Unit1 Do you want to watch a game show单元练习(含答案)

Unit1 Do you want to watch a game show 单元练习
1.—________ buy something interesting for your sister’s birthday
—Good idea.
A.Why don’t B.Why not you C.Why do you D.Why not
2.—Can you play volleyball
A.Yes, I am B.Yes, I do C.No, I can’t D.No, I don’t
3.You must be very tired. Why not ________ to take a rest
A.stop B.stopping C.stops D.to stop
4.—______ is the Changjiang river in China, do you know
—Yes, it’s about 6,380 kilometers long.
A.How many B.How wide C.How long D.How much
5._________ is your favorite sport, basketball, football or volleyball
A.What B.Which C.Whose D.Who
6.___ from Beijing to Xi’an
A.How far is it B.What a long way is it
C.How long is it D.How is it
7.We must _________ what he is doing now and then we can take action.
A.wake up B.worry about C.find out D.help with
8.James, remember an umbrella with you. It’s going to rain.
A.taking B.take C.not to take D.to take
9.—________ is the science lab
—It’s in front of the office building.
A.When B.What C.Why D.Where
10.—Jack, could you come to my birthday party tomorrow
—Sorry, I ________. I have to look after my grandmother at home.
A.won’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.can’t
Can you cut an apple with a card Can you write with one 11 and draw with the other Well, some people can, and they all 12 their special talents in the television program, People’s Talent Show.
The TV program is getting more and more 13 in our country. Many people watch it every week because they want to 14 how talented one can be. They also want to relax themselves by watching these shows.
Talent shows began in England, and now there are similar ones in lots of 15 around the world. People’s Talent Show is a new one, it is 16 and different from others. When people show their talents, they also 17 their most touching or funniest stories. Most of them don’t want to be 18 or popular. They just want to make their family and others laugh.
Everyone has a 19 . It may be big or small. What’s your talent Maybe you are the next 20 in People’s Talent Show! Do you believe in yourself
11.A.hand B.ear C.eye D.nose
12.A.hear B.study C.show D.want
13.A.boring B.necessary C.beautiful D.popular
14.A.take B.know C.bring D.say
15.A.farms B.houses C.stores D.countries
16.A.busy B.special C.serious D.bad
17.A.enjoy B.read C.share D.write
18.A.famous B.bored C.fresh D.poor
19.A.talent B.family C.question D.heart
20.A.doctor B.performer C.teacher D.reporter
On December 21 this year, the day is Winter Solstice(冬至). It is an important day in China. What is special on the day The answer is that the daytime lasts(持续) the shortest and the night lasts the longest of the year in the northern hemisphere(北半球). Its Chinese name “dongzhi” means that winter comes and the days get colder.
In China, it is tradition(传统) to eat dumplings(饺子)on this day. This tradition comes from a famous doctor named Zhang ZhongJing. On a cold winter day, Zhang sees people have frostbite(冻伤) on their ears. To help them, he makes a kind of food in the shape(形状)of an ear, just like the dumplings we eat today. After eating the food, people feel very warm and their frostbite go away. From then on, people start to eat dumplings on Winter Solstice.
Now, Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get together and share their happiness.
21.From the passage, people usually eat dumplings ________.
A.on the shortest night in the northern hemisphere B.on December 21 every year
C.on Winter Solstice D.on the longest day in the northern hemisphere
22.Which of the following is true
A.Zhang Zhongjing eats dumplings because of his frostbite
B.People have frostbite just like dumplings
C.After Winter Solstice, the days get colder
D.The tradition of Winter Solstice comes from warm(温暖的) place
23.In China, Winter Solstice is also a time for ________.
A.families to get together B.people to make food
C.families to eat moon cakes D.people to have a trip in northern hemisphere
24.What does the underlined word “share” mean in Chinese
A.承担 B.分享 C.遭受 D.理解
25.The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the places of eating dumpling
B.the story of the famous doctor Zhang ZhongJing
C.the days of cold winter
D.the introduction(介绍)of Winter Solstice
Some American schools begin in September after a long summer vacation (假期). There are two terms in a school year: the first term is usually from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American students go to public schools (公立学校). High school students take only four or five subjects at a time. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have an assignment (任务) for every class. After class they have many activities. After high school, many students go to college.
