
Many people like traveling. If you are also interested in traveling, come to our travel service as soon as possible. We offer the following travel routes (路线) for you to choose.
Route 1: 6-Day Colorful Kunming Group TourKunming is a beautiful city with many kinds of flowers. The weather is fine all year round. The Stone Forests is one of the most wonderful places in the world. The famous food, “crossing-the-bridge rice noodles”, is delicious. Tour Price: 1 person: 2, 999 2—5 persons: 2, 900 each 6—9 persons: 2, 850 each Call us at 800-830-2788
Route 2: 4-Day Hainan Group TourHainan island is a pretty place with an interesting flower market. In the south of the island, people can go swimming, go fishing and go boating. If you want to relax, there are long white beaches for you to walk along. Tour Price: 1 person: 999 2—5 persons: 899 each 6—9 persons: 850 each Call us at 800-830-2788
Route 3: 7-Day London Private TourCome to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the beauty of the Thames and visit other places of interest like Tower Bridge and Big Ben. Tour Price: 1 person: 16, 800 2—5 persons: 15, 800 each 6—9 persons: 13, 800 each Call us at 800-830-2788
1.What’s the famous food in Kunming
2.How much is the tour if two people will go to Kunming
3.Where can you go to relax yourself in Hainan
4.What are the places of interest in London
5.How long is the tour for the third route
内容包括:1. 说明你的写信意图;
2. 你今年的旅行经历(地点及活动介绍);
3. 说说你今年的旅行感受,并邀请Jack与你同游。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、地名和考生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯,词数70左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄在答题卡上。
Dear Jack,
How are you doing I know that you like travelling.
I am looking forward to your reply!
Li Hua
Nowadays plenty of kids are at home alone after school. Can you take care of yourself while you are alone at home Here are some ideas from different persons. I have three brothers. And I’m the oldest one. When I was eleven years old, I learned to look after myself and my brothers as well. One day, when I went back home, no one was in. So I cooked the meal. I didn’t know my mother was ill until she came back from the hospital with my father. When they saw the meal, they felt very happy. —by Linda In the past, when my parents were out on business, they would leave me a lot of money and ask me to order the food online or have dinner at restaurants. Now I think I have grown up, so it’s time for me to learn to look after myself. I plan to learn cooking this winter holiday. —By Jim I’m the only child in my family. My father is a manger and my mother is a doctor. They want me to attend a good university in big cities and be a doctor when I grow up. They do almost everything for me. Actually, they manage every minute of my life. So I can’t look after myself if they leave me alone at home. —by Liu Dong I was born in 2009. I live with my parents. They often drive me to school in the morning and picks me up at school in the afternoon. While they are not at home, they find my aunt to take care of me, or send me to my grandparents’ home. —By Jenny
7.When did Linda learn to look after herself
8.What is Jim going to learn this winter holiday
9.What job does Liu Dong’s parents want him to do
10.How does Jenny go to school
11.Who takes care of Jenny while her parents are not at home
(1) 你对学习生活劳动技能的看法;
(2) 你认为中学生应该具备哪些劳动技能,并简单说明原因;
(3) 呼吁同学们积极参与劳动。
1. 不得照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。
On the morning of June 4th, 2022, the D2809 high-speed train left Guiyang North Railway Station and headed for Guangzhou as usual. At around 10:30 am, it arrived at the entrance of Yuezhai Tunnel (月寨隧道口) in front of Rongjiang Station. Suddenly, one of the train drivers noticed that there was something wrong with the railway. As the train was running at a speed of nearly 250 kilometers per hour, any abnormality (异常) of the railway might lead to an incident. So the driver took action as quickly as he could. He took emergency braking measures (紧急制动措施) within 5 seconds at the time of the incident. After braking, the train continued to slide for more than 900 meters and hit Rongjiang station platform to stop. The driver’s quick action and the protective effect of the high-speed railway prevented the train from overturning and falling. However, this incident still resulted in the off-line of No. 7 and No. 8 cars. Eight people were injured.
The local government set out to rescue at once and the injured people were sent to Rongjiang County Hospital. All of them were safe but the driver, unfortunately, he died.
It turned out that there was a huge pile of mud near the entrance of Yuezhai Tunnel and after days of heavy rain, the mud became mudslides (泥石流). The mudslides flowed into the tunnel and covered the railway, which caused the incident.
