
英 语
1. 全卷满分为90分,考试用时为70分钟。
Sam is a an eight-year-old student. He can’t always have fun at school, 1 he doesn’t like his school. He is good at all his 2 , but he doesn’t have friends. Sam is not happy about that. 3 a Sunday morning, Sam sees a big tree.
A small blackboard is in 4 tree. It says, “I am a magic(有魔力的) tree. Say the right words(话) to me and then I can 5 you.”
Sam says many words but they are not useful. The tree 6 say a word. At last, he says, “Please, dear tree! Thank you!” The tree says, “Sam, say 7 more(更多) and then you can be happy.”
After that, Sam often 8 “Please” and “Thank you” at school. His classmates think he is nice and they all want 9 his friends. Then Sam asks many of his classmates to come to his 10 birthday party. They all have a good time.
1.A.or B.but C.so
2.A.subject B.subjects C.subjects’
3.A.On B.At C.In
4.A.a B.an C.the
5.A.help B.helps C.helped
6.A.does B.doesn’t C.don’t
7.A.their B.they C.them
8.A.say B.says C.said
9.A.be B.to be C.being
10.A.eight B.eighth C.the eighth
There is a ring in Mr. White’s store. Peter wants to buy it, but it’s at a high(高的) 11 —five dollars. He 12 has one dollar. “Could you please not 13 the ring before October 10th ”Peter asks Mr. White. October 10th is his mom’s 14 . Mr. White knows Peter is a 15 boy, so he keeps the ring for him.
Peter 16 four other(其它的)dollars. He doesn’t go home after school, but does a lot of work.
“Why do you always get home late, Peter ” Mom 17 Peter.
“Oh, I play with Bob,” Peter says. He 18 to tell his mom the truth(真相). Mom’s birthday comes. And Peter gets five dollars. He takes the 19 home. Mom looks at it and she 20 there are three words on it—I LOVE MOM.
“Thank you, my boy! ” Mom says, with tears in her eyes.
11.A.picture B.number C.room D.price
12.A.really B.only C.well D.always
13.A.sell B.buy C.take D.think
14.A.test B.birthday C.name D.subject
15.A.tall B.tidy C.good D.big
16.A.needs B.has C.sees D.likes
17.A.helps B.asks C.calls D.wants
18.A.wants B.is for sure C.comes D.doesn’t want
19.A.money B.ring C.work D.watch
20.A.knows B.looks C.finds D.spells
Enjoy your venue(体育比赛场馆)tour
Among the 25 venues, there are 12 competition venues. What do these 12 venues look like Which competitions will be held in them Let’s find out some of them!
The National Aquatics Center (‘Ice Cube’) The “Water Cube” once held swimming events at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Now it is turned into the “Ice Cube”. People took all the water out of the pool. Then, they built a steel structure (钢结构) and place ice on it. The venue will be used for swimming in spring, summer and autumn and become the “Ice Cube” again in petition: Curling (冰壶)
The National Speed Skating Oval (‘Ice Ribbon’) Look at the light around the venue. They look like ribbons (丝带) . So the venue is called the “Ice Ribbon”. The venue uses carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) to make ice. This saves a lot of electricity, enough to support (支持) 6,000 families in Beijing for a petitions: Speed skating (速滑)
The Wukesong Sports Center How long does it take to turn a basketball court into an ice hockey rink (冰场) The answer from the Wukesong Sports Center is six hours! With quick ice-making technology, the venue can easily change to suit the two petition: Ice hockey (冰球)
21.There are __________ venues are mainly mentioned in the passage.
A.two B.three C.six D.twelve
22.__________ is used for speed skating.
A.Ice Cube B.Ice Ribbon
C.The Wukesong Sports Center D.None of the above
23.__________ is also used for swimming competitions.
A.Ice Cube B.Ice Ribbon
C.The Wukesong Sports Center D.None of the above
24.What can people use to turn a basketball court quickly into an ice hockey rink in the Wukesong Sports Center
A.A steel structure B.The light around the center
C.Carbon dioxide D.Ice-making technology
25.The passage is mainly talking __________.
