
笔试总分:90分 答题时间:100分钟
Ⅰ. 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)
1. —Let's play ________ volleyball.
—But I don't have ________ volleyball.
A. /; a B. a; / C. a; a
2. The brown trousers ________ 180 dollars. And that white pair of trousers ________ 260 yuan.
A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are
3. We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ $5.
A. in; for B. at; in C. in; at
4. ________ apples do we need to make fruit salad
A. How many B. How much C. How long
5. —What did you see last night
—I ________ a big bright moon in the sky.
A. see B. saw C. seen
6. If you want to be healthier, you must eat ________ junk food.
A. more B. less C. fewer
7. It's 6 o'clock now. It's time ________.
A. get up B. got up C. to get up
8. Tom usually finishes ________ TV at 12: 00.
A. watching B. watches C. to watch
9. Eric eats two ________ and drinks some ________ in the morning.
A. eggs; oranges B. hamburgers; orange C. oranges; hamburger
10. —What do you have ________ dinner
—Let's think ________ it from now on.
A. for; about B. for; for C. with; of
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择正确的选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)
A. Would you like to come B. When is it C. That day is also my thirteenth birthday. D. Do you have a soccer game E. And we also have a basketball game on October 20th. F. What color does he like
A: Hi, Jim. Good morning! May I ask you some questions
B: Of course.
A: Do you have a volleyball game at your school
B: Yes, we do.
A: 11. ________
B: It's on September 28th.
A: 12. ________
B: Yes, we do. It's on October 17th. 13. ________
A: When is your school trip
B: It's on May 20th. 14. ________
A: Oh That's great.
B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 15. ________
A: Of course, I will. Thanks.
Ⅲ. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。(5分)
A: Excuse me, are you Jane
B: 16. ________, I am.
A: Can I ask you some questions
B: Yes, please.
A: 17. ________
B: My last name is Green.
A: 18. ________
B: I am thirteen.
A: 19. ________
B: My birthday is on August 16th.
A: Who is your English teacher
B: Ms. Zhou. She is a good teacher. We all like her.
A: Do you know her birthday
B: Sorry, I don't know. I think you can ask Jim.
A: 20. ________!
B: You are welcome.
Ⅳ. 根据短文内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(5分)
Linda has a busy day today. In the morning, she has four classes. They are English, science, geography and P. E. Geography is her favorite 21 . After school in the morning, Linda only has a short time to have lunch, 22 she must go to the library. She will have a speech contest in the afternoon. She needs to find some 23 information for her speech in the library. The speech contest is 24 3: 00 p. m. to 6: 00 p. m. Linda's speech is about health. After that Linda must go home. Today is her grandpa's birthday. Her family will have a big dinner. Linda buys a hat for her grandpa and she thinks her grandpa will 25 it.
21. A. sport B. game C. subject
22. A. but B. so C. because
23. A. boring B. useful C. healthy
24. A. from B. about C. with
25. A. thank B. like C. think
Ⅴ. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)
A. teacher B. science C. have D. interesting E. Classes F. finish G. dinner H. English I. boring J. because K. lunch L. for
It's Monday, September 15th. I'm very busy today 26 I have classes all day. At 8: 30 a. m. I have 27 . I think science is interesting and I like it very much. Then at 9: 20 a. m. I 28 math. It's difficult but 29 . Next at 10: 30 I have history. It's boring. At 11: 20 I have music. That's my favorite subject! I have 30 at 12 o'clock. And after that I have a rest. 31 begin at 1: 30 p. m. I have Chinese, and my Chinese 32 Mrs. Li, is really fun. We all like her classes. All my classes 33 at 3: 30 p. m. After school, my friends and I practice playing basketball at our school basketball club 34 an hour. I am in the 35 club, too. So I practice English at 5: 00 p. m. there. That's my whole day at school.
What a busy but interesting day!
26. ___________ 27. ___________ 28. ___________ 29. ___________ 30. ___________
31. ___________ 32. ___________ 33. ___________ 34. ___________ 35. ___________
Ⅵ. 根据所给材料,完成下列各题。(40分)
Mr. Smith is 40 years old. He's an English teacher in a middle school. Jack and Jim are his sons. Linda is his daughter.
Today is June 20th. Next day is Mr. Smith's birthday. His children buy some things for him. Mr. Smith likes apples very much. Jack buys his father a lot of apples. Jim buys a basketball for his father because Mr. Smith likes playing basketball. Mr. Smith often plays it with his sons in the afternoon. Linda gives her father a big white cake. It's his favorite color.
