
The Lemon Tree Literary Prize It’s the time again! Here’s our Writing Competition for 2024!
Rules: Please read the following rules carefully before handing in your writing. ●Teenagers aged 12—18 are welcome to join in the competition. ●You can choose any style of writing. ●You mustn’t copy others’ work(s) . The work(s) should be created by yourself. ●Your writing won’t be returned to you. Attention: Please draw stars with different colors on your envelope (信封) according to the style of your writing: Novel: red Short story: green Poem: blue Play: yellow For other styles, you can write down your style of writing on the envelope. Key information: ★Click here to download your entry (参加) form. Remember to hand in your form and work (s) before May20, 2024. ★The winners of the activity will get a set of books about how to improve your writing abilities. ★You can click “Results” here after June 4, 2024 and download your certificate (证书) . Click here for more information.
1.Which is OK according to the rules of the competition
A.11-year-old Tom can join in the competition.
B.We can write any style of writing we like.
C.Lily asks her brother to write a poem for her competition.
D.Our work(s) will be sent back to us after the competition.
2.To hand in a short story and a poem, what colors of stars should we draw on the envelope
A.Red and green. B.Green and yellow. C.Blue and red. D.Green and blue.
3.What can the winners get in the competition
A. B. C. D.
4.Who may be interested in the text
A.Scientists. B.Doctors. C.Students. D.Farmers.
5.Where would you most probably read the text
A.On a shopping poster. B.On a website.
C.In a science report. D.In a health magazine.
(2023上·河南新乡·九年级统考期末)Different countries have different greeting customs (习俗). Now let’s read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures.
France French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks (面颊) when they meet. They do this when meeting and before leaving.
Korea In Korea, it is a sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other. In Korea, a bow is followed by a handshake. However, Korean women do not shake hands with Western men. Instead, they bow slightly (稍微).
Brazil Kissing women on the cheek is a common way of greeting. In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men should shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have become familiar (熟悉的) with each other, a light hug (拥抱) is often given to each other.
Ghana In a social situation, it’s polite to greet everyone in the room. A handshake is used in greeting, and the palm (手掌) must directly touch the palm of the other. It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.
6.Where do two close French friends kiss each other when they meet
A.On the eye. B.On the arm. C.On the palm. D.On the cheek.
7.What do we know about people in Ghana
A.Friends can give a light hug to each other.
B.It’s impolite to touch the back of the hand.
C.People can give a nod or a handshake to others.
D.Family members can greet each other with a kiss.
8.What do Brazilian men do before and after meeting
A.Bow to each other. B.Press the palm.
C.Shake hands D.Kiss each other.
9.What’s the text mainly about
A.Different food in different cultures. B.How people greet in different countries.
C.Men and women greet people in different ways. D.Where you can go traveling.
10.In which part of a magazine can you read the text
A.Customs and Cultures. B.Science and Technology.
C.Healthy Life. D.Animal World.
(2023上·河南平顶山·九年级统考期末)At the Ridgeway Academy After School Club, your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills.
Courses & Hours
After school club session Time Booked session Pay as you go
Half session (场,次) (no snacks included) 3: 00 p.m. — 4: 30 p.m. $ 7.00 $ 8.20
Full session (including snacks) 3: 00 p.m. — 6: 00 p.m. $ 12.00 $ 13.20
You can fill out booking forms at the school’s reception desk.
To make payments and protect your child’s place, please visit www.
Staff (工作人员)
Fully trained and qualified (合格的).
We have many years of experience in caring for children.
Ridgeway Academy, King Road, Redditch, B10 8BD
For more details, call 0101 222 4537 or 05807 303 782
E-mail: info@
20 percent discount available (only for full session bookings)
11.Students CANNOT ________ at the After School Club.
A.play outdoors B.learn new skills
C.make friends D.make money for parents
12.Jane’s mother wants to try “pay as you go” at the After School Club before booking. How much should she pay for a full session
A.$ 7.00. B.$ 8.20. C.$ 12.00. D.$ 13.20.
13.What do we know about the After School Club
A.Parents can pay online.