A.the size of the venues B.the competitions in the venues
C.the people in the venues D.the technology to build the venues
Grace is 14 years old and she comes from Australia. She lives in China with her parents. Now she’s learning to sing Chinese songs.
Her father Henry speaks Chinese well and sings Chinese songs well, too. Her mother dances very well. Grace learns to dance from her mother and to sing from her father.
Grace’s father loves China and Chinese songs. He thinks his daughter needs a Chinese music teacher, so he asks his friend Chen Wei for help. Chen Wei is an excellent music teacher in the school. He always makes his lessons interesting. And he also sings very well. Lots of his students like him and his lessons. Grace’s father hopes his friend Chen Wei can be Grace s music teacher.
After hearing Grace singing, Chen says, “Grace speaks Chinese very well. I think she can learn quickly. It’s good for her to listen to Chinese songs every day.”
26.Grace is learning to ________.
A.speak Chinese B.write Chinese C.sing Chinese songs D.make Chinese food
27.Grace learns to dance from her ________.
A.mother B.father C.friend D.teacher
28.The underlined (下划线) word “excellent” means ________ in Chinese.
A.严肃的 B.优秀的 C.繁忙的 D.随意的
29.Chen Wei advises (建议) Grace to ________.
A.join the music company B.go to concerts
C.have music lessons every day D.listen to Chinese songs every day
30.In which part (部分) of a newspaper can we read the passage (短文)
A.Health. B.Science. C.People. D.Travel.
31 I lost my watch in the school library this morning. It is blue. 32 My mother’s birthday is next week. My family want to have a big dinner in a good restaurant. 33 I love sports and I play football well. I’m good to boys and girls and I want to play with them. 34 My yellow T-shirt is small. I need a big one. 35 We have no bananas at home. I want to go and buy some. A.Come and have a look at Apple Store. We have nice clothes at good prices. B.Fresh Store has nice fruit like bananas, strawberries, apples, oranges and pears. They are really great. C. A blue watch is in No. 3 Reading Room in the school library. Call Mrs. Smith at 889-1234. D.Green Restaurant is very nice and tidy, and the food here is very healthy. You can find it on Green Street. You can call us at 856-8899 too. E. Is the red English dictionary yours The name “Jane” is on it. I am Tony Green. My telephone number is 886-9023. F. Do you love books Can you help in our bookstore We want you to help sell books. You can get fifty dollars a day. G. Can you play ball games Do you like little boys and girls How about playing game s with them Come and help in the children’s home.
he, different, interesting, that, one, library, difficult, help, play, why, friend, do
Dear World (世界),
My son starts school today. It’s new to him for some time, and I hope you can be nice to him. You see, from the 36 day he comes to my family, he is always the center of my home. I do everything to help him and make him feel better.
But today, things are very 37 .
This morning, he says goodbye and starts a new trip that is very 38 for him. You know, to live (生存) needs love and bravery (勇气).
So, World, I hope you can love him and teach him the things he has to know.
Give him time to think about 39 there are birds in the sky and flowers on the green hill.
Teach him that for bad men, there are heroes (英雄); that for enemies (敌人), there are 40 .
Teach him how useful reading is, ask him to go to 41 often.
Teach him that it is not bad when he doesn’t do well, but not to cheat (作弊). Just think about 42 it better next time.
Teach him to believe (相信) in himself, when everyone tells 43 that he is wrong.
Teach him to do difficult things himself, World, but don’t do all for him. He will be really good after 44 difficult ones.
I know, World, you will do everything 45 him. Thank you very much!
A worried (焦虑的) mother
Hi Bob,
How are things with you Are you having a good time in China I hope you’re having fun now.
Well, I hurt (伤) my left leg, so I’m in hospital now. It’s boring for me to be here, but things are not so bad. The doctors and nurses in the hospital are really nice. They help me a lot. There are three other boys (Bill, John and David) in my room. I like them and we have lots of things to talk about. We are friends now.
Bill and John are good at math but I am not. I think I can ask them for help. David’s favourite is history. As for the sports, we all like soccer best. Playing soccer is interesting and it’s good for our health. I really want to play soccer, but I can’t now.
But good news is that I will be out of hospital next Monday. So I can be in the play at the school festival next Friday. I hope you can come.
