2024年七年级英语寒假专练(牛津译林版)专题02 there be句型和名词的数(原卷版+解析版)

专题02 there be句型和名词的数
There be 句型
定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。
注意:There be 句型中be动词的选择是有is或are,没有am。
结构:(1)There is+a/an+单数可数名词+地点状语
There is a ruler on the desk. 书桌上有一把尺。
(2)There are+复数可数名词+地点状语
There are four apples on the tree. 树上有四个苹果。
(3)There is + 不可数名词 +地点状语
例:There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。
3. There be句型的就近原则
There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由离be动词最近的名词单复数决定。
如:There is a ruler, two books and many pencils on the desk。
离be动词最近的一项是单数a ruler,因此,be动词用单数is。
There are two books, a ruler and many pencils on the desk。
离be动词最近的一项是复数two books,因此,be动词用复数are。
① There is a teacher and many students in our classroom. (就近原则)
② There are many students and a teacher in our classroom. (就近原则)
规则变化 示例
在词尾后加-s book→books cup- cups
以s,x,sh, ch结尾的词后加-es bus-buses box-boxes dish-dishes watch -watches
以f, fe 结尾的词,先去掉f或fe,再加-ves half→halves wife --wives
以o结尾且表示有生命的事物的词后加-es Hero- heroes potato- potatoes tomato-tomatoes mango-mangoes
以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,先去掉y再加-ies;以元音字母加-y结尾的词,直接在词尾加-s city-cities family→families boy-boys day-days
There be句型的各种句型结构
There+be (is/are)+某物/某人+地点/时间。
There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。
②否定句: There+be(is/are)+not+某物/某人+地点。
注意:原句中如有some一词,也应改为any. 例如:
There is some milk in the bottle。瓶子里有一些牛奶。
There isn’t any milk in the bottle。瓶子里没有牛奶。
③ 一般疑问句: Be(Is/Are)+there+某物/某人+地点?
There are some birds in the tree.树上有几只鸟。
Are there any birds in the tree 树上有鸟吗
对疑问句的应答,如果是肯定的,可以答:Yes, there is 或there are.
如果是否定的,可以说: No, there isn't.或there aren't.
④ there be的特殊疑问句:
如果主语是物,用What is +地点状语?
如果主语是人,用Who is + 地点状语?
① What is in the classroom ---- There are 5 desks and 5 chairs in the classroom.
② Who is in the classroom ---- There are 5 boys in the classroom.
特殊变化 示例
元音发生变化 man-men
单复数同形 a sheep- two sheep
a deer-five deer
a Chinese- some Chinese
a Japanese-three Japanese
有些名词只有复致形式 clothes trousers glasses scissors
a cup of coffee一杯咖啡
three pieces of bread 三片面包
1.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)There isn’t ________ in the kitchen.
A.some bread B.some mangoes C.any beans D.any juice
2.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)There ________ some pieces of news about the World Cup in today’s newspaper.
A.are B.is C.was D.were
3.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)—Mom, there’s no milk in the fridge.
—Oh, but there ________ three bottles of orange juice in it.
A.are B.isn’t C.aren’t D.is
4.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)There’re ______ in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some.
A.some fruit B.little meat
C.a few eggs D.few vegetables
5.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)There ________ some paper and a pencil on the table. I want to do some drawing.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
6.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)—Look, there ________ some eggs in the fridge, but I think we need some more.
—Well, let’s go to the supermarket to buy some.
A.have B.don’t have C.are D.aren’t
7.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)—I am really busy on weekends because homework takes a lot of time. There is ________ report, two slideshow presentations and three projects to do this weekend.
—At least they don’t sound boring.
A.an one-page B.a one-page C.two page of D.two pages of
8.(2022上·江苏连云港·七年级统考期末)There ________ enough milk, vegetables and fruit in the fridge.
A.have B.has C.is D.are
9.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)—There ________ more than three ways to express the meanings in English.
—Wow, learning English is really fun.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
10.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)—________ any news on your Wechat(微信)today
—No, there isn’t.
A.There is B.Is there C.There isn’t D.Are there
11.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—Dad, there ________ a basketball match and two fashion shows this weekend.
—Really ________
A.is; Best wishes! B.is; Have a good time.
C.are; Good idea. D.are; Wish your team good luck.
12.(2022上·江苏·七年级统考期末)There ________ some cartons of juice in the fridge, but there ________ any milk.
