2024年七年级英语寒假专练(牛津译林版)专题06 名词所有格物主代词和人称代词(原卷版+解析版)

专题06 名词所有格,物主代词和人称代词
如:Mother’s Day 母亲节 the little girl’s doll 小女孩的洋娃娃
如:Teachers’ Day 教师节(教师们的节日) the students’ books 学生们的书
如:children’s books 儿童读物(儿童们的书) Women’s Day 妇女节(妇女们的节日)
如:at Jones’ (office) 在琼斯的办公室 at the barber’s (shop) 在理发店
at John’s (home) 在约翰家
如:Lily and Lucy’s father 莉莉和露西的爸爸
如:Wang Lin’s and Li Kun’s fathers王林的爸爸和李坤的爸爸
Lucy’s and Lily’s rooms are very tidy. 露西的房间和莉莉的房间都很整洁。
一、概念: 物主代词表示“(人)的”,表所属关系。形容词性物主代词是其中的一种,它具有形容词的特性。
举例: my pen我的钢笔 your bag你的书包
his bike他的自行车 her desk她的书桌
Is that your bike 那是你的自行车吗
Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。
举例:my pen=mine My bag is red=mine is re
3.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的关系为:名词性物主代词 =相应的形容词性物主代词+名词
例如:Your bedroom(=yours) is big. Mine (=My bedroom) is big, too. 你的卧室大。我的卧室也大。
人称代词 (表示“我、你、他、我们、你们、他们等”的词 叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称,数和格之分。) 物主代词 (表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。)
主格 (用作主语) 宾格 (表语、宾语、介词宾语) 形容词性 (后接名词;作定语) 名词性 (不接名词;作主语,宾语,表语以及与"of"连接的定语)
I(am)我… me我 my我的 mine我的
You(are)你… you你 your你的 yours你的
He(is)他… him他 his他的 his他的
She(is)她… her她 her她的 hers她的
It(is)它… it它 its它的 its它的
We(are)我们… us我们 our我们的 ours我们的
You(are)你们… you你们 your你们的 yours你们的
They(are)他(她)们… them他(她)们 their他(她)们的 theirs他(她)们的
1. 一般来说,没有生命的物体的所有关系"of"所有格
the title of the song 这首歌的歌名
students of the school 这所学校的学生
Tom's advice 汤姆的建议
the advice of a local man I met我认识的一个当地人的建议
三. 双重所有格
a friend of my mother's 一个我父亲的朋友
a photo of Miss Green's一张格林小姐的照片
四. 名词+名词!
lamp post路灯柱
bus stop 车站
1.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The three astronauts (航天员) set out (出发) on their journey to the Tiangong space station ________ the night ________ Nov. 29.
A.in; of B.at; in C.on; in D.on; of
2.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校考期末)I want to buy some presents ________.
A.different to Amy’s B.different as Amy’s
C.different from Amy D.different from Amy’s
3.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—________ toy car is this
—It’s ________.
A.Who’s; Tom B.Whose; Tom C.Whose; Tom’s D.Who’s; Tom’s
4.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期中)The ________ meeting at our school begins at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
A.parents’ B.parent’s C.parent D.parents
5.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Our English teacher not only teaches __________English but also a friend of__________.
A.our; us B.our; ours C.us; us D.us; ours
6.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级校考阶段练习)I sit between Millie and Amy, so my desk is between ________ desks.
A.Millie and Amy’s B.Millie’s and Amy’s
C.Millie and Amy D.Millie’s and Amy
7.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)Tomorrow will be _______ thirteenth birthday. All the friends of ________ will go to the party.
A.James’; him B.James’; his C.James’s; his D.James’s; him
8.(2023下·江苏镇江·七年级校考阶段练习)—Who is the man in the blue shirt
—He is ________ father.
A.Kate’s and Mary’s B.Kate and Mary’s C.Kate and Mary D.of Kate and Mary
9.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)—Look at the photo, Simon.Who is the old woman in a red dress
—Oh, she is ________ grandmother.
