
improve tall two during different
1. Most buildings in Beijing are ________ than the ones in my hometown.
2. I was so lucky to see my favorite sports star ________ my stay in Hangzhou.
3. He is going to ________ his English by listening to tapes.
4. What a ________! You look great with your new dress.
5. I usually go to the dentist to wash the teeth ________ a year.
Experts share some mental exercises to train our brains (大脑) to think in English. They tell us that it’s best to start small, little by little.
Look around you. What do you see In your head, try to name each thing near you. Charles Thomas, an English teacher tells his students to name the things that they see around them, wherever they are. Another teacher Andrew Hinshaw also finds this exercise helpful.
Thomas says, “If you’re looking at your house and you see your garage, but you can’t think of the name in English.” You can describe it like this, “The place inside where I put my car” or you can say, “It’s next to my house. I keep things there.”
For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself by using simple sentences like, “It’s such a beautiful day” and “People are playing sports with their friends.”
Thomas asks his beginning-level students to describe their everyday activities using the simple present verb form. So, they would think to themselves activities like, “I put on my shirt” and “He drives the bus.”
This would need other verb tenses (时态). For example, you might tell yourself, “When I leave the house, I’m going to get an iced coffee. Then, I’ll take the train to class. I’m studying with Jenny today. She said she booked a study room at the library for 2 p.m.”
A. Think in simple sentences.
B. Think you speak to someone else.
C. Describe daily activities in the mind.
D. Describe things you don’t know the words for in your mind.
E. Name things around you in English in your head.
F. Make plans in your mind when you wake up in the morning.
We are changing the environment all the time. Now that change ___1___ (happen) around the world because of global warming (全球变暖). Good news is that we all know it is important ___2___ (save) nature. Some projects about saving nature are hard to imagine and work, others have a bigger chance to succeed ____3____ (quick). One example is coral reefs (珊瑚礁). Corals are useful to people, but sea pollution is ____4____ (harm) to them. Without stopping sea pollution, reefs would die soon, and ____5____ (million) of people would lose food. It’s reported that corals’ food supply are up to 10,000 billion dollars ___6___ year. However, reefs are ___7___ danger as sea temperatures are rising. Scientists are trying to grow heat resistant (耐热的) corals, ___8___ then move them around the world.
If ocean pollution goes on, even heat-resistant corals ___9___ (die) at the end of this century. Luckily, more and more ___10___ (country) are starting to act together to stop it.
四、阅读理解(本题有15小题, 每小题6分;共计15分)
Last year, students from Miller Mount School made a survey about “How do people spend their free time ” Here are the results.
hours for people of different ages
who surf the Internet in a week
different days people go to the library (%)
different programs people like
1. The people at the age of ________ surf the Internet most in a week.
A. 7—1 B. 2—15 C. 31—55 D. over 56
2. How many people go to the library on Sunday
A. About 5%. B. About 40%. C. Over 60%. D. Over 80%.
3. Which of the following is True according to the diagrams
A. People over 60 years old never surf the Internet. B. News is the most people’s favorite program.
C. People hardly ever go to the library on weekdays. D. Half of the people like watching cartoons.
WeRun (微信运动) is an app in WeChat. It lets users see their daily step counts. One of its most popular things is a leaderboard (排行榜) among friends that lets users see how their results compared with others.
As a growing number of people use WeRun, we wondered what we can learn about a person just from knowing their step counts. Here we take a closer look:
Fewer than 50 steps: Anyone who takes fewer than 50 steps in one day may be ill or sad. Or maybe he or she is just too lazy to get out of the bed!
50—500 steps: It’s easy to have a few hundred steps. Even going shopping on foot will be enough.
500—8, 000 steps: Most students and workers will take between 500 and 8, 000 steps a day. These step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard. But your parents will always give your step counts a thumbs-up (It’s their job to care about you!).
8, 000—15, 000 steps: Salespeople and members of film workers are likely to take these many steps a day, as they are always on the move.
More than 15, 000 steps: Mostly, these step counts can be on the top of the leaderboard. They’re couriers, porters, cleaners and so on. They’re the people who help us live easy and comfortable lives and keep our environment nice and clean.