B.Sessions can only be booked online.
C.The club’s staff are unexperienced.
D.There are no discounts for any kind of booking.
14.Which of the following information is NOT mentioned in the material
A.Price. B.The club’s address.
C.Bus information. D.Telephone number.
15.Where is the text most probably from
A.A textbook. B.A poster. C.A storybook. D.A novel.
(2023上·河南周口·九年级统考期末)Junior Journalist Competition (竞赛)
We are searching for new junior journalists for Kids News. The free competition is open to children in Grades 3—9, with four groups for both primary and high school students:
·News—story—print ·News—story—video
·Sports—story—print ·Sports—story—video
The first prize winner will make a guest appearance (以嘉宾身份出现) on Channel10’s Studio10 program, hosted by Narelda Jacobs.
Jacobs has been a television journalist for more than 20 years. She said it was important for kids to take an interest in news. “Knowledge is power,” she said. “Knowing what’s going on in the world around kids can help them form their own opinions and ideas.”
Besides, there are four second prize winners and five third prize winners. They will receive $1,000 and $750 respectively (分别).
How to enter
●Write a story or create a video story about something that has happened or is about to happen in your school or local community. Your story should be true.
●You can submit (提交) your work from January 6 to March 6.
●E-mail your work to juniorjournalist@ before 5 p.m. on March 6.
16.How many winners will be picked in the competition
A.3. B.6. C.9. D.10.
17.Which of the following does Narelda Jacobs most probably agree with
A.News is important to kids.
B.Studio 10 is the best program for kids.
C.The competition is great for every kid.
D.Kids don’t have to form their own opinions or ideas early.
18.What do we know about the competition from Paragraph 1
A.Its time. B.Its purpose. C.Its guests. D.Its prizes.
19.What kind of work will be accepted by the competition
A.A fairy tale in print form.
B.A science fiction in print form.
C.A report about your school open day in video form.
D.A true story about the world’s first astronaut in video form.
20.Who is the text written for
A.Writers. B.Parents. C.Students. D.Teachers.
Vinegar (醋) has long been an important part of the Chinese food flavour (风味). Over the years, many kinds of vinegar have been produced in China. There are four kinds of vinegar that are famous throughout the country. Let’s take a look!
Zhenjiang Vinegar Zhenjiang Vinegar is also known as Black Vinegar. The biggest feature: a little sweet. When it is eaten with Jiangnan’s meat-filled snacks, the sweetness can better reflect (体现) the delicious taste of the snacks.
Shanxi Mature Vinegar Shanxi Mature Vinegar has a history of more than 3,000 years. The complex ingredients make it taste fresh and special. It also has high medical value. It is often believed to prevent high blood pressure and skin disease.
Sichuan Baoning Vinegar Sichuan Baoning Vinegar has been known as the spirit of Sichuan dishes for nearly a hundred years. It contains (含有) many kinds of traditional Chinese herbs (药草) which give a special taste and health value to the vinegar.
Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar is the least likely to be found outside of China. As the name suggests, it is red in color, unlike the typical color of the other three.
Have you ever tried these four kinds of vinegar Which one do you prefer
21.If Simon likes eating meat-filled snacks, which vinegar should be suggested
A.Zhenjiang Vinegar. B.Shanxi Mature Vinegar.
C.Sichuan Baoning Vinegar. D.Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar.
22.What diseases may Shanxi Mature Vinegar help prevent
①high blood pressure ②heart disease ③cancer ④skin disease
A.①③ B.②④ C.①④ D.③④
23.Which is NOT the feature of Sichuan Baoning Vinegar
A.It has a special taste and health value.
B.There are traditional Chinese herbs in it.
C.It is known as the spirit of Sichuan food.
D.It is the least likely to be found outside of China.
24.What do the four kinds of vinegar have in common
A.They have the same color. B.They are all famous in China.
C.They all taste a little sweet. D.They all have a long history.
25.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To ask readers to buy more vinegar. B.To explain why Chinese people like vinegar.
C.To introduce famous vinegar in China. D.To tell the history of different kinds of vinegar.
