
Many foreigners move to China because of a strong interest in its culture. One man has turned 1 interest into love and this love made him write many books about China. He is William, an American who has lived in China for 33 years, his Chinese name is Pan and he 2 Lao Pan in China.
3 1988, Lao Pan first came to China and worked as a teacher at a university. But Lao Pan did not begin 4 China until he and his family took a 3 month drive around the county. These experiences in China gave him ideas for his books. Since then he 5 thirteen books about China. These books give the world a fuller picture of China and Lao Pan is proud of what he is doing.
Lao Pan’s new book 6 his forty seven letters to his family back in America. The letters show China’s development in 7 periods. Lao Pan 8 says he loves China so much because of its people. He sees it as 9 life long task to let more westerners know what China is like. He will continue telling the nation’s 10 to the world
1. A. him B. his C. he
2. A. calls B. call C. is called
3. A. In B. At C. On
4. A. understood B. understand C. to understand
5. A. writes B. wrote C. has written
6. A. include B. includes C. including
7. A. difference B. different C. differently
8. A. often B. never C. seldom
9. A. a B. an C. the
10. A. story B. stories C. story’s
Sarah was a shy and quiet girl when she started middle school. She found it difficult to make friends and often felt 11 One day, her teacher said that the school was organizing a talent show and encouraged everyone to 12 it.
Sarah loved singing, but she was too afraid to perform in front of others. However, she decided to enter the show and make a 13 She practiced every day, hoping to be brave and confident. On the day of the talent show, Sarah was very nervous. Her hands were shaking as she stood beside the stage, 14 her turn. When her name was called, she took a deep breath and walked onto the stage 15 .
As Sarah started singing, her voice was a bit low. But as she continued, she got 16 , and her voice became stronger. The listeners were amazed by her talent and gave her a big hand.
After the performance, Sarah 17 a lot of praise and invitations to join singing clubs. She was surprised by the positive 18 and realized that it was worth making the change.
From that day on, Sarah became 19 and confident. She made many friends and started taking part in different activities. She learned that taking risks and 20 her fears could lead to personal growth and new chances.
11. A. afraid B. happy C. tired D. lonely
12. A. get out of B. take part in C. come up with D. look down upon
13. A. mistake B. suggestion C. change D. choice
14. A. looking after B. waiting for C. learning from D. thinking about
15. A. nervously B. excitedly C. angrily D. proudly
16. A. interest B. power C. confidence D. experience
17. A. showed B. refused C. asked D. received
18. A. results B. songs C. shows D. ways
19. A. shy B. honest C. kind D. active
20. A. facing B. seeing C. touching D. catching
Nowadays, more and more children spend too much time playing mobile phones. It makes parents feel worried. In order to get the children out of the room, the community is going to organize a camp this summer.
Camper Handbook We’ve created a handbook you can download here www. . It answers many of the questions parents and campers have about DEC Summer Camp. As you’ve already signed up your kid for this camp, you can check your email box for a copy of the handbook as well. Please review it and get in touch with us at 569-985 if you have questions. Camp houses About ten people share a wood house, including a coach and a camp volunteer. A general bath house is within 200 feet of each house. The size of a house may not be the same. Camp Rules 1. Money: Spending money is NOT needed at camp with no place to spend it. Money and all valuables should remain at home. 2. Electronics (电子产品): Electronics like mobile phones and computer games are NOT allowed at camp. These will be taken away and returned to the camper when the camp ends. Sample Schedules Generally, campers get up at 7:00 am and have an early bird activity like swimming or fishing. After breakfast, there are activities until lunch. These may include environmental lessons or biology experiments. A wildlife biologist may guide the campers. After lunch, there are more activities, such as hiking (徒步), boating, or field trips. Taking a night walk, star watching, playing games and listening to stories around a campfire (营火) are among the choices for the night.
21. How many ways are there for a camper to get the handbook
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
22. Who may be the campers
A. Parents. B. Coaches. C. Volunteers. D. Children.
23. Which of the following sign may be seen at the camp
A. B. C. D.
24. Which is an afternoon activity
A. Fishing. B. Storytelling. C. A field trip. D. An experiment.
25. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To explain camping knowledge. B. To share the history of a camp.
C. To introduce camp coaches and teachers. D. To provide information of a camp.
Today more and more people travel around China by high-speed train. We know that China wasn’t an early starter in the high-speed rail field. Japan started half a century ago, and Ger-many did 22 years ago. But China has the largest high-speed railway system (系统) in the world. Here are some advantages of China high—speed trains.
First, China high-speed trains do well in speed. For example, the G3 train from Beijing to Shanghai only takes 4 hours and 48 minutes. But a normal-speed train takes more than 15 hours. The travel time between main cities in China has already been reduced.
Second, it’s handy for you to book or cancel tickets. There are many high speed trains running during the day, especially between popular cities. You can choose your favorite one according to your plan. It’s easy to cancel or change, if necessary.
As we know, airplanes and normal speed trains sometimes will not arrive on time. But high-speed trains always arrive at station on time. This type of trains are less affected (影响) by weather conditions or traffic control.
Moreover, traveling by high-speed train can make your trip more comfortable. You can enjoy nearly the same service as airplane. You can even walk around on a train and use the Internet on a high-speed train.
According to these advantages, the high-speed railways bridge the distance between people. It greatly develops people’s lives.
