
英 语
1. 全卷满分为90分,考试用时为70分钟。
Andy was a middle school student. One day, he heard a rumor(传闻)about Gene, the new student in his class. It said 1 Gene was a thief. After Andy heard this, he told 2 his classmates about it. Soon, everyone in his class knew. When the news got back to Gene, it made him very 3 .
One of their teachers heard the rumor 4 , and the teacher knew it was not true. The teacher knew Gene well and she knew he was a good boy, so she decided to teach Andy a lesson.
First, she asked Andy 5 sorry to Gene. Then, she told Andy to get 6 piece of paper.
Andy’s teacher told him to write down the comments(评论)he made 7 Gene. Then, she told him to tear the paper into pieces and throw them into the yard.
The next day, Andy’s teacher 8 him over. She told him to go to collect the pieces of paper. “I can’t,” said Andy. “The wind already blew 9 away.”
“That’s what it’s like when you spread a rumor,” his teacher said. “You can’t take it back, 10 it’s wrong.” Andy finally realized his mistake and decided to never again spread a rumor.
1.A.what B.how C.that
2.A.a little B.a bit C.lots of
3.A.sad B.sadder C.saddest
4.A.also B.neither C.as well
5.A.say B.to say C.saying
6.A.a B.the C.an
7.A.across B.down C.about
8.A.calls B.called C.will call
9.A.them B.their C.they
10.A.until B.even if C.because
Once, there was a large stone in the vegetable garden of the Smiths. Anyone who went to the garden said the stone was 11 . That was very inconvenient. The 12 Alan asked, “Dad, why don’t we move that stone away ” “Dad Mike replied, the stone has been there. It is too big to 13 ,” After a number of years, Alan 14 and became a father. And the big stone was still there.
One day, Alan’s wife Gina said 15 , “This morning I planned to water the vegetables in the garden but fell over the stone. I hate it. I want to move it away.” Old Mike heard it and said, “The big stone is too heavy to move. Just be careful when you walk near it.” However, Gina was still thinking about moving it away by 16 .
The next morning, Gina began to dig around the 17 . She prepared to dig it for a few days. But it didn’t cost her much time and energy to move it. In fact, they were certainly cheated by its huge size. When Gina told this good news to Mike and Alan, both of them couldn’t 18 it.
In our life, there are so many things that are like the big stone, which seems too heavy but is 19 to take away. So don’t be cheated by the outside of things. We should be 20 to try and practice. We will find that things may not be as difficult as we think.
11.A.in the way B.on the way C.by the way D.all the way
12.A.aunt B.uncle C.son D.daughter
13.A.break B.move C.throw D.climb
14.A.got up B.got out C.got married D.got away
15.A.angrily B.happily C.politely D.carefully
16.A.myself B.himself C.herself D.themselves
17.A.stone B.tree C.garden D.house
18.A.control B.find C.doubt D.believe
19.A.necessary B.dangerous C.possible D.difficult
20.A.honest B.lazy C.brave D.proud
When Facing a Flood
If a flood happens where you live, you need to be prepared. Here are things you need to prepare. ※Make an emergency kit(应急包). Keep it in an easy-to-reach place. It should include things such as water, canned food, a flashlight and a first-aid kit. ※Prepare waterproof(防水的)clothing and a life vest(救生衣). Put your valuables in waterproof bags and keep them somewhere safe.
Follow these tips to stay out of danger during a flood. ※Look out for flood warnings. ※Head to higher ground and stay there. ※Do not try to walk or drive through flooded areas, as they can be deeper than you realize. ※Leave your car. It won’t help you if it gets stuck in the water.
Even after the flood ends, it might not be safe to return home quite yet. ※Keep following the latest local news. ※Do not use electronics until they are fully dry. ※Do not use or touch anything that the water soaked(泡), including food. ※Do not forget that viruses(病毒)can spread after a flood.
21.When the flood comes, we should put our valuables _______.
A.in a life vest B.in an easy-to-reach place
C.in our pockets D.in a waterproof bag
22.When a flood comes, we should go to _______.
A.higher ground B.an empty square
C.a riverbank D.an underground parking lot
23.If our car gets stuck in a flood, we should _______.
