
1.(2015·四川省乐山市·历年真题)Two small words can bring a smile to someone's face:thank you.But (1) ______ do you say these two words?Perhaps when someone holds the door open for you.Or when a friend does you a big favor.
In Britain,people say"thank you"quite often,even at times when there is no (2) ______ .Sometimes we say it sarcastically (讽刺地).( 3) ______ ,if a friend throws my food away,thinking I was finished,I may say,"Oh,thank you!"Then my friend would reply,"Sorry."This can make a situation (4)______ confusing (困惑的) to foreign people.
However,anyone working in the service sector (行业)—waiters,taxi drivers,shop assistants,bus drivers and so on-will (5) ______ a"thank you"from British customers.If you're happy with the driver who got you to school on time,or the waiter who served you food,say"thank you"to them.You're really saying"good (6) ______".
I was first (7)______ that people don't often say"thank you"here in China.But I know people can replace these words with a smile or nod.
Yet I can't change my British (8) ______ of saying"thank you".Even here in China,I know I use these two words too much.But saying"thank you"is free,and I believe the more the better.
1.A. how B. where C. when D. why
2.A. need B. use C. good D. time
3.A. By the way B. For example C. Above all D. After all
4.A. look B. sound C. taste D. smell
5.A. say B. write C. send D. get
6.A. job B. man C. friend D. team
7.A. excited B. bored C. surprised D. interested
8.A. way B. habit C. standard D. spirit
1.C。考查疑问词及语境理解。A。how怎样?B。where 在哪里,问地点;C。when 何时,问时间;D。why为什么,问原因。根据Perhaps when someone holds the door open for you.Or when a friend does you a big favor。可知这里的意思是或许当别人为你开门或是朋友给你帮忙时,可知本句的意思是"你什么时候用这两个词?"所以用when。故选C。
2. A。考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。A。need 需要;B。use使用; C。good 货物;D。time时间。根据In Britain,people say"thank you"quite often,even at times when there is no--,可知有时英国人在无需讲谢谢时也在说谢谢。故选A。
3. B。考查介词短语及语境理解。A。By the way 顺便问一下,顺便说一下,插入语;B。For example 例如,用于举例;C。Above all首要的是,尤其; 最重要的是; D。After all毕竟,终究。根据if a friend throws my food away,thinking I was finished,I may say,"Oh,thank you!"Then my friend would reply,"Sorry."可知这里是举一个中国人讽刺般地说谢谢的例子,故选B。
4. B。考查连系动词词义辨析及语境理解。A。look看起来; B。sound听越来;C。taste 尝起来;D。smell闻起来。根据"Oh,thank you!"及"Sorry."可知这都是听到的内容,听到这种情况会让外国人感到困惑,所以用"听起来":sound。故选B。
5. D。考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。A。say 说;B。write 写;C。send 发送;D。get得到,获得。根据anyone working in the service sector (行业)-waiters,taxi drivers,shop assistants,bus drivers and so on-will-a"thank you"from British customers。可知服务人员提供服务后,会收到顾客的谢谢,get…from…:从……获得……,故选D。
6. A。考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。A。job工作; B。man 人;C。friend朋友; D。team队,小组。根据If you're happy with the driver who got you to school on time,or the waiter who served you food,say"thank you"to them.You're really saying"good--".可知司机按时把你送到学校或服务员给你提供食物时,你的谢谢是对他们的工作的肯定。故选A。
7. C。考查形容词词义辨析及语境理解。A。excited 激动;B。bored 厌烦的;C。surprised 惊奇的;D。interested感兴趣的。根据people don't often say"thank you"here in China可知对于一个英国人来说一开始对中国人不经常说谢谢应该感到惊讶,因为和英国人在这方面形成巨大的反差,这也反映了中英两国不同的习俗和文化。故选C。
8. B。考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。 A。way方式; B。habit 习惯;C。standard标准;D。spirit精神。根据In Britain,people say"thank you"quite often,even at times when there is no need,可知英国人说谢谢是一种文化习惯。故选B。
2. (2019·安徽省合肥市·单元测试)Once there was a king.He was wise but everyone was afraid of him.His face showed the sadness deep in his heart.So there were deep (1)lines(皱纹)on his face.