Computer Problems Experienced IT engineers will work out problems with home computers. Phone “the Computer Doctor” for free advice at 09936 535251. Babysitter wantedA babysitter is wanted to look after the 1.8-year-old twins for six hours a day only on weekends. It would be fit for a student with some experience of looking after babies, 5.0 an hour. Phone Wendy at 685 873 536.
Lost!!! Small grey cat missing in the Tiebei Area. She’s afraid of dogs and teenage boys. If you see her, please, please phone 03665 453532. Room to letLook for one more student to share the house. Your own room with a single bed, a desk and a chair. Near the university and shopping centers, 300 a month plus bills (including Wi-Fi). Non-smokers only. Phone Sandra at 623 212637.
Get fit to the sound of a Latin (与拉美音乐舞蹈有关的) beat! The Latin dance is easier than you think and great fun. Join us TODAY! Beginners’ classes: Monday/Wednesday 9 a.m.—10 a.m. Mid-level classes: Tuesday/Thursday 3 p.m.—4 p.m. Advanced classes: Monday/Wednesday 6 p.m.—7 p.m. Come and book your place before 22 September at Baofeng Sports Centre.
26.Which number should Li Nan phone if her computer can’t work
A.623 212637. B.685 873 536. C.03665 453532. D.09936 535251.
27.How much money can a student make by babysitting for a weekend
A. 30.00. B. 10.00. C. 60.00. D. 15.00
28.Which of the following things isn’t in the room to let
A. B. C. D.
29.Daming has no dance experience. When can he take Latin dance classes
A.At 9 a.m. on Wednesday. B.At 3 p.m. on Tuesday.
C.At 6 p.m. on Monday. D.At 7 p.m. on Thursday.
30.Where may you see the noticeboard
A.In the cinema. B.In the community centre.
C.In the hospital. D.In the sports centre.
(2023上·河南周口·九年级校联考期末)As we know, Changsha has changed a lot in the past few years. People’s living conditions have improved a lot. The buildings are becoming taller and brighter. People can buy all kinds of food and clothes in the supermarkets. Trees are being planted every year and more gardens have appeared. Every morning, you can see many people do sports in the parks. Most of the people feel much safer on the streets now. The changes make the people in the city live a happy life. The small survey below is from people in Changsha. One hundred persons were chosen (被选出来) to answer the questions last month.
What they want Health Safety Food
62% 30% 8%
Where they like to live In a quieter place In a busier place In a greener place
48% 2% 50%
What they think of working in the city Bad Good No idea
10% 77% 13%
What they worry about The high price of houses Medical care The education cost
42% 39% 19%
31.From the survey, ________ of the people in Changsha care about safety.
A.62% B.30% C.8% D.66%
32.77% of the people think working in Changsha is ________.
A.bad B.good C.hard D.sad
33.From the survey, we know very few people want to live ________.
A.in a busier place B.in a quieter place
C.in a greener place D.on a mountain
34.Every morning, you can see many people do sports ________.
A.on the playgrounds B.by the rivers
C.in the gyms D.in the parks
35.According to the passage and the survey, we know that ________.
A.most people worry about the high price of houses
B.13% people in Changsha think working in the city is bad
C.the changes in Changsha make people enjoy living there
D.the survey was made last week
Martin D12 Guitar for SaleI’m selling my used Martin D12 guitar, bought in 2010. It has been sitting in its case (盒子) for years. The case is included. I’m asking for $800. The price of the guitar was $1,100 when I bought it. It’s in perfect condition, except for some scratches (划痕) on the front of the guitar. They don’t affect its sound. I’ll post the guitar after you buy it. My name is Mike Evers. My e-mail address is mevers@ .
From: Dora Swift (doras@) To: mevers@ Subject: Martin D12 Guitar Hi, Mike, I saw your ad and I’m interested in the guitar, but I have a few questions. Where does the guitar come from I searched online, and it seems that American model has a maple (枫树) neck, while the neck of the model from another country is made of worse wood. If you know where it was made, that would answer my question. I’d also like to ask you if you could keep the guitar for a couple of weeks. I’m out of the country now, but I’m coming back on the twelfth of the next month, and I’d like to try it out first. I can offer $20 more for you on top of the $ 800 that you’re asking for. Let me know if you can wait. Thanks! Sincerely, Dora
36.Why is Mike selling the guitar
A.Because he can’t play it. B.Because he seldom plays it.