A.stay inside the car B.try to pull the car out
C.leave it alone D.keep the car clean
24.After the flood, we should _______.
A.go home as soon as possible B.turn on lights even if they are wet
C.collect food from the water D.protect ourselves from viruses
25.The reading material is most probably from _______.
A.a safety instruction B.a shopping list
C.a product introduction D.a travel plan
Jason, a 14-year-old middle school student, studied hard in school. But he hardly asked questions because he didn’t want to trouble his teacher.
His teacher realized the situation and asked Jason for the reason. Jason said, “I’m sorry, Sir. I have forgotten the way you taught us. I would like to ask you again, but I dare(敢于)not trouble you again!”
The teacher understood Jason’s words. He thought for a while and said to him, “Well, it’s kind of you to put yourself in my shoes. But I hope you can do something for me now. Please go and light(点燃)a candle first.” Jason was a little puzzled(困惑的)as he didn’t know why his teacher made him do that, but he did. Then the teacher said, “Go and get some more candles and use the first one to light them.” Jason did the same. After he had done that, the teacher asked, “All the other candles are lit by the first candle, but has the light of the first candle gone ”
Jason replied, “No!” The teacher smiled, “Yes, I will not lose anything after sharing the knowledge I have with you. You may have questions. Please feel free to come to me. In this way, I will get happier.”
A person’s knowledge is usually not enough. But after we discuss and ask each other for advice, our knowledge will be increased. So, if you meet any problems you don’t understand, just ask others.
26.Why did Jason hardly ask questions
A.Because he was really shy.
B.Because his teacher didn’t like him.
C.Because he got all that his teacher taught.
D.Because he disliked to trouble his teacher.
27.How did the teacher help solve Jason’s problems
A.By doing an experiment. B.By making him think.
C.By asking him some questions. D.By discussing the problems with him.
28.Which word can best describe the teacher
A.Strict. B.Wise. C.Brave. D.Honest.
29.If Jason asks questions, how will his teacher feel
A.Excited. B.Happy. C.Shy. D.Puzzled.
30.What can we learn from the passage
A.Learn to ask questions and we’ll learn more.
B.Learn to share knowledge with others.
C.Try to learn more from others.
D.Try to understand others and we’ll be happier.
31 Jerry’s birthday is on May 5. He wants to go to Japan to celebrate it as well as a special Children’s Day. 32 Paula, studying in Canada, wants to take part in an interesting competition when she enjoys a hot spring. 33 Jack, a student of Cambridge University, wants to know which goat(山羊)will win this interesting race. 34 Jayden loves riding bikes. He feels like making friends with people sharing the same interest with him. 35 Linda likes art very much. She wants to enjoy ice and snow sculptures(雕塑)during this winter holiday. A.Oxford University and Cambridge University hold the goat race every year. There are two goats in the race. One stands for Oxford and the other races for Cambridge. B.Harbin Ice and Snow Festival starts on January 5 every year. During the festival, people can enjoy the largest and most beautiful ice and snow sculptures in the world. C. If you love to ride your bike, you’ll be able to find many others like you at the Argus Bike Festival. There are many activities, such as an e-bike show. D.Boryeong hosts a mud festival every July. During the 10-day celebrations, people can get. their faces painted with colored mud. E. Look at these people’s funny hairstyles! Their hair is frozen. Every year people in Canada hold the International Hair Freezing Competition at a hot spring. F. In India, there is a famous festival called Holi. People celebrate it to welcome the spring. G. If you go to Japan in early May, you will see colorful cap fag(鲤鱼旗)in die sky. The flags fly to celebrate Children’s Day, which falls on May 5.
for, hard, including, life, left, excited, will, However, since, medal, interest, won
When talking about the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team, we will think of Lang Ping. She uses her strong 36 and professional skills to help the team go to the world stage. For us, she is a hero.
Lang Ping was born in Tianjin on December 10th, 1960. She showed great 37 in volleyball at a young age. Lang Ping started practicing volleyball in April in 1973 and trained 38 . In 1978, she started to play for the Chinese national team. She 39 many world competitions, 40 the World Championship crown in 1982 and a gold 41 at the 1984 Summer Olympics.