26. Which country has the largest high-speed railway system (系统) in the world
A. China. B. Japan. C. England. D. Germany.
27. What does the underlined word “handy” mean in Paragraph 3
A. Hard. B. Convenient. C. Safe. D. Difficult.
28. How many advantages are mentioned in this passage
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
29. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. What the high-speed railways do good to people.
B. How China’s high-speed railways will be.
C. Why high-speed railways are so fast.
D. When high-speed railways will be improved.
30. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. China was not an early starter in the high-speed rail field.
B. High-speed rail in China is popular for its speed, comfort and so on.
C. High—speed trains develop the enviroment in different areas.
D. China’s high-speed railways shorten the distance of different areas.
31. Miss Young spends a lot of money on expensive things. But she doesn’t need these things sometimes. 32. Mrs Smith has a lovely son. But sometimes he is a little difficult. Mrs Smith doesn’t know what to do. 33. Wang Hui likes to eat junk unhealthy food. She’s getting fat. She wants to learn how to eat well and healthily. 34. Lily often gets sick. She wants to know how to be strong and what sports are good for her. 35. Betty wants to make delicious food for her mother on Mother’s Day. But she doesn’t know how to make it. A. Cooking a meal is not so difficult. We have many good teachers here. So why not come to our sweet home and learn to cook some delicious food B. It’s a talk show about how to get on well with your children. It will tell you how to get to know your children better and make friends with them. C. It’s a special TV programme. It tells you about all kinds of healthy food and how to eat well. You can also learn how to plan your everyday meals. D. Do you know how to use the Internet well There is so much information on the Internet. What do you really need We have got many lessons to help you. E. This TV programme tells you how to help sick people. Friends are very important to them. So take our lessons and you can learn some skills to make them happy. F. We have got some interesting lessons to tell you how to do sports and stay healthy. What sports can you do How to exercise every day Come and join us! G. Do you often buy a lot of things Do you know how to save money Come and take these special lessons about money saving.
if be follow safety tradition us after careful impolite accident or wait
A group did a survey about good behavior for 300 people. Here are the results. In my opinion, 36 the traffic rules is what everyone should do As we can see, many traffic 37 happen every day, and they do harm to (对…有害) people’s lives. So be sure not to drive 38 drinking. What’s more, we should pay attention to the traffic lights and speed limits (时速限制). For 39 , we shouldn’t play on the road. And it is not only polite but also safe to 40 in line when we get on the bus. As a polite student, we shouldn’t talk in class. We should put up our hands 41 we have any questions. Don’t speak loudly during the break. And I think it’s 42 to be late for class We had better not laugh at others when they 43 in trouble. We should often say “Please” or “Thank you”. Being polite is a good 44 in our country. Nobody likes an impolite person. So It’s very important for 45 to be polite. We should be a polite student. If everyone is polite to others, the world will be more and more peaceful.
My name is Luo Xiaowei. I am a teacher in a school in a small town. I came here when I was 22 years old. So far, 20 years has been gone.
People usually ask me what it is like to be a teacher I think sometimes it can be hard and tiring, because kids are difficult. I have to teach them right from wrong patiently. But most of the time, I feel great to be a teacher. When the students make progress day by day, I am proud of them and myself. Last Monday, when I came back to my office after a lesson, a girl was waiting for me at the door. She is shy and hardly speaks in class. She took something out of her pocket and put it on my hand. Then she ran away. It was a candy with a piece of note saying: “Miss Luo, my mom came back yesterday and taught me to make the candy. You are the first one I want to share with.” At that moment, all the tiredness (劳累) had been swept away. And that is why I stick to (坚持) being a teacher.
46. How long has Luo Xiaowei been a teacher in the school
47. Why does Luo Xiaowei feel tired sometimes
48. How does Luo Xiaowei feel when the students make progress
49. What does Luo Xiaowei think of the girl
50. What was the girl’s present to Luo Xiaowei
A great teacher in my life
Good morning, everyone. I would like to introduce a great teacher in my life to you. ______________________
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 B C A C C B B A A B
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 D B C B A C D A D A
题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 B D B C D A B C A B
题号 31 32 33 34 35
答案 G B C F A
题号 36 37 38 39 40
答案 following accidents after safety wait
题号 41 42 43 44 45
答案 if impolite are tradition us
46. For twenty years.
She has been a teacher in the school for twenty years.
She has taught in a school in a small town for twenty years.
47. Because kids are difficult.
48. Proud of them and herself. /Proud of the students and herself./ She is proud of the students and herself./ She feels proud of the students and herself.
49. She is shy and hardly speaks in class.
50. It was a candy with a note. /A candy with a note.
51. One possible version:
A great teacher in my life
Good morning, everyone. I would like to introduce a great teacher in my life to you. The teacher I would like to introduce is my English teacher Ms Wang. She looks beautiful with long hair.
When I was in Grade 9, I was tired of studying hard all day but making little progress. I almost gave up. I refused to do homework. At that time, Ms Wang came to me. She took me to the playground and asked me to run with her. When I felt tired, she encouraged me and said, “Come on, the line is there. Do it, and then you are the winner. Give it up now, and then everything you have done is nothing.” I understood what she meant. I stuck to it finally, not only the running, but also the study. Never give up.
This is the teacher I like most. She shows me not only how to study but also how to face our life. I am thankful to her. I want to be someone like her.



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