C.Because he has bought a new one. D.Because he dislikes the marks on it.
37.What does Dora want to know about the guitar
A.Who made the guitar. B.Where the guitar was made.
C.What the guitar was made of. D.Where Mike bought the guitar.
38.Why does Dora ask Mike to wait for her to come back
A.Because she wants to try out the guitar first.
B.Because she needs time to make her decision.
C.Because she doesn’t have enough money now.
D.Because she needs to look for information about it.
39.How much will Dora pay for it if Mike keeps the guitar until she comes back
A.$780. B.$800. C.$820. D.$1,100.
40.What can we learn from the text
A.Maple is the best wood for guitar.
B.Dora hasn’t done any research on the guitar.
C.The guitar model is only produced in America.
D.Dora is coming back to the country next month.
The Lemon Tree Literary Prize It’s the time again! Here’s our Writing Competition for 2024!
Rules: Please read the following rules carefully before handing in your writing. ●Teenagers aged 12—18 are welcome to join in the competition. ●You can choose any style of writing. ●You mustn’t copy others’ work(s) . The work(s) should be created by yourself. ●Your writing won’t be returned to you. Attention: Please draw stars with different colors on your envelope (信封) according to the style of your writing: Novel: red Short story: green Poem: blue Play: yellow For other styles, you can write down your style of writing on the envelope. Key information: ★Click here to download your entry (参加) form. Remember to hand in your form and work (s) before May20, 2024. ★The winners of the activity will get a set of books about how to improve your writing abilities. ★You can click “Results” here after June 4, 2024 and download your certificate (证书) . Click here for more information.
1.Which is OK according to the rules of the competition
A.11-year-old Tom can join in the competition.
B.We can write any style of writing we like.
C.Lily asks her brother to write a poem for her competition.
D.Our work(s) will be sent back to us after the competition.
2.To hand in a short story and a poem, what colors of stars should we draw on the envelope
A.Red and green. B.Green and yellow. C.Blue and red. D.Green and blue.
3.What can the winners get in the competition
A. B. C. D.
4.Who may be interested in the text
A.Scientists. B.Doctors. C.Students. D.Farmers.
5.Where would you most probably read the text
A.On a shopping poster. B.On a website.
C.In a science report. D.In a health magazine.
【答案】1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据第二条规则“You can choose any style of writing.”可知,可写任何文体。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据“Short story: green ”和“Poem: blue”可知,绿色代表短篇故事,蓝色代表诗歌。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据“The winners of the activity will get a set of books about how to improve your writing abilities.”可知,会得到一套提高写作能力的书籍。故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据规则的第一条“Teenagers aged 12~18 are welcome to join in the competition.”可知,年龄在12-18岁,可能的只有学生。故选C。
5.推理判断题。根据“Click here to download your entry form.”和“You can click ‘Results’ ... download your certificate.”可知,能点击、下载操作的只能是网站。故选B。
(2023上·河南新乡·九年级统考期末)Different countries have different greeting customs (习俗). Now let’s read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures.
France French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks (面颊) when they meet. They do this when meeting and before leaving.
Korea In Korea, it is a sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other. In Korea, a bow is followed by a handshake. However, Korean women do not shake hands with Western men. Instead, they bow slightly (稍微).
Brazil Kissing women on the cheek is a common way of greeting. In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men should shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have become familiar (熟悉的) with each other, a light hug (拥抱) is often given to each other.
Ghana In a social situation, it’s polite to greet everyone in the room. A handshake is used in greeting, and the palm (手掌) must directly touch the palm of the other. It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.
6.Where do two close French friends kiss each other when they meet
A.On the eye. B.On the arm. C.On the palm. D.On the cheek.
7.What do we know about people in Ghana
A.Friends can give a light hug to each other.
B.It’s impolite to touch the back of the hand.
