
16.(10分)When we moved to Canada,my son Jeff was one year younger than most of the children in the neighborhood.When school started and the other (1)    went to school,he was very sad.Because there were not any children playing with (2)   .He expected to go to school every day.We told Jeff that he could not go to school (3)    the next year.He was even sadder.The next year,he (4)   so excited to know that he could go to school.We bought him something for school,(5)    school uniforms,a school bag and color pencils.
On that day,my wife (6)    him to school.When he got on the bus,my wife's eyes were filled with tears.That night,he told us (7)    at school,his teachers,his new friends and the subjects he learned.
The next morning,it was hard (8)    me to wake Jeff up.I went into his room and tried to wake him up (9)   ,but he didn't move.Finally,I said to him loudly,"Jeff,(10)    up!You have to go to school."He stood up at once and said in surprise,"Again?"
(1) A.child B.a child C.children
(2) A.he B.his C.him
(3) A.until B.when C.after
(4) A.is B.was C.will be
(5) A.such as B.the same as C.as long as
(6) A.sends B.sent C.will send
(7) A.something interesting B.interesting something C.interesting anything
(8) A.of B.with C.for
(9) A.quick B.quickly C.more quickly
(10) A.get B.gets C.getting
17.(15分)Tina loved to run.She began running at a very young age.She always joined in running races.Winning was very (1)    to Tina.She prepared for the races very hard every day,(2)    she always came in second or third place.
Another girl named Janice (3)    came in first.Tina just couldn't get over her.Tina thought to (4)   ,"If something special happens to her,maybe I will (5)   ."Finally,in one race,Tina's dream came true.
It began like before and Janice ran in front of all the girls.In the middle of the race,Janice stepped on a stone(石头) carelessly and(6)   .Tina ran at fast as she could to stay in first place,but Janice ran even (7)    and soon passed(超过) her.Tina got (8)    and felt her feet were so heavy.Unluckily,four more girls passed her.Everyone was in the last lap(圈),so she had (9)    time to go back to first place again.It went on like this until the very last minute.
That day,Tina learned that one can't put (10)    on the bad luck of others to get ahead in life.Only hard work will take you to first place.
(1) A.easy B.important C.meaningless D.common
(2) A.and B.or C.but D.so
(3) A.sometimes B.never C.always D.ever
(4) A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself
(5) A.win B.run C.laugh D.lose
(6) A.cut down B.sat down C.turned down D.fell down
(7) A.earlier B.faster C.worse D.later
(8) A.bored B.careless C.serious D.tired
(9) A.little B.much C.enough D.some
(10) A.hopes B.actions C.events D.promises
18.(3分)Do you love ice﹣cream?Homemade ice﹣cream tastes delicious,and it is easy and fun to make it.
Let's have a try!
What you need:
*1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half(牛奶和奶油的混合物)
*1 spoon of sugar
*a big bag and a small bag
*1 cup of ice
*3 spoons of salt
What you do:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Pour 1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half into a bag and mix it with sugar. Half fill another bigger bag with ice and add 3 spoons of salt into it. Put the milk bag into the ice bag. Get gloves(手套) for shaking and shake for more than 6 minutes.
If you successfully make some ice cream,you can enjoy it now!
(1)What does the writer think of making homemade ice﹣cream?    
A.Difficult and boring.
B.Easy and fun.
C.Difficult but fun.
D.Easy but boring.
(2)What don't you need if you want to make homemade ice﹣cream?    
(3)What is the third step to make homemade ice﹣cream?    
A.Shake the bags for 6 minutes.
B.Fill another bigger bag with ice.
C.Put the milk bag into the ice bag.
D.Mix 1/2 cup of milk with sugar.
19.(8分)Technology(科技) can help to do many things.Here are some of the technologies at the Chengdu FISU World University Games(成都大运会).
The "Rongbao" robot,named after the Games' mascot(吉祥物),is panda﹣shaped with big eyes.It is the world's first service robot to take emergency kits(急救箱),but also act as a guide to show visitors the way.
In the Universiade Village,people can take self﹣driving new energy buses(无人驾驶新能源巴士) between the village and the sports ground. "Great,"one of the student players said.Another one said that it was great to feel China's smart technologies.
Cooling technologies help the volunteers(志愿者) a lot when they have to work in the open air in the hot weather in Chengdu.They can wear cooling clothes made of a special material(材料).In space engineering
These technologies are good for the environment and make the Chengdu FISU World University Games smart and green.People around the world can have wonderful experiences in Chengdu.