A.Anna’s and Neil B.Anna and Neil C.Anna and Neil’s D.Anna’s and Neil’s
10.(2022下·江苏苏州·七年级校考期中)—Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bookshop
—Go along this road. It’s about _________ ride.
A.five minute B.five minutes C.five-minutes D.five minutes’
11.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)The two books are the ________. They are ________.
A.twin’s; Lucy and Lily’s B.twin’s; Lucy’s and Lily’s
C.twins’; Lucy’s and Lily’s D.twins’; Lucy and Lily’s
12.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校联考阶段练习)— ______ is it from your school to the park — It’s about _________.
A.How long; fifteen minutes’ walk B.How soon; fifteen minutes’ on foot
C.How far; fifteen minute’s on foot D.How far; fifteen minutes’ walk
13.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级校联考阶段练习)—Who are the men at the school gate
—They are _______ fathers. They are coming for a parents’ meeting.
A.Diana and Eric B.Diana’s and Eric’s
C.Diana’s and Eric D.Diana and Eric’s
14.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)—Whose Chinese book is it
— It is ________. Didn’t you see ________ name on it
A.Kate’s, hers B.Kate, hers C.Kate, her D.Kate’s, her
15.(2023下·江苏盐城·七年级校考阶段练习)—Is this ________ bedroom
—Yes, and those toys are ________, too.
A.Sara’s and Sally’s; theirs B.Sara and Sally’s; theirs
C.Sara’s and Sally’s; their D.Sara and Sally’s; their
16.(2022下·江苏常州·七年级校考期中)That new car is ________. It’s their ________ car.
A.my father and my mother’s; the second B.my father and my mother’s; second
C.my father’s and my mother’s; the second D.my father’s and my mother’s; second
17.(2022下·江苏盐城·七年级校考期中)—Is this ________ room
—Yes, it is.
A.Frank and Eric B.Frank’s and Eric C.Frank’s and Eric’s D.Frank and Eric’s
18.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级校考期中)—________ is that new bike over there, Mike
—I think it’s ________.
A.Whose; Sam’s B.Who; Sam’s C.Whose; Sam D.Who; Sam
19.(2022下·江苏泰州·七年级校联考期中)—Who is the woman in a red skirt
—She is ________ Chinese teacher. She teaches ________ Chinese.
Lucy’s and Lily’s; them B.Lucy and Lily’s; their
C.Lucy and Lily’s; them D.Lucy’s and Lily; their
20.(2022下·江苏苏州·七年级苏州市平江中学校校考期中)It is about ________ ride from the museum to the theme park.
A.two hours B.two-hour’s C.two hours’ D.two-hour
21.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)—Do you know the man in a black coat
—Yes, he is ________ new teacher. He teaches ________ English this term.
A.us; us B.us; our C.our; us D.our; our
22.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)— Jim, is that boy ________ new classmate
— Yes, come with me and say hello to ________ .
A.our; he B.us; him C.our; him D.us; he
23.(2023上·江苏苏州·七年级统考期中)China’s Beidou(北斗卫星导航系统) has “bright eyes”. It can help us find way easily.
A.their B.her C.his D.our
24.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)Whose school bag is that in the armchair, yours or ________
A.hers B.their C.my D.him
25.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级启东市长江中学校考期末)―My trousers fit me well. What about ________
―Mine are too small. I’d like to buy a big ________.
A.your; one B.yours; one C.your; pair D.yours; pair
26.(2023下·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—Sam, do the people in England celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival
—No, they don’t. It’s ________ festival, not ________.
A.ours; their B.ours; theirs C.our; theirs D.our; their
27.(2023下·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)A: Is this novel ________ book
B: No, it’s Helen’s. I left ________ at home.
A.your, mine B.yours, mine C.your, its D.you, mine
28.(2023下·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)Our teacher not only teaches ________ English but also is a friend of ________.