To some degree, a person’s WeRun data (数据) shows his or her character and personal life. But even when actions speak louder than words, we still shouldn’t jump to conclusions (结论).
4. According to the passage, what is WeRun
A. It’s a popular game in WeChat.
B. It’s an app to make people walk more.
C. It’s an app in WeChat to count users’ steps.
D. It’s a leaderboard in WeChat to compare users’ step counts.
5. What step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard
A. 50—500. B. 500—8, 000. C. 8, 000—15, 000. D. Over 15, 000.
6. What does the underlined phrase “give... a thumbs-up” in the fifth paragraph mean
A. 点赞 B. 转发 C. 收藏 D. 评论
7. What CAN’T we learn from the passage
A. More and more people start to use WeRun.
B. WeRun data can be a way to know someone’s character.
C. WeRun data is the best way to show someone’s personal life.
D. WeRun data can be a way to know someone’s personal life.
At 12 I went back to college after a long break from schooling. I was taking a college math class, but I found it too hard to learn math now and was struggling (努力) to keep up.
I sat behind a young man. Upon first look, he looked like a thug. I didn’t like how he looked and believed that he would never be able to work out any math problem.
One day in math class, we were learning a new formula (方程式). We needed to make use of the formula to do some calculations (计算). I kept getting a number that was thousands off of the correct answer. I moved backward and forward in my chair and groaned (叹息).
The “thug” that sat in front of me turned around and said, “Let me see what you got.”
It turns out that he was very good at math. He explained the formula to me slowly. About 10 minutes later, I worked it out.
Thinking about how I misunderstood a classmate because of how he looked, I felt guilty. It was really a wrong judgment (评价) to make. Now I know that we should never judge someone because of how they look or dress.
8. What problem did the writer have
A. He couldn’t relax at college. B. He found it difficult to learn math.
C. He looked much older than others. D. He couldn’t get along with his classmates.
9. Why did the writer move around a lot in his chair
A. Because he was trying to look at his classmate’s answer.
B. Because he wanted to get his classmate’s attention.
C. Because he was worried about the problem.
D. Because he wanted to play outside.
10. How did the writer feel after the “thug” helped him
A. sorry. B. happy. C. angry. D. tired.
11. What does the writer want to tell us
A. One is never too old to learn. B. It is good to give others a hand sometimes.
C. Never give up in the face of difficulty. D. Never judge others by their looks.
①People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. In the English language, there are many meanings using the word “mouth”. But some of them are not so nice.
②For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest (抗议) and say “Do not bad mouth me”. Another situation is that you thought someone said something bad about you, and you ask him. He might say, “Do not put words in my mouth!” Sometimes, people tell the person something they didn’t mean to tell. The speaker might say, “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
③Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, the friend might say. “You take the words right out of my mouth!”
④Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person “was born with a silver spoon (银匙) in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.
12. “Do not put words in my mouth” has the same meaning to “________”.
A. I did not say that B. Please don’t ask me
C. That’s too dirty D. I am full
13. A person born with a silver spoon in his mouth is ________ according to the passage.
A. Friendly B. rich C. strong D. cute
14. What is the passage about
A. English people say bad things very often.
B. People use their mouths to do lots of things.
C. The rich have different mouths from the poor.
D The word “mouth” has different meanings in English.
15. The right structure of the passage should be
A. B. C. D.浙江省(通用)八年级英语寒假自我提升-基础题专练
improve tall two during different
1. Most buildings in Beijing are ________ than the ones in my hometown.
2. I was so lucky to see my favorite sports star ________ my stay in Hangzhou.
3. He is going to ________ his English by listening to tapes.
4. What a ________! You look great with your new dress.
5. I usually go to the dentist to wash the teeth ________ a year.
【答案】1. taller
2. during 3. improve
4. difference
5. twice
句意:北京的大多数建筑都比我家乡的要高。根据空后“than the ones”可知,此处是将两地的建筑物进行比较,应用tall“高的”的比较级taller。故填taller。
句意:我待在杭州期间,很幸运地看到了我最喜欢的体育明星。根据空后“my stay in Hangzhou”可推知,此处选用during“在……期间”,表示“待在杭州期间”。故填during。
句意:他将通过听磁带来提高他的英语水平。根据“by listening to tapes”可知,通过听磁带可以提高英语水平,因此应用动词improve“提高”。be going to do“将要做某事”。故填improve。
Experts share some mental exercises to train our brains (大脑) to think in English. They tell us that it’s best to start small, little by little.