(1)What can the"Rongbao" robot do?    
①Take emergency kits.
②Play games with visitors.
③Drive visitors to the village.
④Show visitors the way.
A. ①②
(2)Why do the volunteers wear the cooling clothes?    
A.To keep cool.
B.To look cool.
C.To be special.
D.To be guides.
(3)How many technologies does the writer talk about in the passage(文章)?    
(4)From the passage,we know     is true.
A.these technologies are the newest in the world
B.people in Chengdu made these new technologies
C.these technologies are friendly to the environment
D.people will use these technologies in other countries
20.(8分)Huabobo is a kind of steamed buns(馒头).They are in different colors and shapes.Making huabobo is a festival tradition in Shandong.It is a symbol of good luck and people's hopes for a better life.
Every year before Spring Festival,Zang Chaiyuan,a 26﹣year﹣old chef(厨师),is busy because people around the country order her huabobo to celebrate Spring Festival.All the colors of the huabobo are from natural ingredients.For example,she gets orange from carrots and green from spinach(菠菜).
Zang opened her first small huabobo shop in Yantai.Although her parents disagreed at first,she insisted and kept her idea moving forward because she found there was a great need for huabobo in Shandong.Also,it made her think of her childhood."My grandmother always made huabobo for me in different shapes,such as lovely pigs and rabbits
Zang first learned to make huabobo from an old huabobo chef and then practiced over and over again by herself.After trying many times,she finally learned the skill.
Zang's huabobo is getting more and more popular online.To let more people learn about it,she gives online classes and on﹣site(现场的) classes.Both young and old people become her students.
(1)What do you know about huabobo in Shandong?    
A.It shows great thanks to people's friends.
B.It wishes people good luck and a better life.
C.It celebrates people's hard work in the past year.
D.It makes people's dinner tables more colorful.
(2)What is the meaning of the underlined word "insisted" in Paragraph(段落) 3?    
(3)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?    
A.Color pens can help Zang color her huabobo.
B.Zang learned how to make huabobo by herself.
C.Zang's grandma made huabobo in different shapes.
D.More and more people will learn to make huabobo.
(4)What is the best title for the passage?    
A.Young Chef Makes Huabobo Popular Again
B.People's Great Need for Huabobo
C.Huabobo Becomes the Most Popular Buns
D.Have a Taste of Zang's Huabobo
21.(8分)On a cold January morning,a man sat at a subway station and started to play the violin.He played for about 45 minutes.During that time,many people went through the station
Three minutes went by,and a middle aged man saw there was a man playing the violin.He stopped for a few seconds(秒),and then went away.A minute later(小费).A woman put some money on the floor and soon walked away.Only a 3﹣year﹣old boy took the music seriously,going over(表演).His mother wanted to leave,but the kid kept looking at the violinist.When he finished playing(注意)it.
In fact,the violinist was Joshua Bell,one of the most talented musicians in the world.He just played one of the most beautiful pieces.Joshua Bell played the same music with the same violin and the seats each cost 100 dollars at a theatre two days before.
Joshua Bell's playing in the subway station was an experiment(实验).It makes us think a lot.In a common environment at a wrong hour,do we enjoy beauty?Do we stop to make a response(反应)(片刻) to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music,how many other things are we missing?
(1)How many people stopped to listen to the music carefully?    
(2)Why did the man play the violin at the subway station?    
A.To make some money.
B.To do an experiment.
C.To practice the violin.
D.To teach a music lesson.
(3)How does the writer show his idea in Paragraph 4?    
A.By making jokes.
B.By giving examples.
C.By telling stories.
D.By asking questions.
(4)Which of the following would the writer agree with?    
A.Don't miss the wonderful moment in life.
B.Enjoy beautiful music at a theatre.
C.Don't forget to pay for street performances.
D.Never too late to learn the violin.
22.(8分)Dopamine(多巴胺) dressing becomes popular on TikTok(抖音) now.It hopes that people wear colorful clothes to make themselves happier.However
Science showed that different colors can affect(影响) people's feelings long ago.For example,bright(明亮的)
One study shows that wearing red can make people do something better.That is to say,it is easier for them to win.
Another study shows that wearing green can make people become more creative.People also find green can help people relax,because it makes us think of nature.And yellow can bring people happiness and excitement.Dopamine is a chemical(化学物质) in our brain.It can make people happy and excited.▲
Now,more and more people use dopamine dressing to fight back bad feelings and show themselves. "I've seen some shy people put on colorful clothes and become free,"Karen(时尚心理学家) said."Their feelings change(改变) when they try dopamine dressing."