Mum and Dad send their love. Write soon.
46.Where is Bob now
47.How many boys are now in Dale’s hospital room
48.Who is good at math
49.What do Dale and his friends in the hospital like best
50.When is the school festival
1) 阅读Dale来信的心情及其原因;
2) 向Dale介绍你在中国的日程(一日或一周);
3) 回复是否能观看Dale的演出,并预祝成功。
2.语句连贯,词数60个左右。 作文开头结尾已给出,不必抄写在试卷上,也不计入总词数。
Dear Dale,
Thanks for your letter.
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B
or或者;but但是;so因此。“He can’t always have fun at school”与“he doesn’t like his school”是因果关系,属于前因后果,所以用so连接。故选C。
On后加具体一天;At后加具体时刻;In后加某年某月某季节。“a Saturday morning”是具体的一天的早晨,应用on,故选A。
does助动词;doesn’t助动词does的否定形式;don’t是do的否定式。根据“Sam says many words but they are not useful”可知大树一直在听Sam说,自己没有说,主语是the tree,助动词doesn’t,故选B。
be动词原形;to be动词不定式;being动名词。want to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故选B。
eight八(基数词);eighth第八(序数词);the eighth第八(定冠词+序数词)。此处表示第几岁的生日,用序数词。结合上文“Sam is a an eight-year-old student”可知来参加他8岁生日,前有形容词性物主代词,序数词前不加冠词。故选B。
11.D 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.C
picture图片;number数字;room房间;price价格。根据“five dollar”可知,是价格,故选D。
really真的;only只有;well好地;always总是。根据“He...has one dollar.”和前文可知,戒指5美元,但是彼得只有1美元,故选B。
sell卖;buy买;take拿;think认为。根据“so he keeps the ring for him”可知,老板决定为彼得保留戒指,所以10月10日之前不卖,故选A。
test测试;birthday生日;name名字;subject科目。根据后文“Mom’s birthday comes.”可知,是妈妈的生日,故选B。
tall高的;tidy整洁的;good好的;big大的。根据“Mr. White knows Peter is a...boy, so he keeps the ring for him.”可知,老板为彼得保留了戒指,因为彼得是个好孩子,故选C。
helps帮助;asks问;calls打电话;wants想要。根据“Why do you always get home late, Peter ”可知,是妈妈问彼得,故选B。
wants想要;is for sure确定;comes来;doesn’t want不想要。根据“Oh, I play with Bob,”可知,彼得没有跟妈妈说实话,因为不想告诉妈妈真相,故选D。
money钱;ring戒指;work工作;watch观看。根据“Mom’s birthday comes. And Peter gets five dollars.”可知,彼得攒够了钱买戒指,故选B。
knows知道;looks看起来;finds找到,发现;spells拼写。根据“Mom looks at it and she...there are three words on it”可知,是在戒指上发现三个字,故选C。
21.B 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据“The National Aquatics Center”、“The National Speed Skating Oval”以及“The Wukesong Sports Center”可知,文章主要介绍了3个体育比赛场馆。故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据“The National Speed Skating Oval (‘Ice Ribbon’) Competitions: Speed skating (速滑)”可知,“冰丝带”是用于速滑。故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据“The National Aquatics Center (‘Ice Cube’) The venue will be used for swimming in spring,”可知,“冰立方”用于游泳比赛。故选A。
24.细节理解题。根据“With quick ice-making technology, the venue can easily change to suit the two sports.”可知,在五棵松体育中心,人们可以用制冰技术把篮球场迅速变成冰球场。故选D。
26.C 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“Now she’s learning to sing Chinese songs.”可知,她正在学唱中文歌曲。故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“Her mother dances very well. Grace learns to dance from her mother”可知,格蕾丝跟她妈妈学跳舞。故选A。
28.词句猜测题。根据“He always makes his lessons interesting. And he also sings very well”可知,他是一名很好的音乐老师,因此推出,excellent为褒义词“优秀的”。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“It’s good for her to listen to Chinese songs every day.”可知,陈老师建议她每天听中文歌曲。故选D。