13.What is the date of this accident
14.Where was the D2809 high-speed train leaving for, Guiyang or Guangzhou
15.Where is Yuezhai Tunnel
16.What did the train driver do when he found there was something wrong with the railway
17.How many passengers were injured in the incident
18.D2809次高铁事故的发生,牵动着许多人的心。但高铁可以说是相当安全的交通工具,作为学生,我们更常面对的是道路交通安全。请以“How Can We Keep Street Traffic Safe ”为题,谈谈你的看法。
(1) 注意道路交通安全的重要性;
(2) 对如何安全出行提出建议(至少两点);
(3) 呼吁大家注意道路交通安全。
(1) 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名和学生的真实姓名。
(2) 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的标题已经给出,不计入总词数。
How Can We Keep Street Traffic Safe
Do you have any experiences like these When your mom wants to visit relatives or friends with you, you prefer to stay alone at home. When the teacher asks if someone could speak in front of the class, you lower your head. When you go to the restroom or dining hall, you always try to find someone to go with you because you are afraid of being seen alone. Well, many people have these kinds of experiences. They always feel worried about things like talking, going to a party or being the center of attention. This is called social anxiety(焦虑). The most common form of social anxiety is a fear of public speaking. A recent survey from China Youth Daily showed that about 40 percent of the 1,500 interviewees(受访者)said they experienced social anxiety. For Chinese kids, there are two main reasons for their anxiety. One is that they spend too much time on their phones playing computer games or chatting. The other reason is that most of them are the only child in their families, so they don’t have many chances to practice their social skills. “However, you don’t have to worry too much about social anxiety. You only need to get help from a doctor if you can’t live a normal life.” said Li Songwei from Tsinghua University. Shu Man from East China Jiaotong University advised that you should go to public places more often and try thinking about something happy when you are really nervous.
19.Why do some people always try to find someone to go with them when they go to the restroom
20.What is the most common form of social anxiety
21.In a recent survey, how many people experienced social anxiety
22.How many main reasons for solial anxiety are mentioned in the passage
23.What can a person do if he can’t live a normal life
随着手机与社交软件的普及应用,许多人沉浸于手机和网络世界,导致“社恐”人群的不断出现。我们中也有部分学生存在这种问题。请以“Facing Social Anxiety”写一篇英语短文,谈谈我们应该如何克服社交恐惧。内容包括:
Facing Social Anxiety
In our life, there are more and more people suffering from social anxiety. Some of our classmates have this problem.
Do we have too much food Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program. there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010. Six million children die of hunger every year.
CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food. It can feed 200 million people for a year. Here are what the interviewees tell the reporters.
Zhou Jinsong, a canteen(食堂)manager at Central South University: Students produce over 12 barrels(桶)of leftovers(剩饭)every day-each barrel stands at one meter in height. My canteen is just one of several canteens on the campus(校园). About one third of canteen food ends up in rubbish bins. The food that students waste every year can feed over 10 million people. Gong Tao from Central South University: Students have less and less ideas of food waste over the years. They are now well protected by their families and hardly have any ideas of how much hard work others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. A more serious problem is that food waste happens almost everywhere. Yu Qing, a middle school teacher from Beijing: Since the 1980s, when Chinese gradually became richer. food waste has been a subject of debate(争论). But things have hardly changed over the years. Chinese people prefer to order lots of dishes for a meal. It’s a Chinese way of showing respect to guests, often referred as mianzi. It is important that everyone thinks about how they can do their best to reduce food waste.
25.How many people were hungry around the world in 2010
26.What can feed 200 million people for a year
27.How many people can the food that students waste at Central South University every year feed
28.What is a more serious problem
29.Why do Chinese people order lots of dishes for a meal
We are lucky to see more and more people have realized the importance of saving.
With the help of science and technology, people’s lives are becoming better and better. Many of them can afford to take a trip to different famous travel spots. But some of them pay no attention to their behaviors(行为). They do something that they shouldn’t do in the travel spots. Do you have the following bad behaviors
I am Tony from Shenzhen. Last summer vacation I paid a visit to Beijing with my family. I expected to enjoy the Palace Museum with them. But when we got to the entrance of the Palace Museum, there was a 300-meter-longline of tourists waiting to go in. Some of them had no patience to wait for their turn, so they jumped the queue. I was very angry. How could they behave in such a bad way
During the May Day holiday, Jack and I drove my car to Guilin. We had a real good time there. We could see the most beautiful mountains and the clearest rivers in China. But to our sadness, visitors threw rubbish here and there, even though there was a dustbin only one or two meters away from them. How could they do that
My name is Jim. My trip to the Windows of the World in Shenzhen was a disaster. I went there with my classmates on May12th.We visited some famous places of interest in every country of the world in a smaller size. When I enjoyed the Egypt Pyramid, I saw some people climbing up to the top of it and taking photos there. How could they do that
31.Where did Tony go last summer vacation
32.How did he feel about the queue jumper
33.Why was Jack sad
34.When did Jim go to the Windows of the World
35.How many bad behaviors are mentioned in the passage
In our country, there are many places of interest. Of all the places of interest, I like
Our school was going to hold an art festival. Every class was actively preparing for it. However, our class didn’t know what to perform at first. After discussion, in the end we decided to sing the song “Ode(颂) to the Motherland” to show our love for our country.
