
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
( )1. What color is the girl ' s skirt
A . Blue . B . Green . C . White .
( )2. What class is Jim in
A . He ' s in Class 1. B . He ' s in Class 5. C . He ' s in Class 3.
( )3. Who has a small mouth
A . Peter B . Tim . C . Tom .
( )4. Who is her favorite actor
A . Liu Dehua . B . Li Lianjie . C . Zhou Xingchi .
( )5. What ' s that in English
( )6. What does the boy look like
A . He has a big mouth and small eyes .
B . He has a small mouth and big eyes .
C . He has a small mouth and small eyes .
( )7. Who look the same with Yukio
A . Kangkang . B . Ben . C . Bill .
(  )8.What ' s this
    A . It ' s a toy .  B . It ' s an eraser .  C. It ' s a toy car.
(  )9. Whose is this
    A . It ' s Maria ' s .  B . It ' s Jenny ' s .    C . It ' s Jane ' s .
(  )10. Where is the boy from
    A . Canada .    B . England      C . Cuba . 
(  )11. What ' s the boy ' s QQ number
    A .675300468.    B .535862716.    C .653804716.
(  )12. Who is the boy ' s teacher
    A . Mr . Gao .   B . Miss Gao .   C . Mrs . Huang .
(  )13. Where does Steven come from
  A . Moscow . B . New York . C . Toronto .
(  )14. What does Steve look like
  A . He ' s short and thin .
  B . He has long curly brown hair and a long face .
  C . He has big blue eyes and a small nose .
(  )15. What color does Steve like
  A . Black     B . Blue      C . Brown .
16. 17. 18. 19. 20._________
Lee, Carry, Mark, Cindy and Tom are good friends. They are all students from a junior high school. They are in the same class. They are chatting (聊天) on WeChat after math class.
( )21. What does Carry think of her teacher
A. Good. B. Old. C. Strong. D. Different.
( )22. 划线单词hard的中文意思是________.
A. 有意思的 B. 令人激动的 C.正确的 D. 难懂的
( )23. How many people like math
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
( )24. Who likes math best
A Tom. B. Mark. C. Carry. D. Cindy.
( )25. What are they talking about
Clothes. B. Classes. C. Colors. D. Names.
Do you like animals Let ' s meet some animal friends .
Hello , my name is Jack . I am four years old . I am from Australia . I eat grass and leaves . There is a pocket on the front of my body . I have a strong tail and back legs . I can jump across the grassland .
My name is Huahua . I am three years old . I am from Africa . I am cute . I am black and white like the panda . I eat plants , leaves and grass . I am in a zoo now .
My name is Dakang . I am eight years old . I am from Yunnan , China . I have a long nose and two big ears . I live in a forest . I eat grass and leaves . I can play games with my nose . I like water .
My name is Qiqi . I am five years old . I am from America . I have a long tail . I can climb trees . I eat meat , leaves , fruit and even eggs . Bananas are my favorite fruit .
( )26. How old is Jack
A .3. B .4. C .5. D .8.
( )27. Where is Huahua now
A . In the zoo . B . In the park . C . In the forest . D . In the theatre .
( )28. Where is Dakang from
A . Australia . B . Africa . C . China . D . America .
( )29. What is Qiqi ' s favorite fruit
A . Apples . B . Tomatoes . C . Bananas . D . Pears .
( )30.Which of the following is TRUE
A . Qiqi is five years old . B . Huahua can climb trees .
C . Dakang has a front pocket . D . Jack often swims in the water .
My friends like different clothes. Linda is twelve years old. She is a student in Zhengzhou No. 1 Junior High School. She likes different clothes very much. She has many clothes at home. They are in different colors. She has five skirts. They are red, pink, blue, green and black. She has three dresses. One of them is green and white. One is yellow and one is purple. Some of the clothes are new, but they are small for Linda.
Sue is thirteen. Sue likes red clothes. She has three dresses. She is in a red skirt and red shoes now. Mina likes white clothes. She is in a white shirt. Her sister Emma likes green. Look, she is in a green skirt. She looks nice. David is in a white cap and black pants. Peter is in a white coat and black pants. Their favorite colors are black and white.
( )31. What does Linda like
A. School. B. Book. C. Clothes. D. Different colors.
( )32. How many skirts does Linda have
A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.
( )33. How old is Sue
A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14.
( )34. What color does Sue like
A. White. B. Red. C. Yellow. D. Green.
( )35. Who is Mina's sister
A. Linda. B. Emma. C. Sue. D. Jenny.
Amy’s blog(博客)
People in the same family often have the same eyes or hair. 36
In my family, my mom Kate has brown eyes and blonde hair. 37 My dad Peter has blue eyes and brown hair. His hobby (爱好) is doing sports (做运动). 38 But he likes music (音乐). What about me I have my mom’s brown eyes and my dad’s brown hair. 39
My dad and mom don’t like taking photos, and photography (摄影) is not one of their hobbies. 40 My grandpa, Paul. He loves taking photos and his photos are great! My grandpa doesn’t have brown eyes or brown hair, but he and I like the same thing.
A. But do they have the same hobbies
B. She likes books.
C. But do you know who else (其他的) likes photography in my family
D. My brother, Max, has blue eyes and blond hair.
E. But my hobby is photography.
36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______
Hello, my name is Sara. I'm 14 years old. I 41 from America. Now I'm in 42 . And I'm a(an) 43 in Beijing International School. Please look 44 this photo. The 45 is my dad. He is 39 years old. He is a good teacher. He teaches English. His students 46  him very much. Gray is his favorite 47 . The woman 48 red is my mom. She is 49  English teacher, too. 50 is the girl Oh, she is Wang Yan. She 51 short hair. But I have 52 hair. Wang Yan and 53 are in the same class. We are 54  friends. Bruce Lee is 55 favorite actor. We like his movie(电影).