Colorful clothes can bring people so much.If you want to make yourself feel good every day,try dopamine dressing now.Your can find a different self.
(1)From the passage,we know wearing     clothes may help people win a game.
(2)Which sentence can be put in the▲?    
A.That's why people like green and yellow better than other colors.
B.So wearing colorful clothes can make people happy just like dopamine.
C.Also,scientists ask more and more people to wear yellow and green.
D.However,dopamine is not very important to make people happy.
(3)What does the writer want to tell us?    
A.Scientists don't know why people like dopamine dressing.
B.It' not necessary to wear the clothes in black and white.
C.Shy people like wearing clothes in bright colors a lot.
D.Dopamine dressing can make a difference to people.
(4)Which is the best structure(结构) of the passage?    
(①=Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 2,③=Paragraph 3.)
A.Yes,sure. B.Busy but colorful and relaxing. C.Which club are you in? D.I'm sorry to hear that. E.Because we have different kinds of clubs. F.Are you free this weekend? G.What clubs do you have?
Nancy:Hi,Karen.How is your school life this term?
Karen: (1)   
Karen: (2)   
Nancy:Good. (3)   
Karen:We have a sports club,a music club,an art club and so on.
Nancy:Fantastic! (4)   
Karen:The sports club.I like playing sports.
Nancy:Well,my birthday is coming.Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday?
Karen: (5)    When and where is it?
Nancy:At 5:00 p.m.In my house.
Karen:OK,see you then.
Nancy:See you.
第Ⅱ卷 VI.任务型阅读。阅读下文并回答问题。
24.(9分)Here is a question.What would you say to future children if you had a chance(机会)?Our college was older than any other college in my hometown,so our head teacher,planned to move us into a new college.I thought it would improve our college life. "You can make a time capsule(胶囊),"said Mr.Green."You can put something that you think will be interesting in the future in it.When workers start to build our new college(掩埋) the time capsule here.Many years later,someone will find it."
The idea made us feel excited.We talked about it in a meeting.We all agreed to put something meaningful(有意义的) in the time capsule.Someone said we could put a music CD in it.In this way,future people would know what kind of music we enjoyed listening to.Some students said other things like articles were also good.They showed our wonderful college life to future people.There were also many other good ideas,a model plane we made or computer games we played.I said we could write a letter.In the letter,we could describe the future or write down a secret(秘密)
(1)Did the head teacher plan to move his students into a new college?
(2)Where would workers bury the students' time capsule?
(3)Why did the students think things like a music CD or articles were meaningful?
(4)Imagine(设想) you are the student in the college.What else do you want to put in the time capsule?Why?
25.(2分)Kids will study at home on computer.(改为否定句)
Kids       at home on computer.
26.(2分)My brother hardly ever hangs out with his friends.(对划线部分提问)
       does your brother hang out with his friends?
27.(2分)The promise is so hard that he can't keep it.(写出同义句)
The promise is     hard for him     keep.
She plays an active part        the earth.
The     people drive cars,the     air pollution there will be.
30.(16分)In China,Light Snow is one of 24 solar terms(节气) in a year.It refers to the time when it starts to snow(1)    gets colder and colder.Here is something about Light Snow.Let's take a look!
(2)E     soup
During Light Snow,indoor heating(加热) begins to work.So the indoor air is dry(3)    noses and mouths are dry.Their inner heat can't get out.The way to(4)    the problem is to eat more hot soup like mutton and radish(萝卜) soup.
Eating glutinous rice cakes(糍粑)
In some places of southern China,people eat glutinous rice cakes during the time around Light Snow.They mix (5)    some glutinous rice flour(面粉) and water,then make them into balls.After that(6)f     with some red sugar.
Making preserved pork(腊肉)
After Light Snow,it's even colder and the air becomes drier.It is the (7)    time to start to make preserved pork in a year.People make preserved pork to prepare for a happy Spring Festival.Do you know anything else about Light Snow?Please share some(8)    us.
参考信息:garbage sorting垃圾分类;change改变
Last week,our school asked us if Yubei would become greener in five years.Here are the results.______
16.(10分)When we moved to Canada,my son Jeff was one year younger than most of the children in the neighborhood.When school started and the other (1) C  went to school,he was very sad.Because there were not any children playing with (2) C .He expected to go to school every day.We told Jeff that he could not go to school (3) A  the next year.He was even sadder.The next year,he (4) B so excited to know that he could go to school.We bought him something for school,(5) A  school uniforms,a school bag and color pencils.