C.People can give a nod or a handshake to others.
D.Family members can greet each other with a kiss.
8.What do Brazilian men do before and after meeting
A.Bow to each other. B.Press the palm.
C.Shake hands D.Kiss each other.
9.What’s the text mainly about
A.Different food in different cultures. B.How people greet in different countries.
C.Men and women greet people in different ways. D.Where you can go traveling.
10.In which part of a magazine can you read the text
A.Customs and Cultures. B.Science and Technology.
C.Healthy Life. D.Animal World.
【答案】6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A
6.细节理解题。根据“French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks (面颊) when they meet.”可知两个亲密的法国朋友见面会亲吻脸颊。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.”可知在加纳,触摸手背被认为是不礼貌的。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“Men should shake hands before and after meeting,”可知在巴西,男人在见面前后会握手。故选C。
9.主旨大意题。根据“Now let’s read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures.”可知文章主要介绍了不同国家的人们如何打招呼。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据“Different countries have different greeting customs (习俗). Now let’s read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures.”可知文章主要介绍了不同文化中的问候习俗,因此可以在杂志的习俗与文化部分看到这篇文章。故选A。
(2023上·河南平顶山·九年级统考期末)At the Ridgeway Academy After School Club, your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills.
Courses & Hours
After school club session Time Booked session Pay as you go
Half session (场,次) (no snacks included) 3: 00 p.m. — 4: 30 p.m. $ 7.00 $ 8.20
Full session (including snacks) 3: 00 p.m. — 6: 00 p.m. $ 12.00 $ 13.20
You can fill out booking forms at the school’s reception desk.
To make payments and protect your child’s place, please visit www.
Staff (工作人员)
Fully trained and qualified (合格的).
We have many years of experience in caring for children.
Ridgeway Academy, King Road, Redditch, B10 8BD
For more details, call 0101 222 4537 or 05807 303 782
E-mail: info@
20 percent discount available (only for full session bookings)
11.Students CANNOT ________ at the After School Club.
A.play outdoors B.learn new skills
C.make friends D.make money for parents
12.Jane’s mother wants to try “pay as you go” at the After School Club before booking. How much should she pay for a full session
A.$ 7.00. B.$ 8.20. C.$ 12.00. D.$ 13.20.
13.What do we know about the After School Club
A.Parents can pay online.
B.Sessions can only be booked online.
C.The club’s staff are unexperienced.
D.There are no discounts for any kind of booking.
14.Which of the following information is NOT mentioned in the material
A.Price. B.The club’s address.
C.Bus information. D.Telephone number.
15.Where is the text most probably from
A.A textbook. B.A poster. C.A storybook. D.A novel.
【答案】11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B
11.细节理解题。根据原文“your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills”可知,孩子在这个俱乐部可以在外面玩、交朋友和学习新技能,没有提到能替父母挣钱。故选D。
12.细节理解题。根据原文“Full session (including snacks)”和“Pay as you go $ 13.20”可知,Jane的母亲应支付13.2美元。故选D。
13.细节理解题。根据原文“To make payments and protect your child’s place, please visit www. ”可知,家长可以网上支付。故选A。
(2023上·河南周口·九年级统考期末)Junior Journalist Competition (竞赛)
We are searching for new junior journalists for Kids News. The free competition is open to children in Grades 3—9, with four groups for both primary and high school students:
·News—story—print ·News—story—video
·Sports—story—print ·Sports—story—video
The first prize winner will make a guest appearance (以嘉宾身份出现) on Channel10’s Studio10 program, hosted by Narelda Jacobs.
Jacobs has been a television journalist for more than 20 years. She said it was important for kids to take an interest in news. “Knowledge is power,” she said. “Knowing what’s going on in the world around kids can help them form their own opinions and ideas.”
Besides, there are four second prize winners and five third prize winners. They will receive $1,000 and $750 respectively (分别).
How to enter
●Write a story or create a video story about something that has happened or is about to happen in your school or local community. Your story should be true.
●You can submit (提交) your work from January 6 to March 6.
●E-mail your work to juniorjournalist@ before 5 p.m. on March 6.
