河南省郑州市金水区-郑州师范学院附属小学2021-2022六年级期末试卷(图片版 含听力音频及答案 无听力原文)

郑州师范学院附属小学 2021-2022 学年上学期期末学生学业评价试卷
A 部分
I. Listen and choose
1. _____A_____ 2. _____B_____ 3. _____C______ 4. _____B______ 5. _____C_____
II. Listen and choose
6. _____A_____ 7. _____B_____ 8. _____C______ 9. _____B______ 10. _____C_____
III. Listen and choose
11. _____A_____ 12. _____D_____ 13. _____C_____ 14. _____E_____ 15. _____B_____
IV. Read and choose
16. _____a_____ 17. ____meets____ 18. ____me_____ 19. ___months____ 20. ___have___
21. ____But____ 22. _____is_____ 23. _____are_____ 24. ___ happy ____ 25. ___feel___
V. Read and fill
26. _____C_____ 27. _____A_____ 28. _____E_____ 29. _____B_____ 30. _____D_____
B 部分
VI. Read and choose
A 31. _____D_____ 32. _____A_____ 33. _____E______ 34. _____B______ 35. _____C_____
B 36. _____B_____ 37. _____A_____ 38. _____B_____ 39. _____C_____ 40. _____C_____
C 41. _____B_____ 42. _____A_____ 43. _____A_____ 44. _____B_____ 45. _____A_____
VII. Read and write
46. __Where is the bookstore?_________________________________________________________
47. __I’m going to take a trip._________________________________________________________
48. __Mike likes singing._____________________________________________________________
49. __Tim is a fisherman, and he works at sea/on a boat.____________________________________
50. __Lucy is ill. She should see a doctor.________________________________________________
评价等级:共 50 小题,正确题目数量 43-50为 A(50 为 A+),35-42为 B,30-34 为 C,0-29 为 D。郑州师范学院附属小学
2021-2022 学年上学期期末学业评价试卷(A 部分)
六年级 英语
I. Listen and choose(短语理解。听录音,根据所听短语内容,选出与其最相符合
( )1.A. B. C.
( )2.A. B. C.
( )3.A. B. C.
( )4.A. B. C.
( )5.A. B. C.
II. Listen and choose(语句理解。听录音,根据所听语句内容,选出与其最相符合
( )6.A. B. C.
( )7.A. B. C.
( )8.A. B. C.
( )9.A. B. C.
( )10.A. B. C.
III. Listen and choose(语境理解。听录音,根据所听短文内容中相关信息的出现
顺序,用英语大写字母 A,B,C,D,E,给下列图片排序,并将字母序号填写在图片下面的
11. 12. 13.
( ) ( ) ( )
14. 15.
( ) ( )
IV. Read and choose(语用辨析。选词填空。根据短文内容,选择括号内符合语境语
One day, 16 ( a, an ) rich old businessman in a small town 17
( meet, meets ) a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and says,
“Bring 18 ( me, I ) the flowers in three 19 ( month , months ).
The man with the most beautiful flower can 20 ( have , has ) my money!”
After three months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small
purple flower. 21 ( But , And ) the poor fisherman brings nothing. He
22 ( is, are ) very sad. “I don’t know why!” he says. “I watered it every
day.” “You 23 ( is, are ) honest!” the businessman says. “The seeds are
bad and will never sprout! The money is yours. The fisherman is very 24
( happy, sad ). The other two men 25 ( feel, feels ) ashamed and sad.
V. Read and fill(情景交际。语境补全。请联系对话上下文,选择最恰当的选项,
A. How does she go to work
B. I want to be a coach.
C. She is a scientist.
D. Yes, I do.
E. What does your father do
F. What’s your mother’s hobby
A: What does your mother do
B: 26 She works at a univercity.
A: 27
B: She goes to work on foot.
A: 28
B: He is a pilot.