Look around you. What do you see In your head, try to name each thing near you. Charles Thomas, an English teacher tells his students to name the things that they see around them, wherever they are. Another teacher Andrew Hinshaw also finds this exercise helpful.
Thomas says, “If you’re looking at your house and you see your garage, but you can’t think of the name in English.” You can describe it like this, “The place inside where I put my car” or you can say, “It’s next to my house. I keep things there.”
For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself by using simple sentences like, “It’s such a beautiful day” and “People are playing sports with their friends.”
Thomas asks his beginning-level students to describe their everyday activities using the simple present verb form. So, they would think to themselves activities like, “I put on my shirt” and “He drives the bus.”
This would need other verb tenses (时态). For example, you might tell yourself, “When I leave the house, I’m going to get an iced coffee. Then, I’ll take the train to class. I’m studying with Jenny today. She said she booked a study room at the library for 2 p.m.”
A. Think in simple sentences.
B. Think you speak to someone else.
C. Describe daily activities in the mind.
D. Describe things you don’t know the words for in your mind.
E. Name things around you in English in your head.
F. Make plans in your mind when you wake up in the morning.
【答案】1. E 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. F
根据后文中“In your head, try to name each thing near you.”可知,本段主要说在你的脑海里,试着说出你身边的每一件事。结合选项,故选E。
根据后文中“‘If you’re looking at your house and you see your garage, but you can’t think of the name in English.’ You can describe it like this”可知,本段主要说如果你看着自己的房子,看到了自己的车库,却想不出它的英文名字,可以换种方法说。结合选项,故选D。
根据后文内容“For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself by using simple sentences like, ‘It’s such a beautiful day’ and ‘People are playing sports with their friends.’”可知,此段描述如果你坐在公园里,你可以用简单的句子告诉自己,即自己说话,假装在跟他人聊天来进行练习。结合选项,故选B。
根据后文“Thomas asks his beginning-level students to describe their everyday activities using the simple present verb form.”可知,本段描述托马斯要求初学者用一般现在时的形式描述他们的日常活动,与日常活动相关。结合选项,故选C。
分析本段“When I leave the house, I’m going to get an iced coffee. Then, I’ll take the train to class. I’m studying with Jenny today. She said she booked a study room at the library for 2 p.m.”可知,此处在描述一天的计划,所以此处与制定计划相关。结合选项,故选F。
We are changing the environment all the time. Now that change ___1___ (happen) around the world because of global warming (全球变暖). Good news is that we all know it is important ___2___ (save) nature. Some projects about saving nature are hard to imagine and work, others have a bigger chance to succeed ____3____ (quick). One example is coral reefs (珊瑚礁). Corals are useful to people, but sea pollution is ____4____ (harm) to them. Without stopping sea pollution, reefs would die soon, and ____5____ (million) of people would lose food. It’s reported that corals’ food supply are up to 10,000 billion dollars ___6___ year. However, reefs are ___7___ danger as sea temperatures are rising. Scientists are trying to grow heat resistant (耐热的) corals, ___8___ then move them around the world.
If ocean pollution goes on, even heat-resistant corals ___9___ (die) at the end of this century. Luckily, more and more ___10___ (country) are starting to act together to stop it.