After retiring(退役)from the national team, Lang Ping moved to the US to study. There, she lived a quiet 42 and gave birth to a baby girl. In 1995, Lang Ping became the head coach of the Chinese national team. She led the team to win some world competitions. Later, Lang Ping 43 the national team because of health problems.
Lang Ping has been the coach of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team 44 2013. It is not easy for her to make the women volleyball players be trained better than before. 45 , she never gave up. Finally, all her efforts paid off. In 2019, she led the team to win the World Cup with 11 straight wins(连胜).
What will you paint if someone asks you to tell him or her about China For 12-year-old Mao Mofei from Chengdu, the answer is the colourful connection between the ancient and the modern.
Mao’s painting, Future is coming, was on show at the International Youth Art Invitation Exhibition in Florence, Italy. The exhibition celebrated the diplomatic (外交的) ties between China and Italy for 50 years.
“My picture shows my point on what my hometown will be like in the future. People will live a modern and happy life.” Said Mao.
Mao started to learn painting from an early age. The paper and brushes have not only become her wings of imagination but become her tools to build friendship. When Mao was in second grade, she got a chance to visit an Indonesian school. There, she used fun pictures to tell Indonesian student the meanings of different Chinese characters (汉字). The local students really enjoyed her painting. She even developed a long-term friendship with one of her “fans”.
“People around the world speak different languages, but art is the common language that we all can understand. To increase understanding and share ideas—that’s what I love most about art,” said Mao, “I want to show the charm (魅力) of China to the world.”
46.Where is Mao Mofei from
47.Why was the International Youth Art Invitation Exhibition held
48.What kind of life will people live in Mao’s painting
49.How did Mao develop friendship with students in Indonesia
50.In Mao’s eyes, what is the advantage of art when communicating with foreigners
51.中国历史,源远流长。中国很多手工艺品,艺术表达形式,美食,植物等事物都能呈现中国文化的博大精深,体现中国人民的传统美德。假如佛山市国际教育中心正在开展线上国际交流活动,其公众号以“The Cultural Symbol of China”为主题,向全校学生征文。请你选择一项你认为最具代表性的事物,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1 你选择的事物是什么?对此事物进行简单描述;
2 你选择此事物的理由;
3 此事物对你的影响。
There are lots of fantastic things representing our great culture and people.
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
a little一点,修饰不可数名词;a bit一点,修饰形容词或副词;lots of很多,修饰名词。修饰可数名词复数用lots of。故选C。
also也,放句中;neither也不;as well也,放句尾。根据“One of their teachers heard the rumor”可知此处指老师也听说了这个谣言,在句尾用as well。故选C。
say说,动词原形;to say动词不定式;saying动名词。ask sb. to do sth.“让某人做某事”。故选B。
a不定冠词,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词;the定冠词;an不定冠词,修饰以元音音素开头的单词。a piece of paper“一张纸”。故选A。
across穿过;down向下;about关于。根据“the comments(评论)he made...Gene”可知是关于Gene的评论。故选C。
calls叫,动词单三;called动词过去式;will call一般将来时。根据“She told him...”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故选B。
until直到;even if即使;because因为。根据“You can’t take it back...it’s wrong”可知前后是让步关系,用even if引导让步状语从句。故选B。
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.C
in the way阻挡;on the way在……途中;by the way顺便问一下;all the way自始至终;根据“there was a large stone in the vegetable garden of the Smiths.”可知,任何去菜园的人都说石头挡住了他们的去路,故选A。
aunt阿姨;uncle叔叔;son儿子;daughter女儿;根据后文“Dad Mike replied”及Alan可知,此处指的是男名,应该是儿子,故选C。
