
almost; ticket; physical; something; happen
1. You’re in luck, guys—there are two ________ left for you.
2. We cannot say for sure what ________ in a few days.
3. —Did you buy ________ special on your trip, Mary
—No, I bought nothing.
4. To keep healthy, we have some ________ exercise every day.
5. Get everything ready, Tom. It’s ________ time to go back.
【答案】1. tickets
2. will happen
3. anything
4. physical
5. almost
句意:我们无法确定几天之后将发生什么。根据“what...in a few days”可知,是表示几天后将发生什么,需用一般将来时,其结构是“will+动词原形”,故备选词“happen”符合句意,故填will happen。
句意:为了保持健康,我们每天做一些身体上的锻炼。根据“some... exercise”可知,是指身体上的锻炼,故备选词“physical身体上的”符合句意,其修饰名词exercise,故填physical。
___1___ The story is focused on a little girl Shen Xiu. One day, the girl travelled with her family on a cruise (游轮) and fell into a fantastic world. The effects in the cartoon movie are truly breathtaking. It felt like a tour through the colorful, deep blue sea. A. The Wandering Earth II
___2___ It mainly tells the story of the Southern Song Dynasty, four years after Yue Fei’s death, Qin Hui led his army to talk with the Jin State. A soldier fought with his fellows and made the poem, which showed Yue’s loyalty (衷心), spread to the whole country. B. Boonie Bears:Guardian Code
___3___ It is an excellent science fiction film, the sequel to Liu Cixin’s classic novel. The film continues the story of protecting the earth from being destroyed. When facing the disaster, people from all over the world worked together to fight for our planet. C. Full River Red
___4___ One night in the forest, the mother bear, who loved Little Bear Big and Little Bear Two, left them after a fire, and the two bears were very sad. Many years later, they accidentally got the clues of the mother bear, so they started the way to explore (探寻). D. Five Hundred Miles
___5___ If you have a chance, will you choose to change your families with others The comedy tells the story of a young boy named Lu Xiaogu, who experienced losing his family and found out that no matter how far we go, there is a home to return to. E. Deep Sea
【答案】1. E 2. C
3. A 4. B
5. D
根据“The story is focused on a little girl Shen Xiu. One day, the girl travelled with her family on a cruise (游轮) and fell into a fantastic world. The effects in the cartoon movie are truly breathtaking. It felt like a tour through the colorful, deep blue sea.”(故事主要围绕一个名叫沈秀的小女孩展开。有一天,这个女孩和她的家人在游轮上旅行,陷入了一个奇妙的世界。这部卡通电影的效果真是令人惊叹。感觉就像在五彩缤纷的深蓝色大海中旅行。)结合选项,E选项“《深海》”与之匹配。故选E。
根据“It mainly tells the story of the Southern Song Dynasty, four years after Yue Fei’s death, Qin Hui led his army to talk with the Jin State. A soldier fought with his fellows and made the poem, which showed Yue’s loyalty(衷心), spread to the whole country.”(它主要讲述了南宋岳飞死后四年,秦桧率军与金国会谈的故事。一个士兵与他的同伴战斗,创作了这首诗,显示了岳的衷心,传播到全国。)结合选项,C选项“《满江红》”与之匹配。故选C。
根据“It is an excellent science fiction film, the sequel to Liu Cixin’s classic novel. The film continues the story of protecting the earth from being destroyed. When facing the disaster, people from all over the world worked together to fight for our planet.”(这是一部优秀的科幻电影, 是刘慈欣经典小说的续集。影片继续讲述了保护地球不受破坏的故事。面对灾难,来自世界各地的人们一起为我们的星球而战。)结合选项, A选项“《流浪地球2》”与之匹配。故选A。
根据“One night in the forest, the mother bear, who loved Little Bear Big and Little Bear Two, left them after a fire, and the two bears were very sad. Many years later, they accidentally got the clues of the mother bear, so they started the way to explore(探寻).”(一天晚上,在森林里,爱着小和小的熊妈妈在一场火灾后离开了他们,两只熊非常伤心。多年后,他们意外地得到了熊妈妈的线索,于是开始了探索之路。)结合选项,B选项“《 伴我“熊芯”》”与之匹配。故选B。
根据“If you have a chance, will you choose to change your families with others The comedy tells the story of a young boy named Lu Xiaogu, who experienced losing his family and found out that no matter how far we go, there is a home to return to.”(如果有机会,你会选择和别人换家吗?这部喜剧讲述了一个名叫陆小谷的小男孩,他经历了失去家人的经历,并发现无论我们走得多远,都有一个家可以回去。)结合选项,D选项“《交换人生》”与之匹配。故选D。三、语法填空
Once you decide to study in the US, you should know which city is right ____1____ you. Let’s look into one of ____2____ (exciting) and famous cities — Seattle.