In his country lived a beautiful girl.Everyone seemed to love her,so did the king.Hewanted to (2)her,and finally he decided to speak to her of his love.After he dressed in his best clothes,he looked in the (3),but he saw a hard face, (4)when he tried to smile.
“How about wearing a mask(面具)?“he thought.Then he ordered his magician to paint a mask that looked kind and happy and handsome.The magician (5)and said:“But you must keep your own face in the same lines that I paint and be kind to all people from your heart.If not,the mask will break.“The mask looked so (6)that no one new it was not the true face of the king.Months passed,the beautiful lady got married to the king,and the king treated everyone (7)to keep the mask from breaking.
At last,the king didn't want to cheat his beautiful wife any more. (8)he asked the magician to take the mask off.Surprisingly,he found his face was just like the mask he had worn for so long!
This story tells us that a man is what he is in his heart.
1.A. ugly B. kind C. beautiful D. peaceful
2.A. love B. hate C. kill D. marry
3.A. wall B. door C. mirror D. window
4.A. yet B. even C. just D. still
5.A. looked B. refused C. agreed D. laughed
6.A. sad B. happy C. natural D. serious
7.A. badly B. kindly C. coldly D. differently
8.A. So B. Or C. But D. However.
【解析】1:A ugly 丑陋的;kind 亲切的;beautiful 美丽的;peaceful 平静的.他的脸上有很多很深_的皱纹,根据句意,此处应选ugly 丑陋的.
2:D love 爱;hate 厌恶;kill 杀害;marry 与…结婚.根据“Everyone seemed to love her,so did the king.”可知,此处应该填marry 与…结婚.
3:C wall 墙;door 门;mirror 镜子;window 窗户.由“he saw a hard face”可知他是在照镜子,所以此处应选mirror 镜子.
4:B yet 还,但是;even 甚至,即使;just 仅仅;still 仍然.他努力微笑,他看到的依然是一张难看的脸.根据句意,此处应选even 即使.
5:C looked 看起来;refused 拒绝;agreed 同意;laughed 笑.由短文可知,魔法师给国王做了面具,所以此处应选agreed 同意.
6:C sad 伤心的;happy 快乐的;natural 自然的;serious 严肃的.由下文“no one knew it was not the true face of the king”可知,此处应填natural自然的.
7:B badly 恶劣地;kindly 亲切地;coldly 冷淡地;differently 不同地.由上文魔法师的要求“be kind to all people”可知此处应为kindly 亲切地.
8:A So 因此,所以;Or 或者;But 但是;However 然而.国王再也不想欺骗他美丽的妻子,_他让魔法师把面具拿走了,根据句意知此处为因果关系,所以选so 因此,所以.
3. (2019·甘肃省·历年真题) Real Solutions (解决方法) to Problems
Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems.
One day, the team was called for a (1) in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various (2) . As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons.
The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective (各自的) balloons (3) so that the balloons wouldn't blow out. All tried, but not everyone was (4) . Five balloons blew out due to pressure (压力).
Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were (5) out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were (6) and then put into a room, here and there.
The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on. All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to (7) the right one. The second level of the game was over.
Then came the final level. The engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons (8) the hands of the respective engineers.
The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life, sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.