break打破;move移动;throw扔;climb爬;根据“why don’t we move that stone away...It is too big to”可知,石头太重了搬不动,故选B。
got up起床;got out外出;got married结婚;got away逃离;根据“became a father”可知,Alan结婚了,故选C。
angrily生气地;happily开心地;politely礼貌地;carefully仔细地;根据“This morning I planned to water the vegetables in the garden but fell over the stone. I hate it.”可知,妻子很生气,故选A。
myself我自己;himself他自己;herself她自己;themselves他们自己;根据“Gina was still thinking about moving it away by”可知,妻子还在考虑如何独自把它搬走,此处指Gina自己,故选C。
stone石头;tree树;garden花园;house房子;根据“thinking about moving it away...”可知,Gina还在考虑如何独自把石头搬走,所以她在石头周围挖土,故选A。
control控制;find找到;doubt怀疑;believe相信;根据“But it didn’t cost her much time and energy to move it. In fact, they were certainly cheated by its huge size.”可知,他们都不敢相信Gina说的,故选D。
necessary必要的;dangerous危险的;possible可能的;difficult困难的;根据“that are like the big stone, which seems too heavy but is...to take away”可知,有很多东西像这块大石头一样,看起来很大,但很可能是可以被拿走的,故选C。
honest诚实的;lazy懒惰的;brave勇敢的;proud骄傲的;根据“The next morning, Gina began to dig around the...She prepared to dig it for a few days. But it didn’t cost her much time and energy to move it.”以及“try and practice”可知,此处是指要勇敢地尝试,故选C。
21.D 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据“Put your valuables in waterproof bags and keep them somewhere safe.”可知,应该把贵重物品放在防水袋里,放在安全的地方。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“Follow these tips to stay out of danger during a flood...Head to higher ground and stay there.”可知,当面临洪水时,应该前往地势较高的地方并停留在那里。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“Leave your car. It won’t help you if it gets stuck in the water.”可知,如果车它陷在水里,对你没有帮助,因此应该离开你的车。故选C。
24.推理判断题。根据“Do not forget that viruses(病毒)can spread after a flood.”可知,洪水过后病毒会扩散,故应预防病毒。故选D。
26.D 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.A
26.细节理解题。根据“But he hardly asked questions because he didn’t want to trouble his teacher.”可知是因为他不想麻烦他的老师。故选D。
27.推理判断题。根据“Please go and light(点燃)a candle first...Go and get some more candles and use the first one to light them.”可知老师通过做一个实验来帮助解决杰森的问题。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据“Please feel free to come to me. In this way, I will get happier”可知如果杰森问问题,老师会感到快乐,故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“A person’s knowledge is usually not enough. But after we discuss and ask each other for advice, our knowledge will be increased. So, if you meet any problems you don’t understand, just ask others.”可知文章告诉我们学会问问题,我们就能学到更多。故选A。
31.G 32.E 33.A 34.C 35.B
31.根据“Jerry’s birthday is on May 5. He wants to go to Japan to celebrate it as well as a special Children’s Day.”可知,杰里的生日是5月5日。他想去日本庆祝它以及一个特殊的儿童节。G选项“如果你在五月初去日本,你会看到天空中五彩缤纷的鲤鱼旗。旗帜飘扬是为了庆祝5月5日的儿童节。”符合。故选G。
32.根据“Paula, studying in Canada, wants to take part in an interesting competition when she enjoys a hot spring.”可知,在加拿大学习的宝拉在享受温泉时,想参加一个有趣的比赛。E选项“看看这些人滑稽的发型!他们的头发被冻住了。加拿大人每年都在温泉举办国际冷冻头发比赛。”符合。故选E。
33.根据“Jack, a student of Cambridge University, wants to know which goat(山羊)will win this interesting race.”可知,剑桥大学的学生杰克想知道哪只山羊会赢得这场有趣的比赛。A选项“牛津大学和剑桥大学每年都举行山羊比赛。比赛中有两只山羊。一个代表牛津,另一个代表剑桥。”符合。故选A。
34.根据“Jayden loves riding bikes. He feels like making friends with people sharing the same interest with him.”可知,杰登喜欢骑自行车。他喜欢和与他有相同兴趣的人交朋友。C选项“如果你喜欢骑自行车,你可以在阿格斯自行车节上找到许多像你一样的人。有很多活动,比如电动自行车展。”符合。故选C。
35.根据“Linda likes art very much. She wants to enjoy ice and snow sculptures(雕塑)during this winter holiday.”可知,琳达非常喜欢艺术。她想在这个寒假欣赏冰雕和雪雕。B选项“哈尔滨冰雪节始于每年的1月5日。节日期间,人们可以欣赏到世界上最大、最美丽的冰雕和雪雕。”符合。故选B。