16.How many winners will be picked in the competition
A.3. B.6. C.9. D.10.
17.Which of the following does Narelda Jacobs most probably agree with
A.News is important to kids.
B.Studio 10 is the best program for kids.
C.The competition is great for every kid.
D.Kids don’t have to form their own opinions or ideas early.
18.What do we know about the competition from Paragraph 1
A.Its time. B.Its purpose. C.Its guests. D.Its prizes.
19.What kind of work will be accepted by the competition
A.A fairy tale in print form.
B.A science fiction in print form.
C.A report about your school open day in video form.
D.A true story about the world’s first astronaut in video form.
20.Who is the text written for
A.Writers. B.Parents. C.Students. D.Teachers.
【答案】16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C
16.细节理解题。根据“The first prize winner will...”及“Besides, there are four second prize winners and five third prize winners.”可知,一等奖1名,二等奖4名,三等奖5名,共10名获奖者。故选D。
17.推理判断题。根据“She said it was important for kids to take an interest in news.”可推知,她认为新闻对孩子来说很重要。故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“We are searching for new junior journalists for Kids News.”可知,青年记者竞赛的目的是为儿童新闻寻找新的初级记者。故选B。
19.推理判断题。根据“Write a story or create a video story about something that has happened or is about to happen in your school or local community. Your story should be true.”可知,故事应是真实的,且发生在学校或当地社区,选项C“以视频形式报告你的学校开放日”符合题意。故选C。
20.推理判断题。根据”The free competition is open to children in Grades 3—9“及“Write a story or create a video story about something that has happened or is about to happen in your school or local community.“可推知,文章是写给学生的。故选C。
Vinegar (醋) has long been an important part of the Chinese food flavour (风味). Over the years, many kinds of vinegar have been produced in China. There are four kinds of vinegar that are famous throughout the country. Let’s take a look!
Zhenjiang Vinegar Zhenjiang Vinegar is also known as Black Vinegar. The biggest feature: a little sweet. When it is eaten with Jiangnan’s meat-filled snacks, the sweetness can better reflect (体现) the delicious taste of the snacks.
Shanxi Mature Vinegar Shanxi Mature Vinegar has a history of more than 3,000 years. The complex ingredients make it taste fresh and special. It also has high medical value. It is often believed to prevent high blood pressure and skin disease.
Sichuan Baoning Vinegar Sichuan Baoning Vinegar has been known as the spirit of Sichuan dishes for nearly a hundred years. It contains (含有) many kinds of traditional Chinese herbs (药草) which give a special taste and health value to the vinegar.
Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar is the least likely to be found outside of China. As the name suggests, it is red in color, unlike the typical color of the other three.
Have you ever tried these four kinds of vinegar Which one do you prefer
21.If Simon likes eating meat-filled snacks, which vinegar should be suggested
A.Zhenjiang Vinegar. B.Shanxi Mature Vinegar.
C.Sichuan Baoning Vinegar. D.Fujian Yongchun Red Vinegar.
22.What diseases may Shanxi Mature Vinegar help prevent
①high blood pressure ②heart disease ③cancer ④skin disease
A.①③ B.②④ C.①④ D.③④
23.Which is NOT the feature of Sichuan Baoning Vinegar
A.It has a special taste and health value.
B.There are traditional Chinese herbs in it.
C.It is known as the spirit of Sichuan food.
D.It is the least likely to be found outside of China.
24.What do the four kinds of vinegar have in common
A.They have the same color. B.They are all famous in China.
C.They all taste a little sweet. D.They all have a long history.
25.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To ask readers to buy more vinegar. B.To explain why Chinese people like vinegar.
C.To introduce famous vinegar in China. D.To tell the history of different kinds of vinegar.