【答案】1. is happening
2. to save
3. quickly
4. harmful
5. millions 6. a 7. in
8. and 9. will die
10. countries
句意:现在,由于全球变暖,这种变化正在世界各地发生。根据now可知,本句应使用现在进行时“be+现在分词”,主语change为可数名词单数,所以be动词用is。故填is happening。
句意:好消息是我们都知道拯救自然很重要。It is+形容词+to do sth.“做某事是怎么样的”,不定式作真正主语。故填to save。
句意:珊瑚对人有用,但海洋污染对它们是有害的。be harmful to“对……有害”,此处需填harm的形容词形式。故填harmful。
句意:如果不停止海洋污染,珊瑚礁很快会死亡,数百万人将失去食物。设空处前没有明确的数字,此处表示概数,millions of“数百万”。故填millions。
句意:然而,随着海水温度的上升,珊瑚礁正处于危险之中。in danger“处于危险中”,设空处缺少介词。故填in。
句意:科学家们正在努力培育耐热珊瑚,然后把它们转移到世界各地。设空处前“grow heat resistant”与后“ move them around the world”表述内容为并列关系,所以使用并列连词and。故填and。
句意:如果海洋污染继续下去,即使耐热珊瑚也将在本世纪末死亡。根据“at the end of this century”可知,本句使用一般将来时“will+动词原形”。故填will die。
句意:幸运的是越来越多的国家开始联合起来阻止它。country名词,前有修饰词more and more,所以应使用复数形式变y为i加es。故填countries。
四、阅读理解(本题有15小题, 每小题6分;共计15分)
Last year, students from Miller Mount School made a survey about “How do people spend their free time ” Here are the results.
hours for people of different ages
who surf the Internet in a week
different days people go to the library (%)
different programs people like
1. The people at the age of ________ surf the Internet most in a week.
A. 7—1 B. 2—15 C. 31—55 D. over 56
2. How many people go to the library on Sunday
A. About 5%. B. About 40%. C. Over 60%. D. Over 80%.
3. Which of the following is True according to the diagrams
A. People over 60 years old never surf the Internet. B. News is the most people’s favorite program.
C. People hardly ever go to the library on weekdays. D. Half of the people like watching cartoons.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B
WeRun (微信运动) is an app in WeChat. It lets users see their daily step counts. One of its most popular things is a leaderboard (排行榜) among friends that lets users see how their results compared with others.
As a growing number of people use WeRun, we wondered what we can learn about a person just from knowing their step counts. Here we take a closer look:
Fewer than 50 steps: Anyone who takes fewer than 50 steps in one day may be ill or sad. Or maybe he or she is just too lazy to get out of the bed!
50—500 steps: It’s easy to have a few hundred steps. Even going shopping on foot will be enough.
500—8, 000 steps: Most students and workers will take between 500 and 8, 000 steps a day. These step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard. But your parents will always give your step counts a thumbs-up (It’s their job to care about you!).
8, 000—15, 000 steps: Salespeople and members of film workers are likely to take these many steps a day, as they are always on the move.
More than 15, 000 steps: Mostly, these step counts can be on the top of the leaderboard. They’re couriers, porters, cleaners and so on. They’re the people who help us live easy and comfortable lives and keep our environment nice and clean.
To some degree, a person’s WeRun data (数据) shows his or her character and personal life. But even when actions speak louder than words, we still shouldn’t jump to conclusions (结论).