1.A. game B. show C. concert D. patry
2.A. purposes B. suggestions C. thoughts D. plans
3.A. quietly B. carefully C. secretly D. clearly
4.A. honest B. ready C. patient D. successful
5.A. checked B. helped C. ruled D. cleaned
6.A. collected B. weighed C. tied D. cleaned
7.A. mark B. hide C. number D. find
8.A. freed B. reached C. lifted D. hit
1. 句意:有一天,三十名工程师被要求在大厅里参加游戏。A.game 游戏;B.show 表演;C.concert 音乐会;D.party 聚会。考查名词辨析。下文提到“The second level of the game was over”游戏结束,故选A。
2. 句意:他们很惊讶,都走到大厅里,抱着各种各样的想法。A.purposes 目的;B.suggestions 建议;C.thoughts 想法;D.plans 计划。考查名词辨析。根据“all reached the hall holding various带着各种 _______ 来到这里”,前面提到惊奇,所以是每个人有各自的想法。故选C。
3. 句意:然后要求他们在各自的气球上小心地写上自己的名字,这样气球就不会爆了。A.quietly 安静地;B.carefully小心地;C.secretly 秘密地;D.clearly 清楚地。考查副词辨析。根据“the balloons wouldn't blow out 不能打破气球”,所以是小心地。故选B。
4. 句意:大家都试过了,但不是每个人都成功了。A.honest 诚实的; B.ready 准备好的;C.patient 有耐心的;D.successful 成功的。考查形容词辨析。根据“Five balloons blew out due to pressure气球坏了5个”,可知并不是所有人都成功了。故选D。
5. 句意:那些没有在气球上签名的人被排除在比赛之外。A.checked 检查; B.helped 帮助;C.ruled 规则;D.cleaned 清晰。考查动词辨析。根据“ Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons 未能将名字写在气球上的人”,所以是出局,rule out是排除的意思;故选C。
6. 句意:所有带着名字的气球都被收集起来,然后放在一个房间里,到处都是。A.collected 收集;B.weighed 称重;C.tied 打结;D.cleaned 打扫。考查动词辨析。根据“then put into a room, here and there将气球放在房子里”,所以是先把所有的气球收集起来。故选A。
7. 句意:已经快 15分钟了,但是没有人能找到带有自己名字的气球。A.mark 标记;B.hide 躲藏;C.number 计数;D.find 找到。考查动词辨析。根据right one正确的那个人,由此推测是找到那个人。故选D。
8. 句意:几分钟内,所有气球都到达了各自的工程师手中。A.freed 释放;B.reached到达;C.lifted 举起;D.hit打击。考查动词辨析。根据“the hands of the respective engineers气球上名字对应的人”,由此可知是交给那个人。故选B。
4. (2022·北京市市辖区·同步练习)
Run for Class President
Two months ago, when our class election (选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was (1) that people would feel bad for me if I lost.
I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn't to make promises to do things I couldn't (2) but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was (3) prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.
However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response (反应) wasn't what I had (4) . Few people actually listened. When it was my opponent's (对手的) turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.
It was obvious who would (5) . For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.
My (6) was right: I didn't win.
The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People (7) about the election and talked to me just as they did before.
I don't regret putting time and energy into the election because I've learned that things aren't always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build (8) —since then I've learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.
1.A. bored B. afraid C. excited D. hopeful
2.A. compare B. remember C. manage D. repeat
3.A. fully B. quickly C. freshly D. physically
4.A. feared B. faced C. mentioned D. pictured
5.A. insist B. return C. wait D. win
6.A. suggestion B. prediction C. direction D. introduction
7.A. forgot B. wrote C. cared D. discussed
8.A. trust B. pride C. character D. support
1. 句意:但我担心如果我输了人们会为我感到难过。A.bored无聊的;B.afraid害怕的;C.excited兴奋的;D.hopeful有希望的。根据下文"that people would feel bad for me if I lost"因此可知这句话的意思是"但是我又害怕如果我落选的话,人们会为我感到难过。"故选B。
2. 句意:我的计划不是许诺我设法做到什么事情而只是向同学们表明我想当班长。A.compare比较;B.remember记住;C.manage设法做到;D.repeat重复。根据"My plan wasn't to make promises to do things I couldn't (2) but to show my class why I wanted to be president." 通过分析句子结构可知这句话的意思是"我的计划不是许诺我设法做到什么事情而只是向同学们表明我想当班长。"故选C。
3. 句意:既然我做了充分地准备,我觉得我获胜的机会更大了。A.fully满满地;B.quickly快地;C.freshly新鲜地;D.physically身体上地。根据上文"I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. "(我还花了三个小时写我的演讲稿,说我是他们遇到问题时可以求助的人。因为我做好了准备,我觉得我获胜的机会很大。)因此可知此处指做了充分地准备。故选A。
