专题09 Unit 2 Neighbours单元知识精讲与练习2024年七年级英语寒假专练(牛津译林版)(原卷版+解析版)

专题09 Unit 2 Neighbours单元知识精讲与练习
邻居neighbour 参观者,访问者visitor 愿意帮忙的;有用的helpful 问题,难题problem 损坏了的;破碎的broken 听起来sound 运气n.luck (不)幸运的adj.(un)lucky (不)幸运的是adv.(un)luckily 信息information
帮助某人解决某种困难help sb with sth 后天the day after tomorrow 在将来in the future 为...担心worry about=be worried about 生火make a fire 计划外出一天plan a day out 远离...far away from... 在社区中心at the community centre 不要担心Don’t worry 买东西do some shopping 开(班)会have a (class) meeting 对...了解很多know a lot about 等候wait for 各种各样的all kinds of 疑问词+to do:what/how to do sth 听起来/看起来像sound/look like ...坏了There’s something wrong with... 让某人做某事make sb do sth 很幸运干某事be lucky to do sth 做某事是...的It’s+adj.+to do sth. 乐意干某事be ready to do sth=be happy to do sth=be willing to do sth 某人...(性格或外貌)怎么样?What+be+sb+like =What do/does sb. look like
我恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的拜访者。 I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you. 他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。 They help us with all kinds of problems. 我的电脑出问题了。 There’s something wrong with my computer. 你在为参加聚会该穿什么或者怎样设计你的家而烦恼吗? Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? 你最近感觉不舒服吗? Are you not feeling well these days?
1.Lingling’s mother is a hotel (manage).
2.I hope you (come) to my birthday party this Friday.
3.Every year, many (visit) come to Anhui to visit Mount Huang.
4.—Could you help me do some , John (shop)
5.They the Summer Palace next Saturday. (visit)
6.My father is a (police) and he always comes home late.
7.My friend, John, (visit) me tomorrow afternoon.
8.I want to be an (engine) when I grow up.
9.I have an (old) brother. He is two years older than me.
10.I (complete) the work by myself in two days.
11.Tom soccer and he plays it very well. (like)
12.I think there (be) fewer books in the future because people will read on computers.
13.My father (go) to Shanghai next week.
14.There (be) a football match tomorrow.
15.His mother is going (order) him to clean the table.
16.Thomas (return) her hometown next week.
17.David would like to be a when he grows up. (wait)
18.Lily and Mary are two (volunteer).
19.Our school (organize) a summer camp next year.
20.We (arrive) in New York tomorrow.
21.I’m going (practice) basketball this weekend.
22.How many are there in that post office (postman)
23.Each of the workers (fix) the old machine once a month.
24.Lucy is glad to meet such a great (art) in the museum. She likes his paintings very much.
25.Who (sing) a song for us tomorrow
26.Look at the (build). They are so tall.
27.The boy is (luck) enough to get there on time.
28.He wants to know some (information) about the old man from America.
29.We want to have a (meet) in the afternoon.
30.These volunteers are always ready (learn) new knowledge to help more people.
31.—Will the next bus leave at 8:45
—I’m not sure. Let me (核实,检查)it for you.
32.Oh, no! The window is (损坏了的). It’s so cold.
33.They live next to each other and they are (邻居).
34.We are (幸运的) to have such a friendly teacher.
35.Some (学院的)students will come to our neighbourhood and help us.
36.Tom is an honest and (乐于助人的)boy. All the people like him.
37.The social workers teach us new (技能)and share their knowledge with us.
38.Every day thousands of (参观者)from all over the world come to Yunnan.
39.Is anything (出错) with your car Why do you go to work on foot these days
40.Li Lei is crazy about computers. He dreams of being a computer (工程师) some day.