A.our, us B.our; ours C.us; we D.us; ours
29.(2023下·江苏·七年级期末)This phone doesn’t look like Mary’s. ________ has four cameras at the back.
A.She B.Her C.Hers D.She’s
30.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)—The Wizard of Oz is a book loved by many children. ________ is this one on the desk
— It’s ________. Would you like ________ a look
A.Whose; mine; having B.Who; me; to have
C.Who; me; having D.Whose; mine; to have
考查介词辨析。on后接具体的一天;in后接泛指的年/月/季节等;of……的;at用于具体的钟点前。根据“the night...Nov. 29.”可知,此处指的是具体的一天的晚上,第一空用介词on,第二空是所有格的结构,应用介词of,故选D。
考查形容词短语。这里different from表示“与……不同”,这里必须是同类的事物相比较,应该是我买的礼物与Amy的礼物相比,所以空格处表示Amy的礼物,用名词所有格Amy’s。故选D。
考查特殊疑问句以及名词所有格。who’s是谁;whose谁的。根据“toy car is this”可知此处修饰名词toy car用whose;此处回答是“汤姆的”,故空二用名词所有格。故选C。
考查代词辨析。our我们的,形容词性物主代词;us我们,人称代词宾格;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据“Our English teacher not only teaches ... English”可知,teach sb. sth.“教某人……”,动词后要用人称代词宾格作宾语,排除A、B项;再根据“a friend of ...”可知,“名词+of+名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格,因此第二空要用名词性物主代词ours。故选D。
考查名词所有格。Millie and Amy’s米莉和艾米的;Millie’s and Amy’s米莉的和艾米的;Millie and Amy米莉和艾米。此空修饰复数名词desks,表示两个人各自拥有的,所以在每个人名后加’s,故选B。
考查名词所有格。Kate’s and Mary’s凯特的和玛丽的(两个人各自的);Kate and Mary’s凯特和玛丽的(两人共有的);Kate and Mary凯特和玛丽;of Kate and Mary凯特和玛丽的(所属物在of之前)。根据“He is...father”可知名词前用名词所有格,排除CD,根据单数father可知此处表示“两个人共有的”。故选B。
考查名词所有格。Anna’s and Neil错误表达;Anna and Neil安娜和尼尔;Anna and Neil’s两人共同所有;Anna’s and Neil’s两人分别所有。根据空后的“grandmother”是单数形式可知此处指两人共有,故在后一个名词后加“’s”。故选C。
考查名词所有格。根据“five”可知其后要接名词复数“minutes”。walk为名词,前面的名词短语five minutes需要用名词所有格形式five minutes’。C选项中加了连字符后构成形容词,名词不可变复数形式。故选D。
考查名词所有格。根据“The two books”和选项中后面提示的“Lucy and Lily”,可知第一空是双胞胎的复数的所有格,排除A/B;根据“The two books”可知是分别属于 “Lucy and Lily”,他们不共有,各自加’s,故选C。
考查特殊疑问词和名词所有格。How long多久,提问时间段;How soon多久以后;How far多远,提问距离;fifteen minutes’ walk步行十五分钟,也可以是fifteen minutes on foot。根据“from your school to the park从你的学校到公园”以及语境可知,这是在问两地间的距离,所以第一空选How far,第二空选fifteen minutes’ walk。故选D。
考查名词所有格。根据“They are...fathers”可知此处指两人各自的父亲,英文表达为Diana’s and Eric’s。故选B。
考查所有格和物主代词。第一空根据“It is”可知,此处需填名词,且省略了上文提到的“Chinese book”,因此用Kate’s;第二空根据“name”可知,此处需填形容词物主代词,修饰名词name。因此用her。故选D。
考查所有格和序数词。根据“that new car”是单数可知,是两人共同拥有的,所以在最后一个名词上加“’s”。序数词前如果有形容词性物主代词,不加the。故选B。
考查名词所有格。Frank and Eric弗兰克和埃里克;Frank’s and Eric弗兰克的和埃里克;Frank’s and Eric’s弗兰克的和埃里克的(表示分别拥有);Frank and Eric’s弗兰克的和埃里克的(表示共有)。根据“room”一词可知,这个房间是弗兰克和埃里克共有的。故选D。
考查名词所有格和代词辨析。them她们,人称代词的宾格;their她们的,形容词性物主代词。“Chinese teacher”为单数,由此可知穿红裙子的女人是露西和莉莉共同的老师,只需在后一个人名用所有格,排除A和D;根据teach sb. sth“教某人某事”可知,第二空应填宾格them作宾语。故选C。
考查名词所有格。根据“...ride from the museum to the theme park”可知,此处表达“两个小时的车程”,two hours’ ride,用复数名词所有格形式。故选C。
考查形容词性物主代词。their他们的;her她的;his他的;our我们的。根据“help us”可知是找到“我们的路”。故选D。
考查代词。hers她的,名词性物主代词;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;my我的,形容词性物主代词;him他,宾格。根据“Whose school bag”可知,此空指代的是书包,因此填名词性物主代词,故选A。
