江苏省淮安市盱眙县2023-2024五年级上学期1月期末英语试题( 无答案 无听力原文及音频)

) (
) 2023—2024学年度第一学期
第一部分 听力(30分)
一、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的图片。(每小题2分,共10分) (听两遍)
1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. A. It has a long tail. B. No, it hasn't. C. No, it doesn't.
12. A. She likes skating. B. They like skating. C. Me too.
13. A. Yes, there are. B. There are twenty-four. C. Yes, there is.
14. A. He plays football. B. No, she doesn't. C. She plays the piano.
15. A. He likes cooking. B. He can cook nice food. C. He's a cook.
16. Who can dance well
A. Su Yang. B. Su Hai. C. Sorry, I don't know.
17. What are they talking about
A. Classmates. B. Hobbies. C. Weekends.
18. What does Alice do at Christmas
A. She makes some cards. B. She goes to see Father Christmas.
C. She eats a turkey and Christmas pudding
19. How many animals does Aunt Li have on the farm
A. Ten. B. Thirteen. C. Twenty-three.
20. Is Helen's father a bus driver
A. Yes, he is. B. No. He's a doctor. C. No, he doesn't.
Student Card Name: 21.____________ Age: 22.____________ Favourite Subjects: English and 23.__________ Hobbies: 24.__________ and playing football. Family Members: father, mother, brother and me Parents' Jobs: father: a doctor mother : a 25.____________
第二部分 读写(70 分)
A. 选择合适的选项完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)
A. have dinner B. can't C. looks D. have E. There are
26. Helen _____________ very sad.
27. I usually ____________ with my parents at six o’clock.
28. I __________ find my shoes. Where are they
29.__________ some dolls and a toy car on the floor.
30. Miss Li doesn't __________any dogs in her house.
B. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)
31. Wang Bing ______________ (not like) playing basketball.
32. Let’s go and ________(have) a picnic now.
33. Spring is the __________(one) season of a year.
34 We all like playing with _________(he).
35. ---Would you like _________(eat) some bread ---Yes, please.
36. --- Where is the garden ---It’s _________ the house.
A. under B. in front of C. between
37. ---Are there any tables tennis rooms on the third floor --- _________.
A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.
38. ---Do you have a dog, John ---______ I have a bird.
A. No, I don’t. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, I do.
39. Look______, Billy! The soup is hot.
out B. at C. on
40. --- How many______ are there in the office ---__________ twenty.
A. teachers; They’re B. student; There are C. teachers; There are
41. — ______ she speak English —Yes, she can.
A. Does B. Can C. Do
42. Autumn comes after ______.
A. spring B. summer C. winter
43. — Merry Christmas! —____________.
A. Happy New Year! B. Merry Christmas! C. Thank you!
44. We usually eat a turkey and Christmas puddings _______.
A. on New Year’s Day B. at Christmas C. at Halloween
45. We play football ________ the playground _________Monday morning.
in; on B. on; in C. at; on
A. 根据对话或句子内容选择合适的图片。
46.A: Do you often go to see your uncle A.
B: No, he lives in Beijing. I usually chat with him on the Internet.
47. A: Does Billy always eat a lot B.
B: Yes, he does.
48. A: Do you have an animal friend
B: Yes, I do. It has no arms or legs. C.
A: Oh, it’s a fish.
49. A: Yang Ling, she is a new student. Can you show her around D.
our school
B: Yes, Miss Li.
50. Helen usually goes to the cinema with her mother. E.
Yang Ling is a good student. She goes home at 5:10.
A.Next B. has C. homework D. reads books E. goes to
First, she does her 51._______ at 5:30. 52._______, she 53._______ dinner at six o’clock. Then, she 54.______ ______ after dinner. Finally, She 55.____ ______ bed early.
C. 请仔细观察三个频道的节目表,认真阅读并选择合适的答案。
Channel (频道) 1 Channel 2 Channel 3
12:00-13:30 Around China 14:00-15:00 Children's Show 15:30-17:00 Music Time 6:30-8:30 English Classroom 9:00-10:00 Talk Show 11:00-12:00 Animal World 17:00-18:00 Chinese Cooking 18:30-19:30 Football World 20:00-21:30 Film Snow White
56. Mike wants to watch a football game. He can watch____________.
A. Channel 1 B. Channel 2 C. Channel 3
57. Helen wants to see tigers, elephants and monkeys. She can watch___________.
A. Channel 1 B. Channel 2 C. Channel 3
58. Mike's parents want to travel around China. They can watch____________.
A. Channel1 B. Channel 2 C. Channel 3
59.If(如果) you want to watch a film, you can watch TV at____________.
A.15:30-17:00 B.11:00-12:00 C.20:00-21:30
60. From 6:30 to 8:30, you can watch____________.
A. English Classroom B. Children's Show C. Talk Show
D. 阅读短文,根据内容,判断句子正误,正确的在答题卡上涂A,错误的涂B。
Bob is a little boy. He and his family come to a new town. He lives with his parents. His family is very rich (有钱的). They have a gardener, a cook and a lot of other servants(仆人).
Bob will go to a new school. On the first day his mother says to him,“Bob, be modest(谦虚的) at your new school. Don't say we are rich.” And Bob says,“Yes, Mummy." So Bob goes to school. He meets his new teacher. The teacher says,“Hello, children. Let's write a composition(作文) today. The title is 'My family’.”All the students write their compositions. This is Bob's composition: “My name is Bob. My family is very big, but we are very poor. My father is poor. My mother is also poor. The gardener, the cook and all the other servants are all very poor too.
61. Bob and his family live in a new town.
62. Bob's mother wants him to be modest at school.
63. The teacher asks the students to write a composition.
64. There aren't many servants in Bob's family.
65. Bob's family is very poor.
66.Mary dances well, she has _____________ lessons at school.
67. My uncle is a _______ .
68. My brother often plays __________ games at weekends.
69. ---Let’s v__________ our grandparents tomorrow. ---OK.
70. Mike is good at singing English s______very much
animal friend
I have ---
It is ---
It has ---
It can ---
It likes ----
) (
My good friend
This is---
He/She is ---
He/ She has---
He/She can---
He/She like
)十、书面表达。请从下面题目中任选一个,根据提示,写一段话。 (共5分)