We practiced hard together after school. After five times’ practice, some students still couldn’t remember the words. Then one classmate came up with an idea. He divided us into small groups. Then the person who could sing well taught the others. Slowly, it began to work. We were full of hope for the festival.
The day arrived. We had never took part in such activities before, so we were kind of nervous. Our teacher seemed to read our minds and he gave us some suggestions to make us feel relaxed. But when we stood in front of hundreds of people, we still felt nervous. We all tried to control ourselves because we were afraid of making mistakes.
When we started to sing, the leader looked at us with a smile. This made all of us no longer feel nervous. We succeeded in singing the song. As it was over, we got exciting cheers. Through this activity, I understood the importance of working together and I really loved it very much.
37.Why did the writer’s class decide to sing the song “Ode to the Motherland”
38.When did the students practice hard together
39.How did the students practice singing when some of them couldn’t remember the words
40.Who gave the students a smile and made them no longer feel nervous
41.What did the writer learn through this activity
42.美好生活,健康同行。如何丰富校园生活,促进同学们的身心健康?假设你是李明,目前你校英语网站“VOICE OF TEENS”正在征集同学们的建议,请你给该网站投稿,内容包括:
1). 你参加了哪些校园活动?
2). 参加这些校园活动, 你从中获得了什么?
3). 对校园活动提出建议。
Dear editors,
I’m writing to tell you some of my views about living a better life and keeping healthy in school.
Li Ming
My name is Mary. A lot of great moments made my life beautiful.
On a Friday night of last November, during the first of my eldest son’s three basketball games, we happened to be sitting next to a lady with a young son. The little boy looked a little younger than my youngest son. At one point in the game, the little boy looked over to my son and said, “Do you want to be my friend ” My husband told me what he heard. I spent the next 20 minutes taking pictures of my oldest son on the court, and my youngest son, with his new friend, playing games together. I feel warm to see that and it reminded me how easy it can be to make new friends.
A few hours earlier, we went to a downtown cafe for an afternoon tea. There were no free tables for four, so we took a table for two, and crowded into the small space. A young lady came over to our table and offered her table to us so we could have more space. It was a simple act but it showed a warm heart. We politely refused her offer, but her kindness stuck with me for hours after it happened.
These small acts of service, friendliness and human care are what it takes to make the world beautiful. What’s more, one kind action is more likely to lead to more and more. So don’t wait for kindness to find you today, go and start to be kind, wherever and whenever you can.
43.When was the basketball game held
44.What did the little boy want to do while watching the basketball game
45.Where did Mary and her family have an afternoon tea
46.Why did the young lady offer her table to Mary
47.What could one kind action lead to
1. 谈谈友善待人的意义;
2. 描述一次你经历或了解的友善待人的事件及感受;
3. 中学生友善待人的方式(至少2种)。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。
(2022上·广东河源·九年级校考期末)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答 5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。
In the past ten years, the use of social media has grown in a way that no one could have guessed.
A main feature( 特征) of social media is its volatility(易变). Trends(潮流) come and go, disappearing almost as quickly as they appear. So, what were the main social media trends of last year
Short video apps, such as Tik Tok and Douyin, took the world by storm. The Telegraph reported that Tik Tok was the 8th on Apple’s App Store in April. And Douyin had more than 300 million active users June in China, CNBC said.
The sense of community that users of short video apps get is another main feature. Liza Koshy, a user of the US app Musically who has over 2 million followers, said that she was very excited when anyone said that her video had “encouraged” them. “It’s really cool...because I think as social creators that’s what we all are,” she added.
Live streaming(直播) is a feature of our social media life that now seems as natural as sunrise.
It’s a pretty good idea—you can watch anyone, anywhere, live.
China has taken live streaming to a whole new level. More than 100 million Chinese people monthly watch a live streaming video. Forbes thought that a number of reasons had led to the popularity of live streams. On of the most important reasons is that people don’t have to know their real names.
Although we use social media all the time, that doesn’t mean that we understand the influence it is having on us. We should pay attention to both the time we spend on it and its influence on our minds.