考查代词的用法。your你的;yours你的(东西)。第一空后无名词,指代“你的裤子”,所以用名词性物主代词yours,指代“your trousers ”;结合“Mine are too small.”可知,太小了,想要一个大的;one指代的是单数名词,同名异物。trousers表示复数,常用pair修饰,故选D。
考查代词辨析。our“我们的”,形容词性物主代词;us“我们”,人称代词宾格;we“我们”,人称代词主格;ours“我们的”,名词性物主代词。根据“Our English teacher not only teaches...English”可知,teach sb. sth.“教某人……”,动词teaches后要用人称代词宾格作宾语,排除A、B项;再根据“a friend of ...”可知,“名词+of+名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格,因此第二空要用名词性物主代词ours。故选D。
考查代词及不定式的用法。who谁;whose谁的;me我(宾格);mine我的(名词性物主代词)。根据“…is this one on the desk ”可知,此处是提问“是谁的”,用whose。根据“It’s…”可知,空后无名词,故第二空应该用名词性物主代词mine。would like to do sth.“想要做某事”。故选D。
31.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The watch may be one of those (gentleman). He looks worried.
32.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)These two pairs of glasses are my (grandparent).
33.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Excuse me, can you tell me each name (swim)
34.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)The ball under the desk is one of the basketball in the USA.(play)
35.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校联考期末)Halloween is (child) favourite festival in the USA.
36.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)It’s about ten (minute) walk from my home to school.
37.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)—Do you know these (hero) names in the Battle of Lake Chang jin
—Oh, I just know some of them.
38.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Long time no see. But he knows his (classmate) name.
39.(2023上·江苏泰州·七年级泰州市姜堰区第四中学校考阶段练习)Usually, there is a (teacher) desk in the front of the Chinese classroom.
40.(2022下·江苏徐州·七年级校考期中) (Tim and Tom) mothers both work in the same school.
41.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)An old lady lives alone in a big house. Some little boys knock at (she) door and ask for sweets.
42.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Mr. Wang says every student should clean up (they)rooms every day! Hurry up! Keep the beds clean!
43.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)The school has (it) own sports centre.
44.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)Our school and (they) are sister schools. We always have activities together.
45.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)They tell us that our classroom is as bright as (they).
46.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级校考期中)Miss Li is looking for her keys. I think the ones on the desk are (she).
47.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Whose rulers are these Are they (you)
48.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级淮安市洪泽实验中学校联考期中)I’d like to borrow a football from Jack. (our) is at home.
49.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级无锡市天一实验学校校考期中)—This is Tom, an old French friend of (us).
—Nice to meet you.