A.are; is B.are; isn’t C.is; aren’t D.is; isn’t
13.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)My school is very beautiful. There _________ some shops and a park around it.
A.is B.are C.have D.has
14.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考阶段练习)—Is there a swimming pool in your school
— ________ .
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, there is D.No, there aren’t
15.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级南京市第二十九中学校考阶段练习)There ________ any students on the basketball court.
A.isn’t B.is C.are D.aren’t
16.(2021上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考期中)There ________ a library and 3 classroom buildings in our school.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
17.(2020上·江苏镇江·七年级校考周测)— Can you see the picture on the wall
— Yes. There ________ an apple and two oranges in the picture.
A.are B.is C.have D.has
18.(2021上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)There ________ some juice, two apples and a bottle of milk in the fridge.
A.is B.are C.have D.has
19.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—Andy, what would you like to order
—I’d like two ________.
A.glass of milks B.glasses of milk C.glass of milk D.glasses of milks
20.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校考期末)—What can I do for you?
—I want to buy ________.
A.two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salts
B.two kilos of potatoes and two packet of salt
C.two kilos of potatos and two packets of salt
D.two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salt
21.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)All the girl students and ________ at our school will receive flowers on Women’s Day.
A.women teachers B.women teacher
C.woman teacher D.woman teachers
22.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—What can I do for you, sir
—I’d like two ______. We all like fruit during the fight against COVED-19.
A.bowls of rice B.baskets of oranges C.cartons of milk D.bottles of water
23.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)We usually do morning ________ at 9:00 a.m. and take some _________ at 4:30 p.m.
A.exercises; exercise B.exercises; exercises C.exercise; exercise D.exercise; exercises
24.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期中)—Boys and girls, do you do morning ________ every day
—Yes, we take some ________ for half an hour every morning.
A.exercise; exercise B.exercise; exercises
C.exercises; exercises D.exercises; exercise
25.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Don’t always sit at the desk and do ________. You need more _______ if you want to keep healthy.
A.exercise; exercises B.exercises; exercises
C.exercises; exercise D.exercise; exercise
26.(2021上·江苏南通·七年级校联考期中)You should do more ________. Don’t always sit at the desk to do your ________ in the classroom .
A.exercise, exercises B.exercise, exercise
C.exercises, exercise D.exercises, exercises
27.(2022上·七年级单元测试)— ________ your ________ long or short
— I have short hair.
A.Is;hair B.Are;hairs C.Does;hair D.Do;hairs
28.(2022上·七年级单元测试)Miss Li has long black hair and ________.
A.wear glasses B.wears glasses C.wear glass D.wears glass
29.(2021上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期中)They often take _________, and they do eye _________ every day.
A.exercise; exercises B.exercises; exercises
C.exercise; exercise D.exercises; exercise
30.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校考阶段练习)Now, it’s very common to see __________ in big hospitals.
A.man nurses B.men nurse C.man nurse D.men nurses
31.(2021上·江苏泰州·七年级校考期中)All the ________ are from ________. They are very kind to others.
A.men doctors; American B.men doctors; America
C.man doctors; American D.man doctors; America
32.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校考阶段练习)The little girl has ________.
A.a long hair B.long hair C.black hairs D.long hairs
33.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校考阶段练习)The children have ________ in the park on Sunday afternoon.
A.a lot of fun B.lots of funs C.a lot fun D.lot of funs
34.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)—Is there anything I can do for you, sir
—I’d like two ________. We all like them.
A.bowls of rices B.boxes of apples C.kilos of porks D.bottles of oranges
35.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)We need to buy two _________ for supper today.
A.kilo of tomatoes B.kilo of tomatos C.kilos of tomatoes D.kilos of tomatos
36.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)The little boy is crying because he lost(掉了)his two ________ in his mouth.
A.tooth B.tooths C.toothes D.teeth
37.(2022上·江苏·七年级统考期末)Billy goes to the supermarket to buy two ________ for dinner every Saturday morning.
A.meat B.kilo of meat C.kilos of meat D.kilos meat
38.(2022上·上海黄浦·七年级统考期中)We should buy some ________ for the new flat.
A.chair B.cupboard C.furniture D.machine
39.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)We need to buy some ________ and two ________ meat for dinner this evening.
