,Shaanxi 5 Days Jan.29﹣Feb.2
C.Rain Forest Camp Do you hope to know more about the Asian elephants and amazing insects (昆虫) in rain forest? Come to the southwest of China to meet us.Let's open the world of wild life together. Age 8﹣18 Age 5﹣7 with parents Xishuangbanna,Yunnan 6 Days Feb.18﹣23
(1)Steven is 7 years old and interested in wild animals.He can choose    with his parents.
(2)Lily is a Chinese fan.She wants to know more about the ancient Chinese culture.So     is a good choice for her.
(3)Jessie likes doing sports very much and she also wants to improve her Chinese in the winter camp,so she can choose    .
A Bad Accident
One day,at 5:00 p.m.,the students of a middle school were leaving their classrooms for home.Suddenly(冲) out and stepped(踩) on the fallen student.
"Help!Help!Don't step on me!",the fallen student cried.It made other students panic(恐慌).They pushed and wanted to run away from the stairs.But more students fell down.Then it caused the accident.
Teachers shouted to the students,"Stay calm!Don't push!"But most students didn't listen to it.They hurried to the gate of the teaching building.Screaming and yelling(尖叫) was everywhere.Immediately(受伤的) students were soon sent to the hospital.However,unluckily
A policeman said that more than 400 students were leaving classrooms at that time.The accident happened because two boys blocked(阻挡) students near the bottom of the stairs.And the stairs were just 1.2 meters wide.That's too narrow(窄的) to let the students leave quickly.Both of the reasons caused the accident.
A boy told the reporter,"When the crowd began to push,I tried to hold onto the handrail(扶手)(紧紧地).My classmate Lucas stayed in a corner until the crowd left.I saw a girl fall down in the moving crowd,but she covered her head with both hands(倚靠) to one side and curled(蜷缩) up her body.Those are the ways saved our lives."
(1)The accident happened when the students were    .
A.having classes
B.leaving for home
C.having lunch
D.doing the exercise
(2)Which one of the followings is NOT the reason for the accident?    
A.Two boys blocked the way near the bottom of the stairs.
B.A student fell down while leaving the classroom.
C.The stairs were such narrow places.
D.The students were too tired.
(3)How could you save yourself when the crowd began to push in an accident?    
A.Hold something tightly.
B.Run to the gate quickly.
C.Push other people hard.
D.Lean to your classmates.
Rest Is Much More Than Sleep
We go to bed when we're tired.Sometimes,however,we wake up feeling tired after ten hours' sleep.Should we get more sleep then?
We always think we've rested as long as(只要) we've had enough sleep.But in our real life,rest is much more than our nightly hours of closing eyes.Here are some other types(种类)
The first type of rest is physical(身体的) rest.It can be passive(被动的) or active.Passive physical rest means sleeping(瑜伽).These activities help your body to relax.
Have you ever heard your parents or anyone else complain(抱怨) that they have a hard time paying attention to their work all the time?Have they ever said that when they lie down at night to sleep,they have trouble "turning off" their brains as conversations from the day fill their thoughts?These people need mental rest.You can advise them to take a short break every two hours during their workdays.These breaks help them slow down a bit.
The third type of rest is sensory(感官的) rest.Bright lights,computer screens and background noises can make our senses(感觉官能)(电子产品) for a while.
Then comes creative rest.Allowing yourself to take in the beauty of nature even if just at a local park can provide you with this type of rest.You can also place your favorite artwork around your desk.Enjoying art is another great way to get creative rest.
The last two types of rest we need are social and emotional(情绪的) rest.Spend some time with positive(积极的) people.Try to open up to them and share the hard things that have been troubling you lately.
Now you know we need much more than a good night's sleep to feel well﹣rested.It's time for us to get the right type of rest we need.
(1)How many types of rest does the passage mention?    
(2)The word "mental"in Paragraph 4 probably means    .
A.connected with body
B.connected with mind
C.connected with time
D.connected with nature
(3)We can learn from the passage that    .
A.activities like yoga are passive physical rest
B.sleeping for ten hours always makes us feel more tired
C.we can share the hard things with people to get creative rest
D.closing our eyes for a minute can help our senses to get a rest
(4)What's the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?    
A.To show us right ways to get well﹣rested.
B.To encourage us to study the types of rest.
C.To give us some advice on how to get enough sleep.