On that day,my wife (6) B  him to school.When he got on the bus,my wife's eyes were filled with tears.That night,he told us (7) A  at school,his teachers,his new friends and the subjects he learned.
The next morning,it was hard (8) C  me to wake Jeff up.I went into his room and tried to wake him up (9) B ,but he didn't move.Finally,I said to him loudly,"Jeff,(10) A  up!You have to go to school."He stood up at once and said in surprise,"Again?"
(1) A.child B.a child C.children
(2) A.he B.his C.him
(3) A.until B.when C.after
(4) A.is B.was C.will be
(5) A.such as B.the same as C.as long as
(6) A.sends B.sent C.will send
(7) A.something interesting B.interesting something C.interesting anything
(8) A.of B.with C.for
(9) A.quick B.quickly C.more quickly
(10) A.get B.gets C.getting
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:当学校开学,他非常难过,为可数名词单数形式;C.孩子们。the other children"特指其他的孩子们"。
(5)考查介词短语。句意:我们给他买了一些上学用的东西、书包和彩色铅笔;B.与......相同。根据school uniforms、书包和彩色铅笔)可知、书包和彩色铅笔。
(9)考查副词。句意:我走进他的房间,但他一动也不动,为形容词,为副词。根据tried to wake him up(尽力叫醒他)可知,副词quickly修饰wake him up。
17.(15分)Tina loved to run.She began running at a very young age.She always joined in running races.Winning was very (1) B  to Tina.She prepared for the races very hard every day,(2) C  she always came in second or third place.
Another girl named Janice (3) C  came in first.Tina just couldn't get over her.Tina thought to (4) D ,"If something special happens to her,maybe I will (5) A ."Finally,in one race,Tina's dream came true.
It began like before and Janice ran in front of all the girls.In the middle of the race,Janice stepped on a stone(石头) carelessly and(6) D .Tina ran at fast as she could to stay in first place,but Janice ran even (7) B  and soon passed(超过) her.Tina got (8) D  and felt her feet were so heavy.Unluckily,four more girls passed her.Everyone was in the last lap(圈),so she had (9) A  time to go back to first place again.It went on like this until the very last minute.
That day,Tina learned that one can't put (10) A  on the bad luck of others to get ahead in life.Only hard work will take you to first place.
(1) A.easy B.important C.meaningless D.common
(2) A.and B.or C.but D.so
(3) A.sometimes B.never C.always D.ever
(4) A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself
(5) A.win B.run C.laugh D.lose
(6) A.cut down B.sat down C.turned down D.fell down
(7) A.earlier B.faster C.worse D.later
(8) A.bored B.careless C.serious D.tired
(9) A.little B.much C.enough D.some
(10) A.hopes B.actions C.events D.promises
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:对Tina来说赢很重要;B重要的;D普通的 prepared the very every 。故选B。
(3)考查副词。句意:另一个女孩Janice总是第一;B从不;D曾经 just get her.(Tina不能超过她。故选C。
(6)考查动词词组。句意:在一次比赛中,意外摔倒;B坐下;D摔倒 stepped a stone可知她摔倒了。
(7)考查副词比较级。句意:Tina尽她所能跑得很快,但Janice跑得更快。A更早地;C更差地。根据soon her可知Janice跑得更快。
(8)考查形容词。句意:Tina觉得很累。A无聊的;C严肃的。根据felt feet so 。故选D。
18.(3分)Do you love ice﹣cream?Homemade ice﹣cream tastes delicious,and it is easy and fun to make it.
Let's have a try!
What you need:
*1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half(牛奶和奶油的混合物)
*1 spoon of sugar
*a big bag and a small bag
*1 cup of ice
*3 spoons of salt
What you do:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Pour 1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half into a bag and mix it with sugar. Half fill another bigger bag with ice and add 3 spoons of salt into it. Put the milk bag into the ice bag. Get gloves(手套) for shaking and shake for more than 6 minutes.
If you successfully make some ice cream,you can enjoy it now!
(1)What does the writer think of making homemade ice﹣cream?  B 
A.Difficult and boring.
B.Easy and fun.
C.Difficult but fun.
D.Easy but boring.