A.potato; kilos B.potatoes; kiloes C.potatoes; kilos D.potatos; kilos
40.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—Mum, what would you like to buy for supper today
—We need to buy three ________.
A.kilo of potatoes B.kilos of potato C.kilos of potatoes D.kilo of potato
考查主谓一致。此句是There be句型,描述事实,用一般现在时,主语是some pieces of news,pieces为复数,be动词用are。故选A。
考查there be句型。根据第一句中“there’s no…”和第二句中“but”,可知第二句表示肯定含义;根据there be句型遵循“就近原则”和空后“three bottles of…”,可知be动词应用are。故选A。
考查There be句型和名词限定词辨析。some fruit一些水果,表肯定;little meat很少的肉,表否定;a few eggs一些鸡蛋,表肯定;few vegetables很少的蔬菜,表否定。根据“There’re...in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some.”可知,设空处需填写可数名词复数形式并表否定意义,meat为不可数名词,vegetables为可数名词。故选D。
考查there be结构。根据“There...some paper and a pencil”可知此处是there be结构,遵循就近原则,paper是不可数名词,故此处be动词用is。故选A。
考查there be句型。根据题干可知,此处是there be结构,不和have连用,排除AB;结合后句“but I think we need some more.”可知,冰箱里还是有一些鸡蛋的,应用are。故选C。
考查主谓一致和不定冠词的用法。根据There is及there be结构使用就近原则可知,空处应是单数。又因单词one以辅音音素开头,其前应用不定冠词a修饰。故选B。
考查there be句型及主谓一致。根据“There ... enough milk, vegetables and fruit in the fridge.”可知,此句为there be句型,排除A、B;there be句型遵循“就近原则”,milk为不可数名词,此处应该用单数is。故选C。
考查there be句型和主谓一致。根据“There ... more than three ways to express the meanings in English.”可知,该句是there be结构,主语“more than three ways”为复数名词,be动词用are。故选B。
考查there be句型的一般疑问句。根据“... any news on your Wechat(微信)today ”可知,此句为there be句型的一般疑问句,排除A、C;根据“any news”及“No, there isn’t.”可知,此处的be动词应该用is。故选B。
考查there be句型及情景交际。Best wishes致以最美好的祝愿;Have a good time祝你玩得愉快;Good idea好主意;Wish your team good luck祝你的团队好运。There be句型中,be动词要用“就近原则”,句中的主语是“a basketball match”,应用is,排除C/D选项;第二句是表示祝福对方玩得开心,故选B。
考查主谓一致。are是,主语是you或复数形式;is是,主语是第三人称单数形式;isn’t不是,主语是第三人称单数形式。第一空主语some cartons是复数形式,谓语用复数形式are,连词but前后表示转折关系,but前表示冰箱里有几盒果汁,but后表示没有牛奶,因此第二空用否定形式,主语milk是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式isn’t,故选B。
考查There be句型。根据“There...some shops and a park around it.”可知,本句是There be句型,且遵循就近原则,“some shops”是可数名词复数,be动词应用are。故选B。
考查一般疑问句。there be句型的一般疑问句,答语也用there be,排除A和B选项。根据“Is there”可知,答语用there is,故选C。
考查there be句型。根据“any students”可知,句子是否定句,且主语是复数,be动词用aren’t。故选D。
考查there be。there be句型,遵循就近原则,离be动词最近的主语是“a library ”,单数形式,be动词用is,另外there be不可以和have/has“有”连用,故选A。
考查there be句型。此处是there be句型,需满足“就近原则”,be动词取决于an apple,用is。故选B。
考查there be句型及主谓一致。there be句型遵循“就近原则”,“be” 的形式是由与其最近的那个名词来确定的,本句中离there最近的名词是some juice,为不可数名词,所以be动词用is。故选A。
考查不可数名词及其表达。根据“I’d like two...”并结合选项可知,此处表达“两杯牛奶”,milk“牛奶”为不可数名词,无复数形式,量词修饰名词结构为:数词或冠词+量词+of+名词,若数词大于1,则量词为复数,空前为two,空处量词用复数形式,two glasses of milk“两杯牛奶”。故选B。
考查量词。potato是可数名词,表示两公斤土豆用two kilos of potatoes;salt是不可数名词,两包盐用two packets of salt。故选D。
考查复合名词的复数。woman teacher“女教师”,其复数形式为women teachers。故选A。
考查名词的用法。two bowls of rice两碗米;two baskets of oranges两篮橘子;two cartons of milk两加仑牛奶;two bottles of water两瓶水。根据“We all like fruit”可知,是要两篮橘子。故选B。
考查名词的用法。do morning exercises“做早操”,此处用名词复数形式;take some exercise“做运动”,此处exercise是不可数名词。故选A。
考查exercise的用法。exercise意为“练习,做作业”时,为可数名词;exercise意为“锻炼,运动”,为不可数名词;根据“sit at the desk and do”可知,第一空指“做练习”,因此填exercises;根据“if you want to keep healthy.”可知,第二空指“更多锻炼”,因此用exercise。故选C。