D.To introduce some ways to have a good night's sleep.
Plastic Pollution
A sea turtle(龟) notices a white thing floating(漂浮).He thinks it a big dinner﹣a jellyfish(水母)
Turtles aren't alone.Over 700 kinds of sea animals have been reported to have eaten or been trapped(困住) in plastic.Scientists think that the amount(数量) of plastic in the ocean might triple(增至三倍)(采取行动),you can help stop that from happening.
What's the problem with plastic?
Not all plastic is bad.Bike helmets(头盔),car airbags(气囊) and many medical supplies(医疗用品)(吸管) can help people drink.The problem is that most of us use and then throw away more plastic than we need﹣things like plastic bags,bottles,and plastic packaging(包装).This kind of plastic that people use only once and throw away is called disposable plastic
Where does the plastic go?
That's a lot of rubbish.Scientists think that about 8.8 million tons of plastic goes into the ocean every year.Plastic on the ground often goes to rivers,finally ending up in the ocean.And because plastic rubbish is different from other types of waste﹣it doesn't decompose(分解) back into nature like an apple core(核)
What can we do about it?
We can do so much to help keep Earth clean!Try to use less straws,especially plastic ones.Put our food in reusable containers(可重复使用的容器) instead of plastic bags.We can also help to pick up rubbish around us.By working together
(1)Why does the sea turtle eat a plastic bag?
(2)What is disposable plastic?
(3)How much plastic goes into the ocean every year according to the scientists?
(4)Will you try to use less plastic things in the future?Why or why not?(Please give two reasons)
书面表达(共10分) 七、文段表达(10分) 从下面两个题目中任选一题。
How do you often go to school?
Why do you go to school in this way?
What advice can you give to keep safe on the road?
提示词语:Lao She Teahouse,taste,Beijing Opera
Where did you go to experience Chinese traditional culture?
What did you do there?
How did you feel?
In order to experience Chinese traditional culture,I ___________.
知识运用(共20分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.(0.5分)Lu Xun is a great writer in China.______ wrote The True Story of Ah Q in 1921.(  )
A.I B.You C.He D.She
2.(0.5分)It may be cold and wet in Hong Kong ______ January.(  )
A.in B.at C.on D.to
3.(0.5分)Try to listen to English radio,______ that's good for your pronunciation.(  )
A.so B.but C.because D.or
【解答】A.so因此;B.but但是;D.or否则。根据Try listen English good your 。)可知。
4.(0.5分)For some kids,playing football is ______ than watching it.(  )
A.exciting B.more exciting
C. most exciting D.the most exciting
5.(0.5分)These stairs are not safe.You ______ use them.(  )
A.mustn't B.must C.needn't D.can
【解答】A禁止;B必须;D可能。根据These are safe.(这些楼梯不安全。选项A符合语境。
6.(0.5分)Thousands of athletes(运动员)______ to Hangzhou for the Asian Games last autumn.(  )
A. go B.went C.are going D.will go
【解答】根据时间状语last autumn可知句子的时态为一般过去时;B一般过去时;D一般将来时。
7.(0.5分)Look!Some students ______ clean up the snow at the gate.(  )
A.help B.will help
C.helped D.are helping
8.(0.5分)The nature parks will be big and there ______ more bamboo to feed the pandas.(  )
A. is B.be C.will be D.was
【解答】is是,第三人称单数形式,动词原形;was是。句子中的bamboo是不可数名词。根据前句The parks be (自然公园将很大)可知公园还没有建成,因此本题答案是C。
【点评】本题考查there be的一般将来时的用法。
9.(0.5分)My brother ______ a model plane while I was sweeping the floor.(  )
A.makes B. will make
C. made D.was making
【解答】makes是第三人称单数形式;will make是一般将来时;was 。根据句意和时间状语从句while I sweeping floor(当我正在扫地时)是过去进行时可知,要用过去进行时。
10.(0.5分)In the West,people often ______ flowers when they visit someone.(  )
A.take B.are taking
C. will take D.took
11.(0.5分)﹣______ do you think of your school trip last week,Chris?