(2)What don't you need if you want to make homemade ice﹣cream?  D 
(3)What is the third step to make homemade ice﹣cream?  C 
A.Shake the bags for 6 minutes.
B.Fill another bigger bag with ice.
C.Put the milk bag into the ice bag.
D.Mix 1/2 cup of milk with sugar.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Homemade tastes ,and is and to it.(自制冰淇淋尝起来很美味。)可知。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段中What need:*1/2 of spoon sugar*a bag a small cup ice*8 of ,如果你想自制冰淇淋。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格Step the bag the bag.(把牛奶袋放进冰袋里,自制冰淇淋的第三步是要把牛奶袋放进冰袋里。
19.(8分)Technology(科技) can help to do many things.Here are some of the technologies at the Chengdu FISU World University Games(成都大运会).
The "Rongbao" robot,named after the Games' mascot(吉祥物),is panda﹣shaped with big eyes.It is the world's first service robot to take emergency kits(急救箱),but also act as a guide to show visitors the way.
In the Universiade Village,people can take self﹣driving new energy buses(无人驾驶新能源巴士) between the village and the sports ground. "Great,"one of the student players said.Another one said that it was great to feel China's smart technologies.
Cooling technologies help the volunteers(志愿者) a lot when they have to work in the open air in the hot weather in Chengdu.They can wear cooling clothes made of a special material(材料).In space engineering
These technologies are good for the environment and make the Chengdu FISU World University Games smart and green.People around the world can have wonderful experiences in Chengdu.
(1)What can the"Rongbao" robot do?  D 
①Take emergency kits.
②Play games with visitors.
③Drive visitors to the village.
④Show visitors the way.
A. ①②
(2)Why do the volunteers wear the cooling clothes?  A 
A.To keep cool.
B.To look cool.
C.To be special.
D.To be guides.
(3)How many technologies does the writer talk about in the passage(文章)?  B 
(4)From the passage,we know  C  is true.
A.these technologies are the newest in the world
B.people in Chengdu made these new technologies
C.these technologies are friendly to the environment
D.people will use these technologies in other countries
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段It is the world's first service robot to take emergency kits(急救箱) Rongbao can not only be a lifesaver。荣宝不仅能救人。)可知荣宝是世界上第一个带急救包的服务机器人,还能给游客带路。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段Cooling technologies help the volunteers(志愿者) a lot when they have to work in the open air in the hot weather in Chengdu.(当志愿者们不得不在成都炎热的天气里在露天工作时。)可知为了保持凉爽。
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段The "Rongbao" robot,is panda﹣shaped with big eyes.("荣宝"机器人以奥运会吉祥物命名,有一双大眼睛,people can take self﹣driving new energy buses(无人驾驶新能源巴士) between the village and the sports ground.(在大运村。)第四段Cooling technologies help the volunteers(志愿者) a lot when they have to work in the open air in the hot weather in Chengdu.(当志愿者们不得不在成都炎热的天气里在露天工作时。)可知提到了三种技术。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段These are for environment make Chengdu World Games and ,使成都国际大学生体育联合会世界大学生运动会智能化。)可知这些技术对环境是友好的。
20.(8分)Huabobo is a kind of steamed buns(馒头).They are in different colors and shapes.Making huabobo is a festival tradition in Shandong.It is a symbol of good luck and people's hopes for a better life.
Every year before Spring Festival,Zang Chaiyuan,a 26﹣year﹣old chef(厨师),is busy because people around the country order her huabobo to celebrate Spring Festival.All the colors of the huabobo are from natural ingredients.For example,she gets orange from carrots and green from spinach(菠菜).
Zang opened her first small huabobo shop in Yantai.Although her parents disagreed at first,she insisted and kept her idea moving forward because she found there was a great need for huabobo in Shandong.Also,it made her think of her childhood."My grandmother always made huabobo for me in different shapes,such as lovely pigs and rabbits
Zang first learned to make huabobo from an old huabobo chef and then practiced over and over again by herself.After trying many times,she finally learned the skill.
Zang's huabobo is getting more and more popular online.To let more people learn about it,she gives online classes and on﹣site(现场的) classes.Both young and old people become her students.
(1)What do you know about huabobo in Shandong?  B 
A.It shows great thanks to people's friends.
B.It wishes people good luck and a better life.
C.It celebrates people's hard work in the past year.
D.It makes people's dinner tables more colorful.
(2)What is the meaning of the underlined word "insisted" in Paragraph(段落) 3?  A 
(3)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?  C 
A.Color pens can help Zang color her huabobo.