(2023下·江苏镇江·七年级校考阶段练习)Amy’s schoolbag is brown. What about (you)
【详解】句意:这块表可能是那些绅士之一的。他看起来很担心。those后加名词复数gentlemen“绅士”,根据“The watch may be one of those...”可知是绅士之一的,故此处用名词复数的所有格。故填gentlemen’s。
【详解】句意:这两副眼镜是我的祖父母的。根据主语“These two pairs of glasses”复数可知,此空填“我祖父母的眼镜”作表语,其英文表达是复数名词的名词所有格形式grandparents’。故填grandparents’。
【详解】句意:桌子下的球是一个美国篮球运动员的。根据“one of”可知,需要复数形式,且与ball是所属关系,用名词所有格。故填players’。
【详解】句意:万圣节是美国孩子们最喜欢的节日。根据“in the USA”可知,是指美国的孩子,应用名词复数children;结合“festival”可知,空处用名词的所有格形式修饰名词。故填children’s。
40.Tim’s and Tom’s
【详解】句意:Tim和Tom的妈妈们在一个学校工作。根据“mothers”可知此处表达Tim的妈妈和Tom的妈妈。故填Tim’s and Tom’s。
【详解】句意:这所学校有自己的体育中心。空处作定语修饰名词sports centre,所以用it的形容词性物主代词its,故填its。
【详解】句意:他们告诉我们,我们的教室和他们的教室一样明亮。根据“our classroom is as bright as...(they)”可知,此处表示我们的教室和他们的教室一样明亮,此空应是they的名词性物主代词theirs,表示“他们的教室”。故填theirs。
【详解】句意:——这是汤姆,我们的法国老朋友。 ——很高兴见到你。根据所给单词和句意可知,这里表示“我们的一个老朋友”,表示“……的”,用物主代词,且空后没有名词,用名词性物主代词。故填ours。
【详解】句意:艾米的书包是棕色的。你的呢?根据“What about ... ”及所给词可知,此处指“你的书包”,应用名词性物主代词yours。故填yours。专题06 名词所有格,物主代词和人称代词
如:Mother’s Day 母亲节 the little girl’s doll 小女孩的洋娃娃
如:Teachers’ Day 教师节(教师们的节日) the students’ books 学生们的书
如:children’s books 儿童读物(儿童们的书) Women’s Day 妇女节(妇女们的节日)
如:at Jones’ (office) 在琼斯的办公室 at the barber’s (shop) 在理发店
at John’s (home) 在约翰家
如:Lily and Lucy’s father 莉莉和露西的爸爸
如:Wang Lin’s and Li Kun’s fathers王林的爸爸和李坤的爸爸
Lucy’s and Lily’s rooms are very tidy. 露西的房间和莉莉的房间都很整洁。
一、概念: 物主代词表示“(人)的”,表所属关系。形容词性物主代词是其中的一种,它具有形容词的特性。
举例: my pen我的钢笔 your bag你的书包
his bike他的自行车 her desk她的书桌
Is that your bike 那是你的自行车吗
Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。
举例:my pen=mine My bag is red=mine is re
3.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的关系为:名词性物主代词 =相应的形容词性物主代词+名词
例如:Your bedroom(=yours) is big. Mine (=My bedroom) is big, too. 你的卧室大。我的卧室也大。
人称代词 (表示“我、你、他、我们、你们、他们等”的词 叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称,数和格之分。) 物主代词 (表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。)
主格 (用作主语) 宾格 (表语、宾语、介词宾语) 形容词性 (后接名词;作定语) 名词性 (不接名词;作主语,宾语,表语以及与"of"连接的定语)
I(am)我… me我 my我的 mine我的
You(are)你… you你 your你的 yours你的
He(is)他… him他 his他的 his他的
She(is)她… her她 her她的 hers她的
It(is)它… it它 its它的 its它的
We(are)我们… us我们 our我们的 ours我们的
You(are)你们… you你们 your你们的 yours你们的
They(are)他(她)们… them他(她)们 their他(她)们的 theirs他(她)们的
1. 一般来说,没有生命的物体的所有关系"of"所有格
the title of the song 这首歌的歌名
students of the school 这所学校的学生
Tom's advice 汤姆的建议
the advice of a local man I met我认识的一个当地人的建议
三. 双重所有格
a friend of my mother's 一个我父亲的朋友
a photo of Miss Green's一张格林小姐的照片
四. 名词+名词!
lamp post路灯柱
bus stop 车站
1.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The three astronauts (航天员) set out (出发) on their journey to the Tiangong space station ________ the night ________ Nov. 29.