4. 句意:然而,在竞选的那天我演讲的时候,反应并不是我想象的那样。A.feared害怕;B.faced面对;C.mentioned提及;D.pictured想象。根据"I felt that my chances of winning were strong."以及"the response (反应) wasn't "因此可知此处是说,反应并不是我想象的那样。故选D。
5. 句意:谁会获胜是很明显的。A.insist坚持;B.return返回;C.wait等待;D.win获胜。根据下文" I wanted to just go home and cry"因此可知这句话的意思是"谁会获胜是很明显的",故选D。
6. 句意:我的预测是正确的:我没有获胜。A.suggestion建议;B.prediction预测;C.direction方向;D.introduction介绍。根据空格后面的词语是was right: I didn't win,因此可知这句话的意思是"我的预测是正确的:我没有获胜。"故选B。
7. 句意:人们忘记了选举的事情,和我说话和以前一样了。A.forgot忘记;B.wrote写;C.cared关心;D.discussed讨论。根据上文"But later, things got better."以及"talked to me just as they did before"因此可知这句话的意思是"人们忘记了选举的事情,和我说话和以前一样了。"故选A。
8. 句意:像这样的失败时刻塑造了我的性格——从那时起,我学会了面对失望,变得更加坚强。A.trust信任;B.pride自豪;C.character性格;D.support支持。根据"I've learned to face disappointment and grown stronger。"可知,此处是说这样的失败时刻塑造了我的性格。故选C。
5. (2023·北京市市辖区·模拟题)The alarm clock went off for the second time. Tired from staying up late to watch a movie, Maddie unwillingly dragged herself out of bed. She loved movies, and she often stayed up late to watch them on TV. She (1) got dressed, took a bite of her breakfast, and raced to school.
During the first lesson, Maddie had a (2) time focusing. She was staring out of the window when her teacher, Ms. Lorenz called her.
"Maddie, I think you've forgotten your homework again," Ms. Lorenz said. "How about finishing it today at school "
Maddie agreed. After school, she thought about the (3) for a while. Then she decided to write about a girl who loved movies. To make the story more fun, she decided to give the girl the ability to jump into the action of any movie she wanted. Maddie became so (4) in writing her story that at first she didn't hear Ms. Lorenz tell her she could go home. When she had finished it, she gave it to Ms. Lorenz.
When Ms. Lorenz returned the story, there was green ink everywhere. Maddie (5) her way of feedback—Ms. Lorenz used green ink to make corrections because she thought students connected red ink with bad feelings.
That night, Maddie examined her story. She (6) when she reached the last page and saw the words, "Nice job, Maddie! Your plot is exciting. I wish I could jump into movies! Write another piece to correct your mistakes and give it to me next week." The words made Maddie want to do better. Right away, she rewrote the story, taking care to (7) her mistakes.
The next morning, she put her story into the homework box. And she got more encouraging words and instructions from Ms. Lorenz.
Little by little, Maddie got better about completing homework and turning it in on time. She also worked on new movie ideas and discussed them with Ms. Lorenz. Her writing and grades were gradually improving.
Her love for movies, along with her teacher's (8) , opened up a new world of learning.
1.A. angrily B. carefully C. hurriedly D. properly
2.A. hard B. busy C. fair D. cool
3.A. goal B. task C. plan D. list
4.A. experienced B. disappointed C. surprised D. involved
5.A. liked B. missed C. improved D. questioned
6.A. froze B. smiled C. dreamt D. regretted
7.A. mark B. prove C. correct D. accept
8.A. comfort B. promise C. decision D. guidance
1. 句意:她匆匆穿好衣服,吃了一口早餐,就跑到学校去了。angrily愤怒地;carefully仔细地;hurriedly匆忙地;properly正确地。根据“she often stayed up late to watch them on TV”可知她经常熬夜看电视上的电影,所以早上起床晚了,于是匆匆穿好衣服,吃了一口早餐,故选C。
2. 句意:在第一节课上,麦迪很难集中注意力。hard困难的;busy忙碌的;fair公平的;cool凉爽的。根据“She was staring out of the window when her teacher, Ms. Lorenz called her.”结合上文介绍麦迪熬夜看电影可知,她很难在课堂上集中注意力。故选A。
