外研版英语九年级下册Module 1 Travel 句子翻译练习(含答案)

Module 1 Travel
1. 这个航班正好是4 个小时的航程。
The _________ _________ _________ four hours.
2. 你们最好别再浪费你们的时间了。
You had better _________ waste your time _________ _________.
3. 在学期末你们要考试吗
Will you have an exam _________ _________ _________ the term
4. 让我们吃惊的是, 这位国际友人 擅长烹制中餐。
_________ _________ _________, the foreign friend is good at cooking Chinese food.
5. 我们计划在八点前到达纽约。
We ________ ________ ________ in New York before eight o’clock.
6. 只要你全身心投入, 什么事都不成问题。
Nothing is impossible________ ________ ________ you put your whole heart into it.
7. 小心!公共汽车停下后我们才能上车。
Take ___________! We can’t ___________ ___________ the bus until it stops.
8. 格林一家正在吃午饭。
_________ _________ _________ having lunch.
9. 每个人都应该学会如何照顾自己。
Everyone should learn ________ ________ ________ of himself or herself.
10. 生活充满了意料以外的事情。
Life is _________ _________ the unexpected.
11. 到目前为止, 中国已成功将14名航天员送入太空。
_________ _________ China has succeeded in sending 14 astronauts into space.
12. 这次旅行不是很开心, 因为火车上满是人。
It wasn’t _________ _________ _________because the train was full of people.
13. 听! 她唱得多美呀!
Listen! _________ _________ she is singing!
14. 充满垃圾的河流对环境有害。
The river full of rubbish ________ ________ ________ the environment.
15. 由于病毒, 许多医务工作者积极参与志愿工作。
Many medical workers ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ volunteering because of the virus.
16. 由于恶劣的天气,我们不得不缩短我们的旅程。
We had to cut our holiday short ________ ________ the bad weather.
17. 请准备好您的票。
Please _________ your ticket _________.
18. 昨天他考试及格了。
He passing the exam yesterday.
19. 只要他明天来, 我就告诉他这个好消息。
As long as he comes tomorrow, I’ll tell him ________ _______ ________.
20. 他们打算直接飞回香港。
They planned to ____________ back to Hong Kong.
21. 花园里的花看上去好美啊!
How beautiful ________ ________ ________ in the garden!
22. 你最好不要在这里停车。
You _________ _________ _________ park here.
23. 学校科学日很精彩。凯特的小组真高兴!
The School Science Day was wonderful. __________ __________ Kate’s group were
24. 最后他们不得不互相道别。
At last they had to ___________ ___________ ___________ each ___________.
25. 上周因为天气不好,他们没有举行运动会。
They didn’t hold _________ last week because of the bad weather.
26. 因为天气糟糕,底下的东西我们什么也看不到。
And because of the bad weather, we _________ _________ _________ below.
27. 皮特, 你有担心的事情吗
Peter, do you have anything to ________ ________
28. 周末公园是最吵闹的地方之一。
The park is ________ ________ ________ ________ places on weekends.
29. 昨天在街上见到我的老朋友, 我感到很惊讶。
________ ________ ________ ________ see my old friend in the street yesterday.
30. 飞机将于20 分钟后起飞。
The plane will ________ ________ in twenty minutes.
31. 天气很冷,不要把大衣脱掉。
________ _______ ________ the coat because it’s very cold.
32. 贝蒂,好久不见!假期过得怎么样?
Betty, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. _________ _________ your holiday
33. 在扔掉废品之前, 我们最好将它分成可扔掉的和可循环利用的东西。
Before throwing waste away, ________ _______ ________ it into things to throw away and things to recycle.
34. 你们可以乘公交车游览这个城市。
You can _________ _________ _________ __________.
35. 你能帮我寻找丢失的校服吗
Could you help me to ________ ________ the lost school uniform
Many foreigners _________ _________ at the rapid development of China.
37. 刚才我家停电了。
Just now the electricity was _______ _______ at my home.
38. 为了保持健康, 他停止吃快餐。
He __________ __________ fast food in order to keep healthy.
39. 你认为他会成功得到那份工作吗?
Do you think he will succeed ________ ________ ________ _________
40. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来。
You can go out, so long as you promise before 11 o’clock.
1. flight took exactly 2. not, any more 3. at the end of 4. To our surprise 5. planned to arrive 6. as long as 7. care; get on 8. The Greens are 9. how to take care 10. full of 11. so far 12. a pleasant ride 13. How beautifully 14. is bad for 15. take an active part in 16. because of 17. have; ready 18. succeeded in 19. the good news 20. fly direct 21. the flowers look 22. had better not 23. How happy 24. say goodbye to; other 25. the sports meeting 26. couldn’t see anything 27. worry about 28. one of the noisiest 29. I was surprised to 30. take off 31. Don’t take off 32. How was 33. we’d better divide 34. tour the city by bus 35. look for 36. are surprised 37. cut off 38. stopped eating 39. in getting the job 40. to be back