Seattle is a large coastal city with about 3.2 million people. Because of ____3____ (it) evergreen forests, Seattle is a good place to have outdoor activities such as camping, ____4____ (climb), hiking and so on.
There’s always something to do in Seattle. You’ll be ____5____ (interest) in film festivals, fan clubs and concerts. Hundreds of films around the world are shown during the Seattle International Film Festival. ____6____ wonderful!
While you ____7____ (study) in Seattle, it is important to have a university experience. Seattle is the home to lots of famous ____8____ (university) which will surely meet your needs.
If you want to learn ____9____ (much) information about Seattle, search on the Internet. But do remember to take ____10____ umbrella — it does rain from time to time.
【答案】1. for
2. the most exciting
3. its 4. climbing
5. interested
6. How 7. are studying
8. universities
9. more 10. an
句意:一旦你决定去美国学习,你应该知道哪个城市适合你。此处是:be right for sb.意为“适合某人”。故填for。
句意:让我们来看看最激动人心和最著名的城市之一———西雅图。此处是:one of +最高级形容词+名词复数,是形容词最高级的常用结构。故填the most exciting。
句意:由于其常绿的森林,西雅图是一个进行户外活动的好地方,如露营、登山、徒步旅行等。空后的evergreen forests是名词,此处需用形容词性的物主代词修饰。故填its。
句意:由于其常绿的森林,西雅图是一个进行户外活动的好地方,如露营、登山、徒步旅行等。such as意为“例如”,后跟动名词,与camping、hiking并列。故填climbing。
句意:你会对电影节、影迷俱乐部和音乐会感兴趣。此处是:be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。故填interested。
句意:当你在西雅图学习时,有大学经历是很重要的。While引导的时间状语从句谓语通常用进行时态表示动作的延续性,主句为一般现在时,从句用现在进行时,从句主语为you,因此be动词用are。故填are studying。
句意:西雅图是许多著名大学的所在地,这些大学肯定能满足你的需求。lots of 后跟可数名词复数。故填universities。
句意:如果你想了解更多关于西雅图的信息,可以在互联网上搜索。根据“search on the Internet.”可知,此处应该用比较级形式。故填more。
请选出每小题中一个符合题意的选项, 不选、错选均不给分。
Ana Kamila & Jorge Bruce
The Bruce family invite you to celebrate the birth of their baby.
Grace Bruce, a little princess. Born on Monday, Nov 13, 57. Time:10:40 a.m.
Help us celebrate a new chapter with our first daughter.
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 57
4:00 in the afternoon
Dinner from 7 p.m. onwards
$8 each person
Free cakes and juice offered before 8 p.m.
Call 3467467 to join us.
The Oakwood Resort, Toronto, Canada
1. What do we know about Grace Bruce
A. She was born in winter. B. She has an older sister.
C. She was born at 4 p.m. D. She is the princess of Canada.
2. How much do you need to pay for three cakes and a glass of juice at the party before 8 p.m.
A. $8. B. $1 C. $9. D. None.
3. How can you join the party
A. By writing a letter. B. By making a phone call.
C. By sending an email. D. By leaving a message online.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
细节理解题。根据“Born on Monday, Nov 13, 57.(生于57年11月13日星期一。)”可知,格蕾丝 布鲁斯是在冬天出生的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据“Free cakes and juice offered before 8 p.m.(晚上8点前提供免费蛋糕和果汁)”可知,在晚上8点前的宴会上买三个蛋糕和一杯果汁不需要付钱。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Call 3467467 to join us.(请致电3467467加入我们。)”可知, 通过打电话可以加入宴会。故选B。
Magpies (喜鹊) are everywhere all over the world. They often share the common meaning of luck, no matter which culture they are found in. In the UK, there is a poem about what seeing a different number of magpies means:
One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl
Four for a boy
Five for Silver
Six for Gold
Seven for a secret never to be told
Three and four are usually understood to show the sex (性别) of a soon-to-be-born child. Five and six mean that the person is likely to soon find wealth. Seven means that a secret will successfully be kept away from others forever. They are all positive, except for seeing just one bird, which means bad luck. However, there is a way out. By simply saluting (敬礼) the bird, you can get good luck back again.