A.in; of B.at; in C.on; in D.on; of
2.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校考期末)I want to buy some presents ________.
A.different to Amy’s B.different as Amy’s
C.different from Amy D.different from Amy’s
3.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—________ toy car is this
—It’s ________.
A.Who’s; Tom B.Whose; Tom C.Whose; Tom’s D.Who’s; Tom’s
4.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期中)The ________ meeting at our school begins at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
A.parents’ B.parent’s C.parent D.parents
5.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Our English teacher not only teaches __________English but also a friend of__________.
A.our; us B.our; ours C.us; us D.us; ours
6.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级校考阶段练习)I sit between Millie and Amy, so my desk is between ________ desks.
A.Millie and Amy’s B.Millie’s and Amy’s
C.Millie and Amy D.Millie’s and Amy
7.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)Tomorrow will be _______ thirteenth birthday. All the friends of ________ will go to the party.
A.James’; him B.James’; his C.James’s; his D.James’s; him
8.(2023下·江苏镇江·七年级校考阶段练习)—Who is the man in the blue shirt
—He is ________ father.
A.Kate’s and Mary’s B.Kate and Mary’s C.Kate and Mary D.of Kate and Mary
9.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)—Look at the photo, Simon.Who is the old woman in a red dress
—Oh, she is ________ grandmother.
A.Anna’s and Neil B.Anna and Neil C.Anna and Neil’s D.Anna’s and Neil’s
10.(2022下·江苏苏州·七年级校考期中)—Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bookshop
—Go along this road. It’s about _________ ride.
A.five minute B.five minutes C.five-minutes D.five minutes’
11.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)The two books are the ________. They are ________.
A.twin’s; Lucy and Lily’s B.twin’s; Lucy’s and Lily’s
C.twins’; Lucy’s and Lily’s D.twins’; Lucy and Lily’s
12.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校联考阶段练习)— ______ is it from your school to the park — It’s about _________.
A.How long; fifteen minutes’ walk B.How soon; fifteen minutes’ on foot
C.How far; fifteen minute’s on foot D.How far; fifteen minutes’ walk
13.(2023下·江苏扬州·七年级校联考阶段练习)—Who are the men at the school gate
—They are _______ fathers. They are coming for a parents’ meeting.
A.Diana and Eric B.Diana’s and Eric’s
C.Diana’s and Eric D.Diana and Eric’s
14.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级校考阶段练习)—Whose Chinese book is it
— It is ________. Didn’t you see ________ name on it
A.Kate’s, hers B.Kate, hers C.Kate, her D.Kate’s, her
15.(2023下·江苏盐城·七年级校考阶段练习)—Is this ________ bedroom
—Yes, and those toys are ________, too.
A.Sara’s and Sally’s; theirs B.Sara and Sally’s; theirs
C.Sara’s and Sally’s; their D.Sara and Sally’s; their
16.(2022下·江苏常州·七年级校考期中)That new car is ________. It’s their ________ car.
A.my father and my mother’s; the second B.my father and my mother’s; second
C.my father’s and my mother’s; the second D.my father’s and my mother’s; second
17.(2022下·江苏盐城·七年级校考期中)—Is this ________ room
—Yes, it is.
A.Frank and Eric B.Frank’s and Eric C.Frank’s and Eric’s D.Frank and Eric’s
18.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级校考期中)—________ is that new bike over there, Mike
—I think it’s ________.
A.Whose; Sam’s B.Who; Sam’s C.Whose; Sam D.Who; Sam
19.(2022下·江苏泰州·七年级校联考期中)—Who is the woman in a red skirt
—She is ________ Chinese teacher. She teaches ________ Chinese.