49.What were the main social media treads of last year
50.In which country were there more than 300 million active users in June
51.How did Liza Koshy feel when her videos helped others
52.How many features of social media were mentioned in the passage
53.What is one of the most important reasons that had led to the popularity of live streams
在抖音如火如荼的发展势头下,使用抖音(Tik Tok\Douyin)的人群也日渐增长并呈年轻化趋势,其中不乏中学生甚至小学生。请你根据以下内容提示写一篇英文演讲稿,谈谈你对青少年使用抖音的看法。
2.青少年使用抖音的好处(至少 2 点)和弊端(至少 2 点);
2.语句连贯,词数 80个左右。
During the outbreak, many people look for fun online. Watching livestreaming(直播的)shows has become part of their lives. At the same time, traditional culture has found a bigger stage online. On video platforms such as Tik Tok and Bilibili, many traditional artists are starting to livestream. Some of them sing Peking Opera, some show their folk handicrafts, while others perform calligraphy(书法)or Chinese classical music. A growing number of young people are starting to become more aware of and interested in traditional culture because of livestreaming.
Peking Opera
Li Jun is a laosheng(old male role)Peking Opera performer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. During the outbreak, the 59-year-old man took up his smartphone and started livestreaming.
Gao Xiaopan is a 35-year-old crosstalk performer. He is the founder of the Hip-Hop Crosstalk Club in Beijing, which is popular for its offline shows. But due to the outbreak, he has moved its crosstalk shows online.
During a show on Tik Tok, Gao not only showed traditional crosstalk techniques(技术), but also added new elements(元素). The show attracted more than 1.2 million people to watch at the same time, which would be impossible in theaters.
Traditional Clothing
On March 26th, the third China Huafu Day, Bilibili livestreamed a huafu show. Performers presented clothes in traditional Chinese styles, including those from the Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties. During the show, viewers not only enjoyed looking at the clothes, but also watched how performers used ancient styles of make-up. For example, one blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow, which was a typical make-up style during the Tang Dynasty.
55.Why are the young people starting to become interested in traditional culture
56.How old is Li Jun
57.How many people did the crosstalk show attract
58.Which platform did the huafu show livestream on
59.What did one blogger teach people on the third China Huafu Day
Dear friends and all the online audiences,
I’m Steve.
1.Crossing-the-bridge rice noodles.
2.The tour is 5800.
3.The long white beaches.
4.The Thames, Tower Bridge and Big Ben.
5.Seven days.
Dear Jack,
How are you doing I know that you like travelling. I’d like to invite you to take part in a 4-day group tour to Hainan with me.
I travelled to Hainan this summer holiday. I went to a beach with blue sky, fresh air and warm sunshine. I enjoyed lying on the beach. It made me feel relaxed. And I went swimming and fishing. Besides, there is an interesting flower market where I saw different kinds of flowers. The trip was wonderful and I had a great time in Hainan.
Hainan is so beautiful that I want to visit it again. So I hope you can go with me next summer holiday.
I am looking forward to your reply!
Li Hua
1.根据第一栏“The famous food, ‘crossing-the-bridge rice noodles’, is delicious.”可知,昆明最出名的食物是“过桥米线”。故填Crossing-the-bridge rice noodles.
2.根据第一栏“2—5 persons: 2, 900 each”可知,两人需要2, 900×2 = 5, 800。故填The tour is 5800.
3.根据第二栏“If you want to relax, there are long white beaches for you to walk along.”可知,白色沙滩可以漫步放松。故填The long white beaches.
4.根据第三栏“Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the beauty of the Thames and visit other places of interest like Tower Bridge and Big Ben.”可知,有Thames,Tower Bridge,Big Ben等名胜古迹。故填The Thames, Tower Bridge and Big Ben.
5.根据第三栏“Route 3: 7-Day London Private Tour”可知,这是为期七天的伦敦游。故填Seven days.
①take part in参加,加入
②enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事
①Besides, there is an interesting flower market where I saw different kinds of flowers.(where引导的定语从句)
②Hainan is so beautiful that I want to visit it again.(so ... that引导的结果状语从句)
7.At the age of 11./When she was 11 (years old). 8.Cooking./He’s going to learn cooking/to cook. 9.A doctor./They want him to be a doctor./Liu Dong’s parents want him to be a doctor./His parents want him to be a doctor. 10.In her parents’ car./By car. 11.Her aunt or her grandparents./Jenny’s aunt or Jenny’s grandparents. 12.例文
Nowadays some people don’t think students need to do any housework. They think the only thing that students need to do is to study well. I don’t think so. It’s very important for us to learn some life skills. It can make us grow up as a better person.