B.Zang learned how to make huabobo by herself.
C.Zang's grandma made huabobo in different shapes.
D.More and more people will learn to make huabobo.
(4)What is the best title for the passage?  A 
A.Young Chef Makes Huabobo Popular Again
B.People's Great Need for Huabobo
C.Huabobo Becomes the Most Popular Buns
D.Have a Taste of Zang's Huabobo
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Making is a tradition Shandong.It a symbol good and hopes a better 。它象征着好运和人们对美好生活的希望,在山东,故选B。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第三段Although parents at ,she and her moving ,她.......且让她的想法不断前行)可知,她"坚持"她的想法并让想法不断前行,故选A。
(3)推理判断题。根据第三段"My always huabobo me different ,such lovely and ,"said ,比如可爱的猪和兔子,臧的奶奶制作不同形状的花饽饽,故选C。
(4)标题归纳题。根据最后一段Zang's is more more online.To more learn it gives classes on﹣site(现场的) young old become students.(臧的花饽饽在网上越来越受欢迎,她开设了在线课程和现场课程。)结合全文可知,因而本文的标题可为A选项Young Makes Popular ,故选A。
21.(8分)On a cold January morning,a man sat at a subway station and started to play the violin.He played for about 45 minutes.During that time,many people went through the station
Three minutes went by,and a middle aged man saw there was a man playing the violin.He stopped for a few seconds(秒),and then went away.A minute later(小费).A woman put some money on the floor and soon walked away.Only a 3﹣year﹣old boy took the music seriously,going over(表演).His mother wanted to leave,but the kid kept looking at the violinist.When he finished playing(注意)it.
In fact,the violinist was Joshua Bell,one of the most talented musicians in the world.He just played one of the most beautiful pieces.Joshua Bell played the same music with the same violin and the seats each cost 100 dollars at a theatre two days before.
Joshua Bell's playing in the subway station was an experiment(实验).It makes us think a lot.In a common environment at a wrong hour,do we enjoy beauty?Do we stop to make a response(反应)(片刻) to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music,how many other things are we missing?
(1)How many people stopped to listen to the music carefully?  A 
(2)Why did the man play the violin at the subway station?  B 
A.To make some money.
B.To do an experiment.
C.To practice the violin.
D.To teach a music lesson.
(3)How does the writer show his idea in Paragraph 4?  D 
A.By making jokes.
B.By giving examples.
C.By telling stories.
D.By asking questions.
(4)Which of the following would the writer agree with?  A 
A.Don't miss the wonderful moment in life.
B.Enjoy beautiful music at a theatre.
C.Don't forget to pay for street performances.
D.Never too late to learn the violin.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Only a 3﹣year﹣old boy took the music seriously,sitting down and soon losing himself in the wonderful performance(表演).(只有一个3岁的男孩认真对待音乐,坐下来。)可知。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段Joshua Bell's playing in the subway station was an experiment(实验).(约书亚 贝尔在地铁站的演奏是一个实验,那个人在地铁站拉小提琴是为了做一个实验。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段Joshua Bell's playing in the subway station was an experiment(实验).It makes us think a lot.In a common environment at a wrong hour?Do we stop to make a response(反应),how many other things are we missing。这让我们思考了很多,在一个错误的时间?我们会停下来做出回应吗,我们还错过了多少其他的东西,作者通过提问在第四段中表达他的观点。
(4)主旨大意题。根据第四段Joshua Bell's playing in the subway station was an experiment(实验).It makes us think a lot.In a common environment at a wrong hour?Do we stop to make a response(反应),how many other things are we missing。这让我们思考了很多,在一个错误的时间?我们会停下来做出回应吗,我们还错过了多少其他的东西,作者同意选项A:不要错过生命中美好的时刻。
22.(8分)Dopamine(多巴胺) dressing becomes popular on TikTok(抖音) now.It hopes that people wear colorful clothes to make themselves happier.However
Science showed that different colors can affect(影响) people's feelings long ago.For example,bright(明亮的)
One study shows that wearing red can make people do something better.That is to say,it is easier for them to win.
Another study shows that wearing green can make people become more creative.People also find green can help people relax,because it makes us think of nature.And yellow can bring people happiness and excitement.Dopamine is a chemical(化学物质) in our brain.It can make people happy and excited.▲
Now,more and more people use dopamine dressing to fight back bad feelings and show themselves. "I've seen some shy people put on colorful clothes and become free,"Karen(时尚心理学家) said."Their feelings change(改变) when they try dopamine dressing."