﹣Oh,wonderful!We had a great time.(  )
A.Why B. What C.When D.Where
【解答】Why为什么;What什么;Where哪里 of ,选项中ACD都是疑问副词,选项B是关系代词。
12.(0.5分)We should work hard ______ people using plastic(塑料的) bags.(  )
A.stopping B.stop C. stopped D.to stop
【解答】stop sb doing sth阻止某人干某事。选项A是动名词;选项C是过去式。根据观察可知题干使用了动词不定式作目的状语的用法。
A.keep clear of B.make mistakes C.thinking about D.is far from F.pay attention
(1)Don't worry when you  make mistakes  in your writing.
(2)Please  pay attention ,stop at the red lights.
(3)Remember to  keep clear of  fires in an earthquake.
(4)While Alice was falling,she was  thinking about  her cat.
(5)The museum  is far from  here,so you'd better take the underground.
【解答】(1)考查动词短语。句意:当你在你的写作中犯错时。make ,符合语境,主语为you。故填:make 。
(2)考查动词短语。句意:请注意。pay ,符合语境,故pay用原形 attention。
(3)考查动词短语。句意:记住远离火在地震中 clear ,符合语境,故keep用原形 clear 。
(4)考查动词短语。句意:当爱丽丝跌倒时。thinking ,想,符合语境。故填:thinking 。
(5)考查介词短语。句意:博物馆离这里远。is from远离,且主语是The ,单数。故填:is from。
Why do I learn Spanish?
When I was young I hated languages.My father could speak several languages.He was sure that I could also be good at (1) B .With his encouragement(鼓励),I decided to go to Chile to learn Spanish(西班牙语).
At the weekend,I did a part﹣time job.I worked in a school for disabled(残疾的) children in a class of six.Only two children in the class could (2) A  and neither of them could do it well.But I realized(意识到) slowly that every child could communicate(沟通).Some of them used body languages to express(表达)(3) C  when they had strong feelings.They even"talked"to each other,having"quarrels(争吵)"and friendly"chats"like anyone else.None(没有一个)(性格),likes and dislikes,wishes and fears and they communicated every day.
Slowly,I learned not only Spanish but the language of each child I cared for.It was (4) D  to see these children trying their best to communicate with each other.I had been making excuses(借口) for not trying all these years.And here were a group of disabled children showing me how (5) A  communication was.It really made me (6) B  to use Spanish to talk to others.In this way,I could express my personality better like the disabled children.From then on,I took every chance to talk with people in Spanish around me.I felt excited when I knew a new word.
When I arrived in Chile,I couldn't say a word.But when I left,I could happily have a conversation.I felt my life was (7) C .I learned from those children that (8) D  could open doors like something else﹣doors to friendship,excitement and happiness.
(1) A.sentences B.languages C.words D.letters
(2) A.speak B.see C.hear D.learn
(3) A.friends B.mistakes C.noises D.troubles
(4) A.boring B.relaxing C.interesting D.encouraging
(5) A.important B.perfect C.difficult D.useless
(6) A.hate B.want C.forget D.remember
(7) A.common B.hard C.different D.boring
(8) A.voice B.knowledge C.advice D.communication
(2)考查动词。句意:班上只有两个孩子会说话。A.说;C.听。根据But I realized(意识到) slowly that every child could communicate(但我慢慢意识到,班上只有两个孩子会说话。
(5)考查形容词。句意:这里有一群残疾儿童向我展示了交流是多么重要;B.完美的;D.无用的,I could express my personality better like the disabled children(这真的让我......用西班牙语和别人交谈,我可以像残疾儿童一样更好地表达我的个性)可知。故选A。
(6)考查动词。句意:这真的让我想用西班牙语和别人交谈;B.想要;D.记住,I could express my personality better like the disabled children(这样,这真的让我想用西班牙语和别人交谈。
(7)考查形容词。句意:我觉得我的生活变得不同了;B.困难的;D.无聊的,excitement and happiness(打开其他东西一样打开大门——通向友谊,我觉得我的生活变得不同了。
Lao She,Teahouse,is famous for
 Lao She is famous for Teahouse. 
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为词陈述句。Lao ;谓语动词是is,固定用法。
故答案为:Lao She is for Teahouse.
want to,we,protect,the blue whales
 We want to protect the blue whales in oceans. 
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为词陈述句。we是主语,to protect "不定式"作want的宾语;in oceans作地点状语修饰 the blue whales。
故答案为:We want to protect the blue whales in oceans.
side by side,ride,don't,with
 Don't ride with your friends side by side. 
