期末复习 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla 重点短语句型翻译练习(含答案)鲁教版英语九年级全册

1. 我完全不知道我的钥匙在哪儿。
2. 你还需要什么其他的东西吗?
3. 当我在晚上听到奇怪的声音时感到不安。
4. 必定有人在厨房洗碗。
5. 这本书属于我姐姐,不属于我。
6. 她接受了一位著名记者的采访,为一篇杂志文章。
7. 如果有紧急情况,我们应该打电话给警察寻求帮助。
8. 我们隔壁的邻居非常友好,总是打招呼。
9. 我很兴奋要去参加一场音乐会。
10. - 你今天过得如何?- 没什么特别的,就是一天普通的日子。
11. 学生到来之前,教室过去总是很安静。
12. 科学老师在实验室做实验。
13. 这条古董项链非常有价值,也很贵。
14. 在图书馆请不要制造噪音,人们正在努力学习。
15. 狼是生活在群体中的野生动物。
16. 他需要一双新的跑鞋用于体育课。
17. 饮食均衡有助于预防疾病。
18. 老师会指出你作业中的错误。
19. 古代领导人为他们的文明做出了重要决策。
20. 我需要赶公交车准时到学校。
21. 一群朋友去公园踢足球。
22. 她想在医学领域追求职业。
23. 这位历史学家研究并撰写过去的事件。
24. 这个项目花费了很长一段时间才完成。
1. I have no idea where my keys are.
2. Is there anything else you need from the store
3. I feel uneasy when I hear strange noises at night.
4. There must be someone doing the dishes in the kitchen.
5. This book belongs to my sister, not me.
6. She was interviewed by a famous journalist for a magazine article.
7. If there's an emergency, we should call the policemen for help.
8. Our next-door neighbor is very friendly and always says hello.
9. I'm excited to attend a concert this weekend.
10. - How was your day - Nothing much happened, just a regular day.
11. The classroom used to be quiet before the students arrived.
12. The science teacher does experiments in the laboratory.
13. The antique necklace is very valuable and expensive.
14. Please don't make noise in the library, people are trying to study.
15. Wolves are wild animals that live in packs.
16. He needs new running shoes for PE class.
17. Eating a balanced diet helps prevent illness.
18. The teacher will point out the mistakes in your homework.
19. Ancient leaders made important decisions for their civilizations.
20. I need to catch a bus to get to school on time.
21. A group of friends went to the park to play soccer.
22. She wants to pursue a career in the medical field.
23. The historian studied and wrote about past events.
24. The project took over a long period of time to complete.




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