【答案】21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C
21.细节理解题。根据“When it is eaten with Jiangnan’s meat-filled snacks, the sweetness can better reflect (体现) the delicious taste of the snacks.”可知Zhenjiang Vinegar与江南的肉馅小吃搭配食用,甜度更能体现小吃的美味口感。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据“It also has high medical value. It is often believed to prevent high blood pressure and skin disease.”可知Shanxi Mature Vinegar通常被认为可以预防高血压和皮肤病。故选C。
23.推理判断题。根据“Sichuan Baoning Vinegar has been known as the spirit of Sichuan dishes for nearly a hundred years. It contains (含有) many kinds of traditional Chinese herbs (药草) which give a special taste and health value to the vinegar.”可知,四川保宁醋被誉为川菜精神已有近百年历史,它含有多种传统中草药,赋予醋特殊的味道和健康价值,因此D项“在中国之外,它是最不可能被发现的。”并不是它的特征,故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据“There are four kinds of vinegar that are famous throughout the country”可知四种醋在全国闻名。故选B。
Computer Problems Experienced IT engineers will work out problems with home computers. Phone “the Computer Doctor” for free advice at 09936 535251. Babysitter wantedA babysitter is wanted to look after the 1.8-year-old twins for six hours a day only on weekends. It would be fit for a student with some experience of looking after babies, 5.0 an hour. Phone Wendy at 685 873 536.
Lost!!! Small grey cat missing in the Tiebei Area. She’s afraid of dogs and teenage boys. If you see her, please, please phone 03665 453532. Room to letLook for one more student to share the house. Your own room with a single bed, a desk and a chair. Near the university and shopping centers, 300 a month plus bills (including Wi-Fi). Non-smokers only. Phone Sandra at 623 212637.
Get fit to the sound of a Latin (与拉美音乐舞蹈有关的) beat! The Latin dance is easier than you think and great fun. Join us TODAY! Beginners’ classes: Monday/Wednesday 9 a.m.—10 a.m. Mid-level classes: Tuesday/Thursday 3 p.m.—4 p.m. Advanced classes: Monday/Wednesday 6 p.m.—7 p.m. Come and book your place before 22 September at Baofeng Sports Centre.
26.Which number should Li Nan phone if her computer can’t work
A.623 212637. B.685 873 536. C.03665 453532. D.09936 535251.
27.How much money can a student make by babysitting for a weekend
A. 30.00. B. 10.00. C. 60.00. D. 15.00
28.Which of the following things isn’t in the room to let
A. B. C. D.
29.Daming has no dance experience. When can he take Latin dance classes
A.At 9 a.m. on Wednesday. B.At 3 p.m. on Tuesday.
C.At 6 p.m. on Monday. D.At 7 p.m. on Thursday.
30.Where may you see the noticeboard
A.In the cinema. B.In the community centre.
C.In the hospital. D.In the sports centre.
【答案】26.D 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.B
26.细节理解题。根据“Phone ‘the Computer Doctor’ for free advice at 09936 535251.”可知,电脑不工作了,应拨打电话09936 535251。故选D。
27.推理判断题。根据“A babysitter is wanted to look after the 1.8-year-old twins for six hours a day only on weekends.”和“ 5.0 an hour.”可知,工作时间是周末,一天工作6小时,每小时5英镑,因此一周可以挣6×2×5=60英镑。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“Your own room with a single bed, a desk and a chair.”可知,房间里没有沙发。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“Beginners’ classes: Monday/Wednesday 9 a.m.—10 a.m.”可知,大明没有舞蹈经验,他可以在星期三上午9点去上拉丁舞课。故选A。
(2023上·河南周口·九年级校联考期末)As we know, Changsha has changed a lot in the past few years. People’s living conditions have improved a lot. The buildings are becoming taller and brighter. People can buy all kinds of food and clothes in the supermarkets. Trees are being planted every year and more gardens have appeared. Every morning, you can see many people do sports in the parks. Most of the people feel much safer on the streets now. The changes make the people in the city live a happy life. The small survey below is from people in Changsha. One hundred persons were chosen (被选出来) to answer the questions last month.
What they want Health Safety Food
62% 30% 8%
Where they like to live In a quieter place In a busier place In a greener place
48% 2% 50%
What they think of working in the city Bad Good No idea
10% 77% 13%
What they worry about The high price of houses Medical care The education cost
42% 39% 19%
31.From the survey, ________ of the people in Changsha care about safety.