There is a saying in China that “the singing of a magpie foretells good luck and happiness, while that of a crow bad luck and misery.” It means that magpies are signs of good luck, while crows are those of bad luck. In the UK, crows are also seen as a bad sign by many people. In TV shows and films, if you see a group of crows crying, that is to introduce an air of bad luck or death.
4. What does two magpies mean
A. Health. B. Wealth. C. Happiness. D. Sadness.
5. Which of the following is NOT true about the different numbers of the magpies
A. All numbers of magpies have positive meanings.
B. Some are about the sex of a soon-to-be-born baby.
C. Different numbers of magpies have different meanings.
D. Saluting the bird can help you get back good luck.
6. The underlined word “crow” means ________ in Chinese.
A. 百灵 B. 乌鸦 C. 白鹭 D. 鸽子
7. You can read the passage in the ________ part of a magazine.
A. Zoo B. History C. Travel D. Culture
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D
细节理解题。根据“Two for joy”可知,两只喜鹊意味着快乐。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“One for sorrow”可知, 一只喜鹊代表悲伤,所以并不是所有喜鹊的数字都有积极的意义,选项A表述错误。故选A。
词句猜测题。根据“It means that magpies are signs of good luck, while crows are those of bad luck.”可知,喜鹊是吉祥的象征,乌鸦是不吉利的象征,所以crow含义为“乌鸦”。故选B。
For those who make New Year’s resolutions, exercising more and losing weight is often at the top of the list, but whether your goals are to improve your health, save money or travel more, it can be hard to actually keep the resolutions.
So what causes some people to fail year after year when it comes to making resolutions, while others are successful That’s the question 8 and Me-yes, the DNA kit company tries to answer.
The company surveyed 75, 000 people and found that only 6 percent of them made resolutions. Of those who made resolutions, about 41 percent said they stuck(坚持) with them.
This is where things get interesting:9 percent of women reported setting resolutions, compared to 3 percent of men. But while women were more likely to set new year’s goals, men were better at sticking to theirs, especially as they grew older. Among the participants(参与者), 51.5 percent of men met their goals, compared to 42.6 percent of women who reported meeting theirs.
No matter what your goal is, it’s important to remember that over 80 percent of people drop New Year’s resolutions by February—________.
So, if you want to keep your New Year’s resolutions, try to set small goals of action to make your New Year’s resolutions last from January to December and beyond.
8. What kind of the New Year’s resolution do most people make
A. Exercise more. B. Travel more. C. Save money. D. Get good grades.
9. How many people made resolutions according to the survey
A. 15750. B. 15750. C. 6458. D. 15000.
10. Which of the following sentences can be put in “________” in paragraph 5
A. and will begin to stick to their resolutions.
B. and will have to make resolutions years later.
C. and will ask people not to make resolutions.
D. and will completely forget them by the end of the year.
11. Which is true according to the passage
A. More men set resolutions than women.
B. Women stuck to resolutions worse than men.
C. Half of the people stuck with their resolutions.
D. We could set great goals to keep the resolutions.
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B
细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容“For those who make New Year’s resolutions, exercising more and losing weight is often at the top of the list... ”可知,大多数人的新年计划是多锻炼和减肥。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容“The company surveyed 75, 000 people and found that only 6 percent of them made resolutions.”可知,制定计划的人有75000*6%=15750。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“...over 80 percent of people drop New Year’s resolutions by February”可知,大部分人在2月前放弃新年计划,后面要进一步说明“并且在年底前会完全忘记它们。”故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段“Among the participants(参与者), 51.5 percent of men met their goals, compared to 42.6 percent of women who reported meeting theirs.”可知,女人比男人坚持自己的计划更糟糕。故选B。
It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about ten years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway. He was looking through the window, barefooted and shaking with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, “My little boy, what are you looking at ” “I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes.” was the boy’s answer.
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store. She asked the clerk(工作人员) to get a pair of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin(盆) of hot water and a towel(毛巾). The clerk quickly brought them to her. She washed the boy’s little feet, and dried them with a towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. The lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought a pair of shoes for him. She patted(拍) him on the head and said, “My little boy, do you feel warm now ”
As the lady turned to go, the boy caught her by the hand and looked up in her face with tears in his eyes, he asked her, “Are you God’s wife ” “No, I’m a mother.” said the lady.