36.will 37.interest 38.hard 39.won 40.including 41.medal 42.life 43.left 44.since 45.However
36.句意:她用自己的强大意志和专业技能来帮助团队进入世界舞台。根据“...to help the team go to the world stage. For us, she is a hero.”可知,郎平是一个英雄,她领导团队进入世界舞台靠的就是她强大意志和专业技能,strong will“强大意志”。故填will。
37.句意:她很小的时候对排球表现出极大的兴趣。根据句型show interest in sth“对……感兴趣”可知,此空填不可数名词interest。故填interest。
38.句意:郎平于1973年4月开始练习排球,训练很刻苦。根据“In 1978, she started to play for the Chinese national team.”可知,郎平从开始练习排球到成功加入国家队,说明她训练非常刻苦,故此空填副词修饰前面的动词“train”。故填hard。
39.句意:她赢得了许多世界比赛,包括1982年的世界冠军和1984年夏季奥运会上的金牌。根据下文“the World Championship crown in 1982”可知,她赢得了世界比赛,时态为一般过去时。故填won。
40.句意:她赢得了许多世界比赛,包括1982年的世界冠军和1984年夏季奥运会上的金牌。根据“She...many world competitions”可知,接下来是列举她的成就,故此空填including“包括”做伴随状语。故填including。
41.句意:她赢得了许多世界比赛,包括1982年的世界冠军和1984年夏季奥运会上的金牌。根据材质“gold金的”和赛事“the 1984 Summer Olympics”可知,她获得是该赛事的一枚金牌,此空填名词单数。故填medal。
42.句意:在那里,她过着安静的生活,生了一个女孩。根据上文“After retiring from the national team, Lang Ping moved to the US to study.”可知,这描述的是郎平退役后的生活,淡出公众视野,平静生活。live a...life“过……的生活”,此空填名词单数。故填life。
43.句意:后来,由于健康问题而离开了国家队。根据原因“because of health problems”可知,她由于健康问题而离开了国家队,时态为一般过去时,故填left。
44.句意:郎平自2013年以来一直是中国女子排球队的教练。根据现在完成时“has been the coach of...”可知,此空用标志词since“自从”+时间点。故填since。
45.句意:然而,她从不放弃。根据上文“It is not easy...”和下文“she never gave up.”可知,此空上下文之间是转折关系,且空后用逗号隔开,结合所给单词,故填However。
46.Chengdu. 47.To celebrate the diplomatic ties between China and Italy for 50 years. 48.People will live a modern and happy life. 49.By painting. 50.Art is the common language that we all can understand. 51.例文
There are lots of fantastic things representing our great culture and people. As we all know, paper cutting is one of the traditional Chinese Arts. It’s easy to learn this art. People only need to use scissors and paper, so they enjoy doing it in their daily life. Paper cutting can be made in different shapes, such as figures, animals, flowers and Chinese characters with good meanings and so on. People often put them upon the walls.
Paper cutting often appears at festivals or weddings because people think it can bring them happiness and good luck. It represents the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture and embodies the traditional virtues of the Chinese people. We should try our best to protect this traditional skill.
46.根据“For 12-year-old Mao Mofei from Chengdu”可知,毛莫非来自成都。故填Chengdu.
47.根据“The exhibition celebrated the diplomatic (外交的) ties between China and Italy for 50 years.”可知,为了庆祝中国和意大利建交50周年。故填To celebrate the diplomatic ties between China and Italy for 50 years.
48.根据“My picture shows my point on what my hometown will be like in the future. People will live a modern and happy life.”可知,人们将过上现代而幸福的生活。故填People will live a modern and happy life.
49.根据“Mao started to learn painting from an early age. The paper and brushes have not only become her wings of imagination but become her tools to build friendship.”可知,毛通过画画与印尼学生发展友谊的。故填By painting.
50.根据“People around the world speak different languages, but art is the common language that we all can understand”可知,艺术在与外国人交流时的优势是它是我们都能理解的共同语言。故填Art is the common language that we all can understand.
① 题材:本文是一篇说明文,为材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,不要遗漏信息,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①As we all know众所周知
②enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事
③try our best to do尽我们最大的努力做
Paper cutting often appears at festivals or weddings because people think it can bring them happiness and good luck.(because引导的原因状语从句,省略that的宾语从句)