( )41.A.come B.see C.look D.meet
( )42.A.Cuba B.the UK C.Japan D.China
( )43.A.student B.teacher C.actor D.police
( )44.A.from B.at C.for D.of
( )45.A.boy B.girl C.man D.woman
( )46.A.find B.like C.help D.know
( )47.A.friend B.school C.pencil D.color
( )48.A.in B.on C.at D.to
( )49.A.a B.an C.the D./
( )50.A.Whose B.What C.Who D.How
( )51.A.has B.buys C.speaks D.gives
( )52.A.short B.big C.small D.long
( )53.A.I B.she C.you D.he
( )54.A.nice B.fine C.good D.happy
( )55.A.your B.our C.my D.her
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
round, year, China, brown, cool, like, come, class, he, be
My name is Wang Jun. I am a 56 boy. I am 12. Peter is my friend and he 57
from Cuba. He is 15 58   old. We're in the same grade, but we are in different 59  . Peter is short. He has a 60   face, big eyes and a wide mouth. 61 hair is short and blond. He likes Chinese. His telephone number is 3652﹣1876. 62  is his favorite color. Look! He is in a brown cap and a brown T﹣shirt. His shoes 63 brown. He looks very   64 . But brown is not my favorite color. I 65   red. And my clothes are red.
56. ________ 57. ________ 58. ________ 59. ________ 60. ________
61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________
Amy is 66 English girl. She is in Beijing with her mom now. Her Chinese is not good. She often tries to speak Chinese to people around her (她周围的人). Sometimes (有时) they don’t understand (理解) her.
One day, Amy wants 67 visit her friend, Jiang An. She doesn’t know Jiang An’s school. So she asks a Chinese boy for help. But the boy can’t understand her. Then she gives the boy a photo 68 says something (一些事情) about it. The boy looks at the photo and helps 69 find Jiang An’s school. Amy 70 very happy.
66. ________ 67. ________ 68. ________ 69. ________ 70. ________
A:Hi, Jane !
B : Hi , Tim ! Nice to see you here .
A : Me , too .71.
B : I ' m in Class 8, Grade 7.
A : Oh , we are in the same class . Look at the boy in black . Do you know him
B :72. . He is Michael.He is from Cuba.
B : He ' s tall and strong , and he has big ears and big eyes .
A : Are you in the same class
B : No , we aren ' t .74. .
A : Look ! Here is a new bike .75.
B : I think it ' s Michael ' s . I know he has a new bike .
A : Now let ' s take it to him .
B : OK .
假如你是萨莉,步入新学期,你认识了许多新同学,也认识了一些新老师,结交了一些新朋友。请你以“My Favorite Teacher”为题用英语写一篇短文,介绍一位你最喜爱的老师。
My Favorite Teacher
1. M:What color is your skirt
W:It's green.
2. W : Who ' s that boy
  M : He is my friend , Jim . He is in Class 3, Grade 1.
3. W : Does Peter have a small mouth
M : Yes , he has a small one .
4. M : Is Liu Dehua your favorite actor
W : Yes , he is .
5. W : Is that a telephone or a book
M : It ' s a book .
W : Ben , who ' s that boy in the photo
M : Guess ! He is from Japan .
W : Is he your friend
M : Yes . We are in the same class .
W : Does he have small eyes and a small mouth
M : Yes , he does .
W : Is he a tall boy
M : No . He ' s short .
W : I see . It ' s Yukio .
M : Yes , you ' re right .
W : He and Kangkang look the same .
M : We look different , but we ' re good friends , too !
M : What ' s this
W : It ' s a toy car .
M : Whose is it Is it yours
W : No . It ' s Jenny ' s .
 Hello ! My name is Mike . I am from England . I am nine years old . My QQ number is 675300468. My teacher is Miss Gao . She is from China . Her QQ number is 535862716.
M : Wei Fang , I have a new friend Steve . He comes from New York .
W : Really What does he look like
M : He is a quiet and handsome young man . He ' s tall and thin .
W : Oh . Please describe him more .
M : OK . He has long curly brown hair and a long face . And he has big blue eyes , a     big nose and a big mouth .
W : Does he wear glasses
M : Yes . He likes wearing black glasses . And he usually wears a black jacket and black jeans . He likes black .
W : Oh , that ' s really cool .
My name is Sally. I come from the USA. I'm 12 years old. Ihave a long face and big eyes. My hair is long and my mouth is wide. My favorite clothes are T- shirts and pants. Amy is my good friend. She is 13. She is from Canada.But her hair is short. She has a small mouth and a round face. Dresses and skirts are her favorite. Now she is in a white dress. She looks very nice.
一、1-5 BCAAA  6-10 CACBB 11-15ABBBA  16-20 ECBDA
二、21-25 ADBCB 26-30 BACCA 31-35 CACBB 36-40 ABDEC
三、41--45:ADABC 46--50:BDABC 51--55:ADACB
四、56. Chinese es 58. years 59. classes 60. round
61. His 62. Brown 63. are 64. cool 65. like
66. an 67. to 68.and 69. her 70. Is / feels
五、71. What class are you in
72. Yes , I do .
73. What does he look like
74. We are in different classes./He is in Class Four./...
75. Whose bike is this /it / Whose is this bike
六、One possible version
My favorite teacher
Miss Chen is my favorite teacher . She is my English teacher . She is from Mengjin . She is thirty years old . She is not tall . Her hair is long . She has a round face , big eyes , a small nose and a small mouth . Her favorite color is blue .She is often in a blue dress and black shoes .
She is nice to us and we all like her . We are good friends ,too.