【解答】首先结合提示词和标点符号明确所要组合的句子是一个祈使句,组合成的句子的句意是"不要和你的朋友并排骑。with your ,side side并排。
故答案为:Don't ride with your friends side side.
for her,see,was,it,too dark
 It was too dark for her to see anything. 
【解答】首先结合提示词和标点符号明确所要组合的句子是一个肯定句,组合成的句子的句意是"天太黑了。"句子是一般过去时,谓语was。see anything看到任何东西。
故答案为:It was too dark for her to see anything.
by bus,an hour,to,it,take
 It took me an hour to get there by bus. 
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为词陈述句。It是形式主语,一般过去时中用过去式"took";me作take的间接宾语;to get there 是真正主语。
故答案为:It took me an hour to get there by bus.
阅读理解(共30分) 五、阅读理解(共20分,每小题6分)(一)信息匹配。
20.(6分)信息匹配。请根据1﹣3小题中所描述的Steven,Lily和 Jessie三个人的特点,帮助他们进行选择
Winter vacation is coming.Please help Steven,Lily and Jessie choose the winter camps they can join in China.
A.Snow Camp Do you want to enjoy the excitement in snow?Imagine sliding(滑) down mountains with everywhere silver(银色) freely.Both English and Chinese coaches are available(可选择的) Age 7﹣18 Songhua Lake Resort(度假胜地),Jilin 7 Days Jan.22﹣28
B.The Silk (丝绸) Road Camp Are you interested in the history of the Silk Road and ancient(古代的) capital of China?Come to experience the Chinese culture with us.You will have a wonderful time in this camp. Age 10﹣15 Age 6﹣9 with parents Xi'an,Shaanxi 5 Days Jan.29﹣Feb.2
C.Rain Forest Camp Do you hope to know more about the Asian elephants and amazing insects (昆虫) in rain forest? Come to the southwest of China to meet us.Let's open the world of wild life together. Age 8﹣18 Age 5﹣7 with parents Xishuangbanna,Yunnan 6 Days Feb.18﹣23
(1)Steven is 7 years old and interested in wild animals.He can choose  C with his parents.
(2)Lily is a Chinese fan.She wants to know more about the ancient Chinese culture.So  B  is a good choice for her.
(3)Jessie likes doing sports very much and she also wants to improve her Chinese in the winter camp,so she can choose  A .
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据表格第三栏Do hope know about Asian and insects in forest?)可知对野生动物感兴趣的7岁的Steve可以去Rain Camp(雨林冬令营)。
(2)细节推理题。根据表格第二栏Are interested the of Silk and capital China to the culture us.(你对丝绸之路的历史和中国古代的首都感兴趣吗。)可知想了解中国古代历史的Lily可以去The (丝绸) Camp(丝绸之路冬令营)。
(3)细节推理题。根据表格第一栏Do want enjoy excitement snow sliding(滑) mountains everywhere freely.Both and coaches available(可选择的).(你想体验玩雪的乐趣吗。英语和汉语教练是可以选择的 Camp(滑雪冬令营)。
A Bad Accident
One day,at 5:00 p.m.,the students of a middle school were leaving their classrooms for home.Suddenly(冲) out and stepped(踩) on the fallen student.
"Help!Help!Don't step on me!",the fallen student cried.It made other students panic(恐慌).They pushed and wanted to run away from the stairs.But more students fell down.Then it caused the accident.
Teachers shouted to the students,"Stay calm!Don't push!"But most students didn't listen to it.They hurried to the gate of the teaching building.Screaming and yelling(尖叫) was everywhere.Immediately(受伤的) students were soon sent to the hospital.However,unluckily
A policeman said that more than 400 students were leaving classrooms at that time.The accident happened because two boys blocked(阻挡) students near the bottom of the stairs.And the stairs were just 1.2 meters wide.That's too narrow(窄的) to let the students leave quickly.Both of the reasons caused the accident.
A boy told the reporter,"When the crowd began to push,I tried to hold onto the handrail(扶手)(紧紧地).My classmate Lucas stayed in a corner until the crowd left.I saw a girl fall down in the moving crowd,but she covered her head with both hands(倚靠) to one side and curled(蜷缩) up her body.Those are the ways saved our lives."
(1)The accident happened when the students were  B .
A.having classes
B.leaving for home
C.having lunch
D.doing the exercise
(2)Which one of the followings is NOT the reason for the accident?  D 
A.Two boys blocked the way near the bottom of the stairs.