3. 句意:放学后,她想了一会儿这个任务。goal目标;task任务;plan计划;list列表。根据上文“Maddie, I think you've forgotten your homework again,”可知是指老师给麦迪的家庭作业任务,故选B。
4. 句意:麦蒂全身心地投入到自己的故事写作中,以致于一开始她都没有听到洛伦茨告诉她可以回家了。experienced有经验的;disappointed失望的;surprised惊讶的;involved卷入的;参与。根据“at first she didn't hear Ms. Lorenz tell her she could go home”可知麦迪都没有听到老师告诉她可以回家了,说明她全身心地投入到自己的故事写作中。be involved in“投入,卷入”,故选D。
5. 句意:麦迪喜欢她的反馈方式。liked喜欢;missed错过;improved提升;questioned提问。根据“students connected red ink with bad feelings.”可知学生们会把红墨水和不好的感觉联系在一起,所以当老师用绿墨水批改时,麦迪觉得这样很好,很喜欢,故选A。
6. 句意:当她读到最后一页看到上面的文字时,她笑了。froze冻结;smiled微笑;dreamt梦想;regretted后悔。根据“Nice job, Maddie! Your plot is exciting. I wish I could jump into movies”可知看到老师这样的评语,麦迪很开心,应该是笑了起来,故选B。
7. 句意:她马上重写了这个故事,并认真地改正了自己的错误。mark标记;prove证明;correct纠正;accept接受。根据“mistakes”以及下文“The next morning, she put her story into the homework box”可以说明麦迪改正了自己的错误,故选C。
8. 句意:她对电影的热爱,加上老师的指导,开辟了一个新的学习世界。comfort舒适;promise承诺;decision决定;guidance指导。根据上文“And she got more encouraging words and instructions from Ms. Lorenz.”可知,麦迪得到了老师的指导,故选D。备战北京2024年英语中考训练之完形填空25篇其一
1.Two small words can bring a smile to someone's face:thank you.But (1) ______ do you say these two words?Perhaps when someone holds the door open for you.Or when a friend does you a big favor.
In Britain,people say"thank you"quite often,even at times when there is no (2) ______ .Sometimes we say it sarcastically (讽刺地).( 3) ______ ,if a friend throws my food away,thinking I was finished,I may say,"Oh,thank you!"Then my friend would reply,"Sorry."This can make a situation (4)______ confusing (困惑的) to foreign people.
However,anyone working in the service sector (行业)—waiters,taxi drivers,shop assistants,bus drivers and so on-will (5) ______ a"thank you"from British customers.If you're happy with the driver who got you to school on time,or the waiter who served you food,say"thank you"to them.You're really saying"good (6) ______".
I was first (7)______ that people don't often say"thank you"here in China.But I know people can replace these words with a smile or nod.
Yet I can't change my British (8) ______ of saying"thank you".Even here in China,I know I use these two words too much.But saying"thank you"is free,and I believe the more the better.
1.A. how B. where C. when D. why
2.A. need B. use C. good D. time
3.A. By the way B. For example C. Above all D. After all
4.A. look B. sound C. taste D. smell
5.A. say B. write C. send D. get
6.A. job B. man C. friend D. team
7.A. excited B. bored C. surprised D. interested
8.A. way B. habit C. standard D. spirit
2.Once there was a king.He was wise but everyone was afraid of him.His face showed the sadness deep in his heart.So there were deep (1)lines(皱纹)on his face.
In his country lived a beautiful girl.Everyone seemed to love her,so did the king.Hewanted to (2)her,and finally he decided to speak to her of his love.After he dressed in his best clothes,he looked in the (3),but he saw a hard face, (4)when he tried to smile.
“How about wearing a mask(面具)?“he thought.Then he ordered his magician to paint a mask that looked kind and happy and handsome.The magician (5)and said:“But you must keep your own face in the same lines that I paint and be kind to all people from your heart.If not,the mask will break.“The mask looked so (6)that no one new it was not the true face of the king.Months passed,the beautiful lady got married to the king,and the king treated everyone (7)to keep the mask from breaking.
At last,the king didn't want to cheat his beautiful wife any more. (8)he asked the magician to take the mask off.Surprisingly,he found his face was just like the mask he had worn for so long!
This story tells us that a man is what he is in his heart.