考查exercise的用法。do exercise意为“锻炼,运动”,其中的exercise为不可数名词;do one’s exercises意为“做练习,做作业”,此处的exercise为可数名词,所以第一空使用exercise,第二空使用exercises。故选A。
考查be动词和不可数名词。由“I have short hair.”可知原题干询问的是“hair”,此处“hair”指头发的总称,是不可数名词,所以hairs不正确,排除B和D;又因原句未使用实义动词,则C选项使用助动词does不符,排除C;A选项中is与形容词long和short搭配形成系表结构。故选A。
考查第三人称单数用法及glasses的用法。主语“Miss Li”是第三人称单数,故谓语动词应用三单形式,故排除A和C项;“glasses”表示眼镜;“glass”表示“玻璃、杯子”。根据语境可知此处表示“戴眼镜”。故选B。
考查exercise的用法,exercise为不可数名词时:(身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动;exercise为可数名词时:(保持健康或培养技能的)一套动作,训练活动,练习。第一空考查take exercise“锻炼”,第二空考查do morning exercises“做早操”。故选A。
考查名词用法。man nurse表示“男护士”,man作定语。语境提示用复数,man和nurse需均变为复数形式。故选D。
考查名词。根据“All”可知,doctor应该用复数形式doctors。又因为man名词用作定语,其形式应该和后面名词的单复形式保持一致,故应该用men。American“美国人”;America“美国”;be from“来自”。根据“All the men doctors are from...”可知,应该是指来自美国。故选B。
考查形容词短语和名词的数。fun表示“乐趣”,是不可数名词,排除BD选项;a lot of许多,修饰可数名词或不可数名词;a lot非常,是副词,一般修饰动词。故选A。
考查名词的数。two后接名词复数,rice,pork和orange(橙汁)是不可数名词,无复数形式,排除A、C、D。two boxes of apples“两箱苹果”。故选B。
考查不可数名词数量表达。根据语境及句意并结合选项可知,本题考查不可数名词meat量的表达,应用:数词 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词,因题干数词为two,可数名词kilo“千克”需用复数kilos。故选C。
考查名词辨析。chair椅子;cupboard碗柜;furniture家具;machine机器。some后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,chair、cupboard和machine都是可数名词单数,furniture是不可数名词;根据“for the new flat”可知,新公寓需要买家具。故选C。
考查名词的数。potato“土豆”,是可数名词,此处应用复数形式,表示“一千克”是a kilo of,空前有three修饰,kilo要用复数形式,所以“三千克土豆”应表达为three kilos of potatoes,故选C。
41.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)— This is really a big dinner.
— Yes, it is. There (be) beef, pork, chicken, fish and many vegetables.
42.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)— (be) there any salt on the table Please hand it to me.
—Yes. Here you are, mum.
43.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)Listen! There (seem) to be a ghost singing not far from the wall.
44.(2022上·江苏常州·七年级统考期中)There (not be) any orange in your glass. Would you like some more
45.(2021上·江苏无锡·七年级无锡市第一女子中学校考阶段练习)—How many football fields are there in your school
—Sorry, there (not be) any.
46.(2021上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考阶段练习)There (be)some milk and water on the ground.
47.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级宜兴市树人中学校联考阶段练习)There (not be) any orange in the fridge. Would you like to buy some
48.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)These two pairs of glasses are my (grandparent).
49.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)Cut the apple into (half) and we can share them with others.
50.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)My dad likes football very much, and he watched the 22nd World Cup. Messi and Ronaldo are his . (hero)
51.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The watch may be one of those (gentleman). He looks worried.
52.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Lionel Messi, one of the top , makes his dream come true in 2022. (play)
53.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)The ball under the desk is one of the basketball in the USA.(play)
54.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)How beautiful the (scarf) look! I want to buy one.