A.62% B.30% C.8% D.66%
32.77% of the people think working in Changsha is ________.
A.bad B.good C.hard D.sad
33.From the survey, we know very few people want to live ________.
A.in a busier place B.in a quieter place
C.in a greener place D.on a mountain
34.Every morning, you can see many people do sports ________.
A.on the playgrounds B.by the rivers
C.in the gyms D.in the parks
35.According to the passage and the survey, we know that ________.
A.most people worry about the high price of houses
B.13% people in Changsha think working in the city is bad
C.the changes in Changsha make people enjoy living there
D.the survey was made last week
【答案】31.B 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据表格中“What they think of working in the city:Good:77%”可知,77%的人认为在长沙工作很好。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据表格中“In a quieter place:48%,In a busier place:2%,In a greener place:50%”可知,很少人喜欢在繁忙的地方居住。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据“Every morning, you can see many people do sports in the parks.”可知,每天早上有很多人在公园里做运动。故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据“The changes make the people in the city live a happy life. ”可知,这些变化使城市里的人们过上了幸福的生活,故推断出人们喜欢住在长沙。故选C。
Martin D12 Guitar for SaleI’m selling my used Martin D12 guitar, bought in 2010. It has been sitting in its case (盒子) for years. The case is included. I’m asking for $800. The price of the guitar was $1,100 when I bought it. It’s in perfect condition, except for some scratches (划痕) on the front of the guitar. They don’t affect its sound. I’ll post the guitar after you buy it. My name is Mike Evers. My e-mail address is mevers@ .
From: Dora Swift (doras@) To: mevers@ Subject: Martin D12 Guitar Hi, Mike, I saw your ad and I’m interested in the guitar, but I have a few questions. Where does the guitar come from I searched online, and it seems that American model has a maple (枫树) neck, while the neck of the model from another country is made of worse wood. If you know where it was made, that would answer my question. I’d also like to ask you if you could keep the guitar for a couple of weeks. I’m out of the country now, but I’m coming back on the twelfth of the next month, and I’d like to try it out first. I can offer $20 more for you on top of the $ 800 that you’re asking for. Let me know if you can wait. Thanks! Sincerely, Dora
36.Why is Mike selling the guitar
A.Because he can’t play it. B.Because he seldom plays it.
C.Because he has bought a new one. D.Because he dislikes the marks on it.
37.What does Dora want to know about the guitar
A.Who made the guitar. B.Where the guitar was made.
C.What the guitar was made of. D.Where Mike bought the guitar.
38.Why does Dora ask Mike to wait for her to come back
A.Because she wants to try out the guitar first.
B.Because she needs time to make her decision.
C.Because she doesn’t have enough money now.
D.Because she needs to look for information about it.
39.How much will Dora pay for it if Mike keeps the guitar until she comes back
A.$780. B.$800. C.$820. D.$1,100.
40.What can we learn from the text
A.Maple is the best wood for guitar.
B.Dora hasn’t done any research on the guitar.
C.The guitar model is only produced in America.
D.Dora is coming back to the country next month.
【答案】36.B 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.D
41.推理判断题。根据“It has been sitting in its case (盒子) for years.”可知,它闲置了好几年,说明他很少弹它。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据“Where does the guitar come from I searched online, and it seems that American model has a maple (枫树) neck, while the neck of the model from another country is made of worse wood. If you know where it was made, that would answer my question.”可知,她想知道这把吉他产自哪里。故选B。
43.细节理解题。根据“I’d also like to ask you if you could keep the guitar for a couple of weeks. I’m out of the country now, but I’m coming back on the twelfth of the next month, and I’d like to try it out first.”可知,她想先试一下吉他。故选A。
44.推理判断题。根据“I can offer $20 more for you on top of the $800 that you’re asking for. Let me know if you can wait.”可知,如果Mike能把吉他留到Dora回来时,她会支付820美元。故选C。
45.细节理解题。根据“I’m out of the country now, but I’m coming back on the twelfth of the next month, and I’d like to try it out first.”可知,Dora下个月回国。故选D。



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