4. According to the passage, what is WeRun
A. It’s a popular game in WeChat.
B. It’s an app to make people walk more.
C. It’s an app in WeChat to count users’ steps.
D. It’s a leaderboard in WeChat to compare users’ step counts.
5. What step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard
A. 50—500. B. 500—8, 000. C. 8, 000—15, 000. D. Over 15, 000.
6. What does the underlined phrase “give... a thumbs-up” in the fifth paragraph mean
A. 点赞 B. 转发 C. 收藏 D. 评论
7. What CAN’T we learn from the passage
A. More and more people start to use WeRun.
B. WeRun data can be a way to know someone’s character.
C. WeRun data is the best way to show someone’s personal life.
D. WeRun data can be a way to know someone’s personal life.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C
细节理解题。根据“WeRun (微信运动) is an app in WeChat. It lets users see their daily step counts.”可知,微信运动是微信中的一个应用程序,它让用户看到他们每天的步数。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“500—8, 000 steps: Most students and workers will take between 500 and 8, 000 steps a day. These step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard.”可知,500到8000步在排行榜中排名居中。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据“But your parents will always give your step counts a thumbs-up (It’s their job to care about you!).”可知,父母总是会对你的步数竖起大拇指,即为你的步数点赞。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“To some degree, a person’s WeRun data (数据) shows his or her character and personal life. But even when actions speak louder than words, we still shouldn’t jump to conclusions (结论).”可知,在某种程度上,一个人的微信运动数据体现了他或她的性格和个人生活,但我们也不应贸然下结论。选项C“微信运动数据是展现个人生活的最佳方式”表述错误。故选C。
At 12 I went back to college after a long break from schooling. I was taking a college math class, but I found it too hard to learn math now and was struggling (努力) to keep up.
I sat behind a young man. Upon first look, he looked like a thug. I didn’t like how he looked and believed that he would never be able to work out any math problem.
One day in math class, we were learning a new formula (方程式). We needed to make use of the formula to do some calculations (计算). I kept getting a number that was thousands off of the correct answer. I moved backward and forward in my chair and groaned (叹息).
The “thug” that sat in front of me turned around and said, “Let me see what you got.”
It turns out that he was very good at math. He explained the formula to me slowly. About 10 minutes later, I worked it out.
Thinking about how I misunderstood a classmate because of how he looked, I felt guilty. It was really a wrong judgment (评价) to make. Now I know that we should never judge someone because of how they look or dress.
8. What problem did the writer have
A. He couldn’t relax at college. B. He found it difficult to learn math.
C. He looked much older than others. D. He couldn’t get along with his classmates.
9. Why did the writer move around a lot in his chair
A. Because he was trying to look at his classmate’s answer.
B. Because he wanted to get his classmate’s attention.
C. Because he was worried about the problem.
D. Because he wanted to play outside.
10. How did the writer feel after the “thug” helped him
A. sorry. B. happy. C. angry. D. tired.
11. What does the writer want to tell us
A. One is never too old to learn. B. It is good to give others a hand sometimes.
C. Never give up in the face of difficulty. D. Never judge others by their looks.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D
细节理解题。根据“I was taking a college math class, but I found it too hard to learn math now and was struggling (努力) to keep up.”可知,作者遇到的问题是学习数学很难。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“We needed to make use of the formula to do some calculations (计算). I kept getting a number that was thousands off of the correct answer. I moved backward and forward in my chair and groaned (叹息).”可知,作者是在为这道数学题发愁。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Thinking about how I misunderstood a classmate because of how he looked, I felt guilty.”可知,作者为自己对他的误解而感到内疚。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Now I know that we should never judge someone because of how they look or dress.”可知,作者告诉我们不要以貌取人。故选D。
①People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. In the English language, there are many meanings using the word “mouth”. But some of them are not so nice.
②For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest (抗议) and say “Do not bad mouth me”. Another situation is that you thought someone said something bad about you, and you ask him. He might say, “Do not put words in my mouth!” Sometimes, people tell the person something they didn’t mean to tell. The speaker might say, “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
③Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, the friend might say. “You take the words right out of my mouth!”
④Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person “was born with a silver spoon (银匙) in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.
12. “Do not put words in my mouth” has the same meaning to “________”.
A. I did not say that B. Please don’t ask me
C. That’s too dirty D. I am full
13. A person born with a silver spoon in his mouth is ________ according to the passage.
A. Friendly B. rich C. strong D. cute
14. What is the passage about
A. English people say bad things very often.
B. People use their mouths to do lots of things.
C. The rich have different mouths from the poor.
D The word “mouth” has different meanings in English.
15. The right structure of the passage should be
A. B. C. D.
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. A
词句猜测题。根据“Another situation is that you thought someone said something bad about you, and you ask him. He might say, ‘Do not put words in my mouth!’”可知,此句在否定自己说了坏话。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person ‘was born with a silver spoon (银匙) in his mouth.’”可知,含着银匙出生指的是出生于富贵家庭的人。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据首段中“In the English language, there are many meanings using the word ‘mouth’”可知,整篇文章围绕着英语中“嘴”的不同的意思而展开。故选D。



上一篇:外研版英语九年级下册Module 1 Travel 句子翻译练习(含答案)