55.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)The girls of Chinese Women’s volleyball Team are our (hero).They did well in Rio Olympic Games.
56.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)We should remember all the (hero) names for they are the most lovely people in our country.
57.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Mei Sheng is one of the (hero) in the movie The Battle At Lake Changjin II.
58.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)—Are you ___________ (member) of the Reading Club
—Yes, we all love reading.
59.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)Do you know the two _________ (play) names They do a very good job.
60.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)Look! There are two classroom _____________(build) in front of us.
61.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期中)My father will go to school for the (parent) meeting this afternoon.
62.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期中)The (parent)meeting begins at one o’clock in the afternoon.
63.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期中)Jordan and James are many people’s basketball (hero).
64.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)The Greens thanked the fireman for saving their (life).
65.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Little Tom doesn’t have any (hobby)—unless(除非) you call watching TV a hobby.
66.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期中)The (play) in the team come from different countries.
67.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期中)Liu Mei likes tennis very much. Li Na is one of her (heroine).
68.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考期中)I think the shoes are one of the (play). Please take good care of them.
69.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)The balls over there are these basketball (play).
70.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)Ladies and (gentleman), welcome to our big party!
【详解】句意:——这真是一顿丰盛的晚餐。——是的,它是。有牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、鱼和许多蔬菜。此句是一般现在时,there be句型遵循“就近原则”,离be动词最近的主语beef是不可数名词,be动词用is,故填is。
根据分析句子可知,“There seem(s) to be...”句型结构中seem的单复数形式要根据后面主语的名词单复数形式而定,翻译为“看起来、似乎……”。该句的主语是a ghost单数,因此要用seems。故填seems。
【详解】句意:你的杯子里没有橙汁了。你还想再来点吗?根据“There…(not be)any orange in your glass.Would you like some more ”可知此处为there be句型的否定句,主语orange为不可数名词,因此用isn’t。故填isn’t。
【详解】句意:在地上有一些牛奶和水。there be“某地有”,根据就近一致原则可知,be动词与主语some milk保持一致,且milk为不可数名词,故填is。
【详解】句意:这两副眼镜是我的祖父母的。根据主语“These two pairs of glasses”复数可知,此空填“我祖父母的眼镜”作表语,其英文表达是复数名词的名词所有格形式grandparents’。故填grandparents’。
【详解】句意:把苹果切成两半,我们可以和别人分享。根据“we can share them with others”可知,空处应填复数形式。half“一半”,halves复数形式,故填halves。
【详解】句意:我的爸爸很喜欢足球,他还观看了第22届世界杯。梅西和罗纳尔多是他的英雄。根据“Messi and Ronaldo”可知,此处是指梅西和罗纳尔多两个人是爸爸的英雄,用复数形式。故填heroes。
【详解】句意:这块表可能是那些绅士之一的。他看起来很担心。those后加名词复数gentlemen“绅士”,根据“The watch may be one of those...”可知是绅士之一的,故此处用名词复数的所有格。故填gentlemen’s。
【详解】句意:利昂内尔·梅西是顶级球员之一,他在2022年实现了他的梦想。根据“Lionel Messi, one of the top...”和所给提示词可知,此处表示梅西是顶级运动员之一,one of+可数名词复数,表示“……之一”,players“运动员”符合语境。故填players。
【详解】句意:桌子下的球是一个美国篮球运动员的。根据“one of”可知,需要复数形式,且与ball是所属关系,用名词所有格。故填players’。
【详解】句意:中国女排的姑娘们是我们的英雄。她们在里约奥运会上表现出色。根据“The girls...”可知此处用名词复数heroes“英雄”。故填heroes。
【详解】句意:我们应该记住所有英雄的名字,因为他们是我们国家最可爱的人。根据“We should remember all the ... names ”可知,此处应用名词的复数,且是所有格形式。故填heroes’。