B.A student fell down while leaving the classroom.
C.The stairs were such narrow places.
D.The students were too tired.
(3)How could you save yourself when the crowd began to push in an accident?  A 
A.Hold something tightly.
B.Run to the gate quickly.
C.Push other people hard.
D.Lean to your classmates.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段One ,at p.m. students a middle were their for ,一所中学的学生正在离开教室回家。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第一段Suddenly student down.(突然。)和倒数第二段The happened two blocked(阻挡) near bottom the the were 1.2 wide.That's narrow(窄的) let students quickly.(事故发生的原因是两名男生在楼梯底部挡住了学生,无法让学生快速离开。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段When crowd to ,I tried hold the tightly(紧紧地).My Lucas in a until crowd saw a fall in moving ,but covered head both ,leaned(倚靠) one and up body.Those the saved lives.(当人群开始冲的时候。我的同学Lucas待在角落里直到人群散开,但她用双手抱头,蜷缩身体。)可知紧紧抓住扶手可以拯救生命。
Rest Is Much More Than Sleep
We go to bed when we're tired.Sometimes,however,we wake up feeling tired after ten hours' sleep.Should we get more sleep then?
We always think we've rested as long as(只要) we've had enough sleep.But in our real life,rest is much more than our nightly hours of closing eyes.Here are some other types(种类)
The first type of rest is physical(身体的) rest.It can be passive(被动的) or active.Passive physical rest means sleeping(瑜伽).These activities help your body to relax.
Have you ever heard your parents or anyone else complain(抱怨) that they have a hard time paying attention to their work all the time?Have they ever said that when they lie down at night to sleep,they have trouble "turning off" their brains as conversations from the day fill their thoughts?These people need mental rest.You can advise them to take a short break every two hours during their workdays.These breaks help them slow down a bit.
The third type of rest is sensory(感官的) rest.Bright lights,computer screens and background noises can make our senses(感觉官能)(电子产品) for a while.
Then comes creative rest.Allowing yourself to take in the beauty of nature even if just at a local park can provide you with this type of rest.You can also place your favorite artwork around your desk.Enjoying art is another great way to get creative rest.
The last two types of rest we need are social and emotional(情绪的) rest.Spend some time with positive(积极的) people.Try to open up to them and share the hard things that have been troubling you lately.
Now you know we need much more than a good night's sleep to feel well﹣rested.It's time for us to get the right type of rest we need.
(1)How many types of rest does the passage mention?  C 
(2)The word "mental"in Paragraph 4 probably means  B .
A.connected with body
B.connected with mind
C.connected with time
D.connected with nature
(3)We can learn from the passage that  D .
A.activities like yoga are passive physical rest
B.sleeping for ten hours always makes us feel more tired
C.we can share the hard things with people to get creative rest
D.closing our eyes for a minute can help our senses to get a rest
(4)What's the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?  A 
A.To show us right ways to get well﹣rested.
B.To encourage us to study the types of rest.
C.To give us some advice on how to get enough sleep.
D.To introduce some ways to have a good night's sleep.
【分析】本文主要讲述了休息远不止是睡觉。除了睡眠外,我们还需要身体休息、心理休息、感官休息、创意休息以及社交和情感休息。身体休息可以是 passively(睡觉)或 actively(瑜伽等);心理休息可以通过工作日每两小时休息一次来放松大脑;感官休息可以通过闭上眼睛或远离电子设备来缓解;创意休息可以通过欣赏大自然或艺术作品来获得;社交和情感休息则需要与积极的人交往并分享内心的困扰。因此,我们需要多种类型的休息才能真正感到充分休息。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段The type rest physical(身体的) 。)和第四段These need mental rest.(这些人需要心理休息。)和第五段The type rest sensory(感官的) 。)和第六段Then creative 。)和倒数第二段The two of we are and rest.Spend time positive(积极的) 。)可知文中共提到6种类型的休息。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第四段Have ever that they down night sleep have "turning their as from day their ?(你听说过当他们躺下睡觉时。)可知划线词在此处表示"和大脑思维有关"。
(3)细节理解题。根据第五段You close eyes a minute the of day put your for a 。)可知闭眼一分钟可以让我们的感官得到休息。
(4)主旨大意题。根据第二段Here some types(种类) rest we need.(下面是一些休息种类。)可知本文主要告诉我们充分休息的方法。
Plastic Pollution
A sea turtle(龟) notices a white thing floating(漂浮).He thinks it a big dinner﹣a jellyfish(水母)
Turtles aren't alone.Over 700 kinds of sea animals have been reported to have eaten or been trapped(困住) in plastic.Scientists think that the amount(数量) of plastic in the ocean might triple(增至三倍)(采取行动),you can help stop that from happening.