【详解】句意:玲玲的妈妈是一家旅馆的经理。根据“Lingling’s mother”可知,此处指“妈妈是一名经理” ,manager“经理”符合句意,故填manager。
2.will come
【详解】句意:我希望你本周五来参加我的生日聚会。根据“this Friday”可知,动作发生在将来,应用一般将来时。故填will come。
【详解】句意:——你能帮我买点东西吗,约翰?——当然。do some shopping“购物”,是动词短语。故填shopping。
5.will visit/are going to visit
【详解】句意:他们下周六将参观颐和园。根据“next Saturday”可知本句是一般将来时,结构为will do或be going to do。主语是复数,be动词用are。故填will visit/are going to visit。
7.will visit/is going to visit
【详解】句意:我的朋友约翰明天下午来看我。根据“tomorrow afternoon”可知句子用一般将来时will do/be going to do,主语是单数,be动词用is。故填will visit/is going to visit。
【详解】句意:我有一个哥哥。他比我大两岁。根据“He is two years older than me”可知应是说我有一个哥哥,故空格处应填old“老的”的比较级,older“更旧的,更老的”,elder“年纪较长的”,由“I have an…brother”可知应是elder brother“哥哥”,故填elder。
10.will complete
【详解】句意:我将在两天内自己完成这项工作。complete“完成”,根据“in two days”可知句子用一般将来时will do。故填will complete。
12.will be/are going to be
【详解】句意:我认为书在未来会变少,因为人们会在电脑上阅读。根据“in the future”可知,时态是一般将来时。there be句型的一般将来时为:there will be或there is (are) going to be,且books是复数形式,因此be动词是are。故填will be/are going to be。
13.will go
【详解】句意:我的爸爸下周将去上海。根据next week可知,本句为一般将来时。故填will go。
14.will be
【详解】句意:明天将有一场足球比赛。根据“tomorrow”可以得知此句为一般将来时,且此句与there be句型结合,构成there will be。故填will be。
15.to order
【详解】句意:他妈妈将要命令他打扫桌子。order“命令,指示”,动词;根据be going to do sth.“将要做某事”可知,此处应用不定式。故填to order。
16.will return
【详解】句意:托马斯下周将回到她的家乡。由“next week”可知,这里是一般将来时,结构是:will+动词原形,return的动词原形为return。故填will return。
19.will organize
【详解】句意:我们学校明年将组织一次夏令营。根据“next year”可知,此句应该用一般将来时will do。故填will organize。
20.will arrive
【详解】句意:我们明天到达纽约。arrive“到达”;根据“tomorrow”可知,此处用一般将来时(will do)。故填will arrive。
21.to practice
【详解】句意:我打算这周末练习篮球。be going to do sth.“打算做某事”。故填to practice。
【详解】句意:那个邮局有多少邮递员?postman“邮递员”,可数名词,此处被how many修饰,应使用复数形式。故填postmen。
【详解】句意:每个工人每月修理一次旧机器。fix“修理”,动词。根据“once a month”可知,本句是一般现在时,“Each of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词用其单数形式。故填fixes。
25.will sing
【详解】句意:明天谁将会给我们唱首歌?根据“tomorrow”可知句子应用一般将来时,其谓语结构为:will+动词原形。故填will sing。
【详解】句意:看这些建筑物。它们如此高。根据“They are so tall”可知此处用名词复数buildings“建筑物”。故填buildings。
【详解】句意:那个男孩足够幸运能够准时到达那里。根据“get there on time”可知应是幸运的,名词luck的形容词为lucky,意为“幸运的”。故填lucky。
30.to learn
【详解】句意:这些志愿者总是准备着学习新技能来帮助更多的人。learn“学习”是动词,此处考查固定搭配“be ready to do sth.”,意为“准备做某事”,be ready后接动词不定式,故填to learn。
【详解】句意:——下一班车8:45离开吗?——我不确定。让我为你核实一下。“核实,检查”check,根据“Let me”可知,let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填check。
【详解】句意:他们住在彼此隔壁,他们是邻居。名词neighbour意为“邻居”,根据主语“they are”可知此处用名词复数,其复数形式为neighbours。故填neighbours。
【详解】句意:我们很幸运有这么一位友好的老师。根据“We are...(幸运的) to have such a friendly teacher.”可知,此处表示我们很幸运有这么一位友好的老师,此空应是形容词lucky“幸运的”,作表语。故填lucky。
【详解】句意:一些大学生会到我们附近来帮助我们。根据空前Some和空后students可知,由名词短语college student大学生,可知,此空应填名词修饰名词,作定语,此空应填college。故填college。
【详解】句意:每天都有成千上万来自世界各地的参观者到云南来。“参观者”用visitor表示,thousands of “成千上万的”,后跟可数名词复数形式。故填visitors。
【详解】句意:你的车出故障了吗?为什么这些天你走路上班呢?根据“Is anything...(出错) with your car ”可知,此处在询问你的车是否出故障了,可用is there anything wrong with sth.“某物出问题/出故障了吗”,此空应是形容词wrong“出错,错误的,出故障的”,修饰不定代词anything。故填wrong。
Mr Lin with his students next Friday.
My brother in a new company .
I love schools, and I’m .
Will you please at the community centre in an hour
Please call me .
People here a .
Our Chinese teacher is always others.
You a good teacher like him.
I a computer my computer.
They often meet at the and .