Colorful clothes can bring people so much.If you want to make yourself feel good every day,try dopamine dressing now.Your can find a different self.
(1)From the passage,we know wearing  C  clothes may help people win a game.
(2)Which sentence can be put in the▲?  B 
A.That's why people like green and yellow better than other colors.
B.So wearing colorful clothes can make people happy just like dopamine.
C.Also,scientists ask more and more people to wear yellow and green.
D.However,dopamine is not very important to make people happy.
(3)What does the writer want to tell us?  D 
A.Scientists don't know why people like dopamine dressing.
B.It' not necessary to wear the clothes in black and white.
C.Shy people like wearing clothes in bright colors a lot.
D.Dopamine dressing can make a difference to people.
(4)Which is the best structure(结构) of the passage?  C 
(①=Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 2,③=Paragraph 3.)
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段One shows wearing can people something is say is for to ,穿红色衣服可以让人们做得更好,他们更容易获胜,穿红色衣服可以让人们做得更好,故选C。
(2)推理判断题。根据第四段Another shows wearing can people more ,穿绿色衣服可以让人变得更有创造力) yellow bring happiness excitement.(黄色能给人们带来快乐和兴奋 is a in brain.It make happy excited.(多巴胺是我们大脑中的一种化学物质。)可知,空前主要讲了多巴胺能使人快乐和兴奋,B选项符合上下文语境。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段If want make feel every ,try dressing can a different ,现在就试试多巴胺穿搭吧。)可知,找到一个不一样的自己。
A.Yes,sure. B.Busy but colorful and relaxing. C.Which club are you in? D.I'm sorry to hear that. E.Because we have different kinds of clubs. F.Are you free this weekend? G.What clubs do you have?
Nancy:Hi,Karen.How is your school life this term?
Karen: (1) B 
Karen: (2) E 
Nancy:Good. (3) G 
Karen:We have a sports club,a music club,an art club and so on.
Nancy:Fantastic! (4) C 
Karen:The sports club.I like playing sports.
Nancy:Well,my birthday is coming.Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday?
Karen: (5) A  When and where is it?
Nancy:At 5:00 p.m.In my house.
Karen:OK,see you then.
Nancy:See you.
【解答】(1)根据上文How is school this ?(你这学期的学校生活怎么样,结合选项可知,令人放松。故选B。
(3)根据下文We have a club,a club art and on.(我们有一个体育俱乐部,一个美术俱乐部等等,结合选项可知?"符合语境。
(4)根据下文The sports like sports.(体育俱乐部。)可知说的是体育俱乐部,C选项"你参加了哪个俱乐部。故选C。
(5)根据上文Can you to birthday this ?(这个星期天你能来参加我的生日聚会吗 and is ?(什么时候?)可知说的是参加生日聚会,A选项"是的。"符合语境。
第Ⅱ卷 VI.任务型阅读。阅读下文并回答问题。
24.(9分)Here is a question.What would you say to future children if you had a chance(机会)?Our college was older than any other college in my hometown,so our head teacher,planned to move us into a new college.I thought it would improve our college life. "You can make a time capsule(胶囊),"said Mr.Green."You can put something that you think will be interesting in the future in it.When workers start to build our new college(掩埋) the time capsule here.Many years later,someone will find it."
The idea made us feel excited.We talked about it in a meeting.We all agreed to put something meaningful(有意义的) in the time capsule.Someone said we could put a music CD in it.In this way,future people would know what kind of music we enjoyed listening to.Some students said other things like articles were also good.They showed our wonderful college life to future people.There were also many other good ideas,a model plane we made or computer games we played.I said we could write a letter.In the letter,we could describe the future or write down a secret(秘密)
(1)Did the head teacher plan to move his students into a new college?
 Yes,he did. 
(2)Where would workers bury the students' time capsule?
 They will bury the time capsule in our new college. 
(3)Why did the students think things like a music CD or articles were meaningful?
 Because we put a music CD in it,future people would know what kind of music we enjoyed listening to.We put articles in it,they showed our wonderful college life to future people. 
(4)Imagine(设想) you are the student in the college.What else do you want to put in the time capsule?Why?
 We can put a photo of ourselves in the time capsule,Because put a photo of ourselves in it can let future people know how we are now. 
【解答】( 1)细节理解题。根据第一段Our was than other in hometown our teacher,planned move into a college.(我们的大学比我家乡的任何一所大学都古老。)可知班主任是计划让他的学生转入新的大学,he did.