In order to take care of ourselves and our family, we should learn some life skills. Firstly, we should learn to cook some simple meals. Secondly, we should learn to do some cleaning and washing. Then we can take care of ourselves better when we are alone. Having some life skills and doing housework can make us independent and share our parents’ work.
In short, we must work for ourselves, let’s take an active part in doing housework every day.
7.根据“When I was eleven years old, I learned to look after myself and my brothers as well.”可知,Linda是11岁时学会的照顾自己,故填At the age of 11./When she was 11 (years old).
8.根据“I plan to learn cooking this winter holiday. (我计划这个寒假学习做饭)”,可知Jim寒假要学习做饭,故填Cooking./He’s going to learn cooking/to cook.
9.根据“They want me to attend a good university in big cities and be a doctor when I grow up.”可知,刘东的父母想让他当医生,故填A doctor./They want him to be a doctor./Liu Dong’s parents want him to be a doctor./His parents want him to be a doctor.
10.根据“They often drive me to school in the morning and picks me up at school in the afternoon.”可知,珍妮坐父母的车去上学,故填In her parents’ car./By car.
11.根据“While they are not at home, they find my aunt to take care of me, or send me to my grandparents’ home.”可知,珍妮父母不在家的时候,是她的阿姨或祖父母照顾她,故填Her aunt or her grandparents./Jenny’s aunt or Jenny’s grandparents.
①need to do 需要做
②life skills 生活技能
③in order to 为了
④learn to do 学习做
⑤independent 独立的
⑥in short 简而言之
①They think the only thing that students need to do is to study well. (that引导定语从句)
②Because we can take care of ourselves better when we are alone. (when引导时间状语从句)
13.The date of this accident is June 4th, 2022./June 4th, 2022. 14.The D2809 high-speed train was leaving for Guangzhou./Guangzhou. 15.Yuezhai Tunnel is in front of Rongjiang Station./It is in front of Rongjiang Station. 16.The train driver took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds./He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds./The train driver took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident./He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident. 17.Seven passengers were injured in the incident./7 passengers were injured in the incident./Seven./7. 18.例文
How Can We Keep Street Traffic Safe
Every year many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic accidents.
How can we keep safe when we are walking on the street First, we must obey the traffic rules. We can cross the street only when we see the green “walk” sign. Second, before we corss the
street, we must stop and look both ways—look left, look right and look left again. Third, we mustn’t play on the street. Last, it’s good to help children and old people cross the street.
All of us should be very careful when we are walking on the street. We must pay attention to street safety.
13.根据“On the morning of June 4th, 2022, the D2809 high-speed train left Guiyang North Railway Station...He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident.”可知,2022年6月4日上午,D2809次高铁列车从贵阳北站驶出……事故发生时,他在5秒内采取了紧急制动措施,可推测事故发生的日期是2022年6月4日。故填The date of this accident is June 4th, 2022./June 4th, 2022.
14.根据“...the D2809 high-speed train left Guiyang North Railway Station and headed for Guangzhou as usual.”可知,D2809次高铁列车从贵阳北站驶出,照常开往广州。故填The D2809 high-speed train was leaving for Guangzhou./Guangzhou.
15.根据“...it arrived at the entrance of Yuezhai Tunnel in front of Rongjiang Station.”可知,列车抵达榕江站前月寨隧道口,可推测月寨隧道在榕江站前面。故填Yuezhai Tunnel is in front of Rongjiang Station./It is in front of Rongjiang Station.
16.根据“Suddenly, one of the train drivers noticed that there was something wrong with the railway...He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident.”可知,突然,火车上的一名司机注意到铁路出了问题,事故发生时,他在5秒内采取了紧急制动措施。故填The train driver took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds./He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds./The train driver took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident./He took emergency braking measures within 5 seconds at the time of the incident.
17.根据“Eight people were injured. The local government set out to rescue at once and the injured people were sent to Rongjiang County Hospital. All of them were safe but the driver, unfortunately, he died.”可知,事故中有8人受伤,伤者被送往榕江县医院,除了司机他们都很安全,不幸的是,司机死了,可推测伤者中有7名是乘客。故填Seven passengers were injured in the incident./7 passengers were injured in the incident./Seven./7.
① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“提示信息”中“道路交通安全的重要性,安全出行的一些建议,呼吁大家要注意道路交通安全”,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则
② pay attention to注意
① We can cross the street only when we see the green “walk” sign.(when引导的时间状语从句)
② Last, it’s good to help children and old people cross the street.(it的特殊句型“It is+adj+to do sth”表示“做某事是……的”)
19.Because they are afraid of being seen alone. 20.The most common form of social anxiety is a fear of public speaking. 21.About 40 percent of the 1,500 interviewees experienced social anxiety in a recent survey./About 600 interviewees experienced social anxiety in a recent survey. 22.Two main reasons are mentioned in the passage. 23.We only need to get help from a doctor. 24.例文
Facing Social Anxiety
In our life, there are more and more people suffering from social anxiety. Some of our classmates have this problem. These students are afraid of talking to others, even worse, they may fail to make the social communication. That’s because they focus on surfing the Internet or playing computer games. And they seldom talk with others, which influences their life. So it’s important for them to face social anxiety and solve this problem.
Here is some advice. First, they should put down the mobile phones and spend more time communicating with their family and friends. In my opinion, joining a sports team is a wonderful way to make friends. It is helpful to learn to work together and help each other.
I believe they can deal with this problem and enjoy a happy life if they do as the things above.
19.根据“When you go to the restroom or dining hall, you always try to find someone to go with you because you are afraid of being seen alone”可知当你去洗手间或餐厅时,你总是试图找个人陪你去,因为你害怕被单独看到。故填Because they are afraid of being seen alone.
20.根据“The most common form of social anxiety is a fear of public speaking.”可知社交焦虑最常见的形式是害怕公开演讲。故填The most common form of social anxiety is a fear of public speaking.
21.根据“about 40 percent of the 1,500 interviewees said they experienced social anxiety”可知在1500名受访者中,约40%的人表示他们经历过社交焦虑,即大约600人经历过社交焦虑。故填About 40 percent of the 1,500 interviewees experienced social anxiety in a recent survey./About 600 interviewees experienced social anxiety in a recent survey.
22.根据“For Chinese kids, there are two main reasons for their anxiety”可知有两个原因。故填Two main reasons are mentioned in the passage.
23.根据“You only need to get help from a doctor if you can’t live a normal life”可知如果你不能过正常的生活,你只需要得到医生的帮助。故填We only need to get help from a doctor.
①be afraid of害怕
②put down放下
③communicate with sb.和某人交流
①That’s because they focus on surfing the Internet or playing computer games.(because引导的表语从句)
②And they seldom talk with others, which influences their life.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
③I believe they can deal with this problem and enjoy a happy life if they do as the things above.(省略that的宾语从句以及if引导的条件状语从句)
25.925 million people /925 million people were hungry(around the world in 2010). 26.The food wasted in China/by Chinese people(can feed 200 million people for a year). 27.Over 10 million people./The food that students waste at Central South University every year can feed over 10 million people. 28.Food waste happens almost everywhere./A more serious problem is that food waste happens almost everywhere. 29.Because it’s a Chinese way of showing respect to guests. 30.例文
We are lucky to see more and more people have realized the importance of saving.
Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant near my home, nearly lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的)food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评)the waste of food. As a result, she could continue to work in the restaurant.
Then, what should we do in our daily life I believe “Waste not, want not.” Besides, millions of Chinese are still poor, in fact. What’s more, we should not give up our traditional virtue. So I hope everyone should take action to stick to this virtue.
25.根据“there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010. ”可知2010年,全世界有9.25亿饥饿人口。故填925 million people /925 million people were hungry(around the world in 2010)。
26.根据“CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food. It can feed 200 million people for a year.”可知中国人每年都会扔掉很多食物。它可以养活2亿人一年。故填The food wasted in China/by Chinese people(can feed 200 million people for a year)。
27.根据“The food that students waste every year can feed over 10 million people.”可知学生们每年浪费的食物可以养活1000多万人。故填Over 10 million people./The food that students waste at Central South Universi①ty every year can feed over 10 million people。
28.根据“A more serious problem is that food waste happens almost everywhere.”可知一个更严重的问题是,食物浪费几乎无处不在。故填Food waste happens almost everywhere./A more serious problem is that food waste happens almost everywhere。
29.根据“Chinese people prefer to order lots of dishes for a meal. It’s a Chinese way of showing respect to guests, often referred as mianzi.”可知中国人一顿饭喜欢点很多菜。这是中国人对客人表示尊重的一种方式,通常被称为“面子”。故填Because it’s a Chinese way of showing respect to guests。
①As a result 因此
②millions of 数百万
③in fact 事实上,实际上
④take action 采取行动,采取措施
⑤stick to 遵守,坚持
①Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant near my home, nearly lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的)food home for her son.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②So I hope everyone should take action to stick to this virtue.(宾语从句)
31.He (went to visit) visited Beijing last summer vacation. 32.He felt angry. 33.Because the visitors threw rubbish here and there. 34.He went to the Windows of the World on May 12. 35.Three./Three (bad behaviors) are mentioned.