What's the problem with plastic?
Not all plastic is bad.Bike helmets(头盔),car airbags(气囊) and many medical supplies(医疗用品)(吸管) can help people drink.The problem is that most of us use and then throw away more plastic than we need﹣things like plastic bags,bottles,and plastic packaging(包装).This kind of plastic that people use only once and throw away is called disposable plastic
Where does the plastic go?
That's a lot of rubbish.Scientists think that about 8.8 million tons of plastic goes into the ocean every year.Plastic on the ground often goes to rivers,finally ending up in the ocean.And because plastic rubbish is different from other types of waste﹣it doesn't decompose(分解) back into nature like an apple core(核)
What can we do about it?
We can do so much to help keep Earth clean!Try to use less straws,especially plastic ones.Put our food in reusable containers(可重复使用的容器) instead of plastic bags.We can also help to pick up rubbish around us.By working together
(1)Why does the sea turtle eat a plastic bag?
 He makes a mistake and thinks it is a big dinner﹣a jellyfish. 
(2)What is disposable plastic?
 This kind of plastic that people use only once and throw away is called disposable plastic. 
(3)How much plastic goes into the ocean every year according to the scientists?
 Scientists think that about 8.8 million tons of plastic goes into the ocean every year. 
(4)Will you try to use less plastic things in the future?Why or why not?(Please give two reasons)
 Yes,I will.Because it can help save animals.It can keep Earth clean. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文中第1段:He it a dinner﹣a ,and it.But isn't a a plastic that make sea sick.(他认为这是一顿大餐——一只水母。但它不是水母——它是一个可能让海龟生病的塑料袋,海龟会吃塑料袋是因为他弄错了。故填He makes a mistake and thinks it is a big dinner﹣a jellyfish.
(2)细节理解题。根据文中第4段:This of that use once throw is disposable ,(这种人们只使用一次就扔掉的塑料被称为一次性塑料,这种人们只使用一次就扔掉的塑料被称为一次性塑料
(3)细节理解题。根据文中倒数第4段:Scientists that 8.8 tons plastic into ocean year.(科学家认为每年约有880万吨塑料流入海洋,科学家认为每年约有880万吨塑料流入海洋
(4)观点表达题。我以后会尽量少用塑料制品。可以保持地球清洁,I will.Because it can help save animals.It can keep Earth clean.
书面表达(共10分) 七、文段表达(10分) 从下面两个题目中任选一题。
How do you often go to school?
Why do you go to school in this way?
What advice can you give to keep safe on the road?
This is because it's fast and convenient,and it avoids the dangerous traffic on the road.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful to you.
【解答】Dear Peter,
I am writing to share some things with you about how to go to school safely.As for the way I go to school,and it avoids the dangerous traffic on the road.【高分句型一】(介绍原因)
To keep safe on the road,such as wearing a helmet and observing traffic signals.It's also important to be aware of the surroundings and avoid distractions like using a phone while riding.Additionally
I hope that these suggestions are helpful to you. 【高分句型二】
Li Hua
提示词语:Lao She Teahouse,taste,Beijing Opera
Where did you go to experience Chinese traditional culture?
What did you do there?
How did you feel?
In order to experience Chinese traditional culture,I ___________.
The whole experience was so fascinating that it made me appreciate the richness and beauty of Chinese culture.
I was excited to have had this opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture and customs,and I left the teahouse with a deep sense of satisfaction and a greater understanding of Chinese traditional culture.
【解答】 In to Chinese culture,I ,where I had the opportunity to taste various traditional Chinese dishes and watch a performance of Beijing Opera.I was excited to see the performers dressed in colorful costumes,I also tried some traditional Chinese tea.(介绍去了哪里以及做了什么)
The whole experience was so fascinating that it made me appreciate the richness and beauty of Chinese culture.【高分句型一】I was excited to have had this opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture and customs



上一篇:神州智达 2024年普通高中学业水平选择性考试(信息卷Ⅰ)(三)物理答案