31.C 32.D 33.G 34.A 35.B
31.根据“I lost my watch in the school library this morning. It is blue.”可知,早上在学校图书馆丢了一块蓝色手表,这应是一则寻物启事,C选项“一只蓝色的手表在学校图书馆的第三阅览室里。打889-1234找史密斯太太。”是关于手表的招领启事,与之对应。故选C。
32.根据“My family want to have a big dinner in a good restaurant.”可知,是寻找一家好的餐馆吃一顿大餐。D项中对餐馆的描述“绿色餐厅很漂亮,很整洁,这里的食物很健康。你可以在格林街上找到它。你也可以打856-8899给我们。”与之对应。故选D。
33.根据“ I love sports and I play football well. I’m good to boys and girls and I want to play with them.”可知,是想加入他们一起踢足球,G项中“你会打球吗?你喜欢小男孩和小女孩吗?和他们一起玩游戏怎么样?到儿童之家来帮忙。”与之对应。故选G。
34.根据“My yellow T-shirt is small. I need a big one.”可知,是想要买一件大一点的T恤,A项中“我们有物美价廉的衣服。”与之对应。故选A。
35.根据“We have no bananas at home. I want to go and buy some.”可知,是打算买一些香蕉,B项中“新鲜商店有很好的水果,像香蕉,草莓,苹果,桔子和梨。”与之对应。故选B。
36.first 37.different 38.difficult 39.why 40.friends 41.libraries 42.doing 43.him 44.those 45.to help
38.句意:今天早上,他说了再见,开始了一段对他来说非常艰难的新旅程。根据“starts a new trip”结合所提供单词可知,此处是说“艰难的新旅程”,用形容词difficult作定语,故填difficult。
40.句意:教他知道世上有坏人,就有英雄;有敌人,就有朋友。根据前面“for bad men, there are heroes”可知,此处应该填enemies的对应词friends。故填friends。
41.句意:教给他读书有多有用,让他经常去图书馆。根据前面“Teach him how useful reading is”可知,此处应该是说与阅读有关的“图书馆”,前面无冠词或one,应该用复数形式表一类。故填libraries。
42.句意:想想下次做得更好。根据前面“…when he doesn’t do well”可知,此处是说做得更好,介词about后用动名词形式doing。故填doing。
43.句意:当别人都说他错了的时候,教他相信自己。根据前面“Teach him to believe (相信) in himself”可知,此处是说教“他”相信自己,动词之后用宾格形式him。故填him。
44.句意:在那些困难之后,他会变得很好。根据后面“difficult ones”可知,此处应该用指示代词that的复数形式those,表“在那些困难之后”。故填those。
45.句意:我知道,世界,你会尽一切努力帮助他。根据后面“Thank you very much”可知,此处是说帮助他,用不定式形式to help作目的状语。故填to help。
46.(He’s) In China. 47.Four./4 (boys are now in Dale’s hospital). 48.Bill and John (are good at math). 49.(They like) Soccer (best). 50.(It’s) Next Friday. 51.Dear Dale,
Thanks for your letter. I’m happy to receive your letter, but sorry to hear that you hurt your leg.
I am quite busy here in China. Every day we have three Chinese classes. There are some other lessons, too. On Monday and Thursday, we study Chinese history. Our history teacher often tells us interesting stories. On Tuesday and Friday, we have Chinese art and music lessons. I even learn to cook Chinese food at school. It’s very relaxing.
I am afraid I can’t go back next Friday. Good luck to your show.
46.根据“so I’m in hospital now”可知,他现在在医院。故填(He’s) In China.
47.根据“There are three other boys”可知,还有其他三个男孩,总共有四个男孩。故填Four./4 (boys are now in Dale’s hospital).
48.根据“Bill and John are good at math”可知,比尔和约翰擅长数学。故填Bill and John (are good at math).
49.根据“As for the sports, we all like soccer best.”可知,他们最爱足球。故填(They like) Soccer (best).
50.根据“So I can be in the play at the school festival next Friday.”可知,节日在下周五。故填(It’s) Next Friday.
①interesting stories有趣的故事
① I’m happy to receive your letter, but sorry to hear that you hurt your leg.(but表转折)
② I am afraid I can’t go back next Friday.(宾语从句)