26.Some American students start school life in ________.
A.September B.February C.June D.January
27.How many terms do American students have each year
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
28.Students in the high school have ________ subjects at a time.
A.four B.five C.six D.four or five
29.Which of the following is NOT true
A.In July students don’t need to go to school because of vacation.
B.Students have the same classes every day.
C.Students don’t have homework for every class.
D.Most American students go to public schools.
30.After class students ________.
A.do homework B.go back home C.have many activities D.go to the movies
阅读下面的短文, 完成短文后的问题。
Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented. It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents. Talent shows are getting more and more popular. First, there were shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent. Now, there are similar shows around the world, such as China’s Got Talent.
All these shows have one thing in common: They try to look for the best performers. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully That’s up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize.
However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.
31.How are the talent shows getting now
32.What do talent shows have in common
33.Who decides the winners
34.Why do some people not like these shows
35.Why do some people like these shows
Wangfujing Street is 36 traditional downtown area of Beijing. People 37 (usual) go shopping there now.
The street is about 700 38 (year) old. In the past, lords (达官贵人) 39 (live) there. There was a well (井) next to a lord’s house. One year, there were few 40 (rain) days. Many people had no water to drink, 41 the lord’s well still had lots of sweet water. This lord did not want 42 (give) the water to anyone. So he asked an old man to stand in front of the well and stopped people from 43 (take) water. But the old man always gave the water to poor people. He said, “If I don’t give the water to them, they 44 (die). Then nobody can work for you”. Finally, the lord agreed with the old man.
This is how the street gets 45 (it) name. “Wangfu” means the lord’s house and “jing” means the well.
Chinese traditional painting and dance are two important parts of the art world. But what about when t 46 meet each other
At present, a dance show called The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting 《只此青绿》 is on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. It becomes p 47 very soon.
The show gets the i 48 from the 900-year-old Chinese painting A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains《千里江山图》. It was made by Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng at the a 49 of 18. The painting shows a Chinese blue-green landscape(风景画) —mountains between cloudless s 50 and clean water.
The dance shows the Chinese traditional beauty of the painting. The dancers e 51 have a different hairstyle, which looks like a mountain rock. The c 52 that they wear are green and blue, which also show the mountains and rivers. W 53 the dancers sway(摇摆) in their dresses, we seem to be looking at the moving mountains and rivers. Mountains and rivers are coming to l 54 more than 1,000 years later!
Now more and more m 55 shows are about Chinese traditional culture(文化) and win warm welcome. We hope more young people will be interested in it.
A: Hey, Jane. Where are you
B: I’m at home.
A: 56
B: I’m watching the news on TV.
A: 57
B: I watch TV twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday.
A: 58
B: Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.
But my favorite TV show is sitcoms. 59
A: No, I can’t stand them. I think they are boring. I plan to watch an interesting game show. Let’s watch it together!
B: 60 . I can’t wait to watch it.
请你根据上面的文字材料,以“Different countries, different greeting ways”为题写一篇70 词左右的短文。
Different countries, different greeting ways
11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.B
21.C 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D
26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.C
31.They are getting more and more popular. 32.They try to look for the best performers. 33.The people who watch the shows decide the winners.
34.Because they think that the lives of the performers are made up.
35.Because the shows are fun to watch, and they give people a way to make their dreams come true.
36.a 37.usually 38.years 39.lived 40.rainy 41.but 42.to give 43.taking 44.will die 45.Its 46.(t)hey 47.(p)opular 48.(i)dea 49.(a)ge 50.(s)ky 51.(e)ach 52.(c)lothes 53.(W)hen 54.(l)ife 55.(m)odern
56.What are you doing 57.How often do you watch the news
58.Why do you like watching the news 59.Do you like it
60.That sounds good
Different countries, different greeting ways
People in different countries greet each other in different ways.
First, in America and Britain, people often shake hands when they meet for the first time but close friends and family members often hug or kiss the cheek. Second, in Japan, people usually bow to greet each other. Third, in India, people put their hands together and nod their heads when they meet.
It is important to remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do!




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