36.A possible version
I like Mount Emei best. Last National Day I went to visit Mount Emei with my friends. On my way to the top of the mountain, I saw some tourists throw the rubbish here and there. I was very angry. I think something must be done to stop this.
First, we must make the visitors realize the harm of the bad behaviors. Second, the government can make laws to fine the visitors with bad behaviors so that they will be afraid to do that again.
In this case, the bad behaviors in the travel spots will be fewer and fewer.
31.根据“I am Tony from Shenzhen. Last summer vacation I paid a visit to Beijing with my family.”可知,深圳的托尼去年暑假,和家人去北京旅游了。故填He (went to visit) visited Beijing last summer vacation.
32.根据“ I was very angry.”可知,他很生气,故填He felt angry.
33.根据“But to our sadness, visitors threw rubbish here and there, even though there was a dustbin only one or two meters away from them.”可知,难过是因为游客到处乱扔垃圾,故填Because the visitors threw rubbish here and there.
34.根据“I went there with my classmates on May12th.”可知,吉姆5月12日,和同学们去了世界之窗,故填He went to the Windows of the World on May 12.
35.根据“so they jumped the queue.”、“But to our sadness, visitors threw rubbish here and there”、“I saw some people climbing up to the top of it and taking photos there.”可知,文中提到了三种不文明的行为,故填Three. /Three (bad behaviors) are mentioned.
②on my way to在去……的路上
③throw the rubbish扔垃圾
④be afraid to do害怕做某事
①I think something must be done to stop this. (宾语从句;被动语态)
②Second, the government can make laws to fine the visitors with bad behaviors so that they will be afraid to do that again(so that引导的目的状语从句)
37.Because it can show their love for their country. 38.After school. 39.The person who could sing well taught the others. 40.The leader. 41.The importance of working together. 42.例文
Dear editors,
I’m writing to tell you some of my views about living a better life and keeping healthy in school.
As for me, I join in the sports meeting because I am really good at running and playing the table tennis. Meanwhile, doing sports always keeps me healthy and happy. I also have been in the Spoken English Group for three years, where I have made many friends and my spoken English has improved a lot.
In my opinion, our school should hold other activities. For example, the handicraft class can not only make us relaxed but also give us a sense of achievement. Last but not least, volunteer work also needs to be organized, which makes us realize giving is happier than taking. In short, school activities are quite meaningful to students.
Li Ming
37.根据“After discussion, in the end we decided to sing the song ‘Ode(颂) to the Motherland’ to show our love for our country.”可知,最终选择的歌曲是为了来表达我们对祖国的热爱。故填Because it can show their love for their country.
38.根据“We practiced hard together after school.”可知,放学后大家一起努力练习。故填After school.
39.根据“He divided us into small groups. Then the person who could sing well taught the others.”可知,他把我们分成几个小组。然后唱歌好的人教其他人。故填The person who could sing well taught the others.
40.根据“When we started to sing, the leader looked at us with a smile. This made all of us no longer feel nervous.”可知,当我们开始唱歌时,指挥微笑着看着我们。这使我们大家都不再感到紧张。故填The leader.
41.根据“Through this activity, I understood the importance of working together and I really loved it very much.”可知,通过这次活动,作者明白了合作的重要性。故填The importance of working together.
①join in参加
②be good at擅长
③In my opinion依我所见
④a sense of achievement成就感
①As for me, I join in the sports meeting because I am really good at running and playing the table tennis.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②Last but not least, volunteer work also needs to be organized, which makes us realize giving is happier than taking.(which引导的定语从句)
43.On a Friday night of last November. 44.He wants to make friends with Mary’s son. 45.A downtown cafe. 46.To have more space. 47.To make the world beautiful and lead to more and more. 48.例文
Friendliness is a state of mind in which people treat each other with sincerity, humility and kindness. In this sense, it is closely related to honesty. China is a country of etiquette, which emphasizes treating others with courtesy in treating outsiders and relatives and friends.
Once on a bus, the bus was full of people. Here came an old man who can only stood because there was no empty seat. Here I stood up and gave my seat to him. Although I have been standing, I was very happy.
As a middle school student, we should do our best to help others. At the same time, we should treat people sincerely.
43.根据“On a Friday night of last November, during the first of my eldest son’ s three basketball games, ...”可知,球赛在11月的一个星期五晚上举行。故填On a Friday night of last November.