12. Where did the story happen
A. B.
C. D.
13. What was the boy’s wish
A. To eat some food. B. To buy a toy.
C. To get a pair of shoes. D. To meet God in the store.
14 What’s the right order according to the passage
a. put on the socks for the boy
b. took him into the store by the hand
c. bought a pair of shoes for him
d. washed the boy’s feet and dried them with towel
A. a-b-c-d B. b-d-a-c C. c-a-d-b D. d-a-b-c
15. What can we infer from the passage
A. God’s wife helped the boy.
B. The kind woman was the boy’s mother.
C. The lady had no children herself.
D. The boy felt warm and moved.
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“It was a cold day in December in New York City.”可知,故事发生在美国。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第一段“ I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes.”可知,男孩的愿望是得到一双鞋。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“The lady took him by the hand and went into the store”、“She washed the boy’s little feet”、“The lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought him a pair of shoes”及“She patted him on the head”可知,正确的顺序是:女士把男孩带到鞋店里——她给男孩洗脚——给男孩穿袜子——给他买鞋——拍拍男孩的头。故选B。
almost; ticket; physical; something; happen
1. You’re in luck, guys—there are two ________ left for you.
2. We cannot say for sure what ________ in a few days.
3. —Did you buy ________ special on your trip, Mary
—No, I bought nothing.
4. To keep healthy, we have some ________ exercise every day.
5. Get everything ready, Tom. It’s ________ time to go back.
___1___ The story is focused on a little girl Shen Xiu. One day, the girl travelled with her family on a cruise (游轮) and fell into a fantastic world. The effects in the cartoon movie are truly breathtaking. It felt like a tour through the colorful, deep blue sea. A. The Wandering Earth II
___2___ It mainly tells the story of the Southern Song Dynasty, four years after Yue Fei’s death, Qin Hui led his army to talk with the Jin State. A soldier fought with his fellows and made the poem, which showed Yue’s loyalty (衷心), spread to the whole country. B. Boonie Bears:Guardian Code
___3___ It is an excellent science fiction film, the sequel to Liu Cixin’s classic novel. The film continues the story of protecting the earth from being destroyed. When facing the disaster, people from all over the world worked together to fight for our planet. C. Full River Red
___4___ One night in the forest, the mother bear, who loved Little Bear Big and Little Bear Two, left them after a fire, and the two bears were very sad. Many years later, they accidentally got the clues of the mother bear, so they started the way to explore (探寻). D. Five Hundred Miles
___5___ If you have a chance, will you choose to change your families with others The comedy tells the story of a young boy named Lu Xiaogu, who experienced losing his family and found out that no matter how far we go, there is a home to return to. E. Deep Sea
Once you decide to study in the US, you should know which city is right ____1____ you. Let’s look into one of ____2____ (exciting) and famous cities — Seattle.
Seattle is a large coastal city with about 3.2 million people. Because of ____3____ (it) evergreen forests, Seattle is a good place to have outdoor activities such as camping, ____4____ (climb), hiking and so on.
There’s always something to do in Seattle. You’ll be ____5____ (interest) in film festivals, fan clubs and concerts. Hundreds of films around the world are shown during the Seattle International Film Festival. ____6____ wonderful!
While you ____7____ (study) in Seattle, it is important to have a university experience. Seattle is the home to lots of famous ____8____ (university) which will surely meet your needs.
If you want to learn ____9____ (much) information about Seattle, search on the Internet. But do remember to take ____10____ umbrella — it does rain from time to time.
请选出每小题中一个符合题意的选项, 不选、错选均不给分。
Ana Kamila & Jorge Bruce
The Bruce family invite you to celebrate the birth of their baby.
Grace Bruce, a little princess. Born on Monday, Nov 13, 57. Time:10:40 a.m.
Help us celebrate a new chapter with our first daughter.
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 57
4:00 in the afternoon
Dinner from 7 p.m. onwards
$8 each person
Free cakes and juice offered before 8 p.m.
Call 3467467 to join us.