On his birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Smith needn't go to work. And the children don't go to school. So they have a birthday party in the evening. Mr. Smith's friends come to his party. They give some cards to Mr. Smith. There are many words on the cards. Mr. Smith likes them very much. The next day, the Smiths have a picnic in a park (公园) . It's great fun for them to eat there.
36. When is Mr. Smith's birthday
A. On June 20th. B. On July 20th. C. On June 21st. D. On July 21st.
37. The underlined (被划线的) words “have a picnic” mean “________” in Chinese.
A. 钓鱼 B. 野餐 C. 游泳 D. 远足
38. What do the Smiths do on the evening of June 21st
A. Go to the store. B. Go to the park.
C. Play basketball. D. Have a party at home.
39. What does Mr. Smith do
A. Have a party. B. A worker. C. An English teacher. D. Get some things.
40. The second paragraph (段) his mainly about ________.
A. the things Mr. Smith's children buy for him B. Mr. Smith's favorite things
C. Mr. Smith's family members D. the place where they go for a trip
Jack and Bill are brothers. They're eleven. They like to watch TV. Jack likes watching A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》) . He likes Chinese food. Bill likes watching sports on TV. He thinks they're very interesting.
One evening, after having dinner with their parents, Bill watches a soccer game on TV. But Jack wants to watch A Bite of China.
“Hi, Bill. I think sports are boring. How about watching A Bite of China ” Jack asks.
“Why The soccer game is really cool. I want to watch it now,” Bill says.
Jack isn't happy, so he asks his mom for help.
“My dear, Jack! Why not watch it on the computer ” Mom says.
So Jack and Bill watch their favorite programs at the same time. They have a happy evening.
41. Why does Jack like watching A Bite of China
A. Because it's useful. B. Because it's very cool.
C. Because he likes Chinese food. D. Because he thinks it's interesting.
42. Who helps Jack and Bill
A. Their friend. B. Their father. C. Their mother. D. Their teacher.
43. The underlined word “it” means “________”.
A. the soccer game B. the sports game C. the computer game D. A Bite of China
44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Bill thinks sports are boring. B. Jack is Bill's brother.
C. Bill plays sports in the evening. D. Jack watches the sports games on the computer.
45. What's the best title for the passage
A. Watching TV. B. A Bite of China. C. Sports games. D. A happy family.
Hi, my name is Jack. It's a picture of my room. You can see some things in it.
This is my hat. It's yellow and black. A letter “W” is on it. Where is it now Do you know Oh, it's on the bed.
This is my model plane. It's cool, right I always put it on my bed. But now it isn't in my room. I can't find it.
This nice green schoolbag is mine. My books and notebooks are in it. My pens are in it, too. It's always on the chair. But now it's on the bed.
This nice tape player isn't mine. It's my sister Gina's. Now she puts it in my bookcase. She likes to listen to English tapes with it. But I can't use (使用) it. Why Because Gina says only she can use it.
This is my bookcase. It's big. There are 300 books in it. 80% of the books are mine and 20% of the books are my sister's.
46. Jack introduces four things in his room.
47. A hat and a model plane are on the bed.
48. Jack's books, notebooks and pens are in his red schoolbag.
49. Gina doesn't let Jack use the tape player.
50. 240 books in the bookcase are Jack's.
Hello, my friends! My name is Grace Smith. Grace is my first name. And my last name is Smith. 51 But now I am in Jilin, China. I am in Shiyan Middle School. I am in Class Two.
52 They are Cindy, Tom and Kate. Here are two photos of them. Cindy and Kate are in the first photo. 53 Her favorite color is blue. And her cup is blue, too. The girl in red is Kate. She is a nice girl. I like to play with her. 54 He is in my class. His favorite color is black. Look! His ruler and cup are black. 55 It is Tom's dog. The name of the dog is Xigua. It is Tom's favorite dog.
A. I have three good friends in my school. B. I am an English girl. C. The girl in blue is Cindy. D. And Green is my family name. E. Tom is in the next photo. F. A black dog is in the photo, too
51. ___________ 52. ___________ 53. ___________ 54. ___________ 55. ___________
Tony Brown has a good friend, and his name is Tom Green. There are four people in Tom's family. Tony is going to tell us something about Tom's family. Let's have a look.