【详解】句意:梅生是电影《长津湖II》中的男主角之一。根据“one of the”可知此处应用名词hero的复数形式heroes。故填heroes。
【详解】句意:——你们是读书俱乐部的成员吗?——是的,我们都爱阅读。根据“Are you…(member) of the Reading Club —Yes, we all love reading.”可知,you在此意为“你们”,因此member,名词,成员,在此用名词复数。故填members。
【详解】句意:看!我们面前有两栋教学楼。由 classroom可知,这里指教学楼,building意为 “建筑物”,由two可知,这里用复数。故填buildings。
【详解】句意:我爸爸今天下午要去学校参加家长会。此处指“家长会”,应用复数名词的所有格parents’,表示所属关系, parents’ meeting“家长会”。故填parents’。
【详解】句意:乔丹和詹姆斯是许多人心目中的篮球英雄。hero“英雄”,可数名词,结合“Jordan and James”可知,名词用复数,故填heroes。
【详解】句意:刘梅非常喜欢网球。李娜是她的英雄之一。one of+名词复数“……之一”,固定句式,heroine“女英雄”的复数形式为heroines。故填heroines。
【详解】句意:我认为这双鞋是运动员们其中一个人的。请保管好它们。根据“the shoes are one of the...”可知,此处用one of the +可数名词复数所有格,表示“……中的其中一个”,这种结构属于双重所有格。play对应的名词职业是player“运动员”,其复数是players,以s结尾的名词,其所有格是加’。故填players’。
【详解】句意:那边的球是这些篮球运动员的。根据“The balls over there are these basketball...”可知,球是运动员们的,players’“运动员们的”符合语境,故填players’。
【详解】句意:女士们,先生们,欢迎来到我们的大聚会!由“Ladies and ...”可知,应用gentleman的复数gentlemen。故填gentlemen。专题02 there be句型和名词的数
There be 句型
定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。
注意:There be 句型中be动词的选择是有is或are,没有am。
结构:(1)There is+a/an+单数可数名词+地点状语
There is a ruler on the desk. 书桌上有一把尺。
(2)There are+复数可数名词+地点状语
There are four apples on the tree. 树上有四个苹果。
(3)There is + 不可数名词 +地点状语
例:There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。
3. There be句型的就近原则
There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由离be动词最近的名词单复数决定。
如:There is a ruler, two books and many pencils on the desk。
离be动词最近的一项是单数a ruler,因此,be动词用单数is。
There are two books, a ruler and many pencils on the desk。
离be动词最近的一项是复数two books,因此,be动词用复数are。
① There is a teacher and many students in our classroom. (就近原则)
② There are many students and a teacher in our classroom. (就近原则)
规则变化 示例
在词尾后加-s book→books cup- cups
以s,x,sh, ch结尾的词后加-es bus-buses box-boxes dish-dishes watch -watches
以f, fe 结尾的词,先去掉f或fe,再加-ves half→halves wife --wives
以o结尾且表示有生命的事物的词后加-es Hero- heroes potato- potatoes tomato-tomatoes mango-mangoes
以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,先去掉y再加-ies;以元音字母加-y结尾的词,直接在词尾加-s city-cities family→families boy-boys day-days
There be句型的各种句型结构
There+be (is/are)+某物/某人+地点/时间。
There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。
②否定句: There+be(is/are)+not+某物/某人+地点。
注意:原句中如有some一词,也应改为any. 例如:
There is some milk in the bottle。瓶子里有一些牛奶。
There isn’t any milk in the bottle。瓶子里没有牛奶。
③ 一般疑问句: Be(Is/Are)+there+某物/某人+地点?
There are some birds in the tree.树上有几只鸟。
Are there any birds in the tree 树上有鸟吗
对疑问句的应答,如果是肯定的,可以答:Yes, there is 或there are.
如果是否定的,可以说: No, there isn't.或there aren't.
④ there be的特殊疑问句:
如果主语是物,用What is +地点状语?
如果主语是人,用Who is + 地点状语?
① What is in the classroom ---- There are 5 desks and 5 chairs in the classroom.
② Who is in the classroom ---- There are 5 boys in the classroom.
特殊变化 示例
元音发生变化 man-men
单复数同形 a sheep- two sheep
a deer-five deer
a Chinese- some Chinese
a Japanese-three Japanese
有些名词只有复致形式 clothes trousers glasses scissors
a cup of coffee一杯咖啡
three pieces of bread 三片面包
1.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)There isn’t ________ in the kitchen.
A.some bread B.some mangoes C.any beans D.any juice
2.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)There ________ some pieces of news about the World Cup in today’s newspaper.
A.are B.is C.was D.were
3.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)—Mom, there’s no milk in the fridge.
—Oh, but there ________ three bottles of orange juice in it.