44.根据“At one point in the game, the little boy looked over to my son and said, ‘Do you want to be my friend ’ ”可知,他想和Mary的儿子交朋友。故填He wants to make friends with Mary’s son.
45.根据“A few hours earlier, we went to a downtown cafe for an afternoon tea.”可知,在市中心的一家咖啡馆喝下午茶。故填A downtown cafe.
46.根据“A young lady came over to our table and offered her table to us so we could have more space.”可知,年轻女士把她的桌子让给我们,是为了我们就可以有更多的空间。故填To have more space.
47.根据“These small acts of service, friendliness and human care are what it takes to make the world beautiful. What’s more, one kind action is more likely to lead to more and more.”可知,这些小小的服务、友好和人文关怀的行为使世界变得美丽。更重要的是,一种行为更有可能导致越来越多的行为。故填To make the world beautiful and lead to more and more.
①be related to 与……相关
②be full of 充满
③do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事
①Here came an old man who can only stood because there was no empty seat.(who引导的定语从句)
② Although I have been standing, I was very happy.(although引导的让步状语从句)
49.Short video apps. 50.China. 51.She felt excited. 52.Three. 53.People don’t have to know their real names. 54.例文
As we all know, Douyin is a short video app.
There are some advantages for teenagers to use Douyin. Firstly, short videos help teenagers feel relaxed after studying for a long time. Secondly, they can express themselves freely by making videos on Douyin.
However, every coin has two sides. Some news on Douyin is not true. As a result, teenagers may make wrong decisions. Besides, some teenagers spend too much time on Douyin, which has influence on their normal life and studies.
In my opinion, students should spend more time studying hard and developing good habits than using Douyin.
That’s all. Thank you.
49.根据“So, what were the main social media trends of last year ”和“Short video apps, such as Tik Tok and Douyin, took the world by storm.”可知,去年社交媒体的主要趋势是短视频应用。故填Short video apps.
50.根据“And Douyin had more than 300 million active users June in China”可知,今年6月,抖音在中国的活跃用户超过3亿。故填China.
51.根据“Liza Koshy, a user of the US app Musically who has over 2 million followers, said that she was very excited when anyone said that her video had ‘encouraged’ them.”可知,她感到非常兴奋,故填She felt excited.
52.根据“A main feature( 特征) of social media is its volatility(易变).”、“The sense of community that users of short video apps get is another main feature.”和“Live streaming(直播) is a feature of our social media life that now seems as natural as sunrise.”可知,文章中提到了社交媒体的3个特点。故填Three.
53.根据“On of the most important reasons is that people don’t have to know their real names.”可知,最重要的原因之一是人们不必知道自己的真实姓名。故填People don’t have to know their real names.
① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为演讲稿;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,可适当发挥。
① help sb do sth帮助某人做某事
② as a result因此
③ in my opinion在我看来
Besides, some teenagers spend too much time on Douyin, which has influence on their normal life and studies.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
55.Because of livestreaming. 56.59. 57.More than 1.2 million people. 58.Bilibili. 59.One blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow. 60.例文
Dear friends and all the online audiences,
I’m Steve. I am from a beautiful seaside city. It’s in the west of Guangdong Province. The weather there is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. You can try different kinds of delicious seafood there. What’s more, the people there are friendly.
Now let me introduce a local custom called Nianli in my hometown. Different families have different dates of Nianli. Most of the dates are during the Spring Festival. Friends and relatives will get together to have fun and have a big dinner. There are many activities like singing operas, performing the lion dance and so on. They always have a great time.
If you are interested in the culture in my hometown, why not come here to have a special experience
55.根据“A growing number of young people are starting to become more aware of and interested in traditional culture because of livestreaming.”可知,因为直播,越来越多的年轻人开始对传统文化更加了解和感兴趣。故填Because of livestreaming.
56.根据“Li Jun is a laosheng...During the outbreak, the 59-year-old man took up his smartphone and started livestreaming”可知,李军59岁了。故填59.
57.根据“The show attracted more than 1.2 million people to watch at the same time”可知相声节目吸引了120多万人观看。故填More than 1.2 million people.
58.根据“Bilibili livestreamed a huafu show”可知,哔哩哔哩直播了一场华服秀。故填Bilibili.
59.根据“For example, one blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow”可知,一个博主教人们如何画桂叶眉。故填One blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow.
②different kinds of各种各样不同的
③What’s more除此之外
④and so on等等
⑤have a great time玩得开心
①Friends and relatives will get together to have fun and have a big dinner. (动词不定式作状语)
②If you are interested in the culture in my hometown, why not come here to have a special experience (If引导条件状语从句)