41.is going to watch a film/will watch a film
【详解】句子用一般将来时be going to do/will do,主语是Mr Lin,be动词用is;看电影:watch a film。故填is going to/will watch a film。
42. will go to work the day after tomorrow
【详解】后天:the day after tomorrow,句子用一般将来时will do;去上班:go to work。故填will go to work;the day after tomorrow。
43.going to be a teacher in the future
【详解】由汉语和所给的英语翻译可知,“be going to do sth.”译成:打算做某事;“成为一名老师”译成:be a teacher;“未来”译成:in the future。故填going to be a teacher in the future。
44.wait for me
【详解】根据句意和题干可知,空处表示“等我”。wait for sb“等某人”,助动词will后加动词原形;me“我”,代词宾格。故填wait for me。
45.if you need help
【详解】if“如果”,you“你”,need“需要”,help“帮助”,if引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主语you是第二人称,动词用原形,故填if you need help。
46. are like big family
【详解】分析句子结构及语境,句子应用一般现在时,句中缺少谓语动词,因此“像”应用be like来表示,主语People为复数名词,be动词应用are;“一个大家庭”是名词短语a big family。故填are like;big family。
47.willing to help/ready to help
【详解】be willing to do sth或be ready to do sth均意为“乐意做某事”;help“帮助”。故填willing to help;ready to help。
48.are really lucky to have
【详解】be lucky to do sth意为“做某事很幸运”;really真的,副词;have“有”;主语为“You”,谓语动词用are。故填are really lucky to have。
49. am going to ask engineer to check
【详解】be going to do sth.“打算做某事”,主语为“I”,be动词用am;ask sb. to do sth.“叫某人做某事”;engineer“工程师”;check“检查”。故填am going to ask;engineer to check。
50. community centre share their different skills
【详解】根据句意可知,空格处为“社区中心”和“分享他们不同的技能”。“社区中心”community centre;“分享技能”share skills,根据“They often meet”和“and”可知,share“分享”与meet“见面”为并列关系,故此处“分享”也应用动词原形;“他们”their;“不同的”different,“他们不同的”修饰“技能”,故应放于skills前。故填community centre;share their different skills。专题09 Unit 2 Neighbours单元知识精讲与练习
邻居neighbour 参观者,访问者visitor 愿意帮忙的;有用的helpful 问题,难题problem 损坏了的;破碎的broken 听起来sound 运气n.luck (不)幸运的adj.(un)lucky (不)幸运的是adv.(un)luckily 信息information
帮助某人解决某种困难help sb with sth 后天the day after tomorrow 在将来in the future 为...担心worry about=be worried about 生火make a fire 计划外出一天plan a day out 远离...far away from... 在社区中心at the community centre 不要担心Don’t worry 买东西do some shopping 开(班)会have a (class) meeting 对...了解很多know a lot about 等候wait for 各种各样的all kinds of 疑问词+to do:what/how to do sth 听起来/看起来像sound/look like ...坏了There’s something wrong with... 让某人做某事make sb do sth 很幸运干某事be lucky to do sth 做某事是...的It’s+adj.+to do sth. 乐意干某事be ready to do sth=be happy to do sth=be willing to do sth 某人...(性格或外貌)怎么样?What+be+sb+like =What do/does sb. look like
我恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的拜访者。 I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you. 他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。 They help us with all kinds of problems. 我的电脑出问题了。 There’s something wrong with my computer. 你在为参加聚会该穿什么或者怎样设计你的家而烦恼吗? Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? 你最近感觉不舒服吗? Are you not feeling well these days?
1.Lingling’s mother is a hotel (manage).
2.I hope you (come) to my birthday party this Friday.
3.Every year, many (visit) come to Anhui to visit Mount Huang.
4.—Could you help me do some , John (shop)
5.They the Summer Palace next Saturday. (visit)
6.My father is a (police) and he always comes home late.
7.My friend, John, (visit) me tomorrow afternoon.
8.I want to be an (engine) when I grow up.
9.I have an (old) brother. He is two years older than me.
10.I (complete) the work by myself in two days.
11.Tom soccer and he plays it very well. (like)
12.I think there (be) fewer books in the future because people will read on computers.
13.My father (go) to Shanghai next week.
14.There (be) a football match tomorrow.
15.His mother is going (order) him to clean the table.
16.Thomas (return) her hometown next week.
17.David would like to be a when he grows up. (wait)
18.Lily and Mary are two (volunteer).
19.Our school (organize) a summer camp next year.
20.We (arrive) in New York tomorrow.
21.I’m going (practice) basketball this weekend.
22.How many are there in that post office (postman)
23.Each of the workers (fix) the old machine once a month.
24.Lucy is glad to meet such a great (art) in the museum. She likes his paintings very much.
25.Who (sing) a song for us tomorrow
26.Look at the (build). They are so tall.
27.The boy is (luck) enough to get there on time.
28.He wants to know some (information) about the old man from America.
29.We want to have a (meet) in the afternoon.
30.These volunteers are always ready (learn) new knowledge to help more people.
31.—Will the next bus leave at 8:45
—I’m not sure. Let me (核实,检查)it for you.
32.Oh, no! The window is (损坏了的). It’s so cold.
33.They live next to each other and they are (邻居).
34.We are (幸运的) to have such a friendly teacher.
35.Some (学院的)students will come to our neighbourhood and help us.
36.Tom is an honest and (乐于助人的)boy. All the people like him.
37.The social workers teach us new (技能)and share their knowledge with us.
38.Every day thousands of (参观者)from all over the world come to Yunnan.
39.Is anything (出错) with your car Why do you go to work on foot these days
40.Li Lei is crazy about computers. He dreams of being a computer (工程师) some day.
Mr Lin with his students next Friday.
My brother in a new company .
I love schools, and I’m .
Will you please at the community centre in an hour
Please call me .
People here a .
Our Chinese teacher is always others.
You a good teacher like him.
I a computer my computer.
They often meet at the and .



上一篇:2024年七年级英语寒假专练(牛津译林版)专题06 名词所有格物主代词和人称代词(原卷版+解析版)