The Oakwood Resort, Toronto, Canada
1. What do we know about Grace Bruce
A. She was born in winter. B. She has an older sister.
C. She was born at 4 p.m. D. She is the princess of Canada.
2. How much do you need to pay for three cakes and a glass of juice at the party before 8 p.m.
A. $8. B. $1 C. $9. D. None.
3. How can you join the party
A. By writing a letter. B. By making a phone call.
C. By sending an email. D. By leaving a message online.
Magpies (喜鹊) are everywhere all over the world. They often share the common meaning of luck, no matter which culture they are found in. In the UK, there is a poem about what seeing a different number of magpies means:
One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl
Four for a boy
Five for Silver
Six for Gold
Seven for a secret never to be told
Three and four are usually understood to show the sex (性别) of a soon-to-be-born child. Five and six mean that the person is likely to soon find wealth. Seven means that a secret will successfully be kept away from others forever. They are all positive, except for seeing just one bird, which means bad luck. However, there is a way out. By simply saluting (敬礼) the bird, you can get good luck back again.
There is a saying in China that “the singing of a magpie foretells good luck and happiness, while that of a crow bad luck and misery.” It means that magpies are signs of good luck, while crows are those of bad luck. In the UK, crows are also seen as a bad sign by many people. In TV shows and films, if you see a group of crows crying, that is to introduce an air of bad luck or death.
4. What does two magpies mean
A. Health. B. Wealth. C. Happiness. D. Sadness.
5. Which of the following is NOT true about the different numbers of the magpies
A. All numbers of magpies have positive meanings.
B. Some are about the sex of a soon-to-be-born baby.
C. Different numbers of magpies have different meanings.
D. Saluting the bird can help you get back good luck.
6. The underlined word “crow” means ________ in Chinese.
A. 百灵 B. 乌鸦 C. 白鹭 D. 鸽子
7. You can read the passage in the ________ part of a magazine.
A. Zoo B. History C. Travel D. Culture
For those who make New Year’s resolutions, exercising more and losing weight is often at the top of the list, but whether your goals are to improve your health, save money or travel more, it can be hard to actually keep the resolutions.
So what causes some people to fail year after year when it comes to making resolutions, while others are successful That’s the question 8 and Me-yes, the DNA kit company tries to answer.
The company surveyed 75, 000 people and found that only 6 percent of them made resolutions. Of those who made resolutions, about 41 percent said they stuck(坚持) with them.
This is where things get interesting:9 percent of women reported setting resolutions, compared to 3 percent of men. But while women were more likely to set new year’s goals, men were better at sticking to theirs, especially as they grew older. Among the participants(参与者), 51.5 percent of men met their goals, compared to 42.6 percent of women who reported meeting theirs.
No matter what your goal is, it’s important to remember that over 80 percent of people drop New Year’s resolutions by February—________.
So, if you want to keep your New Year’s resolutions, try to set small goals of action to make your New Year’s resolutions last from January to December and beyond.
8. What kind of the New Year’s resolution do most people make
A. Exercise more. B. Travel more. C. Save money. D. Get good grades.
9. How many people made resolutions according to the survey
A. 15750. B. 15750. C. 6458. D. 15000.
10. Which of the following sentences can be put in “________” in paragraph 5
A. and will begin to stick to their resolutions.
B. and will have to make resolutions years later.
C. and will ask people not to make resolutions.
D. and will completely forget them by the end of the year.
11. Which is true according to the passage
A. More men set resolutions than women.
B. Women stuck to resolutions worse than men.
C. Half of the people stuck with their resolutions.
D. We could set great goals to keep the resolutions.
It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about ten years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway. He was looking through the window, barefooted and shaking with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, “My little boy, what are you looking at ” “I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes.” was the boy’s answer.
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store. She asked the clerk(工作人员) to get a pair of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin(盆) of hot water and a towel(毛巾). The clerk quickly brought them to her. She washed the boy’s little feet, and dried them with a towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. The lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought a pair of shoes for him. She patted(拍) him on the head and said, “My little boy, do you feel warm now ”
As the lady turned to go, the boy caught her by the hand and looked up in her face with tears in his eyes, he asked her, “Are you God’s wife ” “No, I’m a mother.” said the lady.
12. Where did the story happen
A. B.
C. D.
13. What was the boy’s wish
A. To eat some food. B. To buy a toy.
C. To get a pair of shoes. D. To meet God in the store.
14 What’s the right order according to the passage
a. put on the socks for the boy
b. took him into the store by the hand
c. bought a pair of shoes for him
d. washed the boy’s feet and dried them with towel
A. a-b-c-d B. b-d-a-c C. c-a-d-b D. d-a-b-c
15. What can we infer from the passage
A. God’s wife helped the boy.
B. The kind woman was the boy’s mother.
C. The lady had no children herself.
D. The boy felt warm and moved.