56 Hi, everyone! My first name is Tony, and my family name is Brown. I am a student in No. 7 Middle School. I am fourteen.
57 Tom Green is my good friend. He likes white pants and white shirts. He has a pet dog. He often runs with it after school every day.
58 Mr. Green is a math teacher in our school. He is Tom's father. His first name is Peter. He is also my dad's good friend. They like sports and often play soccer together (一起) .
59 Mrs. Green is a driver. Her given name is Mary. She often works at night. In the day, she often stays at home and cleans the house. So their house is clean and tidy
60 Annie is Mr. Green's daughter. She is 9 years old. She often plays with her brother She is very nice. I like her very much. That's Annie's pencil box. You can find a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it.
(a) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意,其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)
A. Mrs. Green's daughter B. Tom's father C. Tony Brown D. Tony's good friend E. Mary Green F. Mr. Green
56. ___________ 57. ___________ 58. ___________ 59. ___________ 60. ___________
(b) 根据短文内容,补全下面的语段。每空一词。(5分)
Tony and the Greens
Tony is a middle school student. He is fourteen years old. He has a good friend, and his name is Tom Green. Tom's father is Peter. Mary is his 61 , and he has a little 62 . Her name is Annie.
Tom likes wearing (穿) 63 clothes, and he has a pet dog. Peter Green is a friend of Tony's 64 , and he teaches math in a middle school. They often play soccer together. Mary is a driver. She often keeps her house clean and tidy. Annie is Mary's 65 . She is a nice girl.
61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________
My name is Sally. I'm 18 years old and I live in New York. My favorite subject is music. I don't like science because it's boring. I usually do my homework at 5 o'clock and I go to bed at 9 o'clock. My favorite teacher is Mr. Green.
Hi, my name is Paul. I'm 17 and my birthday is February 13th. Ms. Martin is my favorite teacher. She teaches math. Ilike math and music. I can play the piano but I can't sing very well. I don't like science. It's so boring.
My name is Jackie. I'm from England. I get up at 6 o'clock and I have breakfast at 7 o'clock. I like swimming and drawing. I don't like science. I think it's boring. I speak English and a little Chinese.
My name is Hisae. I'm from Yokohama in Japan. I speak Japanese and English. I usually go to school at 7 o'clock in the morning. I think science is boring. I like history. I want to visit China and America. I think they are very interesting countries.
66. When does Jackie get up
67. What does Sally usually do at 5 p. m.
68. Why does Hisae want to visit China and America
69. Who is Paul's favorite teacher
70. Why don't they like science
Ⅶ. 根据要求,完成写作。(15分)
71. 请根据下面的日程安排,写一篇英文广播稿,在周一的早间新闻播报中向全校学生介绍一下本周学校艺术节的活动计划。
Monday Opening Ceremony of Art Festival Time: 1: 00 p. m. Place: Music Hall
Tuesday Singing Competition Time: 3: 20 p. m. Place: Music classroom
Wednesday Talk Show Competition Time: 12: 50 p. m. Place: Room 208
Friday Dancing Competition Time: 4: 20 p. m. Place: Room 107
Ⅰ. 1-5 ABCAB 6-10 BCABA
Ⅱ. 11-15 BDECA
Ⅲ. 16. Yes 17. What's your last name 18. How old are you
19. When is your birthday 20. Thank you
Ⅳ. 21-25 CCBAB
Ⅴ. 26-30 JBCDK 31-35 EAFLH
Ⅴ. (A) 36-40 CBDCA (B) 41-45 CCDBA (C) 46-50 FFFTT (D) 51-55 BACEF (E) 56-60CDBEA
61. mother/mom/mum 62. sister 63. white 64. father/dad 65. daughter
(F) 66. He gets up at 6 o'clock.
67. She usually does her homework.
68. Because she thinks they are very interesting countries.
69. Ms. Martin.
70. Because they think it is boring.
Ⅶ. 71. One possible version:
Hello, everyone. I'm very glad to introduce some of this week's art festival activities.
We will have the Opening Ceremony today, at 1: 00 p. m. in the Music Hall. On Tuesday, there will be a singing competition at 3: 20 p. m. in the music classroom. On Wednesday, we will see a talk show competition at 12: 50 p. m. in Room 208. After two days' competition, however, there are no activities on Thursday. But on Friday, we will have a chance to see the most beautiful dancing in Room 107. It will start at 4: 20 p. m. OK, this is the plan for the art festival.
All students are welcome. Thank you for listening.