A.are B.isn’t C.aren’t D.is
4.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)There’re ______ in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some.
A.some fruit B.little meat
C.a few eggs D.few vegetables
5.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)There ________ some paper and a pencil on the table. I want to do some drawing.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
6.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)—Look, there ________ some eggs in the fridge, but I think we need some more.
—Well, let’s go to the supermarket to buy some.
A.have B.don’t have C.are D.aren’t
7.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)—I am really busy on weekends because homework takes a lot of time. There is ________ report, two slideshow presentations and three projects to do this weekend.
—At least they don’t sound boring.
A.an one-page B.a one-page C.two page of D.two pages of
8.(2022上·江苏连云港·七年级统考期末)There ________ enough milk, vegetables and fruit in the fridge.
A.have B.has C.is D.are
9.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)—There ________ more than three ways to express the meanings in English.
—Wow, learning English is really fun.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
10.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)—________ any news on your Wechat(微信)today
—No, there isn’t.
A.There is B.Is there C.There isn’t D.Are there
11.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—Dad, there ________ a basketball match and two fashion shows this weekend.
—Really ________
A.is; Best wishes! B.is; Have a good time.
C.are; Good idea. D.are; Wish your team good luck.
12.(2022上·江苏·七年级统考期末)There ________ some cartons of juice in the fridge, but there ________ any milk.
A.are; is B.are; isn’t C.is; aren’t D.is; isn’t
13.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)My school is very beautiful. There _________ some shops and a park around it.
A.is B.are C.have D.has
14.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考阶段练习)—Is there a swimming pool in your school
— ________ .
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, there is D.No, there aren’t
15.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级南京市第二十九中学校考阶段练习)There ________ any students on the basketball court.
A.isn’t B.is C.are D.aren’t
16.(2021上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考期中)There ________ a library and 3 classroom buildings in our school.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
17.(2020上·江苏镇江·七年级校考周测)— Can you see the picture on the wall
— Yes. There ________ an apple and two oranges in the picture.
A.are B.is C.have D.has
18.(2021上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)There ________ some juice, two apples and a bottle of milk in the fridge.
A.is B.are C.have D.has
19.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—Andy, what would you like to order
—I’d like two ________.
A.glass of milks B.glasses of milk C.glass of milk D.glasses of milks
20.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校考期末)—What can I do for you?
—I want to buy ________.
A.two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salts
B.two kilos of potatoes and two packet of salt
C.two kilos of potatos and two packets of salt
D.two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salt
21.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)All the girl students and ________ at our school will receive flowers on Women’s Day.
A.women teachers B.women teacher
C.woman teacher D.woman teachers
22.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)—What can I do for you, sir
—I’d like two ______. We all like fruit during the fight against COVED-19.
A.bowls of rice B.baskets of oranges C.cartons of milk D.bottles of water
23.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)We usually do morning ________ at 9:00 a.m. and take some _________ at 4:30 p.m.
A.exercises; exercise B.exercises; exercises C.exercise; exercise D.exercise; exercises
24.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期中)—Boys and girls, do you do morning ________ every day
—Yes, we take some ________ for half an hour every morning.
A.exercise; exercise B.exercise; exercises
C.exercises; exercises D.exercises; exercise
25.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Don’t always sit at the desk and do ________. You need more _______ if you want to keep healthy.
A.exercise; exercises B.exercises; exercises
C.exercises; exercise D.exercise; exercise
26.(2021上·江苏南通·七年级校联考期中)You should do more ________. Don’t always sit at the desk to do your ________ in the classroom .
A.exercise, exercises B.exercise, exercise
C.exercises, exercise D.exercises, exercises
27.(2022上·七年级单元测试)— ________ your ________ long or short
— I have short hair.
A.Is;hair B.Are;hairs C.Does;hair D.Do;hairs
28.(2022上·七年级单元测试)Miss Li has long black hair and ________.
A.wear glasses B.wears glasses C.wear glass D.wears glass
29.(2021上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期中)They often take _________, and they do eye _________ every day.
A.exercise; exercises B.exercises; exercises
C.exercise; exercise D.exercises; exercise
30.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级校考阶段练习)Now, it’s very common to see __________ in big hospitals.
A.man nurses B.men nurse C.man nurse D.men nurses
31.(2021上·江苏泰州·七年级校考期中)All the ________ are from ________. They are very kind to others.