A: That’s cool. I want to be a pilot, too. What about you
B: 29 I like playing sports. Do you like playing sports
A: 30郑州师范学院附属小学
2021-2022 学年上学期期末学业评价试卷(B 部分)
六年级 英语
VI. Read and choose(阅读理解。阅读下面三篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。)
Mike: Tomorrow is Saturday. I am going to the park to play football. Do you want to go with
John: Sorry! I have a lot of homework to do. I must stay at home and finish it. I am so
worried. You can ask Jerry, maybe he can go with you.
Mike: OK. I will call Jerry.
Mike: Jerry, I am going to play football in the park tomorrow. Can you play with me
Jerry: Sorry, I can’t go with you. I am sad. My grandpa is ill. I am going to the hospital.
Mike: I’m sorry to hear that.
Mike: Tony, are you free tommow I am going to the park to play football.
Tony: That’s great! I like playing football. I am so happy.
Mike: I am happy, too. See you tomorrow.
Tony: See you.
A. John B. sad C. Tony D. happy
E. Because he has a lot of homework to do.
Who Feeling Why
Mike 31. ____ Because he is going to play football tomoorrow.
32. ____ worried 33. ____
Jerry 34. ____ Because his grandpa is ill.
35. ____ happy Because he is going to play football with Mike tomoorrow.
I have a new pen pal. Her name is Sarah. She lives in Canberra in Australia. She is 12
years old. She likes China very much. And she studies Chinese every day.
There are four people in her family. Her father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. It’s far
from their home, so he goes to work by car. Her mother is a police officer. She likes doing
kung fu. Because of the Chinese kung fu, she likes China, too. Sarah has a twin brother, Sam.
They are in the same class, they go to school on foot together. The school is near.
On the weekends, they often visit grandparents and they have a big dinner together.
Sometimes, they go hiking. That’s good exercise.
( )36. -- Where does Sarah live
-- She lives in ________.
A. America B. Australia C. Sydney
( )37. -- What does Sarah’s father do
-- He is a ___________.
A. doctor B. teacher C. police officer
( )38. -- What is Sarah’s mother’s hobby
-- She likes _____________.
A. studying Chinese B. doing kung fu C. going hiking
( )39. -- How does Sarah go to school
-- ___________________
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
( )40. -- What do they often do on the weekends
-- They often ___________________.
A. visit grandparents B. have a big dinner C. A & B
Oliver is an American boy, but now he lives in Beijing. He is going to the Palace Museum
this Saturday. Chen Jie is his classmate, she wants to be a tour guide for him.
The Palace Museum is behind Tian’anmen. They are very famous in Beijing. This
Saturday morning, they will meet at school at 9:00. They will walk to the bus stop and take the
No.52 bus to Tian’anmen. Then they can turn left at Tian’anmen. Walk for three minutes, they
will get to the Palace Museum.
Chen Jie will be a good guide. She belives Oliver will like the Palace Museum. They will
have a good time this Saturday.
( )41. Oliver is going to the ___________ this Saturday.
A. Beijing B. Palace Museum C. Tian’anmen
( )42. -- Where will they meet
-- ____________.
A. They will meet at school.
B. They will meet in front of Tian’anmen.
C. They will meet in the Palace Museum.
( )43. -- When will they meet
-- _____________.
A. At 9:00 this Saturday morning.
B. At 9:00 this Saturday afternoon.
C. At 9:00 this Sunday morning.
( )44. -- How can they get to Tian’anmen
-- ___________________
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
( )45. They can ___________ at Tian’anmen, the Palace Museum is behind it.
A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight
VII. Read and write(书面表达。)
46. 例:Where is the cinema
47. 例:I’m going to see a film.
48. 例:John likes reading stories.
49. 例:Lee is a doctor, and he works in a hospital.
50. 例:Ben is angry. He should take a deep breath.




下一篇:四川省 广元市旺苍县2023年秋义务教育阶段学生学业质量检测八年级物理试卷( 无答案)