1.A. ugly B. kind C. beautiful D. peaceful
2.A. love B. hate C. kill D. marry
3.A. wall B. door C. mirror D. window
4.A. yet B. even C. just D. still
5.A. looked B. refused C. agreed D. laughed
6.A. sad B. happy C. natural D. serious
7.A. badly B. kindly C. coldly D. differently
8.A. So B. Or C. But D. However.
3. Real Solutions (解决方法) to Problems
Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems.
One day, the team was called for a (1) in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various (2) . As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons.
The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective (各自的) balloons (3) so that the balloons wouldn't blow out. All tried, but not everyone was (4) . Five balloons blew out due to pressure (压力).
Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were (5) out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were (6) and then put into a room, here and there.
The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on. All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to (7) the right one. The second level of the game was over.
Then came the final level. The engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons (8) the hands of the respective engineers.
The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life, sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.
1.A. game B. show C. concert D. patry
2.A. purposes B. suggestions C. thoughts D. plans
3.A. quietly B. carefully C. secretly D. clearly
4.A. honest B. ready C. patient D. successful
5.A. checked B. helped C. ruled D. cleaned
6.A. collected B. weighed C. tied D. cleaned
7.A. mark B. hide C. number D. find
8.A. freed B. reached C. lifted D. hit
Run for Class President
Two months ago, when our class election (选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was (1) that people would feel bad for me if I lost.
I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn't to make promises to do things I couldn't (2) but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was (3) prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.
However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response (反应) wasn't what I had (4) . Few people actually listened. When it was my opponent's (对手的) turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.
It was obvious who would (5) . For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.
My (6) was right: I didn't win.
The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People (7) about the election and talked to me just as they did before.
I don't regret putting time and energy into the election because I've learned that things aren't always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build (8) —since then I've learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.
1.A. bored B. afraid C. excited D. hopeful
2.A. compare B. remember C. manage D. repeat
3.A. fully B. quickly C. freshly D. physically
4.A. feared B. faced C. mentioned D. pictured
5.A. insist B. return C. wait D. win
6.A. suggestion B. prediction C. direction D. introduction
7.A. forgot B. wrote C. cared D. discussed
8.A. trust B. pride C. character D. support
5.The alarm clock went off for the second time. Tired from staying up late to watch a movie, Maddie unwillingly dragged herself out of bed. She loved movies, and she often stayed up late to watch them on TV. She (1) got dressed, took a bite of her breakfast, and raced to school.
During the first lesson, Maddie had a (2) time focusing. She was staring out of the window when her teacher, Ms. Lorenz called her.
"Maddie, I think you've forgotten your homework again," Ms. Lorenz said. "How about finishing it today at school "
Maddie agreed. After school, she thought about the (3) for a while. Then she decided to write about a girl who loved movies. To make the story more fun, she decided to give the girl the ability to jump into the action of any movie she wanted. Maddie became so (4) in writing her story that at first she didn't hear Ms. Lorenz tell her she could go home. When she had finished it, she gave it to Ms. Lorenz.
When Ms. Lorenz returned the story, there was green ink everywhere. Maddie (5) her way of feedback—Ms. Lorenz used green ink to make corrections because she thought students connected red ink with bad feelings.
That night, Maddie examined her story. She (6) when she reached the last page and saw the words, "Nice job, Maddie! Your plot is exciting. I wish I could jump into movies! Write another piece to correct your mistakes and give it to me next week." The words made Maddie want to do better. Right away, she rewrote the story, taking care to (7) her mistakes.
The next morning, she put her story into the homework box. And she got more encouraging words and instructions from Ms. Lorenz.
Little by little, Maddie got better about completing homework and turning it in on time. She also worked on new movie ideas and discussed them with Ms. Lorenz. Her writing and grades were gradually improving.
Her love for movies, along with her teacher's (8) , opened up a new world of learning.
1.A. angrily B. carefully C. hurriedly D. properly
2.A. hard B. busy C. fair D. cool
3.A. goal B. task C. plan D. list
4.A. experienced B. disappointed C. surprised D. involved
5.A. liked B. missed C. improved D. questioned
6.A. froze B. smiled C. dreamt D. regretted
7.A. mark B. prove C. correct D. accept
8.A. comfort B. promise C. decision D. guidance