A.men doctors; American B.men doctors; America
C.man doctors; American D.man doctors; America
32.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校考阶段练习)The little girl has ________.
A.a long hair B.long hair C.black hairs D.long hairs
33.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级校考阶段练习)The children have ________ in the park on Sunday afternoon.
A.a lot of fun B.lots of funs C.a lot fun D.lot of funs
34.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)—Is there anything I can do for you, sir
—I’d like two ________. We all like them.
A.bowls of rices B.boxes of apples C.kilos of porks D.bottles of oranges
35.(2022上·江苏南通·七年级统考期末)We need to buy two _________ for supper today.
A.kilo of tomatoes B.kilo of tomatos C.kilos of tomatoes D.kilos of tomatos
36.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)The little boy is crying because he lost(掉了)his two ________ in his mouth.
A.tooth B.tooths C.toothes D.teeth
37.(2022上·江苏·七年级统考期末)Billy goes to the supermarket to buy two ________ for dinner every Saturday morning.
A.meat B.kilo of meat C.kilos of meat D.kilos meat
38.(2022上·上海黄浦·七年级统考期中)We should buy some ________ for the new flat.
A.chair B.cupboard C.furniture D.machine
39.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)We need to buy some ________ and two ________ meat for dinner this evening.
A.potato; kilos B.potatoes; kiloes C.potatoes; kilos D.potatos; kilos
40.(2022上·江苏宿迁·七年级统考期末)—Mum, what would you like to buy for supper today
—We need to buy three ________.
A.kilo of potatoes B.kilos of potato C.kilos of potatoes D.kilo of potato
41.(2022上·江苏镇江·七年级统考期末)— This is really a big dinner.
— Yes, it is. There (be) beef, pork, chicken, fish and many vegetables.
42.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)— (be) there any salt on the table Please hand it to me.
—Yes. Here you are, mum.
43.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)Listen! There (seem) to be a ghost singing not far from the wall.
44.(2022上·江苏常州·七年级统考期中)There (not be) any orange in your glass. Would you like some more
45.(2021上·江苏无锡·七年级无锡市第一女子中学校考阶段练习)—How many football fields are there in your school
—Sorry, there (not be) any.
46.(2021上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考阶段练习)There (be)some milk and water on the ground.
47.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级宜兴市树人中学校联考阶段练习)There (not be) any orange in the fridge. Would you like to buy some
48.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)These two pairs of glasses are my (grandparent).
49.(2023上·江苏无锡·七年级校考期末)Cut the apple into (half) and we can share them with others.
50.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期末)My dad likes football very much, and he watched the 22nd World Cup. Messi and Ronaldo are his . (hero)
51.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)The watch may be one of those (gentleman). He looks worried.
52.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Lionel Messi, one of the top , makes his dream come true in 2022. (play)
53.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)The ball under the desk is one of the basketball in the USA.(play)
54.(2022上·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)How beautiful the (scarf) look! I want to buy one.
55.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)The girls of Chinese Women’s volleyball Team are our (hero).They did well in Rio Olympic Games.
56.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)We should remember all the (hero) names for they are the most lovely people in our country.
57.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级统考期中)Mei Sheng is one of the (hero) in the movie The Battle At Lake Changjin II.
58.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)—Are you ___________ (member) of the Reading Club
—Yes, we all love reading.
59.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)Do you know the two _________ (play) names They do a very good job.
60.(2022上·江苏扬州·七年级校联考期中)Look! There are two classroom _____________(build) in front of us.
61.(2022上·江苏淮安·七年级统考期中)My father will go to school for the (parent) meeting this afternoon.
62.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期中)The (parent)meeting begins at one o’clock in the afternoon.
63.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期中)Jordan and James are many people’s basketball (hero).
64.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)The Greens thanked the fireman for saving their (life).
65.(2022上·江苏无锡·七年级校联考期中)Little Tom doesn’t have any (hobby)—unless(除非) you call watching TV a hobby.
66.(2022上·江苏南京·七年级统考期中)The (play) in the team come from different countries.
67.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期中)Liu Mei likes tennis very much. Li Na is one of her (heroine).
68.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级校联考期中)I think the shoes are one of the (play). Please take good care of them.
69.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)The balls over there are these basketball (play).
70.(2022上·江苏盐城·七年级统考期末)Ladies and (gentleman), welcome to our big party!