Lucy’s and Lily’s; them B.Lucy and Lily’s; their
C.Lucy and Lily’s; them D.Lucy’s and Lily; their
20.(2022下·江苏苏州·七年级苏州市平江中学校校考期中)It is about ________ ride from the museum to the theme park.
A.two hours B.two-hour’s C.two hours’ D.two-hour
21.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)—Do you know the man in a black coat
—Yes, he is ________ new teacher. He teaches ________ English this term.
A.us; us B.us; our C.our; us D.our; our
22.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)— Jim, is that boy ________ new classmate
— Yes, come with me and say hello to ________ .
A.our; he B.us; him C.our; him D.us; he
23.(2023上·江苏苏州·七年级统考期中)China’s Beidou(北斗卫星导航系统) has “bright eyes”. It can help us find way easily.
A.their B.her C.his D.our
24.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)Whose school bag is that in the armchair, yours or ________
A.hers B.their C.my D.him
25.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级启东市长江中学校考期末)―My trousers fit me well. What about ________
―Mine are too small. I’d like to buy a big ________.
A.your; one B.yours; one C.your; pair D.yours; pair
26.(2023下·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—Sam, do the people in England celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival
—No, they don’t. It’s ________ festival, not ________.
A.ours; their B.ours; theirs C.our; theirs D.our; their
27.(2023下·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)A: Is this novel ________ book
B: No, it’s Helen’s. I left ________ at home.
A.your, mine B.yours, mine C.your, its D.you, mine
28.(2023下·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)Our teacher not only teaches ________ English but also is a friend of ________.
A.our, us B.our; ours C.us; we D.us; ours
29.(2023下·江苏·七年级期末)This phone doesn’t look like Mary’s. ________ has four cameras at the back.
A.She B.Her C.Hers D.She’s
30.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)—The Wizard of Oz is a book loved by many children. ________ is this one on the desk
— It’s ________. Would you like ________ a look
A.Whose; mine; having B.Who; me; to have
C.Who; me; having D.Whose; mine; to have
31.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The watch may be one of those (gentleman). He looks worried.
32.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)These two pairs of glasses are my (grandparent).
33.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Excuse me, can you tell me each name (swim)
34.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)The ball under the desk is one of the basketball in the USA.(play)
35.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校联考期末)Halloween is (child) favourite festival in the USA.
36.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)It’s about ten (minute) walk from my home to school.
37.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)—Do you know these (hero) names in the Battle of Lake Chang jin
—Oh, I just know some of them.
38.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Long time no see. But he knows his (classmate) name.
39.(2023上·江苏泰州·七年级泰州市姜堰区第四中学校考阶段练习)Usually, there is a (teacher) desk in the front of the Chinese classroom.
40.(2022下·江苏徐州·七年级校考期中) (Tim and Tom) mothers both work in the same school.
41.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)An old lady lives alone in a big house. Some little boys knock at (she) door and ask for sweets.
42.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Mr. Wang says every student should clean up (they)rooms every day! Hurry up! Keep the beds clean!
43.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)The school has (it) own sports centre.
44.(2023下·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)Our school and (they) are sister schools. We always have activities together.
45.(2022下·江苏扬州·七年级校考期中)They tell us that our classroom is as bright as (they).
46.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级校考期中)Miss Li is looking for her keys. I think the ones on the desk are (she).
47.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Whose rulers are these Are they (you)
48.(2022下·江苏淮安·七年级淮安市洪泽实验中学校联考期中)I’d like to borrow a football from Jack. (our) is at home.
49.(2022下·江苏无锡·七年级无锡市天一实验学校校考期中)—This is Tom, an old French friend of (us).
—Nice to meet you.
(2023下·江苏镇江·七年级校考阶段练习)Amy’s schoolbag is brown. What about (you)




下一篇:专题09 Unit 2 Neighbours单元知识精讲与练习2024年七年级英语寒假专练(牛津译林版)(原卷版+解析版)