(2)细节理解题。根据第一段 workers to our college will the capsule ,他们会把时间胶囊埋在这里。故答案为:They bury the capsule in new
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段Someone we put a CD it.In way people know kind music enjoyed to.Some said things articles also showed college to people.(有人说我们可以在里面放一张音乐CD,将来的人就会知道我们喜欢听什么样的音乐,比如文章也不错。)可知我们在里面放一张音乐CD。我们把文章放在里面。故答案为:Because we a music in ,future would what of we listening articles in ,they our wonderful life future
(4)开放题。我们可以在时间胶囊里放入一张自己的照片。故答案为:We can put a photo of ourselves in the time capsule put of ourselves
25.(2分)Kids will study at home on computer.(改为否定句)
Kids  won't  study at home on computer.
26.(2分)My brother hardly ever hangs out with his friends.(对划线部分提问)
 How  often  does your brother hang out with his friends?
故填:How often。
27.(2分)The promise is so hard that he can't keep it.(写出同义句)
The promise is  too  hard for him  to  keep.
【解答】题干句这个承诺如此的难了,以致于他无法遵守,如此难以至于他不能遵守。too加形容词for sb to 加动词原形。
故答案为too to。
【点评】掌握so …that句型,和too…to句型之间的转换规则。
She plays an active part  in  saving  the earth.
【解答】 play an part ,save the earth"拯救地球"。
故答案为:in saving。
The  fewer  people drive cars,the  less  air pollution there will be.
30.(16分)In China,Light Snow is one of 24 solar terms(节气) in a year.It refers to the time when it starts to snow(1) weather  gets colder and colder.Here is something about Light Snow.Let's take a look!
(2)E  ating  soup
During Light Snow,indoor heating(加热) begins to work.So the indoor air is dry(3) their  noses and mouths are dry.Their inner heat can't get out.The way to(4) solve  the problem is to eat more hot soup like mutton and radish(萝卜) soup.
Eating glutinous rice cakes(糍粑)
In some places of southern China,people eat glutinous rice cakes during the time around Light Snow.They mix (5) up  some glutinous rice flour(面粉) and water,then make them into balls.After that(6)f  ood  with some red sugar.
Making preserved pork(腊肉)
After Light Snow,it's even colder and the air becomes drier.It is the (7) best  time to start to make preserved pork in a year.People make preserved pork to prepare for a happy Spring Festival.Do you know anything else about Light Snow?Please share some(8) with  us.
(2)考查动词。句意:喝汤 more soup mutton radish(萝卜) ,比如羊肉萝卜汤)可知,结合首字母此处用Eat,因此此处用动名词形式。
(3)考查代词。句意:因此室内空气是干燥的。根据most ,此处指他们的鼻子,此处用their"他们的"修饰名词。
(4)考查动词。句意:解决这个问题的方法是多吃一些热汤。根据the problem(这个问题)可知,way为抽象名词,因此solve用动词原形。
(5)考查副词。句意:他们把一些糯米粉和水混合在一起。根据then them balls.(然后把它们做成球状,应该是把糯米粉和水混合在一起,mix up为固定搭配。故填up。
(6)考查名词。句意:他们很高兴吃到这种配上红糖美食 glutinous cakes(糍粑)(吃糯米糕)和首字母可知,因此用food"食物"。故填food。
(7)考查形容词最高级。句意:这是一年中开始制作腊肉的最佳时间 Light ,it's colder the becomes ,天气变得更冷。)可知,因此填best"最好的。故填best。
参考信息:garbage sorting垃圾分类;change改变
Last week,our school asked us if Yubei would become greener in five years.Here are the results.______
25% think it will not be greener because there will be more cars,more factories and more pollution in five years.25%的人认为它不会更环保,因为五年后会有更多的汽车、更多的工厂和更多的污染。25% think+宾语从句。
I never use plastic bags when I go shopping.我购物时从不使用塑料袋。when引导的时间状语从句。
【解答】Last week school us Yubei become in years.Here the ,more factories and more pollution five 【高分句型一】65% think it will be greener fin years ,clearer rivers and more electric vehicles.(调查结果) So we're changing the way of travel.We should take buses more and drive less.I will use public transportation like the bus or the subway.I never use plastic bags when I go shopping.【高分句型二】Instead,I volunteer to plant trees with my parents every year.(计划)




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